Cambridge News | September 22, 2022

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The Town Clock was lit up with red and blue lights throughout prompting, SBI Productions to add them to the Town Hall setting on Sunday night.

The council has already tagged the northern town belt area for a large destination playground.

There are two archaeological Māori horticulture sites within the area - which means mana whenua involvement - Ngāti Koroki Kahukura and Ngāti Haua - will also be critical.

The show finished on Monday night just as her SBI Productions was able to use the template it used four years ago for the Le Quesnoy remembrance celebrations to show the queen on the hall’s first floor – where once there was a cinema - at three different stages of her reign.Then two shots from the visit - one at the civic reception in the Town Square and the other of the Queen and Prince Philip coming out of the Town Hall after an invite-only luncheon in her honour –were displayed across the bottom.

opportunity came about because several council leases were up for renewal.“Webrought the lessees together to discuss the findings, examples of sports hubs around the country and the options we thought we saw for the future planning and development of these reserve grounds,” she said.

Tribute to the Queen

For a more details, and what councillors think of the plan go to

really great opportunity to work together to enhance the existing facilities to meet future demands, to enhance utilisation, to reduce duplication and to improve the quality and potentially the nature of the“Afacilities.”projectlike this takes a really long time so from concept to implementation but they are really up for it as long as their immediate facility challenges can be resolved.”

Sports hub unveiled

The hall featured images from her and Prince Philip’s New Year’s Day 1954 visit to Cambridge.

The study highlighted there was 21ha of land which had dated and duplicated facilities not meeting community sports requirements.

By Mary Anne Gill

made submissions to the council’s Long Term Plan calling for investment in the infrastructure.

It will cost between $40,000 to $60,000 to complete the masterplan.

The project was kick started in May when a stakeholder hui agreed

(07)823 0800 48 Empire Street CAM6545-20June2022

Former Waipā senior reserves planner Anna McElrea, now a senior consultant at Xyst parks consultancy company, told the council’s Service Delivery committee this week the

Hautapu Sports Club, using a one-off grant from the council, then commissioned a feasibility study using project managers Greenstone Group. The club wanted the study to look at indoor court facilities, clubrooms and field upgrades to improve utilisation.

Cambridge Town Hall was a mass of colour in a stunning four-day light show honouring Queen Elizabeth at the weekend.

Planning for a 27ha super sports hub in Cambridge’s northern town belt can resume - after a lack of resources and Covid stymied progress.Thedevelopment takes in three parks – Memorial, Tom Voyle and McKinnon – Cambridge Raceway and part of Cambridge High School sports’ fields.

Local focus, global view

For over 85 years New Zealanders have put their trust in Forsyth Barr. Our Cambridge Investment Advisers Sam Blatchford, Michelle Rolley, Pip Irwin and Andrew Flexman are active in the markets and can help build an investment strategy that is personalised for you.

Three sports clubs leasing land in Waipā’s town belt and Cambridge High School Hockey Club initiated the discussions about the area’s future three years ago when they

to involve mana whenua and the community to develop a high-level plan and source external funding.

All lit up: The Cambridge Town Hall on Sunday night.

THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 CAMBRIDGE NEWS | 1 FREE It’s a real newspaper SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 LOCAL, PASSIONATE, INNOVATIVE Re en Rural style 47 Alpha Street 07 823 1945 www cambridgrealestate co nz GardenAmberCentre 7 Peake Rd, Cambridge P 07 827 6259 AdvicePlants Café New name, same care. Cambridge funerals is now Legacy Funerals. Keep the story alive.

The show was funded by Waipā mayor Jim Mylchreest’s discretionary fund and ran from Friday to Monday starting just after 7pm.

Photo: Alysha Gill

It was there she and council staff learned more about the Raceway and high school plans for their sites in what she described as a centrally located and large area of Cambridge open“Therespace.was consensus this is a

It has been a hard week on the roads in Waikato and my heart goes out to those who have lost a family member or friend. While working last weekend I started my shift by responding to two separate driving complaints within a 10 minute time frame. Vehicles traveling from Te Poi towards Cambridge were speeding, tailgating, weaving in their lanes and overtaking in dangerous situations.

and other motorists that you phone police, please let’s follow through to enable police to hold them to account. As I have mentioned before, the impact of serious crashes is significant and long lasting for all involved. The more calls we get about a vehicle’s driving, the more compelling the evidence against them.

At the same time however, I recognise

Traffic volumes and practical use of vehicles massively exceed the numbers in Te Awamutu,

Victoria St bridge has a lifespan well beyond 2041 originated from transportation staff comment at a council meeting recently, not a flight of fancy of my Whileown.traffic volumes have a bearing on this issue, the crux of the matter is that to secure cofunding for a bridge from Waka Kotahi, it has to be demonstrated that (1) existing infrastructure is being used to its maximum, eg the Ferguson bridge and other parts of the roading network, (2) demand management measures have been applied so traffic peaks are eased (3) mode shift and public transport options have been explored to reduce the number of private vehicles on the network and (4) reducing emissions and contributing to climate change targets are part of the mix.

This is the right time to be having robust discussion about a broad range of approaches to relieve the congestion in Cambridge. I’m up for it and hope the Cambridge community is too.

• More letters page 14

but Councillor Clare may have information as to how building materials, farm supplies and produce, bulk groceries and multiple children can be transported at required times by pushbikes, walking or public transport. Clare may also wish to explain why she is actively promoting expanded use of Ferguson Bridge which directs trucks, milk tankers and buses up the Queen Street hill, one of the steepest climbs on a main road in New Zealand. The carbon footprint created by these vehicles labouring up the hill in low gear with following traffic similarly affected, is far more than will be created by the gentle gradients on our replacement bridge. Of course the need to brake on the reverse route also results in brake lining pollutants washing into the river - yet Clare is apparently comfortable with her part in this environmental shame well beyond 2041.

With the four deaths tragically occurring in just the last week, and associated extensive media coverage, this behaviour seems particularly hard to comprehend right now. It also demonstrates why it is important to call in any such driving to 111. Equally as important though, is to back that phone call up with your willingness to make a signed witness statement police can use in court if requested.Ifyouare worried enough about the potential risk caused by a driver to yourself


On another topic, there was recently a serious assault involving youth in town. Be assured that Police swiftly identified all involved. The matter is currently going through the court and youth process where the alleged offenders are being held to account.Ofnote, a video of the incident was recorded and quickly went viral. The distribution of this type of footage can cause further victimisation of those affected and risks glorifying the actions of the offenders, giving them undue notoriety.

The Beca Report recommends that the current pattern of use for the two bridges, split 40% Shakespeare St and 60% Victoria St, be reversed so they can be used to maximum capacity. I understand initiatives have been tried in the past but they haven’t achieved the desired change. I’d like to know why.

that video footage of offending can be important for police. I strongly urge that should you or your child receive such a video, that you notify police, providing us with a copy if requested and then delete it from all devices. Do not contribute to inflaming the situation by further distributing it on any platforms or to anyFinally,people.Ihave received some requests about public viewing opportunities for the new police station. This is understandable as the project has been of great community interest. As an operational police base, it is not practical for us to conduct tours for interested groups and individuals. However, a community open day will be held in the coming weeks, the details of which will be well publicised. Have a good week and keep safe.

2 | CAMBRIDGE NEWS THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 Authorised by Tim van de Molen, Parliament Buildings, Wgtn. Tim van de Molen Your MP for Waikato 0800Tim.vandeMolenMP@parliament.govt.nzGETTIM(0800438846)TimvandeMolenWaikato On the beat with Senior Constable DEB THURGOOD Back up your complaints Unit 2, Block C, 36 Lake St, Lakewood Cambridge Ph 07 838 1111 This advertisement kindly sponsored by: Personal | Business Marine | Life & Health Insurance Creating safe and caring neighbourhoods and communities, building community resilience and strengthening our networks. Visit us: Cambridge Community Pavilion Cnr Queen & Dick Streets, Cambridge. Phone us on: 021 904 489 Open: Wed | Thurs 9am-11am Email: “Authorised by the Cambridge Safer Community Charitable Trust” DIRBMAC G E SAFERCOMMUNITYCHAR I T A TSURTELB Letters… Consultation, sales, permits and installation - at Pratts one call does it all! Call 0800 PRATTS or visit one of our showrooms to help with your decision. • Wood Fires • Pellet Fires • Heat Pumps • Gas Fires • Free Quotes PRA010422B

Question time

It takes very little research to confirm that Cambridge traffic volume projections to 2035 have already been exceeded, despite the new motorway. Perhaps the carrier pigeon has been unable to deliver this information to the peaceful slopes of Pirongia. It has certainly been outlined at council meetings and in numerous transport plan submissions.

The third bridge issue continues to attract considerable debate – today we give Peter Pickett a voice for those questioning the pace of work on the project – and ask councillor Clare St Pierre to respond.

Anti-Cambridge replacement bridge campaigner Councillor Clare St Pierre has made the extraordinary statement that Victoria Bridge has a life well beyond 2041 and expert opinion says the existing bridges can cope with forecast traffic volumes. Would she please advise us where the life expectancy information came from, as it completely contradicts the findings of the various engineering reports I have studied, which indicate its useful life is about 20 years, possibly less? Additionally, no study has been made concerning the extent of river undermining, particularly on the Leamington side which is sedimentary and unstable to the point it only slightly exceeds the geological integrity of Abbotsford before it slipped away.

Yes, there are challenges for getting goods and groceries, school children and brake shoe charmers to where they need to go, yet we’re charged with reducing transport emissions by 41 per cent by 2035. Auckland has already set their reduction in emissions target at 64 per cent of 2019 levels by 2030. What would peak flows over Cambridge bridges look like if a similar target was adopted?

Emergency remedial work has already been necessary on that bank with catastrophic gridlock consequences not remotely solved by another of Clare’s epiphanies, that we should just use Ferguson Bridge. Similarly there is no study on why of the eight bridges constructed to our design, Victoria Bridge is the only one still standing.

Peter ClareCambridgePickettStPierre

Being called a campaigner is flattering but in reality my mission is to ensure Cambridge congestion issues are resolved through evidence and robust assessments. All Waipa ratepayers will have to pay for a new bridge for Cambridge so they deserve to have an old bird like me rattle the railings and check what’s actually needed. My ‘go to’ reference document is the 2018 Beca Report which addresses your correspondent’s queries and I commend it as worthy of close study. It actually concludes that “a third bridge is not considered necessary” hence my focus on a replacement second bridge. That the


Three years ago, 36,532 packs were delivered in Waipā with a 38.3 per cent return, the fifth worst in the country.Butbefore our neighbours start crowing, only 34.6 per cent of Waikato district’s 48,622 votes were returned –the worst of New Zealand’s 66 local authorities. South Waikato 15,190 (37.2 per cent) was third and Hamilton City was seventh with only 39.3 per cent of the 102,714 voters bothering to vote.

Waipā posties have delivered 39,608 voter packs around the district – but it’s likely many won’t be sent back.TeAwamutu postie Nicola Connolly and Cambridge’s Raewyn Smythe were incredulous when The News told them many people would simply ignore the orange envelope they worked so hard to get delivered before Tuesday.

07 827 6037 Hallys Lane,

A youth carrying a bb gun sparked a lockdown of Cambridge schools on Monday morning. The guns, which look realistic but only fire pellets, are easy to buy, and police have raised concerns about that – warning it could have tragic consequences.

The Cambridge Christmas parade will be held on December 4 after a Covidenforced break robbed children of seeing Santa Claus last year. Roads in the central business district will close from midday to 4pm to allow floats to parade through the town. Santa and his reindeer will hot foot it from Te Awamutu where there will be an earlier Christmas parade.

was in the dark, but Woodhams’ mayoral rivals Jim Mylchreest, Susan O’Regan and Bernard Westerbaan did not provide any support for his claims.Woodhams’

Facts and fiction


By Mary Anne Gill

By Roy Pilott, Editor, Good Local Media

Woodhams has previously presented fanciful accounts of discussions he has had with our staff and has now done the same after talking to Dyet. Dyet was interviewed. He was not livid.

There is a tight, legislated

It is, I have to say, frightening that of the two issues, the social media community was far more interested in the pretty lights and pictures.

Will you vote?

turn-around target for both production and delivery.

One of four candidates who wants to be mayor, he claimed our story was cobbled together from old reports. He questioned the integrity of journalist Mary Anne Gill’s work, accused The News of “inventing content” and claimed Dyet said he had not been interviewed by Gill and was “livid”.

Cambridge postie Raewyn Smythe making sure the voting packs end up in Waipā letter

Celebrating Life - Your Way Goddin

By Benjamin Wilson

Three of them want to be the first person elected as the Māori ward representative for Waipā – but this race is setting new benchmarks in courtesy.Chivalry was the order of the evening when Bill Harris, Gaylene Roberts and Takena Stirling met Māori ward voters at Te Awamutu College’s Ō-Tāwhao Marae onAllMonday.threecelebrated their shared opportunity to finally have “a seat at the table.”



This week I took the unusual step of challenging the comments made by an election candidate. Responding to our lead story last week explaining how Waipā District Council’s chief executive Garry Dyet had warned of financial issues ahead and had let candidates know about it, Chris Woodhams played the “fake news” card.

HeHarris.isthechairperson of the Ngāti Apakura Runanga Trust and presented its submission in favour of the district introducing Māori wards last year.


“I would be truly happy if Takena or Gaylene get it, because it is the first Māori ward seat and at least one of us would be at that table,” said

on page 7

Readers wanting to know more would do well to look at the social media posts on the issue on our social media and others covering Waipā. We expect there will be further accusations saying staff have interfered too much and should resign.This week the voting forms for the election were in the post – and in recent days we have seen a spectacular light display in honour of Queen Elizabeth at the Cambridge Town Hall.

Ceremonies resume

The Department of Internal Affairs has given Waipā District Council the go ahead to restart citizenship ceremonies post Covid. The public ceremony tomorrow (Friday) for 25 new Kiwis, is an important step in the process of becoming a New Zealand citizen.

Waipā’s road maintenance contractor Higgins

JP Funeral Director Briefs…

apologise for what he said about land for the third bridge in Cambridge, but because he had been misunderstood, they claimed.


Contractors will begin the annual reseal programme early next month and the project will run through to March. Resealing work helps to waterproof, protect and extend the life of the underlying pavement. Follow us on Facebook

NZ Post will have delivered approximately 3.5 million voter packs nation-wide from September 16 to 21 for the 2022 local government elections.

Te Awamutu Community Board chair, Ange Holt, also chimed in on social media saying she

Stirling, a commercial lawyer and the owner of Te Awamutu’s Stirling Legal, was equally complimentary

Christmas parade

Grinter’s Funeral Home are dedicated to providing personalised and meaningful funeral services. We are always open to new ideas, and are there for you in your time of need, so please get in touch anytime to discuss your options.

will be at six supermarkets in addition to the district council offices in Te Awamutu and Cambridge and can be sent by freepost to the returning officer in Christchurch.Specialvotes can be made

To make things easier in Waipā, orange ballot boxes

Schools locked down

In his support, Facebook posters – some with a history of being extremely critical of council staff - turned on The News, claiming we regularly produce fake news and we are biased. The conspiracy theories continued to evolve as it was asked how we got information from a public excluded meeting. But it wasn’t a public excluded meeting – we had even posted the YouTube link to posts have also taken issue with the reporting of the apology by councillor Philip Coles last week, saying we got it wrong - he did not

The earlier Kiwis get their return votes into the mail, the better, a NZ Post spokesperson said.

Road works ahead

boxes.Photo: Mary Anne Gill

Court appearance

A man charged with the murder of a Cambridge woman early last month appeared in the High Court in Hamilton this week. Stuff reported Aaron Nicholas Wilson, 42, is charged with the murder of Betty Maree Paparoa and that his appearance was met with shouting from the public gallery, resulting in some people being removed from the courtroom by security staff. Wilson was remanded in custody to October 4.

We believe that each funeral service should be as unique as the life you are celebrating. When a funeral is personalised, it creates a special space for sharing precious memories, telling stories, and simply being together with friends and family.

Cue further allegations that the story should never have been reported, it was character assassination by The News, and some people have become puppets of those in power. More, we are spreading “disinformation”.

in person at either council office. Votes can be made as soon as you receive your voting CouncilWaikatopapers.Regionalseatsarealso being contested in this year’s local government elections.

comments are false, have caused embarrassment and have prompted attacks on council staff and media. He was asked on Monday to pull down an online post and apologise. As we went to press he had not responded.

4 | CAMBRIDGE NEWS THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 Prices valid until 25 September 2022. Trade not supplied. Deals valid until this Sunday or while stocks last. Club Deals are only available to Clubcard Members when they scan their Clubcard at the time of purchase. All prepared meals are serving suggestions only. Props not included. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Available at New World stores in the Upper North Island (Turangi North). Excludes New World Fresh Collective, Lower North Island and South Island. BIG DISCOUNTS for a limited time LOW PRICES THAT LAST on hundreds of items SPECIAL DISCOUNTS for Clubcard members 3 ways to save Due to current Licensing Trust laws, liquor is not available at stores within Trust areas. Liquor may only be sold during licensed hours specified in the store licence. *Available at participating stores only. Wine vintage may vary to one pictured. Follow us on Facebook 1 of 150 prizes when you purchase participating products Produce in Season Competition runs from 29 August – 9 October 2022. See for terms and conditions. NappiesBulkHuggiesPack 30s 48s Nappy/Pants28s 30s (Excludes Size 5 52s Jumbo Pack) Salad)Tropical(Excludes400g-410gApricotsFruitPears/Peaches/Wattie’sSalad/Fruit Limited to 12 assortedLimited to 2 assorted 15 99ea 1 99ea Limited to 12 assorted Cadbury ChocolateBlock 160g 190g 3 29ea Limited to 6 assorted Kapiti Ice Cream 4s/Minis 6s 7 79ea Natures Fresh Bread 700g 3 49ea Golden Gourmet Baby Potatoes 1.5kg 4 99ea Beta Bites Carrots 250g Product of New Zealand 2 $for5 Pams Fresh Yams 400g 3 99ea Skinless Chicken Breast Fillets 12 99kg Chicken Nibbles 7 99kg Tegel Fresh Whole Chicken Plain 950g $ 8 ea

The council must make its submission to the Better Off fund by September 30.

