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Youth Education
Australian Alpaca Youth Education
By Julie Blake - AYE chair
The AAYE are focused on fostering a healthy understanding of “All Things Alpaca” to the youth of Australia. In a posi�ve, safe and nurturing environment.
Beginning with young handler classes, a gentle approach is adopted, where all children can lead an alpaca and learn basic alpaca handling skills. Its loads of fun and there are o�en prizes and ribbons for par�cipa�on. Fun games and simple marked courses are usually involved. Check out our Calendar of events in the Youth sec�on on the Australian Alpaca Associa�on website.
The Young Paraders Compe��on is the progression from young handlers. It offers young people interested in alpaca careers, the opportunity to compete in alpaca related events. Both inexperienced and experienced young people between the ages of 7 and 22 can get involved.
The young Paraders Compe��on incorporates two dis�nct areas, Showmanship and Stockmanship. Within this, there are three levels of experience and several different age groups.
We also have Master trainer and Young Judges compe��ons, as further skills and knowledge are acquired. You can find out more here h�ps://alpaca.asn.au/youth/
This compe��on is designed to highlight the bond that develops between alpacas and their handlers and the skills required for their management.
The young Paraders Compe��on incorporates two dis�nct areas, Showmanship and Stockmanship. Within this, there are three levels of experience and several different age groups.
We also have Master trainer and Young Judges compe��ons, as further skills and knowledge are acquired. You can find out more here h�ps://alpaca.asn.au/youth/ AAYE also offer educa�on in the form of camps and workshops. These are great relaxed opportuni�es where hands on ac�vi�es encompass such things as farm management, husbandry and biosecurity. And then there are topics covered like public speaking and first aid. Mock plays, movie/game nights and obstacle courses. There are o�en cra� sessions, usually fibre related, like dying or fel�ng. We have inspiring, commi�ed adults and amazing young people that make each event a unique and posi�ve experience. Contact your State representa�ve for informa�on. h�ps://alpaca.asn.au/australian-alpaca-youth-educa�oncommi�ee/
These programs are on offer to all youth, whether you own an alpaca or not. The friendships formed between the youth themselves, with a common interest of our beau�ful, inquisi�ve, alpaca companions, are truly amazing!
Schools and colleges with an agricultural program are offered free membership through our Alpaca associa�on.
Youth membership with the AAA is $50 annually. Family memberships are also available where the second child is $25 and third and subsequent youth members from the same family join at nil cost.
Contact the AAA for more informa�on regarding youth membership at info@alpaca.asn.au.