Ecological Reviews
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Conflicts in Conservation Navigating Towards Solutions Stephen M. Redpath, University of Aberdeen Ralph J. Gutiérrez, University of Minnesota Kevin A. Wood, Bournemouth University Juliette C. Young, NERC Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, UK
Ecological Reviews
Conflicts in Conservation Navigating Towards Solutions
Edited by
Stephen M. Redpath, R. J. Gutiérrez, Kevin A. Wood and Juliette C. Young
change and the threat posed by invasive species all challenge the way we currently maintain and protect biodiversity - from the local management of single species to the international management of resources. Integrating approaches from different academic disciplines, policy makers and practitioners, this volume offers a radically new, cross-disciplinary, multi-scale approach to deal with conflicts. Groundbreaking strategies for conservation are analysed and a large section of the book is devoted to exploring case studies of conflict from around the world. Aimed primarily at academics, researchers and students from disciplines relating to conservation, ecology, natural resources management and environmental governance, this book will be equally valuable to conservation NGOs and practitioners, and the policy community at national and international levels. Paperback 9781107603462 List Price: £34.99 Special Price: £27.99 List Price: $54.99 Special Price: $43.99
Conflicts over the conservation of biodiversity are increasing and are serious obstacles to wildlife conservation efforts worldwide. Changing patterns in land use, over-exploitation, pollution, climate
Hardback 9781107017696 List Price: £69.99 Special Price: £55.99 List Price: $110.00 Special Price: $88.00 eBook available
Trophic Ecology Bottom-up and Top-down Interactions across Aquatic and Terrestrial Systems Torrance C. Hanley, Northeastern University, Boston Kimberly J. La Pierre, University of California, Berkeley
As researchers try to predict the effects of human modification at all trophic levels and mediate the impact of rapid environmental change, it has become clear it is no longer a matter of agreeing that both bottom-up
Ecological Reviews
Trophic Ecology Bottom-up and Top-Down Interactions across Aquatic and Terrestrial Systems
and top-down forces play important roles in diverse ecosystems. Rather, the question is: how do these forces interact across aquatic and terrestrial systems? Written by leading experts in the field, this book presents a unique synthesis of trophic relationships within and across ecosystems that is a valuable foundation for the development of crosssystem, multidisciplinary research. It also provides new insights into population biology and community ecology and examines the interactive effects of bottom-up and topdown forces on biodiversity at each trophic level. A one-stop resource for learning about bottom-up and top-down interactions, this book encourages discussion and collaboration among researchers to identify similarities and differences in trophic interactions across aquatic and terrestrial systems. Paperback 9781107434325 List Price: £34.99 Special Price: £27.99 List Price: $59.99 Special Price: $47.99
Edited by
Torrance C. Hanley and Kimberly J. La Pierre
Hardback 9781107077324 List Price: £59.99 Special Price: £47.99 List Price: $94.99 Special Price: $75.99 eBook available
Forests and Global Change David A. Coomes, University of Cambridge David F. R. P. Burslem, University of Aberdeen William D. Simonson, University of Cambridge
and tropical ecosystems, this volume synthesises the numerous ways that forests are responding to global change and includes perspectives on:
Ecological Reviews
Forests and Global Change
Edited by
David A. Coomes, David F.R.P. Burslem and William D. Simonson
the role of forests in the global carbon and energy budgets
historical patterns of forest change and diversification
contemporary mechanisms of community assembly and implications of underlying drivers of global change
the ways in which forests supply ecosystem services that support human lives. The chapters represent case studies drawn from the authors’ expertise, highlighting exciting new research and providing information that will be valuable to academics, students, researchers and practitioners with an interest in this field.
