Cameo @ Work

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LIMN Architects February 2010

| Love the Clothes You’re In |89 Murray Street, 6J | New York, NY 10007 |646-797-6262 |



LIM" Architects

Cameo Closets recommends an organization plan for greater workspace, improved workflow and accessible storage for LIMN Architects. By designating specific areas for certain functions, the space will intuitively operate at optimal levels of productivity and creativity. This proposal focuses on five areas; first, The Design Floor; second, The Library; third, The Conference Room/Executive Office; fourth, The Plotter/Printer Room and last, The Break Room. For The Conference Room/Executive Office section, this proposal presents two options for organizational implementation, Option A allows for Steve’s office to be located in the separate Rear-"ook and Option B which allows for a Conference Room requiring Steve’s desk to be part of the perimeter on the Design Floor.


Staff Insight

The staff provided invaluable insight into the daily operations and demands of work-life at LIMN. The most important goals of the organization process to the staff were: 1) Functional Paper Filing System 2) Designated Areas for supplies, electronic files, plans, reports, surveys, photos, scanned documents, etc. 3) Workspace to “spread out” near their desktops Now, before the organization process can begin, we need to first plan the first step of collective “downsizing.” Collective downsizing frees up every inch of unused or misused space. Unused space can be 2 types: unused because the container is full or because the container is unknown. During a collective downsize, folks take responsibility for their own workspaces1, as well as those around them, which if not assigned to someone in the long run, can go unopened and unattended for years. Once we’ve downsized, the second step is to determine whether unearthed records should be stored or destroyed. Since this determination can only be made on a case by case basis, it will be necessary for the founding partners to be on hand for reference during the “downsize and determination” processes. And since the office is a close-knit group, a “Spring Cleaning” might be a fast and effective way to get the space back to a clean slate before revising the layout or installing shelving for storage and organization. Cameo recommends 4 - 6 hours of downsizing, filtering, editing and determination by the team to collectively decide what to purge or set aside before incorporation into the overall organizational plan which follows.


Layout & Workspaces

Design Floor Layout The consensus is that the removal of the wall currently adjacent to the Server Room would improve the layout of the Design Floor because it allows the continuation of wall-mounted desk surface space (which provides maximum 1 And do keep in mind that in challenging and disorganized workspaces, employees tend to store helpful material at their desks since they’d rather be responsible for remembering where to find it when the need arises to share with others. This is because they know that if they returned it to the archives there would be no way to know if they could ever retrieve it again, since the archives are somewhat of a mess, historically at least…so why risk it, right. Don’t worry, there are no hoarders at LIMN.

| Love the Clothes You’re In |89 Murray Street, 6J | New York, NY 10007 |646-797-6262 |


surface with minimal construction) and creates symmetry and additional storage in the room. A rough rendering of that layout follows: DESIG+ FLOOR LAYOUT

Built-In Desks

7 9






Vertical 24” Files

2 5


Design Floor



With or without the wall, this layout achieves an open floor plan and keeps Steve from becoming the nucleus of the office. Once folks have designated office spaces which they “own” they can acquire a better sense of both their individual (desks) and collective (open floor plan) spaces and coupled with usable built-in storage underneath and at eye-level, it will be easier for everyone to “keep the office” clutter-free. Unfortunately, the removal of the leaf extending into the center of the room is imperative for several reasons: 1) Remove Focal Point: The L-shaped leaf requires someone always be seated as the center-most point of the room. This person by default sets the tone visually and spatially for everything and everyone at both the micro and macro levels of the workspace. If the center of the room were left open and free, it would create a physical space for improved mobility, an open energy and expanded possibility for collaboration among colleagues. Right now the only choice for folks seated on the perimeter is to continue to actively avoid the center of the room. 2) Improve Traffic Flow: Traffic flow is improved because the main thruway is straight and extended 3) Create Community: Perimeter seating allots equal workspace/storage for everyone and creates a spirit of “community by vicinity” Design Floor Workspace Most agree that more space to spread out and “work” near their desktops would improve productivity and be conducive to collaborating and managing joint-projects better. We’ve identified 9 areas to improve the workspace for each team member: 1) Desktop & Workspace: With or without the wall removed, it will be imperative to continue the built-in/glass topped/wall-mounted desk surface area around the perimeter of the room. This will allow the removal of odd sized and mismatched tables with bulky legs, ledges or molding which take up additional space and take away from underdesk storage. It also allows the desktop between team members and monitors to be used as “countertops” for spreading out plans for collaborating. Streamlining all desk surfaces in the Design Floor by creating a built-in perimeter of rows of desks, is the most effective use of space and allows us to fullfil the need to provide both a desktop and a workspace. | Love the Clothes You’re In |89 Murray Street, 6J | New York, NY 10007 |646-797-6262 |