Mayor Jim Mylchreest said nobody hates three waters more than he does.

committing itself to accept three waters.“Ifwe don’t accept it... call it a bribe if you will… we are putting back all these discretionary projects for a long time… we are effectively going to be disadvantaged compared to our peers,” he said.

By Benjamin Wilson

They voted to put their hand up for Waipā’s $5.24 million share of the Government’s Better Off fund at a Service Delivery meeting on Tuesday.Itwas tagged a three waters “bribe” by councillors both for and against accepting the money.

In addition to Te Ara Wai, the council’s Better Off fund application will seek $1.23 million for a potential Cambridge resource recovery centre, almost $1.3 million for the Pirongia cycleway project, $400,000 for Waipā’s CCTV network, $360,000 for Ngā Roto’s management plan, and $250,000 for a Cambridge library feasibility study.Notably absent from the list is the provision of papakāinga – community living on Māori ancestral land - which was called a top priority by the council’s Iwi Consultative Committee last week.

Waipā takes the ‘bribe’

Photo: Benjamin Wilson.

The council says a district plan change to enable papakāinga is likely to be loan-funded from existing budgets.

THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 CAMBRIDGE NEWS | 5 WE ACCEPT THESE CARDS 12 Months Interest Free Available In-store purchases $200 and over. Lending criteria, fees, terms and conditions apply. TRUE SALE50%COMFORTOFF Save 50% on True Comfort beds and mattresses* Get your Disco gear on & get ready to boogie We’re having a 70’s disco night at Cafe Irresistiblue 156 Turkington Road, Monavale, Cambridge On Saturday 24 September 2022 at 6pm 70’s Cocktails 70’s style dinner Disco music Best costume prize Ticket sales only - $70 per person, includes dinner (drinks additional) BUY YOUR TICKET NOW from Cafe Irresistiblue or online

clarified that the council was not

Gordon also opposed $1.7 million of the fund being allocated

“In general, this council doesn’t support three waters, but this is a significant amount of discretionary funding that could support our community,” said deputy mayor LizTheStolwyk.$2billion government fund can be used by councils for climate change initiatives, the enabling of housing developments, and community


“The time to debate Te Ara Wai was back at the Long Term Plan a year and a half ago… that was the time, we need to move forward, and we have made that commitment,” she said.

Iwi Consultative representative Bill Harris was asked if he was comfortable with the council’s decision.“Interms of being able to build the relationship and partnership that we are seeking to have here in the Waipā District between council and mana whenua, I am looking to take it (the decision) on good faith,” he said.

Waipā district councillors have taken the Three Waters bait – but say they are not hooked.

“But I am comfortable that we have got enough of an indication to voice our opinion on where we stand on the three waters reform.

to Te Ara Wai Museum.

But Stolwyk said Gordon’s time to oppose the Te Ara Wai Museum had passed.

Councillor Roger Gordon objected to taking the money.

“I think committing to building a museum in this climate is not a good decision, that is why I will be voting against it and also the allocation,” he said.

New spacerelievesCambridgefacilitystorageinsqueeze

A large elevator makes it easy to transport goods to the upper-level storage units.

“People look for good storage solutions for a number of reasons. Houses today simply don’t have the space they once did to store everything at home, and often the decision to put goods in storage is linked to tough personal times. People might be going through a relationship break-up or there may have been a death in the family … it’s important to be sensitive to those requirements.

There are now multiple branches around the North Island, and two in Christchurch. Terry said the demand is so great that he expects to almost double that number in the next year or so.

The crew at SafeGuard Self Storage are used to handling both seasoned customers and those who are new to the self-storage experience and are happy to walk you



Founder -Terry King

“It’s taken off fast and gone really well,” he said. “Ours is a professional, broad-based operation where we help build the units, get them up to spec and then manage them. It’s something of a one-stop shop for the client. We give people the material they need to pack up their possessions, we can direct them to the appropriate movers if required, and we take care of everything at the storage end.

The units are dry and well ventilated, which means precious things like photographs

and individually alarmed, with keypad gate access to the premises restricted to those using the units. There is also widespread high-definition CCTV coverage, meaning your important possessions are kept in as safe an environment as possible.

The broad black and orange sweep of the new SafeGuard Self Storage site at 105 Hautapu Rd is easily visible from the roadside.

Secure, Clean and Affordable Tailored Storage Solutions 105 HAUTAPU ROAD, RD1, CAMBRIDGE 3493 | 07 242 0408

are just that, and the care and attention given by SafeGuard Self Storage respects the fact that everyone’s goods are as important as your own. It’s an attitude that makes theirs a service that goes above and beyond.


The new Cambridge facility is the latest among 20 SafeGuard Self Storage branches built around the country. Founder Terry King already had 13 years in the industry when he started the business in Hamilton just over three years ago. The timing was right, and he was keenly aware of what people were looking for in terms of storage options –security, privacy and affordability.

Finding safe and flexible storage for your important personal or commercial possessions has just become a whole lot easier in Cambridge. SafeGuard Self Storage recently opened a state-of-the-art storage facility at Hautapu. The 277 units it brings on stream will do a great deal to relieve the storage squeeze locals have been experiencing for some time, offering a range of storage solutions centred on quality and ready to meet the varied needs of both private and business clients.

units are increasingly used by tradesmen who prefer to keep their work vehicles safely in storage rather than park their vans in a driveway at home. Convenient access to the facility means they can come and go as they please, making it a safe and workable solution for them.

and certificates can be kept without fear of deterioration. Small, medium and large business seeking affordable and flexible options can use the business or commercial storage units. They’re ideal for storing anything from business records and files in supplied archive boxes, temporarily stored business equipment and furniture, even arts and Terryantiques.saidthe

“We know their goods are very valuable to them to them, and that makes them valuable to Theus.”high-security units at Hautapu come in all sizes, from closet-sized spaces to units that can hold the contents of a five-bedroomed house. Trained storage consultants can help you with those tricky decisions around what is best suited to your needs. It’s easy to request a free quote and get advice from the specialists.

Such detailed attention to security means the units are ideal for storing furniture, household goods and incidentals, the sort of items you might want to keep secure when moving, during a renovation or declutter, or when you’re away on an extended trip. They can also accommodate cars, motorbikes, boats, trailers and other larger equipment … anything you need to store safely away from your home for a period of time.

Another growth area involves multi-national companies who choose to use the units as ‘satellite sites’, storing merchandise that is easy for company representatives to access when in the area.

As its name suggests, SafeGuard Self Storage takes its commitment to safety and security very seriously. The facility is fully gated, with an on-site manager present during working hours. All the units are lockable

He said it is more important that Māori be encouraged to vote and to “have their say” than it is to be elected.

Water Services manager Martin Mould told the committee the advice was clear.

“We have been talking about papakāinga for a long time, for as long as I can remember we have been talking about papakāinga,” said“ItRoberts.issomething that we need to do together… so when our rangatahi get bigger they’ve got jobs, something to be proud of, they’ve got a house that they can live in, where their mokopuna can run around.”

“This is a safe level of fluoridation for all population groups, including pregnant women and formula-fed babies.”

Also at the meeting was Waikato Regional Councillor Kataraina Hodge. The Ngā Tai ki Uta ward representative and fellow Māori

Kane Titchener, Jill Taylor and Ange Holt supported the motion and Holt, the chairperson, used her casting vote to send the recommendation through to the council.

“Particularly because this is the first time in Waipā, we need a big showing of support,” he said.

“I am not too concerned with the results to be fair, because I know that mātua Bill and whaea Gaylene have a lot of experience,” said Stirling.

Voters in Waipā who are on the Māori electoral roll for general elections were automatically placed on the new Waipā Māori ward roll for this election.

Roberts, who is the chairperson of Ngā iwi Tōpu ō Waipā, acknowledged the work that led to the district finally getting a Māori ward.

Waipā’s first Māori Ward event was celebrated by its candidates, pictured at left – Takena Stirling and Bill Harris.

The Prime Minister’s chief science advisor has told Waipā District Council the amount of fluoride going into Cambridge’s water supply is a safe level.


Fluoride exists naturally in air, soil, fresh water, sea water, plants and in food. In New Zealand, natural fluoride levels in water supplies vary, but are at less than 0.2mg/L.

The three candidates also shared housing and the provision of papakāinga –community living on Māori ancestral land – as priorities.

“It took thirty-one years to get us three standing here tonight. That is an achievement, and we didn’t get it handed on a plate, we worked hard for it,” she said.

the motion.

“If safe levels of fluoridation are maintained, it would not be appropriate for council to be issuing any warnings.”

“Manatū Hauora (Ministry of Health), and World Health Organization, recommends adjusting fluoride levels to between 0.7 and 1.0 ppm in drinking water as the most effective and efficient way of preventing dental decay.

Fluoride rates will be ‘safe’

The Te Awamutu Community Board notice of motion was passed at its meeting last month. Susan O’Regan, Lou Brown –who are appointed members of the board –and board member Richard Hurrell opposed

Ward councillor Tipa Mahuta (Ngā Hau e Wha) don’t have to campaign to keep their seats – they have both been returned unopposed.Votingforms were being delivered across Waipā this week.

Anti-fluoride protesters were at the Waipā Service Delivery committee meeting this week to express their opposition.

By Mary Anne Gill

Continued from page 3

Professor Dame Juliet Gerrard was responding to a call from the Te Awamutu Community Board to add a health warning to water rates’ bills.

The friendly election

Delivery committee this week.

Dame Juliet’s office said water fluoridation had “significant benefit” in the reduction of tooth“There’ evidence it causes any significant health issues,” her office told the council in a response tabled at the Service

Council staff asked for the advice after the board passed a notice of motion saying the warning would raise awareness for pregnant women and those wanting to reconstitute milk formula used for bottle feeding babies to avoid fluoridated water.

Photo: Benjamin Wilson.

The new council will comprise 11 councillors and a mayor elected at large. The general wards are Cambridge (4 seats) Te Awamutu-Kihikihi (3 seats) PirongiaKakepuku (2) and Maungatautari (1).

was equally complimentary of his rivals.

The council does not have the expertise to provide clinical advice to residents and ratepayers on fluoridation, said Mould.


delight that the exhibition held in New Zealand for the first time had come to Cambridge and said Waipā was proud of its efforts to reverse some of the environmental challenges being faced today.

Life has a way of carrying us in its own seemingly innocent but ultimately treacherous currents, into places we never thought we could enter… Without an anchor that holds us steady and grounds us, we’re vulnerable to drifting. We can drift into keeping unhealthy company and associations, adopting bad practices which become ingrained…without an anchor our hearts can shift and poor choices follow… marriages drift into mediocrity eventually ending up on the rocks.

Little painters and the certificates they received for taking part in the “A Better Earth Eco-Village”, with some of the invited guests and organisers.

But that’s not the ‘drifting’ I am talking about here. My point is how easy it is in the journey of life to end up drifting… to find ourselves lacking traction, certainty and stability - with true purpose eluding us.Our family knew of a couple cruising in their luxury launch around the NZ coastline some time ago. They anchored in a bay for the night well before sunset. An hour or so later the wife commented that she thought they had drifted. Her husband confidently assured her they had not. Another hour or so went by and she mentioned it again. Once more

Frankly, shame on all of us to be so low in our caring of what could and should happen in our local community.

In conclusion – and harking back to the opening paragraph - I attended the first evening of the regal memorial photography show on the front of the Town Hall. Russel Armitage (with Council’s financial support) presented a black and white mural that was meaningful, poignant and reminiscent of the Queen’s earlier visit to this lovely town. I can only describe it as soooo Cambridge.

Dandi introducing the paintings to Mayor and CNC Reporter.

But the tides had shifted, a breeze had sprung up and before they could extract themselves from the setting they were in, a large surging swell lifted the launchas it receded they were dumped onto a rocky outcrop fatally damaging the boat’s hull. They survived but they lost their launch…Drifting is very subtle and so many people don’t realise they are actually adrift in life. In the Bible the thought of having an ‘eternal hope’ is spoken of as an ‘anchor for the soul.’

Inaugural China/NZ exhibition comes to Cambridge

“I hope this book exhibition and other people-to-people exhibitions like this will bring nations together,” he Mayorsaid.Jim

the man asserted they were not dragging the anchor. Settling down for the evening, the wife was not at peace. She demonstrated how the landmarks which she’d been taking bearings from, had all altered. Finally her husband conceded, “I think you’re right,” setting about to correct their predicament.

The 217 works exhibited were done by children from 40 cities in China, and there were 15 paintings shown by young artists from New Zealand, some of whom attended the opening to receive a special certificate. They ranged in age from

at the event’s opening included Xiao Ye Wen, the Chinese Acting Consul-General in Auckland; Ye Su, Minister Counsellor of the Chinese Embassy in New Zealand and Niue; Jackson Rao from New Zealand’s Culture and Arts Foundation; Botany-based New Zealand List MP Naisi Chen; Dave Bromwich and Fan Miao of the New Zealand Friendship Society; exhibition curator Dandi Wang;

He said the 50th anniversary of the forging of diplomatic ties between China and New Zealand was a ‘milestone’. “It is something we need to continue to work on together to further our mutual understanding and grow a better relationship.”

The New Zealand China Theme Books Exhibition, which made available to local libraries, schools and other organizations more than 2000 books in English from China International Book Trade Corporation. The books are intended to boost understanding between the two countries across a wide range of topics. The exhibited books included Political theory, Economy, Science, Affairs, commentary, Medical, Education, Traditional cultures, Architecture, Environmental, Poem, Fairy tale, Artifacts, Fashion, Cooking, Painting, Modern literature, Chinese Language Learning, and Children’s Guestsbooks.

The Bible describes a fixed, strong and trustworthy ‘anchor for our souls’ that is possible for anyone to experience. It results from the tangible reality of having a personal relationship with God.

Mr Jackson Rao and Acting-Consulate Xiao Yewen introducing the books to Mayor .

Waipā Mayor and Deputy Mayor respectively Jim Mylchreest and Liz Stolwyk; Kirsty Robinson of the Starship Foundation; artist and judge Carole Hughes; and Waipā library’s Dee Atkinson.

just two years old to 12 years of age.

In his address, China’s Acting Consul-General in Auckland, Xiao Ye Wen, said events to mark the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China

This is indeed a tumultuous month with the international scene overshadowed by the sad passing of a wonder lady, mother and world leader. The media from around the world is showering us with completely understandable epithets concerning Elizabeth Windsor. Far be it for me to attempt to outdo the journalistic professionals.Butleadership here at home is also under scrutiny with the opportunity for local people – you and me – to cast our vote in the triennial local body elections. It is a happening that is sadly deficient in the level of interest shown by voters - resulting in a normal turnout of in the mid-30 per cent of those registered.

and New Zealand were particularly special. He said over more than 5000 years, China had produced much in the way of arts and literature and said China was today one of the most important publishing powerhouses in the world.

Mylchreest expressed

Follow the leader…

Is it the fact that councils are staffed with slowmoving bureaucrats? Where getting the simplest of things done appears to take for ever. Or is it that some of the good and the great – or those aspiring by election to be so – are balanced by other elected members of the public for whom the word governance is possibly too hard to understand?OnMonday last week I attended the Chamber of Commerce ‘meet the candidates’ evening put together with the support of the new Town Hall Trust. Three mayoral hopefuls, a brace of aspirants for the new Māori ward and a handful of would-be councillors. We were spared the elongating of the proceeding by not meeting those standing for the lesser body known as the community board. This latter, nevertheless, is an important part of our rightful democracy.


I may owe an apology to anyone who sees this as completely mainstream sport since first being popularised in Japan in the 1970’s. Now, worldwide drifting competitions are held and judged according to the speed, angle, showmanship, and line taken through a corner or set of corners.

Exhibition curator Dandi Wang, who is head of NZiTV with Prime Media, with the two judges, Deputy Mayor Liz Stolwyk and Cambridgebased impressionist artist Carole Hughes.

Exhibition curator Dandi Wang, left, with guests Robyn Mylchreest, Jackson Rao, Mayor Jim Mylchreest, China’s Acting Consul-General in Auckland Xiao Ye Wen, & Minister Counsellor Ye Su.

govern and manage one of our fine local schools – a major provider of education, employment and farming. Anyone with any sense of responsibility should at that stage, faced with what had allegedly transpired, think twice before proceeding on with electoral aggrandisement.Forthoseothers standing on the stage for whom a greater respect should be given the three mayoral candidates were allotted, by my small group, marks out of 10 for presentation, sincerity, future plans and understanding of the task ahead. For the record they were markedSusan O’Regan 8.5, Jim Mylchreest 8 and Chris Woodhams 7. It’s not easy for someone with no local body experience to stand against longstanding council members. The others were too hard to mark but if the length and volume of personal applause were to be the measure then Councillor (and Deputy Mayor) Liz Stolwyk won hands down.

