Cambridge News | June 22, 2023

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MPI asked: Why did you clam up?

Waipā councillors say a government watch-dog agency failed to raise a red flag when it learned super breeding invasive gold clams were found in the Waikato River at Karāpiro

They lamented the agency’s apparent lack of urgency at a meeting this week noting it did not alert the council at a high enough level or run any advertising warning lake and Waikato River users about the risk of picking the clams up and introducing them into other waterways.

“This could be quite disastrous for us,” said deputy mayor Liz Stolwyk.

The News learned that other river territorial authorities – including Waikato Regional, Waikato district and Hamilton city councils – were also kept out of the loop.

Waipā mayor Susan O’Regan and chief executive Garry Dyet were among the region’s council bigwigs who summonsed Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) biosecurity staff to a meeting in Hamilton before Fieldays.

MPI director general Ray Smith conceded his organisation had not escalated the issue to mayors and chief executives. They would be part of any ongoing activity, he said.

He suggested there were other government organisations, and even the Waipā council itself, who might have been aware of clams in the river for some time.

“They’ve probably been in the waterways more generally for two years because of the size of the clams.”

The News understands it was not an MPI scientist who discovered the clams last month but a researcher from another government organisation.

In recent weeks, the clams have been detected in the Waipā water supply at the Pukerimu intake and Parallel Road water treatment plant and hydro dam operator Mercury confirmed it had found clams in one of its water intakes at Karāpiro

“We’re still early enough to get on top of what we’ve got,” said Smith.

But Stolwyk and O’Regan are unconvinced.

“We weren’t part of the initial communications. This could get away on us very quickly and perhaps we need to prioritise this right now,” said Stolwyk who has another reason to be frustrated.

She manages the Karāpiro Domain which attracts thousands of people to events on the lake every year.

“Every day is a potential risk,” she said.

The tiny gold clams are prolific breeders – up to 400 every day - and initial reports suggested there was no likelihood of eradicating them. The clams are hermaphroditic – having both male and female reproductive organs. They typically spawn (breed) in spring and late summer.

Top of the world

Waipā is seeing sport and sports stars at their best - on Sunday three players with Cambridge links were named in the All Blacks and two days later Cambridge hosted the women’s football world cup.

A month out from the biggest women’s sporting event on the planet, the trophy 32 teams are playing for arrived at Cambridge High School.

The FIFA Women’s World Cup was shown to students from Cambridge High School, Cambridge Middle School and St Peter’s Cambridge, who had the opportunity to be photographed with it.

Cambridge High prefect and senior girls’ first team captain Jess Savage welcomed guests and spoke about gender equality in sport, calling for equal opportunities for both men and women.

She was the first to be photographed with the trophy, then joined on stage by St

Peter’s firs team captain Olivia McDonald and Cambridge Middle School student Addy Mason, who plays for Cambridge Football Club’s U12 Barcelona team. Addy is looking forward to watching Argentina play Sweden at Waikato Stadium. The match between the two world superpowers is one of five scheduled to be played in Hamilton during the tournament, which runs from July 20 to August 20.

New Zealand and Australia are cohosting the event, which students were told would be the single biggest women’s sporting event in history. It is expected to attract two billion viewers.

Cam Roigard: from speedway to All Black – Page 11.

THURSDAY JUNE 22, 2023 CAMBRIDGE NEWS | 1 FREE It’s a real newspaper JUNE 22, 2023 Continued on page 2 07 827 6037 3 Hallys Lane, Cambridge Celebrating Life - Your Way Jim Goddin JP Funeral Director Follow us on Facebook Grinter’s Funeral Home are dedicated to providing personalised and meaningful funeral services, as unique as the life you are celebrating. Love your smile. Visit your friendly community dentist at Leamington Dental. Open 5 days a week. • Exam and X-rays • Hygiene Services • General Dentistry • Cosmetic Dentistry Payment Options • ACC Registered Book today on 07 823 4665 or online Book today! leamington dental docket books design • posters signs • business cards letterhead• labels newsletters • header cards • compliment slips • pull up banners raffle tickets • note pads • large format printing 07 827 6269 12 Carters Cres, Cambridge Your local ONE STOP PRINT SHOP Hockey 50 Victoria Street, Cambridge sportsworld co nz Outdoors Basketball Football Netball Fishing Lacrosse Rugby
Jess Savage, Addy Mason and Olivia McDonald were the first students photographed with the FIFA Women’s World Cup when it visited Cambridge High School this week.

This newspaper is subject to NZ Media Council procedures. A complaint must first be directed in writing, within one month of publication, to the editor’s email address.

If not satisfied with the response, the complaint may be referred to the Media Council P O Box 10-879, The Terrace, Wellington 6143. Or use the online complaint form at www.

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Why did you clam up?

The MPI handpicked a regional newspaper to break the story and take photographs in the lake last month – but did not approach The News.

The News spoke to Smith at Fieldays and suggested to him the oversight was a costly communications’ error given the impact on the district’s economy. He disputed that,

Firmly in favour

The series of articles, “On Shaky Ground” by Janine Krippner have been so well presented and so interesting. I must write to thank her for taking the time to share her wonderful knowledge and experience. As Kiwis, we all live on shaky ground and it is necessary for us to understand what is happening beneath our feet and to respect its forces. Thank you, Janine, take care and keep up the great work.

Editor’s note: We think Janine is pretty special, too. She was in transit to the Canary Islands this week and her column will resume next week.

saying MPI had set up a website where people could report any clam sightings.

O’Regan told the Service Delivery committee she spoke to Agriculture minister Damien O’Connor at Fieldays and shared her frustration at the lack of communications from MPI at an executive level.

“They’ve (MPI) learned now not to access the organisation at a lower level.”

She said Biosecurity NZ was considering whether to call for it to be classified as an “unwanted organism” while Waikato River iwi had discussed the possibility of putting a rāhui in place – essentially prohibiting human use of the lake and the river.

Smith said the critical thing was to find out how far the clam had spread and to put a management plan in place.

“We’ve got to take this sensibly and plan our way forward.”

He urged river and lake users to “give boats a good clean on the way out.”

Waipā Water Services manager Martin Mould downplayed the clams’ risk to the district water supply.

“It’s almost an irrelevance,” he told councillors.

The water taken from the Waikato River and into Waipā was treated and any risk removed by the treatment processes.

This week I have another good news story to tell.

Overnight last weekend, a farmer was out and about when he heard some farm bikes being driven strangely. He headed down the road and came across a car near a quad bike and a Polaris vehicle in what seemed like odd circumstances.

The car quickly drove away, leaving the farmer to drive the vehicles back to the safety of his farm, whereupon he called police. Not being aware of any local thefts, a Facebook post was put out by Waikato Police asking for information.

It was seen by someone who believed the vehicles looked like ones that belonged to an organisation with which he was involved. He rang his contacts there, who checked their sheds and discovered the vehicles missing – yes, the organisation had been burgled. We have strong leads on the vehicle involved and our enquiries are continuing.

The quad bike and Polaris have however already been returned to their very thankful, rightful owners. This again goes to show, if you think something is suspicious, call Police on 111.

Tonight (Thursday) I’m heading to Maungatautari for the latest in a series of rural crime prevention meetings with Neighbourhood Support and Cambridge Community Patrol.

The key messaging for anyone living rural is not to be complacent when it comes to burglary. Rural homes do not have the same close neighbours, those capable guardians, to be able to see (and raise the alarm) when someone is walking around a house or property. Often farmhouses are also some distance from the road and not visible to passing vehicles.

This is where installing CCTV can be key. With the ability to view footage on your mobile phone, you can be alerted to any

trespassers on your property even when you are away. If you are out back of the farm, lock up your house and shedding and if away from farm vehicles, do the same. When not in use, be sure to keep keys for all farm vehicles in a separate building to the vehicle itself and out of sight. Take photos of your farm implement shed contents and engrave an identifier (such as your driver’s licence number) on power tools. Sometimes after a burglary, you otherwise may not realise an item is missing until you go to use it months later and it isn’t there.

By keeping photos of the usual contents of a shed, especially where everything has its place, you can more easily identify what has been stolen if that does happen. I look forward to catching up with the Maungatautari community and wish everyone a good week.

2 | CAMBRIDGE NEWS THURSDAY JUNE 22, 2023 Unit 2, Block C, 36 Lake St, Lakewood Cambridge Ph 07 838 1111 This advertisement kindly sponsored by: Personal | Business Marine | Life & Health Insurance Creating safe and caring neighbourhoods and communities, building community resilience and strengthening our networks. Visit us: Cambridge Community Pavilion, Cnr Queen & Dick Streets, Cambridge. Phone us on: 021 904 489 Open: Wed | Thurs 9am-11am Email: “Authorised by the Cambridge Safer Community Charitable Trust” DIRBMAC G E SAFERCOMMUNITYCHAR I T A TSURTELB Letters…
On the beat with Senior Constable DEB HANN A friend in Facebook CONTACTS Readers’ contributions of articles and letters are welcome. Publication of contributions are entirely at the discretion of editorial staff and may be edited. Contributions will only be considered for publication when accompanied by the author’s full name, residential address, and telephone number. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the publishers. The Cambridge News is published by Good Local Media Ltd and is the most widely distributed newspaper in Cambridge and rural surrounds. News/Editorial Roy Pilott 027 450 0115 Mary Anne Gill 021 705 213 Viv Posselt 027 233 7686 Jeremy Smith 022 317 9499 Advertising Manager Janine Davy 027 287 0005 Owner/Publisher David Mackenzie Office/Missed Deliveries 07 827 0005 Authorised by Tim van de Molen, Parliament Buildings, Wgtn.
Your MP for Waikato 0800 GET TIM (0800 438 846) TimvandeMolenWaikato
Tim van de Molen
Continued from page 1
Clams found in the council’s water treatment plant.


Museum plan

Waipā District Council’ s Te Ara Wai Governance committee will gauge fresh support for the $27 million museum. While there were 29 letters of support when the project was mooted in 2017, delays since – caused by Covid and a lack of funding –means the committee must get a sense of what funding options were now available, members were told at a meeting this week.

Maunga extension

Waipā council has given a one-year extension to the Maungatautari Ecological Island Trust at a cost of $305,000 to deliver ongoing management of the maunga scenic reserve. Usually, the council would go to the open market but there are no other suitable suppliers able to deliver the services.

Public excluded

Waipā Council’s Finance and Corporate committee did more of its business this week out of the public eye than in it. Reports from Waikato Regional Airport, land acquisition in Te Awamutu, disposal of a stopped road in Pirongia, a partial land purchase for roading, acquisition of land and easement in Cambridge and management services for Mighty River Domain in Karāpiro were in public excluded while the only item in public, with the exception of apologies and confirmation of minutes, was the financial report for the period ending May 31.

Plan adopted

A management plan eight years in the making has been adopted for a Pirongia reserve - and prioritises horse-riders, walkers and runners. The Sainsbury Road Reserve Management Plan was adopted by Waipā’s Strategic Planning and Policy Committee this week after 60 submissions were heard. The plan also provide for a twoway cycle-track on the edge of the 41ha reserve.


The (grass) root of the matter

There have been many sporting highlights for me in a 40year career as a journalist.

Being waterside at the Sydney Olympics when Rob Waddell won his rowing gold medal, Auckland taking the Ranfurly Shield on the road and bringing it to Te Kuiti to play King Country, questioning Tiger Woods at a NZ Open press conference and sitting in the audience when netball’s Silver Ferns Dream Team was announced at New Zealand Netball’s 75th anniversary in 1999.

I’ve also covered grassroots events – the 1992 Roller Mills tournament in Taumarunui when I was editor of the Ruapehu Press. There I met the great Bryan Williams – who came into the office to order one of the photos I took of his son Gavin in action.

I’ve covered every sport – from croquet through to bowls, squash, tennis, football, netball and rugby and interviewed dozens of youngsters for weekly secondary schools’ sports profiles. Some went on to become very famous, others did not - but I was always conscious that in many respects mine was the first media interview they had done - and in most cases would ever do - so the most important thing was to spell their name right and ensure that the clipping would be shared proudly among family members.

At that 1992 Roller Mills tournament, I chatted with the captain of Waikato Rangers. His name is spelt wrong in the tournament team photo and listing but I got it right in the paper. He went on to become an All Black centurion by which time everyone knew it was Keven, not Kevin, Mealamu.

In my long career I do not once recall being told I was not welcome at a sporting event in a professional capacity.

So, I was astonished when The News was told we were not welcome at the Te Awamutu Rugby Sports and Recreation Club on Sunday night for the naming of the All Blacks.

Two players with Waipā connections – Cameron Roigard and Luke Jacobson – were looking likely selections so we wanted to be there.

General manager Linda Sprangers said: “the event is by invitation only and it is currently fully subscribed”.

Interestingly, Waipā mayor Susan O’Regan, who has a long association with the club – her sons and daughter have all represented Te Awamutu in sport – was also not invited. Looking at photos from the event, the so-called Te Awamutu old boys’ network seemed there in abundance.

This was not grassroots, as Sky TV kept saying. This was elitism at its finest, announced exclusively on the pay channel to an “invite only” crowd at the rugby club where All Blacks coach Ian Foster played more than 100 games for Te Awamutu Old Boys.

Fortunately for The News readers, we do not give up, and on Monday my colleague Jeremy Smith caught up with new All Black Cameron Roigard in Cambridge.

The two went to the same school and so they had a lot to talk about as they caught up in the Town Square.

Now that’s grassroots.

