Environmental & Atmospheric Sciences 2009

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recent extremes of weather and climate?

energy scenarios from the International Energy Agency, making it the definitive guide to climate change. Written for students across a wide range of disciplines, its simple,

· Is there evidence for

logical flow of ideas gives an invaluable grounding in the

climate changing due to human activities?

science and impacts of climate change and highlights the

· What should we do

confront humanity’s most serious environmental problem, this undergraduate textbook comprehensively explores


about climate change?

issues, allowing students to think through the problem,

· Can global electricity

assess the data and draw conclusions on the action that

should be taken, by governments, by industry and by each

provision and transport ever be carbon free?

and every one of us.

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‘The figures are improved and reflect the latest research, and color and photos add a lot to the new edition.’

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Yochanan Kushnir, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory

‘ . . . simplicity, directness and crystalline clarity . . . ’

John Perry, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society

‘ . . . read Houghton’s book if you really want to understand both the scientific and political issues involved.’ The Independent

climate change available for an undergraduate class.’ www.cambridge.org/shearer

David Karoly, University of Melbourne




If not addressed immediately, this complex set of interlinked issues now confronting humanity may put the very future of civilization at risk. Difficult decisions and major reforms in resource governance, policies, and use are needed to ensure worldwide energy, water, and climate security. Only a strong and courageous global leadership can promote appropriate policies and help prevent unpleasant surprises. This book provides basic introductory material to begin understanding and combating these issues. It is an excellent introduction for students in the fields of environmental science, geography, geoscience, climatology, water resource management, agriculture, and environmental policy.

th e c om p le te b rie fin g

• A set of full-color figures from the book are accessible from www.cambridge.org/9780521709194

Endorsements: “Catherine Gautier may have written Oil, Water, and Climate for her students – but the planetary emergency today makes everyone her student. And she is a great teacher.” – James Hansen, Director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies

“Excellent textbook for undergraduates and beyond. The inclusion of population makes it very original.” – Ernst von Weizäcker, environmental scientist and writer, University of California, Santa Barbara

“Professor Gautier has written an important, compelling – and optimistic – book about how society can mitigate climate change, learn to adapt, and ‘face the challenges of the coming decades . . . with increased knowledge.’ She presents the basic information and insightful analysis that citizens need to know and policy makers need in order to act.” – D. James Baker, former Administrator, U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; Consultant, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, UNESCO


Written by a leading figure at the forefront of action to

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nxieties over global and national energy, water, and climate security are growing. Oil and gas are at record prices, and global energy demand is increasing. Water availability is dwindling from aquifer overpumping and contamination. Water needs to be better managed to feed a growing global population. Climate change is exacerbating the impacts of the overuse of our planet’s resources. This book examines the powerful interconnections that link energy, water, climate, and population and explores available options to address these issues jointly. It clearly demonstrates the need for urgent action.


Cambridge University Press Bookshop occupies the historic site of 1 Trinity Street, Cambridge CB2 1SZ, where the complete range of titles is on sale. Bookshop Manager: Cathy Ashbee Phone + 44 (0)1223 333333 Fax + 44 (0)1223 332954 ‘. . . the most up-to-date Email bookshop@cambridge.org and comprehensive coverage of need for action on global warming.

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colour and includes the latest IPCC findings and future


· How do we account for

John Houghton’s market-leading textbook is now in full

Cambridge University Press Bookshop


Catherine Gautier


John Houghton

Cover illustration: Grayling oil platform in ice-filled bay in Alaska; photo from Ken Graham/Stone collection/Getty Images. Cover design: David Levy

➤ See page 1

Barry: Mountain Weather and Climate PPC C M Y K

This book is ideal for graduates and researchers in meteorology, climatology, ecology, forestry, glaciology, and hydrology.

Bulletin of the World Meteorological Organization

“Barry’s hallmark book represents a wellorganized, well-crafted set of principles on how weather and climate processes operate in mountain environments. The impact of the book … is obvious – it … remains the major reference on the subject.” Arctic and Alpine Research

Cover illustration: snow cover on the Alps, 22 October 2002, as viewed by Terra/MODIS. (Jacques Descloitres, MODIS Rapid Response Team, NASA/GSFC; Visible Earth, NASA.)

“Think about it” sections for homework or class discussion Guest essays from water resources experts from around the world Profiles of key water scientists Questions for students to test their understanding Figures from the book available online

Mountain Weather and Climate • •

Introduction to

Water Resources and Environmental Issues E

xtreme events—climatic events such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and drought, as well as events not related to the climate such as earthquakes, wars, and transportation-related disasters— can cause massive disruption to society, including large death tolls and property damage in the billions of dollars. Events in recent years have shown the importance of being prepared and that countries need to work together to help alleviate the resulting pain and suffering. This volume presents an integrated review of the broad research field of large-scale disasters. It establishes a common framework for predicting, controlling, and managing both manmade and natural disasters. There is a particular focus on events caused by weather and climate change. Other topics include air pollution, tsunamis, disaster modeling, the use of remote sensing, and the logistics of disaster management. It will appeal to scientists, engineers, first responders, and health care professionals, in addition to graduate students and researchers who have an interest in the prediction, prevention, or mitigation of large-scale disasters. Mohamed Gad-el-Hak is the Inez Caudill Eminent Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Chair of Mechanical Engineering at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Mechanics, the American Physical Society, and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

Edited by

Mohamed Gad-el-Hak

LARGE-SCALE DISASTERS Prediction, Control, and Mitigation

FRONT COVER ILLUSTRATION: An earthquake of magnitude 7.6 struck the Pakistan-

administered region of Kashmir on 8 October 2005. Most of the affected areas are in mountainous regions and access was impeded by landslides that blocked roads. More than 80,000 people died and 3.3 million were left homeless in this calamitous event.

Karrie Lynn Pennington and Thomas V. Cech

BACK COVER ILLUSTRATION: A satellite image of category-5 hurricane, Katrina, taken

Cover design: David Levy

Sub-Saharan Africa and English-speaking Caribbean

➤ See page 4 This book provides a comprehensive, rigorous and practical analysis of sustainable development prospects today by applying the innovative sustainomics framework. Developed over the past 15 years by the eminent environmental scientist, Mohan Munasinghe, sustainomics shows us the first practical steps in making the transition from the risky business-as-usual scenario to a safe and sustainable future. Its main message is optimistic: although the problems are serious, an effective response can be mounted to make development more sustainable if it is initiated immediately. The book explains the key principles underlying sustainomics cogently, concisely and with

minimum technical jargon, with mathematical and other details being provided in annexes. It illustrates the methodology with empirical case studies that are practical and policy-relevant over a wide range of time and geographic scales, countries, sectors, ecosystems and circumstances. The extensive bibliography is useful to researchers of specific issues within sustainable development. This book appeals to a wide audience, including students, researchers from many disciplines, policy analysts, public and private decision makers and development practitioners.

‘This book is unique ... Munasinghe brings together a wide range of skills. As a respected and

eminently practical. He presents his arguments lucidly and convincingly. This text, written by a leading world authority on sustainable development, is an invaluable resource.’ professor james gustave speth, Yale University, and former Administrator, United Nations Development Program

‘This book is an impressive presentation of policy-oriented research ... In a trans-disciplinary

Australia and New Zealand

spirit, but with his feet firmly on the ground and drawing on knowledge from economic, ecological and social disciplines, the author presents a set of well chosen and eminently practical case studies. Examples ranging from the global/transnational to the local convincingly demonstrate the relevance of his approach.’

Cambridge University Press Australian Branch 477 Williamstown Road, Port Melbourne, VIC 3207, Australia Phone +61 3 8671 1411 Fax +61 3 9676 9966 Email info@cambridge.edu.au Web www.cambridge.org/aus

professor j. b. opschoor, Institute of Social Studies, and Professor of Environmental Economics, Free University Amsterdam.

China. Photo courtesy of gettyimages.com.


This textbook presents a uniquely integrated approach in linking both physics and chemistry to the study of atmospheric thermodynamics. The book begins by explaining the classical laws of thermodynamics, and discusses Gibbs energy and the elementary kinetic theory of gases with special applications to the atmosphere. Individual chapters focus on various fluid systems, including vapor pressure over flat and curved surfaces of pure liquids and solutions, and examine the vertical dependence of

Sustainomics Methodology and Applications

temperature and pressure for environmental sounding and moving air parcels. Recognizing the increasing importance of chemistry in the meteorological and climate sciences, a chapter is devoted to chemical thermodynamics and contains an overview of photochemistry.


Although students are expected to have some background knowledge of calculus, general


chemistry, and classical physics, the book provides set-aside refresher boxes as useful reminders. It contains over 100 diagrams and graphs to supplement the discussions. There is a similar number of worked examples and exercises, with solutions included at the end of the book. It is ideal for a single-semester advanced course on atmospheric thermodynamics, and will prepare students for higher-level synoptic and dynamics courses.

Gerald R. North received a Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Wisconsin in 1966, and has been a Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Sciences at Texas A&M University for over 20 years. His notable research career includes receiving the Outstanding Publication Award, National Center for Atmospheric Research in 1975, the Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal for NASA in 1983, and the Jule G. Charney Award from the American Meteorological Society in 2008. Tatiana L. Erukhimova received a Ph.D. in Physics from the Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, in 1999, and is now a Lecturer in the Department of Physics at Texas A&M University. Her areas of research include large-scale and mesoscale atmospheric transport and mixing, atmospheric wave dynamics, atmospheric ozone, and remote sensing.

➤ See page 14

Gerald R. North and Tatiana L. Erukhimova

Atmospheric Thermodynamics Elementary Physics and Chemistry

Cover designed by Hart McLeod

cover design: sue watson

Cover illustration: silhouette of

skyscrapers in a city, Hong Kong,

➤ See page 11

Atmospheric Thermodynamics

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North and Erukhimova

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Features to aid student learning include:

➤ See page 17

Page 1

over the Gulf of Mexico on 29 August 2005. The sheer physical size of Katrina caused devastation far from the eye of the storm; it was possibly the largest hurricane of its strength ever recorded.



Roger G. Barry

“The holistic approach towards water combined with ecological principles is a definite strength.” Dr. Alan D. Steinman, Director, Annis Water Resources Institute, Grand Valley State University

Cover illustration: the murky brown water of the Mississippi mixing with the dark blue water of the Gulf 2 days after a rainstorm. Image courtesy of Liam Gumley, Space Science and Engineering Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and the MODIS science team, http://modarch.gsfc.nasa.gov/.

maker and manager with over 35 years of experience in the development arena, his advice is

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What are the potential effects of climate change on the world’s water resources?

Designed by Phil Treble.

award winning researcher, his analysis is rigorous and well-documented. As a senior decision


These questions, and more, are discussed in this thorough introduction for undergraduate students to the complex world of water resources. The strength of the book is in its coverage of the fundamentals of the science of water, aquatic ecology, geomorphology, and hydrology. Topics are brought to life for students from all areas of science with the use of internet resources and examples from water resource issues in the news. The book begins with a short history of the human use of, and influence on, water. Following the basics of water chemistry and the hydrologic cycle are chapters on the geomorphology, hydrology, chemistry, and biology of lakes, rivers, and wetlands. Major disease issues, worldwide water quality and quantity problems, and potential solutions are also addressed. Water laws, water allocation, and the conflicts involved are discussed using international and US examples. Students taking a water resource course in the departments of environmental studies, life science, Earth science, and engineering will benefit from this broad survey of these crucial issues.



Academic Sales Department Cambridge University Press, The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK Phone + 44 (0)1223 325517 Fax + 44 (0)1223 325983 Email academicsales@cambridge.org Web www.cambridge.org/emea

the Andes, New Zealand, the Alps, and equatorial East Africa. There is a chapter examining human bioclimatology, weather hazards, and air pollution, and a concluding chapter on the evidence for and the significance of changes in mountain climates.

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society

“ … a monumental review of the topic at hand … vast amount of original material reprocessed into a palatable and succinct form.”

What factors influence water quality, droughts, floods, and waterborne diseases?

“The key features and strengths are the breadth and scope of this text at the introductory level. With excellent diagrams, guest essays, case studies, policy analysis, and key electronic references, there really is not another text of this scope.” Dr.Timothy Link, Department of Forest Resources, University of Idaho

5:23 PM


Europe (excluding Iberia), Middle East and North Africa

drainage in complex terrain in the western United States, and field laboratory experiments on air flow over low hills. Results from these investigations and other research are incorporated in this completely updated new edition, including many new figures, and all relevant new literature is referenced. Following an introductory survey of the historical aspects of mountain meteorology, three chapters deal with the latitudinal, altitudinal, and topographic controls of meteorological elements in mountains, circulation systems related to orography, and the climatic characteristics of mountains. The author supplies regional case studies of selected mountain climates and includes new material on mountains in central Asia, Tibet, Greenland, Antarctica,

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North, Central, South America and Hispanic Caribbean Cambridge University Press 32 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10013-2473, USA Phone + 1 212 924 3900 Fax + 1 212 691 3239 Email information@cup.org Web www.cambridge.org

“Roger Barry’s book has been very useful during the past 11 years ... The improvements made in the second edition will make it more useful as a current reference and as a text for the special topic of mountains ... I recommend this book to anyone interested in this topic.”

How much water does the world need to support growing human populations?

Introduction to Water Resources and Environmental Issues

Academic Sales Department Cambridge University Press, The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK Phone + 44 (0)1223 325517 Fax + 44 (0)1223 325983 Email academicsales@cambridge.org Web www.cambridge.org/emea

Weather, Royal Meteorological Society

Pennington and Cech

The Americas

“I found the book very interesting to read, and can recommend it as the only relatively comprehensive textbook of note, suitable for those who are interested in the mountains, other specialists, and university staff and students.”


United Kingdom and Ireland

From reviews of the first two editions of Mountain Weather and Climate:

Mountain Weather and Climate

Cambridge University Press has offices, representatives and distributors in some 60 countries around the world; our publications are available through bookshops in virtually every country.

