A Few Undiscovered Facts About Beeswax Absolute
Camden-Grey Essential Oils, Inc Š All rights reserved
Beeswax absolute is an aromatic, animal based product that is golden amber in color and made from the honeycomb. It is a naturally derived ingredient that has fine notes of honey and pollen. It is primarily used in perfumery. The following are the benefits and properties of beeswax that are still unexplored. Properties: a) Texture: waxy and ideal for making scented candles. b) Smell: sweet, floral and earthy aroma that is highly recommended for all natural perfumery creations. c) Beeswax has antibacterial, antiviral, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. d) Beeswax prevents the growth of fungus and bacteria, and is therefore used in the treatment of numerous bacterial skin conditions like eczema. e) It has a calming and soothing aroma and that is why it is widely used in aromatherapy to relieve stress.
Camden-Grey Essential Oils, Inc Š All rights reserved
f) Beeswax absolute is spiritually balancing and lifts your mood. Due to its comforting properties, when it is used aromatherapy, it calms your mind and improves your overall emotional well being. g) It helps to protect and soothe the scalp. h) It can be used in beauty creams to moisturize and soften the skin. It is used in cold creams as well. i) It works well for people with skin allergies. j) It has moisture locking properties. It effectively softens the skin. k) Beeswax absolute works as a protective barrier on skin and does not clog pores. l) Aids as a natural antiseptic healing agent. m) Beeswax absolute is environment friendly and does not have an expiration date. It can always be reheated and reused.
Camden-Grey Essential Oils, Inc Š All rights reserved
The Camden-Grey, Essential Oils is a firm in Florida that supplies comprehensive range of aromatherapy raw materials, perfumery products and toiletries since 1998. If you are looking for high quality and affordable soap making supplies online Camden-Grey is your one-stop shop. Their products are 100% natural and are NEVER tested on animals. For a more comprehensive list of essential oils and fragrance oils, you can visit their website camdengrey.com
Camden-Grey Essential Oils, Inc Š All rights reserved