King Country News | July 4, 2024

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King Country

Rocks and a hard place

In 1952 a subdivision was approved on a spit at Mōkau local iwi said was an urupā – a cemetery. Seventy years later fall out continues – and erosion continues. Paul Charman files part one of an exclusive report.

Peter Sole says his side of the story has gone untold.

The Taranaki contracting company owner has been fined $80,000 for constructing a rockwall in front of a Maōri burial ground at Mōkau in 2021.

He was convicted for breaching an abatement notice and having no resource consent to place boulders in a rockwall on the Te Naunau sandspit.

He admitted using his digger without permission in December 2021, and on several other occasions over the years.

But Sole, who was prosecuted by the Waikato Regional Council, told The News the rock wall was originally built with the blessing of some local iwi.

And he says what he did in December 2021 was maintenance of the original wall, not construction of a new one.

Almost 20 years ago he says the construction of a rockwall was organised and paid for by property owners in Point Rd, who formed the Mōkau Protection society.

“In 2006 the Mōkau Protection Society applied for a resource consent at a cost in excess of $100,000 to construct it. They were declined but they decided to go ahead and build it regardless at their own cost, using volunteer labour and machinery. I was approached to supply them with rocks as they were desperate to protect their properties.”

Most of the property owners from that era were long gone, having sold their sections and moved on, he added.

“In December 2021 I was asked by two property owners to supply two loads of rocks to strengthen the wall in front of their properties.

“The work I did in front the urupa and sections on the beachfront, one of which was mine, was just that, maintenance.

“It involved digging up and reinstating boulders already on the beach that had been dislodged from the rockwall during adverse weather events.”

Another Point Rd property owner, Peter Crowley, handed the News a letter to

back up Sole’s claim that the wall had the blessing of some iwi.

Written and signed by a then Hamilton resident, Aroha Terry, in June 2006, it said:

“On behalf of my tipuna and with the support and blessings of our kuia Jessie Te Waitiehu Terry, of Huntly, we hereby sincerely support your cause to build a rock wall across the said urupā to protect it from

erosions and stop the bones of our ancestors from floating out.

“Over the years many people have found bones from that urupa and have reburied them in Maniaroa, which is in fact how Maniaroa Urupā started. Each year since! Bone has been found along the shores of Mōkau.

Peter Sole in front of what remains of the sea wall on the Te Naunau sandspit at Mōkau. The urupa is on the section to his left, marked by a sign.

Rocks and a hard place

“My personal whakapapa is in direct link of Mōkau as is the kuia who has give me absolute support to your cause. . .

that Sole had been warned and abated from carrying out illegal works several times (when working on the seawall) over the previous 20 years.

the right for my solicitor to cross examine witnesses, or to put my comments on the record.”


Sole said he had been involved in similar council sanctioned work along the Taranaki Coast over many years.

Had he been allowed to do this he would have disputed some of the evidence against him.

“In the meantime. I have spoken to the chairperson of Maniaroa and informed her of this, she will notify as soon as a date has been set for the Marae AGM of where you and your group will be invited to attend and to also take that opportunity to meet each other and to support each other where and as we can.”

The letter was taken into consideration when Sole was sentenced in the Huntly District Court by Judge Melinda Dickey, but she said the fact remained

He said similar work had been done by the Taranaki Regional Council at locations including Oakura, Port Taranaki, coastal New Plymouth, Waitara and Urenui, and he had carted rocks to these sites over many years.

“I had to plead guilty in court because I received a 25 per cent (fine) sentence reduction by doing so. But that meant I lost

Sole said a coastal environment report he paid for backed up the effectiveness of the sea wall in slowing erosion to the properties along the beachfront. But its conclusions differed from a coastal environment report prepared by the Waikato Regional Council, which questioned the wall’s worth.

Sole said people should walk along the beach and judge the sea wall’s usefulness for

In areas where it was still largely intact the wall was clearly protecting some of the properties. Where it had been compromised by the sea – as it has now been from in front of the urupa – the land was rapidly being lost to erosion.

“We the current rate paying property owners wish to maintain the rock wall at no cost to the council to continue to protect our properties. But the rock wall is now badly in need of maintenance to be effective,” Sole said.

• What can you add to this story? Contact Paul Charman at


Roy Pilott 027 450 0115

Andy Campbell 021 0232 1666

Paul Charman 027 405 9038

Sigrid Christiansen 022 080 6141

Advertising Director Janine Davy 027 287 0005

Owner/Publisher David Mackenzie Office 07 878 1188

Factors in the rates rise

Last week most councils in New Zealand set their budgets for the year ending 30 June 2025.

The task for most of us has been challenging. The costs of providing services have shot up as inflation has taken hold. So too the cost of debt has begun to bite.

In the Waikato region, the average increase in the district and city council rate take is just over 13 per cent. The range is from 8.9 per cent in South Waikato to 17.4 per cent in Hauraki. In Waitomo our rate take will increase by 11.1%.

While inflation and interest rate rises account for most of Waitomo’s increases, there are three other drivers that account for some of our increase.

Firstly, the costs of maintaining our roads.

or phone 021 832734 to schedule an appointment to see us

Our rural roads are being hit by more severe storm damage. Our road rates and our subsidy from NZTA need to cover this damage.

So too do these two sources need to cover our normal road maintenance costs – costs that are increasing more than the consumer price increase.

Large forest blocks planted 30 years ago are now being harvested. We have imposed an additional rate on forestry land to recover some of the costs caused by the increase in logging trucks and their resulting damage.

Secondly, flood mitigation work in Te Kūiti.

In 2023 there were two storm events that caused severe flooding in Te Kūiti.

Residents appealed to council to upgrade and lift maintenance on its stormwater network of open drains and underground pipes.

We have increased budgets to catch more of the surface water from extreme rainfall events and send it quickly to pipes underground.

More “catch pits” are being added and some new pipes installed. These increased costs will fall largely on Te Kūiti households.

Thirdly, investment in drinking water infrastructure in Te Kūiti.

The costs of upgrading some of this aging pipe network and our old reservoirs will also fall on Te Kūiti households.

There are more than 25 houses on Point Rd, Mōkau, and almost a dozen overlook the beach.

Aggravated robbery

A shop attendant was punched and set off a store fog cannon during an aggravated robbery in Ōtorohanga last Friday. Police say two masked men, one armed with a hammer, ran off with a cash register containing about $200 from a dairy on Main North Rd about 4.40am. They were using a car earlier stolen from Te Kūiti, where it was later found.

Airport fees

Last week’s story about the increase in airport landing fees at Te Kūiti overlooked a council decision allowing chief executive Ben Smit to use his discretion to apply the increased landing fees as set out in the adopted long term plan fees and charges – or to charge an annual fee for Te Kūiti Aeroclub members and commercial users. The fees and charges for Te Kūiti Aerodrome adopted last Tuesday were: Visiting Aircraft Landing Fee, Touch and go first, club members all $15, commercial users $20.

Annual plane storage (casual) $562 , Ground lease fees range from $3.18 to $6.61 a square metre. Staff are working work on a more cost effective recording system.

Rugby chance

Community rugby clubs have been given an opportunity to apply for support with club upgrades. They have until August 4 to apply for a grant of $30,000 worth of Bunnings products and materials to upgrade their facilities. This year’s Bunnings Rugby Assist funding will take the total grant over four seasons to more than $1 million.

Range closure

The SH29 route to Tauranga will close for seven and a half hours on four successive days from July 14. The road over the Kaimai Range will be closed from 8pm on those days to enable asphalt renewal and routine maintenance activities such as clearing drains and working on signs and road marking.

King Country pair off to worlds

Te Kūiti and Ōtorohanga will cheer on a crew at the waka ama world sprint championships next month.

Teenagers Kōtuku Waho from Ōtorohanga and Mia Wehi from Te Kūiti will be in waka at the championships at Hilo, Hawaii, which run from August 13 to 24. They will be part of the Waikato Dragon Boat and Waka Ama Association crews competing.

Manager Ashly Neho and coach Matt Tauroa say the club will send two women’s age group crews and a men’s masters crew. Paddler Sienna Herbert will also compete in a one-person waka.

The association’s crews will be among 200 from New Zealand.

Kōtuku, 15, started waka ama in 2023. She is a student at Te Wharekura o Ngā Taiatea in Hamilton, and was inspired by Erina Wehi.

Her mum’s niece and

aunty to Kōtuku – also a waka ama coach – she ran a campaign leading up to the waka ama championships at Lake Karāpiro in January 2024.

“She invited everyone to come and try waka ama. Mum (Marama HenareWaho) heard about it, and suggested I go. I enjoyed it and wanted to keep going.