• Mary Anne Gill was twice New Zealand’s sports reporter of the year and this year a finalist in the community newspaper journalist of the year.

Last chance to vote

Four passionate Māori candidates have put their names forward to be a Waipā district councillor, but they are struggling to get constituents to the polls.

When The News went to press only 176 people –7.43 per cent - of the 2368 on the Waipā Māori electoral roll had voted.

At last year’s local body elections, with three days to go, nearly 14 per cent of the 2417 eligible voters had voted. A late rush then took that through to nearly 23 per cent – 548 votes – 309 of which were cast for Te Awamutu lawyer Takena Stirling.

It was his resignation, prompted by his suspension from practice, which resulted in the by election.

Voting closes at noon tomorrow (Friday) and boxes are available in Te Awamutu and Cambridge - postal voting is no longer an option.

The four candidates are different enough to offer a choice for voters.

Bill Harris describes himself as a strong and informed spokesperson at the council table through his experience as one of the district’s Kanohi representatives.

Gaylene Roberts says she wants to promote economic development initiatives that “empower” Māori entrepreneurs and create job opportunities.

Dale-Maree Morgan says Māori had little or no trust in council processes but that she as a younger candidate could connect with all whānau, from kaumatua to rangatahi.

Barney Manaia says Māori told him they felt unvalued in the past. The seat on council was an opportunity to unify a collective Māori voice that would work with other leading voices to achieve great outcomes.

The drive to get Māori wards across the line in district councils was a long one – and Waipā was one of several to make the call in 2021 amid much fanfare from The News.

Māori voices at local government level had become progressively quieter because of a lack of confidence and connection with Māori communities, The News argued.

And a largely European council agreed, voting to establish a Māori ward amid some antagonistic voices in the community.

Māori wards provide a direct way for Māori to contribute to decision-making and have representation at council. In the absence of Māori being elected as general ward representatives, the ward guarantees Māori representation.

Where to vote before noon Friday 23 June:

• Waipā District Council offices in Te Awamutu and Cambridge

• Te Awamutu Library

• Countdown Te Awamutu

• Fresh Choice Leamington

• Fresh Choice Te Awamutu.

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Bill Harris Dale-Maree Morgan Barney Manaia Gaylene Roberts
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Next stage for cycleway

An $8.6 million extension of the Cambridge cycleway through to the Victoria High Level bridge has been approved to proceed to detailed design and procurement.

The route – named the Cambridge Pathway - turns from Hamilton Road into Bryce Street, and travels along Alpha, Duke, Wilson and Victoria streets finishing up at the Cambridge end of the High Level bridge.

Funding of $3 million comes from Waipā’s Long Term Plan and $5.6 million from Waka Kotahi (New Zealand Transport Agency) which includes money from the Climate Emergency Response fund, announced by the government last year.

For deputy mayor Liz Stolwyk it represents one of her proudest moments in her 10 years on Waipā District Council.

“This money from heaven as I call it has made all the difference,” she said.

Facebook and webinar. They were analysed and then considered by the Urban Mobility Working Group, chaired by councillor Mike Pettit.

Key changes to the original plans were made which included narrowing the intersections on Bryce Street to ensure shorter road crossing distances for pedestrians and cyclists, adding crossing points along the entire route with priority for pedestrians and cyclists over cars and minimising visual clutter on the cycleway.

Cars are unlikely to use Bryce Street as a rat run around town with the changes which include raised platforms aimed at lowering speeds.

A funding agreement is in place with Waka Kotahi for the current design and consultation phase.

A construction procurement plan, including a cost estimate, will be prepared for an approved scheme plan.


The council’s Service Delivery committee approved the Cambridge Pathway project at its meeting this week. Staff said the project had strong community support, provided more transport options and improves the community connection to the Te Awa River Ride through the Alpha Street connection.

Community feedback to the draft plans came through stakeholder meetings, phone calls, emails, letter, online surveys,

Council also considered the project’s impact on Climate change. Cambridge Pathway would contribute to the reduction in private car use and associated emission reduction, staff told the committee.

Stolwyk asked Cambridge people to be patient when work got underway.

While the Streets for People project with its brightly coloured planter boxes and chess boards were controversial two years ago, and left her “battered and abused”, the Cambridge Pathway had seen more consultation and agreement, she said.

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Students’ call: end the strikes

What drove students at Cambridge High and Te Awamutu College to demand action from education minister Jan Tinetti and secretary of education Iona Holsted? Steph Bell-Jenkins finds out.

Cambridge High School’s head girl Bella Peacocke is stressed about how teacher strikes will impact on her chances of getting a university scholarship.

“With our strike days we’ve missed a lot of our classes... which means that if we could have maybe got excellence before, we probably won’t – we’ll get achieved or merits – because we haven’t had the support that we need,” she said.

The year 13 student, who would like to go into business or communications, says she will have missed nine school days by the end of this term.

“I’ve had some teachers in classes saying how we’re going to have to drop some of our internals because we just don’t have the time,” she said.

This would result in fewer opportunities to get the 60 overall credits needed to pass the year, she said.

“Lots of students that

are already struggling will have lost the motivation and probably won’t be able to pass.

“I’ve got people I know that have only got maybe eight or nine credits so far and we’re already halfway through the year and because of this they just don’t care about their schoolwork anymore; they’re sick of it all, don’t try anymore.”

Strikes had also disrupted school routines and events, such as the annual blood drive – a day when students aged 16 and over have a chance to donate blood. That event, well supported in other years, would probably have to be cancelled, she said.

These concerns drove Bella and other Cambridge High School student leaders – head boy Luke O’Brien, deputy head girl and boy Anna Jago and Ben Bonetti and prefects Daniel Plant and Thomas Hocking – to launch an awareness

campaign last week.

They were supported by four head students from Te Awamutu College Kirk Van Marrewijk, Stella Quigley, Billy Ousten and Sarah Druce. Students from Hamilton Girls’, Hillcrest High, Waikato Diocesan, Sacred Heart, St Johns College and Hamilton Boys’ High also backed the campaign.

“We want to be clear that we completely support and value our teachers, and agree that they deserve to be paid what they are worth,” Bella said.

“We are calling for an end to teacher strikes. We are calling for our

teachers to be paid for their worth and we are calling for our right to education.”

Aiming, in her words, “to get teachers’ pay that is representative of their profession so that we are getting both teachers and students back into the classroom”, the Cambridge students got 27 other Waikato student leaders on board and wrote to education minister Jan Tinetti and secretary of education Iona Holsted.

“On behalf of all rangatahi, we want to say that enough is enough,” the letter began.

“The greatest detriment to our future

as NZ students is educational disruption.”

The students also launched an online petition which had attracted more than 1100 signatures by Monday.

PPTA Te Wehengarua acting president Chris Abercrombie said his organisation had made it clear, when negotiations began more than a year ago, secondary teachers needed a pay increase that matched inflation, as well as improvements to staffing and other conditions.

“We have a worsening shortage of secondary teachers – any school principal will tell you how increasingly difficult it is to fill

vacancies,” he said.

“We cannot afford to let pay and conditions slide.

Secondary education is the gateway to life opportunities for our rangatahi – it needs to be resourced and valued adequately.”

Abercrombie said he hoped the settlement of the primary teachers’ collective agreement would enable the Government to focus more sharply on the needs of secondary education and find a solution to the impasse.

“Our members are increasingly frustrated at the fact that the demands on teachers are skyrocketing and many

teachers are on the brink of leaving, but this is not being acknowledged by the Government in its offers to us.”

Bella’s mother Nic Peacocke, who has two other children at Cambridge High School, had a child at home every day last week because of rostered teacher strikes.

“It‘s frustrating to watch these kids and their education being used as part of these negotiations,” she said.

“In Covid years, NZQA have helped students by lowering the required credits required to pass the year. I have not heard any talk of that this year even though the interruptions are constant. For some students, not passing the year could be a reality.

“From a parents’ perspective right now, we just need our children to be given that opportunity of the education that they actually all deserve.”

Anna Jago Bella Peacocke Ben Bonetti Luke O’Brien

Urupā discussion encouraged

The long term capabilities of Waipā’s 10 public cemeteries may have become clearer but iwi and hapū are frustrated at the challenges they face developing their own urupā.

Engaging with Māori on the issues they face with their burial grounds has emerged as a priority for council.

In a report to the council’s Service Delivery committee this week, Reserves Planning team leader Aidan KirkbyMcLeod said while it was outside the scope of the draft plans, there would be benefit in council consulting further with iwi.

He said the council developed concept plans last year and went out to consultation.

Te Awamutu, Hautapu and Paterangi cemeteries could be full within 10 years, commentary with the concept plans revealed.

Kirkby-McLeod said the council has now updated its previous calculations and now know there is slightly less overall capacity for body burials.

While there is more room at Te Awamutu, Kihikihi and Paterangi, there is even less at Hautapu, Leamington Ōhaupō, Pirongia, Puahue and Pukerimu.

There is a possibility the council could sell or repurpose Pukeatua Cemetery depending on investigations into the land’s original gifting conditions.

Ngā Iwi Topu o Waipā members fed back saying the majority of iwi and hapū are buried in their urupā, in accordance with tikanga.

“Mana whenua face a number of challenges in relation to securing formal access to and/or developing and maintaining their urupā,” Kirkby-McLeod said.

“A number of members advocated for council support to address these challenges given that their whānau are Waipā residents who would otherwise be buried at a council cemetery.”

Forty six submissions were received and changes have been made as a result. The final report will provide direction for councillors during the upcoming Long Term Plan budget processes.

The plans have mitigated the impacts of climate change at the cemeteries through design and location of infrastructure and reduced the use of low carbon alternatives by increasing the number and size of trees through restoration and amenity planning which in turn cuts back on mowing requirements.

The specific changes are:

• Hautapu Cemetery: amend design to accommodate two recently installed berms and confirm intention to replace the picket fence along Victoria Road with a post and rail fence

• Kihikihi Cemetery: reduce the number of internal carparks from 30 to 10 and move the toilet to be level with the car parks

• Pirongia Cemetery: clarify that once the road extension is constructed, a oneway road will be restricted to people with limited mobility, hearses and maintenance vehicles

• Puahue Cemetery: add alternative to land disposal for Puahue Cemetery in case investigations highlight disposal isn‘t possible because of the original land gifting conditions

• Pukerimu Cemetery: amendments to improve the safety of access and egress to the proposed new car park

• All cemeteries: show locations of water taps, bike racks, memorial plinths and shade trees.

Waste plan adopted

Waipā District Council has adopted a six-year Waste Minimisation and Management Plan. Six issues surfaced during consultation including support for organic waste, council funded rubbish collections, reducing recycling contamination, diverting construction and demolition waste, having the right infrastructure and getting the most out of government policy.

Fluoride closer

A detailed design needed to enable Cambridge’s water supply to be fluoridated has been submitted to Manatū Hauora (Ministry of Health). The council was told last year it must add fluoride to the water. The estimated costs, which would include the Karāpiro and Alpha Street plants, would be $480,000 with annual operating costs of $130,000.

On the road

Waka Kotahi contractors resealed or replaced 488 lane kilometres on Waikato and Bay of Plenty highways over the summer. Meanwhile, works on the expressway at Rangiriri will involve detouring traffic over the next six weeks.

Fish fees

The price of Taupō Fishing District licence fees have risen for the first time in six years ahead of the 2023-24 starting in July 1. Fees range for adults from $23 a day to $105 for the season.

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Helping Frankie and friends

“He’s probably never been shown love. Yet, the warmth he reciprocates when someone cares is amazing.”

Examples like Frankie are largely why Sally Fraser does what she does.

She helps dogs in either one of Waipā’s two dog pounds - in Cambridge and Kihikihi - get adopted and has had 14 in four years. “One at a time obviously...”

Her adoptions have been either temporarily, or more permanent, since she fostered her first dog - a “beautiful” Border Collie - through South Waikato District Council.

Now adopting Waipā dogs, her reasoning is simple.

“So many great dogs are in our district’s pounds. All they need is a good home and some love,” says Sally, who works as the council’s Waste Minimisation officer.

Waipā District Council figures provided to The News show new homes were found for 47 dogs the district’s pounds in 2022.

More than half – 25 dogs – were rehomed via various charities. The other 22 were rehomed directly from the pounds.

As The News went to print Frankie was one of 14 dogs living in Waipā’s pounds.

Council compliance manager Karl Tutty said the 14 include all shapes, sizes and breeds of dog - including a Golden Retriever.

In Frankie’s case, council animal control staff don’t know much about his background, breed or age.

He was brought to the pound about a month ago by someone who rescued him because they knew he wasn’t well cared for and they simply couldn’t keep him.

Frankie also lived with Sally for about a week.

She said when she first met Frankie, he had a skin condition, which has now healed, and a mark around his neck - likely from a collar.

“He’s probably lived much of his life outside,” she said.

“And yet, what’s so amazing is despite the fact he’s most likely been treated in a not so nice way by people in the past, he’s still so loving and affectionate.”

She’s pleased by Frankie’s progress.

“He’s put on lots of weight, is running

around more and looks so much better.”

“He’s just beautiful,” Sally said of Frankie’s stay with her.

“But I couldn’t keep him for too long.”

With two other rescue dogs already, she feels Frankie’s ideal home would be one where he’s an only dog.

“He’s so friendly and loves attention so much that it would be wonderful if he found somewhere he could be given that one-onone.

“After staying with me though, I can say he can live with a cat - he lived with mineand he’s crate, house and toilet trained.”

Potential owners from Hastings almost adopted Frankie but ultimately took home another dog which they felt was a better fit.