Paperback 9781107614802
Forests hold a significant proportion of global biodiversity and terrestrial carbon stocks and are at the forefront of human-induced global change. The dynamics and distribution of forest vegetation determines the habitat for other organisms, and regulates the delivery of ecosystem services, including carbon storage. Presenting recent research across temperate
List Price: £35.00 Special Price: £28.00 List Price: $60.00 Special Price: $48.00 Hardback 9781107041851 List Price: £75.00 Special Price: £60.00 List Price: $120.00 Special Price: $96.00 eBook available
Birds and Habitat Relationships in Changing Landscapes Edited by Robert J. Fuller, British Trust for Ornithology, Norfolk
Ecological Reviews Fuller
Birds and Habitat
Birds and Habitat Relationships in Changing Landscapes
that birds depend on. Drawing on valuable recent advances in our understanding of birdhabitat relationships, this book provides the first major review of avian habitat selection in over twenty years. It offers a synthesis of concepts, patterns and issues that will interest students, researchers and conservation practitioners. Spatial scales ranging from landscape to habitat patch are covered, and examples of responses to habitat change are examined. European landscapes are the main focus, but the book has far wider significance to similar habitats worldwide, with examples and relevant material also drawn from North America and Australia. ‘… this book provides the first major review of avian habitat selection in over twenty years. It offers a synthesis of concepts, patterns and issues that will interest students, researchers and conservation practitioners.’ Ian Paulsen, The Birdbooker Report (
Edited by
Robert J. Fuller
Paperback 9780521722339 16/09/13 2:44 PM
The successful conservation of bird species relies upon our understanding of their habitat use and requirements. In the coming decades the importance of such knowledge will only grow as climate change, the development of new energy sources and the needs of a growing human population intensify the, already significant, pressure on the habitats
List Price: £44.99 Special Price: £35.99 List Price: $74.99 Special Price: $59.99 Hardback 9780521897563 List Price: £74.99 Special Price: £59.99 List Price: $119.99 Special Price: $95.99 eBook available
The Ecology of Plant Secondary Metabolites From Genes to Global Processes Glenn R. Iason, James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen Marcel Dicke, Wageningen Universiteit, The Netherlands Susan E. Hartley, University of York
Plant secondary metabolites (PSM) such as terpenes and phenolic compounds are known to have numerous ecological roles, notably in defence against herbivores, pathogens and abiotic stresses and in interactions
Ecological Reviews Iason, Dicke and Hartley
The Ecology of Plant Secondary Metabolites
The Ecology of Plant Secondary Metabolites From Genes to Global Processes
with competitors and mutualists. This book reviews recent developments in the field to provide a synthesis of the function, ecology and evolution of PSM, revealing our increased awareness of their integrative role in connecting natural systems. It emphasises the multiple roles of secondary metabolites in mediating the interactions between organisms and their environment at a range of scales of ecological organisation, demonstrating how genes encoding for PSM biosynthetic enzymes can have effects from the cellular scale within individual plants all the way to global environmental processes. A range of recent methodological advances, including molecular, transgenic and metabolomic techniques, are illustrated and promising directions for future studies are identified, making this a valuable reference for researchers and graduate students in the field. Paperback 9780521157124 List Price: £39.99 Special Price: £31.99
Edited by
Glenn R. Iason, Marcel Dicke and Susan E. Hartley
List Price: $64.99 Special Price: $51.99 Hardback 9780521193269 List Price: £84.99 Special Price: £67.99 List Price: $134.99 Special Price: $107.99 eBook available
Trait-Mediated Indirect Interactions Ecological and Evolutionary Perspectives Takayuki Ohgushi, Kyoto University, Japan Oswald Schmitz, Yale University, Connecticut Robert D. Holt, University of Florida
There is increasing evidence that the structure and functioning of ecological communities and ecosystems are strongly influenced by flexible traits of individuals within species. A deep understanding of how trait flexibility
Ecological Reviews Ohgushi, Schmitz and Holt
Trait-Mediated Indirect Interactions
Trait-Mediated Indirect Interactions
Ecological and Evolutionary Perspectives
Ecological and Evolutionary Perspectives
alters direct and indirect species interactions is crucial for addressing key issues in basic and applied ecology. This book provides an integrated perspective on the ecological and evolutionary consequences of interactions mediated by flexible species traits across a wide range of systems. It is the first volume synthesizing the rapidly expanding research field of trait-mediated indirect effects and highlights how the conceptual framework of these effects can aid the understanding of evolutionary processes, population dynamics, community structure and stability, and ecosystem function. It not only brings out the importance of this emerging field for basic ecological questions, but also explores the implications of trait-mediated interactions for the conservation of biodiversity and the response of ecosystems to anthropogenic environmental changes. Paperback 9780521173131 List Price: £44.99 Special Price: £35.99
Edited by
Takayuki Ohgushi, Oswald Schmitz and Robert D. Holt
List Price: $74.99 Special Price: $59.99 Hardback 9781107001831 List Price: £74.99 Special Price: £59.99 List Price: $134.99 Special Price: $107.99 eBook available
Ecosystem Ecology A New Synthesis Raffaelli/Frid
Ecological Reviews
What can ecological science contribute to the sustainable management and conservation of the natural systems that underpin human wellbeing? how ecosystem ecology can inform the ecosystem services approach to environmental management. The authors recognise that ecosystems are rich in linkages of varying strength between biophysical and social elements that generate powerful intrinsic dynamics. Unlike traditional reductionist approaches, the holistic perspective adopted here is able to
Hardback 9780521513494 Special Price: £71.99 / $115.99
explain the increasing range of scientific studies that have highlighted
Raffaelli and Frid
Bridging the natural, physical and social sciences, this book shows
Paperback 9780521735032 Special Price: £27.99 / $43.99
unexpected consequences of human activity, such as the lack of recovery of cod populations on the Grand Banks despite nearly two decades of intrusion. Written primarily for researchers and graduate students in ecology and environmental management, it provides an accessible discussion of some of the most important aspects of ecosystem ecology and the potential relationships between them.