“I like how she uses maramataka (the lunar calendar) in our training.”

She credits Wehi with her passion for the sport.

The King Country and Waikato competitors will train six days a week leading up to Hawaii, Tauroa said.

Some practices will be on the ocean at Raglan paddling on buoyant, rolling water, he said.

Manager Ashly Neho said it would help the girls get a feel for the ocean conditions in Hawaii. The team will reach the islands a few days early to acclimatise.

The club qualified for the 2020 world championships in London, but because of

Covid, did not send any crews. Henare-Waho said a fundraising campaign was underway for the paddlers. Families have gone all

out with fundraising for the two King Country girls – on Sunday, they sold out the Regent Theatre Te Awamutu for its screening of Ka

Magpies too strong

Beaten by 50 points – but looking good for this season’s Heartland Championship.

That was the verdict of King Country rugby union development officer Dan Tasker after last week’s unsuccessful challenge for the Ranfurly Shield.

Hosts Hawke’s Bay won the shield clash 57-7.

“We all knew it was going to be a tough Ranfurly Shield challenge, as it always is, that’s why it’s so hard to win against an NPC team full of acadamy and semiprofessional players,” Tasker said.

“On the other hand the lads from King Country are all working jobs and don’t get to focus on rugby every day.

“But all-in-all the effort shown by our boys was massive and it bodes well for the team as they prepare for the Heartland Championship, starting midAugust.

Tasker was part of the small King Country entourage that travelled to Hastings to support the team.

He said the scoreline did not do justice to how well they played.

The Rams were under-strength due to a number of team members being left out for personal reasons.

They had played very well considering it was only their second hit-out of the season, and still coming together as a team, he said.

“As much rain had fallen over the previous two days it was very wet under foot, which didn’t help matters.

Hawke’s Bay led 26-0 at half time and added two more tries before King Country was rewarded for its efforts – Kaleb Foote dotted down in the 51st minute and Patrick Hedley added the extra points.

The shield holders play Whanganui in Napier next, at the end of the month.

Tonu, which tells the story of a pivotal battle in the first New Zealand land wars in the Waikato region.

Okeroa Irwin, Nevaeh Tauroa, Paula Kerapa-Broughton, Quartez Neho, Kōtuku Waho and Sienna Herbert are among the contingent travelling to Hawaii.
First five Patrick Hedley converted King Country’s try in Napier. Photo: Dan Tasker

A $3.28m curveball

Waka Kotahi’s late decison to cut $3.2 million from the district roading budget has prompted criticism of the Audit Office, by Ōtorohanga District Council.

The council received notice its request was cut by $3.28 million on June 6, after its long term plan public consultation period and hearings and deliberations, the council’s strategy and community group manager Nardia Gower said.

Waka Kotahi said other aspects of the funding programme would be confirmed in August.

The late notification of the funding decision and the further delays meant the council had no opportunity to adjust its budget and meet a June 30, 2024 statutory adoption deadline for the long term plan.

“It is a very disappointing result and has ended up with us receiving a qualified audit opinion, tainting what has been a long hard road,” Gower said.

Other councils had not been able to accommodate audit and undertook their LTP consultation without an audit opinion, which put them at greater risk when it cames to the final plan adoption part of their process, she said.

Councillors were told that adding to the frustration was the auditors’ resistance to acknowledge the qualified opinion was not a reflection on the quality and integritiy of the council planning and budgetary processes – but was due to the failing of central government’s own processes and timing.

“The rhetoric coming from the auditors was pointing the finger at the council’s ability to adopt a long term plan without it being qualfied, I think it is inexcusable,” Mayor Max Baxter said.

“The finger should be pointing clearly at waka kotahi and the government themselves.

“Someone’s got to take responsibility and the office of the Auditor General has also got to be prepared to listen to us for a change...”

Chief executive Tanya Winter said Ōtorohanga was one of the few councils at the point of adopting their long term plan.

Call to help kōkako Briefs…

The Department of Conservation’s Maniapoto team wants volunteers to contribute a few hours to help kōkako at Mapara.

Mapara Wildlife Management Reserve near Maniaiti/Benneydale is a habitat for a significant population of kōkako.

Kōkako were common in New Zealand forests a little over 100 years ago, but they were eaten almost to extinction by introduced pests before conservation efforts kicked in late last century.

Claire Jones, a biodiversity ranger in Maniapoto, is leading an operation to bait hundreds of stations across the reserve, where introduced predators continue to pose a threat.

“DOC’s Maniapoto team is a small tightknit unit – but this is a big job and we’re seeking support from the wider community to deliver this crucial conservation work,” Jones said.

Mapara is 1435ha of steep and undulating terrain at points with access via tracks and over farmland. There is a network of 2200 bait stations (50 metres apart) along bait lines which follow the spurs, ridges and gullies.

Keep pillar boxes clear

Three rounds of baiting start in mid-August before the start of the birds’ breeding season.

Baiting will continue through the season to February/March to ensure the best survival of the young chicks. The baiting work supports efforts to reduce rat numbers in the reserve.

“We want to ensure the kōkako chicks at Mapara have the best chance of survival and can go on to thrive,” Jones added.

“This work also supports overall forest health in the diverse Mapara ecosystem.”

Volunteers would carry a weighed amount of bait in a backpack to each bait station along lines through the block. The baiting days will be about six hours in the bush.

Food and accommodation will be provided.

“A good level of fitness is needed as volunteers will be carrying backpacks over steep terrain. A basic knowledge of the bush and bush navigation would be an advantage, although training will be given. Volunteers will be in pairs and GPS used to navigate,”

Claire said.

The Department of Conservation website puts kōkako numbers at about 2300 pairs.

The bird’s South Island cousin is thought to be extinct.

Not guilty plea

A 22-year-old man accused of murdering 10-monthold Mustafa Ali in Te Kūiti pleaded not guilty, in the High Court in Hamilton on Tuesday. The trial is set down for February 2026, and the man, who has interim name suppression, has been remanded in custody. Interim name suppression will continue until a hearing on July 30. Baby Mustafa died on June 8 and police said he suffered non-accidental blunt force trauma.

Bird watch

A national survey of birds finishes on Sunday. People are being invited to go on line to take the survey by Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research and spend an hour in a garden or park recording birds they see. More than 45,000 surveys of garden and parks have been carried out by individuals, schools, and community groups since the survey started in 2007.

Scientist killed

A climber who died after slipping and falling on Mount Ruapehu last Saturday was Auckland-based marine scientist Wednesday Davis. Wednesday, originally from Tauranga, was among a group climbing near Whangaehu Hut, on the eastern side of the mountain, on Saturday.

Kōkako numbers are thought to have reached about 4600.

Water meters for Te Kūiti

More than 1600 Te Kūiti homes are to be fitted with meters as Waitomo District Council pushes on with a user pays system for water.

The council is looking at making water a total user-pays process and will start by testing it in Maniaiti/Benneydale which is expected to be fully user pays from July 2026. All homes in the town have water meters.

Infrastructure services general manager Shyamal Ram said the test platform would give a picture of the rating and cost implications of moving to a full user pays system.

Te Kūiti has 491 meters and 2,111 connections.

A survey of residents through long term plan consultation showed three in four resident wanted no additional investment in water services, but they were evenly split over installing water meters from 2027 to 2029 for properties connected to the water supply.

A decision has yet to be made on the type of meter.

Mechanical meters are currently in use and if the pilot study found a smart meter made more sense, switching to them would incur a cost that was not budgeted for,

Mechanical water metres have assisted in water conservation efforts and given staff a better understand consumption trends and network capabilities, Ram said,

In Te Kūiti there are 491 meters and 2,111 connections. Piopio 123 meters and 244 connections, Mokau 59 and 211. Maniaiti/Benneydale has 118 meters and 111 connections. There are meters on three council properties and four bare lots.

Making a community difference

Waipā Networks is inviting applications for funding to support projects and initiatives that make a difference in communities.

Waipā Networks, general manager of customer and community Anna Greenhill says groups and organisations looking for financial support of up to $1000 can apply for level one sponsorship.

“As part of Waipā Networks’ wider programme to inject funding back into Waipā communities, each year we coordinate two sponsorship rounds that are designed for smaller projects that need a funding boost. We have a total funding pool of $10,000 for each level one round,” Greenhill said.

Applications for the first level one round of funding for 2024 will close at the end of the month. A second round will close on at the end of December.

“We prefer community projects and events that are free of charge, support community well-being, and help create better communities,” Greenhill said


Waitomo District Council is moving to a user pays system for water.

Pool ‘skew-wiff’

An insurance claim had been made on Te Kūiti’s aging swimming pool and councillors have voted to take no remedial action in the interim.