“I totally support the fact they ended up taking a dog they felt was a better match. What makes a successful dog adoption after all is correctly matching the personalities of potential owners with dogs that compliment them.

“As well as things like a dog’s energy levels with a potential owner’s lifestyle,” Sally said.

The Hastings visitors were so taken with Frankie though that despite not adopting him, they paid to have him desexed and bought him a “posh” dog bed.

Another anonymous donor offered to cover Frankie’s vaccination and microchipping expenses - meaning he can now, essentially, be adopted at no cost. Frankie finding his forever home would delight Sally.

“It’s so special seeing a dog rehomed, and so joyous knowing they’ve found a family who loves them.

“There’s no excuse for Frankie - or any of the other wonderful dogs - to be here really,” she said.

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Passionate Waipā dog adopter Sally Fraser with Frankie.

Roigard: from speedway to All Blacks

Waipā – and Cambridge - has its newest home grown All Black.

On Sunday, after much buzz about his chances, former St Peter‘s Cambridge 1st XV, now Hurricanes halfback, Cam Roigard, was among five newcomers – and three players with Cambridge connections - in a 36-man squad named for next month’s Rugby Championship.

The series is seen as vital preparation ahead of the Rugby World Cup later this year and All Blacks coach Ian Foster returned to his former club – Te Awamutu Sports - to announce his first squad of 2023.

Foster played 100 premier games for Te Awamutu.

Former Cambridge High School student - loose forward Luke Jacobson, who made his All Blacks’ debut in 2019, and Samipeni Finau, a loose forward who played for St Peter’s, were also named.

In Cambridge, hearing their son’s name called on Sunday made Cam’s parents Dave and Lisa – who own and operate Karapiro Charters and Tours - ecstatic.

Cam was with them and a core group of family and friends to watch the announcement live.

“It was a bit nerve wracking as each name was read,” Dave said. “Being at home with everyone, then hearing my name called though was a special moment I’ll cherish forever,” Cam added.

Cam and Finau are the second and third All Blacks to come from St Peter’s Cambridge stocks. The school’s first All Black was second five-eighth Keith Lowen.

When Cam, 22, was at St Peter’s, he spent three years – 2016-2018 - in his school’s First XV, attending the National Top 4 Co-ed Cup

competition in each of those years.

He’s St Peter’s First XV’s most capped player, with 56 games.

His subsequent rise through the rugby ranks has been rapid, and Dave has a bit of an idea what, in part, that comes down to.

“Cam certainly works hard. Everywhere he goes, he makes the most of any opportunities.”

Making a “big call” after finishing school, Cam headed to Counties Manukau and represented the Steelers in the 2020 Mitre 10 Cup.

He was selected for the Hurricanes squad as a replacement player for the

2020 preseason programme, and his contract was then extended to cover the 2020 Super Rugby season.

He was offered an injury replacement contract in 2021 and signed a fulltime contract last year.

He was then selected in the All Blacks XV squad for its 2022 Northern Tour made up of two games - one against Ireland A, other The Barbarians.

Now, his 2023 speaks for itself – and as his rugby took off, Cam parked his other lovespeedway racing.

First getting behind the wheel at eight, his best result, in 2019, came in saloons

– he finished second at the New Zealand championships.

Cam said while he’s always dreamed of becoming an up All Black, his first priority to date has been to put his best foot forward as starting half back for the Hurricanes while TJ Perenara is out injured.

“TJ has set the standard at the Hurricanes for so many years, I just want to ensure that whenever I’m given the chance to step up, I give my all for the jersey.”

Lisa, a doting mum, said she’s documenting each step of Cam’s rugby –and now All Blacks - journey in a scrap book. And it’s a special one to reflect on.

Cam first started playing rugby at age four while attending Karāpiro School.

At 10, he captained the Cambridge Bowers side when he was a year younger than the rest of the team.

He also captained the Gwynne Shield side and was part of the 2012 Waikato Roller Mills team which won the title for the first time in 21 years.

“He’s certainly grown as a player on what’s been quite a fast path,” Dave said.

“It just shows that for any young kid out there growing up in New Zealand dreaming of being an All Black one day – Cam had a large poster of Dan Carter on his wall –there’s a pathway on which that can happen, with some hard work and dedication.”

Meanwhile, as much has been made of Cam’s consistency this year, he has a rather straightforward approach to achieving it.

“A large part is preparation-based. If you know you’ve put in your best effort in training, then - in a way - games almost take care of themselves.”

The All Blacks kick off their 2023 Rugby Championship campaign next month against Argentina.


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New All Black Cam Roigard with his dad, Dave, in Cambridge on Monday.

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The robust health and good reputation of Cambridge Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) was celebrated last week at the organisation’s 40th anniversary event.

Cambridge CAB chair Caroline Kitching told over 70 people who attended that the way the bureau handled the Covid-19 pandemic period ranked as one of the highlights of the past four decades.

“The first highlight was getting our present building,” she said, “another is how well we are thought of by Cabnz (Citizens Advice Bureau New Zealand) because we were one of very few CABs that continued to operate during the pandemic. We fielded calls from all over the country during that time and are very well thought of for the way we handled it.”

The anniversary event was attended by volunteers and representatives from several organisations that work closely with the local bureau, as well as Cabnz regional

representative Shirley Trumper, who came up from Rotorua. Among the guests was life member Anne Galbraith and two founding volunteers, Vera Fisher and Margaret Price.

Waipā councillor Philip Coles was there, as was Taupō MP Louise Upston. Both of their fathers had an early involvement with the bureau.

Upston said reaching 40 years was a ‘fantastic achievement’. It was organisations like CAB, who connected people with the information and services they need, that made up a community, she said.

“When my dad retired, the first thing he did was sign up to be a volunteer for CAB. He thought it was the most important way he could help his community. The value you provide is phenomenal. Yours is a very professional and caring organisation… it speaks volumes to the people who volunteer with CAB,” she added.

“To have 36 volunteers fielding 1700 calls over the past 12 months is an astounding achievement.”

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CAB Cambridge stalwarts, from left, bureau chair Caroline Kitching and manager Marie Payne, with founding volunteers Vera Fisher and Margaret Price.

Library plan goes to survey Gully plan approved

The Cambridge Community Board is looking to get a reading on public sentiment as members champion the opportunity for a new library and community hub.

At the board’s June meeting held yesterday, Wednesday, after The News went to print, it was confirmed the board is due to run an online survey next month and in August as members seek views on “requirements and wishes” for a potential new space.

The board has identified advocating for a library and community hub, which would replace the current Cambridge library, as one of its three key strategic priorities in the three years to 2025.

The others are advocating for active mobility safety measures across and through Shakespeare St and advocating for Cambridge’s CBD to be a vibrant, connected and inspired public space.

The board’s survey comes as Waipā District Council has confirmed a $250,000 feasibility study, expected to be finished by the end of the year, is due to get underway this month.

A written council report said the feasibility study would be funded by the central government’s Better Off Fund - the purpose being to assess different options available for any new library and community hub in Cambridge.

Community need, cost and practicality have been labelled key considerations.

While the aim of the fund is to invest in the future of local government and community wellbeing, there are suggestions the current Cambridge library has outgrown its Wilson St premises, and therefore isn’t meeting customer and staff expectations.

The council document said reports of there being not enough room for books and other items and limited spaces in which to hold events and education programmes have been received. Staff are said to be struggling to work in congested back office spaces.

“With a growing population, its important facilities that are provided meet the needs of both the current, and future, community,” it read.

Council staff have said examples of new library spaces in New Zealand - coupled with international research - show modern libraries are more than “...just a quiet place to research and borrow books…”

“They need to have a focus on lifelong learning and… cater for the wider social needs of our communities. Libraries are now, often, vibrant hubs that play critical roles in the community.”

Following the feasibility study findings, which will include the community board’s survey results, the scope of any possible library and community hub project will be refined - including assessing the possibility more than one option will need to be looked at, and the fact more community consultation will be sought.

Project specifics such as costs and completion dates will need to be included in council’s 2024-34 Long Term Plan, open for community consultation in early 2024, before being confirmed by July next year.

Community board members have said the board will have a Long Term Plan submission regarding a possible new library ready, made up of information gathered through its community engagement processes.

Results gathered from the survey underway next month will form part of that submission.

Waikato District Council will introduce a targeted rate to continue restoring and preserving the Tamahere gully network.

Councillors voted last week to levy Tamahere ward ratepayers $1 a week per property over the next five years to accelerate restoration works in the Mangaone, Mangaharakeke and Mangaonui gullies.

The rate will provide resources to the trust behind the work to continue restoration works on council land as well as private land with public accessibility.

It is introduced after a public consultation process drew an almost evenly divided response for and against.

The Tamahere Mangaone Restoration Trust has been at the forefront of restoration efforts in the Tamahere area for the past decade.

Waikato mayor Jacqui Church said the decision marked a significant milestone in the commitment to preserving the Tamahere gullies.

“The inclusion of this rate in the

Annual Plan demonstrates our dedication to funding and expediting restoration works needed to protect our natural environment, as well as the importance of partnering with community groups in meaningful ways to achieve bold aspirations within the district,” she said.

The public consultation process attracted 231 submissions -113 in support, 117 opposed and one neutral. It stimulated a lengthy council debate on the feedback received, the timing and cost of the initiative, and the framework for managing the project.

“We are grateful for the engagement and feedback received from the Tamahere community. Their involvement has played a vital role in shaping this decision,” Church said.

“It aligns with several council strategies including the Trails Strategy and the Taiao (Nature) in the Waikato Strategy, as well as the Tamahere Community Blueprint which has identified gully restoration as a community priority.”

Gully work in Tamahere will get more funding.

Imagine what might be

One morning last week we were awoken at dawn, by something strange… an abandoned car sat just outside our house, with its motor running. A smashed window and mangled ignition barrel on the steering column, painted a predictable picture.

We had heard a vehicle taking ‘centre stage’ about 3.30am, with dodgy driving and tyres skidding in protest. Confirmation came later that it had been stolen from a nearby resident, before being abandoned by our place.

Just for ‘fun’, the roof had been jumped on like a trampoline to complete the entertainment.

For the next 15 hours this car sat with the motor idling away. Yes, 15 hours! We were told not to touch it by the ‘powers that be’ and hoped it would run out of petrol. It didn’t.

Later, with evening approaching and heat fumes rising from the bonnet, we decided that enough was enough.

Disconnecting the battery terminals achieved nothing but it was a simple matter to turn the motor off - anything in the nature of a flat head screwdriver would have sufficed, since the brutalised ignition barrel provided keyless entry at its best - thanks to the thief’s efforts. The car still ‘adorns’ our street.

Is there some point to this disclosure? Actually, yes. It got me thinking about what a crime it is when something is stolen, used, abused and mistreated with activity that it was never purposed or intended for. There’s a parallel here that is readily connected to the condition of human beings.

Francis Schaeffer, a gifted writer, theologian and philosopher, explained it well, describing the human race as

“a glorious ruin”. “Glorious” because we were created by God, in His image, for Him; we are ‘ruins’ because we love God‘s stuff more than we love God; we choose what has been made, over the maker; creation over the Creator - pleasing ourselves - thinking it works, but never asking: is it right? Consequently, due to the theft and misappropriation of our intended destiny and purpose, we’ve become broken - detached from the source of our true potential. The purpose and likeness of God remains in us… defaced, but not eradicated.

Think of the creativity that people express in different ways… the ability to dream and create beautiful paintings or sculptures… to craft songs and music that moves hearts, to pen poems, write stories that shift culture… to design majestic structures, to come up with marvellous inventions and technology. Consider those who work to better humanity, to alleviate suffering, caring and valuing others, often living sacrificially.

It’s a fact- people are made in the likeness of their Creator. As ‘image bearers’, people exhibit wonder and marvel…Yet for all that, apart from God’s redemption and reinstatement, we remain lost… incomplete. Seeing beyond damaged humanity’s brokenness, God viewed our inherent value and has provided a recovery plan.

The car is not beyond repair and restoration. It’s broken but still reflects the manufacturer’s vision. Like us. Irrespective of how ripped off by life, broken or mistreated we may become, God’s vision for our best life can be re-born within, through a personal relationship with Christ.

Cheques and balances

Two important pieces of economic data came out last week: the gross domestic product (GDP) figure for the March quarter 2023 and the balance of payments data for the same period.

GDP fell 0.1 per cent in the March quarter. This followed a fall of 0.7 per cent in the December quarter 2022. It has become an economist’s mantra that if a country’s GDP falls in two consecutive quarters, the country is in recession. Sure enough, the newspapers here and even in some countries overseas had stories of New Zealand falling into recession.

The headlines often sounded dramatic. It was usually much later in the story that it was revealed that the drop in GDP that technically pushed New Zealand into recession was 0.1 per cent. Given the lack of precision of most economic data, that figure should not be given much attention.

The March quarter also included the impact on economic activity of not just one cyclone but two. The statistics department regularly seasonally-adjusts economic data. Maybe they need to cyclone-adjust it too. The GDP figures are also always adjusted during the next quarter as further data becomes available. So we could find in the next few months that the recession didn’t actually occur.

Despite the incredibly low number and the doubts about it, stories about New Zealand being in recession were everywhere.

A day or two earlier it was reported that New Zealand had a current account deficit of $31 billion which is 8.5 per cent of GDP. This is an enormous figure. In a table of 38 countries I looked at, only Greece and the Slovak Republic had worse figures.