Mountains and high plateau areas account for a quarter of the Earth's land surface. They give rise to a wide range of meteorological phenomena and distinctive climatic characteristics of consequence for ecology, forestry, glaciology, and hydrology. Mountain Weather and Climate remains the only comprehensive textbook describing and explaining mountain weather and climate processes. It presents the results of a broad range of studies drawn from across the world. Since the first edition of this book appeared over two decades ago, several important field programs have been conducted in mountain areas. Notable among these have been the European Alpine Experiment and related investigations of local winds, studies of air


Cambridge University Press Around the World

➤ See page 14



Climatology Textbook

Global Warming The Complete Briefing Fourth edition John Houghton

we be concerned?; 9. Weighing the uncertainty; 10. Strategy for action to slow and stabilize climate change; 11. Energy and transport for the future; 12. The Global Village; Glossary; Index. 2009 246 x 189 mm 456pp 130 line figures 60 halftones 202 plates 19 tables 978-0-521-88256-9 Hardback £60.00 978-0-521-70916-3 Paperback £24.99 Publication April 2009

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Houghton’s market-leading textbook, now in full colour and with the latest IPCC findings, is the definitive guide to climate change. Written for students across a wide range of disciplines, its simple, logical flow of ideas gives an invaluable grounding in the science, impacts and need for action on global warming. ‘This book has become the standard introductory text for explaining the mechanics and the implications of global warming … it provides one of the most readable and authoritative statements of the basic science and its implications.’ Simon Napper, Biologist ‘… the definitive scientific book on global warming by one of the few authors who is actually in a position to give a ‘complete briefing’.’ David Lorimer, Director, Scientific and Medical Network

‘This book is, of course, a must for students … and for those people who want a clear and calm exposition of what global warming is, why it really matters and what we can do about it.’ Fred Pearce, Guest Reviewer, Focus (Science and Technology) ‘It is difficult to imagine how Houghton’s exposition of this complex body of information might be substantially improved upon … Seldom has such a complex topic been presented with such remarkable simplicity, directness and crystalline clarity … Houghton’s complete briefing is without doubt the best briefing the concerned citizen could hope to find within the pages of a pocketable book.’ John Perry, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society

Contents: Introduction to the first edition; Introduction to the second edition; Introduction to the third edition; Introduction to the fourth edition; 1. Global warming and climate change; 2. The Greenhouse effect; 3. The Greenhouse gases; 4. Climates of the past; 5. Modelling the climate; 6. Climate change for the twenty-first century and beyond; 7. The impacts of climate change; 8. Why should

Integrated Regional Assessment of Global Climate Change Edited by C. Gregory Knight Pennsylvania State University

and Jill Jäger Sustainable Europe Research Institute, Vienna

This volume promotes a better understanding of Integrated Regional Assessment (IRA), which evaluates how regions contribute to global environmental change. Highlighting the methodological challenges of IRA and providing international examples illustrating the practice of such assessments at the regional scale, the book is important for environmental science researchers and policymakers. ‘This excellent volume provides a sound and authoritative basis for the development of the next generation of integrated studies in global environmental change. It will be a particularly valuable resource for researchers in this field.’ Dr Hassan Virji, Director, START, The Global Change SysTem for Analysis, Research and Training, Washington DC 2009 247 x 174 mm 424pp 17 tables 978-0-521-51810-9 Hardback c. £70.00 Publication September 2009

Adapting to Climate Change Thresholds, Values and Governance Edited by Neil Adger University of East Anglia

Irene Lorenzoni University of East Anglia

and Karen O’Brien Universitetet i Oslo

This book presents the latest research on the critical issue of whether the world can adapt to climate change. Examining how humans and ecosystems respond to new and unpredictable climates, and the role played by culture and governance in this, it is essential reading for researchers, policymakers, practitioners, and graduates. 2009 247 x 174 mm 552pp 38 halftones 28 tables 978-0-521-76485-8 Hardback c. £70.00 Publication July 2009


Stochastic Physics and Climate Modelling Edited by Timothy N. Palmer European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, Reading, UK

and Paul Williams University of Reading

This is the first book promoting the use of stochastic, or random, processes to understand, model and predict our climate system. It shows how such methods improve climate simulation and prediction, compared with more conventional bulk-formula parameterization procedures, and is invaluable to graduates and researchers working on climate models. 2009 247 x 174 mm 425pp 53 halftones 2 tables 978-0-521-76105-5 Hardback c. £80.00 Publication November 2009

Climate Change and Small Pelagic Fish Edited by Dave Checkley Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego

Jürgen Alheit Baltic Sea Research Institute, University of Rostock, Germany

Yoshioki Oozeki National Research Institute of Fisheries Science, Japan

and Claude Roy Centre IRD de Bretagne, France

This book discusses how climate variability affects small pelagic fish, their ecosystems and fisheries. It describes the causes of their fluctuating stock, highlights similar fluctuations over the past two millennia, and assesses the ecological and economic consequences. It also considers the effects of future climate change on stocks and fisheries. 2009 276 x 219 mm 408pp 64 halftones 29 tables 978-0-521-88482-2 Hardback c. £85.00 Publication July 2009

Climate Change 2007 – The Physical Science Basis Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

IPCC Fourth Assessment Report on scientific aspects of climate change for researchers, students, and policymakers. ‘This well-edited set of three volumes will surely be the standard reference for nearly all arguments related with global warming and climate change in the next years. It should not be missing in the libraries of atmospheric

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Climatology and climate research institutes and those administrative and political institutions which have to deal with global change and sustainable development.’ Meteorologische Zeitschrift ‘… likely to remain a vital reference work until further research renders the details outdated by the time of the next survey … another significant step forward in the understanding of the likely impacts of climate change on a global scale.’ International Journal of Climatology

Contents: Foreword; Preface; Summary for Policymakers; Technical Summary; 1. Historical Overview of Climate Changes Science; 2. Changes in Atmospheric Constituents and Radiative Forcing; 3. Observations: Atmosphic Surface and Climate Change; 4. Observations: Changes in Snow, Ice and Frozen Ground; 5. Observations: Ocean Climate Change and Sea Level; 6. Palaeoclimate; 7. Coupling Between Changes in the Climate System and Biogeochemistry; 8. Climate Models and their Evaluation; 9. Understanding and Attributing Climate Change; 10. Global Climate Projections; 11. Regional Climate Projections; Annex I: Glossary; Annex II: Contributors to the IPCC WGI Fourth Assessment Report; Annex III: Reviewers of the IPCC WGI Fourth Assessment Report; Annex IV: Acronyms; Index. 2007 276 x 219 mm 1009pp 978-0-521-88009-1 Hardback £96.00 978-0-521-70596-7 Paperback £48.00

Climate Change 2007 – Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability Working Group II contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

IPCC Fourth Assessment Report on climate change impacts, adaptation and vulnerability for researchers, students, policymakers. ‘The IPCC has conducted what is arguably the largest, most comprehensive and transparent study ever undertaken by mankind … The result is a work of substance and authority, which only the foolish would deride.’ Wind Engineering ‘… the weight of evidence presented, the authority that IPCC commands and the breadth of view can hardly fail to impress and earn respect. Each of the volumes is essentially a remarkable work of reference, containing a plethora of information and copious bibliographies. There can be few

natural scientists who will not want to have at least one of these volumes to hand on their bookshelves, at least until further research renders the details outdated by the time of the next survey.’ The Holocene

Contents: Foreword; Preface; Introduction; Summary for policymakers; Technical summary; 1. Assessment of observed changes and responses in natural and managed systems; 2. New assessment methodologies and the characterisation of future conditions; 3. Fresh water resources and their management; 4. Ecosystems, their properties, goods and services; 5. Food, fibre and forest products; 6. Coastal systems and low-lying areas; 7. Industry, settlement and society; 8. Human health; 9. Africa; 10. Asia; 11. Australia and New Zealand; 12. Europe; 13. Latin America; 14. North America; 15. Polar regions (Arctic and Antarctic); 16. Small islands; 17. Assessment of adaptation practices, options, constraints and capacity; 18. Inter-relationships between adaptation and mitigation; 19. Assessing key vulnerabilities and the risk from climate change; 20. Perspectives on climate change and sustainability – 811 Cross-chapter case studies; Appendix I. Glossary; Appendix II. Contributors to the IPCC WGII Fourth Assessment Report; Appendix III. Reviewers of the IPCC WGII Fourth Assessment Report; Appendix IV. Acronyms and abbreviations; Appendix V. Index and database of regional content; Index; CD-ROM. 2008 279 x 215 mm 986pp 300 line figures 50 tables 978-0-521-88010-7 Hardback £90.00 978-0-521-70597-4 Paperback £45.00

Climate Change 2007 – Mitigation of Climate Change Working Group III contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

IPCC Fourth Assessment Report on the mitigation of climate change for researchers, students, and policymakers. ‘The subject is explored in great depth and should prove valuable to policy makers, researchers, analysts, and students.’ American Meteorological Society ‘The IPCC has conducted what is arguably the largest, most comprehensive and transparent study ever undertaken by mankind … The result is a work of substance and authority, which only the foolish would deride.’ Wind Engineering

Contents: Foreword; Preface; Summary for policymakers; Technical Summary; 1. Introduction; 2. Framing issues; 3. Issues related to mitigation in the long term context; 4. Energy supply; 5. Transport and its infrastructure; 6. Residential and commercial buildings; 7. Industry; 8. Agriculture; 9. Forestry; 10. Waste management; 11. Mitigation from a cross sectoral perspective; 12. Sustainable development and mitigation; 13. Policies, instruments and co-operative agreements; Annex I: Glossary; Annex II: Acronyms, abbreviations and chemical compounds; Annex III: List of authors and reviewers; Index. 2008 279 x 215 mm 862pp 300 line figures 50 tables 978-0-521-88011-4 Hardback £90.00 978-0-521-70598-1 Paperback £45.00 eBook available

Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage Special Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC

IPCC Report on sources, capture, transport, and storage of CO2, for researchers, policy-makers and engineers. 2006 276 x 216 mm 442pp 25 tables 978-0-521-86643-9 Hardback £91.00 978-0-521-68551-1 Paperback £46.00

Safeguarding the Ozone Layer and the Global Climate System Special Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Edited by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

This IPCC/TEAP Special Report provides information relevant to decision-making in regard to safeguarding the ozone layer and the global climate system. It will be invaluable for researchers, policy-makers and engineers in academia, government, environmental organizations, and industry. 2006 276 x 216 mm 486pp 978-0-521-86336-0 Hardback £91.00 978-0-521-68206-0 Paperback £46.00

Climatology Our Changing Planet The View from Space Edited by Michael D. King NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Claire L. Parkinson NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Kim C. Partington Polar Imaging Ltd, Hampshire

and Robin G. Williams La Jolla, California

Inside, you’ll find captivating views of Earth from space alongside the science behind observed changes. ‘… an awe-inspiring collection of images of the Earth from space. This wonderful volume provides a masterful association of imagery and explanation. You will have difficulty closing it once opened. I give it my highest recommendation.’ Sir Ranulph Fiennes, internationally renowned explorer and adventurer

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‘Our understanding of the world radically changed when we first saw it from space. It became at once precious yet vulnerable, romantic yet realistic … As tiny ephemeral creatures on the surface, we can also see the alarming effects our activities are having, whether on the land, in the seas or in the atmosphere … an excellent guide to greater understanding of the fundamental issues of our time.’ Sir Crispin Tickell, Director of the Policy Foresight Programme at the James Martin Institute for Science and Civilization at Oxford University, former British Ambassador to the United Nations, former President of the Royal Geographical Society

‘Great, readable book with spectacular space views of how our home planet is changing – the land, atmosphere, oceans and ice.’ James Hansen, Director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies

‘Even though the book looks like, and can serve as, a coffee table item, it is much more: It is a window into understanding the Earth from space.’ EOS

Contents: Part I. Dynamic Atmosphere; Part II. Vital Land; Part III. The Restless Ocean; Part IV. The Frozen Caps; Part V. Evidence of our Tenure. 2007 400pp 588 line figures 978-0-521-82870-3 Hardback £27.99

The Economics of Climate Change The Stern Review Nicholas Stern Cabinet Office – HM Treasury

‘The Stern Review shows us, with utmost clarity, while allowing fully for all the uncertainties, what global warming is going to mean; and what can and should be done to reduce it. It provides numbers for the economic impact, and for the necessary economic policies. It deserves the widest circulation. I wish it the greatest possible impact. Governments have a clear and immediate duty to accept the challenge it represents.’ James Mirrlees, recipient of the Nobel Prize for Economics, 1996

‘The stark prospects of climate change and its mounting economic and human costs are clearly brought out in this searching investigation. What is particularly striking is the identification of ways and means of sharply minimizing these penalties through acting right now, rather than waiting for our lives to be overrun by rapidly advancing adversities. The world would be foolish to neglect this strong but strictly time-bound practical message.’ Amartya Sen, recipient of the Nobel Prize for Economics, 1998

‘The Stern Review of The Economics of Climate Change provides the most thorough and rigorous analysis to date of the costs and risks of climate change, and the costs and risks of reducing emissions. It makes clear that the question is not whether we can afford to act, but whether we can afford not to act. … And it provides a comprehensive agenda-one which is economically and politically feasible-behind which the entire world can unite in addressing this most important threat to our future well being.’ Joseph Stiglitz, recipient of the Nobel Prize for Economics, 2001 2007 247 x 174 mm 712pp 125 line figures 5 halftones 25 tables 978-0-521-70080-1 Paperback £32.00


Climate Change A Multidisciplinary Approach Second edition William James Burroughs


oceanography, environmental science, earth science, geography, agriculture and social science. It will also interest a reader concerned with climate change. ‘… a recommended read for the informed layman and student seeking a wider background in this topical but complex field.’ Grant Bigg, Weather

Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Radiation and the Earth’s energy balance; 3. The elements of the climate; 4. The measurement of climate change; 5. Statistics, significance and cycles; 6. The natural causes of climate change; 7. Human activities; 8. Evidence of climate change; 9. Consequences of climate change; 10. Modelling the climate; 11. Predicting climate change; Bibliography; Glossary; Index. 2007 247 x 174 mm 390pp 29 exercises 978-0-521-69033-1 Paperback £29.99 eBook available

Facing Climate Change Together Edited by Catherine Gautier University of California, Santa Barbara

and Jean-Louis Fellous European Space Agency

This volume presents the state-of-theart in climate change science, drawing from the most recent assessment reports of the IPCC. The book is written for scientists and students who are not necessarily experts in climatology but are seeking a broad, coherent review of climate change issues. Contents: Preface; Introduction; 1. The global consensus and the intergovernmental panel on climage change; 2. Greenhouse effect, radiation budget and clouds; 3. Atmospheric aerosols and climate change; 4. The global water cycle and climate; 5. Climate change effects on the water cycle over land; 6. Ocean and climate; 7. Ice and climate; 8. The changing global carbon cycle – from the holocene to the anthropocene; 9. Challenges of climate change: an arctic perspective and its implications; 10. On some impacts of climate change over Europe and the Atlantic; 11. Atmospheric chemistry and climate interactions; 12. Observing system for climate; 13. Climate and society – what is the human dimension?; Conclusions; References; Glossary; Index. 2008 247 x 174 mm 280pp 28 line figures 16 halftones 8 plates 978-0-521-89682-5 Hardback £40.00

A concise presentation of current knowledge of climate change and its implications for society, this new edition is ideal for introductory courses within the departments of meteorology,

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Climatology Human-Induced Climate Change An Interdisciplinary Assessment Edited by Michael E. Schlesinger University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Haroon S. Kheshgi ExxonMobil Research and Engineering

Joel Smith Stratus Consulting Ltd, Boulder

Francisco C. de la Chesnaye US Environmental Protection Agency

John M. Reilly Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Tom Wilson Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto

Bringing together many of the world’s leading experts, this volume is a comprehensive review of climate change science, impacts, mitigation, adaptation, and policy. This book will be invaluable for graduate students, researchers and policymakers interested in all aspects of climate change and the issues that surround it. ‘It allows ideas to be tried and new thoughts floated as we start to tackle the issue of global warming. A useful reference for the university library.’ Ecological and Environmental Education

Contents: Part I. Climate System Science; Part II. Impacts and Adaptation; Part III. Mitigation; Part IV. Policy Design and Decision Making Under Uncertainty. 2007 276 x 219 mm 451pp 79 line figures 93 halftones 16 plates 978-0-521-86603-3 Hardback £60.00 eBook available


Ecological Climatology Concepts and Applications Second edition Gordon B. Bonan National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado

An essential guide providing students with an interdisciplinary framework to understand the interaction between terrestrial ecosystems and climate change. This textbook reviews basic meteorological, hydrological and ecological concepts for students from various disciplines. It analyses the physical, chemical and biological processes by which ecosystems affect and are affected by climate. ‘ … successfully integrates fundamental concepts in climatology and ecology ... I highly recommend the text for climatologists and meteorologists interested in better understanding the role of vegetation in the climate system, or ecologists and plant physiologists interested

in better understanding the role of the climate system in vegetated ecosystems.’ Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society