• Enables a complete understanding of ecosystem behaviour by viewing ecosystems as social-ecological systems
David G. Raffaelli is Director of the UK’s NERC Centre, UKPopNet. He has written extensively on aspects of ecosystem ecology, especially food webs and integrated catchment ecology, and more recently has become extensively involved with the ecosystem services approach to the management of natural resources within the UK and Europe through his work with DIVERSITAS, UKBRAG, the Royal Society’s Global Environment Research Committee, Defra and the BES.
Ecosystem Ecology
fishery closures, or the degradation of Australia’s fertile land through salt
eBook available
Ecosystem Ecology A New Synthesis
Christopher L. J. Frid is Professor of Marine Biology at the University of Liverpool and a long standing member of the BES. He is a member of Defra’s Marine Fisheries Science Advisory Group and the Council of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. He has written extensively on aspects of marine ecology and human impacts on marine ecosystems and has been a major proponent of the development of the ecosystem approach to marine management.
• Presents practical advice for managers and policy makers through coverage of ecosystem ecology as applied to the ecosystem approach
Edited by
David G. Raffaelli and Christopher L. J. Frid
Series cover design by Joanne Barker
Cover illustration: A high catchment in New Zealand’s Southern Alps. Photograph by David G. Raffaelli.
• Reviews different approaches to the study of ecosystems, providing the reader with an understanding of their basis and relative merits
Ecology of Industrial Pollution
Ecological Reviews
Written for researchers and practitioners in environmental pollution, management and ecology, this interdisciplinary account explores complete picture of this important environmental problem from cause to effect to solution.
Bringing together diverse viewpoints from academia and
environmental agencies and regulators, the contributors cover such
Paperback 9780521730389 Special Price £31.99 / $59.99
monitoring techniques accurately signal the extent of industrial
Batty and Hallberg
the ecological issues associated with industrial pollution to provide a
topics as biological resources of mining areas, biomonitoring of freshwater and marine ecosystems and risk assessment of contaminated effects of pollutants on functional ecology and ecosystems? Do current pollution? Does existing policy provide a coherent and practicable approach? Case studies from throughout the world illustrate major themes and provide valuable insights into the positive and negative effects of industrial pollution, the provision of appropriate monitoring
Hardback 9780521514460 Special Price £94.99 / $123.99
schemes and the design of remediation and restoration strategies. Lesley C. Batty is a Lecturer in Environmental Science at the University of Birmingham, UK. Her research focuses on ecological aspects of industrial pollution, particularly on the use of plants in remediation and the effects of mining activities on the environment. She is a council member of the British Ecological Society and has acted as a consultant to several government agencies and engineering companies within the UK.
eBook available
Kevin B. Hallberg is a Research Fellow in Environmental Microbiology at Bangor University, UK. His research focuses on the microbial ecology of extremophilic microorganisms, particularly the environmentally and industrially useful acidophiles. He has acted as a consultant for international mining companies as well as governmental regulatory agencies including the International Atomic Energy Agency.
• Provides a complete picture of industrial pollution from cause to solution, enabling the reader to clearly identify links
Ecology of Industrial Pollution
land in order to explore important questions such as: What are the
Ecology of Industrial Pollution
Edited by
Lesley C. Batty and Kevin B. Hallberg
Cover illustration: the main pit at Parys Mountain copper mine, Anglesey, UK. Photo courtesy of Lesley C. Batty.