Australia and Ireland had surpluses and Canada, the UK and the USA had deficits of between 1 and 3 per cent.

NZ has actually had a current account deficit every year this century. But most of them have been less than 3 per cent of GDP. A figure of – 8.5% is an outlier. It is a real problem. We don’t seem to realise just how badly the external sector of our economy is performing.

The economy is flat. New Zealand’s international terms of trade are currently at a comfortable level. The exchange rate is a little lower than it has been on average over the last few years. Tourist arrivals have picked up strongly. All these things should be favourable for our current account position. If we are running such a huge deficit in these favourable circumstances, what is going to happen when the economy recovers?

But this issue got almost no attention in the media or in the current political debate. Agricultural exports are still at the heart of our balance of payments performance. Talk to most farmers and they will tell you what the problem is. Despite favourable overseas prices and exchange rate, many of them are struggling to break even. Those with high debt levels will have been hit by rising interest rates.

But all of them have been hit by enormous compliance costs. The aims of the compliance issues are valid and important. But they have costs and the impact hasn’t been thought through.

We are seeing the impacts in our dreadful current account deficit.

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105,000 at Fieldays

Fieldays’ first winter edition with international borders open since 2020 drew more than 105,000 visitors over four days.

The event, which wrapped up on Saturday at Mystery Creek was blessed with crisp winter weather and blue skies for much of the time.

“You could feel the positivity and excitement within hours of opening,” Fieldays chief executive Peter Nation said.

The successful event followed a one-off November Fieldays last year which drew

75,000 people.

Exhibitors reported they had more traffic than in November, some celebrated high sales, others reported a keen interest to buy, though not necessarily to commit immediately.

Prime Minister Chris Hipkins and National leader Chris Luxon also had Fieldays appointments, and announcements, in their diaries.

The 2024 Fieldays will run from June 11 to 15.

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RIGHT: Prime Minister Chris Hipkins with Forestry Minister Peeni Henare at the opening watched by David Natzke, left. LEFT: National Party leader Chris Luxon talks to Cambrilea Weedspraying’s Charlie Lea from Cambridge.
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Wet and forget

Thirty people braved reasonably mild conditions at Lake Karāpiro on Sunday for the fourth annual winter solstice swim.

“Once you get numb, you can’t feel it (the cold water) anymore,” said organiser Tash Couzner, an Australian who has moved to New Zealand and loves the country.

She started the event in 2019 after moving from Adelaide.

Leamington Rugby Sports Club members joined in, albeit some minutes late due to a misunderstanding around the start time.

Cambridge mother of two Kay Appleyard saw details of the swim in The News, woke up on Sunday morning and said she thought “what the hell”.

Her husband and children were there to see her take the plunge.

While the men seemed reluctant to stay long in the water, most of the women stayed in for nearly 10 minutes.

“The key is to get in and stay in,” shouted one of them.

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Tash Couzner, centre, with the first group to take the cold dip. Leamington Rugby Sports Club braved the cold. Pictured, back, from left, Aoke McKinnon, Walter Ormsby, Bart Cowan, Karl Booth, Lyle Walker, Steven Foreman, Brendan McVeigh, Monty Maxwell, Angelo Paraha, Jacob Maxwell. Front: Danny Gardner, Leiofi Lega. Photos: Mary Anne Gill
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Cambridge mother of two Kay Appleyard gives the thumbs up.

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New ute on call

Cambridge Volunteer Fire Brigade’s new Ford F150 was welcomed and blessed at a function at the fire station on Saturday.

Around 100 people heard chief fire officer Dennis Hunt explain how the fully-equipped fourwheel-drive ute will be used for callouts to hardto-reach places difficult for the other brigade vehicles to reach.

“By using this ute we can ensure the larger trucks are available for any other callouts that may come in around the same time,” he said. “The reality is we’re getting busier all the time. In the last year alone we responded to over 438 calls.”

That increased level of activity has affected the brigade’s ability to commit as much time

to fundraising than in the past, he said, which made the community’s contribution to the purchase and fit-out of the new ute particularly important.

The new F150 was brought in from the United States in October 2021 in a process initiated

by former fire chief, the late Don Gerrand. It then underwent a six-month fit-out and was ready for service in April, at a total cost of $180,000. Saturday’s event brought together many of the sponsors and supporters who had contributed to the cost of

the vehicle. The largest single donation was from Cambridge Lions, who gave $65,000 towards the new truck. The new vehicle was blessed by Cambridge Police chaplain Ants Hawes, and Cambridge St John chaplain Michele Willis.

Audience got rhythm

It’s been many years since the Cambridge Town Hall rocked to the sounds of the Andrews Sisters singing In the Mood and Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy but that changed last week.

The Madeleines Trio – Hannah Kee, Shannon Evison and Verity Burgess – entertained about 200 people at a free concert in the hall to celebrate the progress being made at the Ryman Retirement Village in Cambridge.

And boy did they entertain –

rocking through standards like I got Rhythm, Chattanooga Choo Choo, Apple Blossom, Stupid Cupid, Locomotion and finishing off with Hit the Road Jack.

The Auckland trio, who recently returned from the United Kingdom, said the Town Hall was the perfect venue and each of them praised the acoustics.

And the crowd’s view? The toetapping, finger clicking and singa-longs showed the Madeleines Trio had the audience delighted.

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The Madeleines Trio backstage, from left: Hannah Kee, Verity Burgess and Shannon Evison from The Madeleines. Photo: Mary Anne Gill Cambridge’s chief fire officer Dennis Hunt, left, and deputy chief fire officer Glenn Philip with the new Ford F150 vehicle.

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Quick crossword Sudoku Wordsearch



















Across: 1. Sepia, 4. Wasabi, 8. Imitate, 9. Delta, 10. Kitty, 11. Concoct, 12. Number, 14. Censor, 17. Sincere, 19. Ethos, 21. Adage, 22. Plateau, 23. Heater, 24. Drake.

Down: 1. Spick and span, 2. Point, 3. Analyse, 4. Wrench, 5. Sedan, 6. Bellows, 7. Tartare sauce, 13. Mundane, 15. Emerald, 16. Temper, 18. Event, 20. Hyena.

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THURSDAY JUNE 22, 2023 CAMBRIDGE NEWS | 19 Introducing your personal Locally owned & Operated Experience our exclusive service & competitive rates Airport - Railway & City Connections Travel Shuttle Safe Drive NZ Safe Drive NZ Contact/Txt 027 636 72 97 123 456 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1718 19 20 21 22 23 24 Last week Fill the grid so that every column, every row and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. 298 MEDIUM Sudoku Wordsearch All puzzles © The Puzzle Company St Kilda
1. Netting (4) 4. Standard (6) 8. Hone (7) 9. Depart (5) 10. Portal (4) 11. Outside chance (4,4) 13. Thickener (9) 17.
19. Hint
(4) Down 2. Stretchy (7) 3. Optimism (4) 4.
who refuses to fit in (13) 5.
(4) 18. Elevate (5)
Bottle stopper (4)
Last week Across
Morgue (8)
Scold (5)
Cut off (7)
Group of
System of worship (8)
Flooded (5)
Small-minded (5) 8. Wise (4)
Dispute (8) 14. Set free (7)
Slap (5) 16. Yield
BALI BERMUDA BIKINI BORNEO CAPRI CORFU CRETE CUBA CYPRUS ELBA FIJI GOTLAND GREENLAND GUERNSEY HAITI HONSHU IBIZA ICELAND IONA ITHACA JAVA JERSEY KYUSHU LEWIS LUZON MADAGASCAR MAJORCA MALTA MULL NAXOS OKINAWA PUERTO RICO RHODES SAMOA SARDINIA SICILY SKYE SRI LANKA STEWART TAHITI TASMANIA TENERIFE WIGHT Explore the Waikato with Cambridge Rental Cars Available for hire:  Cars  12 seater mini bus  Jumbo removal van 39 Empire Street M: 021 894633 P: 07 827 5002 18 Lake Street 07 827 7043 Carpet Vinyl Timber Laminate Sign up with a iend and get 50% off your rst two classes! Call or email 0275033663 | info@femme Check us out at www.femme
TreeHouse in the town of T rees & Champions A nature themed café Visit us and enjoy in-house made food & barista-made coffee We take catering orders 10% discount for Seniors Breakfast & Lunch Special: Smoothie Bowls

Canned convenience

There are hundreds of canned foods on supermarket shelves and all offer answers to quick, easy, economical meals. Although fresh, in-season veg and fruit might taste best, the canned varieties still retain much of their nutrition. Once any veg or fruit is cooked it loses some of its vitamins or minerals.

The canning process starts with the freshly harvested produce arriving at the cannery. The veg and fruit are washed and trimmed. Vegetables are blanched to preserve their flavour and texture and to neutralise enzymes which cause spoilage. The prepared produce is placed in cans with water — or syrup or juice with fruit — then vacuum sealed and cooked. As long as the can remains sealed, the food is preserved for two years or more.

Canned foods are convenient and usually cheaper than seasonal produce. Cooked and canned dried beans deliver high quality protein plus other nutrients — excellent additions to casseroles, soups and salads.

Canned soups can provide the liquid for meat casseroles or stews; canned pears are great served with a purée of frozen raspberries; and asparagus of course is a must for (asparagus) rolls — but add some mayo, mustard and chopped mung beans for added interest.


Simple. Tasty.

6 large skinned and boned chicken thighs

2 tablespoons flour

salt and pepper to taste

1 tablespoon olive oil

420g can Whitlock & Sons Peri Peri Chicken Soup

Halve the chicken thighs. Season the flour with salt and pepper. Lightly dust over the chicken.

Heat the oil in a medium-sized, non-stick frying pan. Sauté the chicken on all sides until golden. Pour in the soup. Cover and simmer for about 30 minutes or until the chicken is tender.

Great served with corn chips and topped with sour cream and chopped coriander. Serves 4.

74 Abrupt in manner (7)

79 Wetness (8)

80 Pair of round brackets (11)

81 Defile (5)

82 Survivor from the past (5)

83 Colourful bed cover (9,5)

84 Pollute (5) DOWN

2 China, formerly (6)

3 Cake covering (5)

5 Organs of hearing (4)

6 Make unclear or hidden (7)

7 Rubbed out (6)

8 Spun traps (4)

9 US state with Chicago (8)

10 Balance (4,2)

11 Huge catastrophic event (10)


45 Amazing (10)

50 Stage set (7)

54 Intentions (4)

55 Hidden shooter (6)

56 Very easy (6)

57 Of chief importance (7)

60 Heartened (10)

61 Took offence at (8)

62 Small rounded hill (5)

65 Absorb (4,2)

66 Engaged man (6)

67 Racing sail (9)

72 Gyrations (anag) (9)

73 Grinding tooth (5)

12 Sketched (4)

13 Offensively vulgar (7)

17 Trivial (5)

18 Discolouring (10)

22 Smoked roll (5)

23 Put up with (8)

25 Watch (7)

26 Painkilling drug (7)

28 Shellfish (6)

29 Slum area (6)

30 French motor-racing town (2,4)

33 Removes moisture from (5)

35 Lag behind (5)

36 Oxen harness (4)


No added sugar. My ring cake pan holds 6 cups.

410g can guavas

1 cup each: sultanas, candied peel, chopped

2 eggs, lightly beaten

2 tablespoons canola oil or similar

1 1/2 cups self-raising flour

1 teaspoon baking soda

Lightly grease a 20cm round ring cake pan and line the base with baking paper.

Place the guavas and syrup in a food processor or blender. Mix until smooth. Pass through a sieve. Place in a saucepan with the sultanas and peel. Simmer for 1-2 minutes. Remove from the heat and cool.

Preheat the oven to 160°C.

Add the eggs and oil, together with the sifted flour and baking soda to the cold fruit mixture. Mix well. Pour into the prepared pan. Bake for 30-40 minutes, until a skewer inserted in the centre comes out clean. This cake is best eaten within 2-3 days. Alternatively freeze in single portions. It’s excellent warmed in the microwave and topped with caramel sauce.

37 Hired car (4)

42 Speech-make (5)

43 Tom cared (anag) (8)

44 Request rejection (6)

45 Be grateful for (10)

46 Unladen vehicle weight (4)

47 Sudden increase (7)

48 Death (6)

49 Synthetic fibre

You can also frost the cake with a cream cheese icing and garnish with sprinkles and/or long thread coconut. To make the icing: Beat 100g of cream cheese until smooth. Beat in 1 cup of sifted icing sugar until smooth. Add 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence and about 1 tablespoon of boiling water — enough to make a thick spreading consistency.


Easy as! Add a dash of chilli if you like it hot.

1 tablespoon canola oil

1 onion, diced

1 teaspoon curry powder

410g can each: creamed corn, whole kernel corn 400g can coconut cream chicken stock or water to thin

Heat the oil in a heavy saucepan and sauté the onion, until transparent. Stir in the curry powder. Add the corn and coconut cream and enough stock or water to make a medium thick soup. Heat gently. Great served with crusty bread and a chunky vegetable salad. Serves 4.