Contents: Preface; 1. Introduction; Part I. The Earth System: 2. Components of the earth system; 3. Global cycles; Part II. Global Physical Climatology: 4. Atmospheric radiation; 5. Atmospheric general circulation and climate; 6. Earth’s climates; 7. Climate variability; 8. Climate change; Part III. Soil Processes: 9. Soil physics; 10. Soil biochemistry; Part IV. Hydrometeorology: 11. Water balance; 12. Watershed hydrology; 13. Surface energy fluxes; 14. Turbulent fluxes; 15. Soil moisture and the atmospheric boundary layer; Part V. Biometeorology: 16. Leaf energy fluxes; 17. Leaf photosynthesis; 18. Plant canopies; Part VI. Terrestrial Plant Ecology: 19. Plant strategies; 20. Populations and communities; 21. Ecosystems; 22. Vegetation dynamics; 23. Disturbances and landscapes; 24. Global biogeography; Part VII. Terrestrial Forcings and Feedbacks; 25. Land surface processes in climate models; 26. Seasonal-to-interannual variability; 27. Land use and land cover change; 28. Coupled climate-vegetation dynamics; 29. Carbon cycle-climate feedbacks; 30. Urbanisation; Index; Colour plates. 2008 246 x 189 mm 568pp 24 plates 84 tables 978-0-521-87221-8 Hardback £90.00 978-0-521-69319-6 Paperback £45.00

Climate Extremes and Society


Mountain Weather and Climate Third edition Roger G. Barry University of Colorado, Boulder

A completely revised edition including results from recent field programs, many new figures and new material on mountains from across the world. It remains the only all-encompassing textbook on mountain weather and climate and is ideal for graduates and researchers in meteorology, climatology, ecology, forestry, glaciology and hydrology. ‘I found the book very interesting to read, and can recommend it as the only relatively comprehensive textbook of note, suitable for those who are interested in the mountains, other specialists, and university staff and students.’ Weather, Royal Meteorological Society

Contents: Prefaces; Acknowledgements; 1. Mountains and their climatological study; 2. Geographical controls of mountain meteorological elements; 3. Circulation systems related to orography; 4. Climatic characteristics of mountains; 5. Regional case studies; 6. Mountain bioclimatology; 7. Changes in mountain climates; Appendix; General index; Author index. 2008 246 x 189 mm 512pp 112 line figures 67 halftones 978-0-521-86295-0 Hardback £80.00 978-0-521-68158-2 Paperback £40.00 eBook available

Edited by Henry F. Diaz National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, District of Columbia

and Richard J. Murnane Bermuda Biological Station for Research, Garrett Park, Maryland

A scientific exploration of the nature of climatic extremes – past, present, and future – and of methods for understanding and responding to extreme events. The book is designed for all policy-makers, engineers and scientists who have an interest in the effects of climate extremes on society. 2008 247 x 174 mm 356pp 37 line figures 32 halftones 24 plates 978-0-521-87028-3 Hardback £70.00 eBook available

Graduate Textbook

Hydroclimatology Perspectives and Applications Marlyn L. Shelton University of California, Davis

This book discusses how hydroclimatology couples key information from climatology and hydrology to examine the changes caused by the climate system in the hydrologic cycle. Assessing the effects of this relationship on floods, drought and other water resource issues, this is a useful textbook for students in atmospheric science, hydrology, Earth and environmental science. Contents: 1. The realm of hydroclimatology; 2. The climate system and the hydrologic cycle; 3. Measuring hydroclimate atmospheric components; 4. Measuring hydroclimate terrestrial components; 5. Remote sensing and hydroclimate data; 6. The runoff process and streamflow; 7. Hydroclimate spatial variations;

Climatology 8. Hydroclimate temporal variations; 9. Floods: the hydroclimatic extreme of excessive moisture; 10. Droughts: the hydroclimatic extreme of deficient moisture; Bibliography; Index.

Contents: Part I. Setting the Scene; Part II. The Global Energy Demand and Supply Balance; Part III. New and Sustainable Energy Sources; Part IV. Towards a Sustainable Energy Balance.

2008 247 x 174 mm 438pp 54 halftones 978-0-521-84888-6 Hardback £45.00

2007 228 x 152 mm 192pp 1 line figure 61 halftones 978-0-521-68448-4 Paperback £19.99

Snow and Climate

eBook available

Physical Processes, Surface Energy Exchange and Modeling Edited by Richard L. Armstrong University of Colorado, Boulder

and Eric Brun Météo-France, CNRS

In the last two decades, many new techniques for studying snow-climate relationships have changed the way we look at snow cover. This book gives upto-date information on the current state of snow-climate science and provides an excellent synthesis for researchers and advanced students. Contents: Preface; Acknowledgements; 1. Introduction; 2. Physical processes within the snow cover and their parameterization; 3. Snow-atmosphere energy and mass balance; 4. Snow cover parameterizations and modeling; 5. Snow cover data: sources and products; Index. 2008 247 x 174 mm 256pp 39 line figures 19 halftones 8 plates 978-0-521-85454-2 Hardback £65.00


Fueling Our Future: An Introduction to Sustainable Energy Robert L. Evans University of British Columbia, Vancouver

This book provides a concise overview of current energy demand and supply patterns, and presents a balanced view of how our reliance on fossil fuels can be changed over time. Written in a non-technical and accessible style, it will appeal to a wide range of readers without scientific backgrounds. ‘Delightfully written in a non-technical and accessible style, this book will appeal to a wide range of readers, both with and without scientific backgrounds. It is steady-paced and well grounded, providing much solid information in a coherent and useful way which really makes it possible for the layman to think about the subject matter.’ Journal of Environmental Conservation

Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change Edited by Hans Joachim Schellnhuber Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Wolfgang Cramer Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

Nebojsa Nakicenovic International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis

A History of the Science and Politics of Climate Change

Tom Wigley

The Role of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Bert Bolin

Foreword by Tony Blair

Stockholms Universitet

Written by its first chairman, this book is an overview of the history of the IPCC, and provides researchers and policy makers with an insight into the history of the politics of climate change. 2008 244 x 170 mm 292pp 4 line figures 5 halftones 978-0-521-08873-2 Paperback £19.99


National Center for Atmospheric Research

and Gary Yohe Wesleyan University, Connecticut

Presents most recent findings on climate change from leading international scientists, for researchers, policy-makers, engineers. 2006 276 x 219 mm 406pp 150 line figures 10 halftones 25 tables 978-0-521-86471-8 Hardback £86.00


Human Impacts on Weather and Climate Second edition William R. Cotton

Climate Change

Colorado State University

Biological and Human Aspects Jonathan Cowie

University of Colorado, Boulder

Concatenation Science Communications

Review of future climate change for life sciences and environmental science students, and policy-makers. ‘This book provides a useful review of past, present and likely future climate change from the viewpoints of biology, ecology and human ecology. It is a useful introduction to the subject, giving a brief overview of the basics of climate science, … The book is also a useful reference for those involved in environmental monitoring, conservation, policy-making and lobbying.’ Petroleum Review

Contents: Introduction; Acknowledgements; 1. An introduction to climate change; 2. Principal indicators of past climates; 3. Past climate change; 4. The Oligocene to the Quaternary: climate and biology; 5. Present climate and biological change; 6. Current warming and likely future impacts; 7. Human ecology of climate change; 8. Sustainability and policy; Appendix 1. Glossary and acronyms; Appendix 2. Bio-geological timescale; Appendix 3. Calculations of energy demand/ supply, and orders of magnitude; Index.


and Roger A. Pielke, Sr.

This new edition examines the debates surrounding anthropogenic impacts on the Earth’s climate and presents the most recent theories, data and modeling studies. This will be a valuable resource for undergraduate and graduate courses in atmospheric and environmental science, and policy makers and general readers interested in global climate change. ‘Contents-wise this is an excellent book … It is written with great honesty and courage, attacking many of the sacred tenets of weather modification and of climatic doomsday predictions.’ Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics

Contents: Part I. The Rise and Fall of the Science of Weather Modification: 1. The rise of the science of weather modification; 2. The glory years of weather modification; 3. The fall of the science of weather modification; Part II. Inadvertent Human Impacts on Regional Weather and Climate: 4. Anthropogenic emissions of aerosols and gases; 5. Urban-induced changes in precipitation and weather; 6. Other landuse/land-cover changes; 7. Concluding remarks; 8. Overview of global climate

2007 247 x 174 mm 504pp 53 line figures 16 halftones 978-0-521-69619-7 Paperback £27.99 eBook available

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Climatology forcings and feedbacks; 9. Climatic effects and anthropogenic aerosols; 10. Nuclear winter; 11. Global effects of land-use/landcover changes and vegetation dynamics; Epilogue; Index.

25. Predictability and economic value; 26. A three-tier overlapping prediction scheme: tools for strategic and tactical decisions in the developing world; 27. DEMETER and the application of seasonal forecasts; Index.

2007 247 x 174 mm 330pp 64 line figures 20 halftones 20 plates 978-0-521-60056-9 Paperback £29.99

2006 247 x 174 mm 718pp 230 line figures 100 halftones 14 plates 978-0-521-84882-4 Hardback £95.00

eBook available

eBook available

Predictability of Weather and Climate

Frontiers of Climate Modeling

Edited by Tim Palmer

Edited by J. T. Kiehl

European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts

National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado

and Renate Hagedorn

and V. Ramanathan

European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts

Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego

Examines the theory and practice of weather and climate predictability for graduate students and researchers.

Reference on climate modeling and understanding the climate system for researchers and advanced students.

‘ … well-balanced volume … The concatenation of 27 authors gives some heterogeneity from which the interested reader can choose … Highcalibre chapter authors and extensive subject coverage make it a valuable resource on our shelves for many years.’ Meteorologische Zeitschrift

Contents: Preface; 1. Predictability of weather and climate: from theory to practice; 2. Predictability from a dynamical meteorology perspective; 3. Predictability – a problem partly solved; 4. The Liouville Equation and atmospheric predictability; 5. Application of generalized stability theory to deterministic and statistical prediction; 6. Ensemble-based atmospheric data assimilation; 7. Ensemble forecasting and data assimilation: two problems with the same solution?; 8. Approximating optimal state estimation; 9. Predictability past predictability present; 10. Predictability of coupled processes; 11. Predictability of tropical intraseasonal variability; 12. Predictability of seasonal climate variations: a pedagogical review; 13. Predictability of the North Atlantic thermohaline circulation; 14. On the predictability of flow-regime properties on interannual to interdecadal timescales; 15. Model error in weather and climate forecasting; 16. Observations, assimilation and the improvement of global weather prediction – some results from operational forecasting and ERA-40; 17. The ECMWF ensemble prediction system; 18. Limitedarea ensemble forecasting: the COSMOLEPS system; 19. Operational seasonal prediction; 20. Weather and seasonal climate forecasts using the superensemble approach; 21. Predictability and targeted observations; 22. The attributes of forecast systems: a framework for the evaluation and calibration of weather forecasts; 23. Predictability from a forecast provider’s perspective; 24. Ensemble forecasts: can they provide useful early warnings?;

2006 247 x 174 mm 381pp 103 line figures 16 plates 11 tables 978-0-521-79132-8 Hardback £86.00 eBook available


The Global Climate System Patterns, Processes, and Teleconnections Howard A. Bridgman University of Newcastle, New South Wales

and John E. Oliver Indiana State University

Advanced textbook that examines recent developments in regional climatology and global climates. ‘… it is likely that Bridgman and Oliver will become widely used in undergraduate climate courses as it provides something quite different to standard textbooks on climatology. This is what makes it interesting reading.’ Times Higher Education Supplement

Contents: Preface; 1. Introduction; 2. Oscillations and teleconnections; 3. Tropical climates; 4. Middle latitude climates; 5. Climate of the polar realms; 6. Post-glacial climatic change and variability; 7. Urban climates; 8. Human response to climate change; 9. Model interpretation of climate signals; 10. Conclusions and the future of climate research; Index. 2006 246 x 189 mm 350pp 55 line figures 8 halftones 8 plates 26 tables 978-0-521-82642-6 Hardback £40.00 eBook available

Creating a Climate for Change Communicating Climate Change and Facilitating Social Change Edited by Susanne C. Moser National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder

and Lisa Dilling University of Colorado, Boulder

Gives a comprehensive look at communication and social change specifically targeted to climate change. It is a unique collection of ideas from contributors from a range of backgrounds and will be of interest to researchers and professionals in climate change, environmental policy, science communication, psychology, sociology and geography. 2008 247 x 174 mm 576pp 12 line figures 2 halftones 978-0-521-04992-4 Paperback £31.99 eBook available


The Science and Politics of Global Climate Change A Guide to the Debate Andrew E. Dessler Texas A & M University

and Edward A. Parson University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Combining their expertise in atmospheric science and public policy, the authors present an accessible description of the scientific and political issues involved in the climate-change debate. This introductory primer will help students and the general public to sort through the conflicting claims made by scientists, politicians and the media. ‘… there is a real need for a comprehensive book on climate change … The Science and Politics of Global Climate Change is it. It does exactly what the title and subtitle promise, providing insights into the causes and effects of the contributing meteorological phenomena and into why it has been so hard to get consensus among governments … copies should be shipped to anyone who doubts the reality of climate change, starting with presidents in denial.’ New Scientist

Climatology / Atmospheric Science Contents: 1. Global climate change: a new type of environmental problem; 2. Science, politics, and science in politics; 3. Climate change: present scientific knowledge and uncertainties; 4. The climate change policy debate: impacts and potential responses; 5. The present impasse and steps forward; Glossary; Appendices; Bibliography; Index. 2006 247 x 174 mm 200pp 12 line figures 6 halftones 4 tables 978-0-521-53941-8 Paperback £22.99

2009 228 x 152 mm 432pp 2 halftones 1 table 978-0-521-89869-0 Hardback c. £50.00 978-0-521-72732-7 Paperback c. £17.99 Publication May 2009

Atmospheric Science

eBook available

Graduate Textbook

Why We Disagree About Climate Change Understanding Controversy, Inaction and Opportunity Mike Hulme University of East Anglia

Mike Hulme provides a unique insider’s account of climate change and the diverse ways in which it is understood. He uses different standpoints from science, economics, faith, psychology, communication, sociology, politics and development to explain why we disagree about this important phenomenon. ‘This is a very rare book. A scientific book about climate change, that deals both with the science, and our own personal response to this science. It does all this supremely well, and should be compulsory reading for both sceptics and advocates. However, it does so much more, it is a book of great modesty and humanity. It uses climate change to ask questions more broadly about our own beliefs, assumptions and prejudices, and how we make individual and collective decisions.’ Chris Mottershead, Distinguished Advisor, BP p.l.c.

