EHS Annual Report on Philanthropy 2019-2020

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Episcopal High School was founded in 1983 as a four‑year coeducational day school within the Episcopal Diocese of Texas.

MISSION Episcopal High School, founded and guided by the Diocese of Texas, is an inclusive and joyful Christian community where students discover and develop their individual talents through the Four Pillars – academics, arts, athletics, religion – preparing for meaningful lives in service to others. Accreditation Independent Schools Association of the Southwest Memberships National Association of Independent Schools National Association of Episcopal Schools Council for the Advancement and Support of Education Educational Records Bureau College Board National Association for College Admission Counseling Texas Association for College Admission Counseling Southwest Preparatory Conference Admission Episcopal High School admits students of all races, colors, and national / ethnic origins to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities accorded or made available to students at the School. The School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or national/ethnic origin in the administration of its educational and admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, or athletic and other school‑administered programs. Alumni Please share your news with the EHS Alumni Association. Send information to: Margaret Young 713‑512‑3600

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TABLE OF CONTENTS 4 // Head of School’s Report 5 // Executive Chair’s Report 6 // Director of Advancement’s Report 7 // Fiscal Year 8 // Capital Campaign 12 // Annual Fund 19 // Leading by Example 22 // Pillars Society 34 // Alumni 46 // Auction 56 // Parents Association & Dads Club 60 // Endowment 62 // Restricted Gifts 67 // In Memoriam

FROM THE HEAD OF SCHOOL Little did we know when we sent our first email about COVID-19 that it would dominate our lives as it has for the last nine months. That email followed our interim term China trip last January. From there, we were off and running through the strangest of springs towards the successful, if unique, start to the 2020-2021 year this August in which we welcomed our largest student body ever. At 790 students strong, EHS today continues to thrive. Our diverse and talented student body is split evenly between boys and girls; 27 percent of our students self-report as students of color; 18 percent are Episcopalian. Our 223 new students, 208 freshmen and 15 new sophomores and juniors, hail from 48 different zip codes and represent 55 different feeder schools. We continue to offer the strongest financial aid program in town, distributing nearly $3.5 million in financial aid and tuition remission across 15 percent of the student body for 2020-2021. It is the largest financial aid program in the city by any measure: per capita, as a percentage of endowment, or as a percentage of tuition revenue. Best of all, our class sizes remain small: This year’s average class size is 14 students, which allows for highly personalized and effective teaching and learning. Last March we mounted the fastest transition to virtual learning in Houston when campuses around the city closed, and we received national recognition throughout the spring for the quality of that virtual program as well as for the speed of its implementation. We began this new year with distance learning, but we were among the first SPC schools to return students to campus successfully after Labor Day. We welcomed seniors on September 8 and then added one grade per day from there beginning with the freshmen. By Friday the 11th, we were at full strength, and through today EHS remains an island of stability for our community in a sea of uncertainty. That stability has, since the School’s founding, been ensured by our Board of Trustees, and for the last three years, the Board of Trustees has been led by Executive Chair Randa Duncan Williams. Randa’s clear vision for EHS and her enthusiastic commitment to its mission have seen the successful conclusion of several construction projects, most notably the Underwood Student Center (USC) and the baseball field, as well as the start of a third project, our new field hockey field. Randa likewise oversaw the revision of the School’s Mission Statement and Guiding Principles, a once-in-a-generation undertaking reaffirming our Episcopal identity and charting a clear course for the future. Having served the maximum term allowed under our bylaws and set that course, Randa relinquishes the reins this year to our new Executive Chair Haag Sherman’s capable hands. The start of the new school year marks another notable board leadership transition. The School’s endowment has, since its inception, been led by one man, Vic Kormeier. In the early years, every dollar donated to the school or the school’s endowment went to operating expenses. In 1998, EHS paid off its mortgage and began to tend to its endowment in earnest. Today the School continues debt free with the endowment valued at $38.5 million; the draw on that endowment provides meaningful financial support to the school’s annual operating budget of over $28.8 million. None of this success would have been possible without Vic’s clear vision and capable, inspired leadership. Vic’s commitment to EHS is unparalleled, and we are thrilled that he will continue to serve on the endowment even as he relinquishes the mantle of leadership to Randa Duncan Williams, a transition from strength to strength. Episcopal High School stands out in this otherwise topsy-turvy time because we receive such strong support from leaders like Randa and Vic, as well as from our current and past friends and families, people like those of you listed within. Your generosity allows us to remain focused on what we can control: living our mission every day, on and off campus. Whether you participated as a volunteer in one of our many Advancement efforts or as a donor to the annual fund, the Auction gala, or the Lead the Way capital campaign, your support is crucial. Without it, we would not be able to live the mission, regardless of circumstances, as fully or effectively as we do every day. Thank you for it, and Go Knights,

Ned Smith, Head of School


FROM THE EXECUTIVE CHAIR Episcopal High School, founded and guided by the Diocese of Texas, is an inclusive and joyful Christian community where students discover and develop their individual talents through the Four Pillars – academics, arts, athletics, religion – preparing for meaningful lives in service to others. –EHS Mission Statement Working on the committee to restate the school’s Mission was a highlight of my three-year term as Executive Chair of the EHS Board of Trustees. I enjoyed the meaningful discussions exploring the vision of our founders, the inclusive values of the EHS community, and the enduring purpose of the Four Pillars. One of our overriding goals was to distill the essence of the EHS experience. After many hours of wordsmithing and word sleuthing, we determined the proper word to describe EHS was “ joyful.” It is with that focus on “ joyful” that I write this article. At the start of the school year, Bishop Andy Doyle shared “…we look forward to a year of dedicated effort, challenges faced and conquered, and life embraced and lived to the fullest.” By the grace of God and the incredible dedication of the EHS faculty and staff, I am happy report to the Bishop and the entire EHS community; that we have lived up to this call and more. While the coronavirus was an unforgettable part of the 2019-2020 school year, it was just that… one part. There is much to celebrate. The Board of Trustees has three primary responsibilities: to set strategic goals for the school, to hire and supervise the Head of School, and to ensure the school’s financial stability. Divided into standing committees, the 26-member Board works tirelessly throughout the year for the benefit of Episcopal High School. I am most grateful for the work of my fellow Trustees. Capital Improvements: After successful fundraising efforts, the Board of Trustees approved the construction of a new baseball field, a new water-based turf field hockey field, and a putting green. These are the first improvements on the south campus athletic facilities along Bissonnet. The south fields are heavily used year-round and are poorly drained; this combination necessitated these improvements. The next steps will be to continue to raise funds for a new turf softball field, new scoreboards for baseball, softball, and field hockey, and the addition or improvement of stands and lights for these fields. These field improvements are part of the larger campus master plan, which successfully led to the construction of our greatly enjoyed Hildebrand Athletic Center and Underwood Student Center. In addition to the outdoor athletics facilities improvements, the plan calls for construction of a new Visual and Performing Arts Complex and a new Benitez Chapel. The Board is committed to completing the master plan and is actively focusing its fundraising efforts. The Board has committed funds for the design-development phase of the Visual and Performing Arts Complex plans, the construction of which is our next priority. Financial Stability: The Report of Philanthropy celebrates the many individuals, foundations, and corporations who voluntarily donate their resources to support Episcopal High School. Through the strong efforts of the Board, partnered with the advancement and business officers of the school, the Endowment Board, and a healthy admissions season, the school’s operating needs were met, and EHS is on strong financial footing as we weather what looks globally to be stormy financial markets ahead. Joyful Community: At every Board of Trustees meeting, Ned Smith gives a Head of School report. These reports often contain inspiring and innovative work from the classrooms. It makes me wish I were a student at EHS when I read about the creativity of Level 4 Chinese students designing their dream home with Feng Shui concepts and their vocabulary lessons. Or, the National English Honors Society collaborative poem exercise in which each advisory invented individual poetic lines, to then be grouped together in the most surprising, arresting way possible. And, Honors Biology students writing science curriculum for 4th grade science classrooms using StopMotion and VideoScribe. From art classes to physical education, guest speakers, including celebrated alumni and renowned professionals, joined via video to enrich the lessons of the day. I am also inspired by the continued focus on service to others, exemplified daily by EHS students. Just one example, in April, EHS launched an allschool service project, including the delivery of 50 boxes of food to Small Steps Nurturing Center for distribution to Houston families in need due to the COVID-19 crisis and layoffs. Class of 2020: To the Class of 2020, it was an honor to celebrate your in-person graduation on June 6. On the Simmons Field, we gathered with joyful hearts to celebrate you. It was great to be together as a community, even if we had to be six feet apart. Your accomplishments across the Four Pillars are impressive; your college acceptances are outstanding; you are Knight Strong! In conclusion, I am honored to serve as the Executive Chair of the Board of Trustees. I want to thank again the individuals who serve with me on the Board. Thank you to Bishop Andy Doyle whose vision and sense of purpose are guideposts for me. Thank you to Ned Smith, Head of School, for his partnership with the Board and his daily leadership of EHS. Thank you to all the senior administrators, but especially Peggy Haney, Evelyn Cambria, and Nancy Eisenberg who make things look easy. Lastly, thank you to Haag Sherman, to whom I pass my gavel, as the Executive Chair. Go Knights! Kind regards,

Randa Duncan Williams, Executive Chair of the Board of Trustees


FROM THE OFFICE OF ADVANCEMENT 2 John 1:12 I have much to write to you, but I do not want to use paper and ink. Instead, I hope to visit you and talk with you face to face, so that our joy may be complete. This scripture verse seems to take on even more meaning after many months of quarantine, Zoom calls, Teams meetings, and social distancing. The essence of Episcopal High School is our joyful community, and we like to be together! Despite the challenges, the 2019-2020 school year’s Advancement program brought much to celebrate. Parent volunteers grilled quail, sold concessions, treated students with snow cones, decorated for events, delivered birthday treats for teachers, and so much more. All fundraising efforts at EHS are successful because of volunteers as well. Alumni, parents, grandparents, and Trustees serving on the annual fund, gala, and capital campaign committees raised essential funds for the school. In the pages to follow, we will recognize the volunteers and contributors for this 2019-2020 school year. While traditional spring events were canceled and we were not able to thank you in person, please accept our most sincere gratitude.