2) Desktop Storage: Considering that LIMN team members have functioned with limited storage options at their desks for quite some time now, it is best to first utilize the existing built-in storage for a brief time-period before determining if wall-mounted shelving units should be purchased and added. 3) 24: The centralization and labeling of all 24” plans to one designated filing sytem next to the staircase or in the "EW Library would work well. Dry wall may need to be installed to seal off the few inches of thin space between the chimney and the central stairwell leading to The Library. I understand the aesthetic and certainly would not suggest covering the exposed brick, but the inlet currently does not serve as a functional passthrough, hence it is best to use this vertical space to house the 24” stackable filing system. If this area measures less than 24”W, wall mounted floating shelves should be installed the entire height of the ceiling for storage of miscellaneous items. We will likely file 24”s and 36”s in the following priority: by Year | by Client Name (AZ) | by Draft or Phase…etc. 4) Resources: The consolidation of archives, sample and resources books to the The Library would free up significant space at desktops on the Design Floor and would allow us to use the Server Room for long-term storage. 5) Electronic Filing: The transfer of print documentation to electronic files on the shared LIMN Server will greatly minimize the need for team members to retain many of the print records currently in bulky file drawers. 6) Printers: Though many presume it is “convenient” to have printers near their desks, the truth is that in a small office space like LIMN’s, a printer upon entry and at the center of the room does two things: 1) Blocks the natural flow of traffic at an entrance 2) Takes up prime real estate where folks could instead be using that square footage to “spread out” plans 3) Creates paper pile-ups with reams and print jobs, and like Steve’s desk, creates a nucleaus of clutter at the heart of the office 4) Creates noise distractions when printing or programmed alerts go off Relocating the printer (server too) into the "EW The Printer-Plotter Room is ideal because that room: 1) 2) 3) 4)

Creates a destination for retrieving print jobs elsewhere Keeps paper reams, print job pile-ups and support supplies into a contained and quarintined place Encourages folks to exercise/stretch between tasks and step away from the computer screen With 3 entryways/doors, this room functions more like a “passageway,” so it is ideal for picking up print jobs where very few folks are likely to linger here anyway

*Eric is in a unique situation to be seated at the threshold of the entire office. It is very likey that in part, the printer table is also serving Eric as a physical and symbolic “barrier” so that he does not feel as exposed while being seated at the front door of the office. Since our plan requires we relocate the printer to create more workspace, I recommend the addition of a narrow, but high storage unit. It is important to have height so Eric is not distracted by people entering in at his line of sight, but it is just as important to let the natural sunlight to continue through the space. A storage unit similar to this one from CB2 can be placed at the edge of his desk (in the event the wall does not get removed). The cubbies could serve to hold an “inbox” or “outbox” for mail, binders for timesheets, anything that might be utilized by everyone on a regular basis. This prominent storage unit is not for long-term storage. The items that would go on and off this shelf would happen on a daily and weekly basis: - $299.99 (1 or 2)

| Love the Clothes You’re In |89 Murray Street, 6J | New York, NY 10007 |646-797-6262 |


7) Paper: Since it is ideal to keep paper near printers and plotters, the "EW The Printer-Plotter Room works well for: 1) Stacks and rolls of paper not taking up prime real estate on the Design Floor 2) Keeping all paper in one place so stock can be monitored on an on-going basis 3) Special storage units or cabinatry to be consturcted to carefully protect and preserve expensive cardstock 8)

Supplies: Since supply usage is about as individual as people, the designation of having ALL supplies in cabinatry in the NEW Break Room serves our organizational goals in 3 ways: 1) Supplies are centralized for stock control 2) Supplies are organized in categories for quick use 3) Browsing for supplies is no longer distracting because you’re doing it over someone’s shoulder or desk

9) Snacks: The restriction of snacks, water jugs and refreshments to the "EW Break Room located off the PrinterPlotter Room achieves the following: 1) Keeping the work area free of pests 2) Keeping the work area spill-free & clean 3) Keeping the work area clutter free 4) Encourages folks to exercise/stretch between tasks and step away from the computer screen 5) The socialization that very often comes with eating can be away from the Design Floor to minimize distraction 6) Provide plumbing and cabinetry for food storage and easy clean up