‘In this personal and deeply reflective book, a distinguished climate researcher shows why it may be both wrong and frustrating to keep asking what we can do for climate change. Tracing the many meanings of climate in culture, Hulme asks instead what climate change can do for us. Uncertainty and ambiguity emerge here as resources, because they force us to confront those things we really want – not safety in some distant, contested future but justice and self-understanding now. Without downplaying its seriousness, Hulme demotes climate change from ultimate threat to constant companion, whose murmurs unlock in us the instinct for justice and equality.’ Sheila Jasanoff, Pforzheimer Professor of Science and Technology Studies, Harvard University

Atmospheric Thermodynamics Elementary Physics and Chemistry Jerry North Texas A & M University

and Tatiana Erukhimova Texas A & M University

This textbook uniquely integrates physics and chemistry in the study of atmospheric thermodynamics. It explains the classical laws of thermodynamics, focuses on various fluid systems, discusses chemical thermodynamics, and contains helpful student resources. Ideal for single-semester advanced courses on atmospheric thermodynamics, it prepares students for higher-level synoptic and dynamics courses. Contents: Preface; 1. Introductory concepts; 2. Gases; 3. The first law of thermodynamics; 4. Second law; 5. Air and vapour; 5. Profiles of the atmosphere; 6. Thermodynamic charts; 7. Thermochemistry; 8. The thermodynamic equation; Units and numeral values of constants; Notations and abbreviations; Answers for selected problems; Bibliography. 2009 247 x 174 mm 280pp 34 halftones 10 tables 100 exercises 978-0-521-89963-5 Hardback £35.00 Publication April 2009

Cloud and Precipitation Microphysics Principles and Parameterizations Jerry Straka University of Oklahoma

This book explains how the parameterization or mathematical representation of complex physics is developed and used for accurate numerical predictions of cloud and precipitation. It presents full derivations of these parameterizations, and, supported by online model codes, allows researchers and students to build parameterization packages at varying levels of complexity. 2009 247 x 174 mm 384pp 978-0-521-88338-2 Hardback £70.00 Publication June 2009



An Introduction to Atmospheric Thermodynamics Second edition Anastasios Tsonis University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee

This is a self-contained, concise, rigorous book introducing the reader to the basics of atmospheric thermodynamics. This new edition has been brought completely up to date and reorganized and is an ideal text for short undergraduate courses taken as part of an atmospheric science, meteorology, physics or natural science program. ‘ … Tsonis does an excellent job. … the book certainly achieves its aim of a clear, concise and wellpresented introduction to atmospheric thermodynamics and I would recommend it as ideal as a teaching resource.’ Weather

Contents: Preface; 1. Basic definitions; 2. Some useful mathematical and physical topics; 3. Early experiments and laws; 4. The first law of thermodynamics; 5. The second law of thermodynamics; 6. Water and its transformations; 7. Moist air; 8. Vertical stability in the atmosphere; 9. Thermodynamic diagrams; 10. Beyond this book; References; Appendix; Index. 2007 247 x 174 mm 198pp 23 line figures 22 halftones 91 exercises 22 worked examples 978-0-521-69628-9 Paperback £33.00 eBook available

Ionospheres Physics, Plasma Physics, and Chemistry Second edition Robert Schunk Utah State University

and Andrew Nagy University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

This second edition describes the physical, plasma and chemical processes controlling the behaviour of ionospheres, upper atmospheres and exospheres, and discusses the processes for solving fundamental research problems. Incorporating the latest developments in the field, it is valuable as a reference volume for researchers and a textbook for graduate-level courses. ‘This excellent book’s utility as both a graduate-level textbook and reference book for active researchers fills a much-needed niche in presenting the expansive topic of ionospheric physics and chemistry.’ EOS

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Atmospheric Science Cambridge Atmospheric and Space Science Series

2009 247 x 174 mm 608pp 27 halftones 28 tables 139 exercises 978-0-521-87706-0 Hardback c. £85.00 Publication September 2009

Heliophysics: Plasma Physics of the Local Cosmos Edited by Carolus J. Schrijver Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology

and George L. Siscoe Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory, Lockheed Martin

This volume provides a uniquely integrated approach to studies of the Sun’s variability, the surrounding heliosphere, and the climate of planets. The first of a series of three heliophysics texts, it is a core resource for students and researchers in plasma, solar, and space physics. Contents: Preface; 1. Prologue; 2. Introduction to heliophysics; 3. Creation and destruction of magnetic field; 4. Magnetic field topology; 5. Magnetic reconnection; 6. Structures of the magnetic field; 7. Turbulence in space plasmas; 8. The solar atmosphere; 9. Stellar winds and magnetic fields; 10. Fundamentals of planetary magnetospheres; 11. Solarwind magnetosphere coupling: an MHD perspective ; 12. On the ionosphere and chromosphere; 13. Comparative planetary environments; Bibliography; Index. 2009 247 x 174 mm 456pp 34 halftones 16 plates 12 tables 978-0-521-11061-7 Hardback c. £35.00 Publication August 2009

Graduate Textbook

Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics Fundamentals and Large-scale Circulation Geoffrey K. Vallis Princeton University, New Jersey

Graduate textbook on atmospheric and oceanic fluid dynamics for meteorology, atmospheric science and oceanography courses. ‘Geoff Vallis’ Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics will become the standard text on modern large-scale atmosphere and ocean dynamics. It covers the field from the equations of motion to modern developments such as wave-mean flow interaction theory and theories for the globalscale circulations of atmospheres and oceans. There is no book of comparable comprehensiveness,

spanning the needs of beginning graduate students and researchers alike.’ Tapio Schneider, California Institute of Technology

Contents: Part I. Fundamentals of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics; Part II. Instabilities, Waves and Turbulence; Part III. Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation; Part IV. Large-Scale Circulation. 2006 246 x 189 mm 770pp 173 line figures 43 halftones 146 exercises 978-0-521-84969-2 Hardback £40.00 eBook available

The Asian Monsoon Causes, History and Effects Peter D. Clift University of Aberdeen

or less complete record on numerical weather prediction techniques on their bookshelf.’ Meteorologische Zeitschrift

Contents: Foreword; 1. Summary; 2. Introductory example; 3. The choice of cooordinate differences; 4. The fundamental equations; 5. Finding the vertical velocity; 6. Special treatment for the stratosphere; 7. The arrangement of points and instants; 8. Review of operations in sequence; 9. An example worked on computing forms; 10. Smoothing the initial data; 11. Some remaining problems; 12. Units and notation; Index of persons; Index of subsidiary subjects. Cambridge Mathematical Library

2007 247 x 174 mm 250pp 11 line figures 4 maps 58 tables 978-0-521-68044-8 Paperback £30.99

and R. Alan Plumb Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The Asian Monsoon describes the causes, evolution and far-reaching effects of one of the most dramatic climatic phenomena on Earth. The book presents a multi-disciplinary overview of the monsoon for advanced students and researchers in atmospheric science, climatology, oceanography, geophysics, and geomorphology. 2008 247 x 174 mm 288pp 126 line figures 24 halftones 4 plates 978-0-521-84799-5 Hardback £70.00 eBook available

The Art and Science of Lightning Protection Martin A. Uman University of Florida

This is a useful text describing all aspects of lightning protection, the physical behavior of lightning, lightning detection and warning, and deflecting or eliminating lightning. Containing many illustrative drawings and photographs, this is essential reading for meteorologists, atmospheric scientists, architects, engineers, and fire-safety experts. 2008 247 x 174 mm 254pp 38 line figures 72 halftones 978-0-521-87811-1 Hardback £55.00

Weather Prediction by Numerical Process Second edition Lewis Fry Richardson Foreword by Peter Lynch ‘The book can be warmly recommended to people interested in the history of meteorology as well as to those who want to have a more

The Emergence of Numerical Weather Prediction: Richardson’s Dream Peter Lynch University College Dublin

‘A wonderful study of the scientific history which also forms a very educational lesson in numerical weather forecasting.’ Translated from La Météorologie

Contents: Guiding signs; Preface; Acknowledgements; 1. Weather and prediction by numerical process; 2. The fundamental equations; 3. The oscillations of the atmosphere; 4. The barotropic forecast; 5. The solution algorithm; 6. Observations and inital fields; 7. Richardson’s forecast; 8. Balance and initialization; 9. Smoothing the forecast; 10. The ENIAC integrations; 11. Numerical weather prediction today; 12. Fulfilment of the dream; Appendix 1. Table of notation; Appendix 2. Milestones in Richardson’s life and career; Appendix 3. Laplace tidal equations: separation of variables; Appendix 4. Richardson’s forecastfactory: the $64,000 question; References; Index. 2006 247 x 174 mm 290pp 45 line figures 20 halftones 25 tables 978-0-521-85729-1 Hardback £40.00

Mesoscale Dynamics Yuh-Lang Lin North Carolina State University

Ideal for researchers in meteorology and atmospheric science, this book covers wave dynamics, moist convection, front dynamics, and mesoscale modelling, and is. With modelling projects and student review questions, it could also serve as a textbook for graduate students.

Atmospheric Science / Oceanography Solutions for instructors are available at www.cambridge.org/9780521808750.

Basics of the Solar Wind

‘…a good addition to the libraries of graduate students interested in the mesoscale.’ EOS

Nicole Meyer-Vernet

Contents: Preface; 1. Overview; 2. Governing equations for mesoscale motions; 3. Basic wave dynamics; 4. Wave generation and maintenance; 5. Orographically forced flows; 6. Thermally forced flows; 7. Mesoscale instabilities; 8. Isolated convective storms; 9. Mesoscale convective systems; 10. Dynamics of fronts and jet streaks; 11. Dynamics of orographic precipitation; 12. Basic numerical methods; 13. Numerical modeling of geophysical fluid systems; 14. Parameterization of physical processes; Appendices; Index. 2007 247 x 174 mm 674pp 138 line figures 134 halftones 8 tables 111 exercises 978-0-521-80875-0 Hardback £85.00 eBook available

Parameterization Schemes: Keys to Understanding Numerical Weather Prediction Models David J. Stensrud National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Norman, Oklahoma

Reference on numerical weather prediction for academic researchers, meteorologists, and graduate students. 2007 247 x 174 mm 478pp 116 line figures 88 halftones 59 exercises 978-0-521-86540-1 Hardback £80.00

Graduate Textbook

Radiation in the Atmosphere A Course in Theoretical Meteorology Wilford Zdunkowski Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Germany

Thomas Trautmann Deutsche Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt eV (DLR)

and Andreas Bott Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn

Theory and applications of radiative transfer for graduate students and researchers in meteorology and related sciences. 2007 247 x 174 mm 496pp 69 line figures 42 halftones 99 exercises 978-0-521-87107-5 Hardback £80.00 eBook available

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Paris

Introduction to solar wind for researchers and graduate students in atmospheric physics and astrophysics. Cambridge Atmospheric and Space Science Series

2007 247 x 174 mm 478pp 89 line figures 80 halftones 978-0-521-81420-1 Hardback £75.00 eBook available

Oceanography Textbook

Chemical Oceanography and the Marine Carbon Cycle Steven Emerson University of Washington

and John Hedges University of Washington

This textbook provides both a background in chemical oceanography and full coverage of topics essential to understanding the carbon cycle. An ideal textbook for upper-level undergraduates and graduates in oceanography, environmental chemistry, geochemistry and earth science and a useful reference for researchers in oceanography. Contents: Preface; Acknowledgements; Part I. Introduction to Chemical Oceanography: 1. Oceanography background; 2. Geochemical mass balance; 3. Thermodynamics background; 4. Carbonate chemistry; 5. Stable and radioactive isotopes; 6. Life processes in the ocean; 7. Paleoceanography and paleoclimatology; Part II. Advanced Topics in Marine Geochemistry: 8. Marine organic geochemistry; 9. Molecular diffusion and reaction rates; 10. Gases and air – water exchange; 11. The global carbon cycle; 12. Chemical reactions in marine sediments; References; Index. 2008 246 x 189 mm 468pp 106 line figures 90 halftones 8 plates 63 tables 978-0-521-83313-4 Hardback £45.00 eBook available


An Introduction to Ocean Turbulence S. A. Thorpe University of Wales, Bangor

This textbook is a dynamic introduction to turbulent motion occurring naturally in the ocean for undergraduate courses in physical oceanography, and a useful


lead-in to the author’s more advanced graduate textbook, The Turbulent Ocean. It is supported by more than 50 exercises, with solutions available to instructors online. It ‘An Introduction to Ocean Turbulence by Steve Thorpe is the first book addressing the needs of instructors teaching introductory courses in ocean mixing. After initial explanations of turbulence fundamentals and techniques for measuring it in the ocean, the emphasis shifts to the processes producing the turbulence and how they in turn are generated and drive dissipation, diapycnal fluxes and dispersion. Copious illustrations from journal articles tie these discussions to current research and give students a clear path to reading current literature. By focusing on the energetics of ocean mixing, the final chapter puts the discussion into a global context. With this book, Professor Thorpe provides an invaluable aide to anyone teaching courses about ocean mixing to advanced undergraduates and graduate students, and I recommend it wholeheartedly.’ Professor Michael Gregg, University of Washington

Contents: 1. Turbulence, heat and waves; 2. Measurement of ocean turbulence; 3. Turbulence in oceanic boundary layers; 4. Turbulence in the ocean pycnocline; 5. Turbulence dispersion; 6. The energetics of ocean mixing; Appendices; References; Index. 2007 247 x 174 mm 264pp 60 line figures 40 halftones 978-0-521-85948-6 Hardback £70.00 978-0-521-67680-9 Paperback £29.99 eBook available


Fundamentals of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics James C. McWilliams University of California, Los Angeles

Intermediate/advanced textbook which provides concise and accessible introduction to GFD for broad range of students. Contents: Preface; List of symbols; 1. Purposes and value of geophysical fluid dynamics; 2. Fundamental dynamics; 3. Barotropic and vortex dynamics; 4. Rotating shallow-water and wave dynamics; 5. Baroclinic and jet dynamics; 6. Boundary-layer and wind-gyre dynamics; Afterword; Exercises; Bibliography; Index. 2006 247 x 174 mm 266pp 64 line figures 18 halftones 7 plates 978-0-521-85637-9 Hardback £42.00

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Oceanography The Dynamics of Coastal Models Clifford J. Hearn

This book explores coastal basins using simple models, presented either in analytical form, Microsoft Excel or MATLAB. It explores simple hydrodynamics and its applications, and contains examples from shallow basins around the world. This book is an ideal advanced textbook for graduate students and an introduction to the topic for researchers. 2008 247 x 174 mm 512pp 165 line figures 35 halftones 38 tables 978-0-521-80740-1 Hardback £50.00 eBook available

Beach and Dune Restoration Karl F. Nordstrom Rutgers University, New Jersey

This book identifies restoration strategies for beaches and dunes, and discusses ways to educate stakeholders in physical, economic, social and ethical principles in addition to ecological values. Written for coastal scientists, engineers, and policy makers, it is also a reference text for courses in coastal management and environmental ethics. 2008 247 x 174 mm 200pp 2 line figures 24 halftones 7 tables 978-0-521-85346-0 Hardback £70.00 eBook available

Estuaries Dynamics, Mixing, Sedimentation and Morphology David Prandle University of Liverpool

This volume outlines practical formulae and new hypotheses for the dynamics, sediment regimes and morphological evolution in estuaries. Enabling readers to compare different estuaries, and develop monitoring and modeling strategies for short and long-term management issues, it is a valuable reference for students of physical oceanography and estuary engineering, and professional researchers. 2009 247 x 174 mm 246pp 978-0-521-88886-8 Hardback £65.00

Lagrangian Analysis and Prediction of Coastal and Ocean Dynamics Edited by Annalisa Griffa University of Miami

A. D. Kirwan, Jr. University of Delaware

Arthur J. Mariano University of Miami

Tamay Özgökmen University of Miami

and H. Thomas Rossby University of Rhode Island

Written by international experts in their field, this book is a review of Lagrangian observation, analysis and assimilation methods in physical and biological oceanography. It will be of great interest to researchers and graduate students looking for information on transport and dispersion in physical systems, biological modelling, and data assimilation. 2007 247 x 174 mm 500pp 80 line figures 20 halftones 32 plates 978-0-521-87018-4 Hardback £91.00 eBook available

Waves in Oceanic and Coastal Waters Leo H. Holthuijsen Technische Universiteit Delft, The Netherlands

Describes physical and statistical aspects of waves for graduates, researchers and engineers. ‘… will undoubtedly be welcomed by the extensive engineering community concerned with the impact of ocean waves on ships, off-shore structures, coastal protection, dikes, harbours, beaches and tidal basins.’ K. Hasselmann, Director (retired) of the MaxPlanck-Institut für Meteorologie, Hamburg, and Emeritus Professor of Theoretical Geophysics, University of Hamburg

Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Observation techniques; 3. Description of ocean waves; 4. Statistics; 5. Linear wave theory (oceanic waters); 6. Waves in oceanic waters; 7. Linear wave theory (coastal waters); 8. Waves in coastal waters; 9. The SWAN wave model; Appendices; References; Index. 2007 247 x 174 mm 404pp 94 line figures 66 halftones 6 tables 978-0-521-86028-4 Hardback £45.00 eBook available