20 | CAMBRIDGE NEWS THURSDAY JUNE 22, 2023 ACROSS 1 Take place (5) 4 Matching siblings (9,5) 11 Game fish (5) 14 Body organ (5) 15 Factual TV programme (11) 16 Fort troops (8) 19 Comfort someone in disappointment, loss (7) 20 Upper leg (5) 21 Impudent, brazen (9) 24 Fictitious name (9) 26 Rugged (6) 27 High-pitched and piercing (6) 31 Characteristic (5) 32 Royal daughter (8) 34 In an exhaustive manner (10) 38 Firmly loyal (7) 39 Horse barn (6) 40 Restless (6) 41 Cipher (4) 42 Takes receipt of (7) 45 Philanthropic (10) 50 Came to rest (7) 54 Walking track (4) 55 Change genetically (6) 56 Ban (6) 57 Firm determination (7) 60 Without caution or prudence (10) 61 Direct carefully and safely (8) 62 Receded (5) 65 Technical talk (6) 66 Off course (6) 67 Downtrodden, subjugated (9) 72 Filtering (9) 73 Evil spirit (5) 74 Gain ground (7) 79 See you later (2,6) 80 Keyboard instrument (11) 81 Sailing vessel (5) 82 Not intoxicated (5) 83 Quite crazy (2,3,2,1,6) 84 Revolution (5) DOWN
Police line (6)
Component parts (5) 5 Let fall (4) 6 Badly behaved (7) 7 Cold era (3,3) 8 Pretends (4) 9 Full of twists and turns (8) 10 Radio crackle (6) 11 During (10) 12 Hops kiln (4) 13 Melodic (7) 17 Sky fluff (5) 18 Bad luck! (4,6) 22 Grieve for (5) 23 One habitually active during late hours (5,3) 25 Confiscation (7) 26 Believe to be guilty (7) 28 Reviewer (6) 29 One belonging to a club or society (6) 30 Emergency (6) 33 V-shaped cut (5) 35 Give in (5) 36 North Briton (4) 37 Lacking sensation (4) 42 Meat jelly (5) 43 Food providers at social event (8) 44 Crush flat (6) 45 Lullaby (10) 46 Highest point (4) 47 Early childhood (7) 48 Get here (6) 49 Telling fibs (5) 51 Looked at (4) 52 Bother (7) 53 Begrudged (6) 58 Nearly finished (6,4) 59 Rear part of boat (5) 63 Sot (8) 64 Stage whisper (5) 65 Fragmented puzzles (7) 68 Seer (7) 69 Yacht harbour (6) 70 Die (6) 71 Rolled document (6) 75 Narrow passageway (5) 76 Larva (4) 77 Musical work (4) 78 Accurate (4) 12345678910111213 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2425 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 990 ACROSS 1 Pungent (5) 4 Have a
drink (3,4,7) 11 Supplement (3,2) 14 Undress completely (5)
Fortune-teller’s aid (7,4) 16 Gets better after illness (8) 19 Expressed mirth (7)
Silent (5) 21 Abnormal (9) 24 Large shipping box (9)
Outsiders (6) 27 Well in the past (6) 31 Romany (5) 32 Personal burden (8) 34 Appraisal (10) 38 Fame (7) 39 Screen (6) 40 Creature (6) 41 Den (4) 42 Commanded
(5) 51 Fish (4) 52 Candidate (7) 53 Seldom (6) 58 Ultra-modern (10) 59 False blow (5) 63 Intrude gradually (8) 64 Child (5) 65 Bather (7) 68 Level highland (7) 69 Remove from covering (6) 70 Soviet spacecraft series (6) 71 Cotton fabric (6) 75 Steam bath (5) 76 Window ledge (4) 77 Refuse to endorse (4) 78 Business transaction (4) ACROSS: 1 Acrid, 4 Wet one’s whistle, 11 Add to, 14 Strip, 15 Crystal ball, 16 Recovers, 19 Laughed, 20 Quiet, 21 Unnatural, 24 Container, 26 Aliens, 27 Bygone, 31 Gypsy, 32 Hardship, 34 Assessment, 38 Stardom, 39 Filter, 40 Animal, 41 Lair, 42 Ordered, 45 Astounding, 50 Scenery, 54 Aims, 55 Sniper, 56 Simple, 57 Primary, 60 Encouraged, 61 Resented, 62 Knoll, 65 Soak up, 66 Fiancé, 67 Spinnaker, 72 Signatory, 73 Molar, 74 Brusque, 79 Moisture,
Parentheses, 81 Sully, 82 Relic, 83 Patchwork quilt, 84 Taint. DOWN: 2 Cathay, 3 Icing, 5 Ears, 6 Obscure, 7 Erased, 8 Webs, 9 Illinois, 10 Even up, 11 Apocalypse, 12 Drew, 13 Obscene, 17 Petty, 18 Tarnishing, 22 Cigar, 23 Tolerate, 25 Observe, 26 Aspirin, 28 Oyster, 29 Ghetto, 30 Le Mans, 33 Dries, 35 Tarry, 36 Yoke, 37 Taxi, 42 Orate, 43 Democrat, 44 Denial,
45 Appreciate, 46 Tare, 47 Upsurge, 48 Demise, 49 Nylon, 51 Carp, 52 Nominee, 53 Rarely, 58 Futuristic, 59 Feint, 63 Encroach, 64 Bairn, 65 Swimmer, 68 Plateau, 69 Unwrap, 70 Vostok, 71 Muslin, 75 Sauna, 76 Sill, 77 Veto, 78 Deal.
Guava Fruit Cake ‘Souper’ Peri Peri Chicken

Karapiro 479 Taotaoroa Road

4 2 1 4

Te Kowhai 70 Woolrich Road

Shelby Garrett M 027 622 4166

Taupiri 60b Jew Road

7 2 3 2

This property boasts a spacious 5-bedroom, 2-bathroom house spanning over 220 square meters with the addition of a separate 2-bedroom, 1-bathroom house on the same property, providing excellent income potential. The property also includes a shed that houses a fabulous man cave, o ering the perfect space for relaxation and entertainment. Within the property’s shed, the man cave awaits, providing a haven for hobbies and leisure activities. Call Gary today to arrange your viewing!

For Sale $1,350,000

View by appointment or scheduled open home times

Gary Stokes M 021 351 112

Step inside the home, and you’ll immediately notice the care and attention to detail that has been put into its presentation. The open-plan layout creates a sense of airiness and connectivity, perfect for modern family living. The kitchen boasts high-quality appliances and ample storage, making it a pleasure to cook and entertain in. The adjoining dining and living areas provide a warm and inviting atmosphere, ideal for gatherings with family and friends. The property’s shed and man cave is a true standout feature. Whether you’re a car enthusiast, a DIY enthusiast, or simply in need of extra storage space, this impressive facility will exceed your expectations. Call Gary today to arrange your viewing!

Cambridge 53 Robinson Street



A Cambridge Classic

Katikati B and C/184 Prestidge Road

Pristine Waterfront Avocados, Two Titles Available

In two titles, each over 7 hectares, the option here is to buy one or both titles. Currently a top producing avocado orchard with the harbour flanking the northeastern boundary of both blocks. Receiving Seeka's award for top orchard in 2022. The orchard is averaging 19 tonnes per hectare, so more than double the industry average. There is plenty of water for irrigation and frost protection with a consented bore, and fantastic shedding on one of the blocks for the machinery. Stunningly presented and cared for, you will find it hard to find fault with these blocks. You are literally spoiled with amazing harbour spots you could build your dream home on. Accessible directly off one of these blocks is Te Hopai Island. This property could also lend to a future subdivision project. Being sold + GST if any.

For Sale $1,950,000

View by appointment or scheduled open home times

Gary Stokes M 021 351 112

For Sale Deadline Sale 13th July 2023, 12:00pm unless sold prior

View by appointment or scheduled open home times

Shelby Garrett M 027 622 4166

Price by Negotiation

View by appointment

Durrelle Green 027 949 3725

EVES Realty Ltd, Licensed under the REAA 2008 Cambridge 07 827 8815 57 Duke Street, Cambridge Harcourts Kevin Deane Real Estate @harcourtskdre Licensed REAA 2008
4 2 2 1
The kitchen is a chef’s delight, boasting sleek countertops, ample storage space, an amazing gas cooktop and double oven. Whether you’re a culinary enthusiast or simply enjoy preparing delicious meals for your family, this kitchen will surely inspire your inner chef. The three spacious bedrooms o er tranquillity and privacy for a restful night’s sleep. Each room is thoughtfully designed with large windows that provide natural light and a peaceful view of the surrounding neighbourhood. 1 1
For Sale Deadline Sale 6th July 2023, 12:00pm unless sold prior View by appointment or scheduled open home times
The Family Lifestyle Dream Step inside and experience the heart of this home. The open plan living area creates a warm and inviting atmosphere, perfect for entertaining family and friends or simply enjoying a cozy night in, with heating options for your comfort including a heat pump and of course, a good old country fireplace. The abundance of natural light floods the space, highlighting the stylish finishes and attention to detail throughout. Call Shelby today to arrange your viewing!

What A Spot! Large 3 Bedroom

Deadline Sale

6 Austen Place, Leamington

- Set on a generous 1,001m² (more or less) section in a quiet cul de sac, step inside this 210m² home & discover endless possibilities.

- Large living area & open plan kitchen/dining space with new flooring. Open Homes Saturday & Sunday 11.00 - 11.30am

Gully Outlook - Private and Warm


22 Kingdon Street, Cambridge Park 4 2 2

- Clever floorplan which suits family living with separate lounge.

- Discover the wide-open views from the living areas. Stroll onto the privatised extended deck.

- Only 6 years young - private from the roadside - a sanctuary found!

12.00 - 12.30pm

Location, Ambience & Space


131 King Street, Cambridge

- 5 bedrooms, with the family wing away from the master bedroom.

- Open plan living enjoys a covered patio & a large deck with louvered covered pergola. Step down to native plantings & an outdoor setting.

Open Home Sunday 2.00 - 2.30pm


Secure - Move in Ready

A fairer commission rate of 2.8% to first $300,000 then 1.8% on balance + gst Plus FREE, tailor-made marketing worth $2,500+

Secluded, Schools Handy, Quiet

Deadline Sale

5 Morton Place, Leamington

- Bigger than you would believe ( 150m² plus 74.5m² more or less)!

- Warm sleepout/office (heat pump) with separate toilet and basin within the garage/workshop building is such a bonus.

- New carpet and flooring, spacious kitchen and open plan living. Open Home Sunday 3.00 - 3.30pm


21 Kowhai Drive, Cambridge 4 2 2

- A quiet secluded location; sundrenched living area & private deck; cleverly linked living areas with plenty of choices for relaxed conversation zones.

Open Homes Saturday & Sunday 12.00 - 12.30pm

Attractive, Spacious & 5 Bedroom


54 Norfolk Drive, Cambridge 5 3 2

- 268m² attractive home built in 2018 will be perfect for family living.

- 5th bedroom is ensuited and has its own outside entrance.

- Wonderful indoor/outdoor flow from the dining and kitchen area through to the wrap around deck.

Open Homes Saturday & Sunday 2.00 - 2.30pm

Tremendous Treat on Brancaster

Deadline Sale

2 Brancaster Place, Cambridge 4 2 3

- Three living areas, triple garage in this 254m² home displaying indoor/ outdoor flow to a sun blessed privatised deck.

- Kitchen has a brand new oven and dishwasher & super bench space. Open Homes Saturday & Sunday 2.00 - 2.30pm

Cleverly Designed


51 Baxter Michael Crescent, St Kilda

- Thoughtfully designed floorplan offering a master and family bedroom wing separation, linked with central open plan living and a formal lounge/ media room.

- Built 2017, an Urban Home – ready for your landscaping ideas.

View By Appointment

22 | CAMBRIDGE NEWS THURSDAY JUNE 22, 2023 07 823 2300 More Real Estate Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 74 Victoria Street Cambridge Jason Tong 027 755 2902 Lily Hooker 027 870 3317 Wendy Tong 027 555 0633 Peter Tong 021 987 867 Cary Ralph 021 139 4000 Rebecca Napier 020 404 74120
Open Home
3 1 2 4 2 1 5 2 2 4 2 2