The 30 metre pool built in 1939 is down in one corner and cracks are beginning to appear. It also has notable water loss, indicating significant leaks.

It was described as “a little bit skew-wiff” at a Waitomo District Council meeting by properties and facilities manager Liz Riley.

Infrastructure service general manager Shyamal Ram said the challenges with the main pool were mainly due to prolonged refurbishment delays caused by adverse weather.

There was also extensive scarring across the pool’s surface, recurrence of previously repaired cracks, the emergence of new fissures and degradation of paint, leading to flaking and discoloration.

The 85-year-old pool holding 660m³ of water, has undergone several refurbishments over the years to maintain its functionality and safety standards.

But the pool is facing issues that will continue to compromise its operational integrity, Ram said.

The sand filter experienced blowback, and frequent testing and cleaning had become necessary to maintain the water quality. Skimmers where water flowed out of the pool to the ballast tank, were not level.

Ram said maintaining water quality in the upcoming season, along with the regular addition of fresh water would continue to be a challenge.

Inspection of the pipes and pool filter for leaks, breakages, or misalignments, and to learn why sand was being expelled back into the main pool through the intake pipes, was yet to be made.

An insurance claim had been made, but councillor Eady Manawaiti was told staff did not know if insurance would cover the replacement of the pool.

Councillors backed a “do

Lyceum plans next gathering

A King Country GP has represented New Zealand at a meeting of the International Association of Lyceum Clubs in the French province of Bordeaux.

And now she is helping plan the next one in New Zealand.

nothing” option - maintain the current standard of the main pool without immediate upgrades, to buy time to assess the capital costs to fix the problems and consider the facility’s future and strategic direction.

“We need to start thinking about whether this asset is fit for purpose longer term,” Mayor John Robertson said.

“It is something there is considerable ratepayer subsidy applied to, some hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.

“But it is a big question. It’s huge, it’s like a library.”

From discussion it was decided the cost and options would be determined before it was put out for community consultation in either an annual or long term plan.

Skew Wiff is an 18th century technical term originally used by weavers.

In her capacity as Lyceum’s Southern Hemisphere vice president, Marilyn Mackinder, attended with more than 300 women from many nations.

Mackinder has served the Lyceum in leadership roles since joining it as a young mum in Te Kūiti more than 40 years ago and has held her present role for three terms.

She said most of the countries Lyceum is aligned with were represented in Bordeaux, including Germany, Australia, Belgium, Finland, France, Georgia, Italy, Morocco, the Netherlands, the UK, Sweden, Denmark and Switzerland.

“We had a lot of general business to get through, including organisation of our next international congress in Tauranga next year.

“But we managed to get all the business out of the way in a day-and-a-half, and had time for several days of sightseeing,” she said.

It was unlikely that the Tauranga event would attract anywhere near 300 international members, as the European contingent considered this country a farflung destination to travel to.

“But we have to try,” Mackinder said.

Organising the conference in Tauranga had been quite complex to date, including the need to source interpreters for members from France, although Lyceum members

from Germany all understood English.

“The need for interpreters and various other matters mean that this event will be quite expensive to run, but we’re hoping it will also help to put Lyceum on the map in this country, providing a boost in recruitment.”

There are now about 9000 Lyceum members worldwide. And while numbers had dropped in some countries, including New Zealand, they were rising in others. Lyceum began in London in the early 20th Century, but it dwindled and closed there during the 1960s.

Then in more recent years expatriate French women living in London revived the club there, and that chapter now had 30 members.

Graymont announces launch of community-focused Carbon Reduction Fund and invites applications for 2023 initiatives

Graymont announces launch of community-focused Carbon Reduction Fund and invites applications for 2023 initiatives

Graymont announces launch of community-focused Carbon Reduction Fund and invites applications for 2023 initiatives

Graymont announces launch of community-focused Carbon Reduction Fund and invites applications for 2024 initiatives

We are proud to announce the launch of the Graymont Carbon Reduction Fund , an innovative, grass-roots initiative designed to support the development of carbon-reduction initiatives in the communities across the globe that we call home.

We are proud to announce the launch of the Graymont Carbon Reduction Fund , an innovative, grass-roots initiative designed to support the development of carbon-reduction initiatives in the communities across the globe that we call home.

The fund’s role is to support projects focused on:

We are proud to announce the launch of the Graymont Carbon Reduction Fund, an innovative, grass-roots initiative designed to support the development of carbon-reduction initiatives in the communities across the globe that we call home.

• Protecting the environment by the responsible use of resources

The fund’s role is to support projects focused on:

The fund’s role is to support projects focused on:

• Reducing our carbon footprint through increased energy e iciency

• Protecting the environment by the responsible use of resources

• Protecting the environment by the responsible use of resources

• Reducing our carbon footprint through increased energy e iciency

• Reducing our carbon footprint through increased energy efficiency

• Developing and maintaining natural, biological ‘carbon sinks’ such as agricultural land, forests or peat bogs that act as a natural o set for carbon

• Developing and maintaining natural, biological ‘carbon sinks’ such as agricultural land, forests or peat bogs that act as a natural o set for carbon

• Developing and maintaining natural, biological ‘carbon sinks’ such as agricultural land, forests or peat bogs that act as a natural offset for carbon

If you have a project idea that relates to any of these topics, the GCRF is looking for you!

If you have a project idea that relates to any of these topics, the GCRF is looking for you!

Graymont's mission is contributing to a decarbonized world by providing essential lime and limestone solutions.

Graymont's mission is contributing to a decarbonized world by providing essential lime and limestone solutions.

If you have a project idea that relates to any of these topics, the GCRF is looking for you!

For additional information, please contact

For additional information, please contact Craig Lee -

For additional information, please contact

Te Kūiti’s 85 year old swimming pool is leaking
Back home - Marilyn Mackinder.

Police attended two family harm incidents and were involved in an alcohol detox callout.

June 20: A customer attempted to use a counterfeit $50 bill at the Caltex Service Station on SH3. Police seized the note and sent it away for examination.

June 25: A so-called “catfishing incident” was reported by a resident, in which a scammer set up an account through a telco using the name of a local company. The fraudster used the false ID to purchase a phone.

June 26: A rural resident living just out of town reported being scammed out of $2000. The scammer had telephoned them claiming money had been taken out of his account. Using this false claim the scammer requested and received the victim’s email and BNZ account access number.

June 30: At about 2.40am a burglary was reported at a commercial address on Progress Dr. Heavy duty truck batteries, which had been set aside for scrap, and tools, all up totalling $4000 in value, were stolen

July 1: At about 3.30 am a burglar entered a motel where international tourists were staying, stole a vehicle key and a handbag and made off in the tourists’ rental vehicle.


Police attended one family harm incident.

June 27: At about 5.45pm vehicle being driven in Moa St was involved in a collision with a pedestrian. (See fire brigade notes)

June 29: At about 12.30am a Te Kūiti resident

was stopped while driving vehicle on SH3, Te Mapara. The driver has been charged for refusing a blood test.


Police attended one family harm incident

Te Kūiti

Police attended five family harm incidents.

June 25: At about 11.45pm a petrol dive-off, involving theft of $140 of fuel, was reported from the Z Service Station.

June 27: At about 11am, while the Te Kūiti District Court was in progress a Piopio man at the court was found to have a shotgun shell on his person. The shell was seized and the man given a warning.

June 27-June 28: Overnight thieves tried unsuccessfully to steal two cars, succeeding the third time. A car they took from Rimu St was involved in an aggravated robbery in Ōtorohanga dairy and later recovered in St Luke’s Crescent, Te Kūiti.

June 28-June 29: Overnight a 2007 Toyota Corolla was damaged and the ignition tampered with. That same night, a resident at an address on Bayne St, came out at night to find the lights of his car on, and its rear window smashed.

June 28: At about 10pm police received a report that two males were breaking into a car in Ward St. Police arrested two 14-year-olds who had vice grips, gloves, screwdrivers and small amount of cannabis.

June 30-July 1: Overnight on Te Kumi Station Rd a black 2021 Honda Pioneer side-by-side was stolen from a private address. The keys had been left in the vehicle.

June 30: At about 9.30pm police stopped a vehicle on Te Kumi Station Rd. The 23-year-old driver was charged with drink-driving.

June 26: At 12.10 pm the brigade was called out following an alarm activation at the Gallagher Recreation Centre. Investigations could not establish a cause.

June 27: 10.48 am the brigade was called to an alarm activation at Aria School, but were turned around before arriving. At 4.17 the brigade responded to a hydrated lime fire at the landfill in William St. Contractors on site used buckets of water and fire extinguishers to put out most of the fire before the brigade arrived. At 5.58 pm the brigade supported Piopio following a “car-versus-pedestrian” incident in Moa St.