Despite the challenges, the 2019-2020 school year’s Advancement program brought much to celebrate.

The generosity of the EHS community is unparalleled. When we next return to campus, families will see a new baseball diamond completed and an elite-level field hockey field under construction. The campus master plan campaign, Lead the Way, continues to seek gifts for Phase Two of our campus completion: a new Visual and Performing Arts Complex and then a new Benitez Chapel. Our Phase One buildings, the Hildebrand Athletic Center and Underwood Student Center, have been incredible additions to our campus, and we look forward to completing the campus master plan through our ongoing capital fundraising efforts. There are many other success stories to celebrate for the 2019-2020 school year. Our Admissions Office had an incredibly strong year with a healthy increase in interest and applications in the school. The message that EHS students “stand out” among the rest is resonating with the greater Houston community. A strong enrollment and record-low attrition mark a successful school. Superb communications efforts for EHS also continued this school year. With a meteoric rise in social media followers, EHS is a leader among peer schools for the quality of content. Pillars magazine is an award-winning publication, beating out universities and large hospital systems in regional competitions. The communications team has remained on call seven days a week during campus closures, working tirelessly to keep our community informed and celebrated. As I write this from my home office in July, I truly do miss my colleagues, friends, and students of EHS. When the campus bustles with activity, there is inescapable joy and boundless energy that radiate broadly and permeate my spirit. I will carry this positivity with me until I can “visit you and talk with you face-to-face, so that our joy may be complete.” Sincerely, Peggy Haney, Director of Advancement


OUR FISCAL YEAR Episcopal High School operates debt‑free and is an excellent steward of every tuition and donated dollar. Philanthropy through Annual Giving and the Endowment covers over 13 percent of the School’s annual operating expenses. Exceeding regional standards, Episcopal High School allocates at least 10 percent of our operating budget to financial aid. Lastly, as a strategic goal to attract and retain the best faculty and staff throughout the Four Pillars of academics, arts, athletics, and religion, compensation is the largest expense item in our budget.

Other Income Auxiliary Services Endowment Distribution

Report of Gifts Annual Gifts Annual Fund...................................... $1,633,000 Auction............................................... $1,229,000 Restricted Gifts Academics............................................... $77,000 Religion...................................................... $3,000 Fine Arts................................................... $12,000 Athletics..................................................... $6,000 Other...................................................... $94,000 Endowment........................................ $1,387,000 Capital................................................ $3,915,000

Annual Giving and Auction

Total Received............................... $8,365,000

Operating Budget

Tuition and Fees

Revenue Tuition and Fees.............................. $22,661,000 Annual Giving and Auction............ $2,585,000 Endowment Distribution.................. $1,071,000 Auxiliary Services............................. $2,188,000 Other Income...................................... $378,000 Other

Total Revenue............................. $28,883,000 Expenses Compensation and Benefits......... $16,950,000 Instructional....................................... $1,779,000 Plant Maintenance & PPRRSM..... $3,412,000 General and Administrative............. $1,969,000 Financial Aid..................................... $2,834,000 Other.................................................. $1,939,000

Financial Aid

General and Administrative

Total Expenses............................ $28,883,000 Plant Maintenance & PPRRSM This report reflects gifts received between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020 (unaudited).

Instructional Compensation and Benefits


Visual & Performing Arts Complex Rendering

CAPITAL CAMPAIGN Reimagine the future filled with confident and solution-focused thinkers. That is what we dream about every day at EHS as we educate the leaders of tomorrow. Supporting our dream is the Lead the Way Capital Campaign to complete the EHS Campus Master Plan. To date, we have built the new Hildebrand Athletic Center, a new Underwood Student Center, a new baseball field, a new field hockey field, and a new putting green. In addition, there was a significant increase to the Endowment Fund. To complete the Master Plan, we will build a new Visual and Performing Arts Complex, a new Benitez Chapel, complete the Bissonnet Athletic Complex with a softball field, and improve the outdoor athletic facilities on the Fournace-side of campus. Thank you to all of the generous donors to date.


LEAD THE WAY CAPITAL CAMPAIGN Donations received from July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020

Kristin and Ron Adzgery Merrie and Laif Afseth Lovie and Ben Alexander Harriet and Christian Alexander Anonymous Jen and Chris Arntzen Garmon Ashby Chris and Merrell Athon Reagan and Jim Bailey Shelley and Newt Barineau Meredith and Mark Barineau Julie and Frank Bayouth Carolyn and Phil Betti Gina and Devinder Bhatia Elisa and Matt Bragga Jay Brown Kristen and Jeb Brown Jane and Robert Cabes Amie and Michael Canfield Lisa Hauser-Carter and Patrick Carter Trina and Craig Chandler Suk and Peter Chang Jence and Craig Childers Anita and Brandon Cook Crain Foundation Catherine and Edward Crain Michelle and Ryan Crane Heather and Brady Crosswell Emily and Holcombe Crosswell Debbie and David Crow

Dorothy and Ronny Cuenod Sue Nan and Rod Cutsinger Heather Pitrello and Randall Davis Stacy and Matt Debnam Jane and Jimmy DeGeorge Lynn and Ronald Deyo Lee Anne and Jason Dixon James Doleski Dan L. Duncan Foundation EHS Dad’s Club Tracey and Steve Ellison Linda and David Elmer Margaret and Jon Farris Catharine and Grant Faulconer Caroline and Jeremy Finkelstein The Ray C. Fish Foundation Beth and Dave Flame Linda and Mike Fox Patti and Jim Fox Elizabeth and Roger Fulghum Elizabeth and Will Galtney Kathy and Greg Geib Laura and Carl Giesler Scott Gordon ’94 Julie and Rob Goytia Annie and Robert Graham Peggy and Virgil Haney CiCi and Emerson Hankamer Amy and Curtis Hartman Jill and Brett Haugh Terri and John Havens Laura and Denman Heard Lorie and Steve Herod Fred Herring


Margaret and Thad Hill Melissa and Mark Hobbs Kerry Hofmeister Ronda and Taylor Holladay Lindsay (Cohn) ’88 and Rand Holstead Levon Hovnatanian Julie and Richard Howell ’01 Elizabeth and Tom Howley Mary Kay and Thomas Hunt Amy and Cliff Husted Leslie and Jack Jackson Shannon and Kent Jamison Sue and Mac Jensen Kriki and David Jesulaitis Jenny (Roman) ’90 and Chris Johnson Willard and Ruth Mayer Johnson Charitable Foundation Ali and Mark Katz Kristi and Robert Kincannon Duane King Robin and Danny Klaes Ellecia and Edmund Knolle Lucy and Vic Kormeier Taylor Landry ’02 Niki and James Lassiter Carmen and Butch Mach Kristin and James McAlpin Jennifer (Collins) ’94 and George McCormick Ann and George McDaniel Jackie and Connelly McGreevy ’89 Beth and John McKay Shelley and Mike Melody The Meinig Family Foundation Kimberly and Chris Miller Melissa and Kevin Millin in honor of Melissa (Millin) ’04 Cook Chris and Mike Mizell Janet and Harvin Moore Jennifer and Joel Moore Morian Foundation in honor of the Most Valiant Knights – Class of 2020 Cara and Knox Nunnally ’97 Kris and Jay Nylund Ruth and Lance Odom Cindy and Mark O’Donnell Keesha and Robby Organ Liz and Paul Palmer The J. Scott Podsednik Family Sarah and Beau Pollock ’95 Stephanie and Russ Post Ashley and Alfred Pratka Kathleen and Townes Pressler Liz and Adam Pulaski Tina and Joe Pyne Catherine and Will Randall Brandy and Stephen Ray Karen and Ken Redding Suzanne and Jay Rippeto Sissy and Grady Roberts Holly and Jonathan Ross Peggy and Mike Rutledge Chris Sanders


Stephanie and Brian Sauer Danielle and Brian Schmulen Anna and Bret Scholtes Cindy and Jason Schulze Stephanie and Kirby Shanks Millette and Haag Sherman Bizet and Gabe Siegel R. E Smith Foundation Leigh and Reggie Smith Amy and Ken Snell Stephanie and Cliff Song Madeline and Brian Spector J.J. and Gerry Spedale Melissa and Drew Standley Sandra and Randy Stavinoha Peggy and Mike Strode Sarah and Jeff Szymanski Eloise and Jamie Taussig Jemma and Chris Thomas Jill and Barkley Thompson Carol and Gregg Thompson Jennifer and John Thornton Jane and Keith Trotman Sarah and Duncan Underwood ’89 Susan Vaughan Foundation/George Peterkin Vaughn Foundation Bridget (Butler) ’87 and Patrick Wade Kelli and John Weinzierl Stacey and Andrew White Elizabeth and James Whitehead ’94 Randa and Charlie Williams Wortham Foundation Margaret and Mike Young Marcie and Bob Zlotnik Baseball Field Chris and Merrell Athon A Friend of EHS Reagan and Jim Bailey Elisa and Matt Bragga Jay Brown Kristen and Jeb Brown Catherine and Edward Crain Debbie and David Crow Jane and Jimmy DeGeorge Lee Anne and Jason Dixon Margaret and Jon Farris Linda and Mike Fox Patti and Jim Fox Kathy and Greg Geib Amy and Curtis Hartman Kerry Hofmeister Amy and Cliff Husted Leslie and Jack Jackson Shannon and Kent Jamison Kriki and David Jesulaitis Ali and Mark Katz Kristi and Robert Kincannon Niki and James Lassiter Kristin and James McAlpin