Numerical Modeling of Ocean Circulation Robert N. Miller Oregon State University

Describes ocean models for graduate students and researchers in oceanography, geophysics, climatology and atmospheric science. Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Some basic results from numerical analysis; 3. Shallow-water models: the simplest ocean models; 4. Primitive equation models; 5. Quasigeostrophic models; 6. Models of the coastal ocean; 7. Models of the tropical ocean; References; Index. 2007 247 x 174 mm 252pp 20 line figures 65 halftones 23 exercises 978-0-521-78182-4 Hardback £40.00 eBook available

The Equations of Oceanic Motions Peter Müller University of Hawaii, Manoa

Graduate textbook/reference that derives and classifies the dynamic equations used in physical oceanography, including mathematical appendices. ‘The book will surely become a standard reference for the ocean dynamicist who wants to get the equations and usual approximations right. For me, the book is already worth the price just for its thorough treatment of the Boussinesq approximation. … On many topics, The Equations of Oceanic Motions supplements or surpasses these standard books. It … deserves to become a trusted guide to the basic formulation of physical oceanography.’ Oceanography

Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Equilibrium thermodynamics of sea water; 3. Balance equations; 4. Molecular flux laws; 5. The gravitational potential; 6. The basic equations; 7. Dynamical impact of the equation state; 8. Free wave solution on a sphere; 9. Asymptotic expansions; 10. Reynolds decomposition; 11. Boussinesq approximation; 12. Large scale motions; 13. Primitive equations; 14. Representations of vertical structure; 15. Ekman layers; 16. Planetary geostrophic flows; 17. Tidal equations; 18. Medium scale motions; 19. Quasi-geostrophic flows; 20. Motions on the f-plane; 21. Small scale motions; 22. Sound waves; A. Equilibrium thermodynamics; B. Vector and

Oceanography / Hydrology tensor analysis; C. Orthogonal curvilinear coordinate systems; D. Kinematics of fluid motions; E. Kinematics of waves; F. Conventional and notation; References; Index. 2006 247 x 174 mm 302pp 24 line figures 978-0-521-85513-6 Hardback £50.00 eBook available

Discrete Inverse and State Estimation Problems With Geophysical Fluid Applications Carl Wunsch Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Introduction to inverse and state estimation problems for graduate students and researchers in oceanography, climate science, and geophysical fluid dynamics. 2006 247 x 174 mm 384pp 88 line figures 12 plates 978-0-521-85424-5 Hardback £86.00 eBook available

Lagrangian Fluid Dynamics

The Geomorphology of the Great Barrier Reef Development, Diversity and Change David Hopley James Cook University, North Queensland

Scott G. Smithers James Cook University, North Queensland James Cook University, North Queensland

Reference on geomorphological studies on reefs for researchers and graduate students in geomorphology and oceanography. 2007 247 x 174 mm 546pp 99 line figures 58 halftones 30 tables 978-0-521-85302-6 Hardback £86.00 eBook available

Hydrology Textbook

Introduction to Water Resources and Environmental Issues Karrie Lynn Pennington US Department of Agriculture, Stoneville

Oregon State University

and Thomas V. Cech

Provides the first detailed and comprehensive analytical development of the Lagrangian formulation of fluid dynamics.

Colorado State University

2006 228 x 152 mm 308pp 20 line figures 978-0-521-85310-1 Hardback £63.00

Seabed Fluid Flow The Impact on Geology, Biology and the Marine Environment Alan Judd and Martin Hovland Statoil, Norway

Describes seabed fluid flow processes for research scientists and professionals in the marine environment. 2007 246 x 189 mm 492pp 21 line figures 189 halftones 4 tables 978-0-521-81950-3 Hardback £86.00 eBook available

treatment; 12. Water allocation law; 13. Roles of federal, regional, state, and local water management; 14. Water conflicts, solutions, and our future; References; Index. 2009 246 x 189 mm 350pp 109 halftones 16 tables 978-0-521-86988-1 Hardback c. £35.00 Publication December 2009

and Kevin Parnell

Andrew Bennett

Cambridge Monographs on Mechanics


This book is a thorough introduction for undergraduate students to the complex world of water resources. It covers the fundamentals in water science, aquatic ecology, geomorphology and hydrology, with topical examples of water resource issues. Water laws, allocation, quality and quantity, and disease issues are addressed, and potential solutions looked at. Supplemented by many student-friendly features and online resources, this book is an essential student guide. ‘The key features and strengths are the breadth and scope of this text at the introductory level. With excellent diagrams, guest essays, case studies, policy analysis, and key electronic references, there really is not another text of this scope.’ Timothy Link, Department of Forest Resources, University of Idaho, USA

Contents: Preface; 1. Perspectives on water and environmental issues; 2. The water environment of early civilizations; 3. The hydrologic cycle; 4. Water quality; 5. Watershed basics; 6. Groundwater; 7. Lakes and ponds; 8. Rivers and streams; 9. Wetlands; 10. Dams and reservoirs; 11. Drinking water and wastewater


Drinking Water Quality Problems and Solutions Second edition N. F. Gray Trinity College, Dublin

This textbook provides a review of problems associated with the supply of drinking water in the developed world. This new edition discusses changes to perceptions and regulations of water, listing problems and offering potential solutions. Ideal as both a textbook for environmental sciences and a reference for water industry professionals. Contents: Part I. Introduction to Water Supply; Part II. Problems with the Resource; Part III. Problems Arising from Water Treatment; Part IV. Problems Arising in the Distribution System; Part V. Problems in Household Plumbing; Part VI. The Water We Drink. 2008 246 x 189 mm 536pp 54 line figures 13 halftones 112 tables 978-0-521-87825-8 Hardback £75.00 978-0-521-70253-9 Paperback £35.00 eBook available


Hydrology An Introduction Wilfried Brutsaert Cornell University, New York

This textbook presents a coherent introduction to the fundamental principles of hydrology for entry-level courses for advanced seniors and graduate students. It will also be more broadly of interest to professional scientists and engineers in hydrology, environmental science, meteorology, agronomy, geology, climatology, oceanology, glaciology and other earth sciences. ‘Brutsaert provides a uniquely logical and comprehensive construction of hydrologic science which taken together provides a new vision of the nature of the discipline … In this book Brutsaert has provided a ladder for student and teacher to build a solid understanding from principles to practice … This book provides a remarkable, sorely needed,

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Hydrology foundational text upon which the science of hydrology will build in the coming decades.’ John Selker, Professor of Bioengineering, Oregon State University

Contents: Foreword; 1. Introduction; 2. Water aloft: fluid mechanics of the lower atmosphere; 3. Precipitation; 4. Evaporation; 5. Water on the land wurface: fluid mechanics of free surface flow; 6. Overland flow; 7. Streamflow routing; 8. Water beneath the ground: fluid mechanics of flow in porous materials; 9. Infiltration and related unsaturated flows; 10. Groundwater outflow and base flow; 11. Streamflow generation: mechanisms and parameterization; 12. Streamflow response at the catchment scale; 13. Elements of frequency analysis in hydrology; 14. Afterword – a short historical sketch of theories about the water circulation on earth; Appendix. 2005 246 x 189 mm 618pp 271 line figures 8 halftones 978-0-521-82479-8 Hardback £45.00

Creep and Fracture of Ice Erland M. Schulson Dartmouth College, New Hampshire

and Paul Duval Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Paris

This is the first complete account of the physics of the creep and fracture of ice, their interconnectivity, and the relationship between its structure and mechanical properties. Written by experts in the field, it is ideal for graduate students, engineers and scientists in Earth and planetary science, and materials science. 2009 247 x 174 mm 432pp 145 halftones 978-0-521-80620-6 Hardback c. £65.00 Publication May 2009

Principles of Snow Hydrology David R. DeWalle Pennsylvania State University

and Albert Rango

Graduate Textbook

Geological Fluid Dynamics Sub-surface Flow and Reactions Owen M. Phillips The Johns Hopkins University

This book describes essential scientific concepts and tools for hydrologists and public health ecologists concerned with fluid flow, transport and contamination in rocks and sediments, and for geologists who interpret patterns of mineralization. It is ideal for graduate students and professionals in hydrology, water resources, and aqueous geochemistry. Contents: Preface; 1. Introduction; 2. The basic principles; 3. Patterns of flow; 4. Flows with buoyancy variations; 5. Patterns of reaction with flow; 6. Extensions and examples; References; Index. 2009 247 x 174 mm 298pp 6 halftones 978-0-521-86555-5 Hardback £40.00

Gravitational Systems of Groundwater Flow Theory, Evaluation, Utilization József Tóth Loránd Eötvös University, Budapest

This volume provides a thorough overview of gravity-driven groundwater flow from one of the founding fathers of the field. Emphasising groundwater flow as a fundamental geologic agent, the book examines the history, principles, scientific consequences and practical utilization, illustrated with diverse examples and supplemented by an extensive glossary. 2009 247 x 174 mm 288pp 41 halftones 978-0-521-88638-3 Hardback £70.00 Publication April 2009

Graduate Textbook

Groundwater in Geologic Processes Second edition Steven E. Ingebritsen

New Mexico State University

United States Geological Survey, California

Principles of Snow Hydrology describes the factors that control the accumulation, melting and runoff of water from seasonal snowpacks over the surface of the earth. It is a reference book for practising water resources managers and a text for advanced hydrology and water resources courses.

Ward E. Sanford

2008 247 x 174 mm 420pp 105 line figures 81 halftones 8 plates 978-0-521-82362-3 Hardback £75.00 eBook available

United States Geological Survey, Virginia

and Christopher E. Neuzil United States Geological Survey, Virginia

‘ … extremely well written, probably the best-written technical text I have ever encountered; the style is both lucid and concise, making it a joy to read.’ Simon Bottrell, Geophysical Journal International

‘… unreservably recommend[ed] … as a teaching and reference text for anyone working on aqueous fluidbearing environments in the Earth.’ Marian Holness, Geological Magazine

Contents: 1. Groundwater flow; 2. Hydromechanical coupling; 3. Solute transport; 4. Heat transport; 5. Regional-scale flow and transport; 6. Ore deposits; 7. Hydrocarbons; 8. Geothermal processes; 9. Earthquakes; 10. Evaporites; 11. Compaction and diagenesis; 12. Metamorphism; 13. Subsea hydrogeology; References; Index. 2006 247 x 174 mm 562pp 154 line figures 2 halftones 13 tables 54 exercises 978-0-521-60321-8 Paperback £45.00

Megaflooding on Earth and Mars Edited by Devon Burr University of Arizona

Paul Carling University of Southampton

and Vic Baker University of Arizona

This book highlights research into megaflooding, the sudden discharge of exceptional volumes of water, responsible for significant alteration of the terrain of Earth and Mars. By presenting terrestrial and Martian research together, this volume furthers our understanding of these enormous paleoflood events, and is an invaluable reference guide. 2009 276 x 219 mm 368pp 57 halftones 32 plates 12 tables 978-0-521-86852-5 Hardback c. £80.00 Publication September 2009

Dynamic Programming Based Operation of Reservoirs Applicability and Limits K. D. W. Nandalal University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

and Janos J. Bogardi United Nations University, Bonn, Germany

Dynamic programming techniques in reservoir management for researchers and professionals in hydrology and water resources. International Hydrology Series

2007 276 x 219 mm 144pp 68 line figures 978-0-521-87408-3 Hardback £64.00 eBook available

Hydrology / Environmental Science Inter-Basin Water Transfer Case Studies from Australia, United States, Canada, China and India Fereidoun Ghassemi Australian National University, Canberra

and Ian White Australian National University, Canberra

Examination of inter-basin water transfer projects for professionals and researchers in hydrology, and environmental science, policy and regulation. International Hydrology Series

2007 276 x 219 mm 462pp 7 line figures 143 halftones 978-0-521-86969-0 Hardback £96.00 eBook available

Hydrological Modelling in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas Edited by Howard Wheater Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London

Soroosh Sorooshian University of California, Irvine

and K. D. Sharma National Institute of Hydrology, India

A reference on water management in arid and semi-arid regions for researchers and engineers. International Hydrology Series

2007 276 x 219 mm 206pp 125 line figures 10 halftones 16 plates 10 tables 978-0-521-86918-8 Hardback £70.00 eBook available

Managing and Transforming Water Conflicts Jerome Delli Priscoli U.S. Army Engineer Institute for Water Resources

and Aaron T. Wolf Oregon State University

Water is a vital resource that is key to political and social stability. In this book, Delli Priscoli and Wolf investigate the dynamics of water conflict and conflict resolution, from the local to the international. This practical guide is for professionals and academics involved in any aspects of water management. Pre-publication praise: ‘I know of no two persons in the world of water who could better combine their efforts to describe a comprehensive picture of water use and avoiding the associated potential

conflicts. This is a work that shows the results of combined decades of experience and caring about water.’ William Cosgrove, President, Bureau d’audiences publiques sur l’environnement (Quebec) and co-author of the World Water Vision International Hydrology Series

2009 276 x 219 mm 352pp 28 line figures 61 halftones 978-0-521-63216-4 Hardback £70.00

Environmental Science Graduate Textbook

Sustainable Development in Practice Sustainomics Methodology and Applications Mohan Munasinghe Munasinghe Institute for Development, Sri Lanka

A practical analysis of current sustainable development prospects using the innovative sustainomics framework. ‘This book is unique … Munasinghe brings together a wide range of skills. As a respected and award winning researcher, his analysis is rigorous and well-documented. As a senior decision maker and manager with over 35 years of experience in the development arena, his advice is eminently practical. Finally, as a veteran professor with an enviable record of publications, he presents his arguments lucidly and convincingly. This text, written by a leading world authority on sustainable development, is an invaluable resource.’ Professor James Gustave Speth, Yale University; and former Administrator, United Nations Development Program

‘This book on sustainable development is an impressive presentation of policy-oriented research by Mohan Munasinghe... In a trans-disciplinary spirit, but with his feet firmly on the ground and drawing on knowledge from economic, ecological and social disciplines, the author presents a set of well chosen and eminently practical case studies. These examples at various levels ranging from the global/transnational to the local, convincingly demonstrate the relevance of his approach.’ Professor J.B. Opschoor, Institute of Social Studies, and Professor of Environmental Economics, Free University Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Contents: Part I. Framework and fundamentals; Part II. Global and transnational applications; Part III. National and macroeconomic applications; Part IV. Sub-National sectoral and system applications; Part V. Project and local applications. 2009 247 x 174 mm 658pp 15 halftones 978-0-521-89540-8 Hardback £80.00 978-0-521-71972-8 Paperback £40.00 Publication May 2009

Machine Learning Methods in the Environmental Sciences Neural Networks and Kernels William W. Hsieh University of British Columbia, Vancouver

Machine learning methods are used in various fields in environmental sciences today. This is the first single-authored textbook providing a unified treatment of these methods and their applications, and is a valuable resource for advanced undergraduates, graduates, and researchers and practitioners interested in applying such methods to their own work. ‘… one of the first books describing machine learning techniques in the context of environmental applications … goes a long way in explaining these subjects in a very clear, concise, and understandable way. This is one of the few books where one will find diverse areas of machine learning all within the same cover … aimed at advanced undergraduates and PhD students, as well as researchers and practitioners. No previous knowledge of machine learning concepts is assumed.’ Vladimir Krasnopolsky, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and National Weather Service 2009 247 x 174 mm 368pp 13 halftones 39 exercises 978-0-521-79192-2 Hardback c. £40.00 Publication August 2009

The Hydrogen Economy Opportunities and Challenges Edited by Michael Ball Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research, Karlsruhe, Germany

and Martin Wietschel Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research, Karlsruhe, Germany

This book is the first to highlight the opportunities and challenges of introducing hydrogen as an alternative fuel source from economic, technical and environmental perspectives. Through its multidisciplinary approach, it provides researchers and decision makers in academia and industry with a wide-

