Sept 2015 file replacement issuu

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One of the Campus Market’s Own Heads Out To The Daily Show with Trevor Noah to Become A New Correspondent.


Find Top Choices in Music, Comedy, Variety and Speakers for Your 2016 Schedules. Plus Video Showcases Are On Our Website.



Check Out The Top Performers at Colleges Across The Nation Plus The #1 Acts Currently Palying The Campus Market.


Selected To Play Richard Pryor In A New Film Starting Production Soon, Epps Has Rare Availabilities In The Campus Market.


Check Out The Major Conferences Happening that Can Jump Start Your Career and Your Campus Programs.


From the Publisher .....................4 Real Life........................................6 Spanky...........................................8 Feature Story.............................. 10

Roy Wood, Jr.’s Big Move......... 20 Hot BTC Buys............................ 24 Artist Report Cards....................32 Conference Schedules.............. 36

RanDOm tHOugHts & OtHeR minDLess DRiBBLe

25 Years Of The Best Campus Entertainment

Starting with next issue, you are going to have the chance to re-visit some of the best acts to ever play the campus market. Some are big name entertainers now, some are playing major venues but still doing campus dates, and others have passed on. The purpose of these articles is not because we are lazy and can’t find acts to fill those slots, because nothing could be farther from the truth. It is more of a history lesson for those of you coming up in the ranks, to see just how vibrant and interesting this market really is and I hope it is with a little pride that you are part

of a marketplace that launched the careers of so many incredible acts. The list fills the gambit from pop to rock to country music- many of the biggest names. Then there is an entire world of comedy, with roots securely in the campus market with students who played major roles in the political structure. Plus you might be surprised at all the variety performers who have gone on to be mega stars. Then there are the speakers who have been on the cutting edge of change in this country.

We are selecting only eight (8) stories, in the next eight issues ending in Summer 2015. Some of the agencies that originally represented these acts are gone now, merged, or

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just disappeared but many of them are still around, I am going to try to hit not only on National Acts but some of the tried and true campus entertainers who have left their mark on the road you are now traveling.

Because of digital archive, many of the acts we might want to bring you were featured long before iCloud and the opportunity to save those stories forever. Since I have been publishing this magazine, we have archived on DAT tapes for maybe the first ten years. This was a terrible system and even though we used state of the art SONY equipment, it failed frequently and when it was replaced by AIT technology, DAT tapes were no longer readable and far too expensive to convert to another type of media. AIT didn’t fair a whole lot

better, because again that equipment had a very high failure rate and trying to retrieve those files from hundreds of tapes would have resulted on tens of thousands of dollars.

Of course now we have iCloud with our newest Apple system, which is relatively inexpensive compared to the data being stored, plus we back up to a NAS, RAID and Computer driven hard drive regularly to see that the memories are preserved. AND every issue of our magazine is archived on our website for the last few years and each new issue joins that collection, so you can go back and search stories for the last five years or longer and artists and agencies can send you links to the stories of their articles. We are the only organization that specifically deals with talent for the last 25 years and it is indeed and interesting history. For many artists you can see the progression of their careers. This is especially true for Music, Comedy and Variety acts. Hopefully it will give you some ideas if you have a special show you want to present this campus year.

New Online E-Book from “Real Life” Columnist Elaine Pasqua.

Every issue your campus is exposed to words of wisdom from Campus Activities Magazine’s Columnist for “Real Life On Campus,” Elaine Pasqua. Now you have the opportunity to delve into many of the social issues that surround campus life in a volume written by Elaine specifically about Campus Life. Included are many of the columns written for this magazine but in a long form where space is not a criteria plus others that can deal with everyday situations that can effect college students.

Each situation is unique and Elaine offers realistic answers to some of college life’s most daunting dilemmas. If you have ever seen Elaine speak in a campus settings, there is virtually no situation where she can’t give you advice on how to deal with the issue(s) at hand.

Through the pages in the columns in this magazine, many students have gotten sound advice on how to deal with issues that plague them in their lives on campus.

This collection deals wirth some common problems in getting started and becoming a member of the college community:

• Alcohol & High Risk Drinking • Sexual Assault and The Campus Save Act • Date Rape Drugs • The Pleasure of Safe Sex • HIV/AIDS and Why you should be concerned • Sleep’s Effect on your Campus Life • Dealing with Anxiety • Finding Happiness • Keep Moving • The Effects of Energy Drinks • The “Skinny” on Soda • Dealing with and Avoiding Obesity • Is Pot Safe because it is Legal? •  Prescription Drugs • Molly- Nothing To Rave About • Bath Salts- Your Life Down The Drain • Spring Break • Dress Right/ Pack Light • Rethinking Your Needs as a College Student • Maintaining Healthy Family Relationships • All Tweet, No Meet

•Timing Is Everything • Tips For Success •Tips for a Successful Job Interview • Body Language • Internet Safety • Are You Ready To Vote? • Do The Right Thing • Perspectives and Gratitude • Commitment to Care • Attitude is Everything

This book is available as a pdf download, a faith-based version and in a Kindle version for $7.95 at



Fitting in When You Feel Like You Don’t

The first few weeks of the fall semester are always very busy for me. I’m on the road constantly. This past week I have been on my welcome week tour for new students. So far the class of 2019 has been fun and seems eager and enthusiastic about a new life on campus.

I met a new student who is a remarkable young man. He spoke to me at length after my program and followed up with an email. He wasn’t very social in high school but he’s eager now to make new friends. Within four days of arriving on campus he was disillusioned and concerned about the students who are already drinking and hooking up. He was disappointed for them, but most importantly he does not want that for himself. Feeling the pressure as he was watching others around him engage in this behavior, he felt left out which makes him feel uneasy with his surroundings. He does not want to have sex with a random woman; he wants it to be with someone special.

We spoke a few days later and I told him that he needs to run his own race. There are times when you have to put the blinders on and focus on what you are doing. It’s not always healthy to get caught up in what’s going on around you.

We tend to hear and remember the anecdotes of the most outrageous behaviors that others engage in. At the end of the weekend

or on Monday morning the stories related to these incidents run rampant. People typically don’t talk about the students who are making responsible choices. How many times do you hear, “Hey did you see Josh at the movies this weekend?”

“Yeah he was buying popcorn it was really wild!” We don’t share things like that because it’s boring!

This phenomenon is known social norming. People believe that everyone is doing it because that’s all they are hearing. It often puts pressure on people to engage in higher-risk behaviors when they really don’t want to. Not

every student wants to party with abandon, most are serious about their college education and future opportunities. Many who party a lot extend their college careers and debt, and they regret it later.

Don’t focus on what other people are doing. Some brag and aren’t always truthful. Many who are getting drunk and hooking up are not always feeling good about it the next day. Stick to your values and the parameters that you set for keeping yourself safe and healthy. If people are judging you for your choices, you don’t want to be friends with them.

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You may not meet the people who you have the most in common with in the beginning of the semester. It may take more time to forge valuable friendships. Take time to reach out to different people throughout the first semester. Ask them questions about their interests, where they grew up, their values, and culture. Through these responses you will gain a better understanding and perhaps find common ground. For this student who was struggling to fit him, I encouraged him to find friends who are likeminded. It's good to join clubs and organizations that will connect you with students that share common interests and values. You may want to try out for non-competitive or club sports if you are not an athlete. You can become a peer educator, work in student activities where you plan events for the campus, or join student government. Taking on leadership roles will make you feel more confident and help develop a greater sense of being part of the campus community. Don't be afraid to develop relationships with administrative mentors. People who work on college campuses are extremely caring, and they want to make a difference in the life of a student. Adjusting to a new life away from family and friends can be challenging. I have seen many students who look overwhelmed and want to go home within their first few days after arriving on campus. Life is 1% of what happens to you, and 99% what YOU make happen! Your college experience is what you make of it. If you are negative, you are going to struggle. This is an exciting time to create new experiences, opportunities, and most importantly develop a new family of friends. Not everyone feels comfortable right away, it’s important to be patient. Eventually it will come to you.

Questions on college life? Email me at

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claim it was from the Romanians and their word “berbec” which translates to “roast mutton.” Anthropologists say cavemen starting roasting meat 1.4 million years ago, and language did not occur until 200,000 B.C., so men have been doing it longer than they could argue about it, which was perhaps the reason language was invented in the first place. Who knows? Maybe Adam opened the first BBQ joint, which naturally would specialize in spare ribs. There are variations of barbecue throughout the planet. People in India barbeque meat in a “tandoor,” or clay oven. Argentina makes “asado” by barbecuing meat over an open fire or grill. In Mongolia mutton is barbecued in a pot with heated stones for “khorkhog.” In Mexico the head of a cow is slow roasted over a mesquite fired pit to create “barbacoa.” The strangest method of barbecue I discovered took place in Northern Transvaal, where a Nile crocodile was roasted just after it consumed an entire springbok, thus the springbok had the misfortune to be eaten twice.

By Steven Kent McFarlin (AKA Spanky)


As if this world wasn’t divided enough, I will risk stirring the pot some more, because in that pot is barbecue, the one thing the world will not agree on. It is divisive on every level, from where it started, to how to properly do it, to where you find the best, to what wood to use, or whether to use a sauce or a rub. Hell, we can’t even agree on the correct way to spell it: Barbecue, Bar-B-Cue, Bar-B-Q, BBQ, Cue, or just Q?

I was discussing (okay...debating, okay...arguing) the issues with a gentleman I’d just met when he surprised me with the statement, “Trust me, I’m from Germany, so I know barbecue.” I had thought barbecue to be a uniquely American contribution to the culinary scene (George Washington mentioned barbecue in 1769). But in the USA you can never be sure, we tend to credit other countries for our creations, for example: Chinese Fortune Cookies, Belgian Waffles, German Chocolate Cake, Irish Coffee, Swiss Steak, Russian Salad Dressing, and French Toast – all American. So if hamburgers are really not from Hamburg, maybe barbecue really is from Germany. This conversation triggered a Google safari that proved far from conclusive.

Some claim the word “barbecue” comes from early French pirates in the Caribbean who cooked animals on a spit that ran from “whiskers to tail” or “de barbs à queue.” Others claim it was from the Spaniards who arrived in the West Indies and witnessed the Arawak Indians grill meat on a frame of green sticks, which in their Taino language they called “barabicoa.” Others 8 Campus aCtivities magazine®,

When I first moved to New York City, I laughed when I discovered that people in the North define “barbecue” simply as “a cook-out in the backyard.” These fools do not know the difference between “grilling” (cooking hot and fast over direct heat) and “barbecuing” (cooking low and slow over indirect heat).