Jennifer (Collins) ’94 and George McCormick The Meinig Family Foundation Chris and Mike Mizell Janet and Harvin Moore Kris and Jay Nylund Cindy and Mark O’Donnell Keesha and Robby Organ The J. Scott Podsednik Family Karen and Ken Redding Holly and Jonathan Ross Peggy and Mike Rutledge Chris Sanders Danielle and Brian Schmulen Bizet and Gabe Siegel Amy and Ken Snell Sandra and Randy Stavinoha Sarah and Jeff Szymanski Eloise and Jamie Taussig Jennifer and John Thornton Marcie and Bob Zlotnik Field Hockey Field Kristin and Ron Adzgery Lovie and Ben Alexander Carolyn and Phil Betti Suk and Peter Chang Michelle and Ryan Crane Heather and Brady Crosswell Dads Club Heather Pitrello and Randall Davis Tracey and Steve Ellison The Ray C. Fish Foundation Annie and Robert Graham Lorie and Steve Herod Fred Herring Ronda and Taylor Holladay

Elizabeth and Tom Howley Mary Kay and Thomas Hunt Sue and Mac Jensen Ellecia and Edmund Knolle Lucy and Vic Kormeier Taylor Landry ’02 Beth and John McKay Shelley and Mike Melody Melissa and Kevin Millin Jennifer and Joel Moore Laurie and Reed Morian Cara and Knox Nunnally ’97 Stephanie and Russ Post Ashley and Alfred Pratka Tina and Joe Pyne Catherine and Will Randall Brandy and Stephen Ray Stephanie and Brian Sauer Anna and Bret Scholtes Cindy and Jason Schulze Stephanie and Clifford Song Melissa and Drew Standley Jemma and Chris Thomas Sarah and Duncan Underwood ’89 Elizabeth and James Whitehead ’94 Margaret and Mike Young General Lynn and Ronnie Deyo CiCi and Emerson Hankamer Putting Green Kelli and John Weinzierl Softball Jill and Brett Haugh


ANNUAL FUND The EHS Annual Fund supports countless opportunities that are the foundation for the excitement and energy that fills every corner of our campus. Through such generosity, every student is encouraged to reach their maximum potential through each of our Four Pillars, while discovering their place in the world, unlocking their best selves, and learning to give back.

GIFTS OF $50,000+ Brown Foundation Michelle and Greg Elliott Celine and Randy Nelson R. E. Smith Foundation

GIFTS OF $25,000 TO $50,000 A Friend of EHS Henrietta Alexander Stephanie and Mark Deverka CiCi and Emerson Hankamer Rosalyn and Barry Margolis Kirby and Scott McCool Courtney (Lanier) ’88 and Christopher Sarofim Sarah and Duncan Underwood ’89 Lisa and Shawn Wendell

GIFTS OF $10,000 TO $24,999 A Friend of EHS Joanie and David Andrews Rania Edlebi and Manaf Azzawi Laura and Matthew Baird Kay Bird Karen and Michael Brisch CFP Foundation Jence and Craig Childers Michael Ciaravino/Michelle Ciaravino


The Crabtree Family Crain Foundation Sarah and B.W. Crain ’01 Sylvie and Gary Crum Pepper and Ashley Edens Linda and David Elmer Julia Flowers Christy and Matt Galtney The Gayden Family Foundation Cynthia and Bill Gayden Ronda and Taylor Holladay Lindsay (Cohn) ’88 and Rand Holstead Patty and Neil Kallmeyer Katherine and Sean Keenan Dawn and Chris Krieg Lisa and Will Mathis Kari Phillips and Khalid Muslih Stephanie and Brian Sauer Anna and Bret Scholtes Sherri and Charles Schugart Rochelle and Jerry Seade Sam Smith/Keely Smith J.J. and Gerry Spedale Judy and Bret Stanley Kathy and John Stanton Ann Trammell Lynda Underwood Kim and Jeff Van Gundy Mollie and Kent Wallace Kay and Max Watson Kelli and John Weinzierl

GIFTS OF $5,000 TO $9,999 Lovie and Ben Alexander Maria and Neil Bush Amie and Michael Canfield Lucy and Fowler Carter ’98 Jane and Chris Champion Bonny and Joe Bob Edwards Anne and John Freeman Dima and Shukri Ganim Kelley and Levi Goode Allison and Greg Hammer Wendy and Chris Hearn Rich Klucznik Susan and Greg Lewis Blair and Clay Manley Alisa and Drew Mengwasser Beth and Scott Meshberger Jennifer and Joel Moore Laurie and Reed Morian Louise and Gary Moss Fundi Mwamba Jane and Harry Pefanis Amy and Jordan Pincu Sarah and Stephen Pitt Elisa (Stude) ’91 and Chris Pye Catherine and Will Randall Suzanne and Jay Rippeto Holly and Jonathan Ross Connie and Matt Shanley

Millette and Haag Sherman Kristin and Ned Smith Barbara Webber Ellen Hamilton Wilkerson Educational Trust Zoch Children’s Foundation

GIFTS OF $2,500 TO $4,999 Merrie and Laif Afseth Christie and Camilo Amezquita Nina Andrews Jen and Chris Arntzen Ericka Bagwell Michele and Thomas Bailey Cyndi and John Baily Shelley and Newt Barineau Tammy and David Barringer Alice and Trey Bell Misty and Jay Bennett ’89 Gina and Devinder Bhatia Kristine and Jeff Bird Jennifer Black/John Black ’91 Kim and Stewart Black Shelly Blalock Mary Ellen (Wright) ’93 and William Bos Andrew Bosarge Linda Bosarge Laurence (Phillips) ’94 and Henry Bragg Abbey and David Branch Nora and Richard Brooks Ginger Brown Kristen and Jeb Brown Jane and Robert Cabes Kimberly and Michael Callahan Michele and Clint Carlin Matt Chambers Trina and Craig Chandler Sherry and Lewis Chandler Attallah Lewis-Citizen/William Citizen Resa and Brian Clarke Chad Clay Evelyn Paysse and David Coats Michelle and Ryan Crane Heather and Brady Crosswell Emily and Holcombe Crosswell Debbie and David Crow Hilda and Greg Curran Sheryl and Bill Curtin Sarah and Thad Dameris Kelly and Jim Davis Karen and Paul Davis Stacy and Matt Debnam Marty and Andrew DeBusk Jane and Jimmy DeGeorge Lynn and Ronald Deyo Julie and Michael Donaldson JoAnne and Andy Doyle Jennifer and B.J. Ducey Cecilia and Jim Edwards Laura and Bud Ehrlich

Nicole and Greg Eidman Tracey and Steve Ellison Ann and Tom Estus Virginia and Morrow Evans ’94 Catharine and Grant Faulconer Sidney and AB Fay Caroline and Jeremy Finkelstein Stephanie and Hugh Forque Linda and Mike Fox Carter France Elizabeth and Will Galtney Laura and Carl Giesler Marla and Jimmy Grace ’94 Jeff Green Elva and Matt Grunert ’94 Katie and Jeff Gustavson Casey and Ryan Hackney Patricia and Pearce Hammond Peggy and Virgil Haney Catherine and Chris Hanslik Hanan and Jay Harkness Amy and Curtis Hartman Vanessa (Lanceley) ’95 and Matthew Hauser Terri and John Havens Andrew Hawthorn ’91 Liz and Rogers Herndon Lorie and Steve Herod Candice and Andrew Hicks Margaret and Thad Hill Claudia and Hank Holmes Daryl and Aaron Hoover Melissa and Andy Hopwood Julie and Richard Howell ’01 Carol and John Howenstine Elizabeth and Tom Howley Sherry and Michael Hunt Mary Kay and Thomas Hunt Amy and Cliff Husted Amanda (Whitehead) Johnson ’87/ Steve Johnson Delia and Eric Johnson ’87 Jenna and Harris Junell Catherine and Andrew Kaldis Katherine and Matthew Kardesch David Karohl Jennifer and Mike Kavanagh Heather and Wayne Kearney Cammie and Mark Kennedy Allyson and Jason Kinzel Ellecia and Edmund Knolle Teri and Charles Koerth Allyson and Andrew Kopel Angie and Dean Liollio Kelli and Brad Little ’89 Anna Salas and Alberto Lopez Liz and David MacConnell Carmen and Butch Mach Emily and Mike Madison Vinceanne Mandola-Green Peggy and Dave Matthews

Annual Fund Leadership Chairs: Blair and Clay Manley Co-Chairs: Joanie and David Andrews Class of 2020 Jen and Chris Arntzen Catherine and Chris Hanslik Amy and Cliff Husted Victoria and Jarrett Minton Sam and Katy Murray Class of 2021 Michele and Clint Carlin Allyson and Andrew Kopel Stephanie and Hugh Forque Eloise and Jamie Taussig Cecie and Kyle Turlington Class of 2022 Michele and Thomas Bailey Alice and Trey Bell Anne and John Freeman Dawn and Chris Krieg Catherine and Will Randall Class of 2023 Patty and Hal Bourlon Debbie and David Crow Allison and Grant Hall Melissa and Matt Morris Suzanne and Brian Rose Alumni Parents Trina and Craig Chandler Grandparents Lynda Underwood Director of Advancement Peggy Haney Director of Alumni Affairs and Annual Giving Margaret Young Donor Services Coordinator Rasa Starkey