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Environmental Science ranging knowledge base concerning the hydrogen economy. ‘This multi-disciplinary book significantly broadens the perspective on the prospects of hydrogen as a universal energy vector and fuel, and provides a very important addition to the policy debate over future sources of transportation energy and the role hydrogen can play for the decades to come.’ Herbert Kohler, Chair of the European Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Platform 2009 247 x 174 mm 440pp 119 halftones 104 tables 978-0-521-88216-3 Hardback c. £75.00 Publication July 2009


An Introduction to the Earth-Life System Charles Cockell The Open University, Milton Keynes

Richard Corfield The Open University, Milton Keynes

Neil Edwards The Open University, Milton Keynes

and Nigel Harris The Open University, Milton Keynes

This concise undergraduate textbook explores the Earth system at and above the surface of the Earth, for a onesemester course. It combines Earth and biological sciences to explore the co-evolution of the Earth and life over geological time, and incorporates a wealth of pedagogical features. ‘This innovative Earth science textbook provides a thoroughly new way to look at the history of Earth and life. The pedagogic aspects are particularly well thought through and current research case studies, engaging questions, and practical examples will be beneficial to both students and instructors.’ Mike Benton, Professor of Vertebrate Palaeontology, University of Bristol

Contents: 1. A habitable planet; 2. The emergence and persistence of life; 3. The carbon cycle; 4. Plate tectonics, climate and life; 5. Mountains and climate change; 6. Life in the Phanerozoic; 7. The Earth at extremes; 8. Summary; Answers to questions; Appendices; Further reading; Glossary; Index. 2008 236 x 210 mm 328pp 220 line figures 978-0-521-49391-8 Hardback £70.00 978-0-521-72953-6 £30.00


Oil, Water, and Climate An Introduction Catherine Gautier University of California, Santa Barbara

Population and development pressures are at an all-time high, as are our energy and water consumption. Today, anxieties over global and national energy, water and climate security are growing. Tough decisions and major reforms are needed and this book provides excellent introductory material to begin to address these problems. ‘Catherine Gautier deserves congratulations for creating a textbook that not only deals with these three topics, but most important, also draws them together and shows how they are connected. … Gautier’s perspective is global and as such, the book will broaden students’ perspectives. … Oil, Water and Climate does a great job of making these important topics accessible to undergraduate students. It brings together many important ideas in Earth science, technology and global policy.’ EOS

Contents: Foreword; Introduction; 1. Overview; 2. Carbon dioxide emissions, global warming, and water resources; 3. Population, environmental impacts, and climate change; 4. Carbon cycle and human impacts on it; 5. Peak oil, energy, water, and climate; 6. Oil consumption and CO2 emissions from transportation; 7. Oil, economy, power, and conflicts; 8. Energy alternatives and their connection to water and climate; 9. The water cycle and global warming; 10. Freshwater availability, sanitation deficit, and water usage – connection to energy and global warming; 11. Rivers, lakes, aquifers, and dams – relation to energy and climate; 12. Water contamination, energy, and climate; 13. Geopolitics of water and the international situation; 14. Water alternatives; 15. Global climate change – observations, modeling, and predictions; 16. Energy and water challenges and solutions in a changing climate framework – commonality, differences, and connections. 2008 253 x 177 mm 392pp 978-0-521-88261-3 Hardback £60.00 978-0-521-70919-4 Paperback £24.99 eBook available

Large-Scale Disasters Prediction, Control, and Mitigation Edited by Mohamed Gad-el-Hak Virginia Commonwealth University

This review volume establishes a common framework for predicting, controlling and managing both manmade and natural disasters. It

particularly focuses on extreme events caused by weather and climate change. It will appeal to scientists, engineers, first responders and health-care professionals, in addition to graduate students and researchers. 2008 247 x 174 mm 632pp 249 line figures 33 halftones 22 tables 978-0-521-87293-5 Hardback £100.00 eBook available

Metal Contamination in Aquatic Environments Science and Lateral Management Samuel N. Luoma John Muir Institute of Environment, University of California, Davis

and Philip S. Rainbow Natural History Museum, London

Explanation of why controversies exist in managing metal contamination, highlighting opportunities for policy solutions and effective management in the future. 2008 246 x 189 mm 588pp 137 line figures 31 halftones 978-0-521-86057-4 Hardback £60.00

Geochemical and Biogeochemical Reaction Modeling Second edition Craig M. Bethke University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

A fundamental reference for graduate students and researchers working on reaction processes in the geosciences. ‘This book definitively demystifies geochemical modeling of waterrock reactions and makes it a breeze … An outstanding book for students, teachers, researchers, and professionals ... interested in any lowtemperature geochemical endeavor.’ Journal of Geology 2007 247 x 174 mm 564pp 130 line figures 10 halftones 978-0-521-87554-7 Hardback £45.00 eBook available

Environmental Science / Environmental Law, Politics and Economics Bioremediation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Cold Regions Edited by Dennis M. Filler University of Alaska, Fairbanks

Ian Snape Australian Antarctic Division, Tasmania

and David L. Barnes University of Alaska, Fairbanks

This is a user-friendly, practical guide to remediation of petroleum spills and contaminated sites in cold regions. Over thirty environmental engineers and scientists have combined their expertise to write this book. Emphasis is given to the differences between remediation in cold and temperate climates and emerging technologies are discussed. 2008 247 x 174 mm 288pp 20 line figures 19 halftones 24 tables 978-0-521-86970-6 Hardback £65.00 eBook available

Graduate Textbook

Remote Sensing of Landscapes with Spectral Images A Physical Modeling Approach John B. Adams University of Washington

and Alan R. Gillespie University of Washington

A graduate textbook that describes how to process and interpret spectral images using physical models. Contents: Preface; 1. Extracting information from spectral images; 2. Spectroscopy of landscapes; 3. Standard methods for analyzing spectral images; 4. Spectral mixture analysis; 5. Fraction images of landscapes; 6. Target detection; 7. Thematic mapping of landscapes; 8. Processes and change; References; Glossary; Index. 2006 247 x 174 mm 378pp 59 line figures 102 halftones 19 plates 11 tables 978-0-521-66221-5 Hardback £53.00


Soils Genesis and Geomorphology Randall J. Schaetzl Department of Geography, Michigan State University

and Sharon Anderson California State University, Monterey Bay

Comprehensive and accessible textbook on all aspects of soils for students and researchers. ‘… a comprehensive new text that brings the excitement of discovery back into soil science … an enthusiastic presentation of the

complexity and beauty of soils and the landscapes they occupy. The writing is clear without being simplistic and the numerous figures illustrate the concepts admirably … The book will be essential reading for teachers, students, researchers, field soil scientists and all who have an interest in soil geomorphology.’ Dan Muhs, US Geological Survey

‘… a landmark publication in the study of soils … This book should be unusually versatile, suitable at advanced undergraduate and graduate levels for courses in pedology, soil geography, and soil geomorphology. It is a remarkable volume, quite unlike any other soils books out there.’ Vance Holliday, Professor of Anthropology and Geosciences, University of Arizona

Contents: Part I. The Building Blocks of Soil: 1. Introduction; 2. Basic concepts: soil morphology; 3. Basic concepts: soil horizonation; 4. Basic concepts: soil mineralogy; 5. Basic concepts: soil physics; 6. Basic concepts: soil organisms; 7. Soil classification, mapping and maps; Part II. Soil Genesis: From Parent Material to Soil: 8. Soil parent materials; 9. Weathering; 10. Pedoturbation; 11. Models and concepts of soil formation; 12. Soil genesis and profile differentiation; Part III. Soil Geomorphology: 13. Soil geomorphology and hydrology; 14. Soil development and surface exposure dating; 15. Soils, paleosols and paleoenvironmental reconstruction; 16. Conclusions and perspectives; Literature cited; Glossary; Index. 2005 246 x 189 mm 832pp 387 line figures 142 halftones 81 tables 978-0-521-81201-6 Hardback £47.00 eBook available

Soil Carbon Dynamics An Integrated Methodology Edited by Werner Kutsch Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena

Michael Bahn Leopold-Franzens Universität Innsbruck, Austria

and Andreas Heinemeyer Stockholm Environmental Institute, University of York

Based on in-depth contributions from leading scientists, this book provides an integrated view of the current and emerging methods and concepts applied in soil carbon research. It contains a standardised protocol for measuring soil CO2 efflux, designed to improve future assessments of regional and global patterns of soil carbon dynamics. 2009 246 x 189 mm 315pp 14 halftones 978-0-521-86561-6 Hardback c. £60.00 Publication October 2009


Environmental Law, Politics and Economics Sustainable Communities on a Sustainable Planet The Human-Environment Regional Observatories Project Edited by Brent Yarnal Pennsylvania State University

Colin Polsky Clark University, Massachusetts

and James O’Brien Kingston University, London

This book presents the philosophy behind the Human-Environment Regional Observatory project (HERO), whose goal was developing the infrastructure for monitoring and understanding local dimensions of global change. It highlights the unique focus of HERO in thinking and acting on complex, integrative, and interdisciplinary global change science at local scales. 2009 247 x 174 mm 368pp 1 halftone 18 tables 978-0-521-89569-9 Hardback c. £70.00 Publication October 2009

The Ecological Predicament of Humankind Too Smart for Our Own Good Craig Dilworth Uppsala Universitet, Sweden

This book explains our ecological predicament by contextualising it against the first scientific theory of humankind’s development, drawing on evolution theory, biology, anthropology, archaeology, economics, environmental science and history. It takes over where Darwin left off, revealing that our ecologically disruptive behaviour is rooted in our nature as a species. ‘Dilworth’s book is very interesting, well written, and based on an incredible amount of research. It provides a thoroughly novel view of extremely important issues, one which will add considerably to the discussion concerning limits to growth.’ Dennis Meadows, co-author of Limits to Growth 2009 247 x 174 mm 555pp 35 halftones 2 tables 978-0-521-76436-0 Hardback c. £55.00 Publication November 2009

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Environmental Law, Politics and Economics The Honest Broker Making Sense of Science in Policy and Politics Roger A. Pielke, Jr University of Colorado, Boulder

A practical guide for scientists, politicians and citizens to the relationship between science and politics. ‘With an analytical honesty unmarred by hidden agendas, Roger Pielke brilliantly brings the murky interface of science and politics into perfect focus. Scientists and policy makers alike need to read this book, and need to absorb its wisdom.’ Michael M. Crow, President, Arizona State University 2007 228 x 152 mm 198pp 3 line figures 4 tables 978-0-521-87320-8 Hardback £48.00 978-0-521-69481-0 Paperback £16.99 eBook available

Environmental Liability and Ecological Damage In European Law Edited by Monika Hinteregger Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Austria

A comprehensive analysis of environmental liability law in Europe. The Common Core of European Private Law

2008 228 x 152 mm 760pp 978-0-521-88997-1 Hardback £90.00 eBook available

Implementing EU Pollution Control Law and Integration Bettina Lange University of Oxford

This book discusses the practical implementation of a core element of European Union environmental legislation, the Directive on Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control. It discusses in depth how the key legal obligation on the Directive, to employ, is actually implemented at European Union level and in the UK and Germany. Cambridge Studies in European Law and Policy

2008 228 x 152 mm 344pp 978-0-521-88398-6 Hardback £60.00 eBook available

The International Law of Environmental Impact Assessment Process, Substance and Integration Neil Craik University of New Brunswick

Neil Craik examines the structure and role of international environmental impact assessments. Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law, 58

2008 228 x 152 mm 358pp 978-0-521-87945-3 Hardback £55.00 eBook available

Sovereignty over Natural Resources Balancing Rights and Duties Nico Schrijver Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam

This study analyses the evolution of permanent sovereignty from a political claim to a principle of international law, and examines its significance for such controversial issues as people’s rights, nationalization and environmental politics. Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law, 4

2008 228 x 152 mm 484pp 5 tables 978-0-521-04744-9 Paperback £45.00 978-0-521-04744-9 Paperback £45.00

Environmental Law, the Economy and Sustainable Development The United States, the European Union and the International Community Edited by Richard L. Revesz New York University

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Index A Aarabi, Parham .....................................18 Adams, John B........................................15 Adapting to Climate Change....................1 Adger, Neil...............................................1 Alheit, Jürgen...........................................1 Allocation in the European Emissions Trading Scheme...................................16 Anderson, Sharon...................................15 Armstrong, Richard L................................5 Art and Science of Lightning Protection, The.......................................................8 Art of Being a Scientist, The....................17 Art of Lecturing, The...............................18 Asian Monsoon, The.................................8 Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics.8 Atmospheric Thermodynamics...................7 Austin, Jay E...........................................16 Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change........5

B Bahn, Michael........................................15 Baker, Vic...............................................12 Ball, Michael..........................................13 Barnes, David L.......................................15 Barry, Roger G..........................................4 Basics of the Solar Wind...........................9 Beach and Dune Restoration..................10 Bennett, Andrew....................................11 Bethke, Craig M......................................14 Bioremediation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Cold Regions.............15 Bjarup, Jes..............................................17 Blair, Tony................................................5 Bogardi, Janos J......................................12 Bolin, Bert................................................5 Bonan, Gordon B......................................4 Bosselman, Fred.....................................17 Bott, Andreas...........................................9 Bradbrook, Adrian..................................17 Bridgman, Howard A................................6 Bruch, Carl E..........................................16 Brun, Eric.................................................5 Brutsaert, Wilfried..................................11 Buchner, Barbara K.................................16 Burr, Devon............................................12 Burroughs, William James.........................3

C Callies, David.........................................17 Cambridge Handbook of Earth Science Data, The.............................................17 Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage........2 Carling, Paul..........................................12 Carraro, Carlo.........................................16 Carter, Neil.............................................17 Cech, Thomas V......................................11 Chanock, Martin....................................17 Checkley, Dave.........................................1 Chemical Oceanography and the Marine Carbon Cycle.........................................9 Clift, Peter D.............................................8 Climate Change................................... 3, 5 Climate Change 2007 - Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability..................2 Climate Change 2007 - Mitigation of Climate Change....................................2 Climate Change 2007 - The Physical Science Basis.........................................1

Climate Change and Small Pelagic Fish.....1 Climate Extremes and Society...................4 Cloud and Precipitation Microphysics........7 Cockell, Charles......................................14 Corfield, Richard....................................14 Cotton, William R.....................................5 Cowie, Jonathan......................................5 Craik, Neil..............................................16 Cramer, Wolfgang.....................................5 Creating a Climate for Change.................6 Creep and Fracture of Ice........................12

D de la Chesnaye, Francisco C......................4 Delli Priscoli, Jerome...............................13 Dessler, Andrew E.....................................6 DeWalle, David R....................................12 Diaz, Henry F............................................4 Dilling, Lisa..............................................6 Dilworth, Craig.......................................15 Discrete Inverse and State Estimation Problems.............................................11 Drinking Water Quality...........................11 Duval, Paul.............................................12 Dynamic Programming Based Operation of Reservoirs.......................................12 Dynamics of Coastal Models, The............10

E Ecological Climatology.............................4 Ecological Predicament of Humankind, The.....................................................15 Economics of Climate Change, The............3 Edwards, Neil.........................................14 Ellerman, A. Denny.................................16 Emergence of Numerical Weather Prediction: Richardson’s Dream, The.......8 Emerson, Steven.......................................9 Energy Law and the Environment............17 Environmental Consequences of War, The.....................................................16 Environmental Law, the Economy and Sustainable Development....................16 Environmental Liability and Ecological Damage In European Law....................16 Environmental Protection, Law and Policy..................................................17 Equations of Oceanic Motions, The.........10 Erukhimova, Tatiana.................................7 Estuaries................................................10 Evans, Robert L.........................................5