Higher Learning

The relocation of all samples, swatches and design books from the Server Room to the loft space now coined, “The Library” is ideal. Again, the creation of a perimeter with shelving along the three walls of the loft would allow seating and a small round or oval coffee table for review and browsing of the Library’s resources. Since the area is isolated, it is not ideal for office space, but is perfect for solitary or small group review in the LIMN Library. The library will be catalogued and organized with the guidance of the LIMN team according to commonly accepted Architectural Standards. We recommend that the perimeter of shelves not be taller than 2-teirs of shelves so that the top shelf can be used as either a 3rd row for books or for a flat surface, like a countertop. Suggestions for shelving, 2 chairs, 2 movable stools, a table and a groovy rug (I strongly recommend some shade or pattern of blue when elevated. It’s nice to be reminded of the sky when up high, not to mention blue is the color of creativity) to accommodate groups of up to four people are below. And remember, if we can reuse similar pieces we already own that fit the required uniform dimensions, we will. For shelving, my preference is chrome wire, but it is challenging finding something short enough (36”), so the shelves are wood composite examples: Smart Round Marble Coffee Table - CB2 - $299.00 (1) Triumph Lounge Chair - CB2 - $299.00 (2) Sally Stool – - $49.99 (2) Alera Valencia Medium Cherry Bookshelf, 2 Shelf (# TBC) $149.99 Alera Valencia Medium Cherry Lateral File - $399.99 (1) | Love the Clothes You’re In |89 Murray Street, 6J | New York, NY 10007 |646-797-6262 |


Alera Valencia Medium Cherry Corner Hutch - $319.99 (2) 8’x11” Destination Rug – - $374.99 (1)

2-Tier Shelving

Lounge Chairs

Stairs The Library Loft

| Love the Clothes You’re In |89 Murray Street, 6J | New York, NY 10007 |646-797-6262 |


I also recommend professionally framing some of LIMN’s favorite or most successful or sentimental 24” plans in black wood or chrome frames and then having them wall-mounted onto the angled cathedral ceilings. Though the ceilings are slanted, mounting these flush against the wall would be a cool detail and serve as inspirational “wallpaper” in the space.


Rear "ook

The current layout of the office presents us with two ideal scenarios for the Rear "ook - either as Steve’s office or the long anticipated upper Conference Room. The configuration of both rooms would be exactly the same with the only difference being its chosen purpose and the number of chairs around the table. Steve’s Office – Option A Theoretically the most effective way to contain Steve’s unique style of record keeping, but still afford him the creative space to grow and work, is to relocate him to the Rear "ook (currently Sama’s office & Plotter Room). On a tactical level, it would achieve 3 goals: 1) Remove Steve from the center of the Design Floor where his disorganized system currently distracts others and reinforces avoidance and emits greater disorganization within the space 2) Removes the make-shift “kitchen” in the hallway between the windows and chimney and allows the team of architects to convert this narrow, awkward and uncomfortable corner into a spacious and inviting hall/entryway leading to the newly designated Rear "ook. A hallway, even a defined corner, gives folks the sense that they are leaving the Design Floor and heading in a different destination. Sealing in the space between the central stairwell and chimney allows us to convert this corner into a hallway making the space seem larger and more purposeful. It also gives us additional wall storage (some of the black board may be reduced to allow for wall-mounted floating shelves). The creation of a doorframe and addition of a door at the end of the small L-shaped hallway is optional of course, but would allow the space to have a private function for closed-door meetings or client calls. 3) The Rear "ook provides two different access points to the Design Floor and the "EW Printer-Plotter Room, which in the case of an Executive Office; this would be standard to allow for private meetings and multiple exits. 4) All 4 walls would be fitted with 10’x4’ wall-mounted tak, peg board, cork or magnetic board to allow for perpetual display of Steve’s paperwork since his filing system requires a visual on all records at once.

Conference Room – Option B The firm’s goal of having an internal meeting room for brainstorming, coffee breaks and all sorts of creative canpyramidation, would finally be actualized by the designation of the Rear "ook as a Conference Room. This layout requires Steve’s desk to be relocated to the perimeter of the Design Floor where the central built-in leaf is removed to create an open floor plan and avoid having a nucleus in the room. He would now become seat # 7 in the drawing on page 6. The creation of a Conference Room achieves the following goals: 1) All staff are now located on the Design Floor allowing for greater collaboration and team cohesiveness 2) Removes the temporary “kitchen” from the hallway between the windows and chimney and relocates it appropriately in the "EW Break Room | Love the Clothes You’re In |89 Murray Street, 6J | New York, NY 10007 |646-797-6262 |


3) The conversion of a spacious and inviting hall/entryway breaks up the space creating a “destination” for changing gears at work and between projects 4) The Rear "ook provides two access points to the Design Floor and the Printer-Plotter Room, which in the case of a Conference Room is standard for allowing multiple exits for meeting attendees 5) All 4 walls would be fitted with wall-mounted peg, tak, cork or magnetic board to allow for display of projects & plans. *Both scenarios would have all three walls featuring wall-mounted peg/messenger or rubber tak boards like the following: Balt 10’x4’Tan Rubber Tak Board - $329.99 (3) To summarize, we have 2 options for the Rear "ook; the first supports Steve by allowing him the freedom and space of continuing his unique approach to management and creative development, but in a contained space so to not distract or influence the organizational patterns of others. I strongly recommend a trial run of Steve’s office being located in the Rear "ook for at least 6 months to gauge if over time and with Danielle’s help, he is able to develop a more streamlined management system for his paperwork. Once it is tested, then I suggest reintroducing Steve into the Design Floor plan and converting the Rear "ook space into a Conference Room. Starting with a Conference Room in the first 6 months of the organization plan, might set an unfair precedent that a conference room can’t work or we could not justify an under-utilized room during full-time during business hours.