June 29: At 12.02 am the brigade supported Piopio following a crash involving three cars near the Piopio Golf Course. There were no significant injuries.

July 1: At 8.22 pm the brigade was called out following a sprinkler activation at Stoked Eatery. The system activated due to a small kitchen fire. “Some salvage was necessary, but it could have been a lot worse without the sprinklers,” fire chief Hayden Sheedy said.

July 2: The brigade was called out following a gas leak in Seddon St. It was caused by contractors who accidentally cut a gas pipe. The brigade cordoned the area till gas company staff could arrive to isolate the severed pipe.

June 27: At 10.48 am crews from Piopio and Te Kūiti responded to the activation of a monitored alarm at Aria School. Upon the Piopio brigade’s arrival it was found a small fire

had already been extinguished and Te Kūiti was stood down.

At 5.58 pm fire crews from Piopio and Te Kūiti responded to a report of a car in collision with a pedestrian in Moa St. The brigade secured the scene and assisted St John as a nine-year-old boy was taken to Te Kūiti Hospital with minor injuries.

June 29: At 12.02 am crews from Piopio and Te Kūiti responded to a crash involving three motor vehicles on the Golf Course Straight, at Piopio. Minor injuries were reported to one person.

June 27: At 10.05 am the brigade was called out following an alarm activation at Ngutunui School. Food being cooked ahead of Matariki had caught, causing smoke, which activated an alarm.

June 28: The brigade was called out following a fog cannon activation at a dairy in Ōtorohanga’s Main North Rd. At 11.15am the brigade was called to an alarm activation at the Kio Kio School. At 9.48 pm the brigade was called out after a cat got stuck up a wall at a house in Old Te Kūiti Rd. It made its own way down the following day.

July 1: At 1.04 pm the brigade was called out to free a cat up a tree in Ngahape Rd. At 8.55 pm the brigade was called out to support the Kawhia Brigade after a car went over a bank in Kawhia Rd. The four occupants, who were not badly injured, managed to climb up the bank unaided.

July 2: At 12.46 pm the brigade supported Te Kūiti following activation of a fire alarm by technicians at Stoked Eatery.


When purchasing property, it’s vital to anticipate potential complications. One critical consideration is whether all buildings on the property, and any subsequent modifications, have the required building permits, building consents, or code compliance certificates.

Historically, buildings required a “building permit” until the enactment of the Building Act 1991 when this was replaced with a “building consent” and a “code compliance certificate” (CCC) for building work completed after 1 July 1992.

There are several responsibilities associated with owning a pet, desexing being one of them.

As a new pet owner, you may not be aware of the benefits of desexing. Often referred to as neutering, castration (males) or spay (females); all words used to describe the surgical removal of reproductive organs. This is a permanent solution to any unwanted offspring, a huge problem

Having a single missing tooth may be a visual or functional problem, or might not bother you too much at all. There are a few options available to help out if you decide you want to move ahead with replacement. These options may include a denture, an implant, or a bridge. A denture involves taking

The absence of the required building permits, building consents, or code compliance certificates can cause issues in regard to insurance eligibility (crucial for securing a mortgage), it can also be an issue with your lender (and must be disclosed to them), it could also be an issue if and when you decide to sell the property. If you require a mortgage, it’s crucial to confirm the property can be insured before you confirm you have suitable finance.

Additionally, non-compliant buildings or alterations may prompt a council-issued “notice to fix,” requiring

costly rectifications by qualified professionals to ensure regulatory compliance.

Obtaining a Land Information Memorandum (LIM) from the council for a property you intend to purchase is prudent. This document contains a copy of the council records regarding any building permits, building consents, or code compliance certificates.

To navigate all this, you should talk to a lawyer who knows this area well. They can help you understand the risks, protect your interests, and make sure buying your property goes smoothly.

in our community. Did you know that cats can have up to 3 litters a year, you can imagine how quickly an unwanted cat population can grow.

For example, 1 female cat can have a litter of 4 kittens, let’s say 2male 2 female, and in 18months time that population can grow to over 50 cats!

Desexing your pet also eliminates unwanted behaviour associated with hormones, such as

moulds of your mouth to create a plate with either acrylic resin or a mix of acrylic and metal that fits against your mouth and into the gap. An implant is a metal screw-in that can have a crown placed to look very similar to the teeth surrounding it. A bridge involves sticking the fake tooth to one or more

aggression, marking of territory, bleeding in female dogs and roaming of pets to find a mate.

Desexed pets tend to live longer, healthier lives.

With a significantly reduced risk of developing mammary and prostate cancer as well as other diseases of the reproductive system. Phone or pop into your local vet to discuss all the pros and cons associated with desexing your pet.

of the neighbours, and may involve removing some of the tooth tissue of those teeth to help stick it in better and be a bit stronger. For a number of reasons one of these options may be better than the others for an individual, and we can help you make a choice.

Te Kūiti

Jeannie celebrates at 102

Sigrid Christiansen

Conservationist, tramper, volunteer, mother and partner: Jean “Jeannie” Swindells, of Te Kūiti enjoyed her 102nd birthday party at Hillview on Monday.

Today she’s unable to speak much, but daughter Helen Sinclair attributed her mother’s years to a healthy lifestyle –being active, growing her own vegetables, eating home kill meat, and not smoking or drinking.

“She was determined to make 100 – but we didn’t expect to see 102,” Helen told The King Country News.

Jean was the oldest girl among the Reilly family of six siblings, who lived “in the back blocks of Mangaweka,” near Taihape, where their parents farmed.

They all rode to school, three on a horse. There were just nine students, and only three were not Reillys.

Her favourite was older brother Jim, who died in a drowning accident at the age of 19, “the great tragedy of Jean’s childhood,” in Helen’s words. He had been crossing a river at the time.

In World War Two – during which time, she was already an adult – she served as a Land Girl. She later raised her family and, because “she loved the littlies” was involved for many years with Plunkett.

At the birthday gathering guests learned what Jean and late husband Jim contributed to their loved ones and the environment through the decades.

“We wanted to give something back to the community and many of us became interested in preserving endangered birdlife in the King Country,” she told this paper a decade ago.

The couple were inaugural members of the Te Kūiti tramping club and stayed until it closed, decades later.

At age 91, Swindells told the then Waitomo News they established the club in 1979, taking in excursions to favourite

spots like Leitch’s Clearing in Mangaotaki, Pureora and the Nikau track in Pirongia.

The former was their very first tramp: 11.3km through the Whareorino Forest, 35km south of Te Kūiti.

“For us, tramping was about exploring

the wild,” she said, “We would find different tracks, and really take in everything.

Tramping was also about creating memories with family and friends.”

The Jim and Jean Swindells Adventure Track in the Tūī Glen reserve in Henderson, Auckland, is named in their honour; the Waitomo District Council gave them a Lifetime Achiever Award in 2012, and they were awarded a QSM for services to conservation in 2008.

The couple also helped DoC clean up beaches at Kāwhia, Marokopa and Taharoa.

Jean highly valued her relationship with late husband Jim: Helen called them “best friends who did everything together.”

“They adored each other.”

The couple met at a prayer meeting in Te Kawa. It wasn’t that they were so religious; her employers had expected it.

Later, they were “kicked out” of the sct after a falling out with Jim’s father, Piopio farmer Sutton Swindells. At one point, the old man told Jim and Jean he expected them to work on the farm for free: they refused.

The couple’s four children are Helen Sinclair, Marlene Macey, Joan Mannering and Glenda Wilson.

At Hillview, Jean lives just down the corridors from fellow supercentenarian Bob Swann, thriving at 101.

“She is just ahead of me,” he said.

On Monday, Jean brightened on hearing the “Chronicle” had come to the party. She knows this paper’s current title, having been interviewed many times, but it was our old name that clicked with one who is understandably slightly hard of hearing. We wouldn’t have missed it for the world

Jean Swindells celebrates with daughters Helen Sinclair (left) and Marlene Macey. Photo Sigrid Christiansen

A tribute to Bill

Wayne Ball provided this mihi for the King Country News, to celebrate Bill’s 90th birthday.

One of the oldest Te Kūiti residents, Tukairangi William (Bill) Ball celebrated his 90th birthday last month with a gathering of whānau at the Wool Press Café.

Born in 1934, Bill is the fourth of 14 children; the eldest remaining along with his 11 younger siblings.

He has lived in Te Kūiti his whole life and cannot think of a better place to live than in the land of the Maniapoto, and his ancestors.

Bill’s main marae are Kaputuhi Pā at Hangatiki, Te Kūiti Pā and Te Kumi; he is a descendent of Ngāti Kaputuhi, Ngāti Kinohaku and Ngāti Rora.