By Peter Carr


By Murray Smith, Senior Leader, Bridges Church

I realise there’s some element of skill in the technique where the driver intentionally oversteers with loss of traction, while maintaining control and driving the car through the entirety of a corner. The technique of controlling the vehicle to the extent that the front wheels end up actually pointing in the opposite direction to the turn, involves some level of driving skill.

The problem with ‘drifting’

I have the pleasure on the day that this newspaper hits your homes to be chairing a mayoral forum in Cambridge where the three hopefuls mentioned above will be explaining their plans to a large group of people with an average age of 81 years. Those people have some needs differing from the general populace, but history shows that at least those ‘of an age’ do actually care to vote.

Thecountries.freeevent was a first in New Zealand, and the exhibition remained open to the public from September 15 to 19.

In our culture there’s a “motorsport” called “drifting”. As a driving discipline, drifting competitions used to be fringe, indulged in within illegal settings using drastically modified vehicles. I know a young man who racked up thousands of dollars in fines for ‘suspended loss of traction’ honing his skills in this activity.

The Cambridge Town Hall last week hosted a joint books and art exhibition held to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between New Zealand and China, and celebrate the ongoing friendship enjoyed by both

Listening to their timing-controlled presentations there were no surprises – save for the bumbling apology from one council candidate (rudely wearing a cap throughout)who had seriously upset the good people who

The Waipā children in attendance were Cameron Vesey, Nia Naidoo, Yana Naidoo, Gabriel Hawkings, Locklin Hawkings, Alisha Lin, Anna Zhao, Thomas Whistler, Reuben Whistler and Isaac Whistler.

A model councillor




In Te Awamutu and Kihikihi, the network would extend to Kihikihi Primary School and the local domain.Transportation programme engineer Erik Van Der Wel told the council’s Service Delivery committee this week the urban mobility initiatives come from the “strong desire” of both communities to transition towards a transport model that favours alternative methods of “Residentstravel.ofall ages and abilities want to be able to travel our main urban areas safely and conveniently, without the need for a car.”

project) to $20 million. I believe their voting decisions show senseless and secretive spending.

Politicians should be accountable for council decisions. After all, they represent the people, and they’re dealing with more than a 100-million-dollar ratepayers’ budget. That’s your money, and you should know where it goes and why.

Russ FormerRimmingtonChairofWaikato Regional Council, Mayor of Hamilton City Council, and founding member of the NZ Fieldays Society

The popular Te Awa River Ride and Hamilton Road cycleways will be extended into the Cambridge central business district, if Waipā District Council is successful in its application to the Government’s $2.9 billion Climate Emergency Response Fund.

The Issues We’re Facing - RMA Reform, Three Waters, Co-governance, Spending Blow-outs, Rates Increases ...


“It’s been an honour to have Clyde Graf join us in our STOP THREE WATERS team. He is a man of his word, and I know if he gets elected he will fight for your community to stop your water assets going to a non-elected body.

If the council can get more money from the fund, the urban mobility network will extend to Victoria (High Level) Bridge.

By Mary Anne Gill


Russ Rimmington - Vote Stop 3 Waters

A vote for me is a vote to Stop Three Waters, to support farming, and to support an inclusive Waikato where merit (not race) results in governance positions. A vote for me is a vote to keep rates down, and to ensure transparency on all important council decisions. I will work hard for you, not bureaucracy. Clyde Graf.

Elected councillors supporting undemocratically appointed governance positions is equivalent to an oxymoron. It will take backbone to withstand the pressures of council officers and bureaucracy. Backbone your current councillors haven’t demonstrated.

The council’s $11m Urban Mobility programme, endorsed by the committee last year, relied on a 51 per cent boost from Waka Kotahi.

He doesn’t flip-flop on issues, a person of his word. He will make a great contribution to a new council. He’s an effective environmen talist, and always balances the need for a strong farming industry.

When Clyde was a councillor for Thames-Coromandel he was a strong advocate for the ratepayers and didn’t just follow staff. An independent thinker.

Please vote Clyde Graf for Waikato Regional Council.

Its goal is to invest in making walking, cycling and public transport more attractive options and help councils transition toward low-emissions urban environments.

There are many important issues the new council will be required to consider. The Resource Management Act is in the process of being dramatically changed. Control of water assets is being taken away from local councils. Cogovernance is being implemented by stealth. Step by step the government is taking away the community’s ability to influence major decisions.

Budget 2022 provided $375 million within its Climate Emergency Response fund to deliver mode shift and reduce emissions from transportation.

Clyde Graf - Vote Stop 3 Waters

My promise to you - I can tell you now, I will not vote for rates increases. I will not vote for budgets that exceed the


I am proud to call Clyde a loyal friend that you can rely on.”

In my previous statements I have questioned the voting decisions of the two incumbent regional councillors who are standing in the Waipa-King Country. That’s because they’ve stated, in their roles as councillors, that they’re transparent in their decisions and careful with ratepayers’ money. However, they voted for a 7.7% rates increase. They voted to double the budget for Operation Reboot (an IT

But Waka Kotahi did not come to the party hence the approach to the Climate Emergency Response Fund. The council needs $5.351 million to complete the Cambridge and Te Awamutu projects.

Stop Three Waters- team

Outgoing long-serving Waipā councillor and former deputy mayor Grahame Webber, 74, now has a unique reminder of his 21 years at the council, a model water truck. It was presented to him by Water Services manager Martin Mould this week as he chaired his final Service Delivery committee meeting. Mould thanked Webber for his skilled governance and guidance of the council’s three waters. The model had been in the Water Services team for many years and was usually presented monthly to the team champion. “It’s not been used for many years. You are the final recipient and we’ve retired it into your care,” said Mould. Webber was first elected to the council in 2001 and is nearing the end of his seventh term. He first represented the Maungatautari ward and six years ago, after he and wife Jenny moved into town, the Cambridge ward. He is battling myeloma cancer.

CPI. I will be advocating for frugal spending and be advocating for annual plans with diminishing rates, not increases.

Wouldn’t it be great to build on these efforts to connect Cambridge’s shared pathways not just to Hamilton and Ngāruawāhia, but also with the Hauraki Trails to the north-east, and the Waikato River Trails, further south?

Master bedroom

As with any major transport projects, before funding can be sought for shared pathways for example, there needs to be investigations into how these connect to other pathways and transport hubs to provide wider transport networks, the safety of those pathways, how attractive they are to potential users, feasibility of constructing, maintaining and operating the pathways and any cultural and environmental effects.


Extended portico al

Plenty of

has an ensuite

Extended portico for al fresco living

Single car garage and separate laundry $730,000

One main bathroom

Double garage and laundry


Extended portico for al fresco living

Two double bedrooms

Stage three selling fast. If you want to secure new in Lockerbie Village contact Margo Lombardi

car garage and separate laundry $730,000 MorrinsvilleWelcome to Lockerbie Village Lockerbie Retirement Village, 26 Village LockerbieBoulevard,Village,Morrinsville3373 Enquire Now

MorrinsvilleWelcome to Lockerbie Village Lockerbie Retirement Village, 26 Village LockerbieBoulevard,Village,Morrinsville3373 Enquire Now

116sqm Architecturally designed Duplex Extended portico for al fresco living Open plan living, dining and kitchen with indoor/outdoor flow

In the 3Ms application to the Waipā council, developer Matt Smith described Hugo as one of the kindest and big-hearted young men he had ever met. “Hugo was destined to be a future leader and was very inclusive with his friend group too.”

Road named in memory of teen

One main bathroom


Plenty of storage

Parakiwai Road will be in the Hannon Road industrial development. Parakiwai, the Māori word for silt, is one of the predominant soils on the site.

116sqm Architecturally designed Duplex

Master bedroom has an ensuite

To be funded, any transport projects

such as the work we are doing on the future of State Highway 1 between Cambridge and Piarere.

One main bathroom

Fairway Drive to the car pa Show home winter hours: Saturday and Sund Open: Wednesday

Single car garage and separate laundry $730,000

The community connections gained through shared pathways are growing through the efforts of many including Te Awa River Ride Trust and regional and district councils. Such facilities help make our towns and cities more accessible, provide tourism opportunities, reduce traffic congestion and greenhouse gas emissions, support people to be active and contribute to healthy communities.

From $989,000 SHOW HOME SPRING HOURS: Wednesday-Friday 10am-2pm Saturday & Sunday: 12-2pm. Parking: when entering Lockerbie Estate turn right at the roundabout, go down Fairway Drive to the car parking area (2 min walk to Show Home). morrinsville TRANSPORT PLANNING

Master bedroom has an ensuite

Plenty of storage

Two double bedrooms

Open plan living, dining and kitchen with indoor/outdoor flow

Stage three selling fast. If you want to secure your new home in Lockerbie Village contact Margo Lombardi NOW.

Architecturally designed villas • Extended portico for al fresco living • Open plan living, dining and kitchen with indoor/outdoor ow • ree double bedrooms

Plenty of storage

Parking: when e go down Fairway Dr Open:Satu

By Mary Anne Gill

Hugo Shaw was a talented sportsman on the rugby and cricket fields and on the water in rowing boats.

Five other road names were also approved by the council’s Service Delivery committee onKenepuruTuesday. Crescent will be in the Kelly Road development in Cambridge. Kenepuru is the Māori word for sandy silt, the predominant soil on the site.


Stage three selling fast. If you want to secure home in Lockerbie Village contact Margo Lombardi NOW.

Two double bedrooms

Master bedroom has an ensuite


Open plan living, dining and kitchen with indoor/outdoor flow


116sqm Architecturally designed Duplex

Parking: when entering Lockerbie Estate turn right at the rou go down Fairway Drive to the car parking area (2 min walk to Show Home). Show home winter hours: Saturday and Sunday: 12-2pm. Open: Wednesday -Frid ay 10am-2pm

We are currently working to help this become a reality and as part of this work we will soon be asking for your opinions on long term plans for the state highway network between Cambridge and Piarere. We have the opportunity to include walking and cycling as transport options as part of this investment.Recentlythe Government’s Emissions Reduction Plan was released. It calls for a 41 per cent reduction in emissions from the transport sector by 2035 (from 2019 levels). Waka Kotahi’s role is to ensure road and transport corridors are fit for the future by including a greater range of transport choices.

Working closely with our partners and using some of the criteria mentioned above, we have identified four possible routes to consider for a new shared path between Cambridge and Piarere. One is alongside the proposed Cambridge to Piarere expressway and the others are closer to Lake Karāpiro. We now want to discuss the possibilities with landowners who may be affected and also the localWe’llcommunity.letyouknow shortly how you can take part in this discussion, including an Information Day and on-line options. We want you to tell us what is important to you for shared pathways as part of our longerterm plans for improvements of our transport options.Itwill

Two double bedrooms

Stage three selling fast. If you want to secure your new home in Lockerbie Village contact Margo Lombardi NOW.

Hugo died when his bike and a truck collided in Pāpāmoa on January 18 last year.

Ngāti Koroki Kahukura, which has a formal relationship with Goodwood School, and

MorrinsvilleWelcome to Lockerbie Village Lockerbie Retirement Village, 26 Village LockerbieBoulevard,Village,Morrinsville3373 Enquire Now

Land Information New Zealand has approved the names and they comply with the council’s vision and strategic priorities of telling the story of Waipā and reflect Waipā’s natural, cultural and historic heritage.

Open plan living, dining and kitchen indoor/outdoor

It was very important for 3Ms to have Hugo Shaw Drive as a name in the development, the application said.


10 | CAMBRIDGE NEWS THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 MorrinsvilleWelcome to Lockerbie Village



Master bedroom has an ensuite

A popular Cambridge 14-year-old killed in a crash in Pāpāmoa has been honoured with a street name in the new 3Ms Development opposite Te Awa Retirement Village.

Ngāti Hauā iwi endorsed the application.

Many of you are already walking and cycling to do your bit to reduce your effects on the environment, live a healthy lifestyle and/or save money and I know having safe places to cycle and walk contributes to the decision to not use your car.

Hugo Shaw Drive on Cambridge Road where a new residential development is taking shape.

Single car garage and separate laundry $730,000

Parking: when entering Lockerbie Est down

One main bathroom

Plenty of storage

fresco living

Cambridge is known and respected for its wonderful shared pathways and great opportunities for walking and cycling.

must demonstrate how they will contribute to or be consistent anyneedastransportobjectives.emissions-reductionwithOtherchoicessuchwalkingandcyclingtobeincludedintransportplanning

your new

Welcome LockerbietoVillageStagethreesellingfast.

be an interesting exercise and I look forward to hearing what you have to say.

One main bathroom

Planning multi-modal systems

Finally in the Abergeldie Way development, Oneone, Ngā Hau and One-haruru are the new road names. Oneone means soil, Ngā Hau means close to Hautapu and One-haruru means sandy loam soil.

By David Speirs, Director of Regional Relationships for Waka Kotahi

116sqm Architecturally designed Duplex

CHOOSE A VILLAGE THAT PLANS’saboutmakingsureyouaresupportednowandintoyourfuture.ScantheQRcodetofindouthowwe’replanningahead. We have two villages in Hamilton, Linda Jones Village in Flagstaff and Hilda Ross Village in Hamilton East, and our new Cambridge Village will be selling soon. 0800 000 290 “We feel as fit as fiddles, but we’re not going to be that way for the rest of our lives. At some stage we’re going to need care” Del and Cindy, Ryman Residents There is enormous demand for care ahead, which is why Ryman villages provide the highest ratio of care to independent living. Your whole retirement is our consideration We plan ahead by offering independent living in apartments and townhouses, assisted living in serviced apartments, resthome care and, in most villages, hospital and specialist dementia care. Better still, once you live in a Ryman village, you will always have priority access to our comprehensive care options over non-residents. The number of people aged 75 and over is projected to increase from 365,000 today to 744,000 in just 20 years’ time. DID YOU KNOW?? 4034


I stand by my beliefs and opinions even if it requires me to express an opinion against the rest of council. I read information provided and do research to inform my position. I have achieved 100 per cent attendance at council and major council committee meetings. I have been a

Alana Mackay (Cambridge Community Board)

Continued next page

Jo Davies-Colley (Cambridge Community Board)

I have enjoyed my first term on the Cambridge Community Board and would like to continue to be an advocate and representative for our town. With a solid work ethic and history of community involvement, I’m a person who likes to get things done. I have experience in local business and event management and

Andrew Brown (Te AwamutuKihikihi)

to make up numbers. So much more to add, my family have called the town and district home for the past 159 years so it’s very simple to me, deeply passionate for our community.

I understand what good governance looks like. I contribute effectively in collective decision making situations. I have a deep understanding of our rural communities.I will help our council to perform at a high level.

Elise Badger (Cambridge Community Board)

During my time on the community board over the last three years, I believe I have been an effective advocate for my community. One of my stated intentions when I ran in 2019 was to abolish library fees and I was thrilled that as a board, we advocated strongly to council on this issue and were successful. I will bring governance experience to the board, as well as knowledge of procedures and processes, and the relationships and links I have established with community groups, council staff and other elected members.

Why you should elect me… Oh yeah. Get the Hilux SR5 Cruiser, it’s available NOW! Hey Toyota, got something to get me out of sticky situations? HAMILTON 5 Kahu Crescent, Te Rapa Park Hamilton, 07838 0499 MORRINSVILLE 85 Avenue Road North Morrinsville, 07 889 7678 TE AWAMUTU 29 Kihikihi Road Te Awamutu, 07 872 0017 Toyota Personalised Finance available on all new & used Toyota models. Accessorised Model Shown. Contact us for model availability information.

Sue Milner Community(CambridgeBoard)

I’m sensible and committed to making sound decisions for Waipā.

Forty people have paid their deposits and put their names forward for seats on the Waipā council or community boards.

I am very passionate about our beautiful rural village like district feel, however with recent rising costs, council’s lavish cavalier expenditure and unwelcomed growth, it’s putting all of this at risk - this is why I am standing, to implement change within council’s spending habits and protect what we have - not to price our very own people out of the district.

Norris Hall (Te AwamutuKihikihi Community Board)

I’ve been on council a few terms now, I love having a positive impact on my community and helping make Waipā a great place for families to call home.

I have a strategic mindset, am ready to ask the hard questions and have a proven track record in my first term of taking initiative for the community and advocating for the outcomes the community desires. I will continue to build on the experience I gained over the last three years to advocate for the people of Cambridge.

I have a strong and lengthy connection to the Te Awamutu community. I am aware of the current challenges facing our community. I believe that I can offer a reasoned approach to discussions.

a passion for our people and natural environment. Growth continues to be a challenge, as is the government’s programme of reform, but I believe we can work together, alongside community organisations, councillors, and staff to deliver positive outcomes and protect the things that make Cambridge special.

Mike (Maungatautari)Montgomerie


Philip Coles (Cambridge)

Bernie Fynn (Te Awamutu-Kihikihi)

Roger Gordon (Cambridge)

Marcus Gower (Te AwamutuKihikihi)

My primary aim is a genuine want to make the Waipā and my ward a better place. I know the ward very well and have strong connections to enable me to get into the mahi quickly. I have great teamwork skills and have an aligned vision for Waipāto be the home of champions.

So why should we vote for them?

Going to keep this very simple, but I care and listen. Through my career I have learnt the importance of following up and doing what I said I would do and communicate back, I’m not there

Being a community minded individual who was born, raised and educated in Te Awamutu, and having worked in retail in Te Awamutu for 42 years, as well being involved in numerous organisations in various capacities, I have a passion for both Te Awamutu and Kihikihi. I would like to offer and share the skills and community expertise for the benefit of both communities and environs in the Te Awamutu-Kihikihi Ward.

Here are the reasons why in their own words in alphabetical order. Responses have been edited to around 100 words.