Although people can not agree about barbecue, it has never been more popular. There are over 500 BBQ competitions in the US each year. I did a Google search for “Barbeque in Austin” and got two million hits! There is even an annual celebration of BBQ with a parade of pigs on bicycles called the “Tour de pig.” One man, Johnny Fugitt, was so obsessed he ate at 365 BBQ restaurants in 365 days, covering 48 states.

You can’t turn on the TV without seeing barbeque: “BBQ Pitmasters,” “BBQ Crawl,” “Man Fire Food,” Primal Grill,” or my favorite “BBQ With Franklin.” Franklin is the pitmaster at the famous Franklin Barbecue in my hometown of Austin (where BBQ is served “German Meat Market Style” proving my German friend correct). His BBQ place was named the best in Texas by Texas Monthly and the best in USA by Bon Appetite. Everyday people wait in line for hours to taste his barbeque. In fact, there are listings for line sitters on Craigslist, who arrive between 7:00 and 8:00 in the morning, allowing you to arrive at 11:00 to pay and eat. This service costs around $70.00, yet folks are willing to cough up that kind of money because Franklin barbecue is “so good it will make your tongue slap your face.”

It’s no surprise people can’t agree on the “Barbecue Capital of the World,” with four different cities claiming the title: Kansas City, Memphis,

BaCK tO Campus 2015

Lexington, NC, and Lockhart, TX. Although there are many different styles of barbecue found throughout the country, the “BBQ Big Four” are clearly the Carolinas, Texas, Memphis, and Kansas City.

The Carolinas can’t agree on a sauce (vinegar in the east, tomato in the west, and mustard in the south) but they do agree on the meat and wood: pork cooked over hickory. Their specialty is a pulled pork sandwich that has coleslaw in it. Texans prefer beef brisket cooked with oak, and served either with a spicy tangy tomato based sauce with some sweetness, or no sauce at all, just a dry spice rub. KC mixes meats and woods, and is heavy on the sauce, a tomato based sweetened with molasses.

Memphis specializes in pork ribs cooked over hickory, served “wet or dry.”

Other places deviate from all of the above. A unique dish found in St. Louis is a crunchy “snoot” sandwich made from a pig’s face. Because of the wool industry in Kentucky, they prefer mutton, and call their sauce (which may include Kentucky bourbon) a “mutton dip.” Alabama uses a white sauce made with mayonnaise without any tomato flavors. Florida adds tropical fruit such as orange, mango, pineapple, and papaya to create a fruity flavored sauce. Hawaii cooks Kalua Pig in an underground oven, served without sauce. Alaska barbeques salmon. And I discovered that in the early 1900s, New York was famous for barbecued turtles. I hope you appreciate the above column, because looking at all the photographs of awardwinning BBQ while doing the research was torture. I gave up eating red meat 23 years ago. (When I told my father, who was a rancher, as was his father before him, Dad’s expression made it clear he would have preferred I had told him I was gay.) The photos were so mouthwatering I went to a vegan restaurant famous for a faux-barbecue beef sandwich. It was not the barbecue I remembered, but tasty enough. As my rancher father always said, “A good barbecue sauce can cover up more mistakes than a maternity dress.”

Steven Kent McFarlin (AKA “Spanky”) has been described by the press as a “campus entertainment icon.” He has been voted “Campus Comic of the Year” and the “Campus Performer of the Year” ( His credits include over fifty TV appearances, including: Showtime, Good Morning America, and The Late Show. You may contact him at



ike Epps is a name that many would consider household in the world of film and television. His face is recognizable first from his role as Day-Day Jones alongside Ice Cube in “Next Friday” and has been seen in numerous big screen roles in films like “Dr. Doolittle 2,” “All About The Benjamins,” “Resident Evil” (the second and third installments), “The Hangover,” and many more. Now, his most exciting and career highlighting role has made him all the buzz, as he will be starring as Richard Pryor in the film biopic about the late comedian’s life. What many of you may not be aware of, is that playing the comedian is nothing new to Mike Epps. The background of his on-screen antics are rooted in his on-stage antics as a stand-up, something he has been doing much longer (and even more frequently) than acting. In fact, it was seeing Mike perform on stage that inspired Ice Cube to cast him to replace Chris Tucker in the role of his sidekick in “Next Friday.”

Mike had humble beginnings as a stand-up comedian not in a comedy Mecca like L.A. or New York (that came later), but in his hometown of Indianapolis, IN, where he had to hustle to find any and every chance to get on stage. When you get right down to it though, his comedy career really started even earlier than that. “You know what, I was always the class clown, I was always cracking jokes in class and making people laugh. I even made the teacher laugh,” he says, chuckling himself.

Whether this ability was genetics or a more intentional gift, family and faith both clearly had a big influence on Mike. “I came from a big family, I have a lot of brothers and sisters. Everybody had their own talent and that was mine, making people laugh.” 10, Campus aCtivities magazine®, BaCK tO Campus 2015

Mike didn’t know as a kid he wanted to be a professional comedian. His motivation wasn’t career related, it was simply feeling joy in making others feel joy. “I didn’t know I wanted a career in comedy as a kid. I didn’t realize I was a comedian until I was an adult, you know what I mean. I was about 17 or 18 years old when that thought occurred to me.” Once that realization struck, anyone in his path was a potential target. “I used to run around all over the place trying my jokes out on people,” he remembers fondly. “They didn’t know what I was doing, they were just laughing. So when I walked away from them, I’d be like ‘Yeaaaah, that one worked right there, Imma use that one again. I made some girls laugh on that one? Yeah I’m using that again.’ That’s how I realized that my jokes were good.”

This was in hometown Indianapolis, and once he got the inspiration and confidence to get up on a stage and behind a mic and realized this was something he wanted to do professionally, the challenge became finding someone to use these newfound aspirations on. “It was hard to find work, that’s why eventually I had to leave home and move up out of there. There just weren’t enough comedy clubs around, so I moved to New York and started building my chops up. That’s what New York is for anyone that wants to be in the industry, whether as an entertainer or in the business. When you move to New York it’s kind of like boot camp. New York is so hardcore, if it ain’t funny, they ain’t laughing. It’s the Mecca of comedy, the opportunities abound but only for those people that can really work hard and have the ability to make themselves rise to the top.”

Mike was only 18 years old when he made the move, and he staked everything he had on committing to it. “I had $1500 in my pocket. When I moved I didn’t owe anybody anything. Let me tell you, it didn’t last long. I got on a

MIKE EPPS as Uncle Julius in Starz Original Series: “Survivor’s Remorse”.


Greyhound bus and went on a wing and a prayer.”

He looks back on the experience now with quite a bit of hindsight, and is thankful for the resolve that allowed him to not only take the chance, but also stick it out. “I tell people now all the time, if you maintain your campaign, you will get elected. Sometimes you have to believe in yourself, and love yourself. I believed in myself more than anybody and anything. When you believe in yourself, you can have a penny in your pocket and it will work, you’re gonna go. I believed in myself and I got on Def Comedy Jam. I believed in myself and got on another Greyhound from New York to L.A.”

The jump to Los Angeles was much like the leap of faith to New York. He wasn’t answering a specific call to work, he just knew Hollywood was the next logical step on his way to the top. “I was just going out there to see what I could get in to. I was performing one night and a buddy of mine told me that Ice Cube wanted to talk to me. I saw him and was completely starstruck. I loved Cube. He gave me an audition for ‘Next Friday’ and I got the role and I’ve been doing it ever since.” One trait Mike is known for in Hollywood is his ability to give a dynamite audition. It’s what landed him that first role, a few great ones since, and most especially the upcoming role as Richard Pryor, which Mike views as the project which will be nothing less than his crowning achievement. He credits this ability to wow the casting agents with his long experience on stage and managing audiences. You might think with such a consistently long and busy movie production schedule he wouldn’t have the time or inclination to stay on the road and continue stand-up, but you’d be wrong on that count. “I tell people all the time, whatever your first passion may be, it’s a lot like your boyfriend or girlfriend. You have to dance with the one who brought you and you have to al-

ways service that relationship. If you don’t do that, you’re in trouble. If you don’t spend time with that person, they will leave you, just like comedy can. I’ll never leave stand-up. Most times, comedians that become actors and leave stand-up become not funny any more. You have to stay sharp, you have to keep your tools sharp.”

Without any further adieu, we should talk about what’s on the tip of everyone’s tongue and why Mike Epps will be a HUGE commodity, especially in standup in the coming years. His acquisition of the role of Richard Pryor in the upcoming Lee Daniels’ film on the late comic’s life might not make Mike’s ca-

Mike as a comedian is hard to describe in words, because he doesn’t fit into a neat little box. He pretty much does it all, whether it is social and political commentary, physical comedy, storytelling, impressions, or just a good old “your momma” joke. “I do every genre of comedy. I do political jokes, physical jokes, characters, impressions, one-liners, I have a big bag full of tricks. I have been doing stand-up every week for 20 years which has given me a pretty deep well to draw from.” Some artists evolve and look on their previous work with chagrin. Others, like Mike, use it as inspiration to become still better and appreciate how far they’ve come. “I can’t believe it when I see old footage of me performing. It’s one of those weird things that makes me feel embarrassed and proud at the same time. To see how far I’ve come makes me realize how far I can still go.”

Surprisingly (or perhaps not at all), the campus market has always been a favorite stop for Mike along his journey, with dozens of college towns adding to the list of dates he’s played along the way. “You know what, I used to do a ton of colleges years ago, especially in the days when I lived in New York. I remember Stoney Brooke (laughs), and lots and lots of homecomings, fall and spring fairs and festivals. I love doing colleges because the students are hip and fun and wild. They like to talk big shit, they like to hear big shit, they love it,” he says with a clear smile in his voice. “I love being around them because they are the now, it’s an even trade off. I give them some game and they give me some game.”