OPEN DAY FINAL NOTICE OPEN DAY TRANQUIL LIVING WITH INCOME Tranquil lifestyle retreat on 3409m² with nearby access Modern home plus separate shed with attached accommodation facilities Open plan living with expansive outdoor deck and louvre awning Private and secure setting against a native bush backdrop to Lake Karapiro NEW LISTING RURAL MANAGER M: 027 284 9755 E: DAVID@CAMREAL CO NZ RURAL/LIFESTYLE M: 027 444 3347 E: MATT@CAMREAL CO NZ CONTACT DAVID CONTACT DAVID CONTACT MATT $540,000 14 SANDERS STREET APPEALING AND AFFORDABLE CONTACT DAVID OPEN DAY: SUNDAY: 11 00-11 30AM 3 1 1 Come and live the village life in Arapuni Spacious and bright home with open plan kitchen, living and dining North facing and warm with wood fire, heat pump plus heat transfer system 1005m² fully fenced section with separate single garage CONTACT MATT 3 2 2 Magical elevated rural views Stunning 3 bedroom 2 bathroom cottage minutes from Cambridge Plenty of character that provides the “wow” factor Own waterfall and manicured gardens on 5000m² DEADLINE SALE: Closes 4pm Wednesday 21st June 2023 at the office of Cambridge Real Estate, 47 Alpha Street Cambridge FALL IN LOVE ALL OVER AGAIN OPEN DAY: SUNDAY: 1 45-2 15PM CONTACT MATT 4 2 2 HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLAR REDUCTION Magnificent setting with mature trees with lovely rural views Low maintenance Brick, 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom family home Choice of Cambridge or Hamilton Schools 6106m² or 1 5 acres (more or less) perfect for all kids of pets Great shedding A SLICE OF NATURE 6018m² lifestyle section close to Lake Karapiro Sweeping rural vista and mountain views Build your dream home with potential water views Title has been issued 3 +1 2 +1 SOLD HORSE LOVER'S DREAM 4 2 1 Superb location with good soils Hard to find size of 10 acres 2 storey- 4 bedroom plus office family home Good shedding and in-ground swimming pool Ele Duncan M: 021 041 2161 E: ELE@CAMREAL CO NZ RURAL/LIFESTYLE OPEN DAY OPEN DAY: SUNDAY: 12 30PM-1 15PM
NEW LISTING OPEN HOME OPEN HOME OPEN HOME Brick Three Double Bedrooms Two Bathrooms Spacious Open Plan Living $827,000 53 TENNYSON STREET TRANSFORMED ON TENNYSON CONTACT SACHA OR ALISON OPEN HOME: SUNDAY: 11.00-11.30AM 3 1 Double glazing in the living area Large park with gorgeous trees just across the road Close proximity to Leamington shopping centre Step inside this totally renovated 1950s weatherboard home and fall in love Featuring a renovated bathroom and new kitchen plus LED lighting throughout PBN 9 LAKEWOOD LANE LUXURY LAKEVIEW LIVING CONTACT ALISON OR SACHA OPEN HOME: SUNDAY: 1 30-2 00PM 4 3 2 Offering peaceful lake views and an easy floor plan Light-filled spacious open plan kitchen, dining and living Sophisticated design meets luxury finishes in this standout 238m² townhouse Underfloor heating in every bathroom and heat pumps in every bedroom Restaurants, amenities and cafes right on your doorstep PBN 12 CONRAD PLACE THE RIGHT INGREDIENTS CONTACT PAULETTE OR GRAHAM OPEN HOME: SUNDAY: 1 00-1 30PM 3 2 2 Brick with aluminum joinery 3 spacious bedrooms, master with ensuite Double garage with workshop Reserve outlook $819,000 26A BURNS STREET CONTACT EILISH OR SHERRY OPEN HOME: SUNDAY: 10.45-11.15AM $949,000 17 POPE TERRACE CONTACT TREVOR OR DEBBIE OPEN HOME: SUNDAY: 11.15-11.45AM Sherry Herkes M: 027 223 4335 E: SHERRY@CAMREAL CO NZ RESIDENTIAL M: 027 300 0002 E: EILISH@CAMREAL CO NZ Alison Boone M: 027 277 8726 E: ALISON@CAMREAL CO NZ Sacha Webb M: 021 363 387 E: SACHA@CAMREAL CO NZ Eilish Page RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL NEW LISTING NEW LISTING EASY LIVING 3 1 2 Brick Three Double Bedrooms Office Additional WC Double Internal Garage plus extra parking 1 LOVE THE LOCATION ON POPE 3 2 2 Double glazed with excellent heating Easy care 630m² section Close proximity to CBD 1 NEW PRICE
THURSDAY JUNE 22, 2023 CAMBRIDGE NEWS | 25 INTERNET ID: C OPEN HOME: SUN 13TH 12 -12 30PM INTERNET ID: CRR2254 VILL OPEN HOME TO VIEW ALL OF OUR CURRENT LISTINGS VISIT WWW.CAMBRIDGEREALESTATE.CO.NZ 47 Alpha Street, Cambridge P: 07 823 1945 FEATUREDLISTINGS OPEN HOME OPEN HOME OPEN HOME OPEN HOME OPEN HOME $1,359,000 2 RICHARDS STREET CONTACT EILISH OR SHERRY OPEN HOME: SUNDAY: 11.30AM-12.00PM OFFERS OVER $650,000 79 KING STREET CONTACT RACHAEL OPEN HOME: SUNDAY: 11 45AM-12 15PM PBN 32A RICHMOND STREET CONTACT SACHA OR ALISON OPEN HOME: SUNDAY: 11 45AM-12 15PM 4 2 2 $925,000 18D POPE TERRACE CONTACT TREVOR OR DEBBIE OPEN HOME: SUNDAY: 12 00-12 30PM PBN 261 SHAKESPEARE STREET L OPEN HOME: SUNDA $1,580,000 14 RUGE COURT RY PEN HOME: M Debbie Towers M: 027 689 8696 E: DEBBIE@CAMREAL CO NZ RESIDENTIAL Trevor Morris M: 027 205 3246 E: TREVOR@CAMREAL CO NZ RESIDENTIAL Rachael Seavill M: 027 722 4235 E: RACHAEL@CAMREAL CO NZ RESIDENTIAL Paulette Bell M: 021 245 6888 E: PAULETTE@CAMREAL CO NZ RESIDENTIAL Graham Ban M: 027 448 7658 E: GRAHAM@CAMREAL CO NZ RESIDENTIAL 5 2 2 THE COMPLETE PACKAGE! Stylish 2018 RPS Build Cambridge East location 5 Double Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms & Guest Powder Room 2 CHARMING START ON KING 110m² home with internal access garage Substantial living area Fully-fenced Private garden setting Superb location 2 1 1 DIPPED IN GOLD Brand new 226m² family home built by award winning Well-appointed and inviting home in desirable Cambridge East location Open plan living that effortlessly flows out to a covered portico Gorgeous brass brushed features in the kitchen and bathrooms exuding luxury Scullery, laundry and double internal access garage make for easy living builders, Linecrest Homes INSTANTLY APPEALING 3 2 2 544m² freehold section 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom home Generous open plan living with good heating Internal access garage with attic storage Close proximity to Cambridge town centre ENCHANTING FAIRYTALE Chalet like charm Sun-drenched conservatory Established sanctuary like gardens Fully fenced 1867m² (more or less) section 3 2 2 2 4 2 2 SIMPLY STUNNING Style and Sophistication Chefs Kitchen with double ovens Walk in Scullery Drinks bench area with hot/filtered taps Wine and drinks bench fridges Endless features 2
26 | CAMBRIDGE NEWS THURSDAY JUNE 22, 2023 CONTACT PETER PAGE INTERNET ID: CRR2243 OPEN HOME: SUN 13TH 12 -12 30PM INTERNET ID: CRR2254 CONTACT MATT SEAVILL CONTACT DAVID SOAR TO VIEW ALL OF OUR CURRENT LISTINGS VISIT WWW.CAMBRIDGEREALESTATE.CO.NZ OPEN HOME OPEN HOME 47 Alpha Street, Cambridge P: 07 823 1945 sales@cambridgerealestate co nz OPEN HOME FEATUREDLISTINGS OPEN HOME OPEN HOME $859,000 ST KILDA PERFECTION Stunning St Kilda home designed by LAD architects Three outdoor living spaces offering plenty of options Gorgeous light-filled open plan kitchen and living with scullery Generous flat and well-landscaped 1825m² section $1,850,000 18 MIKE SMITH DRIVE CONTACT SACHA OR ALISON OPEN HOME: SUNDAY: 12 45PM-1 15PM 45 SHERIDAN CRESCENT CONTACT EILISH OR SHERRY OPEN HOME: SUNDAY: 12.15-12.45PM DEADLINE SALE 46 PLESCHER CRESCENT CONTACT DEBBIE OR TREVOR OPEN HOME: SUNDAY: 1 00-1 30PM $535,000 1B PENGOVER AVENUE CONTACT PAULETTE OR GRAHAM PBN 15 GREY STREET CONTACT EILISH OR SHERRY OPEN HOME: SUNDAY: 1.00-1.30PM $2,290,000 9 PUKEKO GROVE CONTACT SACHA OR ALISON OPEN HOME: SUNDAY: 1.30-2.00PM Sherry Herkes M: 027 223 4335 E: SHERRY@CAMREAL CO NZ RESIDENTIAL M: 027 300 0002 E: EILISH@CAMREAL CO NZ Alison Boone M: 027 277 8726 E: ALISON@CAMREAL CO NZ Sacha Webb M: 021 363 387 E: SACHA@CAMREAL CO NZ Eilish Page RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL 4 2 2 SHIFT INTO SHERIDAN Cul de sac living 4 bedrooms 2 bathrooms Lovely outdoor decked entertainers’ space Double garaging with room attached 4 2 3 2 PERFECTLY POISED ON PLESCHER 3 2 2 532m² Fully landscaped section Gas fire plus heatpump Generous storage Carpeted double garage plus extra storage DEADLINE SALE: Closes 4:00pm Thursday 13th July 2023 at the office of Cambridge Real Estate, 47 Alpha Street (unless sold prior) PREMIUM SECTION - CAMBRIDGE PARK Situated in the sort after subdivision of Cambridge Park Premium flat section of 863m² (more or less) Titled and ready to go! Build your dream home right now CHARMING AND CENTRAL 3 2 2 3 Generous Bedrooms + Office 2 Bathrooms Modern Kitchen Double Garage with ample off-street parking Private & Sunny Outdoor Living 4 3 3 SERENE ST KILDA LUXURY Sophisticated luxury in the heart of St Kilda Immaculate open plan kitchen, dining and living Separate indoor mineral pool, complete with a sauna and extra bathroom 2
THURSDAY JUNE 22, 2023 CAMBRIDGE NEWS | 27 TERNET ID: C OPEN HOME: SUN 13TH 12 -12 30PM INTERNET ID: CRR2254 VILL OPEN HOME TO VIEW ALL OF OUR CURRENT LISTINGS VISIT WWW.CAMBRIDGEREALESTATE.CO.NZ 47 Alpha Street, Cambridge P: 07 823 1945 FEATUREDLISTINGS OPEN HOME OPEN HOME OPEN HOME PBN 41 GREY STREET CONTACT PAULETTE OR GRAHAM OPEN HOME: SUNDAY: 1.45-2.15PM PBN 15 SHADBOLT DRIVE CONTACT EILISH OR SHERRY OPEN HOME: SUNDAY: 1 45-2 15PM PBN LOT 17, 142 ABERGELDIE WAY CONTACT PAULETTE OR GRAHAM DEADLINE SALE 21 SAFFRON STREET CONTACT DEBBIE OR TREVOR OPEN HOME: SUNDAY: 2 00-2 30PM PBN 184 THE OAKS DRIVE T OPEN HOME: SUNDA $500,000 LOT 115 & 116, ISOBEL HODGSON DRIVE M Debbie Towers M: 027 689 8696 E: DEBBIE@CAMREAL CO NZ RESIDENTIAL Trevor Morris M: 027 205 3246 E: TREVOR@CAMREAL CO NZ RESIDENTIAL Rachael Seavill M: 027 722 4235 E: RACHAEL@CAMREAL CO NZ RESIDENTIAL Paulette Bell M: 021 245 6888 E: PAULETTE@CAMREAL CO NZ RESIDENTIAL Graham Ban M: 027 448 7658 E: GRAHAM@CAMREAL CO NZ RESIDENTIAL 2 1 CENTRAL TRANQUIL RETREAT Beautifully presented 2-bedroom home Stunning indoor / outdoor flow Flat easy 1km walk to town 615m² (more or less) freehold section A CHANGE OF PACE 4 bedroom/2 bathrooms/2 living 2516m² (approx) section Rural views Huge shedding & parking for boats and motorhomes 4 2 2 2 READY TO BUILD NOW! 400m² (more or less) freehold section Title through and ready to build Covenants in place to protect your investment FAMILY COMES FIRST 4 2 2 724m² section, 248m² home 2 heatpumps Generous storage Nicely landscaped with private outdoor living DEADLINE SALE: Closes 4:00pm, Thursday 13th July 2023 at the office of Cambridge Real Estate, 47 Alpha Street (unless sold prior) 2 NEW
ZONED FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY 2816m² Section with established gardens Excellent Heating & Double Glazing 3 Car Garaging Covered Outdoor Living 4 2 3 2 ISOBEL HODGSON DRIVE Two freehold 525m² sections Design & build your own home Covenants to protect your investment Popular Norfolk Downs subdivision