Amanda and Murrah Mayberry Beth and Scott McGarry ’88 Donna and Mike McGinnis Jackie and Connelly McGreevy ’89 Lisa and Brian McLemore Sarah and Jeff McParland Denise (Wight) ’88 and Keeley Megarity Cara and Chad Michael Kimberly and Chris Miller Victoria and Jarrett Minton Audrey Drought and Lee Mitchell Melissa and Michael Mithoff Glenda and Danny Moore Julie and Bart Moore ’94 Hallie (Ray) ’92 and Tyler Moore Janet and Harvin Moore Melissa and Matt Morris Katy and Sam Murray Adrienne and Stefan Murry Debbie and Bob Newland Karen and Jeff Newman Sheila and John Neylon Eloise (Fay) ’94 and Andrew Novotny Lyria and Shawn O’Brien Ruth and Lance Odom Cindy and Mark O’Donnell Lisa and Mike O’Leary Lisa and Josh Oren Keesha and Robby Organ Liz and Paul Palmer Leslie Margolis and Josh Paull Natasha and Loren Pieper Marla and Karl Poirot David Pond Kathleen and Townes Pressler Kelly and Steve Provenzano Fairfax and Risher Randall Katheryn (Shaffer) ’89 and Hugh Ray ’88 Brandy and Stephen Ray Genevieve and Ed Razim Margaret and Todd Reppert Anna Zichy Reynolds and Jim Reynolds Tricia White-Rhemtulla and Farzan Rhemtulla Mindy and Spencer Rippstein Laura and Brannon Robertson Alison and Darryl Robinson Cambrey and Matthew Rogers ’99


Suzanne and Brian Rose Julie Sacco Kristina and Marc Schultz Liz Schwarze Lori and Joseph Small Kathryn and Jeff Smith Melissa and Mike Smith Margaretta and Rick Snell ’88 Lynette and Trey Snider Stephanie and Clifford Song Susan and Jim Tanner Laura and David Theis Jemma and Chris Thomas Carol and Gregg Thompson Kathy and Marty Thompson Jennifer and John Thornton Meg Toups Rachel and Ryan Trainer Jennifer Novak and Hunter Traylor Ann and Greg Tuckwood Kelli and Tod Tumey Adrienne and William Vanderbloemen Gauri and Atul Varadhachary Amy and Michael Walton Robin and Donald Wayne Janna and David Webber Meg and Dick Weekley Carrie and Ron Welsh Laura (Wareing) ’94 and William Wheless Stacey and Andrew White Elizabeth and James Whitehead ’94 Susan and Wayne Whitney Jody Lee and Tom Williamson Sally Ann and Bill Windle Michelle and Glenn Woo Ju and Earnest Wotring Michelle and Julius Young Margaret and Mike Young Salli and Michael Youtt Joni and John Zavitsanos Deborah and Rich Zembek Charlotte and Antonio Zuniga

GIFTS OF $1,000 TO $2,499 Sandy and Will Anderson Carol Ann and William Anderson Carolyn and Phil Betti Susan and Jim Boone Patty and Hal Bourlon Jill and Jerry Brooks Ana Bencomo and Alex Bruton Rochelle and Seth Bullock Ruthie and Bill Burke Mary Ann and Dean Callender Chris and Bill Caudill Suk and Peter Chang Shauna and James Choi Laura and Martin Citardi Jill and Chris Cokinos Georgia Bouchoutsos and John Cotsoradis Christina and Jerrit Coward Catherine and Edward Crain Kelty and Rogers Crain Susan Sparkman and Steven Culbert Sue Nan and Rod Cutsinger Laura and Ned Davenport Michele and Richard Deutsch Miranda Stokes and Tom Dobson Cindy Yeilding and Art Donovan Karey and Phillip Dye Sabrina and Leo Espinoza Roxy and Cullen Evans ’96 Margaret and Jon Farris Susan and Bill Finnegan Dominique Sachse and Nick Florescu H. Fort Flowers Foundation, Inc. Jennifer and Scott Frasier Laura and Scott Fuselier Candace TenBrink and Abhi Gami Isabel Moros and Guillermo Garcia-Manero Suzan and Julius Glickman Donna and Rey Gongora Julie and Rob Goytia Hollis and Randall Grace ’90 Erika and Jason Grove Sam Nithianantham and Ravi Gudimetla Allison and Grant Hall ’89 Susan and Wayne Hanks

Shannon and Othella Harrington Catherine (Butler) ’93 and Jay Hawthorn ’94 Rennae Henry Judy and Steve Howell Mary and Jeth Jones Leah and Michael Jones Allison and Zach Jordan Michelle and Alex Juden Judy and Barry Kaufman Ingrid and John Keating Gisette and David Leathers Kathryn and Steve Leisz Marilyn Ligon Raji and Pranav Loyalka Lea Aden and Michael Lueck Joanne and Ross Margraves Rachel and Greg Marino Kim and Scott Martin Shelley and Douglas Masterson Kristin and James McAlpin Mel and Tom McCaffrey Ann and George McDaniel Pilar and Jeff McNear Jessica Cook and Christian Mehnert Shelley and Mike Melody Nicole and Chris Merriam Paula and Mark Mey Susu and Fred Meyer Ioana and Ovidiu Moise Monica and Ken Moursund Claudia and Ken Moursund Lori and Ken Naughton Carol Wasden and Troy Neeriemer Naomi and Mike Newman Stephanie and John Nguyen Michelle and David Nickerson Whitney and Rick Ogle The Ott Family Foundation Pam and David Ott Laurie and John Pearson Gin Kappler-Peeler and John Peeler Nguyet and Vuong Pham Kathy and Harry Phillips Allison Piper Megan and Matt Pond Stephanie and Russ Post Alonzo Ramirez

Flo Ray Lisa and John Reed Julie and Mike Rollins Elizabeth and Seth Russell Mary Jane and Bo Sasnett Melinda and Brent Scheps Danielle and Brian Schmulen Suzette and Gordon Schutze Sharon and Tom Simmons Len Slusser Amy and Ken Snell Deborah and Monte Stavis Mary Anne and Chip Stockard Felicia and Rafael Stone Jennifer Kennedy-Stovall and Michael Stovall Eloise and Jamie Taussig TLL Temple Foundation Kristin (Jacobs) ’00 and David Thomas ’94 Shelly and Bob Thomas Stephen Thompson ’98 Lauren and John Toubassi David Treat Rose and Richard Vella Gordana and Srdan Verstovsek Sherri and Garrett Walsh Elizabeth ad Peter Wareing Laura and Bob Wheless Jenny (Lynn) ’01 and Ben White Lisa and Mark Witcher Ketti Awad and George Younis Henry Zaleski ’90

GIFTS UP TO $1,000 Jessica and Jeff Adams Ann and Bert Adkins Cynthia and John Adkins Kathryn and Leigh Adkins Kristin and Ron Adzgery Janet and Jere Ahrens Kelley Bentley and Karim Aitoughima ReBecca Alcalá Jenny and James Aldstadt Ann and Charlie Alexander Harriet and Christian Alexander Darlene Alexander

Susan and Ken Alexander Bess Alford Michael Alford Rebecca (Creel) ’02 and Barry Alsup ’00 Jason Alsup Elizabeth and Sergio Amelio Kay and Chris Amendola Devon Anderson Oneta Andress Marilyn and Bolivar Andrews Judy Andrews Emma (Simmons) Anselmi ’02 Amina and Philip Archer Ana and Salvador Argueta Maria and Efren Arias Courtney and Taylor Arnold Margaret and Jarek Aronowski Gauri and Mohit Arora Garmon Ashby Christine and Mohammed Attar Zeba and Eric Avera Alexander Ayris Sandy and Jack Baber Malcolm Baker Emily and Scott Barrett Emily Barron Beth and Sean Barton Simmi and Bobby Basra Ann and Tim Baumgartner Bubba Beasley Karen and Ned Becker Becky and Barry Beeson Olga and Hugo Benavidez Benita Benjamin Nicole Benjamin Erika and Matt Benz Monica and Jay Berckley Mia and Augie Bering ’89 Alice Berry Lucy (Grierson) ’08 and Nathan Bertsch Caroline Best ’10 Alyssa Farmer and Dan Binder Alison and Scott Birdwell Kalee and Landis Blackburn Cyndi and Charles Boren Robin Bowman Pam and Bill Boyar Nancy and John Bradford


Sarah and Alan Bradshaw ’99 Elisa and Matt Bragga Nancy and Arthur Brand Monica and David Brink Kate and Jaime Brito Lisa and Jay Broadfoot George Brock Karen and Roy Broussard Sally and Robert Buckelew Kristina Burgess Beth and Ed Cadena Evelyn and Mark Cambria Maurie and Philip Cannon Jenny and Sean Cantrell Barbara and Todd Carpenter Julie Carrillo Kandice and Chris Carter January and Scott Carter Mark Carter Olga Chapman Elizabeth and Evan Chastain Jennifer and Clifton Chavis Melinda and Jay Chernosky Jenny Childers ’02 Andrew Clack Steven Cole Dee Dee and John Colello Alexandra and Isaiah Coleman Julia Collins Audra French ’96 and Arnold Colunga

Fannie and John Compton Anita and Brandon Cook Holle and Arthur Corenblith Julisha and Wilbert Cormier Elizabeth and Andrew Coveler ’95 Jae and Tom Cross Pat Crowe Monica and Matias Cruces Lauren Cunningham Scott Cunningham Debra and Jim Cutler Kari and John Dagley Antha Adkins and Frank Davies Alice Davidson Lolita and Denvip Davis Arga and James Davis Robyn Davis Emily (Kingswell-Smith) ’00 and Mike Day Mr. and Mrs. D.O. DeGeorge Susana and Antonio De Pinho Tony DePrato Sangeeta Cheema and Karam Dhillon Lee Anne and Jason Dixon James Doleski Lorita Donahoe Debra Donaldson Jodi and Troy Donley Laura and Mike Donnelly Lucia and Mark D’Onofrio