He is a descendant of Hori Ngatai Hetet and Mata Turner on both his father’s and mother’s sides.

His great grandfather on his mother’s side was the Prophet Te Manukura Te Mahuki, a disciple of Te Whiti o Rongomai of Parihaka.

Te Manukura, his wife Kiritahanga and their followers built a replica village of Parihaka at Te Kumi, and caused quite a stir when he captured the surveyor Charles Hursthouse in 1883.

Longevity runs in the whānau with his mother Perata Ona Ball also reaching 90 years as did his great grandmother Kiritahanga Mahuki, also known as Te Kaama Totorewa, also 90. Mrs Mere Amohanga, Bill’s grandmother lived to 86, and his great grandmothers Werawera Amohanga 83, and Mata Hetet reaching a grand age of 101 years.

He spent his life working – from his early childhood until his mid-seventies.

Bill was raised in hard times in austere financial circumstances. He started work before school at age eight, milking cows for a neighbour, Miss McCormack at the top of the hospital road.

He left school at 15 and went on to become a successful painter and decorator.

Rather than retire, he bought On the Ball Dry cleaners before finally hanging up his boots at age 75.

Tiwha Bell (90) and Graeme (Stumpy) Anderson (89), whom Bill went to school with, are the only remaining Te Kūiti contemporaries of his era whom he is aware of.

He has given extensively to the local community, having played and coached darts, rugby, softball and as a long-term volunteer for netball.

He has been recognised with four life memberships for his dedicated service to Te Kūiti and Districts RSA (President), Te Kūiti Rugby Football Club (President), Waitomo Club (first Māori President in 1976) and Maniapoto Netball Association.

The nonagenarian’s secret for longevity is to always be energetic, enthusiastic and happy.

He is renowned for his good cheer, his whistle, and his love of engaging with people.

“Don’t drink beer” and “Don’t chase horses” might be mottos … but they are mottos he would not recommend.

He’s a voracious reader, especially enjoying the Jack Reacher books by Lee Child.

After all, life has to be fun as well, he says.

That said, he has a serious thought to share with the community too. Bill hopes we can build on the comparative racial harmony he remembers from his childhood and young adult life.

While there was quite a bit of racism in those times, he remembers there was much more mutual cooperation and fellow feeling than today.

Bill said that whether someone was Pākehā, Māori, Chinese or Indian, he would relate to them in the same way. He mixed happily with every nationality.

He hopes we can return that way of thinking within society, and work through our current racial inequities.

Bill and wife Dot.

‘Tez’ inspires the girls

A Piopio girls rugby team had a unique well-wisher the night before the tiny yet “skilful, tough and quick” underdogs powered onto the field at the Southern Chiefs Regional tackle 5 tournament: brand new All Black Cortez Ratima.

Ratima inspired them to finish second out of 22 teams from the King Country, Bay of Plenty, Thames Valley and Waikato at Mount Maunganui.

“Go hard” Ratima said, “I know you can do it.”

The team comprised Sorcha McNabb, Tegan Grainger, Caleigh Mouat, Zara-Lee Walker, Amy Hiriaki, Laci Kendrick and Mila Ormsby. The first six girls attend Piopio primary, while Mila goes to Āria.

Coach Jake Hiriaki called the message “a huge confidence booster.”

The Piopio girls were by far the smallest physically – most other players were “giants” in comparison, the former King Country, Piopio and Waitete rugby representative said.

Winners Westbrook, from Rotorua, had especially tall strong girls – but the two teams were neck and neck all

through the finals.

After a draw at fulltime it went to a golden point… with honours going to Westbrook who scored a try after several minutes of struggle.

Hiriaki said the players were exceptional. In his 35 years of living in the district, and several years of coaching, “I’ve never seen girls this talented.”

“They are skilful, tough and quick. They’re faster than all the boys – it’s quite cool to watch.”

While Tegan is a known running star, a sprint and cross-country winner, the others are “only just behind her,” when it comes to speed.

So how did Piopio do it?

Coming from a tiny town – of less than 500 people –the Piopio-Āria girls had “no choice” but to play against boys, if they wanted the chance to tackle.

“It’s all they’ve ever known.”

While most rugby-mad girls in the district play Rippa or Touch (which Jake also helps out with) those keen on “tackle rugby” must practice and play against boys, many of whom are bigger and stronger.

At their previous

tournament, a King Country contest in Te Kūiti, they were “quite dominant” finishing undefeated, Hiriaki said.

Why the special treatment from Cortez? One of the players, Amy, is his first cousin – dad and coach Jacob Hiriaki’s sister is Cortez’ mum, Deiresa Marshall.

Meanwhile, Amy’s mum is manager Nicola Mahoney, who said it was “so cool to

see a team from such a small community do so well. The girls really put their heart into it. They love it, and they want to keep going.”

She praised Jake for his dedication in finding opportunities for the girls to develop their rugby skills in a competition setting.

Ratima sent the message to the Piopio Primary team while on his way to his first All Blacks Camp in

Your news,wherever you are.


Piopio principal Sue Coyle said it was “really special” he took time out to encourage the girls.

Coyle said Piopio was the only King Country school to send a team. All of the Piopio/Āria players had parents travel with them and help out on the day.

They were later presented with their medals at the school’s Matariki gathering.

Squash award for Clarks

Squash New Zealand has given its volunteer of the month award to Nick and Cheryl Clark of the Ōtorohanga Squash Club.

The couple, who have lived in the town since 2000, introduced new players through club nights and over the four months before their award they helped lift membership of the club, which had been in decline, to 53.

They also provided ‘get started' beginner training for 23 adults and youth. Their efforts have increased numbers of players involved in formal tournaments or interclub as well as social activities at the club.

Nick ran social nights every Monday and Cheryl implemented a junior programme.

They also successfully applied for local community grants to assist with equipment funding.

A recent Her Move programme with Ōtorohanga College also introduced a group of 16 girls to squash. They used three of the club’s junior members to demonstrate the game.

The team at Mount Maunganui, from left, Tegan Grainger, Laci Kendrick, Mila Ormsby, Amy Hiriaki, Jacob Hiriaki, Sorcha McNabb, Zara-Lee Walker and Caleigh Mouat

How have we done this year?

Kōrero Mai Have your say

As part of Ōtorohanga District Council’s commitment to our community we are continually striving to improve all aspects of what we deliver. This quick survey focuses on the key areas of communication, parks and reserves, kerb-side rubbish/recycling e invite you to take 10 minutes to share your

As part of Ōtorohanga District Council’s commitment to our community we are continually striving to improve all aspects of what we deliver. This quick survey focuses on the key areas of communication, parks and reserves, kerb-side rubbish/recycling collection and a general gauge on how our relationship with you is going. We invite you to take 10 minutes to share your experiences and help us make Ōtorohanga District an even better place to live.

Do you think Ōtorohanga District Council communicates well with the community?


What are your preferred ways of receiving Council communication? You can choose up to three.

What are your preferred ways of receiving Council communication? You

To answer 'face questions' circle only one face that best represents your answer.

Direct email (e-newsletter)

First things first, which age bracket do you fit into? We ask so that each year we get better at collecting views from a cross section of our community.

Under 16

16-20 20-30 30-50


65 and over Would rather not say Which

Community newsletters (letterbox drop)

Other, tell us more ............................................................................................

If you read the newspaper which ones do you read - tick all that apply:

Do you get (or can you find) Council information you need when you need it?

What information below is important to you, and you want to receive Services information ie opening hours of customers service and rubbish /

Elected members ie Mayor, Councillors, Board Members

What other topics are important for you to know more about and would like Council to include in future communications?

How could Council improve the way it communicates?

If you chose ‘No’ we’d love to know why...

(Choose all that apply)

F Don’t have any transportation

F Don’t have a library card

F Am too busy

F Library hours aren’t convenient

F Library staff is unwelcoming

F Don’t need to use it

F Buy my own books/magazines/DVDs

If you live in Ōtorohanga Urban or Kāwhia, do you receive kerbside rubbish and recycling?

F Parking is too difficult

Yes - please answer the next two questions

F It is too hard to find what I am looking for

No - please go to straight to the section "Lets talk about communication..."

F Use a neighbouring public library

We have a few questions that relate to our parks and reserves...

Below is a list of parks and reserves that Council owns and/or manages. Please select all the ones you have visited in the past 12 months.

F Ōtorohanga Domain ŌTOROHANGA

If you live in Ōtorohanga Urban or Kāwhia, do you receive kerbside rubbish and recycling?