Heat Pump Specialists

28 | CAMBRIDGE NEWS THURSDAY JUNE 22, 2023 EXPERTS AIR CONDITIONING AIR CONDITIONING ELECTRICIAN Laser Electrical Cambridge Your complete electrical professionals Formerly Devereux Electrical Ltd Nothing else has changedSame Staff and Service Levels M: 027 494 8826 | P: 07 827 5870 EXTERIOR CLEANING SERVICE Cambridge Owned & Operated Phone Mark for a FREE Quote 827 7386 | 027 432 2412 100’S OF SATISFIED CLIENTS HOUSE WASHING - ROOF TREATMENTS GUTTERS - MOSS REMOVAL ARBORIST Chipping, Felling, Maintenance, Pruning, Removals, Stump Grinding, Hedge Cutting and much more DENNIS CLEMENTS 0508 TREE QUOTE / 027 485 1501 Fully insured and qualified - @TotaltreecareWaikato The Professional Arborists sinceoperatingProudly 1992 Call today: 0800 772 887 Web: Heat Pump Specialists • Free quotations and home appraisals • Sales, service and installation • Serving Cambridge, Otorohanga, Te Awamutu and surrounding areas GARDENING 32 | CAMBRIDGE NEWS BUILDERS EXPERTS EXTERIOR CLEANING SERVICE Cambridge Owned & Operated Phone Mark for a FREE Quote 827 7386 | 027 432 2412 100’S OF SATISFIED CLIENTS HOUSE WASHING - ROOF TREATMENTS GUTTERS - MOSS REMOVAL For Local Service You Can Trust • Broken Window Doors • Frameless Showers • Pet Doors • Custom Mirrors • Table Tops • New Glazing • Splashbacks We Guarantee all our Work & Deliver Service with a Smile! P: 07 827 6480 24/7 CALL OUTS 027 498 6046 New Homes | Renovations & Alterations Bungalows & Villas | Landscape Building Free Quotes & Consultations M. 027 278 8833 A/H. 07 827 7362 E. EARTHMOVING GLAZING AIR CONDITIONING KINDERGARTENS FENCING GARDENING Cambridge Garden Maintenance Landscaping  Planting  Hedges trimmed  Trees trimmed New lawns  Weed control  Pruning  General cleanup Rubbish removed  House washed  Water blasting Gutter cleared  Building  Painting Irrigation systems  Free quotes NO JOB TOO SMALL One offs, Weekly, Fortnightly or Monthly Phone Carl 022 100 8265 LPG ARBORISTS Chipping, Felling, Maintenance, Pruning, Removals, Stump Grinding, Hedge Cutting and much more DENNIS CLEMENTS 0508 TREE QUOTE / 027 485 1501 Fully insured and qualified - @TotaltreecareWaikato The Professional Arborists operatinProudlysince1992g Call today: 0800 772 887 Web:
• Free quotations and home appraisals • Sales, service and installation • Serving Cambridge, Otorohanga, Te Awamutu and surrounding areas EARTHWORKS • Site preparation: Shed pads – House sites – Driveways – Soakholes • Supply, deliver and spread: Rotten Rock – Metal – Sand • Residential & Commercial floors
HAVE TRUCKS, DIGGERS & OPERATORS AVAILABLE NOW FOR SMALL & LARGE JOBS • Wheel & Track Bobcats • diggers • 4 wheeler tipper • 6 wheeler tippers and trailer • heavy vehicle transporter • sharp levelling system We have over 25 years’ experience. 027 210 2027 A SOLUTION FOR EVERY HOME A SOLUTION FOR EVERY HOME A SOLUTION FOR EVERY HOME A SOLUTION FOR EVERY HOME 027 514 1521 A SOLUTION FOR EVERY HOME FENCING
Corey Hutchison 021 037 3685
Soft Starter installation
Electrical Servicing 0210445800 or 0274402409 EARTHMOVING CENTRAL HEATING EARTHWORKS • Site preparation: Shed pads – House sites – Driveways – Soakholes • Supply, deliver and spread: Rotten Rock – Metal – Sand • Residential & Commercial floors
• Heavy Industrial • Breakdown Services • Underground Cabling • Electric Motor Installation • VSD and
Track Bobcats
tippers and trailer • heavy vehicle transporter • sharp levelling system We have over 25 years’ experience. 027 210 2027 COMPUTING BUILDERS New Homes | Renovations & Alterations Bungalows & Villas | Landscape Building Free Quotes & Consultations M. 027 278 8833 A/H. 07 827 7362 E. BUILDERS Decks, additions, renovations and new builds Ph Josh 027 935 54 35 Experienced Master Builders available FLOORING 29 Victoria St (south end), Cambridge. Phone 827 9265 • Cushions for Christmas Carpets, Vinyls, Laminates, LVT, Accessories and DIY Products Free Measure and Quote 29 Victoria St (south end) Cambridge. Phone 827 6016 • Winter Warmth from Cavalier Bremworth Free measure and quote 827 6016 GLAZING For Local Service You Can Trust • Broken Window Doors • Frameless Showers • Pet Doors • Custom Mirrors • Table Tops • New Glazing • Splashbacks We Guarantee all our Work & Deliver Service with a Smile! P: 07 827 6480 24/7 CALL OUTS 027 498 6046 Waikato Central Heating Specialists • Underfloor & Radiator Heating • Gas & Diesel Boilers • Air-to-water Heat Pumps • Servicing & Maintenance Central Heating Waikato 0800 772 887
• Wheel &
• diggers • 4 wheeler tipper • 6 wheeler
THURSDAY JUNE 22, 2023 CAMBRIDGE NEWS | 29 Ph. Matthew Trott • Tree Care • Pruning • Removal Qualified, Professional Arborists • Stump Grinding • Wood Spltting • Consultancy SERVICES SERVICES LPG 88 Duke St, Cambridge Ph 827 7456 Regular LPG Deliveries Cambridge and surrounding areas 7 Day Cylinder Fill – All Sizes – DON’T SWAP – REFILL –88 Duke St, Cambridge Ph 827 7456 Regular LPG Deliveries Cambridge and surrounding areas 7 Day Cylinder Fill – All Sizes – DON’T SWAP – REFILL – Local and Loyal since 1888 Regular LPG Deliveries Cambridge and surrounding areas 7 Day Cylinder Fill – All Sizes – DON’T SWAP – REFILL –EXPERTS LANDSCAPING QUALIFIED GARDENING CREW: p. 871 9246 or 027 5140 342 e. w. • All tree work • Pruning & removals • Chipping & stump grinding • Land & section clearing • Fruit trees • Scheduled maintenance • Pruning & weeding • Revamp or create new • Mulching & mulch sales • Hedge trimming QUALIFIED - FULLY INSURED - WAIPA’S FRIENDLY PROFESSIONALS QUALIFIED ARBORIST CREW: 2014 NZ Tree Climbing Champion PAINTING | The difference is in the detail • House Painting – Interior & Exterior • Wallpapering • Free Quotes • No blaring music • No inconsiderate behaviour • 2 year guarantee on workmanship 021 800 286 AVAILABLE FROM: 10 Albert Street, Cambridge 07 827 5400 | | Your local heating specialist Other Showroom Locations: 6 Main North Road, Otorohanga | 100 Roche St, Te Awamutu • Bathroom Renovations • Gas Hot Water • Repairs, Service, Installation Need a plumber? 0800 PRATTS A division of Pratts PLUMBING PLUMBING Plumbing Gas tting Drainlaying Central Heating P: 07 823 7263 27 COOK ST, CAMBRIDGE KINDERGARTENS For a look you will love Call Dave Rowe • Interior painting • Wallpapering • Exterior painting • Spray painting Spouting Need Fixing? For all your maintenance and repairs with 17 Years’ Experience on colour steel, copper & PVC spouting. Call Dean on 0274 769 591 CIT Y WIDE C ROOF CLEANING SPECIALISTS D PHONE MARK GORDON 827 7386 100’S OF SATISFIED CLIENTS LOCAL • ROOF TREATMENTS • MOSS & LICHEN REMOVAL • PRE-PAINT ROOF CLEANING • TILE ROOFS • COLOURSTEEL ROOFS • DECRAMASTIC TILE ROOFS Where Waipā gets its News FREE real newspaper MAY providing quality all- administration- company your 3800 ta@baileying Since 1978 has been all your 8701888 SUPPORTING is one shop farmingcompany personal ContactOBLIGATION Carolyn #$%&'(')*"$+) -./0()1%2")3&%44)35%6")#7) 89:;&&)<=2<)>)8?&&)$=7") !"#$%&'&( !)&*#+#, -&*)+#, !"#$%$&' #%&'#$ +,-#.(%$& 23.%4.54 !+67/2887+97:;!;*7+*9< !""#$##"%$& +,-./0.1234552.,2670782.8,9 #$%&'(')*"$+) -./0()1%2")3&%44)35%6")#7) 89:;&&)<=2<)>)8?&&)$=7") !"#$%&'&( !)&*#+#, ! -&*)+#, !"#$%$&' #%&'#$ +,-#.(%$& /%0-$1-1 23.%4.54-* !+67/2887+97:;!;*7+*9< +,-./0.1234552.,2670782.8,9 1991 email: homewares gifts GET YOUR BIKES FOR SERVICE ALL MODELS up Delivery By Mary candidatesfor Waipā Māoriward Government’s ordableWater Aotearoa’s waterways protecting. TheNews Harris,Barney Dale-Maree Gaylene Roberts ofquestions theirviews previously Waters andhow they respond poor turnout election. year,thesuccessfulcandidateTakena Stirling 309 the He resigned followinghissuspension wasnosecret supported betterpartnershipprinciplesover Manaiacited reasonsfor thewater partof Kīngitangaviewpointthat believes Waikatoand livingtaonga beprotected,” reforms,the waterways trouble,”said infrastructure be householders water,” “Foriwi, Māorico-governance theprotection rightsandinterests freshwater.” byelection, will represent Waipādistrict. “Historically notparticipated Government rangatahi theyhave feature, nothaving that valued appreciated,” “What here unify voice thatwillwork leadingvoices greatoutcomes people Waipā.”Morgansaid turnoutwas “Many acknowledged voters hopefully inclusion future improvevoter come.” said issues importance Māoricommunity, engageonsocial buildstrong Harris Māorirepresentative fourKanohirepresentativeswould changethe voting,but would “Weneedto waysto important anattitudinal andthechange happenovernight after160years Waitangi honoured.” how liate western district withNgāti andNgāti represent have workwith workindependently makejoint ofcommon KorokiKahukura NgātiHauā arerelatives Maungatautari servewiththese representativeson Management am confi wellwith Maungatautari,”had connections toKoroki andNgāti alongside consultative “My Māoriward ensurepartnership alwayspresent district and thenmake iwileaders partnershipvoice.” hehad teacher Tokoroa,Waharoa Cambridge. “And whakapapaconnections school worked Raukawa,Hauā Kahukura people,” Votingforthe opensonJune noonJune enrolled roll by-election.responsesto next week’s News. Water plan backed Gaylene Dale-Maree THURSDAY 2023 NEWS It’s real newspaper MAY 2023 our with professional accounting and advice price.affordable consultationinitial accountingpersonalbusiness needs. Victoria Whitaker OP da eS 82 mbr Celebrating Life - Your Way personalised life celebrating. Mary four for Waipā ward Government’ssupportordable policysaying Aotearoa’s needprotecting. asked Harris, Manaia,MorganGayleneseries questionsand theirviews policy known as governanceand would poor turnout Last successful candidateTakena secured Heresigned March suspensionfollowinglawyer. secrethe better partnershipprincipleswhile citedhisexperience a Kahotea Water plan backed page Bell-Jenkins Cambridge HamiltonMarket beennamed country. The markets,operating Waikato Market brand, recognised “mostpopular market inAotearoa” theOrganic “We’re veryexcited saidmarketmanagerJen “Hamilton’sbeenoperating andCambridge been operating Square 2010 rst markets wonanything it’sdefinitely wewould shout therooftops.” The Farmers’ theWaikato Market Trust,was nalists the whichwas by vote. second Otagothird.Wilkinson thewin, announcedlast Wellington, morale stallholders. about80stallholders markets moment, andthey’ve somany happen,even with cyclone flooded whole beingwiped It’s boostin grimness what Mother thrown pastfivemonths.” TheSaturdayCambridgemarket, withupto canattract visitors. started 10stalls it’sjust going,”Wilkinson,who managedthe 18months, said. saidshewas onthe for to market. “That’salways goal,just supporting businesses.”the Top marks for market JenWilkinson, pictured withKarin Sunset NEATA LAWNS & GARDENS Call 0211707360 Lawn mowing Hedge trimming Section tidy-ups SEPTIC TANKS • Drain camera surveying up to 2m diameter • Drain jetting trucks • Drain camera vans • Septic Tanks PAINTER Interior & exterior brush & roller work Wallpapering, house washing Local, reliable, professional Over 30 years experience 0211519730 Painting & Decorating Services • GARDEN SHEDS • CARPORTS • CABINS Contact Lance 0800 743 346 email. for quality lifestyle, storage solutions Display yard at 3 Goodfellow Lane, Hamilton To advertise your business with the Experts phone Janine 027 287 0005 or email

ROBINSON, Ian Richard –

Passed away peacefully at the Metlifecare St Andrews on Tuesday, 13th June 2023, two days after his 90th birthday. Dearly loved husband of the late Nola. Loved mum and mum-in-law of Lesley & Michael Brighouse, Ngaire & Cameron Smith and Glenys & Bill McCraig. Very proud granddad of Shaun, Lauren, Samantha, Alexandra, Robert and James. Great-granddad to Emma, William, Katherine, Zac, Jake and Harriet. At Ian's request a private farewell has taken place. All communications to the Robinson Family, c/- 3 Hallys Lane, Cambridge 3434.

LANGSFORD, Wayne – It is with deep sorrow that we announce the passing of Wayne Langsford. Born on June 16, 1947, in Herne Bay to parents Arthur and Patricia. Wayne passed away peacefully on June 15, 2023, at home, surrounded by his loving family. Wayne was the beloved husband of Robyn, and cherished father of Kelly, Cam, and Mitch. A father-in-law in title to Aaron, Mel and Nicky, but in reality, much more. He was also a mentor, and unwavering source of support. He was the adored Poppa to Jonte, Hunter, Indy, Tilly, and Bob. Lovingly remembered by his siblings Dud, Suzie, Pam, Kay, Patricia, and Christine. Wayne was a successful businessman, having created a thriving business with his brother Dud. His relentless hard work was admired by all who knew him. He found joy and peace in his hobbies, which included fishing and boating, activities that allowed him to share countless stories and create beautiful memories with his family and friends. A funeral service for Wayne will be held at 1.30pm at Takapoto Estate on Thursday June 22nd. In lieu of flowers, the family kindly requests donations be made to Saint John's. Please remember Wayne for his unwavering strength, kindness, and of course his cheeky smile and sense of humour. He was the pillar of our family, who led by example. His spirit will continue to live in our hearts forever.

Deadline Ahead



Monday 5pm for Thursday publication

Ph 027 287 0005



The Waipa District Council gives public notice that it has resolved that the following Plan Change to the Waipa District Plan, shall become operative on 22 June 2023.