Series cover design by Joanne Barker
• Major themes are illustrated using case studies, showing how theory works in practice • Provides a balanced view of industrial pollution through contributions from both academics and practitioners
Urban Ecology
Ecological Reviews
This is the urban century, in which for the first time the majority of people live in towns and cities. Understanding how people influence, and is therefore of enormous significance. Providing an overview of the essentials of urban ecology, the book
are influenced by, the ‘green’ component of these environments
begins by covering the vital background concepts of the urbanisation
process and the effect that it can have on ecosystem functions and services. Later sections are devoted to examining how species respond to urbanisation, the many facets of human–ecology interactions and green spaces. Drawing on examples from urban settlements around the world, it highlights the progress to date in this burgeoning field, as well as the challenges that lie ahead.
Hardback 9780521760973 Special Price £75.99 / $123.99
Kevin J. Gaston is Professor of Biodiversity & Conservation in the Department of Animal & Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield. He has 20 years of research experience in environmental science, conducting studies both in the UK and overseas on a wide range of topics, including conservation prioritisation, ecosystem services, invasive species, people– wildlife interactions and urban ecology.
eBook available
• Provides a synthetic overview of the field, giving quick and easy access to those who want to understand its essentials
Urban Ecology
the issues surrounding urban planning and the provision of urban
Paperback 9780521743495 Special Price £31.99 / $63.99
Urban Ecology
Edited by
Kevin J. Gaston
Cover illustration:
Series cover design by Joanne Barker
• Takes a broad perspective, reflecting the range of complexity in this rapidly expanding subject • Introductory chapters provide essential background information on the patterns and processes of urbanisation
Speciation and Patterns of Diversity
Ecological Reviews
Bringing together the viewpoints of leading ecologists concerned
the uneven distribution of diversity across time, space and taxa studied by macroecologists. The contributors discuss questions such as: Are species equivalent units, providing meaningful measures of
diversity? To what extent do mechanisms of speciation affect the functional nature and distribution of species diversity? How can speciation rates be measured using molecular phylogenies or data from the fossil record? What are the factors that explain variation in
Paperback 9780521709637 Special Price ÂŁ31.99 / $59.99 eBook available
rates? Written for graduate students and academic researchers, the book promotes a more complete understanding of the interaction between mechanisms and rates of speciation and patterns in biological diversity.
• Brings together leading ecologists and evolutionary biologists, allowing the reader to see new connections between the disciplines
Roger Butlin is Professor of Evolutionary Biology, Department of Animal and Plant Sciences, at the University of Sheffield. He has held a prestigious Royal Society Research Fellowship at the University of Cardiff and his work has been recognized by honorary fellowships at the Natural History Museum, the Zoological Society of London and the Royal Belgian Academy of Natural Sciences. Jon Bridle is a Lecturer in Biology in the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Bristol. He has conducted research in quantitative genetics and evolutionary biology at UuniversityCollege London, the University of Cardiff and the Universidad AutĂłnoma de Madrid. He was awarded a Fellowship at the Zoological Society of London in 2002.
• Chapters on prokaryotes, protists, plants and animals allow readers to integrate ideas across the full range of taxa
Dolph Schluter is Professor and Canada Research Chair in the Biodiversity Research Centre and Zoology Department at the University of British Columbia. He works on speciation and adaptive radiation, particularly using stickleback. He is a former President of the Society for the Study of Evolution and recipient of the Sewall Wright Award from the American Society of Naturalists. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of London and of Canada.
Speciation and Patterns of Diversity
Butlin, Bridle & Schluter: Speciation and Patterns of Diversity CVR C M Y K
this book opens up discussion in order to broaden understanding of how speciation affects patterns of biological diversity, especially
Butlin, Bridle and Schluter
with the processes that generate patterns of diversity, and of evolutionary biologists who focus on mechanisms of speciation,
• Introduction gives an overview of the current problem, helping readers see the connections among chapters
Edited by
Roger Butlin, Jon Bridle and Dolph Schluter
Cover designed by Joanne Barker
Cover image: Chamaerops humilis, the most northerly distributed palm species, growing in the Algarve. Although Palms have adapted to exploit many different habitats, the exposed apical meristem characteristic of their growth form limits the evolution of frost resistance. This speciose and ecologically important family therefore remains largely restricted to tropical and subtropical ecosystems worldwide. Photo Courtesy of Jon Bridle.