Marilyn and Bob Dorries Sherri and Simon Dullingham Tanya and Alan Duncan Joan and David Dunlap Janet and Fred DuPre Shelly Edmonds Nancy Lauf Eisenberg Engie Corporation Cynthia Engle Betsy and Doug Evans Susanne and Randall Evans Ayesha Spooner and Fabian Farmer Beverly Farooq Kathleen (Guill) ’99 and Lee Feller Sukey Fenoglio Mark Shirey and John Flanagan Lucinda and Brad Fleming Claire and Caldwell Fletcher Shaun Flood Aimee and Tyler Flood Miguel Flores Barbara Foorman Kristi Reinertsen-Forehand and Larry Forehand Karen and Pat Foster Patti and Jim Fox Leigh and Matt Fox Trish and David Framel Andria Frankfort Kim and Dan Franklin

Matching Gifts Thank you to the following companies and foundations who support educational institutions through the matching gift program. Matching Gift Companies American Express Ameriprise Financial, Inc. Barclays Benevity Community Impact Fund Chevron/Your Cause ENGIE Charitable Enterprise Products EOG Resources, Inc. Exxon Goldman, Sachs & Co. Morgan Stanley NextERA Engergy Oracle Corporation Piper Jaffrey Prospect Energy Partners Shell Oil Company Foundation Total Gas and Power North America Inc. Transocean Offshore Deepwater Drilling Inc. Wells Fargo Community Support Program The Williams Companies


Charitable Gift Funds Ayco Charitable Bank of American Charitable Gift Fund Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Greater Houston Community Foundation Raymond James Morgan Stanley J P Morgan National Christian Foundation Network for Good Presbyterian Mission Center Schwab Charitable Gift Fund Vanguard Charitable Wells Fargo Foundation

Charitable Foundations The Brown Foundation The Crain Foundation Dan L. Duncan Foundation Enbridge Foundation Jean Lykes Grace Foundation Meinig Family Foundation TLL Temple Foundation The Vivian L. Smith Foundation R. E. Smith Foundation Susan Vaughan Foundation Vaughn Foundation Ellen Hamilton Wilkerson Educational Trust Zoch Children’s Foundation

Jennifer (McReynolds) ’88 and Todd Frazier ’88 Ann Friedberg Synda and Robert Frost Neil Fullarton Ellie (Strobel) ’90 and Brady Fulton Dick Gaston Johanna and David George Laura and John Gillet Stephanie and Christopher Gloor Irma and Michael Glover Jena Gobea Mariely and Mauro Gomez Margie Goodall Bianca and Grant Goodman Grant Gould Kim and Michael Grant Sue and Hart Green Ann McAdam Griffin and Rob Griffin Toshla and Todd Guthrie Jennifer Trotter and Jason Hafner Alexander Haney ’19 Sylvie and Ehab Hanna Susan Hardwick-Smith Cheronda Harrell Evan Harris Connie and Joshua Harris Shannon (Buggs) Harrison ’88 Denise and Bryan Hasse Nancy Hastings Sharon Willcutts-Havel and Dan Havel Cynthia and Mark Hazard Punkin and Walter Hecht Jaime and RJ Heijmen Wendy and Baron Heinemann Barbara and Kenneth Held Alice and Randy Helms Mimi Hu and Colin Hendricks Georgene and Albert Hergenroeder Lola and Daniel Herndon Heather and Beau Herrold ’89 Maria and John Heymach Julianne and Justin Hickey Rose and Dat+ Ho Mike Hodgson Kerry Hofmeister Beth and Sam Holden

Mary Catherine (Jackson) ’08 and Ryan Holliday Hilary (Mundinger) ’09 and Greg Holmes ’09 Sally Holmes Terry Holmes Krista Holter Hillary (Brooks) ’92 and Tony Houle Patricia and Rich Houser Levon Hovnatanian Pam and Bo Howard Kathryn and Mark Howell ’97 Mandy and Micah Hurt Peter Hutcheson Dot Isacks Katina and Gil Jackson Leslie and Jack Jackson Taylor (Throckmorton) ’05 and Jeffrey Jackson ’05 Mary and James Jennings Sue and Mac Jensen Kriki and David Jesulaitis Jerrien Johnson ’09 Keisha Guzman-Jones and Ken Jones Stephen Jones Tonja and Chris Jones Karyn and Wayne Jones Amira Kamal Caroline and Michael Kanarellis Ali and Mark Katz Kristen and Matt Katz Biz Kechejian Cody Kelley ’07 Colton Kelley ’04 Debbie and Steve Kelley Sheila Kelly Cindy and Kary Kemble Betty and Jim Key B.J. and Marc Kilbride Kaitlyn (Becker) ’97 and Jarred King ’97 Krista and Kevin Kirton Milete and Marc Klinkerman Angela and Steve Koch KZ Koochekzadeh Susan and Marvin Krasner Jonathan Kwok Andrew Lauer

Alecia and Larry Lawyer Joy and Jeff Lee Courtney and Eric Lerch Angie and Jared Levinthal Courtney and Josh Lindloff Kate (Liang) and Ethan Lindon Courtney and Tom Lippincott Ashley Long Mandy (Malone) ’98 and Brad Loper ’97 Monica Lopez Rachel and Alex Lopez John Low ’92 Phuc Luu Laura and Luke Mandola Haley Manley ’12 Laurie and Luke Mann Geoffrey Marolda ’07 Ray Marshall Rebecca and Chris Martin Deborah and Earle Martin Stephanie Martin Jeanette Martinez Veronica and Mark Massiatte Tiffany and Charles Masterson Libbie Masterson ’88 Bob Matthews Remon Maximos Roya McArthur Jennifer (Collins) ’94 and George McCormick Ann McMculloch Nan Clancy and Cecil McCullough Kari and Will McDaniel ’04 Beth McGreevy Patti and Phelps McKee Caren and Mac McKinnie Anna and Scott McLean Alli McNear ’17 Lindsey McNear ’21 Nicki McNear ’15 Patty and Ferguson McNiel Sandra Eastman and Greg Melius Megan and Frank Meyer ’05 Julius Michael Rachel (Burns) ’98 and David Miclette Pat and Ken† Michael Cheryl and Rick Mifflin


Emily and Pejman Milani Audrey Drought and Lee Mitchell Brandie and Mark Mitchell Meghan (Sickler) ’01 and Matt Moake ’01 John Motley Amy and Gage Mueller Dan Murphy Maureen Myers Chanelle Myles San Culberson and Andre Napier Gvahn and Wendell Nelson Tricia and Richard Nelson Cynthia and Robert Nelson Grace Bao and Ni Ni Karen Nielsen Dianna and David Nussbaum Kevin O’Gorman Carolyn Oldham Sue and Ted Oldham Ruben Orellana Susan and Edward Osterberg Stacey and Pierce Owens Robin Owens Bo and Dean Pamphilis Joanna Papakonstantinou Cindy and Kelley Parker Kelly J. Larkin and Fernando Parra Susana Borges and Carlos Pasini Kim and Andrew Paterson ’06 Audrey Paterson ’04 Dorothy and Malcolm Paterson Kimberley Pavalock Beverly and Oliver Pennington Judye and John Perry Tica and Richard Perwien Steve Peterson Elaine and Vytas Petrulis Terri and Rod Petties Amalia and Roberto Pflaumer Kate and John Philbrick Winnie (Simmons) Phillips ’03 Eugenia and Ted Plemenos Evan Plemenos ’11 Nina Plemenos ’20 Zach Plemenos ’14 Judy Johnson and Judson Polikoff Ellen and Allen Potter Dale Potts ’11 The Powell Foundation Ann-Charlotte Proffitt Casey Quedenfeld Patti and Steve Raben Erica and Mark Raggett Patti and Kim Randolph Noel and Roger Rankin Danielle Ranneft Leigh Anne and John Raymond Karen and Ken Redding


Kim and Chris Reichert Paul Revaz Mindy and Connor Riseden ’96 Lauren Roach Kayla Rogers Anne and Joe Romano Jeanie and Jonathan Ross Julie and Chris Russ Erin Russe Beverly Rutledge Anna Saikin Margie and Brad Sanders Nancy and Joseph Santamaria Ashley Saunders Kara and Curt Schaefer Tammy and Dan Schoen Cindy and Jason Schulze Zach Schwarz Liz Selig ’94 Molly and Bubba Shaffer Mary Catherine Sharman ’98 Morgan and David Shin Fran and Wayne Shull Jenilee and Douglass Simmons Misty and Jeff Singleton Kim and Kevin Sisk Craig Smith in honor of Ned Smith Emily and Patrick Smith The Vivian L. Smith Foundation Tina Smith Brooke and Travis Smith Angela Cleveland and Lee Solsbery Tara (Terneny) ’88 and Pete Speer Melissa and Drew Standley Jean and Robert Stanley Carrie (Robertson) ’92 and Austin Stanton Rasa Starkey Sandra and Randy Stavinoha Nancy Williams and Larry Stevens Anna and Michael Stewart Michele and Charles Still Richard Stodder Charitable Foundation Lisa and David Stone Japheth Storlie Shelby Zimmermann ’15 and John Henry Styles ’14 Nikki Sublet Jennifer Succi Samantha and Scott Sullivan Sarah and Jeff Szymanski Darlene and Pat Tatum Karen and Jim Taussig Gwendolyn and Willie Taylor Anna and Joe Teagarden Mark Deaton and Brad Telford Lisette and Paul Theriot Connie Thomas

Jill and Barkley Thompson Dorothy and Gene Thompson Sole Toriello Luis Torres ’11 Laura and David Trauba Emma Tsai Patty Tse Jill Turlington Cecie and Kyle Turlington Susannah Tysor Gina Ulbricht Rowanne Usleton Ariana Ustyik Cindy and Henry Valadez Katherine (Osborne) ’90 and Paul Valdez Charlie Varela Blanca Villescaz Traci and Kopi Vogiatzis Susan and George Walker Sara and Alan Wang Emma and Henry Wang Tena Ward Sherri and Billy Warren Silvia and Elvis Warren Kay and Fred Wasden Heather (Scruggs) ’07 and Matt Waters Amanda Watts Emily and Andrew Webster Tracy and Larry Weeden Michael Weekley ’05 Katherine Weigand Chris Weinstein Emily White Fay Whitehead Tiffanie and Jeff Williams Delby and BJ Willingham Joyce and Donald Wilson Mary Wilson Krystene and John Woodard Abbie Wrather ’17 Janet and David Wrather Tom Wright Hugh Zabriskie Piper and Matt Zaleski Janna and Adam Zylman

LEADING BY EXAMPLE Faculty, staff, and trustees expressed their belief in EHS’s mission with 100 percent participation in this year’s Annual Fund. Garmon Ashby and George Brock chaired the faculty drive that resulted in overwhelming support for Episcopal High School.


