By University Of Sydney
There is a growing concern world-wide over the number of deaths and serious injuries associated with the use of quads in agriculture. Although developed as recrea�onal vehicles, most quads are being used in agriculture for work-related purposes. Their ability to operate in a range of condi�ons, including muddy condi�ons, without leaving a ‘footprint’ has provided prac�cal advantage in many rural se�ngs. Their farm use includes; personal travel around the farm, mustering livestock, inspec�ng crops, pastures, fences, water and livestock and supervising workers. Although used for these purposes, the risk of a rollover increases if the quad is towing an a�achment, crossing slopes, travelling at high speed, travelling over rocky or uneven ground or carrying a heavy or unstable load, for example chemical for spraying, all of which lead to an increased likelihood of death or injury.
Tragically, in the past 6 years, 54 people have lost their lives due a quad related incident on a farm across Australia, with many more seriously injured. Consequently, Kerri-Lynn Peachey, AgHealth Australia, says “quads are now the leading cause of injury/death on Australian farms (outranking tractors)”. Most deaths are due to asphyxia�on and/or crush injury associated with quads rolling over, or by injury associated with the vic�m being flung onto a hard surface as a result of a crash. “Therefore, I urge farmers and farm workers to think carefully about their use of quads by taking into account the safety risks. In the majority of cases, quads are not fit for purpose for the tasks required by farmers and more suitable vehicles should be used,” Peachey says. Where possible, select a vehicle that has a low risk of rollover. Consider vehicles fi�ed with a rollover protec�ve structure and operator restraint for example; side by side vehicle or ute, as many jobs on farm can be undertaken using alterna�ve vehicles to quads. 12