F Facing Climate Change Together...............3 Fellous, Jean-Louis....................................3 Filler, Dennis M.......................................15 Flannery, Brian P.....................................18 Frontiers of Climate Modeling...................6 Fueling Our Future: An Introduction to Sustainable Energy................................5 Fundamentals of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics..............................................9

G Gad-el-Hak, Mohamed...........................14 Gautier , Catherine............................. 3, 14 Geochemical and Biogeochemical Reaction Modeling..............................14


Geological Fluid Dynamics......................12 Geomorphology of the Great Barrier Reef, The.............................................11 Ghassemi, Fereidoun..............................13 Gillespie, Alan R.....................................15 Global Climate System, The.......................6 Global Warming.......................................1 Gravitational Systems of Groundwater Flow....................................................12 Gray, N. F................................................11 Griffa, Annalisa......................................10 Groundwater in Geologic Processes........12

H Hagedorn, Renate....................................6 Harris, Graham.......................................16 Harris, Nigel...........................................14 Hearn, Clifford J......................................10 Hedges, John............................................9 Heinemeyer, Andreas..............................15 Heliophysics: Plasma Physics of the Local Cosmos........................................8 Henderson, Gideon.................................17 Henderson, Paul.....................................17 Hinteregger, Monika...............................16 History of the Science and Politics of Climate Change, A.................................5 Holder, Jane...........................................17 Holthuijsen, Leo H..................................10 Honest Broker, The..................................16 Hopley, David.........................................11 Houghton, John........................................1 Hovland, Martin.....................................11 Hsieh, William W.....................................13 Hulme, Mike.............................................7 Human Impacts on Weather and Climate..5 Human-Induced Climate Change..............4 Hydroclimatology.....................................4 Hydrogen Economy, The..........................13 Hydrological Modelling in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas...................................13 Hydrology..............................................11

I Implementing EU Pollution Control.........16 Ingebritsen, Steven E..............................12 Integrated Regional Assessment of Global Climate Change..........................1 Inter-Basin Water Transfer.......................13 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change............................................. 1, 2 International Environmental Law............17 International Law of Environmental Impact Assessment, The.......................16 Introduction to Atmospheric Thermodynamics, An..............................7 Introduction to Ocean Turbulence, An........9 Introduction to the Earth-Life System, An.14 Introduction to Water Resources and Environmental Issues...........................11 Ionospheres.............................................7 IPCC........................................................2

J Jäger, Jill..................................................1 Judd, Alan..............................................11

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Oil, Water, and Climate...........................14 Oliveira, Suely........................................18 Oliver, John E............................................6 Oozeki, Yoshioki.......................................1 Our Changing Planet................................3 Özgökmen, Tamay..................................10 Ørebech, Peter.......................................17



Lagrangian Analysis and Prediction of Coastal and Ocean Dynamics...............10 Lagrangian Fluid Dynamics.....................11 Lange, Bettina........................................16 Large-Scale Disasters..............................14 Larner, Ken.............................................17 Lee, Maria..............................................17 Lin, Yuh-Lang...........................................8 Lorenzoni, Irene.......................................1 Louka, Elli..............................................17 Luoma, Samuel N...................................14 Lynch, Peter..............................................8 Lyster, Rosemary.....................................17

M Machine Learning Methods in the Environmental Sciences.......................13 Managing and Transforming Water Conflicts..............................................13 Mariano, Arthur J....................................10 McWilliams, James C................................9 Megaflooding on Earth and Mars...........12 Mesoscale Dynamics................................8 Metal Contamination in Aquatic Environments......................................14 Meyer-Vernet , Nicole...............................9 Miller, Robert N......................................10 Morgan, Scott........................................18 Moser, Susanne C.....................................6 Mountain Weather and Climate................4 Müller, Peter...........................................10 Multilevel Governance of Global Environmental Change........................17 Munasinghe, Mohan..............................13 Murnane, Richard J...................................4

N Nagy, Andrew..........................................7 Nakicenovic, Nebojsa...............................5 Nandalal, K. D. W....................................12 Neuzil, Christopher E..............................12 Nordstrom, Karl F....................................10 North, Jerry..............................................7 Numerical Modeling of Ocean Circulation..........................................10 Numerical Recipes..................................18 Numerical Recipes Source Code CDROM...................................................18 Numerical Recipes with Source Code CD-ROM.............................................18

O O’Brien, James.......................................15 O’Brien, Karen..........................................1 O’Leary, Dianne P....................................18

Palmer, Tim...............................................6 Palmer, Timothy N.....................................1 Parameterization Schemes: Keys to Understanding Numerical Weather Prediction Models..................................9 Parkinson, Claire L....................................3 Parnell, Kevin.........................................11 Parson, Edward A.....................................6 Partington, Kim C.....................................3 Pennington, Karrie Lynn..........................11 Petersen, Hanne.....................................17 Phillips, Owen M....................................12 Pielke, Jr, Roger A...................................16 Pielke, Sr., Roger A....................................5 Plumb, R. Alan..........................................8 Politics of the Environment, The..............17 Polsky, Colin...........................................15 Prandle, David........................................10 Predictability of Weather and Climate.......6 Press, William H......................................18 Principles of Snow Hydrology..................12

R Radiation in the Atmosphere....................9 Rainbow, Philip S....................................14 Ramanathan, V.........................................6 Rango, Albert.........................................12 Reilly, John M...........................................4 Remote Sensing of Landscapes with Spectral Images...................................15 Revesz, Richard L....................................16 Richardson, Lewis Fry...............................8 Role of Customary Law in Sustainable Development, The................................17 Rossby, H. Thomas..................................10 Roy, Claude . ...........................................1

S Safeguarding the Ozone Layer and the Global Climate System...........................2 Sands, Philippe.......................................16 Sanford, Ward E......................................12 Schaetzl, Randall J..................................15 Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim......................5 Schlesinger, Michael E..............................4 Schrijver, Carolus J....................................8 Schrijver, Nico.........................................16 Schulson, Erland M.................................12 Schunk, Robert.........................................7 Science and Politics of Global Climate Change, The..........................................6 Scientific Computing with Case Studies...18 Seabed Fluid Flow..................................11 Seeking Sustainability in an Age of Complexity..........................................16 Sharma, K. D..........................................13

Shelton, Marlyn L.....................................4 Siscoe, George L.......................................8 Smith, Joel...............................................4 Smithers, Scott G....................................11 Snape, Ian . ...........................................15 Snieder, Roel..........................................17 Snow and Climate....................................5 Soil Carbon Dynamics.............................15 Soils.......................................................15 Sorooshian, Soroosh...............................13 Sovereignty over Natural Resources........16 Speaking about Science..........................18 Stensrud, David J......................................9 Stern, Nicholas.........................................3 Stewart, David E.....................................18 Stewart, Richard B..................................16 Stochastic Physics and Climate Modelling.1 Straka, Jerry.............................................7 Sustainable Communities on a Sustainable Planet...............................15 Sustainable Development in Practice.......13

T Teukolsky, Saul A....................................18 Thorpe, S. A..............................................9 Tóth, József............................................12 Trautmann, Thomas..................................9 Tsonis, Anastasios....................................7

U Uman, Martin A........................................8

V Vallis, Geoffrey K......................................8 Vetterling, William T................................18

W Waves in Oceanic and Coastal Waters.....10 Weather Prediction by Numerical Process.. 8 Wheater, Howard...................................13 White, Ian..............................................13 Whitener, Barrett....................................18 Why We Disagree About Climate Change.. 7 Wietschel, Martin...................................13 Wigley, Tom.............................................5 Williams, Paul...........................................1 Williams, Robin G.....................................3 Wilson, Tom.............................................4 Winter, Gerd...........................................17 Wolf, Aaron T..........................................13 Writing Scientific Software......................18 Wunsch, Carl..........................................11

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Z Zdunkowski, Wilford.................................9

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administered region of Kashmir on 8 October 2005. Most of the affected areas are in mountainous regions and access was impeded by landslides that blocked roads. More than 80,000 people died and 3.3 million were left homeless in this calamitous event.

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BACK COVER ILLUSTRATION: A satellite image of category-5 hurricane, Katrina, taken

Cover design: David Levy

Sub-Saharan Africa and English-speaking Caribbean

➤ See page 4 This book provides a comprehensive, rigorous and practical analysis of sustainable development prospects today by applying the innovative sustainomics framework. Developed over the past 15 years by the eminent environmental scientist, Mohan Munasinghe, sustainomics shows us the first practical steps in making the transition from the risky business-as-usual scenario to a safe and sustainable future. Its main message is optimistic: although the problems are serious, an effective response can be mounted to make development more sustainable if it is initiated immediately. The book explains the key principles underlying sustainomics cogently, concisely and with

minimum technical jargon, with mathematical and other details being provided in annexes. It illustrates the methodology with empirical case studies that are practical and policy-relevant over a wide range of time and geographic scales, countries, sectors, ecosystems and circumstances. The extensive bibliography is useful to researchers of specific issues within sustainable development. This book appeals to a wide audience, including students, researchers from many disciplines, policy analysts, public and private decision makers and development practitioners.

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eminently practical. He presents his arguments lucidly and convincingly. This text, written by a leading world authority on sustainable development, is an invaluable resource.’ professor james gustave speth, Yale University, and former Administrator, United Nations Development Program

‘This book is an impressive presentation of policy-oriented research ... In a trans-disciplinary

Australia and New Zealand

spirit, but with his feet firmly on the ground and drawing on knowledge from economic, ecological and social disciplines, the author presents a set of well chosen and eminently practical case studies. Examples ranging from the global/transnational to the local convincingly demonstrate the relevance of his approach.’

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professor j. b. opschoor, Institute of Social Studies, and Professor of Environmental Economics, Free University Amsterdam.

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This textbook presents a uniquely integrated approach in linking both physics and chemistry to the study of atmospheric thermodynamics. The book begins by explaining the classical laws of thermodynamics, and discusses Gibbs energy and the elementary kinetic theory of gases with special applications to the atmosphere. Individual chapters focus on various fluid systems, including vapor pressure over flat and curved surfaces of pure liquids and solutions, and examine the vertical dependence of

Sustainomics Methodology and Applications

temperature and pressure for environmental sounding and moving air parcels. Recognizing the increasing importance of chemistry in the meteorological and climate sciences, a chapter is devoted to chemical thermodynamics and contains an overview of photochemistry.


Although students are expected to have some background knowledge of calculus, general


chemistry, and classical physics, the book provides set-aside refresher boxes as useful reminders. It contains over 100 diagrams and graphs to supplement the discussions. There is a similar number of worked examples and exercises, with solutions included at the end of the book. It is ideal for a single-semester advanced course on atmospheric thermodynamics, and will prepare students for higher-level synoptic and dynamics courses.

Gerald R. North received a Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Wisconsin in 1966, and has been a Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Sciences at Texas A&M University for over 20 years. His notable research career includes receiving the Outstanding Publication Award, National Center for Atmospheric Research in 1975, the Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal for NASA in 1983, and the Jule G. Charney Award from the American Meteorological Society in 2008. Tatiana L. Erukhimova received a Ph.D. in Physics from the Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, in 1999, and is now a Lecturer in the Department of Physics at Texas A&M University. Her areas of research include large-scale and mesoscale atmospheric transport and mixing, atmospheric wave dynamics, atmospheric ozone, and remote sensing.

➤ See page 14

Gerald R. North and Tatiana L. Erukhimova

Atmospheric Thermodynamics Elementary Physics and Chemistry

Cover designed by Hart McLeod

cover design: sue watson

Cover illustration: silhouette of

skyscrapers in a city, Hong Kong,

➤ See page 11

Atmospheric Thermodynamics

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over the Gulf of Mexico on 29 August 2005. The sheer physical size of Katrina caused devastation far from the eye of the storm; it was possibly the largest hurricane of its strength ever recorded.



Roger G. Barry

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Cover illustration: the murky brown water of the Mississippi mixing with the dark blue water of the Gulf 2 days after a rainstorm. Image courtesy of Liam Gumley, Space Science and Engineering Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and the MODIS science team, http://modarch.gsfc.nasa.gov/.

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the Andes, New Zealand, the Alps, and equatorial East Africa. There is a chapter examining human bioclimatology, weather hazards, and air pollution, and a concluding chapter on the evidence for and the significance of changes in mountain climates.

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society

“ … a monumental review of the topic at hand … vast amount of original material reprocessed into a palatable and succinct form.”

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How much water does the world need to support growing human populations?

Introduction to Water Resources and Environmental Issues

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Mountain Weather and Climate

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Mountains and high plateau areas account for a quarter of the Earth's land surface. They give rise to a wide range of meteorological phenomena and distinctive climatic characteristics of consequence for ecology, forestry, glaciology, and hydrology. Mountain Weather and Climate remains the only comprehensive textbook describing and explaining mountain weather and climate processes. It presents the results of a broad range of studies drawn from across the world. Since the first edition of this book appeared over two decades ago, several important field programs have been conducted in mountain areas. Notable among these have been the European Alpine Experiment and related investigations of local winds, studies of air


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Highlight John Houghton’s market-leading textbook is now in full colour and includes the latest IPCC findings and future

energy scenarios from the International Energy Agency,

making it the definitive guide to climate change. Written for students across a wide range of disciplines, its simple,

logical flow of ideas gives an invaluable grounding in the science and impacts of climate change and highlights the need for action on global warming.

confront humanity’s most serious environmental problem, this undergraduate textbook comprehensively explores issues, allowing students to think through the problem, assess the data and draw conclusions on the action that

should be taken, by governments, by industry and by each and every one of us.

‘The figures are improved and reflect the latest research,

recent extremes of weather and climate?

· Is there evidence for

climate changing due to human activities?

· What should we do

about climate change?

· Can global electricity provision and transport ever be carbon free?

and color and photos add a lot to the new edition.’

Yochanan Kushnir, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory

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BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Trends in western Ross Sea emperor penguin chick abundances and their relationships to climate S.M. BARBER-MEYER, G.L. KOOYMAN & P.J. PONGANIS




Holocene climate change in the Bransfield Basin, Antarctic Peninsula: evidence from sediment and diatom analysis D.C. HEROY, C. SJUNNESKOG & J.B. ANDERSON


Dating late Cenozoic erosional surfaces in Victoria Land, Antarctica, with cosmogenic neon in pyroxenes P. OBERHOLZER, C. BARONI, M.C. SALVATORE, H. BAUR & R. WIELER




The cryopelagic meroplankton community in the shallow waters of Gerlache Inlet, Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica M.A. SEWELL, S.G. VAN DIJKEN & L. SUBERG


Net radiation and turbulent energy exchanges over a non-glaciated coastal area on King George Island during four summer seasons T. CHOI, B.Y. LEE, S-J. KIM, Y.J. YOON & H-C. LEE


ARTICLES Greenland’s new legislation on commercial and research-related use of biological resources: implications for the International Polar Year and later. David Leary p 97 Arctic shipping guidelines: towards a legal regime for navigation safety and environmental protection? Øystein Jensen p 107 Particular generalisation: the Antarctic Treaty of 1959 in relation to the anti-nuclear movement. Jason Kendall Moore p 115 Human geographies of sea ice: freeze/thaw processes around Igloolik, Nunavut, Canada. Gita J. Laidler and Theo Ikummaq p 127 Mosses of sub-Antarctic Heard Island: an updated list and discussion of their distribution. P. M. Selkirk, J. P. Whinam, A. J. Downing, and M. L. Skotnicki p 155 Wastewater treatment in Antarctica. M. A. Connor p 165 NOTES The United States 2002 Unified Command Plan: Antarctica and the areas of responsibility of military commanders. Klaus Dodds and Alan D. Hemmings p 173 The cruise of MS Golden Princess in Antarctic waters, January 2007. Esther Bertram, Caroline Gunn, and Bernard Stonehouse p 177 Baptism of ice: J. G. Bartholomew and the naming of Antarctica. G. A. Mawer p 180 CORRESPONDENCE Supplying Russia during the Great War, 1914–1918. Ann Savours p 184 BOOK REVIEWS Footsteps on the ice: the Antarctic diaries of Stuart D. Paine, second Byrd expedition. M. L. Paine (Editor). 2007. Raimund E. Goerler p 186 Social life in northwest Alaska: the structure of Inupiaq Eskimo nations. Ernest S. Burch, Jr. David G. Anderson p 187 The Antarctic subglacial Lake Vostok: glaciology, biology and planetology. Igor A. Zotikov. John C. Priscu p 188 Whaling and history II: new perspectives. Jan Erik Ringstad (Editor). Bard Kolltveit p 190 Field guide to the animals and plants of Tristan da Cunha and Gough Island. Peter Ryan (Editor). Martin Holdgate p 191

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COVER PHOTO EFFECTS OF UV ON MARINE DIATOMS VOLUME 20 NO 1 Theo Ikummaq approaches open water with caution, testing the thin, newly frozen sea ice with his harpoon. FEBRUARY 2008was created beside This open water a nearby polynya by fast currents being channeled around multi-year ice TRACE ELEMENTS IN MARINE ORGANISMS


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A modern assessment of Ordovician chitinozoans from the Shelve and Caradoc areas, Shropshire, and their significance for correlation Vandenbroucke, T. R. A., Ancilletta, A., Fortey, R. A. & Verniers, J.