Private Plan Change 20: Airport Northern Precinct Extension - amends the Waipa District Plan to rezone approximately 89ha of land to the northwest of the Airport from Rural to Airport Business Zone, and to also amend the provisions in the Airport Business Structure Plan and Airport Business Zone, including consequential amendments in sections 15 and 21.

At the operative date, copies of the decision report on Private Plan Change 20 to the Waipa District Plan will be available for viewing in normal opening hours at the following places: Council offices:

• 101 Bank Street, Te Awamutu

• 23 Wilson Street, Cambridge

Council public libraries:

• 106 Mahoe Street, Te Awamutu (entry via Selwyn Lane)

• 23 Wilson Street, Cambridge

The decision report and the Waipa District Plan can be viewed at any time on the Council website, www.waipadc.

Any person wishing to obtain further information about these plan changes, may write to Waipa District Council, Private Bag 2402, Te Awamutu 3840, send an email to


For and on behalf of the Waipa District Council


Cambridge Seventh-Day Adven�st Church

Cr. Shakespeare & Browning Streets

Bible Study Each Saturday: 9.30am – 10.45am

Worship Service: 11.00am

Like us on Facebook: h�ps:// email:

Phone: 027 677 6433

Hope Channel – Freeview Ch 27, Sky 204

We offer detailed study of the Bible and inspiring worship experiences. All Welcome.

NOTICES Haere mai / W Haere mai / Welcom e elcome Come along to our church service 9:30 am Sunday with Children’s Church & crèche 58 Queen Street Ph 07 827 6490 BRINGING GOD’S HIDDEN TREASURE INTO THE LIGHT cambapchurch FUNERAL SERVICES FUNERAL SERVICES FOR SALE FIREWOOD – Dry mac mix $140 per metre. Delivered. Ph 027 492 0601 HOUSES WANTED Houses Wanted for removal Great prices offered Call us today 07 847 1760 Cambridge, your stories are in safe hands. 07 827 7649 Ian Calvert Funeral Director Helen Carter Funeral Director 07 827 6037 3 Hallys Lane, Cambridge Dedicated to providing personalised and meaningful funeral services. Celebrating Life - Your Way
Sunday service at
“A Spiritual iPod” Corner of Queen and Bryce Street Sunday Service at 10am will be led by Rev. Mohu Lolohea Quote Unquote Recharge Saturday 24th June 2023 9.30am to 3pm
10am will be lead by Re v. Alistair McBride.
Notices • Engagements • Weddings • Births • Anniversaries • Bereavements • In Memoriam etc Call Janine 027 287 0005 or email Classified Section Booking/Copy
for Thursday publication
Paper Booking/Copy
027 287 0005 Run of


With 2+ years of experience working in an accountancy office

Due to exceptional growth, we need another keen, enthusiastic person to join our firm.

Option to work in in our Otorohanga or Hamilton office with flexibility to work from home.

The role will include completing GST and income tax returns, annual accounts, wages and management reporting and working with the latest cloud based software.

You will be joining an accountancy firm with a large farming client base along with many progressive businesses – aligned to our core purpose of ‘making a positive diffrence in their life’. Send your CV and covering letter with a photo of your favourite holiday destination to:

Osbornes Chartered Accountants Ltd. P.O Box 1, Otorohanga 3940 Or email

Permanent Relief Milker

Required for every second weekend and school holidays for all of the season. Extra milkings available also. 700 cows, 66 bale rotary must be experienced as will be left in shed during some milkings. Drive in position as no accommodation available. 10 mins for Cambridge 15 from Te Awamutu. Also require assistant for calf rearing from July to September. Can be the same person.

Please phone 027 282 1854


Pouako - Kura Takawaenga (Tau 7-8)

“He Taonga te Tamaiti”

He tangata mōhio ki te manaaki i te mauri me te wairua o te tangata? He tangata e ngākaunui ana ki ngā tamariki? He pūkenga pouako rawe āu? Kei taumata kē tō arero tūpuna me ngā kōrero tuku iho? Tēnā, tono mai!

E rapu ana mātou i tētehi pouako e kaingākau ana ki ngā mahi whakaako tamariki. Me mōhio hoki te tangata ki ēnei kaupapa:

• Behavior Management (PB4L)

• Differentiated teaching and learning

• Te Marautanga o Aotearoa

• Mahi tahi, hei painga mō te katoa o ngā tamariki o te kura mai i te tau 0-13

We are seeking a kaiako to support the wellbeing of our tamariki. Our aspirations are to uplift, inspire and nurture our young leaders within the context of our Poutikanga and kaupapa matua, he taonga te tamaiti.

Our kura is located within the takiwā of Ngāti Apakura, Raukawa ki Wharepuhunga. If you are interested in being part of a dynamic team who focus on the mauri of our tamariki and strive for excellence.

Tukua tō Tātai Oranga (CV) ki te Tumuaki:

Te Kura o Ngā Purapura o Te Aroha

Kaiāwhina/ Associate Teacher Part-time (30 hours per week) Te Awamutu:

He tūranga e wātea ana ki te Wharekura o Ngā Purapura o Te Aroha. E kimi ana mātou i tētehi Kaiāwhina mō te kura, e mōhio ana ki ngā mahi whakaako tamariki. Me ū te kaitono ki te reo māori me ōna tikanga. Me matua mōhio hoki te kaitono ki ngā mahi whakahaere i te akomanga, me ngākaunui hoki ki ngā mahi whakaako tamariki. E whakapono ana mātou, he taonga te tamaiti, ko rātou hoki te pūtake o tā mātou kaupapa.

Ka kati tēnei tono hei te 09 o Hune, 2023

Tukua tō Tātai Oranga (CV) ki te Tumuaki:

Tukua mai mā te poutāpeta rānei ki:


Te Wharekura o Ngā Purapura o Te Aroha. Enquiries 021 225 7577

Got a job to fill?


Tukua mai mā te poutāpeta rānei ki: attention: Te Wharekura o Ngā Purapura o te Aroha. Enquiries 021 225 7577


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Invoicing and Payments: For advertisers on a regular schedule invoices will be sent at the end of the month and payment is due by the 20th of the following month, otherwise payment is required by end of day Tuesday in advance of publishing. Accounts in arrears +60 days may be subject to a $95 + GST late payment fee per month. Advertiser is responsible for all debt collection fees. Cancellation deadline is one week prior to publication. By confirming and placing advertising in Good Local Media Ltd publications you are agreeing to our terms and conditions of trade.

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Janine 027 287
Contact listing agent prior-visiting as Open Homes times can change. BAYLEYS CAMBRIDGE Sunday 25 June 49 Mike Smith Drive Asking price $2,049,000 12.00-12.45pm 266 Lake View Drive PBN 12.00-12.30pm 2 Drayton Place PBN 1.00-1.30pm 16 Shadbolt Drive Asking Price $1,850,000 2.00-2.30pm CAMBRIDGE REAL ESTATE Saturday 24 June 3/48 Smart Road Deadline Sale 12.00-12.45pm 1032 Tauwhare Road $1,800,000 1.30-2.00pm Sunday 25 June 41A Arapuni Road $499,000 10.30-11.00am 26A Burns Street $819,000 10.45-11.15am 12 Sanders Street $509,000 11.00-11.30am 14 Sanders Street $540,000 11.00-11.30am 53 Tennyson Street $827,000 11.00-11.30am 17 Pope Terrace $949,000 11.15-11.45am 4B Lewis Way $999,000 11.15-11.45am 2 Richards Street $1,359,000 11.30-12.00pm 52 Byron Street $819,000 11.30-12.00pm 79 King Street Offers over $650,000 11.45-12.15pm 32A Richmond Street PBN 11.45-12.15pm 44 Byron Street $855,000 11.45-12.15pm 18D Pope Terrace $925,000 12.00-12.30pm 261 Shakespeare Street PBN 12.00-12.45pm 14 Ruge Court $1,580,000 12.15-12.45pm 45 Sheridan Crescent $859,000 12.15-12.45pm 3/48 Smart Road Deadline Sale 12.30-1.00pm 2/483 French Pass Road Deadline Sale 12.30-1.15pm 18 Mike Smith Drive $1,850,000 12.45-1.15pm 12 Conrad Place PBN 1.00-1.30pm 46 Plescher Crescent Deadline Sale 1.00-1.30pm 15 Grey Street PBN 1.00-1.30pm 9 Lakewood Lane PBN 1.30-2.00pm 129 Maungakawa Road $1,630,000 1.30-2.00pm 9 Pukeko Grove $2,290,000 1.30-2.00pm 371 Pukemoremore Road $1,295,000 1.45-2.15pm 41 Grey Street PBN 1.45-2.15pm 15 Shadbolt Drive PBN 1.45-2.15pm 21 Saffron Street Deadline Sale 2.00-2.30pm 164 Fencourt Road PBN 2.15-2.45pm 8 Duke Street $645,000 2.15-2.45pm 184 The Oaks Drive Auction 3.00-3.30pm 489 Fencourt Road $1,895,000 3.15-3.45pm HARCOURTS Sunday 25 June 53 Robinson Street Deadline Sale 11:00-11:30am 85 Arnold Street Deadline Sale 12:00-12:30pm 479 Taotaoroa Road Deadline Sale 1:00-1:30pm 70 Woolrich Road $1,950,000 1:15-2:00pm LJ HOOKER Saturday 24 June 1 Walpole Street PBN 11.00-11.30pm Sunday 25 June 20a Bracken Street $655,000 11.45-12.15pm 230 The Oaks Drive $1,355,000 12.30-1.00pm 199 King Street PBN 1.15-1.45pm 919 Maungakawa Road $985,000 2.15-2.45pm LUGTONS Sunday 25 June 8B Sanders Street, Arapuni $599,000 12:30-1:30pm MORE RE Saturday 24 June 25 Headlands Drive $1,495,000 11.00-11.30am 6 Austen Place Deadline Sale 11.00-11.30am 21 Kowhai Drive Auction 12.00-12.30pm 16A Clare Street Auction 1.00-1.30pm 54 Norfolk Drive Auction 2.00-2.30pm 2 Brancaster Place Deadline Sale 2.00-2.30pm Sunday 25 June 35 Oaklands Drive $939,000 10.00-10.30am 8C Burr Street BEO $1,060,000 10.00-10.30am 9 Damio Place PBN 10.00-10.30am 8B Dick Street $749,000 11.00-11.30am 44A King Street Deadline Sale 11.00-11.30am 6 Austen Place Deadline Sale 11.00-11.30am 26 William Paul Street $1,195,000 11.00-11.30am 25 Headlands Drive $1,495,000 11.00-11.30am 22 Kingdon Street PBN 12.00-12.30pm 5 Corrielea Cres $1,025,000 12.00-12.30pm 21 Kowhai Drive Auction 12.00-12.30pm 11A Dallas Place $680,000 1.00-1.30pm 24 Ruru Street PBN 1.00-1.30pm 37 Alpers Ridge BEO $969,000 1.00-1.30pm 16A Clare Street Auction 1.00-1.30pm 131 King Street $1,025,000 2.00-2.30pm 131 St Kilda Road $1,695,000 2.00-2.30pm 54 Norfolk Drive Auction 2.00-2.30pm 2 Brancaster Place Deadline Sale 2.00-2.30pm 5 Morton Place Deadline Sale 3.00-3.30pm 9 Charles Edwards Street PBN 3.15-3.45pm RAY WHITE Sunday 25 June 26 MacLean Street Auction 11.00-11.30am 20 Nikale Street Deadline Sale 11.30-12.00pm 91a Arnold Street $535,000 12.15-12.45pm 17 Alan Livingston Drive PBN 1.00-1.30pm 409 Grasslands Drive Deadline Sale 2.00-3.00pm If you have a problem, come in and see us. ppproblems Looking for the right candidate for the job? ADVERTISE YOUR VACANCY WITH US! Call Janine on 027 287 0005 or email “Localjobsforlocalpeople” ADVERTISING TERMS OF TRADE Advertising Deadlines (Run of Paper): Advertising booking deadline for is one week prior to publication day. Copy deadline for ad-make up is 5pm Friday prior to publication day. Advertiser is responsible to advise us of any copy changes before 5pm Monday prior to publication day. Advertising supplied in completed form, deadline is Tuesday midday prior to publication day. Public holiday weeks, deadlines move forward on working day. Cancellation deadline week prior to publication. If cancellations are received after the booking deadline then full charge applies. Advertising setting is free for use in Good Local Media Ltd publications only. If used elsewhere charges will apply, pricing available on request. Advertising space only is purchased, and all copy made up by Good Local Media Ltd remains the property of Good Local Media Ltd. If supplied ready to print, copy is owned by the advertiser. Publication day is Thursday for urban deliveries and Friday morning for rural deliveries. Specifications: For supplied adverts: PDF/X – 4 spec,


*Finance available on New Nissan Qashqai and X-TRAIL models (excluding X-TRAIL Ti-L ePower) registered between 01/06/2023 and 30/06/2023. Approved applicants of Nissan Financial Services New Zealand only. Fixed interest rate of 1% p.a. only available on loan terms up to 24 months (3.9% p.a. applies for 2536 months, 4.9% p.a. applies for 37-48 months and 5.9%for 49-60 month loan terms). No deposit required. Terms and conditions apply. This o er includes an establishment fee of $375, PPSR fee of $8.05 and $10 account keeping fee. All lease and some eet purchasers excluded. Nissan reserves the right to vary, extend or withdraw this o er. Not available in conjunction with any other o er. Additional terms and conditions can be viewed at


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