12, Campus aCtivities magazine®, BaCK tO Campus 2015

reer, it might make his legend. Ruster. but Embodying a person like Richard mored star Winfrey as Pryor is to deep andOprah it’s spiritual. You are Richard’s grandmother, Eddie Murphy taking on someone’s life. You have to as father in a supgethis into it. and YouKate haveHudson to become the porting thisyou filmknow,” promises be one motherrole, fucka, he to says in a that will Pryor draw jive bothstyle, critical acclaim and perfect laughing. box office success. Mike himself looks at it asfamiliar the opportunity of a lifetime. Folks with his filmography will

When discussing modern know that Mike is not purely astand-up comedic comedy, therehasare generally actor, but also dramatic ability.three This names most people attribute as is a trait important for retelling the lifethe of most famous and influential names the legendary comic, which was not to all have through thesome business. fun andcome games. Pryor took heavy Those folks are (in no particular order) hits in life and overcame great adversity. George Carlin, Bill Cosby and Richard “Oh yeah, it’s more of a dramedy. The Pryor. Very few comics gracing a stage comedy is there, but this is a dramatic

today were not influenced by parts one of retelling of his story. The funny of those threeare names. “That isnaturally the literal the movie what come to king of comedy right for there, me, but the challenge me Richard is doing Pryor baby, no doubt. A lot of base people him justice and covering every of don’t I have sacrifice whatunderstand his life waswhat and who hetowas as a to play this role,includes emotionally and menperson. That the hard times tally. This is a big one. It’s like Jamie along with the light ones.” Foxx playing Ray Charles. It’s a mon-

TICHINA ARNOLD as Cassie MIKE EPPS as Uncle Julius from the Starz Original Series ”Survivor’s Remorse”.


14, Campus aCtivities magazine®, BaCK tO Campus 2015

ster. Embodying a person like Richard Pryor is deep and it’s spiritual. You are taking on someone’s life. You have to get into it. You have to become the mother fucka, you know,” he says in a perfect Pryor jive style, laughing.

Folks familiar with his filmography will know that Mike is not purely a comedic actor, but also has dramatic ability. This is a trait important for retelling the life of the legendary comic, which was not all fun and games. Pryor took some heavy hits in life and overcame great adversity. “Oh yeah, it’s more of a dramedy. The comedy is there, but this is a dramatic retelling of his story. The funny parts of the movie are what come naturally to me, but the challenge for me is doing him justice and covering every base of what his life was and who he was as a person. That includes the hard times along with the light ones.”

This was not an easy role to land, the script has been floating around for several years and there have been conflicting opinions as to who should star in it. There was competition as Nick Cannon and Marlon Wayans both auditioned as strong possibilities, and Pryor himself had endorsed Mike before his death. In the end his stellar audition spoke for itself. “I like to think that in some situations, cream rises to the top. I definitely became the créme de la créme this time (laughs). I auditioned for it; nobody gave me anything. I had to work for it, I busted my ass for it. I had to prove myself.” The movie is moving into preproduction in January, with a release in fall 2016. In the meantime, you can catch Mike in the feature role of ABC’s new primetime sitcom “Uncle Buck,” based on the 1989 film starring John Candy. “I am playing John Candy’s role as this irresponsible uncle who is really fun and cool but is always getting himself into trouble.”

Mike Epps has spent 20 years building a name for himself both on stage and on the big screen. When it comes to being on stage, his passion has still never waned. “I’ve never stopped doing stand-up, that is my therapy. And I won’t stop. I look forward to doing it far into the future, especially on campus. The students on campus now could be the age of my kids, and I love being able to relate to them on their level. There ain’t no age on funny, funny is funny, you know what I mean?”

Let your students know what it means and bring Mike to your campus. Make your arrangements for the upcoming semesters soon, because once he becomes Richard Pryor, there is little doubt there will be a lot more competition for dates. Contact Matt Frost at CAA at (212) 277-9000 or for more information.

EPPS WITH: CAM (Jessie Usher) and REggIE (RonReaco Lee)

14, Campus aCtivities magazine®, BaCK tO Campus 2015




The World’s Best Campus Entertainers, Speakers, Music and on campusactivitiesmagazine. OVER FIVE YEARS OF CAMPUS ENTERTA




cians, Variety Acts and Games Can Be Found Right Here .com when you need to find them. INMENT IS ARCHIVED ON OUR WEBSITE

20, Campus aCtivities magazine速, BaCK tO Campus 2015

Interview & Story by Ian Kirby

oy Wood, Jr. is a name that anyone with any longevity in the campus market, or has been a frequent reader of Campus Activities Magazine would know. He’s been rigorously touring campuses for more than 10 years and has become a staple here in comedy. In the last three years, he has spread his face to a national market, as a regular supporting role on the TBS sitcom “Sullivan & Son” featuring Steve Byrne.


Now, with an exciting announcement that lands SPOT ON in the campus market, Roy’s star is about to rise even higher. Starting this season of Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show with Trevor Noah,” Roy will be featured as a regular correspondent. It’s exciting news for us in the campus market; we have an entertainer who knows our audience and understands the ins and outs of doing dates on campus, who also has the draw of being on primetime television. This isn’t to mention that all of us in the campus market feel some pride when a hometown boy makes good and we can say “hey! I know that guy!” when he’s on TV.

While it’s exciting for us, Roy’s brain circuits are a little overloaded. There is no more perfect term than “shellshocked.” “You know what, I don’t think it has quite hit me yet but it is definitely a blessing and a wonderful opportunity,” he says. “To be part of such a storied program is an honor. I mean, they just won three Emmys this year. No pressure or anything,” he jokes. “I feel like a walk-on for the team that just won the Super Bowl. I am happy to be a part of it and it has been a great learning experience thus far just taking everything in.”

Roy may be a walk-on in the Super Bowl, but his analogy is a little unfair to himself, unless you consider he has been playing some pretty high level ball already. He’s been in the game for 17 years. “I have been blessed to have what I feel to be a pretty long career so far, I started comedy when I was 19 years old and have been doing it ever since. It’s a job that can be kind of stressful from time to time.”

Being featured on the hit sitcom “Sullivan & Son” was a great break for Roy and opened a lot of doors. “Before TBS, my body of work hadn’t included the scripted comedy or sitcom world. I have learned a lot of tricks as an actor, so that was a great gig for me. When you couple that with all of the years of experience in stand-up, multiple appearances on “Conan” and even the radio work I have done, it has all helped to prepare me for this opportunity.” That breadth of experience made Roy a perfect choice for the new position. “There were tons of other people who auditioned. This is a very long and involved process that Comedy Central takes very seriously. Being the last man standing at the end of that process is definitely something I don’t take lightly.”


It’s a pretty perfect coincidence for Roy and his campus fans that he ended up on a program so directly suited for the market he is already experienced in. “I had to kind of laugh to myself,” he says. “I am a guy who does really well at colleges, on a TV show that college students watch, at a time when a lot of them are watching. I thought to myself ‘This should be pretty easy.’ There is definitely a lot to learn now that I am there, but it is cool to be connected to something that is already connected to the people I have entertained for well over a decade.”

You might think it a tentative connection, but the truth is that it has already come full circle. “I already did a piece for ‘The Daily Show’ where one of the people I interviewed was a student at UW Platteville a long time ago who had seen me on campus.” It shouldn’t really come as a surprise though. If you do that math, Roy has done close to 1000 campus dates in his career. If the median crowd was 100 people (we all know there are some much bigger and some much smaller), that means Roy has performed live, on stage, in front of at least 100,000 people. Odds are he’s bound to run into more folks that remember him from their college days. “Damn, I didn’t even do the math like that,” he says, sounding a little shocked himself.

Roy hails originally from Birmingham, AL, but his stage origins aren’t rooted there. “I started officially in Tallahassee, FL. Of course I went home and did open mics in Birmingham, but that only happened there once a month. Much of my week to week growth as a comedian came at Florida A&M University but really even more so at Florida State. I was enrolled at A&M, but Florida State had more shows and opportunities. I spent a lot of time entering student talent competitions and things like that.”

The actual “campus market” as we think of it as its own unique entity is something that Roy wasn’t aware of for a while. “The funny thing is that I didn’t even know a lot about the market. What little college work I had achieved came on the heels of doing gigs at Florida State. It wasn’t until I met Chuck Johnson from Summit Comedy (who is my college agent now to this day), that I found the potential for full time touring in this market. It was Chuck’s idea, I’ll be honest. I didn’t know a lot about that world. He started submitting me for conferences.” It wasn’t an instant success. “It was hard early on. The market can be competitive and sticking with it long enough to prime the pump is the key. I submitted for probably the first two years before I got selected to showcase. When you are a young comedian and only making $500 a month take home pay after expenses, the $80 submission fees really hurt, especially when you don’t see an immediate return.”

While Roy had to keep his head up during the initial slow time, he says once he got in he felt like he had really earned it. “Because of the way the campus market rotates in and out and the folks who are responsible for making the booking decisions, I feel that the selection system in this market is one of the fairest systems in comedy, in terms of assessing talent. I also like it because it forces you to stay fresh as a performer. The people who chose me to showcase at conferences 10 years ago are not the same people who chose me 5 years ago and are not the same as those choosing this year or next year. That constant turn over gives all of the talent, old and new, an equal chance to get in the door, as long as they stay sharp, fresh and funny.”

Roy Wood Jr. has been one of the most consistently working comics in a variety of venues and markets in the last decade. From the stage to

22, Campus aCtivities magazine®, BaCK tO Campus 2015

television and even hosting a weekday morning show radio, once he was able to get himself noticed, he has stayed in the public eye. “2005 was the breakthrough year,” he says. “That is when I started doing colleges full time, which was easy for me, because that is where I learned to do comedy. getting on TV was a natural extension of that. Everything you do as a performer is connected to the next thing you are destined to do. It’s all important and it’s all beneficial and every step of the way you have to prove yourself. I personally love the fact that everything has to be earned and is not freely given. That never stops. Nothing is given. Maybe now with ‘The Daily Show’ who knows? But I feel like everything I have accomplished in my career was because I just kept writing and tried my best to stay fresh and original with my material. Even then, you are competing against other people that are doing the same thing. After I did ‘Conan’ once, they didn’t just call me and say ‘Come on down whenever you like,’ there is a screening process and you have to submit your materials each time to a booker, the same way you do each time to try and get a showcase slot. The only thing that is different is the length of the tape and the subject matter of the material. “It has been a fun ride and I have been fortunate enough to make a television appearance every year since 2001. Every single year since I was on ‘Showtime At The Apollo’ I have managed to land a national TV appearance. That is something I feel very fortunate to be able to say.”

The frequency of that particular point of pride is about to jump way up. Contact Summit Comedy at 800947-0651 or for more information on bringing Roy and a little taste of ‘The Daily Show’ to your campus.