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lodged into newly forming sea ice. Photo taken by Gita Laidler, just north of Igloolik Island, on 3 November

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Age and composition of the Rushan intrusive complex in the northern Sulu orogen, eastern China: petrogenesis and lithospheric mantle evolution Tang, H.-Y., Zheng, J.-P. & Yu, C.-M.


PP. 161–304

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The origin, cooling and alteration of A-type granites in southern Israel (northernmost Arabian–Nubian shield): a multi-mineral oxygen isotope study Steinitz, A., Katzir, Y., Valley, J. W., Be’eri-Shlevin, Y. & Spicuzza, M. J.


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Correlation problems in the Kimmeridge Clay Formation (Upper Jurassic, UK): lithostratigraphy versus biostratigraphy and chronostratigraphy Cope, J. C. W.


Graptolite and conodont biostratigraphy of the upper Telychian–lower Sheinwoodian (Llandovery–Wenlock) strata, Jabalón River section, Corral de Calatrava, central Spain Loydell, D. K., Sarmiento, G. N., Štorch, P. & Gutiérrez-Marco, J. C.



Dr Susan Francis


Triassic rift-related meta-granites in the Internal Hellenides, Greece Himmerkus, F., Reischmann, T. & Kostopoulos, D.

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Polyphase low-grade metamorphism of the Ingleton Group, northern England, UK: a case study of metamorphic inversion in a mudrock succession Kemp, S. J. & Merriman, R. J.


Dehydration, melting and related garnet growth in the deep root of the Amalaoulaou Neoproterozoic magmatic arc (Gourma, NE Mali) Berger, J., Caby, R., Liégeois, J.-P., Mercier, J.-C. C. & Demaiffe, D.

March 2009



Issue 2

Isolation and spectral characterization of cadmium binding metallothionein H. PARK, I-Y. AHN, H.J. CHOI & J.Y. JI Natural variability and distribution of trace elements in marine organisms from Antarctic coastal environments M. GROTTI, F. SOGGIA, C. LAGOMARSINO, S.D. RIVA, W. GOESSLER & K.A. FRANCESCONI

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Dr Matt Lloyd

MARCH 2009

Volume 146


New Zealand sub-Antarctic phytoliths and their potential for past vegetation reconstruction V.C. THORN

Influence of temperature and moisture availability on physical rock weathering along the Victoria Land coast, Antarctica C. ELLIOTT



UV radiation - a threat to Antarctic benthic marine diatoms? A. WULFF, K. ZACHER, D. HANELT, A. AL-HANDAL & C. WIENCKE


Volume 20, Number 1, February 2008, pp. 1–111


Journal of the Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge


Volume 20

The Press Editors for this prestigious part of our publishing programme are Matt Lloyd and Susan Francis. We would very much like to continue to expand on the Cambridge University Press tradition of excellence in Earth science publishing, and look forward to hearing from you, if you have ideas for new books or wish to comment on our present publications. We hope to meet many of you at conferences and on campus throughout 2009 and beyond.

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MARCH 2009

A Journal of Arctic and Antarctic Research


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science and impacts of climate change and highlights the

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confront humanity’s most serious environmental problem, this undergraduate textbook comprehensively explores


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issues, allowing students to think through the problem,

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provision and transport ever be carbon free?

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Yochanan Kushnir, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory

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If not addressed immediately, this complex set of interlinked issues now confronting humanity may put the very future of civilization at risk. Difficult decisions and major reforms in resource governance, policies, and use are needed to ensure worldwide energy, water, and climate security. Only a strong and courageous global leadership can promote appropriate policies and help prevent unpleasant surprises. This book provides basic introductory material to begin understanding and combating these issues. It is an excellent introduction for students in the fields of environmental science, geography, geoscience, climatology, water resource management, agriculture, and environmental policy.

th e c om p le te b rie fin g

• A set of full-color figures from the book are accessible from www.cambridge.org/9780521709194

Endorsements: “Catherine Gautier may have written Oil, Water, and Climate for her students – but the planetary emergency today makes everyone her student. And she is a great teacher.” – James Hansen, Director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies

“Excellent textbook for undergraduates and beyond. The inclusion of population makes it very original.” – Ernst von Weizäcker, environmental scientist and writer, University of California, Santa Barbara

“Professor Gautier has written an important, compelling – and optimistic – book about how society can mitigate climate change, learn to adapt, and ‘face the challenges of the coming decades . . . with increased knowledge.’ She presents the basic information and insightful analysis that citizens need to know and policy makers need in order to act.” – D. James Baker, former Administrator, U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; Consultant, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, UNESCO


Written by a leading figure at the forefront of action to

Page 1

nxieties over global and national energy, water, and climate security are growing. Oil and gas are at record prices, and global energy demand is increasing. Water availability is dwindling from aquifer overpumping and contamination. Water needs to be better managed to feed a growing global population. Climate change is exacerbating the impacts of the overuse of our planet’s resources. This book examines the powerful interconnections that link energy, water, climate, and population and explores available options to address these issues jointly. It clearly demonstrates the need for urgent action.


Cambridge University Press Bookshop occupies the historic site of 1 Trinity Street, Cambridge CB2 1SZ, where the complete range of titles is on sale. Bookshop Manager: Cathy Ashbee Phone + 44 (0)1223 333333 Fax + 44 (0)1223 332954 ‘. . . the most up-to-date Email bookshop@cambridge.org and comprehensive coverage of need for action on global warming.

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colour and includes the latest IPCC findings and future


· How do we account for

John Houghton’s market-leading textbook is now in full

Cambridge University Press Bookshop


Catherine Gautier


John Houghton

Cover illustration: Grayling oil platform in ice-filled bay in Alaska; photo from Ken Graham/Stone collection/Getty Images. Cover design: David Levy

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Barry: Mountain Weather and Climate PPC C M Y K

This book is ideal for graduates and researchers in meteorology, climatology, ecology, forestry, glaciology, and hydrology.

Bulletin of the World Meteorological Organization

“Barry’s hallmark book represents a wellorganized, well-crafted set of principles on how weather and climate processes operate in mountain environments. The impact of the book … is obvious – it … remains the major reference on the subject.” Arctic and Alpine Research

Cover illustration: snow cover on the Alps, 22 October 2002, as viewed by Terra/MODIS. (Jacques Descloitres, MODIS Rapid Response Team, NASA/GSFC; Visible Earth, NASA.)

“Think about it” sections for homework or class discussion Guest essays from water resources experts from around the world Profiles of key water scientists Questions for students to test their understanding Figures from the book available online

Mountain Weather and Climate • •

Introduction to

Water Resources and Environmental Issues E

xtreme events—climatic events such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and drought, as well as events not related to the climate such as earthquakes, wars, and transportation-related disasters— can cause massive disruption to society, including large death tolls and property damage in the billions of dollars. Events in recent years have shown the importance of being prepared and that countries need to work together to help alleviate the resulting pain and suffering. This volume presents an integrated review of the broad research field of large-scale disasters. It establishes a common framework for predicting, controlling, and managing both manmade and natural disasters. There is a particular focus on events caused by weather and climate change. Other topics include air pollution, tsunamis, disaster modeling, the use of remote sensing, and the logistics of disaster management. It will appeal to scientists, engineers, first responders, and health care professionals, in addition to graduate students and researchers who have an interest in the prediction, prevention, or mitigation of large-scale disasters. Mohamed Gad-el-Hak is the Inez Caudill Eminent Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Chair of Mechanical Engineering at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Mechanics, the American Physical Society, and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

Edited by

Mohamed Gad-el-Hak

LARGE-SCALE DISASTERS Prediction, Control, and Mitigation

FRONT COVER ILLUSTRATION: An earthquake of magnitude 7.6 struck the Pakistan-

administered region of Kashmir on 8 October 2005. Most of the affected areas are in mountainous regions and access was impeded by landslides that blocked roads. More than 80,000 people died and 3.3 million were left homeless in this calamitous event.

Karrie Lynn Pennington and Thomas V. Cech

BACK COVER ILLUSTRATION: A satellite image of category-5 hurricane, Katrina, taken

Cover design: David Levy

Sub-Saharan Africa and English-speaking Caribbean

➤ See page 4 This book provides a comprehensive, rigorous and practical analysis of sustainable development prospects today by applying the innovative sustainomics framework. Developed over the past 15 years by the eminent environmental scientist, Mohan Munasinghe, sustainomics shows us the first practical steps in making the transition from the risky business-as-usual scenario to a safe and sustainable future. Its main message is optimistic: although the problems are serious, an effective response can be mounted to make development more sustainable if it is initiated immediately. The book explains the key principles underlying sustainomics cogently, concisely and with

minimum technical jargon, with mathematical and other details being provided in annexes. It illustrates the methodology with empirical case studies that are practical and policy-relevant over a wide range of time and geographic scales, countries, sectors, ecosystems and circumstances. The extensive bibliography is useful to researchers of specific issues within sustainable development. This book appeals to a wide audience, including students, researchers from many disciplines, policy analysts, public and private decision makers and development practitioners.

‘This book is unique ... Munasinghe brings together a wide range of skills. As a respected and

eminently practical. He presents his arguments lucidly and convincingly. This text, written by a leading world authority on sustainable development, is an invaluable resource.’ professor james gustave speth, Yale University, and former Administrator, United Nations Development Program

‘This book is an impressive presentation of policy-oriented research ... In a trans-disciplinary

Australia and New Zealand

spirit, but with his feet firmly on the ground and drawing on knowledge from economic, ecological and social disciplines, the author presents a set of well chosen and eminently practical case studies. Examples ranging from the global/transnational to the local convincingly demonstrate the relevance of his approach.’

Cambridge University Press Australian Branch 477 Williamstown Road, Port Melbourne, VIC 3207, Australia Phone +61 3 8671 1411 Fax +61 3 9676 9966 Email info@cambridge.edu.au Web www.cambridge.org/aus

professor j. b. opschoor, Institute of Social Studies, and Professor of Environmental Economics, Free University Amsterdam.

China. Photo courtesy of gettyimages.com.


This textbook presents a uniquely integrated approach in linking both physics and chemistry to the study of atmospheric thermodynamics. The book begins by explaining the classical laws of thermodynamics, and discusses Gibbs energy and the elementary kinetic theory of gases with special applications to the atmosphere. Individual chapters focus on various fluid systems, including vapor pressure over flat and curved surfaces of pure liquids and solutions, and examine the vertical dependence of

Sustainomics Methodology and Applications

temperature and pressure for environmental sounding and moving air parcels. Recognizing the increasing importance of chemistry in the meteorological and climate sciences, a chapter is devoted to chemical thermodynamics and contains an overview of photochemistry.


Although students are expected to have some background knowledge of calculus, general


chemistry, and classical physics, the book provides set-aside refresher boxes as useful reminders. It contains over 100 diagrams and graphs to supplement the discussions. There is a similar number of worked examples and exercises, with solutions included at the end of the book. It is ideal for a single-semester advanced course on atmospheric thermodynamics, and will prepare students for higher-level synoptic and dynamics courses.

Gerald R. North received a Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Wisconsin in 1966, and has been a Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Sciences at Texas A&M University for over 20 years. His notable research career includes receiving the Outstanding Publication Award, National Center for Atmospheric Research in 1975, the Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal for NASA in 1983, and the Jule G. Charney Award from the American Meteorological Society in 2008. Tatiana L. Erukhimova received a Ph.D. in Physics from the Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, in 1999, and is now a Lecturer in the Department of Physics at Texas A&M University. Her areas of research include large-scale and mesoscale atmospheric transport and mixing, atmospheric wave dynamics, atmospheric ozone, and remote sensing.

➤ See page 14

Gerald R. North and Tatiana L. Erukhimova

Atmospheric Thermodynamics Elementary Physics and Chemistry

Cover designed by Hart McLeod

cover design: sue watson

Cover illustration: silhouette of

skyscrapers in a city, Hong Kong,

➤ See page 11

Atmospheric Thermodynamics

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Features to aid student learning include:

➤ See page 17

Page 1

over the Gulf of Mexico on 29 August 2005. The sheer physical size of Katrina caused devastation far from the eye of the storm; it was possibly the largest hurricane of its strength ever recorded.



Roger G. Barry

“The holistic approach towards water combined with ecological principles is a definite strength.” Dr. Alan D. Steinman, Director, Annis Water Resources Institute, Grand Valley State University

Cover illustration: the murky brown water of the Mississippi mixing with the dark blue water of the Gulf 2 days after a rainstorm. Image courtesy of Liam Gumley, Space Science and Engineering Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and the MODIS science team, http://modarch.gsfc.nasa.gov/.

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These questions, and more, are discussed in this thorough introduction for undergraduate students to the complex world of water resources. The strength of the book is in its coverage of the fundamentals of the science of water, aquatic ecology, geomorphology, and hydrology. Topics are brought to life for students from all areas of science with the use of internet resources and examples from water resource issues in the news. The book begins with a short history of the human use of, and influence on, water. Following the basics of water chemistry and the hydrologic cycle are chapters on the geomorphology, hydrology, chemistry, and biology of lakes, rivers, and wetlands. Major disease issues, worldwide water quality and quantity problems, and potential solutions are also addressed. Water laws, water allocation, and the conflicts involved are discussed using international and US examples. Students taking a water resource course in the departments of environmental studies, life science, Earth science, and engineering will benefit from this broad survey of these crucial issues.



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the Andes, New Zealand, the Alps, and equatorial East Africa. There is a chapter examining human bioclimatology, weather hazards, and air pollution, and a concluding chapter on the evidence for and the significance of changes in mountain climates.

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society

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What factors influence water quality, droughts, floods, and waterborne diseases?

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How much water does the world need to support growing human populations?

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Mountain Weather and Climate

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Mountains and high plateau areas account for a quarter of the Earth's land surface. They give rise to a wide range of meteorological phenomena and distinctive climatic characteristics of consequence for ecology, forestry, glaciology, and hydrology. Mountain Weather and Climate remains the only comprehensive textbook describing and explaining mountain weather and climate processes. It presents the results of a broad range of studies drawn from across the world. Since the first edition of this book appeared over two decades ago, several important field programs have been conducted in mountain areas. Notable among these have been the European Alpine Experiment and related investigations of local winds, studies of air


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