Jessica Adams ReBecca Alacalá Jenny Aldstadt Darlene Alexander Bess Alford Michael Alford Jason Alsup Salvador Argueta Maria Arias Courtney Arnold Garmon Ashby Eric Avera Alex Ayris Emily Barron Olga Benavidez Jay Berckley Alice Berry Dan Binder Kalee Blackburn Cyndi Boren Robin Bowman Alan Bradshaw ’99 George Brock Karen Rogers Broussard Alex Bruton Robert Buckelew Kristina Burgess Evelyn Cambria Jenny Cantrell Mark Carter Evan Chastain Andy Clack John Colello Isaiah Coleman Pat Crowe Lauren Cunningham Scott Cunningham Alice Davidson James Davis Tony DePrato Mike Donnelly Alan Duncan Shelly Edmonds Nancy Lauf Eisenberg Cynthia Engle Lee Feller John Flanagan Claire Fletcher Shaun Flood

Miguel Flores Karen Foster Matt Fox David Framel Neil Fullarton Dick Gaston John Gillet Jena Gobea Mauro Gomez Donna Gongora Rey Gongora Grant Gould Jason Grove Toshla Guthrie Peggy Haney Evan Harris Nancy Hastings Sharon Willcutts-Havel Justin Hickey Rose Ho Mike Hodgson Kerry Hofmeister Beth Holden Mary Catherine (Jackson) Holliday ’08 Krista Holter Hillary (Brooks) Houle ’92 Trish Houser Michael Hunt Peter Hutcheson Wayne Jones Amira Kamal Biz Kechejian Debbie Kelley Sheila Kelly Kary Kemble Marc Klinkerman KZ Koochekzadeh Jonathan Kwok Andrew Lauer Steve Leisz Eric Lerch Courtney Lindloff Kate Lindon Ashley Long Mandy (Malone) Loper ’98 Monica Lopez Rachel Lopez Phuc Luu Laurie Mann Ray Marshall


Jeanette Martinez Bob Matthews Remon Maximos Roya McArthur Greg Melius Julius Michael Pat Michael Pejman Milani Mark Mitchell Meghan (Sickler) Moake ’01 Johnny Motley Dan Murphy Maureen Myers Gvahn Nelson Ruben Orellana Robin Owens Joanna Papakonstantinou Susana Borges-Pasini Kimberley Pavalock Amalia Pflaumer Nguyet Pham Kate Philbrick Casey Quedenfeld Mark Raggett Kim Randolph Danielle Ranneft Katheryn (Shaffer) Ray ’89 Leigh Anne Raymond Paul Revaz Lauren Roach Kayla Rogers Julie Rollins Chris Russ Erin Russe

Beverly Rutledge Anna Saikin Ashley Saunders Zach Schwarz Jeff Singleton Ned Smith Travis Smith Ayesha Spooner Rasa Starkey Japheth Storlie Nikki Sublet Jennifer Succi Brad Telford Connie Thomas Sole Toriello David Trauba Emma Tsai Patty Tse Gina Ulbricht Ariana Ustynik Henry Valadez Charlie Varela Blanca Villescaz Tena Ward Billy Warren Silvia Warren Carol Wasden Amanda Watts Katherine Weigand Chris Weinstein Emily White Joyce Wilson Tom Wright Margaret Young


Frances Alexander Henrietta K. Alexander J. Craig Chandler W. Craig Childers Rod Cutsinger The Rt. Rev. C. Andrew Doyle William A. Edens Sr. J. Todd Frazier ’88 Emerson K. Hankamer Sr. Terri Havens Elizabeth K. Howley Jenna Junell Alecia Lawyer Clay Manley George O. McDaniel III Laurie N. Morian Townes G. Pressler Jr. William Randall A. Haag Sherman Ned Smith Trey Snider The Very Rev. Barkley Thompson Duncan K. Underwood ’89 John Weinzierl James Whitehead ’94 Randa Duncan Williams Julius Young Jr.

2019‑ 2020 Board of Trustees Chairman The Rt. Rev. C. Andrew Doyle Executive Chair Randa Duncan Williams Board of Trustees Frances Alexander, Henrietta K. Alexander, J. Craig Chandler, W. Craig Childers, Rod Cutsinger, William A. Edens Sr., J. Todd Frazier ’88, Emerson K. Hankamer Sr., Terri Havens, Elizabeth K. Howley, Jenna Junell, Alecia Lawyer, Clay Manley, George O. McDaniel III, Laurie N. Morian, Townes G. Pressler Jr., William Randall, A. Haag Sherman, Ned Smith, Trey Snider, The Very Rev. Barkley Thompson, Duncan K. Underwood ’89, John Weinzierl, James Whitehead ’94, Julius Young Jr. Life Trustees John F. Austin III, Edward C. Becker, The Rt. Rev. Maurice M. Benitez†, W. Craig Childers, Lacy Crain, The Rev. Laurens A. Hall, Victor A. Kormeier Jr., Frederick R. McCord†, Laurence B. Neuhaus, The Rt. Rev. Claude E. Payne, Joel I. Shannon, Lynda Knapp Underwood, The Rt. Rev. Don A. Wimberly Executive Committee J. Craig Chandler, W. Craig Childers, The Rt. Rev. C. Andrew Doyle, William F. Galtney Jr., Melinda Budinger Hildebrand, Victor A. Kormeier Jr., Clay Manley, George O. McDaniel III, A. Haag Sherman, Ned Smith, Lynda Knapp Underwood, Randa Duncan Williams


† deceased

LEADERSHIP GIVING The undaunted spirit of Episcopal High School is evident through the growth of leadership gifts. Such generosity and support continues to be the bedrock of the Annual Fund and provides the abiding commitment to the priorities of our founders and the exciting progress of our current efforts.



Michelle and Greg Elliott Celine and Randy Nelson

A Friend of EHS Joanie and David Andrews Rania Edlebi and Manaf Azzawi Laura and Matthew Baird Kay Bird Karen and Michael Brisch Jence and Craig Childers Michael Ciaravino/Michelle Ciaravino Cathy and David Crabtree Sarah and B.W. Crain ’01 Sylvie and Gary Crum Pepper and Ashley Edens Linda and David Elmer Julia Flowers Christy and Matt Galtney Cynthia and Bill Gayden Ronda and Taylor Holladay Lindsay (Cohn) ’88 and Rand Holstead Patty and Neil Kallmeyer

Gifts of $50,000 and above


Gifts of $25,000 and above A Friend of EHS Henrietta Alexander Stephanie and Mark Deverka CiCi and Emerson Hankamer Rosalyn and Barry Margolis Kirby and Scott McCool Courtney (Lanier) ’88 and Christopher Sarofim Sarah and Duncan Underwood ’89 Lisa and Shawn Wendell

Gifts of $10,000 to $25,000

Katherine and Sean Keenan Dawn and Chris Krieg Lisa and Will Mathis Kari Phillips and Khalid Muslih Stephanie and Brian Sauer Anna and Bret Scholtes Sherri and Charles Schugart Rochelle and Jerry Seade Sam Smith/Keely Smith J.J. and Gerry Spedale Judy and Bret Stanley Kathy and John Stanton Ann Trammell Lynda Underwood Kim and Jeff Van Gundy Mollie and Kent Wallace Kay and Max Watson Kelli and John Weinzierl


THE PILLARS SOCIETY Founded in the 2012-2013 school year, the Pillars Society has provided inspirational support for an outpouring of generosity that continues to thrive. *Recognizes founding Pillars Society families who are current Pillars Society 19-20 members.