Lou Brown (Te AwamutuKihikihi)

As a community board member, my focus is on what is good for our town of Cambridge and our residents. I support the Board projects such as community gardens, the efforts to get a new library. The role of the board is ensure that our Cambridge is a great place for all of us to live, work and play.

Andrew Myers (Maungatautari - Community Board)

member of Audit and Risk, Regulatory, Urban Mobility, Housing Group and Maungatautari committees, with 100% attendance. I have been selected as one of three councillors on Connecting Cambridge, the review of the Cambridge transport network. I believe I have listened to the concerns of the community and represented those views.

Susan O’Regan (Mayor)

Ruth Nicholls (MaungatautariCommunity Board)

My knowledge and experience in local government will be critical during this current period of unprecedented change due not only unfunded mandates from central government but also challenges created by climate change and our basic democratic rights in relation to co-governance. The importance of local people making decisions on local issues cannot be over emphasised and their elected representatives need to be accountable for decisions that impact on us all on a daily basis.

Delwyn Smith (Cambridge and Community Board)

James Parlane (Te AwamutuKihikihi and Community Board)

Clare St Pierre (PirongiaKakepuku)

Corilin Steel (PirongiaKakepuku)

Takena Stirling (Māori)

I feel it’s my turn to step up and do my bit for the community.

experienced and have the independence to shift Waipā up a gear. I’m a natural communicator and collaborator with a record of delivering for the community. I have leadership skills, having chaired the Strategic Planning and Policy committee and presided over our Long Term Plan, several annual plans and strategic plans crucial for the progress and development of our district.

Selina Oliver (Cambridge Community Board)

Even though the council has a contract for rubbish disposal, they can’t just abrogate their responsibility for disposal of all rubbish. The roundabout at the white church, Cambridge, has not improved the traffic flow. Council should have a satisfaction survey before using the same designer or supposed improvements.

I am committed, hardworking and proud of our district. Working with many organisations is a strength and I possess strong interpersonal and organisational skills.

I have seen first-hand the challenges met by our whanau/ families, Māori, business owners, farmers and our locals, giving me the confidence to make practical and informed decisions for our rohe. As a trustee on the Pūniu River Care Board, and chairperson on our Wharekura, I have a great appreciation for the hard work, in our local environment and education space. Finding common ground between what is best for our rohe and progress is a challenge, and I believe I have the necessary technical skills, appreciation for te ao Māori, and compassion for people in general to get the job done.

I will strive to do the best for our community to keep services functioning and concentrate on minimising the burden on ratepayers.

What has prepared me for a position on the Cambridge Community Board? I currently work with Cambridge Community House and Violence Free Waipā, and am the current board chair of the Cambridge Charities CCOSS. These roles allow me to have my thumb on the pulse of the community I hope to represent.

David Slone (Cambridge Community Board)


Having been a member of the Te Awamutu Community Board for the past three years, I am passionate about listening

Waipā needs people who are forthright and direct in their approach to governance. Pretty faces and life members of clubs are not good council leaders. People should vote for brains and people who can promote the district and not people who will give council staff everything they want at the expense of the public. I should be elected as I have a conservative approach, do not support boring and wasting public money. I am not into building monuments to the council. I support only spending what is prudent to do the council’s work.

I am a drainage business owner, mother, wife, coordinator, and passionate cook. I would love to represent you as your Maungatautari representative.

We need people who have a passion for their community, who will put the community ahead of their own egos and those who will work constructively with others. We need long term, strategic thinkers who are interested in all aspects of the community and not those who are focused on single issues or a single solution. People who want to make the community an awesome place for their great, great grandchildren. I believe that I fit that criteria and honestly feel that my quiet yet determined style will ensure that my views are heard in a constructive manner.

Advocating for social and economic balance is important. I manage Mighty River Domain at Lake Karapiro and Sir Don Rowlands Centre. My Cambridge history includes managing Cambridge i-Site and Chamber of Commerce. Steady leadership has seen my third term on council finish with a healthy business district and controlled growth whilst still striking sensible rate increases. As the deputy mayor my portfolio includes being an environmental commissioner and chairing the urban mobility and CCTV camera committees.

Continued next page

Liz Stolwyk (Cambridge)

James Mylchreest (Mayor)

I believe council needs to ensure its core responsibilities are met; rubbish, roading, recreation and democratic elections.

Jill Taylor (Te AwamutuKihikihi Community Board)

We need energetic, experienced fresh leadership to drive us through a challenging but exciting time of change. Our district has much to offer but I believe we can do better as a council. That’s why I’m standing for mayor. I’m energetic,

Continued from previous page DROP YOUR VOTE TO: To find out more visit: Waipā District Council Offices Any post box nationwide (by 4 October) Te Awamutu Library (external voting box) Pak’n Save Te Awamutu (ballot bin) Fresh Choice Te Awamutu (ballot bin) Countdown Te Awamutu (ballot bin) Countdown Cambridge (ballot bin) New World Cambridge (ballot bin) Fresh Choice Leamington (ballot bin) VOTING CLOSES 12 NOON, SATURDAY 8 OCTOBER TŌ PŌTI TŌ REO YOUR VOTE, YOUR VOICE Special votes are available at both Council offices during normal business hours and Saturday 1 & 8 October, 9am – 12pm.

I’ve been on council for nine years and have proved I have what it takes to be an effective councillor. I care about the future of this district which I grew up in and have demonstrated commitment, proactive engagement on issues and the ability to work within a larger team. With my finance work experience, academic qualifications in management and sustainability, analytical and information processing skills, and success leading community environmental restoration projects, I am the ideal person to be your representative at the council table as we face central government reforms, climate change and environmental challenges, and economic headwinds.

The third bridge

Regional Council. Representin g Waipa Kin g Count ry Proven Exp erience & Ability BARRY QUAYLE • Previous General Manager of Fieldays • Council Chair 2022 • Regional Councillor since 2017 • Finance Chair since 2019 • AgResearch Animal Ethics Committee • Past Executive Director of the Regional Development Board WHAT WE NEED NOW


Our district is facing a growing range of issues; “steady as we go” and “we just have to navigate” is not the style of leadership we need. I am a leader with vision and aspiration, capable of growing a stronger Waipā. I’m not a politician, and for this I will not apologise. I have a proven record of real-world delivery and achievement. My business management and governance record holds me in good stead to execute the management and oversight required in the mayoral role. I will be the voice championing your concerns and needs, connecting our district as never before.

This question is really very simple and seems not to be grasped by many councillors. If Cambridge will ever need a third bridge, and this is not difficult to answer, then the only question councillors need to ask is where should the bridge go and once that is resolved to move very swiftly to secure a routes on both sides of the river. When the bridge may be required, who pays, or what colour it should be are not relevant today. To my knowledge Auckland has two major protected transport corridors that have been in place since the mid 1960s. Sadly, the people we tend to elect in Waipa seem more focussed on three-year election cycles.

Continued from page 2

Chris (Mayor)Woodhams

Bruce Thomas (PirongiaKakepuku)

Why you should elect me…



to Wellington directives. We also need to improve connections between our rural and urban communities via strong transport links.

you on the

In the NTP’s scientific review they considered that there were 27 studies of high quality. Of these 27 studies, 25 found statistically significant adverse effects, two found no effect, and none found beneficial effect. The studies with exposures below 0.7ppm were 11, exposures below 1.5ppm but above 0.7ppm were 4, and exposures equal or above 1.5ppm were 10.

Kane KakepukuTitchener


As Finance chair, I have strived for lower rates rises, and as a Councillor, have led projects to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of Council without adding Customer service is a key area for

Crashes on State Highway Three and One claimed the lives of two well-known residents on Wednesday last week.


Award winner

I offer broad experience, sound judgment, and innovative I look forward to representing Waikato

Bernard Westerbaan (Mayor, Te AwamutuKihikihi CommunityandBoard)

Murray Reid (Letters, September 15) correctly makes the statement that fluoride is a poison. To support this statement the National Toxicology Program (US Government agency) has stated in its draft report that “fluoride is a presumed developmental neurotoxin”.


14 | CAMBRIDGE NEWS THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 for Waikato Regional Council

am committed to being the voice of Waipa King Country and bringing your concerns to the table. Through my experience as General Manager of Fieldays and as part of the AgResearch Animal Ethics Committee, I have a strong understanding of the agricultural sector and connection with rural communities. I will be resident in Cambridge from early While2023.itisimportant

A collision on SH3 between Kihikihi and his hometown Ōtorohanga, resulted in the death of Karam Haddad, 82.

I’m people oriented. Having lived in the Waipā district for 41

She died in Waikato Hospital as a result of a two vehicle collision which also claimed the life of Auckland man Dean Hadley.

Manatū Hauora (Ministry of Health) has provided Waipā council with details of the funding application process to recover capital costs associated with the fluoridation of the Cambridge water supply. Ratepayers will fund the ongoing operational costs.

years I know the district well (need more involvement with Cambridge though).


Fluoride funding


I am a family man and know about the struggles families are going through. High inflation, high rents, work opportunities and options for youth are barriers to lots of people. Waipā has a greying population and as part of Grey Power I want to look after that part of the population. Getting senior council going again and listening to them is important. As I’m only one person I will delegate but stay involved as much as possible.

Karam and his brother John had owned their popular menswear store in Ōtorohanga on the main street for the best part of 60 years.

Waipā stormwater planning engineer Melissa Allfrey has won travel, accommodation and full registration to the Water New Zealand conference and expo next month in Christchurch. The award allows young engineers to broaden their knowledge and gain a greater appreciation of the water industry. She is also nominated for the Water New Zealand young engineer of the year award.

by B.Quayle, 11 Cullimore Street, Hamilton 3200


Continued from previous page

The US EPA’s go-to expert on Mercury neurotoxicity, Dr Philippe Grandjean published a Benchmark Dose analysis November 2020 and determined that the loss of 1 IQ point across the population would be reached at 0.2ppm. So to answer Murray Reid’s question “is it (fluoride) really (a poison) at less than one part per million?” The answer is unequivocally, yes. It is time for people, like Murray, to look at the evidence that is readily available and accept that knowingly adding a neurotoxin to the shared public water supply is reckless.

Rotorua based Susan Cutler, a St John stalwart for more than 50 years, was one of two people killed on State Highway 1. She had been driving an ambulance from Hamilton to Rotorua.

I have a lifetime of experience with the Pirongia ward which has now been merged with Kakepuku. I bring a farming and business perspective to council. My many years of community service has meant listening to ratepayer concerns and providing information to them in return. It is important that Waipā District Council has elected stability and has elected representatives who strive to make our district better than it is now. Yes, there will be big decisions in the future but with an open mind and good planning, our district will grow in a controlled manner for the better of everyone.


to address our climate challenges, the rate of change needs to be measured and practical. We need to ensure our region has an appropriate response

Residents including Ōtorohanga mayor Max Baxter were among those to pay tribute to Haddad.

to and consulting with local residents - and make a point of following through commitments I have made and getting results when seeking to have community wishes met. At meetings I seek answers to questions from council staff and officials - while also ensuring that they have a full understanding of the feelings of the local community when implementing decisions.

THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 CAMBRIDGE NEWS | 15 Cnr Oliver & Queen Street, Cambridge Phone: 823 0553 | Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 7.00am - 6.00pm Saturday - Sunday 8.00am - 5.00pm Public holidays 8.00am - 6.00pm

pockets.“Ihave seen managing directors and CEOs earning tens of millions of dollars while their workers still earn around $30,000 a year. I hate that,” she said. “Another bugbear of mine is the way some companies treat their employees.

Moneyworks achieved its B Corp certification in August, attaining a score of 102.9. The average score of all organisations completing the B Corp Impact Assessment is 50.9 with 80.0 required for certification.

Carey started Moneyworks in early 1997. She said she has difficulty with the business model where companies existed primarily to fill shareholders’

Carey Church is delighted with her company’s newly-minted B Corp status.

16 | CAMBRIDGE NEWS THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 Go to: to learn more An Efficient and Effective Transport Network A Strong & Safe Urban Mobility Network A People & Places Focussed Town Centre Activated Recreation Reserves A Healthy Lake Te Koo Utu ROGERVOTEGORDON CARING ABOUT CAMBRIDGE Authorised by Roger Gordon, 17 Vogel Place, Cambridge HONESTY, RELIABILITY, INTEGRITY 20 NOVEMBER Purchase tickets from:, Amber Garden Centre and Cambridge Jewellers Early bird tickets available until 30 September - $35pp. PROUDLYPREMIERSUPPORTINGSPONSORS2022 ROTARY CAMBRIDGE Cambridge

Cambridge business must

“A key focus for us is that it really does reflect our values when it comes to ethical investing. This gives them a shape… it gives us sound ideas on moving ahead.”

Alys Antiques & Fine Art 87A Victoria St, Cambridge P: 07 827 6074 Mob: 021 65 19 49 W: Artist: Gaston de Vel, Belg./NZ, Title: Pont St. Marie, Paris, Medium: Oil on Canvas, Signed: Gaston de Vel Dated: 1982, Size: 420x 490mm incl.frame TREES IN NEED OF A THIN We do this to let the light in A phone call to us is where to begin 8278494 Upcoming lecture Professor Al Gillespie New Zealand in Challenging Times: The Ukraine, the Paci c, and Extremism Register online at or Ring Carole on 021 401 951 Price: Members free and have priority entrance (Membership $30 per annum). For a limited time: If you are interested in joining and want to come along and try it out, a fee of $10.00 is payable at the meeting. Friday, September 30th, 10.30-12pm The Woolshed, Te Awa Lifecare 1866 Cambridge Road Cambridge. RE -SCHEDULED

people, not just to business owners and shareholders,” Church said.

Certified companies must update their assessment and verify their updated score every three years.

Certified B corporations, known as B Corps, are businesses that meet standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency. The certification process measures companies on everything from their social and environmental impact to employee benefits, charitable giving and volunteering efforts.“The ‘B’ signifies ‘benefit’ to all

By Viv Posselt

B Lab, a not-for-profit network aimed at making the global economy more inclusive and sustainable, has certified businesses across six continents since the launch in 2006.

“When I heard about B Corp and what it did to ‘do business better’, I grew increasingly interested and looked into it for our business. There was a lot of work involved once we started, but tough as it was, I have loved the process. It really made us push theHelpingbar.”

get them there was the company’s involvement with national and international professional organisations via which the team ‘gives back’ within their sector, and Carey’s lengthy involvement with Cambridge Rotary, and more recently, her establishment of U3A Cambridge.

B good

Church said the company joins 5500 businesses around the world and is the first financial adviser among 77 B Corp companies in New Zealand.

A Cambridge company has become the first financial adviser in New Zealand to achieve a B Corp certification, meaning it joins a global network espousing the notion that business can be a ‘force for“I’mgood’.very excited, and I’d like to get more people interested in looking at it,” Moneyworks founder and managing director Carey Church said. “Not only have we learned a lot through the process, but we have received valuable feedback throughout,” she said.


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club children as ‘Uncle’. After his death a memorial drinking fountain was erected at the club grounds which is still functioning today. Other foundation members included Phil Yearbury, Olive Hartman, Lenva Clark, Len Symington, Lou Strawbridge and Bill Mitchell.

In the early days of the club, rallies were held weekly, and later fortnightly, and pony club children enjoyed treks, day rides and mock hunts.

RegionalWaikatoForCouncil Authorised by Judith Sherriff. Enhance

Cambridge Pony Club also won the coveted Gold Cup at this event in 1961

And while show jumping and cross country are still as popular as ever, cowboy challenge is a growing discipline, and the club has some strong dressage riders too. Both branches hold regular pony club camps, and treks and out of town rallies are also popular.

The Cambridge Pony Club will gather at the Prince Albert pub - where many equestrian victories have been celebrated – for a 75 Year Jubilee Party on October 8. Harriet Di Maio looks at the club’s history, people and explains what is happening today.

black knitted vests have only very recently been replaced with more modern practical sports shirts.

This year’s events were well attended by Cambridge Pony Club members with teams coming second and sixth in the Waikato Teams Dressage Pony Club Champs, and sixth in the recent Timberlands one day event.

“They may arrive by float, and be kitted out in the latest helmets and body protectors, but the look on the kids’ faces is the same as ever”, says Carol Dix, “and that’s why we all do it.”

“It was time for the uniform to be upgraded, the knitted vests just weren’t practical for today’s events where body protectors need to be worn,” district Commissioner Carol Dix said.

and 1964 and again in 1969 and 1970. The most recent Gold Cup win for Cambridge was in 2019.

A club rally at St Andrews church in 1950

In the early days of Cambridge Pony Club, riding clothes were hard to come by—one mother made the club team’s riding caps out of papier mache.

In 1958 the club leased 11 acres of domain land in Leamington for their permanent grounds. The current club room building was moved onto the site and was an old Ministry of Education classroom. Volunteers worked hard to renovate and repurpose it for the club.

It seems the fascination with horses and ponies is as strong as ever.

Sherriff your bathroom with frameless

The youngest member of the club is four-year-old Libby Mathieson, and the most senior members include life members Cyril Yearbury, Doug Jones, Isabelle Smythe, Rosy McWha and Morva Blackie.

The club’s team at this year’s Waikato Teams Dressage Champs.

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This DIY attitude characterised much of pony club life back then. Rosettes were made by club mothers, and the distinctive black vests worn by club members were hand knitted.