…and Behind Door #3…

The room currently serving as temporary storage that has 3 entries (doorways) and a window is best used for the plotter, printer and their respective supplies. The logic here is that with so many entry points, this room has more potential as a pass-through with significant traffic. So the best uses of this space will be its perimeter and for storage of transient output (print jobs coming and going). Folks rarely spend a lot of time at printers, so it’s not a huge conflict of space for folks to walk through this area to get to the "EW Break Room (snack & supply room). And since the range of many of the doors opening and closing will limit the amount of wall storage available to us to use, I recommend the plotter being placed at the far right corner of the main door with overhead cabinetry (recycled or new) for storage of plotter-related or paper supplies (so to not damage it with repeat and constant access above it). The door on the left will be the entrance to the "EW Break Room and the main printer, scanner and possibly the server will be stacked and stored on a media tower or media cart tucked in the corner below the window. An example of an adjustable height A/V cart or wall-mounted shelves that would allow us to use the vertical space of the room in this narrow corner for computer stations that do not require seating (we could have a bar stool for your tech guy when it’s time for service so he can pull up a chair) would be the following: Staples Adjustable Height AV Cart - $299.99 (1)


Daily Bread

Right now the temporary kitchen is located in the actual office space. Relocating all food, water and refreshment items to the "EW Break Room, right off the "EW Plotter-Printer Room, would open up additional workspace, designate an area for the purposes of food breaks, create overhead and under counter cabinetry for storage of food and supplies and create a “destination” experience for staff to initiate breaks away from their desks. The new Break Room would achieve the following: 1) Keep all other areas free of pests 2) Keep the work area spill-free & clean 3) Keep the work area clutter free | Love the Clothes You’re In |89 Murray Street, 6J | New York, NY 10007 |646-797-6262 |


4) Encourage folks to exercise/stretch between tasks and walk to another room 5) The socialization that very often comes with eating can be away from the Design Floor to minimize distractions 6) Provide plumbing and cabinetry for food storage and easy clean up While on site a couple of weeks ago, we brainstormed the use of the larger storage room (now the Plotter-Printer Room) for the new kitchen space, however upon further evaluation the smaller room allows us to install an L-shape of overhead and underneath cabinetry. One wall of cabinets would hold food & cutlery up top with cleaning supplies on the bottom; while the other wall would house office supplies that are labeled and organized by category within the cabinets. A small bistro table and chair set can sit opposite the longest wall of cabinets; here are just a few ideas: Table 1: Table 2: Table 3: Stool for Table 3: Chairs for Tables 1, 2:


Ready for Lift Off

The suggestions in this proposal are solely intended to guide LIMN Architects on the best ways to begin their organization process. Organization is a short-term and long-term commitment that takes a strong foundation, endurance and maintanence. Regardless of the priority of implementation for the organization plan for LIMN, downsizing, reconfiguration and designation of areas with singular purpoes are highly recommended for the future. Below you’ll see my recommended timetable.



Week 1 o Empty out built-in storage units o Determine what newly discovered records stay or go o Organize 8”x11” paperwork into general categories for scanning to electronic files, store on LIMN Server in organized e-filing system o Shred any 8”x11” paperwork not required by law for hardcopy o Create drawer-filing system for 8”x11” paperwork required by law to be in hardcopy form o Organize & label 24” plans into tubes or flat filing system (purchase additional flat filling if necessary) Week 2 o Reconfigure workspaces to create the “perimeter” on the Design Floor o Relocate Printers, Plotter, Kitchen, Supplies, Library, Conference Room/Steve’s Office Week 3 o Organize & install cabinetry/Storage for Plotter-Printer Room Week 4 o Install cabinetry & plumbing for Break Room o Organize Supplies in Break Room o Add bistro table set to Break Room | Love the Clothes You’re In |89 Murray Street, 6J | New York, NY 10007 |646-797-6262 |


Week 5 o Organize & decorate Library Week 6 o Install dry wall to create hallway feature between Design Floor and Conference Room/Executive Office o Relocate & organize Rear "ook as Conference Room OR Relocate & Organize Rear "ook as Steve’s Office o Install Tak boards in Conference Room o Add additional seating for table in Conference Room (if applicable, but would need the table height for stools since low back stools could be completely stored underneath the table and allow the Conference Room table to double as a buffet for parties in case folks need to stand instead of sit) -###-

| Love the Clothes You’re In |89 Murray Street, 6J | New York, NY 10007 |646-797-6262 |

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