PILLARS SOCIETY Merrie and Laif Afseth Lovie and Ben Alexander Christie and Camilo Amezquita Joanie and David Andrews Nina Andrews Jen and Chris Arntzen Rania Edlebi and Manaf Azzawi Ericka Bagwell Michele and Thomas Bailey Cyndi and John Baily Laura and Matthew Baird Rika and Greg Baker Shelley and Newt Barineau Tammy and David Barringer Alice and Trey Bell Misty and Jay Bennett ’89 Gina and Devinder Bhatia Kristine and Jeff Bird John Black ’91/Jennifer Black Kim and Stewart Black Shelly Blalock Mary Ellen (Wright) ’93 and William Bos Andrew Bosarge Linda Bosarge Laurence (Phillips) ’94 and Henry Bragg Abbey and David Branch Karen and Michael Brisch Nora and Richard Brooks Ginger Brown Kristen and Jeb Brown Maria and Neil Bush Jane and Robert Cabes Kimberly and Michael Callahan Amie and Michael Canfield


Michele and Clint Carlin Lucy and Fowler Carter ’98 Jane and Chris Champion Trina and Craig Chandler Lewis and Sherry Chandler Jence and Craig Childers Michael Ciaravino/ Michelle Ciaravino Attallah Lewis-Citizen/ William Citizen Danny Clark ’00 Resa and Brian Clarke Chad Clay Evelyn Paysse and David Coats Cathy and David Crabtree Sarah and B.W. Crain ’01 Michelle and Ryan Crane Heather and Brady Crosswell Debbie and David Crow Hilda and Greg Curran Sheryl and Bill Curtin Sarah and Thad Dameris Kelly and Jim Davis Karen and Paul Davis Stacy and Matt Debnam Marty and Andrew DeBusk Jane and Jimmy DeGeorge Lynn and Ronald Deyo Julie and Michael Donaldson JoAnne and Andy Doyle Jennifer and B.J. Ducey Pepper and Ashley Edens Cecilia and Jim Edwards Bonny and Joe Bob Edwards Laura and Bud Ehrlich Nicole and Greg Eidman Tracey and Steve Ellison Linda and David Elmer

Virginia and Morrow Evans ’94 Catharine and Grant Faulconer Sidney and AB Fay Caroline and Jeremy Finkelstein Julia Flowers Stephanie and Hugh Forque Linda and Mike Fox Carter France Anne and John Freeman Christy and Matt Galtney Elizabeth and Will Galtney Dima and Shukri Ganim Cynthia and Bill Gayden Laura and Carl Giesler Marla and Jimmy Grace ’94 Jeff Green Elva and Matt Grunert ’94 Katie and Jeff Gustavson Casey and Ryan Hackney Allison and Gregg Hammer Patricia and Pearce Hammond Peggy and Virgil Haney Catherine and Chris Hanslik Hanan and Jay Harkness Amy and Curtis Hartman Vanessa (Lanceley) ’95 and Matthew Hauser

Terri and John Havens Andrew Hawthorn ’91 Wendy and Chris Hearn Liz and Rogers Herndon Lorie and Stephen Herod Candice and Andrew Hicks Margaret and Thad Hill Ronda and Taylor Holladay Claudia and Hank Holmes Lindsay (Cohn) ’88 and Rand Holstead Daryl and Aaron Hoover Melissa and Andy Hopwood Julie and Richard Howell ’01 Carol and John Howenstine Elizabeth and Tom Howley Mary Kay and Thomas Hunt Amy and Cliff Husted Amanda (Whitehead) Johnson ’87/ Steve Johnson Delia and Eric Johnson ’87 Jenna and Harris Junell Catherine and Andrew Kaldis Patty and Neil Kallmeyer Katherine and Matthew Kardesch David Karohl / Nina Andrews Jennifer and Mike Kavanagh Heather and Wayne Kearney


Katherine and Sean Keenan Cammie and Mark Kennedy Allyson and Jason Kinzel Rich Klucznik Ellecia and Edmund Knolle Teri and Charles Koerth Allyson and Andrew Kopel Dawn and Chris Krieg Susan and Greg Lewis Angie and Dean Liollio Kelli and Brad Little ’89 Anna Salas and Alberto Lopez Liz and David MacConnell Carmen and Butch Mach Emily and Mike Madison Vinceanne Mandola-Green Blair and Clay Manley Lisa and Will Mathis Peggy and Dave Matthews Amanda and Murrah Mayberry Beth and Scott McGarry ’88 Donna and Mike McGinnis Jackie and Connelly McGreevy ’89 Lisa and Brian McLemore Sarah and Jeff McParland Denise (Wight) ’88 and Keeley Megarity Alisa and Drew Mengwasser Beth and Scott Meshberger Cara and Chad Michael Kimberly and Chris Miller Victoria and Jarrett Minton Audrey Drought and Lee Mitchell Melissa and Michael Mithoff Glenda and Danny Moore Julie and Bart Moore ’94 Hallie (Ray) ’92 and Tyler Moore Janet and Harvin Moore Jennifer and Joel Moore Laurie and Reed Morian Melissa and Matt Morris Katy and Sam Murray


Adrienne and Stefan Murry Fundi Mwamba Debbie and Bob Newland Karen and Jeff Newman Sheila and John Neylon Eloise (Fay) ’94 and Andrew Novotny Lyria and Shawn O’Brien Ruth and Lance Odom Cindy and Mark O’Donnell Lisa and Mike O’Leary Lisa and Josh Oren Keesha and Robby Organ Liz and Paul Palmer Leslie Margolis and Josh Paull Jane and Harry Pefanis Natasha and Loren Pieper Amy and Jordan Pincu Marla and Karl Poirot David Pond Kathleen and Townes Pressler Kelly and Steve Provenzano Eliza (Stude) ’91 and Chris Pye Catherine and Will Randall Katheryn (Shaffer) ’89 and Hugh Ray ’88 Brandy and Stephen Ray Genevieve and Ed Razim Margaret and Todd Reppert Anna Zichy Reynolds and Jim Reynolds Tricia White-Rhemtulla and Farzan Rhemtulla Suzanne and Jay Rippeto Mindy and Spencer Rippstein Laura and Brannon Robertson Alison and Darryl Robinson Cambrey and Matthew Rogers ’99 Suzanne and Brian Rose Holly and Jonathan Ross Julie Sacco Stephanie and Brian Sauer Anna and Bret Scholtes Sherri and Charles Schugart Kristina and Marc Schultz

Liz Schwarze Rochelle and Jerry Seade Connie and Matt Shanley Millette and Haag Sherman Lori and Joseph Small Kristin and Ned Smith Kathryn and Jeff Smith Sam Smith/Keely Smith Melissa and Mike Smith Margaretta and Rick Snell ’88 Lynette and Trey Snider Stephanie and Clifford Song J.J. and Gerry Spedale Judy and Bret Stanley Susan and Jim Tanner Laura and David Theis Jemma and Chris Thomas Carol and Gregg Thompson Kathy and Marty Thompson Jennifer and John Thornton Meg Toups Rachel and Ryan Trainer Jennifer Novak and Hunter Traylor Ann and Greg Tuckwood Kelli and Tod Tumey

Kim and Jeff Van Gundy Adrienne and William Vanderbloemen Gauri and Atul Varadhachary Mollie and Kent Wallace Amy and Michael Walton Kay and Max Watson Robin and Donald Wayne Janna and David Webber Kelli and John Weinzierl Carrie and Ron Welsh Laura (Wareing) ’94 and William Wheless Stacey and Andrew White Elizabeth and James Whitehead ’94 Susan and Wayne Whitney Jody Lee and Tom Williamson Sally Ann and Bill Windle Michelle and Glenn Woo Michelle and Julius Young Margaret and Mike Young Salli and Michael Youtt Joni and John Zavitsanos Deborah and Rich Zembek Charlotte and Antonio Zuniga


The EHS focus has always been the learning experience for the students and that has certainly shown in your passionate response to this pandemic.



CLASS OF 2020 PARENTS Jenny and James Aldstadt Lovie and Ben Alexander Harriet and Christian Alexander Joanie and David Andrews Jen and Chris Arntzen Margaret and Jarek Aronowski Gauri and Mohit Arora Laura and Matthew Baird Shelley and Newt Barineau Bubba Beasley Alice and Trey Bell Carolyn and Phil Betti Gina and Devinder Bhatia Kristine and Jeff Bird Alison and Scott Birdwell Shelly Blalock Lisa and Jay Broadfoot Lewis and Sherry Chandler Michael Ciaravino/Michelle Ciaravino Resa and Brian Clarke Chad Clay Evelyn Paysse and David Coats Jill and Chris Cokinos Anita and Brandon Cook Heather and Brady Crosswell Hilda and Greg Curran Sheryl and Bill Curtin Jane and Jimmy DeGeorge Debra Donaldson JoAnne and Andy Doyle Pepper and Ashley Edens Julia Flowers Carter France Elizabeth and Will Galtney Isabel Moros and Guillermo Garcia-Manero Bianca and Grant Goodman Kim and Michael Grant Ann McAdam Griffin and Rob Griffin Sam Nithianantham and Ravi Gudimetla Katie and Jeff Gustavson Jennifer Trotter and Jason Hafner Catherine and Chris Hanslik Shannon (Buggs) Harrison ’88


Barbara and Kenneth Held Rennae Henry Maria and John Heymach Melissa and Andy Hopwood Levon Hovnatanian Mary Kay and Thomas Hunt Mandy and Micah Hurt Amy and Cliff Husted Kriki and David Jesulaitis Stephen Jones Catherine and Andrew Kaldis Cammie and Mark Kennedy Krista and Kevin Kirton Rich Klucznik Ellecia and Edmund Knolle Dawn and Chris Krieg Angie and Jared Levinthal Angie and Dean Liollio Emily and Mike Madison Blair and Clay Manley Amanda and Murrah Mayberry Kristin and James McAlpin Mel and Tom McCaffrey Kirby and Scott McCool Denise (Wight) ’88 and Keeley Megarity Shelley and Mike Melody Victoria and Jarrett Minton Ioana and Ovidiu Moise Melissa and Matt Morris Katy and Sam Murray San Culberson and Andre Napier Michelle and David Nickerson Dianna and David Nussbaum Lyria and Shawn O’Brien Whitney and Rick Ogle Bo and Dean Pamphilis Kelly J. Larkin and Fernando Parra Natasha and Loren Pieper Eugenia and Ted Plemenos Genevieve and Ed Razim Kim and Chris Reichert Margaret and Todd Reppert Suzanne and Brian Rose Melinda and Brent Scheps Anna and Bret Scholtes Kim and Kevin Sisk

Tina Smith Angela Cleveland and Lee Solsbery Judy and Bret Stanley Anna and Michael Stewart Samantha and Scott Sullivan Carol and Gregg Thompson Meg Toups Jennifer Novak and Hunter Traylor Ann and Greg Tuckwood Susannah Tysor Gina Ulbricht Adrienne and William Vanderbloemen Gauri and Atul Varadhachary Susan and George Walker Amanda Watts Robin and Donald Wayne Joni and John Zavitsanos Deborah and Rich Zembek Janna and Adam Zylman