Lee DeWyze:

"American Idol" winner Lee DeWyze released his album "Frames" in 2012, which was met with incredible reviews from critics and fans alike. With over 130 tour dates in 2013 and 2014, Lee shared the stage with such acts like Fitz and The Tantrums and Train. Lee wrote an original song for The Walking Dead, "Blackbird Song", a song that has garnered more than 2.5 million YouTube views and over a million plays on Spotify. PRICE RANgE: $2501-$5,000 CO-OP AVAILABLE: YES VIDEO AVAILABLE : AgENCY: Developed Artist Booking

AgENT: Matt Rafal (817) 823-1285

24, Campus aCtivities magazine®, BaCK tO Campus 2015

Music-variety-speakers MUSIC/COMEDY


CHRISTINE MCKINLEY: Christine does it all! Mechanical engineer, musician, author and co-host of Decoded on History Channel, she is a vocal advocate for young women pursuing careers in S.T.E.M. Her book Physics for Rock Stars humorously explains everything from executing the perfect stage dive to how to escape a sinking car! She’s a powerful role model for women in science. PRICE $5001-$10,000 CO-OP: YES VIDEO: CONTACT: Bill Fargo, Jodi Solomon Speakers (617) 266-3450 •


BRAZILIAN 2WINS: Twins from the slums of Brazil, following their dreams to the largest stages in the world. This four-piece dynamo is exploding into the college market, being the most booked band at their debut conference. They are a one-of-akind full entertainment experience. Utilizing comedy, audience interaction and high energy performances to leave campuses nationwide demanding them back. PRICE $2501- $5000 CO-OP: YES VIDEO: CONTACT: Lee Mayer, Houla Entertainment (865) 414-9266•


BRANDON CHASE: Brandon Chase defeated the odds doctors stacked against him after he quit breathing 64 times in 12 hours. He graduated high school at 15 and college at 17 before showcasing his talent on NBC’s The Voice with team Blake Shelton. The Texas native now lives in Nashville where he is currently writing multi-genre songs for other artists and touring. PRICE $2501- $5000 CO-OP: YES VIDEO: CONTACT: Lee Mayer, Houla Entertainment (865) 414-9266•


MARVIN LEE: Life can be interesting growing up in a bi-racial household in the deep South but also full of laughs. Marvin Lee has been mistaken for nearly every minority living in the U.S. to the final conclusion of "What are you?".... Hilarious is the answer. In school, Marvin became the unofficial ambassador between all the races. This could have been a noble calling if Marvin didn't enjoy screwing with people’s heads. PRICE $5001-$10,000 CO-OP: YES VIDEO: CONTACT: g.g.• g.g. greg Agency (440) 266-1732 •

ARMANDO ANTO: Armando was born and raised in France. He studied classical violin at the French National Conservatory. Following his twin muses, music and comedy, he has established himself as a standup comedian in Los Angeles. Armando has been perfecting his unique style of comedy, utilizing his decades of classical violin mastery, his guitar skills, and even breakdance in his act. PRICE $2501- $5000 CO-OP: YES VIDEO: CONTACT: Kate Magil, Sophie K Entertainment (212) 268-9583 •

MUSIC WILL CHAMPLIN: Multiple Grammy Award-winning songwriter and “The Voice” Top 3 Finalist, singer Will Champlin holds his own among industry giants. A n accomplished singersongwriter and versatile multi-instrumentalist played on Michael Jackson’s record, toured extensively with legendary artists, has songs all over TV & movies, and writes with some of the biggest names in the industry. PRICE $5001-$10,000 CO-OP: YES VIDEO: CONTACT: Lee Mayer, Houla Entertainment (865) 414-9266•


Stan Pearson: Stan Pearson II, is a Speaker, Motivational Comedian, Host & Salsa Dancer. He travels the U.S. & different parts of the world entertaining, educating & engaging audiences whether he's showing them how to be the best version of themselves, how to find their sexy or how to Salsa dance. He is one of the most sought after Hosts & Speakers in the Country.


PRICE RANgE: $2501-$5,000 CO-OP AVAILABLE: YES VIDEO AVAILABLE : AgENCY: Houla Entertainment

AgENT: Lee Mayer (865) 414-9266

26, Campus aCtivities magazine®, BaCK tO Campus 2015


MUSIC VEDO: Vedo is a singer songwriter known for his stellar performance on season 4 of The Voice. Vedo won Male Artist of the Year at the 2014 Georgia Music Awards and Video of the Year for 2015. The single “All I Wanna Do” reached #45 on the Urban Radio and his new single “Classic” is #46 and climbing. PRICE $2501-$5000 CO-OP: YES VIDEO: CONTACT: Lee Mayer, Houla Entertainment (865) 414-9266•


BAS LANSDORP: Lansdorp, a born entrepreneur who sees potential and opportunity where others shy away, has an articulate vision that moves people with his passion and enthusiasm. His Mars One Project will create the first human settlement on another planet! “To see our mission evolve this way feels like my dream is becoming a reality." PRICE $10,000+ CO-OP: YES VIDEO: CONTACT: Bill Fargo, Jodi Solomon Speakers (617) 266-3450 •


CAS HALEY: After coming in 2nd place on "America's got Talent" Season 2, Cas has toured the US with his infectious blend of rock, pop, reggae and soul. His Amazing live performances have captivated fans all over the world. Mix Bob Marley and Sublime with a dash of southern soul and blues and you have a powerful mix that will blow you away. PRICE $1501-$2500 CO-OP: YES VIDEO: CONTACT: Matt Rafal, Developing Artist Booking (817) 823-1285 •


DR JUSTINE SHUEY: Dr. Justine Shuey is a Board Certified Sexologist and Certified Sexuality Educator . She does programming around Sex, Love, Healthy Relationships, Communication, Consent, Title IX and more on college campuses all over the United States & Canada. PRICE $2501-$5000 CO-OP: YES VIDEO: CONTACT: Dr. Justine Shuey (855) 377-4839 •

COMEDY MARCUS: "Ghost Hopping" is a new take on ghost hunting shows that follows comedian Marcus (NBC's 'Last Comic Standing') as he travels colleges entertaining people, but to keep himself entertained while on the road, he looks for small unknown "local haunts" to spend his nights ghost hunting! "Ghost Hopping" is a fresh addition to the paranormal. PRICE $1501-$2500 CO-OP: YES VIDEO: CONTACT: Kate Magil, Sophie K Entertainment (212) 268-9583 •


MICHAEL gERSHE: Despite breaking every bone in his body, Michael has gone on to become a successful swimmer, comic, alcohol awareness speaker. Michael's diversity program touches on the different backgrounds of being Jewish and raised by a Jamaican Nanny. It also covers bullying, discrimination, and anti-Semitism. PRICE $1500-$2,500 CO-OP: YES VIDEO: CONTACT: g.g.• g.g. greg Agency (440) 266-1732 •


Lucas Handwerker:


"Twenty-year-old Lucas Handwerker has spent his short life doing what philosophers, poets and scientists throughout the ages have tried to do: learn what’s beyond the door of physical reality. He’s joined deep thinkers and innovators and was selected to present at TED (Technology Entertainment Design) talk. One of Handwerker’s topics recently was “How hypnosis can change your beliefs.” PRICE RANgE: $1501-$2,500 CO-OP AVAILABLE: YES VIDEO AVAILABLE : AgENCY: Wally’s World of Entertainment AgENT: (800) 476-0442

28, Campus aCtivities magazine®, BaCK tO Campus 2015

Music-variety-speakers VARIETY


NERDOLOgY: Do you rarely need to Google stuff? Then put a team together and come on out for the premiere show of Nerdology! Nerdology is an interactive pop-culture trivia show. A mix of awesome games and trivia interspersed with fun audience interactions. Come play! Win prizes! Test your knowledge! PRICE $1501-$2500 CO-OP: YES VIDEO: CONTACT: Bass Schuler Entertainment (773)481-2600 •



MARK HAYWARD: Mark uses his vast experience with success and failure to highlight the importance of perseverance, determination, and a positive environment with supportive relationships. Through his performance stories and amazing skills, Mark proves that the 10,000+ hours he spent honing his craft helped him become a World Yo-yo Champion, and he highlights the tools he uses to turn failure into success. PRICE Under $1500 CO-OP: YES VIDEO: CONTACT: Laura gilman, Fresh Variety • (603) 518-5783

LARRY & RAVEN: Larry and Raven are “genuine” mentalists; simply stated they are mind-boggling couple. From the famed NGK theater in Osaka Japan to A-list celebrity events in New York City, they have been melting the hearts and tickling the minds of audiences, literally around the world. PRICE $1501-$2500 CO-OP: YES VIDEO: CONTACT: Laura gilman, Fresh Variety • (603) 518-5783


SPEAKER ALEX CLARK: Alex Clark is a comedian that just happens to juggle. Finishing his show balanced atop a-10 foot ladder, Alex is a comedian that stands above the rest. With over 300,000 monthly views, Alex’s Youtube cartoons make him a hit online as well ( PRICE $1501-$2500 CO-OP: YES VIDEO: CONTACT: Bass Schuler Entertainment (773) 481-2600 •

CHEF Egg: From grocery store budgets, international cuisines and specialty diets to knife skills, healthy food preparation and green living; learn the fundamentals of how to prepare, cook and serve fresh, simple and delicious snacks and meals. PRICE $1501-$2500 CO-OP: YES VIDEO: CONTACT: (716) 836-6366

KINg ZIMM: KING ZIMM is a singer, songwriter, hip-hop artist, and instrumentalist. Zimm grew up surrounded by music. He got his creative start writing poetry as a child and his verses naturally blended into his love of Hip-Hop, now dubbed his signature sound “Rock & Flow”, which combines the best of HipHop, Soul, and Rock & Roll. PRICE: Under $1500 CO-OP: YES VIDEO: CONTACT: Wallys World of Entertainment (800)476-0442 •



YOUR GUIDE TO AMERICA’S BEST CAMPUS ARTIST RATINGS HeRe is a COmpReHensive guiDe tO aLL aRtist RepORts suBmitteD Between maY 31, 2015 anD sept 25, 2015. OngOing RepORts wiLL Be puBLisHeD in suBsequent issues . ALL REPORTS MUST BE SUBMITTED ON OUR WEBSITE THERE IS A DIRECT LINK TO THE REPORT FORM ON THE HOME PAgE. HERE ARE THE CATEGORIES FOR THE RATINGS FOUND AFTER THE BUYER’S NAME AND PLAY DATE: (1) ORiginaLitY; (2) aRtist’s aBiLitY; (3) ReLatiOnsHip tO tHe auDienCe; (4) COOpeRatiOn / attituDe; (5) aRtist(s) management; (6) agenCY COOpeRatiOn; (7) pROmOtiOnaL mateRiaLs pROviDeD. Campus Reports listed in RED indicate the buyer reported a perfect score in all categories that applied to their campus performance for that artist or event. attenDanCe (when available) anD tHe LOCatiOn On Campus wiLL FOLLOw tHe peRFORmanCe Date.