F Island Reserve ŌTOROHANGA

Yes - please answer the next two questions

F Bob Horsfall ‘Rotary Park’ ŌTOROHANGA

F Reg Brett ‘Kiwiana Playground’ ŌTOROHANGA

No - please go to straight to the section "Lets talk about communication..."


How satisfied are you with the overall service of weekly kerbside collection in the last year?

F Te Ara a Waiwaia (Stopbank) Walkway ŌTOROHANGA

F Huiputea Reserve ŌTOROHANGA

F Waipa Esplanade landfill site – dog exercise area ŌTOROHANGA

F Moerangi Scenic Reserve ŌTOROHANGA

How could Council improve the weekly kerbside collection?

F Harpers Ave playground ŌTOROHANGA

F Omimiti Reserve (Jervois St) KĀWHIA

F Kāwhia Domain KĀWHIA

F Kaora St/ Te Karewa/ the Triangle – foreshore recreation area, amenity KĀWHIA

F Morrison Rd Reserve AOTEA

F Little Park (Lawton Drive) AOTEA

F Waipapa Reserve RURAL

If you live in Ōtorohanga Urban or Kāwhia, do you receive kerbside rubbish and recycling?


Yes - please answer the next two questions

F Other, tell us more ...........................................................................................

No - please go to straight to the section "Lets talk about communication..."

Let talk about communication...

How satisfied are you with the overall service of weekly kerbside collection in the last year?

Do you think Ōtorohanga District Council communicates well with the community?

Do you think that the Ōtorohanga District has a good VARIETY of parks and reserves?

How could Council improve the weekly kerbside collection?

What are your preferred ways of receiving Council communication? You can choose up to three.

How could we improve the VARIETY of parks or reserves?


(letterbox drop)

Let talk about communication...

If you read the newspaper which ones do you read - tick all that apply:

Do you think Ōtorohanga District Council communicates well with the community?

How satisfied are you with the QUALITY of the parks and reserves that Council owns or manages?

Do you get (or can you find) Council information you need when you need it?

What are your preferred ways of receiving Council communication? You can choose up to three.

How could we improve the QUALITY of the parks and reserves?

Direct email (e-newsletter)


Community newsletters (letterbox drop)

Other, tell us more ...................................................................................................................

We would also love to know what you think about our Libraries…

If you read the newspaper which ones do you read - tick all that apply:

King Country News

Have you used any of the library services in the past year? That might include books/magazines/DVD issues, online services and resources, Library programmes, computers, printing or internet services.

Te Awamutu Courier

Other - tell us more

F Yes

Do you get (or can you find) Council information you need when you need it?

F No

F Other (please specify)

How satisfied are you with the overall service of weekly kerbside collection in the last year?

How could Council improve the weekly kerbside collection?

If you chose ‘Yes’ you may have already received and completed a targeted Library survey, but if not please follow the website link or QR Code to help us improve our library services. Alternatively collect a paper version from one of our libraries or main Council office.

If you live in Ōtorohanga Urban or Kāwhia, do you receive kerbside rubbish and recycling?

Yes - please answer the next two questions

No - please go to straight to the section "Lets talk about communication..."

Last but not least, we believe that trust is important in every relationship.

How satisfied are you with the overall service of weekly kerbside collection in the last year?

Let talk about communication...

How much do you trust the Ōtorohanga District Council?

Do you think Ōtorohanga District Council communicates well with the community?

How could Council improve the weekly kerbside collection?

What are your preferred ways of receiving Council communication? You can choose up to three.

Please tell us the reason for your trust rating?

Direct email (e-newsletter)


Community newsletters (letterbox drop)

Other, tell us more ...................................................................................................................

Let talk about communication... Do you think Ōtorohanga District Council communicates well with the community?

How satisfied are you with the overall performance of Ōtorohanga District Council in the last year?

If you read the newspaper which ones do you read - tick all that apply:

King Country News

Te Awamutu Courier

Other - tell us more

What are your preferred ways of receiving Council communication? You can choose up to three. Website

Do you get (or can you find) Council information you need when you need it?

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey.

Please return it to Council by 1 August 2024. You can hand deliver or post it to Ōtorohanga District Council

17 Maniapoto Street


Direct email (e-newsletter) Posters

or drop it in to either of our libraries.

Community newsletters (letterbox drop)

Other, tell us more

If you would like to be in to win one of the two $100 Prezzy Cards please leave your contact details below

If you read the newspaper which ones do you read - tick all that apply: King Country News

Te Awamutu Courier

Other - tell us more

Do you get (or can you find) Council information you need when you need it?

Would you like to receive emails, newsletters and information from Council to keep you informed of activities, surveys and consultations? If you answer ‘YES’ please make sure you have completed the contact details above.

F Yes please

F No thank you

Once the summary report has been created it will be published on our website. Check it out to see how we have done over all.

Your personal details will not be shared with the public or any third party.



Time to take care of trees

Now is the perfect time to prune your ornamental deciduous trees, as they have shed their leaves and the structure is more visible.

The most important reason to prune is to promote the health of your tree. So, start with removing any damaged or diseased branches, then look to see if there are any branches that are rubbing against each other and remove one.

Another reason to prune your trees is to create a more open tree, reducing the height of your tree.

If you are unsure how to go about pruning your tree, I would suggest calling an expert and we are lucky enough to have a few

experienced arborists in our area. New season deciduous specimen trees are now arriving in our garden center’s so now is the perfect time to go tree shopping.

If you have been thinking about adding to your outdoor space, in the heat of last summer did you wish for a beautiful shade tree to relax beneath, well now is the time to plant one.

A tip for planting new trees is dig a hole twice the size of the pot the tree is in and then back fill the hole with loose soil.

Then when you sit the tree in the hole the top of the root ball/potting mix is a 1cm beneath the ground level.

Place some sheep pellets in the bot-

tom of the hole or use your preferred fertiliser. I like to cut a bit of nova flow or PVC pipe low enough to reach the bottom of the hole and long enough that it sits just about the ground level.

So in summer if your tree needs water you can just water into the pipe, and it will take the water straight down to the bottom of the tree.

This encourages the roots to grow down to source water rather than if you water from the top and don’t water deeply and the water sits on top of the roots it encourages roots to search for water at the top rather than search deep.

Once planted firm down soil with your feet and give a good water and then mulch.

crossword Sudoku


Suburb, 4. Stupid, 9. Paddy, 10. On a roll,
Lectern, 13. Heed, 14. Double cross, 17. Used, 18. Remorse, 21. Evasive, 22. Valet, 24. Outage, 25. Settle.
1. Supply, 2. Bad, 3. Rhyme, 5. Teacher, 6. Professor, 7. Dull, 8. Downhearted, 12. Croissant, 15. Budding,




This large home boasts 4 generous bedrooms 2 bathrooms and an office and is situated in a desirable area.

Stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer with 4 heat pumps, a smartvent and a cosy fireplace!

The master bedroom includes a walk-in wardrobe, offering ample storage and an ensuite for a touch of luxury.

The covered deck and patio overlook stunning rural views and are ideal for entertaining guests.

The large, fully fenced section ensures privacy and security. With 2 separate garages and additional off-street parking, there’s plenty of space for vehicles, storage, and even a workshop.

Dive into your own pool during the summer months and enjoy the expansive outdoor spaces that this property offers.


• 4 generous bedrooms

• 2 bathrooms (ensuite and renovated main bathroom)

• Desirable street

• Stunning rural views

• Covered deck and a patio

• 2 garages (one internal access the other is separate)

• 4 heat pumps

• Office

• Fireplace

• Walk-in wardrobe

• Large section

• Off-street parking

• Fully fenced

• Pool

• Garden shed

• Smartvent ventilation system

Rent appraisal $550 per week.

Open home: Sunday, July 7 11:30am - 12 noon

Ōtorohanga 4



The Quarter Acre Dream

LOCATION | 13 Taruna Place Te Kūiti

LAND I 846m2

HOUSE | Four bedrooms, two bathrooms, two garages, office

PRICE | $575,000

LICENSED AGENT | Harcourts Te Kūiti

LICENSED SALESPERSON | Troy Richardson 027 710 0102


WEB ID | TA23597

This classic Kiwi home on a 1270sqm section enjoys a northly aspect with all day sun and an outlook from the front patio. On the market for the first time in 45 years, this much loved home was built in an era of solid materials with good bones, mainly timber flooring and boasting over-height ceilings for that sense of spaciousness. Other features include a separate lounge, plenty of storage, centrally located wood-burner plus heat pump and a ventilation system.

A garage/workshop with an auto door has covered access to the home for convenience and built in the same style as the house for street appeal. Spend your summers on the large deck in the private yard enjoying the views to the south west and watching the sun go down.

