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The 2023 Girl on Fire annual scholarship competition was produced by the Camden County High SchoolFineArtsDepartmentonJanuary27thand28th
A huge congratulations goes to all the contestants and especially to Lillie Reihing, who was crowned thenewMissWildcat!MissReihingwon$2,25000inscholarshipfundsforcollege
Nineteen contestants took the stage and impressed the judges with their many talents, well-spoken interview answers, and lastly the elegant evening gown presentations. Awards were given to Riley Miller, who won Miss Congeniality and was also the pageant’s ad sales winner for this year! Emily Acebo won the People’s Choice Award, which raised over $1,10000 Those proceeds are donated to CamdenCounty’sAlzheimer’sFoundationonbehalfoftheFineArtsDepartment
Thetalentwinnerof2023wasAiliJonson,whowasalso1stRunnerupintheoverallcontest;Aubrey Acevez placed 2nd Runner up overall. Miss Wildcat is two nights that brings together talented contestants and their community. This special event made supporting the contestants possible, and in all, $5,30000 was given out in total in scholarship funds The Fine Arts Department would like to thank all the sponsors, parents, teachers, administrators, and contestants that make this wonderful eventpossible.