1 minute read


The Interactive Textbook delivers a host of interactive features to enhance the teaching and learning experience.

The Online Teaching Suite combines the Interactive Textbook powered by Cambridge Edjin and its rich digital content with a suite of supplementary resources and a powerful Learning Management System when linked to students using the Interactive Textbook in a class.

The Interactive Textbook

• Prior knowledge quizzes and access to earlier content.

• Interactive concept maps

• 90 videos per book to introduce and illustrate concepts, demonstrate skills and provide worked examples

• Interactive animations of diagrams and tables

• Roll-over glossary definitions

• Link icons to navigate to related content

• Workspaces to enter working (including scientific notation) directly into the Interactive Textbook

• Self-assessment tools for students to check their answers, self-assess their working and alert their teacher if they had trouble with a question

• Chapter review questions

• Downloadable and editable worksheets

• Access to the Offline Textbook

The Online Teaching Suite

Task Manager: direct students on a custom activity sequence based on their scores in measurable activities.

Test generator: quickly create customised tests from a bank of multiple-choice questions.

Student workspace entries: review responses and red flags raised by students who are having difficulty. You can choose to give students access to suggested responses for selfassessment.

Sample assessment tasks and tests: save time preparing materials for the SAC requirement of the Study Design.

Exam Generator: create custom trial exams using questions from past VCE Biology exams to target topics that your students are having difficulty with. .

Reporting tools: monitor student and class results on automarked questions, self-assessment scores and completion of tasks.

Teacher note icons: access further support including details on a topic, links to websites or ideas for further activities.

Additional downloadable and editable teacher resources:

• Chapter tests (two per chapter) with alternative questions for some topics

• Practicals and activities

• Curriculum grids and teaching programs

• Checklists linking all questions to the Success Criteria

• Curated weblinks to internet resources

• Chapter summaries which can be given to students

• Practice exams

• Solutions for all tests and worksheets

• PowerPoint files for the animated diagrams are editable by teachers. Over 60 per book.

To preview the Interactive Textbook, go to: cambridge.edu.au/vcebiologypreview

Create Custom

Create Custom Trial Exams


VCAA marking allocation for each question is also provided

Teachers have access to the answers for all questions Multiple-choice

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