Available for an immediate settlement and eagerly awaiting the next family to take ownership.

Sale $595,000 View Open Home: Sat 6 July, 1.45-2.15pm

Harty M 027 294 6215 E

Team Kerry & Karen

Kerry Harty 027 294 6215

Karen Lennox 027 559 4468

sections (sizes are approximate) 1961 SH31 Kawhia Road, Otorohanga, 16.95ha,

3 Honikiwi Road, Otorohanga, 5736sqm flat land,

9 Sunset Close, Otorohanga, 750sqm in popular

12 Merrin Avenue, Otorohanga, 2104sqm, no covenants on section. Phone

16 Merrin Avenue, Otorohanga, 1459sqm, no covenants on section. Phone

163 Old Te Kuiti Road, Lots 1, 3 & 4, 5517-8932sqm, easy covenants. Phone Lorraine From $250,000ea Lot 1, 627 Waitomo Valley Road, Otorohanga, 8105sqm rural lifestyle section. Phone Julie $370,000 Lots 90-108 Harpers Avenue, 486sqm to 962sqm, Westridge II subdivision. Phone John From $220,000ea Te Kūiti sections (sizes are approximate)

54A Ailsa Street (Lot 1), Te Kuiti, 2159sqm, end of a cul de sac, STT. Phone Buzz By Negotiation

54A Ailsa Street (Lot 2), Te Kuiti, 1707sqm, end of a cul de sac, STT. Phone Buzz By Negotiation

Other sections (sizes are approximate)

0 Raglan Road, Kawhia, 2648sqm lifestyle section, no covenants,

147 Maukutea Drive, Kawhia, 600sqm, covenants apply, services at

20C Parihoro Road, Pirongia, 5004sqm (STT), 4 bay

171 Ngahape Road, Te Kawa, 5001sqm,

Deadline Sale

Current Kindy set up or three bedroom home

There are potential options here. Remain the same as a day Centre or convert back into a Villa style three bedroom home with two covered decks at the side and back of this property. Currently this property is set up for any day care to just move in and start operating. To the right buyer all the chattels will be included. Below the property is a drop-off area for the kids and available parking for staff and parents. The property has a craft room, kitchen and open-plan area. A covered deck allows you to watch the children play in the sandpit while keeping the rest of the troops supervised at the same time. Multiple toilets and shower rooms with combined toilet. There are two office areas. There's so much more to this property that to take it all in you really need to make an appointment to view. Ring for a private viewing and put your best foot forward to owning this well-kept property.

Benneydale 488 Tapuwae Road

Make this magical property yours Welcome to a magical property that has been a famous garden trail destination for many years. Easily accessible from the welltravelled Timber Trail tourist route, which means it could be perfect for earning extra income, or for the new owner to enjoy this slice of heaven themselves. As soon you enter the driveway you will be impressed with park-like gardens that are the crown jewel of this property. The meandering paths, ponds and babbling brooks create a special the botanical oasis. The birdlife is incredible and there is even a tennis court for you and your guest's

Tapu M 027 474 9869 E

Te Kuiti 25 Queen Street

TE KUITI 26 Tammadge Street

A Commanding Lifestyle in Town - 6.3 hectares

In an elevated position above Tammadge Street, is a lifestyle property like no other on the market. Its northwest facing outlook pays homage to the stunning autumnal vista across Te Kuiti with breathtaking views of Brook Park. The two-storey fourbedroom family home was architecturally designed and built using quality materials. The land is in two titles. The house, set of yards, kill shed and chiller all sit on the bigger parcel of land which is 5.91hectares (more or less). The smaller title is 3922m2. There are seven paddocks in total. Close to town, schooling and recreational activities.

Tamihana and utu

Tarapipipi Te Waharoa was born in 1805 into a world where the principle of utu was first and foremost in how his people lived. I should note here that the most well-known consequence of utu is that where should someone do something bad to you, you did worse back – which too often escalated into tribal warfare.

The converse however was also true, and is less well-known - if someone did something good to/for you, you did better back.

With his baptism into the Christian fraternity Tarapipipi committed to the gospel’s teachings and the principles of loving God above all else, and of loving one’s neighbour as oneself. Upon that baptism he received the new name of Wiremu Tamihana, and his commitment to ‘Utua te kino ki te pai’ – repaying evil with goodness – in those very challenging times of war with Crown forces, of Raupatu and Muru Whenua, led him and his iwi, Ngāti Hauā, into principled behaviours that live to this day amongst Ngāti Hauā and many

with whom they share various relationships.

The recent launch of the book Tamihana at Rukumoana Marae near Morrinsville was a celebration of a family, indeed of an iwi, who willingly and intentionally of their own volition joined with Tamihana in that essentially Christian ethic.

Central to that ethic is Christ’s model of servant leadership.

The mana of the Kingmaker, the Pou Whakawahi Kīngi, later termed Te Tumuaki with that ethic of their being servant leaders resounds in this book in their deeds, their conduct, and their iwi’s behaviours.

At the invitation of the now-deceased Tumuaki, Anaru, the book’s author Jade Hohaia Te Uru Karaka traces a narrative of Wiremu Tamihana, his influence in the formation of the Kīngitanga – the Māori King Movement - and his contribution and commitment along with that of his descendants in upholding and progressing his legacy of servant leadership.

King Country riders win

A team including two former Motocross of Nations team riders won the annual Battle Of The Clubs motocross in Taupō last Saturday.

The Motocross of Nations (MXoN) is the pinnacle of the sport globally, pitting nation against nation in an annual showdown to determine the best motocross country in the world.

Taupō’s spin on that is to run a similar team-versus-team event as a fundraiser to send a contingent to the MXoN each year.

The domestic version featured teams aligned along club allegiances or loyalties.

The winning six-rider junior/senior team

was the one representing the North King Country Motorcycle Club and comprised former New Zealand MXoN team riders Maximus Purvis and James Scott, sharing duties with experienced veteran racer Joel Hansen and talented juniors Nixon and Maz Parkes, riding alongside young rising star Harry Daly.

The mini motocross contingent representing the North King Country –with riders Otis Hendrick, Knox Gibson, Kase Legg, Deklan Burton, Reed Legg and Case Wilson waving the flag – was the best-performed team in the separate mini competition, run on the small track adjacent to the main senior/junior arena.


Sonny 021 617 349 or 07 873 9190. For Sale Silage and hay bales for sale 23/24 seasons bales, hay is 12 1/2 bale equivalent. For more info please ring 021 189 4871



Call Steve and

Quality Painting

July 5

King Country Property Management have properties available for rent, please apply online: or scan the QR code.


DC Tynan Trust Fund

Dogs For Sale


Come and visit us

The Jewellery Experts

Property maintenance and construction Lawns, trees, stump grinding, sections, moss & mould treatments, Chemwash, waterblasting, gutter vac, water tank and trough cleaning fences, retaining, odd jobs and more. References available GST registered. Mike & Allana 027 350 0836

HUNTAWAY bitch, 2 years old. Top working parents. Not started. $300. Ph 027 478 1783 INSTANT

Vehicles For Sale

2022 FORD Ranger Wildtrak X 4 WD Auto, 32,900 kms. 1 owner, NZ new, diesel, towbar. Colour grey. Seats five. $50,000. Ph 027 495 7024.

The DC Tynan Trust was established for the purpose of making disbursements from a very generous bequest made to the former Te Kūiti Borough Council by the late Daniel Circuit Tynan.

The trustees of the DC Tynan Trust invite community organisations within Te Kūiti Urban Ward that are involved in the delivery or support of social, cultural, educational and recreational activities to apply. Priority will be given to projects of a capital nature.

Applications must be received by 5pm on 1 August 2024.

To apply, view our funding policy or eligibility, visit our website or give our friendly customer services team a call on 0800 932 4357 or visit: funding-and-grants/

a 10, 20 or 40 foot container. Contact PGF Transport for details. Phone 07 878 3622 or 027 223 9246 or email o

We require an office/finance administrator to join our TKP team. This is a really important role that not only helps our school run smoothly but supports our LEGEND students, staff, whānau and community.

We are looking for someone who has a great sense of humour, is an excellent communicator, is great with people, is an exceptional organiser, shows initiative, is keen to learn new skills and is willing to go the extra mile.

Experience in administrative and financial duties is an advantage.

Duties are wide-ranging and will include things such as:

• Providing a welcoming environment for students, staff, and visitors

• Attending to the daily needs of our LEGENDs, staff, and whānau

• Administrative and financial duties such as accounting, finance, and payroll management, preparing school documents, communicating with our school community, and organising events and school projects.

