The world’s first boutique Museum devoted to the Vicuña We present Sol Vicuña. Michell & Compañía and their retail brand Sol Alpaca pay tribute to the history, tradi�on and heritage of the vicuña - a wild, delicate, elegant and deligh�ully free animal na�ve to the Peruvian Andes; and, especially, to the inhabitants of the Peruvian highlands, with whom it was to generate a very close, in�mate and, eventually, permanent connexion. Located in the city of Cuzco, the famous historic capital of Peru, the Sol Vicuña Bou�que Museum is a milestone in Peruvian culture as Sol Alpaca is the world’s first brand to encapsulate the tex�le tradi�on of an en�re country within an inspiring and sophis�cated space. This unique museum is specially designed to offer an unforge�able experience to visitors, both local and foreign, who wish to enjoy an enriching encounter with a tex�le tradi�on over 5000 years old. Luxury is based on experiences. Sol Vicuña offers an educa�onal trip from the beginnings of history up to our present day by means of complete and detailed informa�on that explains the evolu�on of the vicuña, the ancient Andean ritual of shearing - the Chaccu - the uses and exploita�on of the fibre, the sustaina- bility of the species and other interes�ng historical facts.
The unique experience offered by Sol Vicuña is achieved and complemented by its alliance with the Amano Museum - the first museum of Pre-Columbian tex�les in Peru - in a space where �me goes by unno�ced while a close-up view is given of an invaluable collec�on of historic items; they a�est to the Wari culture’s rela�onship with the vicuña and how its fibre was used before the arrival of the Spanish conquerors. Sol Vicuña also offers beau�ful accessories made from 100% vicuña, the world’s finest and most exclusive fibre. These fine ar�cles possess not only elegance, warmth, excep�onal so�ness, beau�ful drape and a magical, unique lustre but also characteris�cs linked to Nature, culture, technology and crea�ve work.