St. Bonaventure University, NY 09/05/15 115 Quick Arts Center 4455555 Abby Cohen, Assoc. Director ARVIN MITCHELL Summit Comedy, Inc.

American International College, Springfield, MA 08/28/15 60 griswold Theatre 5555554 Arvin is a great comedian and a true professional it was great having him and we would absolutely book him again. Collin McQuade, Coordinator of Student Activities

gonzaga University, Spokane, WA 09/04/15 111 Wolff Auditorium 5555-44 Great interaction with the audience. Read the audience well. Madison Smith, Weekend Events Chair


SUNY at geneseo, geneseo, NY 09/01/15 200 College Union Ballroom 4344-53 Molly Downey, Special Events Coordinator

BRYAN MORRIS Summit Comedy, Inc.

Rivier University, Nashua, NH 09/07/15 30 Rivier University 5555555 Sheenakay Sharpe, President

Coe College, Cedar Rapids, IA 09/18/15 80+ Pub 5555555 The crowd really loved him and he did really well with making everybody laugh and not continuing jokes that clearly offended others. He would move on when he needed to. Nicole Kimball, Comedy Chair CARMEN LYNCH KP Comedy

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 08/29/14 250+ Auditorium 5555-55 Carmen was awesome --she connected with our student population, made jokes that were relevant to our students and was just the right amount of appropriate, but not. I would recommend her to anyone looking for a comedian! Shanté Brown, Assistant Dean, FYE CHLOE HILLIARD Summit Comedy, Inc.

grand Valley State University, Allendale, MI 09/01/15 50+ Kirkhof Lawn 4445543 Abigail Lyons, Comedy Chair College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA 09/18/15

200 College of the Holy Cross 5555455 Abbie Joy, Campus Activities Board CoPresident

COLLIN MOULTON Summit Comedy, Inc.

Baker University, Baldwin City, KS 08/22/15 300+ Auditorium 5555-55 Collin is absolutely amazing! His show comes with a ton of energy and is downright hilarious all from a really relatable comedian! I would highly recommend him to anyone! Blake Edwards, Entertainment Coordinator Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI 08/25/15 2300+ Mcguirk Arena 5555-5Josh Gahlau, Logistics Staff Assistant

Wilmington College, Wilmington, OH 08/26/15 60 TOP (cafeteria) 4544453 The comedian handled himself very well that allowed people to know he was running the show and allowed them to laugh at his jokes. He was a great presence to be around the whole show and afterwards too. He truly was appreciated and the students loved his act Alec Rivers, Activites Programming Board (comedy chair) Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach, Daytona Beach, FL 09/18/15 150 Student Center 5555555 Dustin Gibson, Chairperson

30, Campus aCtivities magazine®, BaCK tO Campus 2015


Western New England University, Springfield, MA 06/29/15 217 (Cafe) 555555Derrick is a great young and upcoming comic. Students can easily relate to his material. Tom Donovan, Assistant Director

Beacon College, Leesburg, FL 08/22/15 30+ (Student Union) 4455-55 Derrick did a great job! The students who attended have already asked to bring him back again. Derrick was even asked for his autograph by a few of the students after the show. Bryan M. Valentine, Dean of Student Affairs

Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA 09/04/15 175+ (7th Street Cafe) 4545-55 Bucknell students really enjoyed Derrick's show. We held this event in a functioning cafe, and it was great to see students that just came in to get a coffee stay for his entire performance!He was incredibly enthusiastic and a pleasure to work with. Elizabeth Baldwin, President of Administration, Activities and Campus Events ERIC O'SHEA Summit Comedy, Inc.

Philadelphia University, Philadelphia, PA 08/23/15 250 Outdoor stage 5555555 This is our second year having Eric O'Shea to Philadelphia University. He is a crowd favorite and never seems to

disappoint! We had him during Welcome Week this year and more freshman were excited to be involved so we can get more people like Eric come to campus. I will be keeping in touch with Eric for more events on campus over my next 3 years here at Philadelphia University. Kathryn Avanzato, Campus Activities Board- Comedy and Variety Chair Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach, Daytona Beach, FL 08/28/15 250 Student Center 5555555 Dustin gibson, Chairperson

Stevenson University, Owings Mills, MD 08/29/15 240 Rockland Banquet Room 5555--Of course, we love Eric. Who does not? We hadn't seen his full show in a while since he's been M/C'ing our Talent Show for the past few years. It was a real treat, and he is so engaging with our board and with the students, too. Thanks, Melissa! Thanks, Eric! Hope Miller Miles, Assistant Director, Student Activities Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, MA 08/31/15 300 Bridgewater State University 5555-55 Eric O'Shea is an incredible talent with an incredible personality. He was humble, friendly and a joy to work with. The students were extremely happy with his hilarious performance and we can't wait to invite him back to campus! Kristin Fratoni, Graduate Assistant New Student & Family Programs

Husson University, Bangor, ME 09/17/15 250 Furman Student Center 5555555 Eric is a pro's pro, a true pleasure to work with. His relationship with the crowd is unmatched; his ability to read the audience is unparalleled and working with Melissa at Summit is an unbelievably positive experience. Thank you! Sterling Pingree, Asst. Director of Student Activities

gEOFF KEITH Summit Comedy, Inc.

and his performance. The crowd loved him, he was very original, and I could tell that he was excited to do the performance. Alaina McLeod, Vice President of Contracted Events

Maryville University of Saint Louis, Saint Louis, MO 08/29/15 109 Auditorium 5-55555 It was great to work with Geoff! Bethany Coffey, CAB Comedy Chair


Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ 09/12/15 115+ Anacon Hall 5554444 It was a pleasure to work with Geoff. He was nothing but respectful and easy to work with the entire time he was there. The audience really drew all of their attention to him while he performed and was extremely funny and was very original. Tommy Foye, Comedy Chair on the Student Activites Board gREg WILSON Kirkland Productions

Central College, Pella, IA 08/29/15 400+ Douwstra Auditorium 4554-45 Greg was a great performer and super easy to work with. Emma Disterhoft, CAB Leader IMPROV SHMIMPROV Degy Entertainment

Florida Atlantic University Jupiter Campus, Jupiter, FL 08/20/15 160+ School auditorium 4455555 Liberty Boyd, Student government Program board assistant Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL 08/20/15 120 College Campus 5555555 Gina Dozois, Program Board Assistant

FERAZ OZEL Kirkland Productions

Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL 08/20/15 150+ Small School Auditorium 555555Improv Shmimprov was our favorite comedy show to date! Rachel Rohan, Jupiter Program Board Director

FRANCISCO RAMOS Summit Comedy, Inc.

Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, Edinboro, PA 09/25/15 150+ Pogue Student Center MPR 5555555 Kimberly Firestine, Programming Board Member

Trinity University, San Antonio, TX 08/27/15 500+ Trinity University Laurie Auditorium 4555555 Kiran Lalani, Student Programming Board

Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, North Adams, MA 09/03/15 40+ Sullivan Lounge 4545-54 Kyla Graves, Comedy Stop Chair, Student Activities Council

JORDAN CARLOS Sophie K. Entertainment


Coastal Carolina University, Conway, SC 08/15/15 130+ Wheelwright Auditorium 5544-54 Everything went really well with Kabir

Western Oregon University, Monmouth, OR 06/05/15 100+ Werner University Center 3345-44 The audience thinned out for some reason but energy was definitely scattered throughout the performance. Kendra really brought a nice perspective but not sure many enjoyed her performance like expected. Though part of it may have dealt with the notion that it was a long evening with other activities but performance was hit or miss in my opinion. Ekpeju Ed E-Nunu, Coordinator for Student Orgs & Activities

MICHAEL HARRISON Summit Comedy, Inc.

Arcadia University, glenside, PA 08/31/15 300 great Room 5555-5Michael was awesome! He was very funny and really connected to the audience. The students loved him. Trever Fike, Assistant Director St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, MN 09/19/15 450+ Ballroom 5555-5Michael was great to work with and put on a great show for our Family Weekend. Would definitely recommend him to others, great, family-appropriate show. David McCandless, Assistant Director, Campus Involvement MISSION IMPROVABLE Bass/Schuler Entertainment

Quincy University, Quincy, IL 08/16/15 30 Hawks' Hangout 5555555 This group of men were non-stop laughter from when they stepped on the stage until they concluded their show! Amazing talent! Great performance! Amy Damron, Assistant Director of Events Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, KY 08/17/15 200 Student Union 5555555 Leah Koch, Coordinator of Programming

Winona State University, Winona, MN 08/19/15 1050 Somsen Auditorium 5555555 I really enjoyed Mission IMPROVable! We had very good feedback from our students that they really enjoyed them and thought they were really funny.

They were very interactive with the crowd and definitely one of my favorite comedy shows. Erica Kish, UPAC Special Events On-Campus

Campbell University, Buies Creek, NC 08/20/15 350+ On Campus 5555555 We LOVED Mission Improvable! Our favorite Welcome Week event by far! The guys were friendly, funny, and interacted with our programmers and student audience with lots of laughs and professionalism all rolled into one hilarious night! I highly suggest bringing these performers to any campus - their show is flexible, affordable and the guys are SO great to work with! We will be bringing them back for another show! Cameron Burroughs, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, Champaign, IL 08/21/15 400+ Illini Union 5555555 Mission IMPROVable is one of our favorite groups here at the UofI! We will continue to bring them back multiple times a year! Emma Andruczyk, Programming Coordinator

North Iowa Area Community College, Mason City, IA 08/26/15 650+ Muse Norris Conference Center 5555555 We have Mission Improvable perform at our New Student Orientation Program. Each day we here from students and their families that Mission Improvable was their favorite part of the day. Brittney Jost, Admisisons Representative Ursinus College, Collegeville, PA 09/16/15 60+ Lounge 5555555 They were better than we ever could have imagined! I'm so glad we brought them to campus, and everyone loved the show. They were fantastic to work with, and I've never had such a great experience with performers. Amazing, all around! Samantha Straughn, Campus Activities Board President NICK gUERRA KP Comedy

Becker College, Leicester, MA 09/05/15 7 Daniels Hall, Borger Building 5555555 Very pleased Dexter Viator, Assistant Director, Campus Activities & Student Leadership NORMAN Ng NMP Talent

University of Arkansas Fort Smith, Fort Smith AR 08/19/15 244 Reynold's Room 5555555 Norman put on a wonderful show that


the audience loved! He also was great to talk to and get to know before and after the show. His passion for his craft and it's art was inspiring! Also, The agent I worked with to book him was courteous and super helpful! Working with Norman and his performance at the school was more than what I could have ever asked for! Ryan Spooner, CAB Late Night Event Coordinator

Ohio Northern University, Ada, OH 08/21/15 400+ KingHorn field house at ONU 5555555 Norman's magic was astounding and left the crowd of students wanting more. He is a great entertainer and was very easy to work with. Scott Parson, Assistant Dir. Residence Life and Coordinator of Student Programming SAMMY OBEID Kirkland Productions

New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ 09/10/15 75+ NJIT Highlander Pub 5555555 He was an amazing comedian and I would recommend any college to book him IMMEDIATELY. He is too good to pass up. He brought the house down! Michael Osztrogonacz, President of the NJIT Student Activities Council THE BLACK-JEW DIALOgUES Dialogues On Diversity

Linn-Benton Community College, Albany, OR 03/04/15 95 Forum 5555555 The Black-Jew Dialogues created a lot of learning moments for the campus and the community. A number of people from the community came to watch and took a lot away with them. Javier Cervantes, Director Equity, Diversity & Inclusion TRACEY ASHLEY Summit Comedy, Inc.

Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI 08/22/15 1025 Rozsa Performing Arts Center 5555-44 Jessie Stapleton, Assistant DIrector, Student Activities

University of Northern Colorado, greeley, CO 08/26/15 200 University Center Ballrooms 5555-5Tracey Ashley was fantastic on/off stage. In particular, she has good interaction with the audience and is flexible with a school's needs. Melissa, the agent from Summit Comedy, was also solid in responding to our needs during the contracting process. Jeremy Davis, Associate Director

Viterbo University, La Crosse, WI 09/16/15 50

Nursing Center Lecture Hall 5545554 Tracey Ashley was a stellar performer to work with! She was communicative and flexible and put on a wonderful show for our students. Kasie Von Haden, Director of Campus Activities and Orientation


BRANDON CHASE Houla Entertainment

Armstrong State University, Savannah, gA 08/16/15 75+ MCC Food Court/Student Union 5555555 Kate Steiner, Assistant Dean of Student Life CHRIS JAMISON Houla Entertainment

University of Akron Main Campus, Akron, OH 09/02/15 369 EJ Thomas Hall 5555555 We loved having Chris at Akron! His voice wowed the crowd as he sang a mixture of cover songs and originals. Students were on their feet clapping along with his melodies. Great experience for all! Robbie Williford, Grad Assistant for RHPB DAMIEN LAWSON Houla Entertainment

Chestnut Hill College, Philadelphia, PA 08/22/15 75+ McCaffery Lounge 554445Megan Cranney, Asst. Director, Student Activities EH440 Houla Entertainment

Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI 08/22/15 2300+ Mcguirk 555555Amazing performance. It was everything we had hoped for and more. Josh Gahlau, Logistics Staff Assistant

Vincennes University, Vincennes, IN 08/25/15 45+ RSPAC 5555555 Love this group. They were amazing to work with on stage and off! April, Asst. Director of Student Activities Vincennes University Jasper, Jasper, IN 08/27/15 45 Jasper Art Center 5555555 Josh Doak, Student Activities Coordinator

University of Akron Main Campus, Akron, OH 09/08/15 466 EJ Thomas Hall 5555555 Eh440 does a fantastic job both wowing the crowd and getting them engaged in their performance! Not only do they perform some originals, they covered many genres of music to help keep the crowd clapping and on their feet. This is the only group that has had a standing ovation from our crowd! Robbie Williford, Grad Assistant for RHPB JASON O Houla Entertainment

Millersville University of Pennsylvania, Millersville, PA 09/09/15 35 Millersville University 5555555 Jason O. was awesome. He was so nice to everyone he met and so talented. I hope to have him back at Millersville for another event! Lyzzy Thompson, Special Events Chair PLASTIC MUSIK NMP

Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC 08/30/15 300 Byrnes Auditorium 5555555 The event went very well. Only positive feedback from the students. Awesome energy and great performance. We want to bring them back. Amandine Farrugia, Chair of Fine & Performing Arts


BEN SEIDMAN Summit Comedy, Inc.

SUNY Institute of Technology at Utica-Rome, Utica, NY 08/31/15 230 Student Center MPR 5555555 Ben was not only hysterical but his incorporation of magic and illusion made his performance top notch. We loved having Ben perform at our school and we would love to have him again. Paul Ragusa, CAB President

Wartburg College, Waverly, IA 09/08/15 575 Nuemann Auditorium 4545--His show is original compared to other artists, however we had Ben about a year and a half ago and his material was mostly the same. Josh Harms, Vice President Rivier University, Nashua, NH 09/09/15 30 Rivier University 5555555 Sheenakay Sharpe, President

32, Campus aCtivities magazine速, BaCK tO Campus 2015

CHRISTOPHER CARTER Bass/Schuler Entertainment

University of Maine at Farmington, Farmington, ME 09/01/15 275+ Lincoln Auditorium 5555-55 Chris Carter turned "non-believers" into believers with his superb performance! I highly recommend his to any campus! Kirsten Swan, Director for Student Leadership and Service Morningside College, Sioux City, IA 09/17/15 51 Morningside College 5555-55 I thought that this performance was a great way to highlight how important non-verbal communication is. There is such a down turn in communication these days due to how many people spend their time online. This performance not only shows how people can read others, but use it to help in a variety of situations. A definite must have for those that have leadership and development departments on campus. Sam Clary, Aea Coordinator/Student Development Coordinator/Student Government Adviser Carroll College, Helena, MT 09/23/15 165 Campus Center 4554444 Chris is a great guy with a great show! Jacob Hanley, Program Board Advisor CRAIg KARgES Karges Productions

Methodist University, Fayetteville, NC 08/14/15 400+ Concert Hall 4545555 LOVED having Craig! He was extremely easy to work with and an all around great guy. The students really enjoyed his act. He is definitely an all star for orientation and by helping us plug our Student Activities Committee, he helped in driving interest for our organization. I would gladly have him back! Aimee Boyd, Coordinator of Student Activities

Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 08/25/15 1900 Tent 5555555 Craig has been a hallmark event for our 8 day comprehensive Orientation Program,. Every year, the OC staff who saw him when they were first years are excited to see him again, and ar able to get the new freshmen class (1550) excited to see him. Anne Witchner, Assistant Dean /Orientation Director Saint Joseph's University, Philadelphia, PA 08/26/15 120 The Perch 5555555 Craig is an outstanding performer, and he did a great job bringing new stu-

dents closer together and keeping everyone in shock and awe the entire time! Johnnie Jordan, Program Administrator

Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI 08/28/15 600+ Rosza Center for the Performing Arts 5555-55 Craig is personally engaging and a great performer. He has performed annually during Orientation for more than 15 years and consistently gets wonderful reviews from our students. In addition, he's completely self-sufficient and totally professional. There's never a concern that he'll be late or won't show up. Bonnie Gorman, Associate VP and Dean of Students Davenport University, grand Rapids, MI 08/29/15 210 Student Center 5555555 Craig Karges is one of the best performances I've seen! The students absolutely loved being involved in his performance and were blown away by everything he did! We are looking forward to having Craig back year after year! Kassy Clark, Assistant Director of Campus Life

University of Akron Main Campus, Akron, OH 09/01/15 1024 EJ Thomas Hall 5555555 Craig Karges has performed at The University of Akron for 20 consecutive years! Our students love what he does and keep coming back every year to see if they can figure out how he does it. We love having Craig! Robbie Williford, Grad Assistant for RHPB

Rich Mountain Community College, Mena, AR 09/09/15 300 Ouachita Center 5555555 Craig is a true professional. He did two shows for the College. One show for 450 high school seniors and an evening show for the RMCC students and the general public. It was the first show of its type at RMCC and in the Ouachita Center. Craig kept everyone enthralled. Many students from the first show came back for the second. I've been in higher education for 27 years with 12 spent in student activities. There is no doubt in my mind that Craig Karges is still the best performer I have ever worked with. Great performer, even better person. Steve Rook, VP Academic and Student Affairs DR. JIM WAND "BIg SMILE" Caricatures & Entertainment

Milwaukee School of Engineering, Milwaukee, WI 07/06/15 200+ Todd Wehr Aud. 5555555 Jim is great! He is one of the most popular acts we have each year. Codi Alger, Student Life

University of Central Missouri, Warrensburg, MO 08/17/15 1600 University 3545554 Keep enjoying what you do! Jessica Martin, USHA President

Mike Wacksman, Assistant Director of Student Life

Luther College, Decorah, IA 09/04/15 750 CFL (Auditorium) 455555SAC Spotlight, Co-Chair

University of North Carolina/ Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 09/10/15 380+ granville Towers 5555555 We have worked with Dr. Wand for several years, and he is always excellent. Our students who have seen him in previous years come back again because the show is so good. Joseph Strader, Assistant General Manager Iowa Western Community College, Council Bluffs, IA 09/17/15 550 Arts Center 5555555 Matt Waters, Coordinator of Student Activities

Freed-Hardeman University, Henderson, TN 09/19/15 1500+ Loyd Auditorium 455555Dr. Jim Wand never disappoints. I have been fortunate to see his performance many times now and it is always a pleasure. Matt Grinder, Admissions Recruiter ERIC MINA gP Entertainment

Texas State University-San Marcos, San Marcos, TX 08/18/15 400+ Lbs Ballroon 5555555 His show exceeded expectations and brought our biggest audience we have ever had Shannon Hetland, Operations Coordinator

Minnesota State University-Mankato, Mankato, MN 08/22/15 2592+ Bresnan Arena 4555554 I love the end bit after the event is over where you can go up to those who were hypnotized after they woke up and shake their hand to give them the best orgasm of their lives. That was so funny, and I will remember Eric by that. Leah Danko, Speaker's Chair SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill, Cobleskill, NY 08/25/15 403 Bouck Theater 5555555 Eric was phenomenal. He arrived early to do teasers in our dining hall. We had a huge crowd afterwards meeting him. He is an act of true character. We would have him again in a heartbeat.

georgian Court University, Lakewood, NJ 08/26/15 150+ Casino room 5555555 Excellent entertainer! Engaged with the audience, interacted with the participants well, and very personable. Highly recommend returning for a future performance. Anthony Varlese, President of Campus Activities Board Arcadia University, glenside, PA 08/29/15 300+ great Room 5555555 He's awesomesauce. 10/10 A performance. Morgan McKenna, SPB President