The club today

Knitting a club together

The two remaining branches of Cambridge Pony Club are Leamington and Cambridge East Maungakawa. Membership levels are around 50 children aged from four to 18, and club members continue to compete in competitions such as the Gold Cup, the Pony Club Dressage Champs, the North Island Pony Club Show Jumping Champs, and the Pony Club Eventing Champs.Thedistinctive

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glass.... Specialising in custom made shower glass and mirrors, designed to work with any bathroom layout Call our team on 07 827 5555 today to arrange a FREE site visit Visit or email us 51 Shakespeare St,

The late Harold Jackson was a foundation member of the club and was affectionally known to many of the

In 1968 the first mini show was held with a night jumping display by Colin Clark and his famous horse Town Boy. Well known riders of the time included Robert Scott and the Watson brothers who made their name in the polo world.With the rise in popularity of show jumping, Cyril Yearbury, son of one of the inaugural members Phil Yearbury, founded the North Island Pony Club Show Jumping Champs in 1987 which continue to be run yearly in the Waikato today.Asmost children hacked to pony club there were many local branches of the Cambridge Pony Club including Karapiro, Fencourt, Matangi, Kairangi, Leamington and Cambridge Central. Nowadays most people travel by float or truck so only two branches remain – Leamington and Cambridge East Maungakawa. The DIY spirit lives on though, with both branches completely dependent on volunteers, and all club members are expected to take part in working bees before they are allowed to go out and compete for their club.

In 1950 a fully mounted church parade was held outside St Andrew’s Church.TheAuckland club’s gymkhana in 1952 was a highlight where four Cambridge Pony Club riders gained 26 points for their team and won the Silver Cup against other pony clubs competing with over 20 riders.

These days, it’s a slightly different story—75 years later, black is still the club colour, however members now wear lightweight sports tops and the helmets have to meet the latest safety standards.TheCambridge Pony Club was founded in 1947, and the inaugural meeting was held in the parish hall of St Andrew’s parish church.

Bill Mitchell and a young member at the 50th Jubilee celebrations. Bill was a great club contributor and four generations of the Mitchell family have attended club events.

V O T E C H R I S W O O D H A M S F O R M A Y O R www.chriswoodhamsforwaipamayor.nzAuthorised by C. Woodhams, 24 Empire Street, Cambridge, Waipā. Expect More Vote Chris for Accountability & Delivery Chris WOODHAMS M

THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 CAMBRIDGE NEWS | 19 Experienced Waikato Regional Councillor who understands the issues. Genuine, friendly and approachable. • A constructive team player • Sensible and considered decision making • Local solutions for local issues. “No politics – just common sense” As a 4th generation local farmer and long term Waipa-King Country resident, I will make decisions that serve the best interests of our ratepayers and our local communities. I stand for : • A proactive response to Climate Change • Clean Fresh Water • Caring for our environment • Community Partnerships • Sustainable Farming Systems • A vibrant, sustainable and healthy economy Passionate about the Waipa-King Country, working to ensure it remains a great place to live, work and play. RE-ELECT Stu Kneebone Your voice on Waikato Regional Council Authorised by Stu Kneebone, 271 Baker Road, RD4 Cambridge, Ph 07 827 3079 MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8am-5pm Any vehicle parts • BrakesClutches • Suspension • Auto Electrical • All repairs • Towing work done on your vehicle? We can help: GEARMOTORS LTD CENTRE MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8am-5pm • WOF • Tyres • • Any vehicle parts • Clutches • Brakes • Suspension • Auto Electrical • All repairs • Towing Need some work done on your vehicle? We can help: TOP GEARMOTORS LTD SERVICE CENTRE 47 Shakespeare St, PO Box 284, Cambridge 2351 | 07 827 7230 | Open hours: Monday - Friday 8am-5pm For all your motoring needs and repairs. Ph 07 827 5686 | 57 Alpha Street Cambridge | Shop at Cambridge Tiles and support a locally owned business, and your local tradespeople Plan your new build or reno from the comfort of your own home. Visit our new website which showcases our outstanding range of tiles as well as offering trend and design inspiration, valuable tips and advice on FAQs.

Doug Jones who was a foundation member of the Cambridge East branch when it was set up recalls the branch’s original cross-country course set up on the raceway grounds. “We’ve always been very lucky having such good grounds to ride on”. Doug still attends most rallies and working bees today. “All that’s changed is there are more floats now, and the cars are more modern. Everything else is just the same!”

Club memories…

Young riders at a Cambridge Pony Club mock hunt a

Marie Thomas, whose grandchildren Chloe and Charlotte are current members of the Cambridge East branch remembers her own years at Cambridge Pony Club fondly.

“I was given an ex-steeplechaser, Hairini Bay, by someone I used to groom for, and I thought he was wonderful. I used to hack to pony club all the way from Tauwhare, picking up other pony club kids, including Mark Todd along the way – we used to ride across the high-level bridge to the pony club grounds in Leamington. We had lots of fun. I remember Mark riding up the hill on his grey pony Little Man, and him telling me that one day he was going to ride at the Olympics.”CurrentDistrict Commissioner Carol Dix started at Cambridge Pony Club aged 10 and recalls riding bareback to rallies on her pony Little Joe with her roller skates on.

“I used to stop off at the skate park and roller skate before rallies. My parents were not impressed! I used to leave my skates behind at the grounds and pick them up on the way back.”

Committee meetings over the years show similar issues arising as today. Minutes from a meeting back in 1982 note the crosscountry marking sheets at the local ODE being rather awkward with the pens drying up in the heat, while cross county judges at this year’s Hamilton ODE struggled with the new phone App marking system…

y o r for

Minutes of a 1972 committee meeting note a decision not to include an entry in the annual Christmas Parade, due to the large volumes of traffic in town.

recently secured $20,000 from Watersafe NZ to run learn to swim classes for children aged one to six.

Long-serving Waipā Community Facilities Trust chair Merv Gyde is standing down having guided the sports and recreation entity through some challenging times.

“Over the next 12 months we will be able to start building some comparable information to help with our planning and budgets,” he said.Te Awamutu-born Gyde, who has chaired the trust since its inception, was thanked for his service.


Tribute to facilities head

Waipā deputy mayor Liz Stolwyk, left, and Taupō MP Louise Upston welcoming around 20 women at the Women’s Suffrage Day lunch held on Monday. The lunch, at Robert Harris café, Cambridge, was organised to mark the anniversary of an event on September 19, 1893, when New Zealand became the first selfgoverning nation in the world to grant women the right to vote. Both Stolwyk and Upston said they hoped the celebratory lunch would become an annual event in Cambridge.

Lunch for Suffrage Day

By Mary Anne Gill

It was also the first full year of operations for the new Cambridge pool facility which had some “teething issues” out of the trust’s control but would eventually be addressed.

Mylchreesttrustee.said the model of having facilities run by community trusts was a good one because it showed real commitment.

In its report to the Service Delivery committee meeting this week, Gyde and chief executive Matt Horne said the financial year ended June 30 was the most challenging year ever for the trust.

20 | CAMBRIDGE NEWS THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 LIST WITH THE TOP TEAM, AS VOTED BY CAMBRIDGE! I 07 823 1945 I MORE BUYERS, BETTER RESULTS CAMBRIDGE VOLUNTEER FIRE BRIGADE CALLS OVER THE LAST FRIDAY:WEEK MVC Tirau Road WEDNESDAY: 2 car MVC Victoria Road WEDNESDAY: 2 car MVC Tirau Road MONDAY: Building alarm and evacuation P: 07 823 4531 M: 021 783 Why use Yes Mortgages? • We help take away some of the stress • Integrity, confidentiality and trust are key values • 10 years experience in the mortgage industry • Customer focused with a ‘can do’ attitude • Professional Advisors Association (PAA) Member • Registered Financial Advisor • Flexible to fit around your needs • Cambridge owned and operated Gavin RegisteredLynch,Financial AdvisorWhen you buy a house, it is important to look at a number of properties so you get the home that suits you. It is the same with your mortgage. You should look at the options so you get the loan that is best for you. That is my job ... finding the mortgage that best suits your needs and situation. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY • EMPLOYMENTFARMINGPERSONAL Experienced professionals. Local specialists. Quality advice. Cambridge | 07 827 5147 Hamilton | 07 848 PHYSIOTHERAPY CAMBRIDGE 1913 Cambridge Road, Cambridge p 07 823 1393 COME AND GIVE IT A GO!!! FRIDAYS AT 1PM CALL OUR FRIENDLY TEAM TO BOOK YOUR SPOT Pilates

“When people from Hamilton East wake up to it, it will be a lot easier to go on the Expressway to Cambridge than go all the way to Waterworld,” he said.

“It’s been a real honour to serve,” said Gyde, a Te Awamutu accountant and Regent Theatre

The cost to each ratepayer for the facilities was $195.68.

The big success story for the year were the Learn to Swim lessons. Within a year the Cambridge pool was likely to have the biggest swim school in the district, said

The trust, founded in 2013, looks after the Te Awamutu Events Centre and the Cambridge Swimming Pool complex on behalf of the council.

Mayor Jim Mylchreest said Gyde’s wife Sue and their three adult children would be pleased to get Gyde back after the years of unpaid service to the trust.

Income was $4.815 million – including the government’s Covid support package of $700,000 – while expenditure was $4.581 million. Waipā council funded 46 per cent of the costs and the trust, through its commercial activities, paid for the rest.

There were 232,141 users throughout the year, down from 254,748 the previous year.

He was looking forward to seeing the Cambridge pool patronage increase.

Covid restrictions, vaccine mandates and staff shortages dominated the year.

THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 CAMBRIDGE NEWS | 21 WOF • Service Repairs • Parts Brakes • Tyres all makes and 07 827WOF8634 • Service Repairs • Parts Brakes • Tyres all makes and 07 827 8634 Introducing your personal OperatedownedLocally&Experience our service competitive& rates Airport - Railway & City TravelConnectionsShuttleSafeDriveNZSafeDriveNZ Contact/Txt 027 636 72 safedrivewaikato@gmail.com97 Quick crossword 123 456 7 8 9 10 11 1213 1415 16 17 18 1920 21 22 23 24 Fill the grid so that every column, every row and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. Sudoku NUTRITIOUSPARKLINGN NEUNPOLLUTEDQCJYRTS RTDEHSIMELBNUNUSEDU EAHEALTHYUICURRENTN DDGUOQBAPBOSTQUKAVF OOBNJRDEREHTIWNUEIA MTWTBODDGRTRBELJLTD BPFOTNZEUUNOMRIFCAE OULUSDAJSPENDGCOOLD ROOCEEETGSCGLEROSYM IKRHTLGWUCEXEBRIGHT GFIEAILHYRRCVFOYRCC IBDDLOOOOUAFOHBPELE NRIWDPWLUNULNRDPEUF AAMIWSIENCSDZSPANTR LCTRDNNSGHTRWZRNYFE OIDCHUGOTYEEAYISUJP TNADREVMKREFRESHEDF YGCRISPEITRESTOREDF 261 Across: 1. Panic, 4. Expose, 7. Aim, 8. Cosset, 9. Punnet, 10. Sleight of hand, 14. Ounce, 15. Blini, 18. Spine-tingling, 23. Madden, 24. Peruse, 25. Cup, 26. Wheeze, 27. Yodel. Down: 1. Prowl, 2. Nashi, 3. Catchy, 4. Employ, 5. Pinch, 6. Sheen, 10. Snogs, 11. Ennui, 12. Alibi, 13. Dying, 16. Stance, 17. Snippy, 19. Poach, 20. Nudge, 21. Lurid, 22. Nasal. Last week Wordsearch PFTNESERPERSIMPQEA WORETODMKSCREPLICA OLANJOEAIELIMISCAF RLNNUMFMCRPRSDBNRE ROSBUHUEHLCEQURUTC OWLLWLQPGMAHSEGHZU BEAOALDGKAXLTSQOMD ZTTTEHUFPXMTYPIIBO EEEDRPUZGWAIWEMNTR YKOETACILPUDMIILSP PMCYARERIDRDCWTAAE OQWEGGDOLIKETSAECR CPENROKCOMJPHKTRTL OAQOVTREPEATKEENCE TRFHCONTERFEITIUIN OORPYHKEREGNACSJPO HDPWKPNOBRACWHCEEL PYPRINTMIRRORSDLDC DUPLICATEDOUBLEDOLIKEDEPICTCRIMECONTERFEITCLONECASTCARBONBORROWBOGUS 1.Across Pong (5) 4. Powerful (6) 8. Facecloth (7) 9. Frequently (5) 10. A set of wives (5) 11. Complicated (7) 12. Chide (6) 14. Protein substance (6) 17. Competent (7) 19. Physical activity (5) 21. Lift up (5) 22. Perfumed (7) 23. Gesture (6) 24. Splendour (5) 1.DownUnofficially (3,3,6) 2. Broadcasting (2,3) 3. Go out of control (3,4) 4. Ill will (6) 5. Husband-to-be (5) 6. Completely (7) 7. Without warning (12) 13. Christen (7) 15. Financial reserve (4,3) 16. A division of the year (6) 18. Bust (5) 20. Get the better of (5) MOCKMISREPRESENTMIRRORMIMICIMITATEIMAGEFORGEFOLLOWFAKEFACSIMILEEMULATE PHOTOCOPYPHONEYPATTERNPARROTPARODYMODELPHOTOGRAPHPRINTPSEUDREPEATREPLICA UNREALTWINTRANSLATETRACESKETCHSIMULATESHAMSCANREPRODUCE Last week MEDIUM Sudoku Wordsearch All puzzles © The Puzzle CompanySt Kilda St HealthCambridgeJohnShuttle Providing transport to medical and health related appointments between Cambridge, Hamilton and return. 0800 846 9992 Bookings are required by 3.00pm the working day prior to appointment. Donations appreciated. The Cancer Society’s support group in Cambridge is open to anyone living with cancer, as well as those caring for someone affected by cancer. We meet on the last Tuesday of every month to share information, support and resources. If you are looking for support in a caring environment from people who understand the impact of cancer on your life, please join us. 10.30-11.30am27TuesdaySeptember St Peter's Catholic Church, 21 Anzac CambridgeStreet, Cambridge Coffee & Chat For more information please contact: Sharon Ward | Supportive Care Nurse 027 700 5076| To register your attendance email or call:Alisonpickleballcambridge@gmail.com0211769237orMark021995233Alowimpactsportwithamixoftennis+badminton+tabletennis Come along to our PICKLEBALLOPENDAY Wednesday 28 September 3.00 - 6.00pm Enjoy our Open Day Special, just $5 per person. Stay and play as much as you want. Go to: to learn more YES to a Third Bridge YES to Public Transport NO to Traffic Conges�on NO to 3 ROGERVOTEWatersGORDON CARING ABOUT CAMBRIDGE Authorised by Roger Gordon, 17 Vogel Place, Cambridge A STRONG VOICE ON COUNCIL

with Jan Bilton

Sticky date syrup puddings chicken traybake

Dressing: 1/2 cup plain Greek-style yoghurt finely grated rind and juice 1 small lemon

Recycled rewards

Spoon into the muffin cases. Bake for 25 minutes or until a skewer inserted in the centre comes out clean.

The container of pumpkin seeds (pepitos) bought a couple of months ago for nibbles and forgotten, required a little imagination. The seeds were pounded into a perfect pesto making a nutritional powerhouse that tasted terrific. My bottle of date syrup needed to be finished before it went sugary. So it replaced golden syrup in my traditional recipe for that comfort food Sticky Date Pudding — delish.


Preheat the oven to 190°C. Brush a large roasting dish with Trimoil. the chicken if necessary. Brush with oil. Combine the dry ingredients. Place in a sieve and dust over the chicken on both sides.

Preheat the oven to 180°C. Lightly brush a 6-hole Texas muffin pan with melted butter. Line with large paper muffin cases and brush with more melted butter.

days of turmeric lattes (heat a half teaspoon of ground turmeric, a quarter teaspoon each of ground cinnamon and ginger and a dash of vanilla essence in a cup of milk), then married the remainder with hard-boiled eggs, coconut cream and canned tomatoes and served the combo over rice. Yum!

22 | CAMBRIDGE NEWS THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 The 0800Doc362 freerunrejuvenating&lawns,,throughtosick,stressedanddownlawnsintogreen,weedlawnsyoucanbeproudof.

75g butter, softened

Beat the butter, brown sugar and date syrup until creamy. Add a tablespoon of flour (to prevent curdling) then beat in the eggs one at a time until well mixed. Gently fold in the remaining flour and date mixture.

Make this decadent desert in standard muffin pans if required. The puddings can be frozen and reheated in the 1microwave.1/2cupspitted chopped dates

1 teaspoon baking soda

Place the dates and water in a saucepan and bring to a simmer. Stir in the baking soda and stand for 15 minutes.


The chicken can be sprinkled with extra sumac after baking. 8 skinned and boned chicken thighs

flaky sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

1 teaspoon ground cumin

W W W . M Y C R A V E . C O . N Z W E ' R E L O C A L F I N D U S O N T H E C O R N E R O F E M P I R E & A L P H A S T R E E T S o r d e r o n l i n e a t w w w m y c r a v e c o n z W E D E L I V E R F O R F R E E I N & A R O U N D C A M B R I D G EW e l o v e c r e a t i n g f o o d t h a t w e k n o w y o u l l e n j o y a n d t h a t w i l l k e e p y o u f e e l i n g g o o d a f t e r w a r d s G L U T E N F R E E F O O D T O G O W E T H R I V E O N B E I N G D I F F E R E N T OVER 15 DIFFERENT OSALADS VER 15 DIFFERENT OSALADS VER DIFFERENT SALADS Phone: (07) 827 6140 Website: Email: Visit Us: 66 Alpha Street Cambridge TRUSTED FOR GENERATIONS • Adorable preloved clothing for babies and children. • Soft Toy Station • Gifts and Products from small NZ businesses. We have lots of great products instore 58a Lyon Street, Kihikihi Follow us on Facebook FB: LaaLaasTreasures E: WE’RE OPEN Tuesday to Saturday 10am - 2pm Stay up to date with any changes on our Facebook page

3 tablespoons date syrup


Meanwhile, make the sauce. Combine the ingredients in a saucepan. Bring to a simmer, stirring until the butter has melted. Simmer for 5 minutes. served over the puddings.


