1 minute read
Part 2: Open cloze
Part 2: Open cloze
Key task information
• The task is a gap fill with eight gaps and an example – this time candidates have to think of the best word to fill the gap. • The answer is always one word. Note: contractions (I’ll, didn’t, etc.) count as two words. • The focus is on grammar and vocabulary.

• Many of the tips and the activity ideas for Part 1, e.g., reading the text and title first, are useful for this part too. • Build a checklist of common mistakes, e.g., subject–verb agreement, use of plurals and common spelling errors. Students can use the checklist to check their own and each other’s work.
• Use accuracy-focused exercises (gap fills, sentence completion, etc.) and communicative activities (role plays, mingling activities and discussions) from coursebooks and other supplementary materials to give students general communicative language practice with common vocabulary and grammatical structures at this level.