York College of Pennsylvania, York PA 08/30/15 700+ Performing Arts Center 5555555 Absolutely amazing!! It's the third time I've seen him perform, each time just gets better and better. It is unbelievable the show that he can put on. Nicholas Wiemken, Orientation Coordinator Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 09/01/15 125+ Lecture Hall 5555555 Awesome show, very hilarious and fun for the whole crowd Jared weidner, On stage Director

Utica College, Utica, NY 09/04/15 149 Street auditorium 5555555 Always a pleasure to work with, quality show and students were captivated! Bethany piraino, assistant director of student activities Muhlenberg College, Allentown, PA 09/05/15 100+ The great Room 5555555 He looks like a mma fighter. Annese, assistant director of REP

University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, Oshkosh, WI 09/09/15 700+ Ballroom 5555555 Overall he was very easy to work with. He arrived very early and was very interactive with the students. We had the largest turn out in awhile. He is a natural entertainer and a very personable. Sarah Tennie, Graduate Assistant University of Mary, Bismarck, ND 09/22/15 400 McDowell Activity Center 5555555 Eric is a professional in every sense of the word. He continually strives to create the best student experience possible. Eric is awesome work with as well

as Rich and Tim at GP. Shae Nehiba, Student Activities Comittee

Canisius College, Buffalo, NY 09/25/15 400+ Montante Cultural Center 5555555 Eric had the whole place rolling on the floor laughing. The only way to go for a great show. Brandon Pietron, Graduate Assistant FREDERICK WINTERS Bass/Schuler Entertainment

University of Wisconsin-Superior, Superior, WI 08/03/15 200+ Thorpe Langley Auditorium 5555555 Frederick is fantastic! We've had him come to campus for over 20 years. He always puts on a great show and we love having him on campus! Jen Bird, Director of First Year Experience

Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL 08/23/15 400 Eastern Illinois University MLK Union grand Ballroom 5555--Worked around technical issues at start of show, was hilarious and easy to work with, gave a great performance which had the crowd rolling in the aisles. Kevin Lux, Secretary of the EIU Residence Hall Association St. Norbert College, DePere Wisconsin 09/04/15 200+ Student Campus Center 5555555 Fred was a great pleasure to work with, and his show was outstanding. We had a giant crowd, one which loved every part of the show. We look forward to seeing Fred again in the future! Colleen Dunne, E2K Special Events Coordinator JONATHAN BURNS Fresh Variety

University of Akron Main Campus, Akron, OH 08/23/15 200 Student Union Ballrooms 5555555 Jonathan Burns is the perfect mix of funny, witty, engaging, and flexible. He keeps people laughing until tears come to their eyes and is quick to get the audience involved in anything he's performing. Our students loved him and can't wait to bring him back! Robbie Williford, Grad Assistant for RHPB JOSH MCVICAR (MCVICAR THE TRICKSTER) Josh McVicar Comedy Magic and Hypnosis

Lewis-Clark State College, Lewiston, ID 08/24/15 300+ Silverthorne Theater 5555555 Wonderful, Amazing act and I highly recommend letting McVicar the Trick-


ster do his promo! He won't disappoint! Duncan Christman, Warrior Entertainment Board (WEB) Chairperson MATT THE KNIFE Matt the Knife Productions

Sheridan College, Sheridan, WY 05/06/15 150 Thorne-Rider Campus Center 3424335 Matt the Knife was very personable and easy to get along with. Also, the anticipation of all of his "tricks" had students on the edge of their seats. Also the fact that he did tricks after the show was fantastic! Sheridan College loved Matt the Knife! Deneese Stone, Programming Board Intern Elon University, Elon, NC 05/13/15 400 Elon 5555555 Matt the Knife was great at engaging with the audience, surprising the audience, and keeping the audience's attention. He is easy to work with and extremely talented. I highly recommend any school hiring him to perform. Caroline, Magic Show California State University-Monterey Bay, Seaside, CA 08/21/15 800 University Center 5555555 Diana Ogbevire, Programming and Communications Coordinator

Bacone College, Muskogee, OK 08/27/15 100 Student Center 5555555 Matt put on a great show! Our students loved him and we will definitely have him back! I highly recommend him! Kindle Holderby, Dean of Students

george Mason University, Fairfax, VA 08/27/15 1700+ Center for the Arts 4555-54 We once again brought Josh to George Mason University for our fall orientation, "The Preamble," as part of our move-in day series of events. Josh's performance was the highlight of this year's move-in day for over 1,700 freshmen students who packed our Center for the Arts to enjoy the hypnosis and magic show. Not only did Josh deliver the interactive show that we agreed upon, but after seeing how the large crowd was getting into the performance, Josh continued to entertain the students for an extended period of time. Not only is Josh a great performer that our students love but he is also extremely easy and friendly to work with throughout the entire planning of the event. We look forward to having Josh back at Mason again soon! Christian J. Barber, Asst. Director of Residence Life Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Carbondale, IL 08/28/15 350+ SIUC Student Center Ballroom 5555555

Matt the Knife was a pleasure to work with. Personable and easy going, our staff enjoyed spending time with him and our students adored his show. You can tell he really cares about students and wants them to enjoy themselves at his show. He even stayed after the show to provide insight to a student who was interested in magic. Would love to invite him back again! Tanzania Adams, Student Programming Council Graduate Assistant Tulane University of Louisiana, New Orleans, LA 09/04/15 35 Lavin-Bernick Center 5555555 Thanks for staying after the show with the smaller audience and communicating with us so well! We enjoyed having you. Madeleine Swanstrom, Tulane After Dark Chair

Regis College, Weston, MA 09/08/15 150 Auditorium 5545555 Matt was very accommodating to us. We found out after signing the contract with him that another group on campus had booked a mentalist for the same week, and Matt was generous enough to minimize the amount of mentalism in the show and highlight his other acts. Thank goodness he is such a versatile performer! Erin Wisniewski, Director of Student Programming

MICHAEL C. ANTHONY Neon Entertainment

University of Akron Main Campus, Akron, OH 09/23/15 925 EJ Thomas Hall 5555555 Michael C. Anthony has always brought a great show to The University of Akron. He has been coming for 15 years in a row and has not lost his touch! Our students keep coming back! Robbie Williford, Grad Assistant for RHPB MICHAEL KENT Fresh Variety

Bowling green State University-Main Campus, Bowling green, OH 08/22/15 800 Bowling green State University 4555555 Jessica Huddleston, Assistant Dean of Students American International College, Springfield, MA 08/24/15 120 griswold Theatre 4555555 Great show! The teaser was outstanding. Collin McQuade, Coordinator of Student Activities

Saint Anselm College, Manchester, NH 08/28/15 500 Dana Center 5545555 Charles Dooley, Michael Kent: Comic, Magician, Smart@ss

Alvernia University, Reading, PA 08/29/15 73 Theater 4555554 Great show! Excellent to work with Michael Kent. Joe Benyish, Asst. Dir. Student Act.

Southern New Hampshire University, Manchester, NH 08/30/15 400 SNHU Dining Center 4555555 Michael Kent is a tradition at our institution and every year the students love him. Easy to work with, relevant to the students, and a wonderful performer. Kim Pho, Assoc. Director of Student Involvement

Indiana Tech, Fort Wayne, IN 09/03/15 163 Multi Flex Theater 5555555 Michael Kent is absolutely amazing. Cannot wait to have him back - sooner than later!!!! Darius Darling, Programs Coordinator Saint Mary's University of Minnesota, Winona, MN 09/04/15 140 Page Theater 5555555 Lance Thompson, Director of Student Activities

University of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL 09/12/15 250 Robinson Theater 5555555 Michael was amazing! From his personality to his performance - he more than exceeded my expectations! I had theater staff come over to me after the show thanking me for bringing Michael as they all enjoyed his performance! Thanks! Laura Berger, Coordinator of Campus Life Urbana University, Urbana, OH 09/13/15 50 gloria Theatre 5555555 Always great with the crowd and activities board! Love his show. Easy to work with and fun! Mitch Joseph, Associate Dean of Students Savannah College of Art and Design (Atlanta, gA), Atlanta, gA 09/16/15 75 SCADShow 5555555 We love him! Niletza GonzĂĄlez, SAC Coordinator RAN'D SHINE Everything But The Mime

Lincoln College, Lincoln, IL 08/14/15 130 Student Center 5555555 Ran D' was OUTSTANDING!!! He amazed each and every student in at-

34, Campus aCtivities magazineÂŽ, BaCK tO Campus 2015

tendance. His stage presence and quick wit was very good. I'd have Ran D' back anytime!! Jeff Nelson, Dir. of Student Activities

Tompkins Cortland Community College, Dryden, NY 08/28/15 100 TC3 Student Center 5555-5We really enjoyed having Ran D'Shine at our school. It was incorporated into our slate of Welcome Week events and paired nicely with other things that week. His sneak preview in our cafeteria was a spectacular way to build a return audience for that night's show. Great talent and great to work with! Deb Mohlenhoff, Director Student Activities Thomas Nelson Com. College, Hampton, VA 09/16/15 100 Student Commons 5555-55 Ran'd is fantastic. Students were awed and very engaged. So much fun! L. Ricucci, Student Life Asst. Coordinator

Thomas Nelson Community College, Hampton, VA 09/17/15 15 Student Center 5555--I thoroughly enjoyed this show. You don't always know what to expect with magic but this did not disappoint. The students that came were hesitant at first but our magician won the crowd over immediately. He was fun and witty. The intimate setting allowed for a more enjoyable atmosphere. Definitely worth your time. I won't look at magic the same again. Tasha Holmes, Administrative Assistant to the Provost

Concordia College at Moorhead, Moorhead, MN 09/18/15 350+ Concordia College - Moorhead 5555455 We were very happy with how Ran D' conducted himself before, during, and after the show! People were so engaged with his event and had such a great time! His promos were some of the best we've seen in terms of engaging people walking by and creating hype for his event later that night. Campus Entertainment Commission, CEC Ramapo College of New Jersey, Mahwah, NJ 09/22/15 80 Friends Hall 5555555 Ran'd was great! Would love to have him back! Nick Perez, Co-Music Chair of College Programming Board TEAM M&M Everything But The Mime

georgia Highlands College-Marietta, Marietta, gA 08/19/15 85 KSU J Building 5555555 Students truly enjoyed the body paint

and Balloon art. Had a constant line of students waiting to be part of the fun! Margaret and Mike do a wonderful job from beginning to end! Students truly enjoyed Team M&M! Abraham, Student Life Coordinator University of North georgia, Watkinsville, gA 08/25/15 75 Outside 5555555 They are amazing, and we bring them back every year! Lindsay Bailey, Director of Student Involvement Fayetteville State University, Fayetteville, NC 08/27/15 150+ Open quad area 5555-55 Students enjoyed it so much that they want them to come back in the Spring for another performance. They did an excellent job!!! Pamela C. Fisher, Advisor/A.U.T.O.S. Commuter Org.