Speciation and Patterns of Diversity
British Ecological Society
9780521709637cvr.indd 1
22/10/08 12:12:28
Island Colonization  Â?  Â? Â? Â? Â?  Â
Paperback 9780521671064 Special Price ÂŁ35.99 / $59.99
Hardback 9780521854849 Special Price ÂŁ79.20 / $128.00 eBook available
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• Global coverage allows readers to see the ‘big picture’ • Extensive references give a valuable summary of relevant literature ÂŒ Â?
• A personal account of important ecological themes based on a lifetime of practical experience and interest
• Provides a synthesis of previously scattered practical information, enabling readers to appreciate the more general scenarios rather than become enmeshed in excessive detail
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The Origin and Development of Island Communities
Body Size: The Structure and Function of Aquatic Ecosystems Hildrew/Raffaelli/Edmonds Paperback 9780521679671 Special Price £35.99 / $59.99 eBook available
• A wide range of aquatic topics are covered in relation to body size, providing a ‘one-stop-shop’ for this subject • Well written and comprehensive chapters provide an authoritative, yet accessible, text • Details how the wide ranges of body size in aquatic communities can serve to predict the features of those ecological systems
Scaling Biodiversity Storch/Marquet/Brown Paperback 9780521699372 Special Price £43.99 / $63.99 Hardback 9780521876025 Special Price £87.99 / $155.99 eBook available
• New theories are presented thoroughly • Details of techniques enabling quantification of biodiversity patterns and their mathematical modelling are provided • The book could serve as a starting point for any quantitative biodiversity research
Their Role in the Maintenance of Species Diversity Burslem/Pinard/Hartley
Paperback 9780521609852 Special Price ÂŁ47.99 / $87.99
Hardback 9780521847070 Special Price ÂŁ119.99 / $215.99 DAVID BURSLEM is Senior Lecturer in Tropical Plant Science at the University of Aberdeen. His current research focuses on tropical forest sites in Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Ecuador.
eBook available
MICHELLE PINARD is Lecturer in Tropical Forestry at the University of Aberdeen. Her research focuses on sites in Ghana, Ethiopia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Brazil and Bolivia.
• Broad scope across plant, animal and microbial ecology
SUE HARTLEY is Professor in Ecology at the University of Sussex, specializing in the study of plant–animal interactions.
Biotic Interactions in the Tropics
Tropical ecosystems house a significant proportion of global biodiversity. To understand how these ecosystems function, we need to appreciate not only what plants, animals and microbes they contain, but also how these different organisms interact with each other. This volume synthesizes the current state of knowledge in this area,with chapters providing reviews or case studies drawn fromresearch conducted in both Old and New World Tropics and including biotic interactions among taxa at all trophic levels. Inmost chapters plants (typically trees) are the starting point, but, taken together, the chapters consider interactions of plants with other plants, with micro-organisms and with animals, and the inter-relationships of human-induced disturbance with interactions among species. An underlying theme of the volume is the attempt to understand the maintenance of high diversity in tropical regions, which remains one of the most significant unexplained observations in ecological studies.
Ecological Reviews Burslem, Pinard and Hartley
Biotic Interactions in the Tropics
• Covers both Old World and New World tropics
Biotic Interactions in the Tropics Their Role in the Maintenance of Species Diversity
Edited by
David Burslem, Michelle Pinard and Sue Hartley
Cover illustration: Saprophytic fungi on decaying log at Andulau Forest Reserve, Brunei. Photo: Martin Barker Designed by Joanne Barker
• Includes contributions from key practitioners in the field • Provides the most recent information fro from emerging research areas British Ecological Society
Paperback 9780521609876 Special Price ÂŁ43.99 / $71.99
eBook available
• A major synthesis focusing explicitly on soil biodiversity and ecosystem function
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• Integrates a vast body of literature on recent theoretical and technological developments in soil ecology and plant-soil relations
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• Provides a strong research basis for both policy development and practical management of soil biodiversity in a changing world � �
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Biological Diversity and Function in Soils
Bardgett, Usher and Hopkins
Biological Diversity and Function in Soils
Biological Diversity and Function in Soils
Richard D. Bardgett, Michael B. Usher and David W. Hopkins