2 tablespoons olive oil 2 tablespoons sumac 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon 1-2 teaspoons chilli flakes

2-3 pitted dates chopped, optional

1 cup lightly packed brown sugar

1 tablespoon date syrup

Another unexpected hunkering down at home has seen a complete cleanout of my pantry. I discovered large bags of sumac and ground turmeric left over from a photography shoot 18 months ago and just past their best-by dates. Their flavour intensity was a little diminished but they were still Iusable.hadtwo

1 cup self-raising flour

Place the pumpkin seeds, coriander and garlic in a small food processor. Blend until fairly smooth. With the machine running, gradually add the lemon juice and olive oil. Season and add more lemon juice or oil if preferred. Store in a covered container in the fridge for 4-5 days. Makes about 1/2 cup.

Place in the roasting pan and bake for 25-35- minutes, until Meanwhile,cooked. whisk the ingredients for the dressing, Serve drizzled over the chicken. Serves 4.

Serves 6.

1 clove garlic, crushed

3/4 cup water

I added sumac (a slightly astringent, lemon flavour reddishpurple berry which is finely crushed) to a salad dressing for canned beans; sprinkled it over rice; and coated chicken portions before baking. Its flavour is very popular and can easily replace lemon juice in savoury recipes.

Serve as a spread for crackers or crostini. Or thin with a little hot water and serve as a sauce for fish or vegetables. 1/2 cup pumpkin seeds (pepitos) 1/2 cup firmly packed coriander leaves and stalks

15 Alpers Ridge Auction 12:00-12:30pm

19 Isobel Hodgson Drive $1,295,000 11.00-11.30am

71 Athlone Drive $1,649,000 1.45-2.15pm


16A Thornton Road Auction 12.00-1.00pm

Saturday 24 September

19A Saffron Street BEO $1,100,000 1.00-1.30pm

13 Alan Livingston Drive BEO $1,889,000 12.00-12.30pm

3 Vogel Place Auction 11:00-11:30am

12 High Street Deadline Sale 2.00-2.30pm

2 Priestley Place $1,360,000 2.00-2.30pm

31B Clare Street $979,000 11.00-11.30am

9 Homestead Lane Auction 11.45-12.30pm

191 Taylor Street $974,000 12.45-1.15pm

Five primary schools –Leamington, Cambridge East, Goodwood, Cambridge Primary and St Peter’s Catholic – held their own cross country races and sent their top place-getters in each age group and gender to compete at the annual competition.“Therural schools –

24a Thompson Street $880,000 10:00-10:30am

2 Hilliard Place PBN 2.45-3.15pm

“We haven’t had an event of its kind in a number of years and it felt like half of Cambridge came to support the students – there would have been at least as many supporters as runners,” Mr

Sunday 25 September

165A Williams Street $989,000 1.30-2.00pm

a determined start to the 10-year-old boys’ race from Leamington School students Benjamin Lee (centre left), who eventually finished 5th, and Colin Johnston (centre right), who won by a considerable distance. Cambridge 07 827 8815 57 Duke Street, Cambridge Harcourts Kevin Deane Real Estate @harcourtskdre Licensed REAA 2008 For Sale Price By Negotiation View Sunday 25th September 2022, 11:00-12:00pm Kevin Deane M 021 970 902 Mark Ingram M 027 495 5941 Impeccable Equestrian Lifestyle Stunning 330m2 5 bedroom plus o ice home. Quality fitout including designer kitchen and an entertainers dream with large decking and a spacious portico equipped with a fireplace/ pizza oven. 5.4ha of free draining soils suitable for all livestock classes. 550m2 (approx) stable complex featuring 11 stables, a tack room, feed room, crush, washdown area and storage rooms. Call Mark and Kevin today to arrange your viewing! Newstead 27c Marshmeadow Road 5 2 1 21 For Sale Price By Negotiation View by appointment or scheduled open home times Shelby Garrett M 027 622 4166 Your Place to Call Home! A beautiful, 100m2 A-frame style family home, sitting proudly upon a 703m2 freehold, low maintenance section. Experience a warm homely feeling in your gorgeous ‘Lockwood’ whare when entertaining guests in your open plan living and kitchen area, that has the perfect indoor/outdoor flow to the sun soaked and partly covered decking area, perfect for the classic kiwi summer BBQ. Call Shelby today to arrange your viewing! Leamington 47 Moore Street 3 1 1 2

52 Cowley Drive $1,495,000 12:30-1:00pm

10a Weld Street Deadline Sale 12.00-12.45pm

35A Shakespeare Street PBN 1.00-1.30pm

Hautapu, Te Miro, Roto-oRangi, Kaipaki, Horahora and Karāpiro – have a combined cross country a week before at Karapiro and the top places from their event go on to our town schools,” Goodwood School senior team leader Chris Garland said.

17 Buckland Place Auction 3:00-3:30pm

4/49 Pengover Avenue $789,000 12.00-12.30pm

By Steph Bell-Jenkins

120 Grey Street $895,000 1.45-2.15pm

MORE RE Saturday 24 September

2059a Te Pahu Road PBN 10.00-10.30am

“Just to qualify to make it to town schools is a pretty big achievement in itself. It’s the cream of the crop of runners.”

18d Rose Leigh Drive $1,290,000 10.45-11.15am


16 Shadbolt Drive PBN 1:00-1:30pm

45 Campbell Street PBN 3.00-3.30pm

17 Honiss Place PBN 2.15-2.45pm

10 Webber Street PBN 12.45-1.15pm

49 Oaklands Drive $1,175,000 12.00-1.00pm

9 Boyce Cres PBN 1.30-2.00pm


105 King Street $1,175,000 11.45-12.15pm

1 Damio Place $995,000 1.00-1.30pm

37 Ruru Street $1,175,000 2.00-2.45pm

120B Shakespeare Street $589,000 11.00-11.30am

137 Burns Street PBN 12.00-12.30pm

Almost 240 runners converged on Lake Karapiro to compete at the Cambridge Town Schools’ Cross Country event last Friday.




13 Cooper Crescent $1,360,000 1.00-1.30pm

1 Burr Street $1,100,000 10:00-10:30am

23 Scott Street $1,275,000 11.15-11.45am

16A Thornton Road Auction 12.00-1.00pm

Sunday 25 September

160 King Street PBN 11.00-11.30am

120B Shakespeare Street $589,000 11.00-11.30am

11/98 Burns Street PBN 11.15-11.45am

45 Campbell Street PBN 3.00-3.30pm

21 William Paul Street $1,375,000 3.00-3.30pm

52 Terry Came $1,299,000 12.45-1.15pm

Eight and nine-year-old runners completed a 1500m course, while 10 and 11-yearolds covered 2350m.

18 Cotter Place PBN 1.15-1.45pm

88 Hall Street $1,020,000 11:00-11:30am

58a Moore Street $590,000 11:30-12:00pm

Sunday 25 September

14 Sargeson Place BEO $765,000 11.00-11.30am

580 Fencourt Road $1,395,000 2.30-3.15pm

A runaway success

48 King Street Auction 12.30-1.30pm

109 The Oaks Drive PBN 11.00-11.30am

2 Clifford Close PBN 1.00-1.30pm

2/11 Kaniera Terrace $1,395,000 2.00-2.30pm

212 Thornton Road $1,365,000 1.00-1.30pm

13 Mahy Way $1,245,000 2.30-3.00pm

Jessica Hill 1, Evie Ball 2, Chelsea Ball 3. Age 9 boys: Joshua Buckley 1, Shamus McIntyre 2, Harry Smith 3. Age 10 girls: Anna Phillipps 1, Elena Quinn 2, Anja Lourens 3. Age 10 boys: Colin Johnston 1, Quinn Davis 2, Remy Mayne 3. Age 11 girls: Emily Cameron 1, Nina Davies-Colley 2, Ariana Suter 3. Age 11 boys: Isaac Williams 1, Kymanii Jones 2, Taane Young 3.

328 Brunskill Road $1,175,000 11.00-11.45am

13 Alan Livingston Drive BEO $1,889,000 12.00-12.30pm

2 Clifford Close PBN 1.00-1.30pm

15 Sewell Place PBN 11.00-11.30am

15 Clare Street PBN 12.00-12.30pm

Saturday 24 September

Garland said.

Saturday 24 September

153 Williams Street $759,000 12.15-12.45pm

Sunday 25 September


31 William Paul Street Auction 3.00-3.30pm

64A Thompson Street $799,000 1.00-1.30pm

14 Pengover Ave PBN 1.30-2.00pm


37 Ruru Street $1,175,000 2.00-2.45pm

12 Pengover Ave $1,435,000 1.00-1.30pm

35 Whare Marama Road PBN 1.45-2.30pm

53 Burns Street PBN 10.00-10.30am

Sunday 25 September

Lee on her way to winning the 8-year-old girls’ race for Leamington School.

2 Glenroy Place $1,195,000 2.00-2.30pm

99B Kingsley Street $1,175,000 2.00-2.30pm


3 Robinson Street $695,000 12.00-12.30pm

35 Whare Marama Road PBN 1.45-2.30pm

Coordinated by Goodwood School, the event caters for 8-11 year-olds and was cancelled in 2020 and 2021 because of the pandemic.

31 William Paul Street Auction 3.00-3.30pm

62C Raleigh Street $995,000 1.45-2.15pm

30 Williamson Street $1,095,000 12.00-12.30pm

Saturday 24 September

16 Alan Livingston Drive PBN 2.15-2.45pm

45 Weld Street $1,195,000 12.30-1.00pm


4 Richmond Street PBN 2.00-2.30pm

26 Tulip Drive PBN 3.00-3.30pm

19A Saffron Street BEO $1,100,000 1.00-1.30pm

Sunday 25 September

12 High Street Deadline Sale 2.00-2.30pm

1B Alpha Street $989,000 11.00-11.30am

18A Saffron Street $1,195,000 2.30-3.00pm

73 Gray Road, Te Miro PBN 2:00-2:30pm

31 Scott Street $845,000 11.30-12.00pm

71 Milton Street Auction 12:00-12:30pm

Sunday 25 September 31a Tennyson $775,000 10.30-11.00am

16 Keats Terrace $679,000 10.15-10.45am

44 Southey Street BEO $995,000 2.00-2.30pm

1 Kaaka Street PBN 11.00-11.30am

Results: Age 8 girls: Isla Lee 1, Dayna Flatt 2, Addy Rouse 3. Age 8 boys: Jack Lockwood 1, Henry Taylor 2, Caleb Moutira 3. Age 9 girls:

8 Mary Ann Drive Auction 1:30-2:00pm

Contact listing agent prior-visiting as Open Homes times can change.

5 Lucombe Place $1,085,000 1.00-1.30pm

160 King Street PBN 11.00-11.30am

40 Mill Road Deadline Sale 12.45-1.30pm

8 Thomas Place $725,000 1.00-1.30pm

Monday 26 September

15A Vogel Place BEO $920,000 12.00-12.30pm

8 Duke Street PBN 1.00-1.30pm

3B Hall Street $621,000 11.30-12.00pm

71 Milton Street Auction 12:00-12:30pm

8D Burr Street $979,000 3.00-3.30pm

3/49 Pengover Avenue $789,000 12.00-12.30pm

3 Hillary Place $835,000 12.15-12.45pm

4 Richmond Street PBN 2.00-2.30pm

48 King Street Auction 12.30-1.30pm

20 Honiss Place PBN 12.00-12.30pm

Garland said he hadn’t crunched the numbers on which school had won overall.“Some schools take as many as six in each age and gender, whereas some schools send smaller numbers, so you’re kind of comparing apples and oranges,” he said. But he said achieving a top three placing was “pretty prestigious”.CambridgePrimary achieved 17 top 10 placings, Goodwood and Leamington 14, Cambridge East 12, Te Miro and St Peter’s 7, Hautapu 6, Karāpiro and Kaipaki 2 and Roto-oRangi 1.

44 Southey Street BEO $995,000 2.00-2.30pm


door. Quiet, Great Sun - Fruit Trees OPEN HOME SUNDAY 11.00-11.30 AM BEO $765,000 14 Sargeson Place, Leamington A fairer commission rate of 2.8% to first $300,000 then 1.8% on balance + gst Plus FREE, tailor-made marketing worth $2,500+ - A welcoming ambience and attractive position, this home is ready for you to enjoy as is, or add your touches and flair. - Three bedroom property with garage/workshop and private backyard in a quiet, established part of town. - Features include: native tongue & groove timber flooring, sunroom/covered entertaining area, two heat pumps, wood burner and HRV for year round comfort. Super Location - AVAILABLE! OPEN HOME SUNDAY 10.15-10.45 AM 16 Keats Terrace, Leamington $679,000 4 3 2 3 1 1 - Architecturally designed home, with thoughtful highlights and designer points of difference. - Built in 2017 of eye pleasing brick, cedar and high windows. - Master has large walk in robe, ensuite and tiled shower and underfloor heating. Separate family wing, all double bedrooms. - Large double garaging with designated workshop area, separate laundry. Sunny and private covered alfresco area. Designed, Desirable, Distinctive OPEN HOMES SAT & SUN 1.00-1.30 PM 2 Clifford Close, NegotiationLeamingtonBEO $1,899,000 4 2 2 1 32

dogs. -

Jason Thoroughly enjoy a larger 848m² (more or less) section with the benefit of a super-sized deck and private, gated/ fenced for children/ Appealing living with Toshiba ducted air conditioning, modern kitchen and the double garage is ideal for a workshop Walk to the Leamington Village and cafes, with the bonus of a small park next

Tong 027 755 2902 Lily Hooker 027 870 3317 Wendy Tong 027 555 0633 Peter Tong 021 987 867 07 823 More Real Estate Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 74 Victoria Street Cambridge Bailey Gore 022 164 7316 Cary Ralph 021 139 4000 - Sensational thought-out floor plan that welcomes fun family living, Airbnb possibility or could provide a wing for Mum and Dad/ extended family. - Ambience of the privatised entertainment area, portico enjoyment & the fenced saltwater pool adds to the satisfaction. - Well fenced for your pooch – you have practical and beneficial grounds to please. Elevated Outlook To The Maungakawa Hills OPEN HOMES SAT & SUN 12.00-12.30PM 13 Alan Livingston Drive, Cambridge -

area. -



THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 CAMBRIDGE NEWS | 25 07 823 More Real Estate Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 74 Victoria Street Cambridge

Tong 027 555 0633 Peter Tong 021 987 867 Bailey Gore 022 164 7316 Cary Ralph 021 139 4000 - Completely renovated with the style and crispness of a luxurious new home. Privately positioned outdoor entertainment area. - Double glazed joinery and fully insulated, cosy fire plus four heat pumps throughout for winter heating as well as summer cooling. - New kitchen/scullery & separate laundry with maximised storage. - Family bathroom are finished with panache and the master bedroom enjoys an enviable walk-in wardrobe. Executive Family Living OPEN HOMES SAT & SUN 2.00- 2.30 PM Negotiation 4 Richmond Street, Cambridge A fairer commission rate of 2.8% to first $300,000 then 1.8% on balance + gst Plus FREE, tailor-made marketing worth $2,500+ - An appealing 4 bedroom brick home set on a sizeable 874m² (more or less) section. - Fully fenced yard great for pets and children and north facing deck for outdoor entertaining and garden views. - Master bedroom with access to private patio and his/hers walk through wardrobes to ensuite. - Gated access onto the greenbelt. Private, Super Location - Ready For You! OPEN HOMES SAT & SUN 1.00 - 1.30PM 19A Saffron Street, Cambridge BEO $1,100,000 4+ 2 2 4 2 3 - Full floor upstairs master bedroom features a large ensuite highlighting twin vanity basins and a 1m x 1m shower – bliss. - Engineered stone benchtops compliment the kitchen and large family bedrooms-double gibbed for additional insulation and sound proofing. - Three heat pumps for heating and cooling pleasure when you aren’t enjoying the desirably large entertaining deck. New Build Delight OPEN HOMES SAT & SUN 2.00 -2.30PM BEO $995,000 44 Southey Street, Cambridge - High spec Versatile show home boasting lavish features for comfortable, luxurious living. - Features: Cedar and Estate Brick feature walls with feature back-lit lighting, scullery with integrated coffee maker, kwila deck for outdoor entertaining with pass through window from the kitchen - you will want to move straight in! Auction (unless sold prior) 12th October at 12pm midday High Spec Living OPEN HOMES SAT & SUN 3.00-3.30PM Auction 31 William Paul Street, Cambridge 3 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2