West Texas A&M, Canyon, TX 09/03/15 50+ JBK Commons 4534354 Natalia Molina, Student Consultant



Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 08/18/15 200+ Student Union Building 5555555 Agata was an extremely sweet lady to work with and was low-maintenance, which worked out well because we had a lot going on that evening and I knew I didn't have to worry about her or that aspect of the event. The quality of the stickers was amazing! Would definitely bring her back. Claire Maginness, Assistant Director Pasco-Hernando Community College-Porter, Wesley Chapel, FL 08/26/15 50 3rd Floor Terrace 5555555 Laura Raposa, Coordinator of Student Activities BALLOONS BY LESTER & BODY ART BY SUSAN Everything But The Mime

Palm Beach State College, Boca Raton, FL 09/16/15 250+ HT103 5555-5Lester and Susan are wonderful to work with as is Carol at Everything but the Mime! We had them out last spring and the students asked that they come back for our Club Rush this fall. And again, after their visit yesterday, the students are already asking when they will be back! Kathi Schaeffer, Student Activities Manager


Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 06/17/15 100 Outdoors 4454-5Jameson Nogowski, Graduate Assistant HOT AIR BALLOON RIDES Kirkland Productions

georgia State University, Atlanta, gA 06/16/15 270 Hurt Park 4445444 Michelle Canales, Panthers going up...on a Tuesday MIKE DA ROVINg gUY AND MARgARET'S "ART ON YOU" Everything But The Mime

Ivy Tech Community College-Richmond, Richmond, IN 07/23/15 250+ Community College 5555555 Team M&M will always be an act we ask to come for our events. It was amazing we had kids and adults lined up for Mike and Margaret over other attractions that we had at our event. I do not think either took a break the whole 3 hours. They were great! I would recommend them for any activity you are planning. Lloyd C. Spicer Jr., Director of Student Life OUTDOOR MOVIE (THE PARTY COMPANY) Record-A-Hit

Elgin Community College, Elgin, IL 08/26/15 75+ ECC green Space 5555555 Ali-Reza Kashani, Coordinator of First Year Programs TEAM ROOTBERRY Everything But The Mime

Seminole State College of Florida, Sanford, FL 09/09/15 100+ Student Center Cafeteria 5555555 Team Rootberry is a great value of the price. Great people to work with. Awesome agency. Mauricio E. Garcia, Assitant Director


A SHOT OF REALITY Bass/Schuler Entertainment

Iowa Western Community College, Council Bluffs, IA 08/19/15 150 Arts Center 5555--Nickolas Alexander, Director of Student Activities & Campus Life

Barry University, Miami, FL 08/26/15 300+ Auditorium 5555-55 Eileen Hineline, Director, SHS

Florida SouthWestern State College, Ft. Myers/Florida 08/27/15 205 Rush Auditorium 5555-55 Great show for anyone looking for great alcohol awareness/educational program. Justin Long, Dir. of Housing & Residence Life

Montclair State University, Montclair, NJ 08/31/15 56 Memorial Auditorium 4555544 Leslie Kropa, Community Director ASH BECKHAM Kirkland Productions

Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI 08/26/15 800+ UC Auditorium 5555-5Ash did a great job and all the attendees took away a new perspective. Josh Gahlau, Logistics Staff Assistant DAVID COLEMAN Metropolis Management & Entertainment group

University of Akron Main Campus, Akron, OH 08/24/15 145 Student Union Ballrooms 5555555 Dave Coleman comes back year after year to train our student leaders on how to model the way, how to connect, and how to live a life of character and integrity. Our students love his energy, his style, and the manner in which he educates. Dave is great for any workshop, training, or even speaking event! Robbie Williford, Grad Assistant for RHPB DEL SUggS Del Suggs

University of Akron Main Campus, Akron, OH 08/20/15 53 Student Union room 312 5555555 Every year, Del comes in and trains our students on networking, role modeling, and connecting with others. This year he added learning outcomes with our students and did a fantastic job educating students about how important learning outcomes are to student development. So glad to have him back on campus! Robbie Williford, Grad Assistant for RHPB ELAINE PASQUA Pasqua Productions, Inc. Muhlenberg College, Allentown, PA 08/29/15 650 Freshman Orientation 5555555

Elaine was the best part of our freshman orientation. Anita Kelly, Director, Counseling Services

The University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA 08/30/15 200 Auditorium 5555--5 Elaine continues to "wow" our students every year! She relates to our student population very well and students remain in contact with her following her session! Maggie Stauffer, New Student Programming Coordinator Dakota State University, Madison, SD 09/09/15 350 Freshman Orientation in Auditorium 5555555 Maria Harder, HR Director

The College of Wooster, Wooster, OH 09/17/15 300+ Mcgaw Chapel 5555555 Elaine did an amazing job. She is very approachable and she connected with the entire audience. I had multiple student athletes communicate to me that they were very appreciative for her presentation and learn a lot. One particular student athlete really appreciated that Elaine also discuss/connected with the individuals in the audience who chooses to "not drink" and remain abstinence while continue to educate on sex health. I would highly recommend Elaine to anyone. Ashley Reid, Assistant Athletic Director Diveristy and Inclusion/SWA SEX SIgNALS Bass-Schuler Entertainment

Fort Valley State University, Fort Valley, gA 08/14/15 300+ CTM Building 5555555 Another extraordinary presentation !!! Can't imagine addressing sexual assault without your support !!! Alvin K. Lindsey, TEARs2C Project Director

University of North Carolina at Asheville, Asheville, NC 08/20/15 147 Humanities Lecture Hall 4545-54 Toan To, Assistant Dir of Student Engagement

Baldwin-Wallace College, Berea, OH 08/20/15 700 Kleist Center 5555-55 More clarification on the inability to give consent when drinking may have been appropriate. The second performance ran a bit long and the emphasis on bystander intervention was lost. Overall, we were very pleased with just these couple of notes. Thank you! Tim Hall, Assist Director of Counseling Services


Saint Mary's College, Notre Dame, IN 08/21/15 300+ Large Theatre 555555Sex Signals continues to be a wonderful program. Jack and Jordan were excellent. We've hosted it during orientation for over 12 years. However, there continue to be adaptations being made. This year's version seemed to have the most significant changes. There were portions removed which left the end time short and we weren't aware of this in advance. While we are thrilled to see bystander intervention incorporated, as this is the most effective way to prevent violence, we include an additional workshop on this during orientation weekend. Therefore, it was somewhat redundant for students. This again would have been helpful information to know in advance. For our purposes, mentioning bystander intervention, but providing more education on sexual assault and consent would have best met our needs. Feel free to contact me with any questions. Thanks for the important work you do! Connie Adams, Director, Belles Against Violence

Seton Hill University, greensburg, PA 08/22/15 400 Performing Arts Center 4555-3Jessica Mann, Assistant Dean of Student Engagement Trine University, Angola, IN 08/23/15 200 Fabiani theater 5555--5 Tom Cantrell, University Mental Health Counselor

Philadelphia University, Philadelphia, PA 08/23/15 200+ Kanbar Performance Space 5555555 The performance lead by Chris Sanders and Jessamyn was one of the best shows I've seen for Sex Signals out of the 6 shows I've seen over the years. They did a phenomenal job of relating to the audience and taking the conversation to the next level. Our students really appreciated how interactive the experience was and they sparked great discussion that continued long after the performance ended. Thank you! Heather Weaver, Associate Director of Student Engagement Albertus Magnus College, New Haven, CT 08/25/15 200 Behan Community Room 5555-54 Erin Morrell, Associate Dean

North Park University, Chicago, IL 09/04/15 650+ gymnasium 5545--4 This was a first time we hosted Sex Signals. It got students laughing, talking and engaging on the topic of consent, relationships and sex.

Elizbeth Snezek, Dean of Students

STUDENTS FIgHT BACK! Kirkland Productions

LIM College, N/NY 08/26/15 30 LIM College Residence Hall 4555-55 Bree was GREAT! Jodi Licht, Senior Director of Counseling & Wellness Services

University of Massachusetts-Lowell, Lowell, MA 08/30/15 50 Campus Recreation Center 5555444 I think the performance and speaker were outstanding. Bree did amazing, especially since we had an extremely poor turn out compared to what we expected (seats for 900 and 50 showed up). With that said, I felt the content was heavily directed toward the females in the room. We specifically chose the "Students Fight Back" program so it would be more gender neutral as advertised. It was still a great message, but not quite what we were hoping for. David McGraw, Associate Director

THE HOOK-UP Bass/Schuler Entertainment

Williston State College, Williston, ND 08/26/15 90+ Teton Lounge 5555555 Loved Courtney. She brought such a great energy! WSC really appreciates her and the message she got across to our students! Tara Peterson, Student Life Coordinator

with Tracy! Robbie Williford, Grad Assistant for RHPB TROY STENDE Kirkland Productions

University of Idaho, Moscow, ID 08/20/15 1000+ Kibbie Dome, University of Idaho 5555-5Troy was exactly what we needed for our New Student Orientation program. Thank you! Cori Planagan, Director, Orientation Programming

Muhlenberg College, Allentown, PA 08/25/15 42 The Event Space 5555-3Troy has been conducting training for students assisting in orientation for ten years. He always meets the learning outcomes we discuss in advance. His knowledge of group development and assisting students in finding a level of comfort in new surroundings is unmatched. He is genuine with all who meet him - no stage personality here. This is truly his passion, and we are happy to have him return every year. Chris Jachimowicz, Director of Student Leadership Programs


University of Akron Main Campus, Akron, OH 08/23/15 152 Quaker Residence Hall Ballrooms 5555555 Tom teaches his Dance Floor Theory to our students every year and leaves a lasting impact on how students can be themselves, how they can engage with others, and how they can be the best role model for students of all backgrounds. It's so refreshing to have him on campus every year for training. Definitely recommend Tom for any sort of training or workshop! Robbie Williford, Grad Assistant for RHPB





TRACY KNOFLA High Impact Training

University of Akron Main Campus, Akron, OH 08/22/15 148 Student Union Ballrooms 5555555 Tracy does a great job facilitating true colors and getting the students engaged with one another. In a world that tells people to conform, Tracy teaches our students every year how to be themselves and how to be proud of what they stand for. We love working

36, Campus aCtivities magazine速, BaCK tO Campus 2015



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