This is a permanent position, fulltime, 40 hours

Keen to support our young waka ama stars, Kotuku Waho and Mia Wehi travelling to the Worlds in August?
Contact Amiria Wehi or Marama HenareWaho (021 267 0167) or visit Kotuku’s Givealittle page.

St John Te Kuiti $100 note #38 Liz Gibbs Drawn under police supervision.

Thank you for everyone’s support at the Op Shop.

St Luke's Anglican


St David's Presbyterian Church Ranfurly St, Ōtorohanga

Services Sunday 10am

St Bride's Anglican Church Haerehuka St Ōtorohanga

SUNDAY Morning service

In Memoriam

call.................07 878 7878

9.30am - 12.30pm..............................07 878 8011

Ōtorohanga Pharmacy

9am - 12.30pm..................................07 873 7294

Kūiti and Taumarunui (free legal

367 222/07 878 7636

Mental Health Service..........07 878 8767

505 050

10am Ph 07 873 7006 Phone parish office 07

Session clerk Ph 07 873 8735 Room bookings Ph Nina 027 237 2382

King St East, Te Kūiti Whats on July

July 7 AGM 11am

July 14 Veterans 8 Ball vs Darts 11am

Kenny & Dolly Tribute show 4pm

July 16 Pension Day Lunch 12 noon

July 19 Navy Band 5pm - 6pm

July 20 Darts Club Champs Pairs

Jonty Daniel 7.30pm

July 21 Blues & Jazz Open Mic 3pm

July 27 Superhousie 11am

July 29 Monthly Quiz 6pm

July 30 Pension Day Lunch

Follow us on facebook or email for more details




THE PROPRIETORS OF MARAEROA C BLOCK (Incorporated under Māori Affairs Act 1967)


(Incorporated under Māori Affairs Act 1967)

PIOPIO ARIA MŌKAU CO-OPERATING PARISH All Saints 22 Moa St Every Sunday 10am Service

St Peter’s By The Sea, 25 Aria Tce, Mōkau 1st and 3rd Sunday 2pm Service

Piopio contact: 07 877 8097 Mōkau contact:

Mrs Dorothy Lowry 06 752 9123

Simpson, Yvonne Agnes (Evie): passed away July 5 2023. Dearly missed partner of Ross Lewer. Adored, one of a kind, so very loved, special mother and friend to Shay-Lee and Pete, Laura, Carrie and Paul, grandmother to Troy and Abbie, Daniel and Chelsea and Lachlan. Great Grandmother to Levi, Harley and Jamie.

“Our Chain is Broken” We knew little that day That heaven was calling your name In life we loved you dearly

In death we do the same It broke our hearts to lose you

You didn’t go alone

For part of us went with you

The day you were called home

You left us beautiful memories

Your unconditional love is still our guide

Although we cannot hold you, you are always at our side

Our family chain is broken and nothing seems the same

But as we are called one by one

The chain will link again.

Simpson, Yvonne Agnes (Evie): Sunrise November 4, 1951 –Sunset July 5, 2023

Much loved, treasured and painfully missed daughter of Laurie (dec) and Joyce Simpson, beloved, respected and admired sister and loyal friend to Bonnie and Alan Gill, Laurel and Bruce Hodgson, Ross and Melanie Simpson, Graeme Simpson and Michelle and Tony Pihama. Much loved favourite aunty to her many nieces and nephews.

“In the hearts of those who loved you, you will always be there. Your presence I miss, your memory I treasure, loving you always, forgetting you never.”

WALLIS, Dianna

Carol: February 16, 1976 - June 22, 2024

Tragically taken from us on June 22. A service to celebrate Dianna’s life will be held at the Founders Chapel of Remembrance, 117 Rickit Street, Taupō on Saturday, July 6 at 2pm. Dianna’s Service will be live-streamed on the link provided: https:// All communications to the Wallis Family C/- PO Box 241, Te Kūiti 3941. VJ Williams & Sons, Funeral Directors Association of NZ.

WI, Michael: On Monday, July 1, 2024. surrounded by his family. Beloved husband of Leann, cherished father of Pharron, Clarry, Torryie, Urriah, Hauparoa and Uira. Adored grandfather to all his grandchildren. Remembered with love by his extended whanau. Michael lies at Te Tokanganui a noho Marae. His tangi will be held on Friday, July 5, 2024 at 11am. VJ Williams & Sons, Funeral Directors Association of NZ

FERGUSON, Elizabeth

June: Peacefully on Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at Beattie Home, Ōtorohanga, surrounded by her loving family. In her 90th year. Dearly loved wife of the late Don. Loved mother and mother-in-law of Wayne (deceased), Warren and Michelle, Bryan and Heather, Karen and Danny Corboy, Lindsay and Karen, David and Donna. Adored and cherished grandmother and great-grandmother to many grandchildren. A celebration of June’s life has been held. All communications to the Ferguson Family C/- PO Box 241, Te Kūiti 3941. VJ Williams & Sons, Funeral Directors Association of NZ.

Henry, Lyndsey Margaret (Blue): Peacefully at Beattie Home, Ōtorohanga on Tuesday, July 2, 2024. Aged 82 years. Cherished and loved by all her family.

A celebration of Blue’s life will be held at St Bride’s Hall, Ōtorohanga, on Saturday, July 6 at 11am, followed by private cremation.

All communications to Henry Family C/- PO Box 241, Te Kūiti 3941. In the care of VJ Williams & Sons FDANZ

Funeral Services

• Casket sprays • Wreaths

• Arrangements

• Catering

The 50th Annual General Meeting of the Incorporation will be held at the Benneydale Hall, Maniaiti Street, Benneydale on Saturday 2nd December 2023

Services North King Country

Registrations start at 9.00am and the meeting will commence at 10.00am.

- Fri, 9am - 3pm................................07 873 7676

Women’s Refuge Helpline........07 878 5081

0800 733 843

Notice is hereby given that a Special General Meeting (SGM) of Maraeroa C Incorporation will be held on Saturday, July 27, 2024 at 9am at Benneydale Hall, Maniaiti Street, Benneydale.

To request a booklet containing Annual Reports please email: or

Te Kūiti Hospital.......................................07 878 7333 Cancer Society supportive care nurse...0800 227 744 Te Kūiti Community House ......................07 878 5272 NKC Family Support Mon - Fri, 9am - 3pm...............................07 873 6502 Noise Control (Waitomo District Council)

O’Fee, Joy (Beverley Joy) nee Cowan: 10/7/2022

Please contact the Chairperson, Sherlene Tamaki-Tutaki if you have any queries: or phone: 020 4197 0160.

878 0800

District Council (24hrs).........0800 932 4357

Victim Support Services.......................027 281 1499

0800 842 846

Agenda includes • Chairpersons report on company performance, administrative issues and legal matters

Proposed special resolutions:

1. To fix the number of committee members of the committee of management

2. To terminate agreement with current administrative company and appoint a new administrative company

3. To appoint interim committee members

All shareholders are encouraged to attend. Proxy forms are available and must be submitted by 10am, Thursday, July 25, 2024.

For more information please contact Chairperson Sherlene Tamaki-Tutaki email

10:30am Sunday 10 Sheridan St, Te Kuiti Pastor Terry & Rowena Bradley 07 878 8694 021 703 008

We welcome you to our 10.30am Sunday service. If you are unable to attend, please email for the video recording Grace, peace and strength 10 Sheridan St, Te Kūiti An Assemblies of God church

An Assemblies of God Church

Sadly missed by John, daughter Carey, grandchildren Jordan, Michael, Anya, Nathan (Australia) and Babycat.

Funeral Services WATSON, Donald: Peacefully at Waikato Hospital on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, aged 88 years. Loved father and father-in-law of Sheryl, and Grant and Jamie. Loved grandad to his five grandchildren. A memorial service for Don will be held at V J Williams and Sons Chapel on Friday, July 5, 2024 at 2pm. All communications to the Watson Family C/- PO Box 241, Te Kūiti 3941. VJ Williams & Sons, Funeral Directors Association of NZ

TOMBLESON, Dorothy Ensor (Doff): Peacefully on Wednesday, June 26, at Hillview Home, Te Kūiti. Loving wife of the late Howard, mother and mother-inlaw of Angela, Cliff and Leanne, Judy and Alex, and Paul and Neroli. Grandmother of ten grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. A dedicated gardener, now at rest. The family would like to thank the staff of Hillview for their dedicated care. A memorial gathering for Doff will be held at V J Williams & Sons Chapel on Friday, July 5 at 11am. In lieu of flowers donations can be made to Hillview. All communications to the Tombleson Family C/- PO Box 241, Te Kūiti 3941.VJ Williams & Sons, Funeral Directors Association of NZ.

Nga whenua O Rereahu


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