Tong 027 755 2902 Lily Hooker 027 870 3317

26 | CAMBRIDGE NEWS THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 CONTACT PETER PAGE INTERNET ID: OCRR2243 PEN HOME: SUN 13TH 12 12 30PM INTERNET ID: CRR2254 David Soar Matt Seavill CONTACT MATT CSEAVILL ONTACT DAVID SOAR B AGR SC VALUATION $825,000374 VICTORIA ROAD 59 NICKLE ROAD AUCTION1105 TAUWHARE ROAD $1,175,000328 BRUNSKILL ROAD 47 Alpha Street, Cambridge P: 07 823 1945 TO VIEW ALL OF OUR CURRENT LISTINGS VISIT WWW.CAMBRIDGEREALESTATE.CO.NZ RURAL MANAGER M: 027 284 9755 E: DAVID@CAMREAL CO NZ RURAL/LIFESTYLE M: 027 444 3347 E: MATT@CAMREAL CO NZ NO WAITING READY FOR YOU NOW CONTACT MATT 5000m2 section Flat contour Superb location is close to Cambridge Lovely mature oak trees NEW LISTING FEATUREDLISTINGS $1,395,000580 FENCOURT ROAD STEP INTO THE GOOD LIFE CONTACT OMATT PEN DAY: SUNDAY: 2 30 3 15PM 3 2 2Peace and tranquillity with amazing rural views Very generous 3 bedroom family home, great location close to Goodwood school Huge covered deck with private spa pool area Good shedding and low maintenance section OPEN DAY NEW LISTING CONTACT MATT UNDER CONTRACT 4 2 TOO GOOD TO MISS Near new home on flat 5 45 acres 6km from centre of Cambridge Superb rural views Decking and outside fire place Great soils & location FINAL NOTICE TRANQUIL LIFESTYLE WITH BONUS SHEDDING CONTACT DAVID 4 2 2Private and tranquil rural outlook on 5006m2 with all day sun Executive 4 bedroom brick home , open plan living flowing to relaxed outdoor spaces Bonus 80m2 shed giving options for multiple uses AUCTION: To be held on Thursday 22 September at 1PM at the Cambridge Community Pavilion, corner of Queen Street and Dick Street, Cambridge (unless sold prior) OPEN DAY SIMPLY STUNNING! CONTACT DAVID Modern sophistication in tranquil rural setting with captivating views On trend décor, superb indoor outdoor flow onto large deck area 5004m2 with native plantings and plenty of room to play 4 1 OPEN DAY: SUNDAY: 11.00 11.45AM SECTION SELECTION!! CONTACT DAVID CONTACT DAVID CONTACT DAVID CONTACT DAVID CONTACT MATT CONTACT DAVID CONTACT DAVID OR MATT LOT 5, 176 HICKS ROAD LOT 1, 1378 BUCKLAND ROAD LOT 2, 507 LUCK AT LAST ROAD LOT 4, 815 MAUNGAKAWA ROAD 374 VICTORIA ROAD 351 FRENCH PASS ROAD 25 APPLEBY ROAD 1 0HA 5000M2 6217M2 5380M2 5000M2 3698M2 2814M2 $650,000 $665,000 $695,000 $710,000 $825,000 PBN PBN

THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 CAMBRIDGE NEWS | 27 CONTACT PETER PAGE INTERNET ID: OCRR2243 PEN HOME: SUN 13TH 12 12 30PM INTERNET ID: CRR2254 CONTACT MATT CSEAVILL ONTACT DAVID SOAR Sherry He M: 027 223 4335 E: SHERRY@CAMRE RESIDENTIAL Eilish Page M: 027 300 0002 E: EILISH@CAMREAL Alison Boo M: 027 277 8726 E: ALISON@CAMREA Sacha Web TO VIEW ALL OF OUR CURRENT LISTINGS VISIT WWW.CAMBRIDGEREALESTATE.CO.NZ Graham Ban M: 021 363 387 E: SACHA@CAMREAL CO NZ M: 027 448 7658 E: GRAHAM@CAMREAL CO NZ OPEN HOME OPEN HOME 47 Alpha Street, Cambridge P: 07 823 1945 sales@cambridgerealestate co nz OPEN NHOME EW LISTING FEATUREDLISTINGS NEW LISTING OPEN HOME OPEN HOME CONTACT SHERRY OR OEILISH PEN HOME: SUNDAY: 11 30AM 12 00PM NEW LISTING NEW LISTING NEW LISTING NEW LISTING AUCTION9 HOMESTEAD LANE RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL A WALK DOWN LUXURY LANE CONTACT ALISON OR OSACHA PEN HOME: SUNDAY: 11.45AM 12.30PM Large kitchen, with scullery Stunning luxury home in beloved lane right next to the greenbelt Superb living areas with covered outdoor portico Unmissable opportunity to live in Homestead AUCTION: To be held on Thursday 13 October at 1PM at the Cambridge Community Pavilion, corner of Queen Street and Dick Street, Cambridge (unless sold prior) $621,0003B HALL STREET "SMELL THE COFFEE" 2 1 1Close to CBD Two Double Bedrooms Garaging Spacious Open Plan Living $799,00064A THOMPSON STREET UNIQUELY YOURS CONTACT DEBBIE OR OTREVOR PEN HOME: SUNDAY: 1 00 1 30PM 3 1 1Secure, private section 151m² 1980’s Cedar and Weatherboard home Woodburner Open plan living with new kitchen Good storage $725,0008 THOMAS PLACE EVERYTHING YOU NEED CONTACT EILISH OR OSHERRY PEN HOME: SUNDAY: 1.00 1.30PM 3 1 1Fully double glazed home 3 double bedrooms Spacious living Great flow to private deck Cul de sac location $759,000153 WILLIAMS STREET SIMPLE CHARM & STYLE CONTACT SHERRY OR OEILISH PEN HOME: SUNDAY: 12.15 12.45PM 3 1 1Cambridge East Location Three Bedrooms Large Bathroom Polished Floors Single Garage LPBN OT 1, 69 WATKINS ROAD PREMIUM SECTION IN ESTABLISHED LOCATION CONTACT RACHAEL OR KYLIE 500m² (more or less) Landscaped with flat contour Opportunity to build new in an established area Subdivision consent granted Close to schools, walkways, parks and expressway 2 42 2+ 2

28 | CAMBRIDGE NEWS THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 C INTERNET ID: OCRR2243 PEN HOME: SUN 13TH 12 12 30PM INTERNET ID: CRR2254 CONTACT MATT CSEAVILL OPEN HOME TO VIEW ALL OF OUR CURRENT LISTINGS VISIT WWW.CAMBRIDGEREALESTATE.CO.NZ 47 Alpha Street, Cambridge P: 07 823 1945 OPEN HOME OPEN HOME OPEN HOME OPEN HOME OPEN HOME 4/49 PENGOVER AVENUE Debbie Tow M: 027 689 8696 E: DEBBIE@CAMREAL C RESIDENTIAL Trevor Mo M: 027 205 3246 E: TREVOR@CAMREA RESIDENTIAL Rach M: 027 72 E: RACHA $835,000 PERFECTION IN PUKEKURA 2020 Davies Home with rural views 2500m² section (more or less) 293m² two storey home (more or less) Salt water heated pool Chef's kitchen, two living, office, gymnasium, childrens wing with play nook Upstairs master suite with views of Maungatautari $1,295,000 EASY TRANQUIL LIVING Unassuming from the curb a calm & stylish haven awaits Kitchen with scullery plus open plan living and dining A portico complete with louvre roof Stunning, chic landscaping Perfect for couples and growing families $979,000 4Well maintained family home in central Cambridge East location Offering fantastic opportunity to refresh or enjoy as is Minutes from the town CBD and local schooling OVAL APARTMENTS CAMBRIDGE PARK Only two apartments left to choose from Brand new upper level stylish two bedroom apartment Stunning views over Cambridge Park A dedicated carpark and grassed common area complete this attractive package NEW LISTING 35 WHARE MARAMA DRIVE OPEN HOME: SATURDAY & SUNDAY: 1 45 2 30PM 19 ISOBEL HODGSON DRIVE OPEN HOME: SUNDAY: 11 00 11 30AM 31B CLARE STREET 105 KING STREET $789,000 Kylie Lee M: 021 183 9210 E: KYLIE@CAMREAL CO NZ RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL Paulette Bell M: 021 2456 888 E: PAULETTE@CAMREAL CO NZ RESIDENTIAL 3 HILLARY STREET PBN CONTACT RACHAEL OR KYLIE 2 CONTACT ALISON OR SACHA 4 2 22 CENTRAL FAMILY HOME ON CLARE CONTACT SACHA OR OALISON PEN HOME: SUNDAY: 11 00 11 30AM 2 22 $1,175,000 LOCATION & SPACE CONTACT SACHA OR OALISON PEN HOME: SUNDAY: 11 45AM 12 15PM 4 2 2Dedicated living and entertaining wings Open plan kitchen, dining and living Substantial and rare 809m² section Lovely family home in desirable Cambridge East CONTACT GRAHAM OR OPAULETTE PEN HOME: SUNDAY: 12.00 12.30PM 2 1 CONTACT EILISH OR OSHERRY PEN HOME: SUNDAY: 12.15 12.45PM PRICED TO SELL 3 2 1Elements of Yesteryear When character meets modern convenience Cul de sac living Easy care section with garaging 4 2+ 12

THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 CAMBRIDGE NEWS | 29 CONTACT PETER PAGE INTERNET ID: OCRR2243 PEN HOME: SUN 13TH 12 12 30PM INTERNET ID: CRR2254 CONTACT MATT CSEAVILL ONTACT DAVID SOAR Sherry He M: 027 223 4335 E: SHERRY@CAMRE RESIDENTIAL Eilish Page M: 027 300 0002 E: EILISH@CAMREAL Alison Boo M: 027 277 8726 E: ALISON@CAMREA Sacha Web TO VIEW ALL OF OUR CURRENT LISTINGS VISIT WWW.CAMBRIDGEREALESTATE.CO.NZ Graham Ban RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL M: 021 363 387 E: SACHA@CAMREAL CO NZ RESIDENTIAL M: 027 448 7658 E: GRAHAM@CAMREAL CO NZ RESIDENTIAL OPEN HOME OPEN HOME 47 Alpha Street, Cambridge P: 07 823 1945 sales@cambridgerealestate co nz OPEN HOME FEATUREDLISTINGS OPEN HOME OPEN HOME OPEN HOME 45 WELD STREET OPEN HOME: SUNDAY: 12 30PM 1 00PM 1$974,000 91 TAYLOR STREET 1$1,360,000 3 COOPER CRESENT 1PBN 8 COTTER PLACE OPEN HOME: SUNDAY: 1 15 1 45PM 1PBN 7 HONISS PLACE 1PBN 6 ALAN LIVINGSTON DRIVE OPEN HOME: SUNDAY: 2 15 2 45PM $1,195,000 OLD SCHOOL CHARM FRESH OPPORTUNITY CONTACT SACHA OR ALISON 3 2 3Modernised kitchen and freshly renovated bathroom Lovely old school charm with beautiful layout Substantial 1009m² section Resource consent for sub division has been approved Or enjoy the lovely family home with spacious garden as is CONTACT GRAHAM OR OPAULETTE PEN HOME: SUNDAY: 12 45PM 1 15PM SUNNY, EASYCARE & FREEHOLD 3 2 2Greenbelt outlook Double glazed throughout Delightful, sunny, low maintenance home PRICE REDUCTION CONTACT TREVOR OR ODEBBIE PEN HOME: SUNDAY: 1 00 1 30PM VENDORS HAVE PLANS LETS TALK! Standout style, space and location 752m² section Executive home with generous entertaining spaces Excellent heating Attractive road appeal 4 2 22 CONTACT ALISON OR SACHA PREMIUM CUL DE SAC LIVING Stunning family home, perched at the end of a Fantastic layout complete with open plan kitchen (with butler’s pantry), dining and living Covered portico area for entertaining & relaxing Easy maintenance garden with establish vege patch Premium Cambridge East location desirable cul de sac 4 2 22 OPEN HOME: SUNDAY: 2 15 2 45PM SPACIOUS & GRACIOUS CONTACT GRAHAM OR PAULETTE 4 2 2Multiple living areas Covered outdoor living Spacious 312m² family home Large 915m² section (more of less) DESIRABLE DESIGN & LUXURY CONTACT SACHA OR ALISON Stunning design features and high end fixtures and finishings Beautiful layout throughout that lets the light in Covered portico complete with outdoor fireplace, TV and spa Premier St Kilda neighbourhood with room to make your mark 4 2 22

30 | CAMBRIDGE NEWS THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 C INTERNET ID: OCRR2243 PEN HOME: SUN 13TH 12 12 30PM INTERNET ID: CRR2254 CONTACT MATT CSEAVILL TO VIEW ALL OF OUR CURRENT LISTINGS VISIT WWW.CAMBRIDGEREALESTATE.CO.NZ 47 Alpha Street, Cambridge P: 07 823 1945 5 LUCOMBE PLACE 1 HULME PLACE 120 GREY STREET 103 BROWNING STREET Debbie Tow M: 027 689 8696 E: DEBBIE@CAMREAL C RESIDENTIAL Trevor Mo M: 027 205 3246 E: TREVOR@CAMREA RESIDENTIAL Rach M: 027 72 E: RACHA Kylie Lee M: 021 183 9210 E: KYLIE@CAMREAL CO NZ RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL e Bell AMREAL CO NZ RESIDENTIAL $698,000 CONTACT KYLIE OR RACHAEL NEW CARPET & FRESHLY PAINTED INSIDE AND OUT! 3 1 2Private outdoor living Corner site Large double garage Three double bedrooms 652m² fenced in section $895,000 CONTACT SHERRY OR EILISH VENDORS WANT SOLD! 4 2 4Stunning colonial style Cambridge east location Modernised throughout Four bedrooms and two bathrooms Freehold 602m² (more or less) section $979,000 CONTACT DEBBIE OR TREVOR FAMILY FRIENDLY ON BROWNING Priced to sell 810m² Fully fenced section 4 Bedrooms / 2 Bathrooms / Double garage Double glazed and excellent heating Spacious family home 4 2 22 $1,085,000 DELIGHTFUL HOME CONTACT EILISH OR OSHERRY PEN HOME: SUNDAY: 1 00 1 30PM 4 2 2Cambridge East Location Four Double Bedrooms Two Bathrooms Conservatory Double Garaging OPEN HOME OPEN HOME $995,00062C RALEIGH STREET WAIT NO LONGER CONTACT SHERRY OR OEILISH PEN HOME: SUNDAY: 1 45 2 15PM 3 2 2Three Bedrooms plus Office Nook Ducted Heating throughout Chefs Kitchen with Scullery Open Plan plus Formal Lounge Large Double Garaging with Loft Ladder OPEN HOME: SUNDAY: 1 45PM 2 15PM OPEN HOME OPEN HOME $1,195,00018A SAFFRON STREET CONTACT SHERRY OR EILISH LIVE THE GOOD LIFE 4 2 2Family friendly layout Four bedrooms Two bathrooms Two living Generous 928m² section (more or less) OPEN HOME: SUNDAY: 2.30 3.00PM PRICE REDUCTION


32 | CAMBRIDGE NEWS THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 AIR CONDITIONING ELECTRICIAN Laser Electrical Formerly Devereux Electrical Ltd Nothing else has changedSame Staff and Service Levels M: 027 494 8826 | P: 07 827 5870 EXTERIOR CLEANING SERVICE Cambridge Owned & Operated Phone Mark for a FREE Quote 827 7386 | 027 432 2412 100’S OF SATISFIED CLIENTS HOUSE WASHING - ROOF TREATMENTS GUTTERS - MOSS REMOVAL EARTHWORKS l EARTHWORKS TONY COSSEY 027 410 7770 • 2, 8, 12 ton diggers • Tip truck hire • Small 4-wheeler/6 wheelers/truck & trailers ∙ Drainage ∙ Drilling ∙ Driveways ∙ Excavation ∙ Farm work ∙ Footings ∙ House pads ∙ Landscaping ∙ Post holes ∙ Section clearing ∙ Soakage holes ∙ Trenching 29 Victoria St (south end), Cambridge. Phone 827 9265 • 29 Victoria St (south end), Cambridge. Phone 827 9265 • Christmas Drapes • SoftSunscreensBlindsFurnishings Sanderson specialistFree measure & quote. DRAINAGE • Drain camera surveying up to 2m diameter • Drain jetting trucks • Drain camera vans • Septic Tanks GARDENING CambridgeMaintenanceGardenNOJOBTOOSMALL One offs, Weekly, Fortnightly or Monthly Phone Carl 827 0551 mobile 022 100 Landscaping  Planting  Hedges trimmed  Trees trimmed New lawns  Weed control  Pruning  General cleanup Rubbish removed  House washed  Water blasting Gutter cleared  Building  Painting Irrigation systems  Free quotes GLAZING GUTTERING ARCHITECT For Local Service You Can Trust • Broken Window Doors • Frameless Showers • Pet Doors • Custom Mirrors • Table Tops • New Glazing • Splashbacks We Guarantee all our Work & Deliver Service with a Smile! P: 07 827 garden resurrection rose maintenancehedgepruningtrimming fruit tree specialtidyresidentialcare&commercialupoccasions ARBORISTS Chipping, Felling, Maintenance, Pruning, Removals, Stump Grinding, Hedge Cutting and much more DENNIS CLEMENTS 0508 TREE QUOTE / 027 485 1501 Fully insured and qualified The Professional Arborists sinceoperatingProudly1992WAIPA ALUMINIUM Simon Whale 022 469 2423 SECURITY DOORS AND FLYSCREENS • Locally owned and operated • Over 25 years experience in aluminium • Call us today for your free quote • Window and Door Repairs WAIPA ALUMINIUM Simon Whale 022 469 2423 SECURITY DOORS AND FLYSCREENS • Locally owned and operated • Over 25 years experience in aluminium • Call us today for your free quote • Window and Door Repairs WAIPA ALUMINIUM Simon Whale 022 469 2423 SECURITY DOORS AND FLYSCREENS • Locally owned and operated • Over 25 years experience in aluminium • Call us today for your free quote • Window and Door Repairs WAIPA ALUMINIUM Simon Whale 022 469 2423 SECURITY DOORS AND FLYSCREENS Locally owned and operated Over 25 years experience in aluminium • Call us today for your free quote • Window and Door Repairs • Locally owned and operated • Over 25 years experience in aluminium • Call us today for your free quote GARDENING GARDENING ® 0800 111 001 Add value to your home for, great withlawn! awell cared Weeds? Disease? Moss? Insects? D-I-WHY? Now you can enjoy a per fect lawn for less cost than you can do it yourself! wyou canenjoyaper cost than youcan do it Ourweed and feed servicetakes care of anylawn –large or small.Sodon’t delay. Contactustoday foryour FREE lawn inspection. FENCING RURAL . RESIDENTIAL . LIFESTYLE RETAINING WALLS Corey021Hutchison0373685 KIWI VETERAN OWNED & 0800ecleaningGutterxpertsGUTRAT(0800 488 728) gu tt err a ts. c o.n z Stephen Oxenham Call today: 0800 772 887 Web: Heat SpecialistsPump • Free quotations and home appraisals • Sales, service and installation • Serving andOtorohanga,Cambridge,TeAwamutusurroundingareas

THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 – DON’T SWAP – REFILL –EXPERTS WATER DELIVERIES Formerly Waikato Water & Cartage - still the same owners! Your Local Water Delivery Company 0800 23 74 65 | • Bulk Water Delivery • Water Tank Cleaning • Swimming Pool Filling KINDERGARTENSLANDSCAPING QUALIFIED GARDENING CREW: p. 871 9246 or 027 5140 342 e. w. • All tree work • Pruning & removals • Chipping & stump grinding • Land & section clearing • Fruit trees • Scheduled maintenance • Pruning & weeding • Revamp or create new • Mulching & mulch sales • Hedge trimming QUALIFIED - FULLY INSURED - WAIPA’S FRIENDLY PROFESSIONALS QUALIFIED ARBORIST CREW: ChampionClimbingNZ2014Tree ADVERTISE WITH THE EXPERTS CALL JANINE ON 027 287 0005 PLUMBING AVAILABLE FROM: 10 Albert Street, Cambridge 07 827 5400 | | local heating specialist Other Showroom Locations: 6 Main North Road, Otorohanga | 100 Roche St, Te Awamutu • Bathroom Renovations • Gas Hot Water • Repairs, NeedInstallationService,aplumber?0800PRATTS A division of Pratts Ph. Matthew Trott • Tree Care • Pruning • Qualified,Removal•••ProfessionalArboristsStumpGrindingWoodSplttingConsultancy For a look you will love Call Dave Rowe • Interior painting • Wallpapering • Exterior painting • Spray painting SERVICES SERVICES SERVICING CAMBRIDGE, TE AWAMUTU & SURROUNDING DISTRICT WHEELIE BINS · COMMERCIALRESIDENTIALRURALCOMPETITAVERATESWEEKLYCOLLECTIONSFORGHTNIGHTLYCOLLECTIONSORGANICSERVICESSKIPSAVAILABLE NeedSpoutingFixing? For all maintenanceyour and repairs with 17 Years’ Experience on colour steel, copper & PVC spouting. Call Dean on 0274 769 591 JOINERY 92 Bruce Berquist Drive Te Awamutu P 07 871 6188 |  JoineryAluminium  Kitchens  Interior Doors Custom design and craftsmanshipsuperior for your dream home! | The difference is in the detail • House Painting – Interior & Exterior • Wallpapering • Free Quotes • No blaring music • No inconsiderate behaviour • 2 year guarantee on workmanship 021 800 286 INSULATION M 0274 407 107 E W RETRO-FIT / NEW BUILD / COMMERCIAL RENOVATIONS / ANYTHING INSULATION ADVERTISING TERMS OF TRADE Advertising Deadlines (Run of Paper): Advertising booking deadline for is one week prior to publication day. Copy deadline for ad-make up is 5pm Friday prior to publication day. Advertiser is responsible to advise us of any copy changes before 5pm Monday prior to publication day. Advertising supplied in completed form, deadline is Tuesday midday prior to publication day. Public holiday weeks, deadlines move forward on working day. Cancellation deadline week prior to publication. If cancellations are received after the booking deadline then full charge applies. Advertising setting is free for use in Good Local Media Ltd publications only. If used elsewhere charges will apply, pricing available on request. Advertising space only is purchased, and all copy made up by Good Local Media Ltd remains the property of Good Local Media Ltd. If supplied ready to print, copy is owned by the advertiser. Publication day is Thursday for urban deliveries and Friday morning for rural deliveries. Specifications: For supplied adverts: PDF/X – 4 spec, fonts pathed or embedded, text 100% black.

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We are looking for someone with general office experience and a range of excellent computer skills. Knowledge of MSTeams, Google and eTap an advantage. New Zealand driving licence essential.

34 | CAMBRIDGE NEWS THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 Family Notices • Engagements•Weddings•Births • Anniversaries • Bereavements • In027CallMemoriametcJanine2870005oremail Cambridge Funerals is now Legacy Funerals 07 827 Funeral Director DEATH NOTICES FUNERAL SERVICES CHURCH NOTICES 07 827 6037 3 Hallys Lane, Cambridge Dedicated to providing personalised and meaningful funeral services. Celebrating Life - Your Way Jim Goddin JP Funeral Director Join us this Sunday at Raleigh St. Christian centre, 9:30am and 4pm 24-26 Raleigh Street For live stream: Cambridge Seventh-Day Adven�st Church Cr. Shakespeare & Browning Streets Bible Study Each Saturday: 9.30am – 10.45am Worship Service: 11.00am Like us on Facebook: h�ps://–FreeviewCh27,Sky204WeofferdetailedstudyoftheBibleandinspiringworshipexperiences.AllWelcome. PUBLIC NOTICES GARAGE SALES SITUATIONS VACANT PUBLIC NOTICES WAIPA DISTRICT COUNCIL MEETING NOTICES Pursuant to Section 46 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 notice is hereby given that: The following meeting will be held in September 2022 –Friday September30 2022 Audit and Risk Committee CambridgeKaipaki10.00amRoomService Centre 23 Wilson CambridgeStreet The following meeting was rescheduled in September: Monday 26 September 2022 Audit and Risk Committee Please visit the Council website for all associated updated Council meeting information. Chief Executive Notice of AGM CAMBRIDGE TOWN HALL COMMUNITY TRUST The Annual General Meeting of the Cambridge Town Hall Community Trust will be held as follows: Date: Tuesday, 18 October 2022 Time: 7pm Place: Hidden Lake Hotel and Apartments, 34E Lake Street, Cambridge All welcome. Sunday service at 10am will be lead by Re v. Alistair McBride. “A Spiritual iPod” Corner of Queen and Bryce Street Sunday Service at 10am will be led by Rev. Mohu Worship“Alongside”LoloheagroupwithguestSpeaker,MurrayHunt. HOUSEHOLD items, adult & children clothing, books, bric-a-brac. 2 Woodstock Cres Leamington Cambridge. Saturday 24 September, 8am to 11am

The Cambridge Community House Trust supports the people of Cambridge by providing a wide range of social services. We are currently on the lookout for a Treasurer for our Board of AreTrustees.youa chartered accountant and perhaps retired or semi retired, but keen to give back to the community? We are looking for you!

• Te Awamutu/Pirongia another day 9.00am - 1.00pm

* Monitoring mares for signs of foaling

* Monitoring the health of mare and foal post foaling ensuring the foal meets required targets.–TEAWAMUTU

We seek an enthusiastic, competent teacher aide to join our friendly team to work alongside teachers to assist students/akonga with their individual programmes.

• Cambridge on Thursday 11.30am - 3.30pm


* Contacting on call staff once foaling begins

Must be prepared to work in Cambridge, Te Awamutu or Pirongia as required.

casey_carolyn@hotmail.com0274474093 WATCH



Northern Health School is one of three regional health schools that support students who are currently unable to attend their regular school because of ill health. Position is in our Waikato South unit based in Te AreAwamutu.youaconfident, energetic and experienced administration support person looking to use your skills, expertise and common sense in a busy, friendly, educational environment?

Duties include:

If you have time and energy to commit to this Charitable Trust and would like more information please contact Carolyn Casey, Chairperson for further information.

– Passed away in her sleep at Resthaven on Vogel on Sunday, 18th September 2022. Aged 92 years. Much loved wife of the late Harvey. ‘Jessica is going to be missed by all her family and friends.’ An afternoon tea to share memories of Jessica will be held at the Resthaven Community Centre, 4 Vogel Street, Cambridge on Thursday, 13th October 2022 at 1.30 p.m. All communications to the Bissenden Family, c/- 3 Hallys Lane, Cambridge 3434.



Please visit for further details and to apply online by 29 September

Please visit for further details and to apply online by 29 September

BISSENDEN, Jessica Margaret, (nee O'Sullivan)


Contact Kat Malcolm 021461716 or email applications to

This position is for 8 hours per week over 2 days:

Experience working with primary and secondary aged students an advantage.

The successful person must possess a high degree of empathy and enjoy working with young people who are too unwell to attend their regular school due to mental or physical illness.

30 hours per week during school term time only.

Opportunity for someone looking to enter the thoroughbred industry and gain valuable experience foaling or a mature person who would like to work nightshift. Experience not necessary but reliability and responsibility a must.

Applications close 5.00pm on 30 October 2022

For this role you will: be a reliable, self-starter who takes pride in their work have the ability to work unsupervised as well as working as part of a team be approachable and a good communicator have the physical ability to perform the role.

For more information on the Proposed Plan Changes, including the full public notice, Section 32 Reports and submission form visit or pick up hardcopies from Council offices and libraries in Te Awamutu and Cambridge.

Come and join our high performing Grounds Team.

Full-time and Part-time Permanent

5. Amend the Assessment Criteria and information requirements contained within section 21 of the Waipa District Plan.

The successful applicant will require: great attention to detail great communication skills mechanically and practically minded full NZ driver’s license reliability and be a self-starter who takes pride in their work have the ability to work unsupervised great attitude and work ethic the physical ability to perform the role.


Krypto the Super-Dog and Superman are inseparable best friends, sharing the same superpowers and fighting crime side by side in Metropolis. However, Krypto must master his own powers for a rescue mission when Superman is kidnapped.

“It’s a joy to watch Julia Roberts and George Clooney fall in love. It’s an even greater joy to watch them bicker... They’re heirs to that great screwball tradition.”


• For online submissions PLEASE INCLUDE “PROPOSED PLAN CHANGE 20” on the form


“Excellent filming and acting, with an amazing performance by Cliff Curtis.  People need to be held accountable for their misdemeanours; they must not be swept under the carpet.  It’s a compelling classic fictionalisation of several true incidents.” Allan Webb (QSM)


The part-time position works for 4 hours each weekday from 8.00pm – midnight.


THE NZ National Party Taupo Electorate 2022 raffle was drawn on 13 September 2022. Prize winners were: 1st – H Mabin, 2nd – P Armstrong, 3rd – M McGill, 4th – R Averill, 5th – K Purdy. Authorised by L Upston, 67 Paora Hapi Street, Taupo.


Proposed Private Plan Changes 20 to the Waipā District Plan Clause 5 of the First Schedule of the Resource Management Act 1991

6:00pm Held @ CJRS Clubrooms Taylor St


SEPTEMBER 22nd - 28th

Punch is a contemporary love story about loyalty and redemption. The story follows 17-year-old small-town golden boy and boxing hero, Jim (Oosterhof), who carries the hopes and dreams of his father Stan (Roth) on his shoulders.

THU 6:10 FRI 7:40 SAT 3:00, 7:25 SUN 1:30, 5:55 MON 4:00

• For more information on the plan changes email or telephone 0800 924 723.

THU 6:00 FRI 5:30, 7:35 SAT 3:15, 7:30 SUN 1:45, 6:00 MON 11:55, 4:05 WED 10:10, 6:00

Submissions are open from Monday 26th September. You may make a submission by sending an electronic or written submission to Waipa District Council by one of the following methods:

THU 5:50 FRI 5:20, 7:30 SAT 12:45, 2:55, 5:05, 7:15 SUN 11:15, 1:25, 3:35, 5:45 MON 11:45, 1:55, 4:10 WED 5:50

• you are directly affected by an effect of the plan change that adversely affects the environment; and


• Email:


Please 07 827 1869 to discuss or your CV


The successful candidate will learn on the job and study towards the New Zealand Apprenticeship in Sports Turf. You will be involved in the day-to-day management of the Golf Training Centre, the eight wicket Cricket Oval and various other Sports fields across campus. You will also be required to assist the grounds team with the general upkeep of the campus as well as event setups.

At St Peter’s we have an exceptional work environment in beautifully landscaped grounds. We offer excellent employment benefits including access to our gym and pool facilities, and a culture which values excellence.


FRI 5:10 SAT 2:50, 7:35 SUN 1:20, 6:05 WED 10:20, 6:10

Tell us what you think about Private Plan Change 20: Online:


Curin Contractors Ltd are currently seeking an

A unique opportunity is being offered at St Peter’s Cambridge for an energetic, motivated, and passionate Trainee Grounds person.


• Online: Complete Submission Form 5 at

• The Hearings Panel will release its decision.

4. Amend the infrastructure, Hazards, Development and Subdivision provisions contained in section 15 of the Waipa District Plan.

EXCAVATOR OPERATOR AND SKILLED LABOURERS for a variety of work projects.

President Vice President Secretary Treasurer

THU 5:30 FRI 5:25 SAT 12:35, 5:10 SUN 11:05, 3:40 MON 1:25 WED 5:30

During the school holidays these roles work during the day.

*Continuing due to popular demand SAT 12:55 SUN 11:25 MON 11:25

Applications close 5.00pm on 30 October 2022

THU 5:40 FRI 5:15, 7:25 SAT 1:05, 2:50, 5:20, 7:20 SUN 11:35, 3:50, 6:00 MON 11:35, 1:45, 3:55 WED 10:00, 5:40

St Peter’s School Cambridge is a child safe school.

Please send your CV to

2. Amend the Airport Business Structure Plan contained in Appendix S10 of the Waipa District Plan.

• If someone making a submission asks to be heard in support of their submission, a hearing must be held by an Independent Hearings Panel.



A divorced couple teams up and travels to Bali to stop their daughter from making the same mistake they think they made 25 years ago.


Our cleaning team takes huge pride to ensure our facilities are always presented at their best. We are now seeking an enthusiastic and reliable person to become part of our morning/afternoon and or night cleaning team. You will work within a team to carry out the daily cleaning tasks throughout our campus buildings.

Please send your CV to

Trainee Grounds Person Full-time approximately 89ha of land to the northwest of the Airport, from Rural to Airport Business Zone.


• Deliver to: Waipa District Council, 101 Bank Street, Te Awamutu OR 23 Wilson Street, Cambridge

- any person who has an interest in the proposal greater than the general public has; and - Waipa District Council.

Wednesday 5th October

The submission must be in accordance with Form 5 as set out in Schedule 1 of the Resource Management (Forms, Fees, and Procedure) Regulations 2003 and must state whether or not you wish to be heard on the submission. Copies of the form are available from Council offices and libraries or are available to download at

SGM for election of officers for 2022

3. Amend the Airport Business Zone (Titanium Park) provisions contained in section 10 of the Waipa District Plan.

• Any person who submitted may lodge an appeal to the Environment Court on the decision.

The full-time position involves working from 3.30 - midnight.

to To operate a tractor on an effluent pump. 2-3 days per week. Clean work, paid to read your book 70% of the time. Competitive hourly rate. 9-10 hour days. Call Nick @ Paramount Effluent 022 6789 877

Please apply stating why you would be the ideal candidate for this role along with current interests and level of education.

After submissions have closed, Waipa District Council will prepare a summary of decisions requested by submitters and give public notice of the availability of this summary and where both the summary and submissions can be viewed.

Nomination of officers to be received by 28th September 2022 in writing to

SAT 12:30, 5:00 SUN 11:00, 1:20, 3:40 MON 11:20, 1:40

In the West End of 1950s London, plans for a movie version of a smash-hit play come to an abrupt halt after a pivotal member of the crew is murdered.

Private Bookings for Frozen Te Reo available on enquiry DC LEAGUE OF SUPER-PETS | PG

Pick-up a hardcopy submission form at Council offices and libraries. Submissions close at 5pm on Friday, 28th October 2022


Good Luck to You (NZ’s top film at the moment), Leo Grande is essentially a two-hander, with twotime Academy Award winner Emma Thompson and Daryl McCormack’s characters “connecting” over the course of four “meetings”

Titanium Park Ltd and Rukuhia Properties Ltd seeks a private plan change to the Waipa District Plan


• Online: Download Form 5 on the Waipa District Council website at

*Continuing due to popular demand

• does not relate to trade competition or the effects of trade competition.


Special General Meeting


At St Peter’s you will work in a collaborative team who are committed to making a difference in the lives of young people.

Submissions close at 5pm on Friday , 28th October 2022.

Anyone can make a submission on the plan change. If, however, your submission enables gaining an advantage in trade competition, then a submission is only permitted if:

• There will be an opportunity for the following people to make a further submission in support of, or opposition to, the submissions already made: - anyone representing a relevant aspect of the public interest;

Consequential changes may be made by the Hearings Commissioners.

“A beautiful and sensual tale about an older woman looking for explanations about her own desires. A brave and beautiful performance of Emma Thompson showing that a woman can be proud of herself at any age.” Linden


• Send to: Freepost 167662, Waipa District Council, Private Bag 2402, Te Awamutu 3840


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