CLASS OF 2021 PARENTS Kathryn and Leigh Adkins Merrie and Laif Afseth Kay and Chris Amendola Devon Anderson Ericka Bagwell Michele and Thomas Bailey Cyndi and John Baily Beth and Sean Barton Simmi and Bobby Basra Ann and Tim Baumgartner Monica and Jay Berckley Patty and Hal Bourlon Abbey and David Branch Kate and Jaime Brito Ginger Brown Amie and Michael Canfield Michele and Clint Carlin Barbara and Todd Carpenter Jill and Chris Cokinos Julia Collins Holle and Arthur Corenblith Georgia Bouchoutsos and John Cotsoradis Christina and Jerrit Coward

Michelle and Ryan Crane Lucia and Mark D’Onofrio Lolita and Denvip Davis Susana and Antonio De Pinho Michele and Richard Deutsch Lynn and Ronald Deyo Sangeeta Cheema and Karam Dhillon Lee Anne and Jason Dixon Julie and Michael Donaldson Sherri and Simon Dullingham Laura and Bud Ehrlich Linda and David Elmer Sabrina and Leo Espinoza Catharine and Grant Faulconer Caroline and Jeremy Finkelstein Dominique Sachse and Nick Florescu Kristi Reinertsen-Forehand and Larry Forehand Stephanie and Hugh Forque Linda and Mike Fox Andria Frankfort Christy and Matt Galtney Laura and Carl Giesler Irma and Michael Glover Vinceanne Mandola Green Jeff Green Toshla and Todd Guthrie Allison and Grant Hall ’89 Allison and Gregg Hammer Peggy and Virgil Haney Sylvie and Ehab Hanna Connie and Joshua Harris Denise and Bryan Hasse Terri and John Havens Mimi Hu and Colin Hendricks Liz and Rogers Herndon Heather and Beau Herrold ’89 Lindsay (Cohn) ’88 and Rand Holstead Daryl and Aaron Hoover Elizabeth and Tom Howley Leslie and Jack Jackson Amanda (Whitehead) Johnson ’87/ Steve Johnson Leah and Michael Jones Tonja and Chris Jones Michelle and Alex Juden

Jenna and Harris Junell Jennifer and Mike Kavanagh Angela and Steve Koch Allyson and Andrew Kopel Gisette and David Leathers Laura and Luke Mandola Blair and Clay Manley Joanne and Ross Margraves Rebecca and Chris Martin Stephanie Martin Kirby and Scott McCool Beth and Scott McGarry ’88 Donna and Mike McGinnis Jackie and Connelly McGreevy ’89 Caren and Mac McKinnie Pilar and Jeff McNear Cheryl and Rick Mifflin Kimberly and Chris Miller Melissa and Michael Mithoff Adrienne and Stefan Murry Debbie and Bob Newland Stephanie and John Nguyen Grace Bao and Ni Ni Karen Nielsen Ruth and Lance Odom Lisa and Josh Oren Liz and Paul Palmer Elaine and Vytas Petrulis Terri and Rod Petties Kelly and Steve Provenzano Katheryn (Shaffer) ’89 and Hugh Ray ’88 Lisa and John Reed Suzanne and Jay Rippeto Tammy and Dan Schoen Cindy and Jason Schulze Melissa and Mike Smith Angela Cleveland and Lee Solsbery J.J. and Gerry Spedale Anna and Michael Stewart Felicia and Rafael Stone Sarah and Jeff Szymanski Eloise and Jamie Taussig Jennifer and John Thornton Kelli and Tod Tumey Cecie and Kyle Turlington Rose and Richard Vella

Gordana and Srdan Verstovsek Traci and Kopi Vogiatzis Sherri and Garrett Walsh Sara and Alan Wang Kay and Fred Wasden Stacey and Andrew White Susan and Wayne Whitney Jody Lee and Tom Williamson Sally Ann and Bill Windle Michelle and Glenn Woo Krystene and John Woodard Ju and Earnest Wotring Margaret and Mike Young

CLASS OF 2022 PARENTS Jenny and James Aldstadt Elizabeth and Sergio Amelio Joanie and David Andrews Amina and Philip Archer Jen and Chris Arntzen Rania Edlebi and Manaf Azzawi Michele and Thomas Bailey Emily and Scott Barrett Tammy and David Barringer Alice and Trey Bell Erika and Matt Benz Kristine and Jeff Bird John Black ’91/Jennifer Black Kim and Stewart Black Laurence (Phillips) ’94 and Henry Bragg Monica and David Brink Karen and Michael Brisch Ana Bencomo and Alex Bruton Jane and Robert Cabes Kimberly and Michael Callahan Kandice and Chris Carter Matt Chambers Suk and Peter Chang Shauna and James Choi Laura and Martin Citardi Attallah Lewis-Citizen/William Citizen Steven Cole Julisha and Wilbert Cormier Jae and Tom Cross


Monica and Matias Cruces Sarah and Thad Dameris Robyn Davis Stacy and Matt Debnam Stephanie and Mark Deverka Lee Anne and Jason Dixon Cindy Yeilding and Art Donovan Tanya and Alan Duncan Cecilia and Jim Edwards Bonny and Joe Bob Edwards Michelle and Greg Elliott Caroline and Jeremy Finkelstein Anne and John Freeman Laura and Scott Fuselier Julie and Rob Goytia Jennifer Trotter and Jason Hafner Patricia and Pearce Hammond CiCi and Emerson Hankamer Hanan and Jay Harkness Amy and Curtis Hartman Lorie and Stephen Herod Maria and John Heymach Candice and Andrew Hicks Margaret and Thad Hill

Claudia and Hank Holmes Daryl and Aaron Hoover Melissa and Andy Hopwood Carol and John Howenstine Amy and Cliff Husted Sue and Mac Jensen Delia and Eric Johnson ’87 Caroline and Michael Kanarellis Katherine and Matthew Kardesch Kristen and Matt Katz Ingrid and John Keating Allyson and Jason Kinzel Milete and Marc Klinkerman Ellecia and Edmund Knolle Teri and Charles Koerth Dawn and Chris Krieg Angie and Jared Levinthal Susan and Gregory Lewis Kelli and Brad Little ’89 John Low ’92 Lea Aden and Michael Lueck Liz and David MacConnell Carmen and Butch Mach Rebecca and Chris Martin

Tiffany and Charles Masterson Peggy and Dave Matthews Jennifer (Collins) ’94 and George McCormick Donna and Mike McGinnis Alisa and Drew Mengwasser Nicole and Chris Merriam Beth and Scott Meshberger Cara and Chad Michael Victoria and Jarrett Minton Glenda and Danny Moore Jennifer and Joel Moore Monica and Ken Moursund Fundi Mwamba Chanelle Myles Carol Wasden and Troy Neeriemer Celine and Randy Nelson Naomi and Mike Newman Sheila and John Neylon Cindy and Mark O’Donnell Sue and Ted Oldham Keesha and Robby Organ Stacey and Pierce Owens Leslie Margolis and Josh Paull

Meet the New Board Members




Shelley Torian Barineau, an active community volunteer, rejoins the board for a second term as Construction Committee Chair. During her previous term she led a dynamic team who were dedicated to the planning of the stateof-the-art Underwood Student Center and Innovation Space.

Jane Johnson Dabney is Managing Director at Jefferies Global Energy Investment Banking. Before joining the board, she has served EHS as a chair of the Senior Style Show, among many other positions.

Andrew B. Hawthorn, an alumni member from the Class of 1991, is Director of Product Management, EMS Applications for ESO, a company that offers an integrated suite of software products for EMS agencies, fire departments, and hospitals.

Barineau and her husband, Newt, have four children who are all Knights. Son Blake graduated in 2016, followed by Will in 2018, and daughter Blair graduated last year. Son Pierce starts this fall as a member of the Class of 2024. Barineau and her family are members of St. Francis Episcopal Church. In her spare time she enjoys traveling, horseback riding, running, reading, and gardening.


She and her family worship at St. Luke’s Methodist. Her son, Ethan, graduated from Episcopal in 2017 and her daughter, Emma, is a current freshman, Class of 2024. When not working, Dabney enjoys travel, music, art and photography, and volunteering for child advocacy causes.

In Houston, Hawthorn attends St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church, and when working in Austin he attends Saint Louis King of France Catholic Church. Hawthorn and his family are longtime supporters of EHS. His brother, Jay, graduated from EHS in ’94, and his sister-in-law, Catherine Butler Hawthorn, graduated in ’93. In addition to volunteering, Hawthorn, who is single, enjoys downtime with his close family— including nephew James and niece Lillie— and hosting barbecues with friends in Austin.

David Pond Megan and Matt Pond Stephanie and Russ Post Catherine and Will Randall Brandy and Stephen Ray Tricia White-Rhemtulla and Farzan Rhemtulla Mindy and Spencer Rippstein Laura and Brannon Robertson Jeanie and Jonathan Ross Margie and Brad Sanders Mary Jane and Bo Sasnett Danielle and Brian Schmulen Sherri and Charles Schugart Lori and Joseph Small Emily and Patrick Smith Amy and Ken Snell Stephanie and Clifford Song Melissa and Drew Standley Judy and Bret Stanley Sandra and Randy Stavinoha Michele and Charles Still Jennifer Kennedy-Stovall and Michael Stovall

Susan and Jim Tanner Anna and Joe Teagarden Jill and Barkley Thompson Kathy and Marty Thompson Meg Toups Jennifer Novak and Hunter Traylor Cecie and Kyle Turlington Gina Ulbricht Sarah and Duncan Underwood ’89 Susan and George Walker Amy and Michael Walton Emma and Henry Wang Amanda Watts Janna and David Webber Kelli and John Weinzierl Laura and Bob Wheless Laura (Wareing) ’94 and William Wheless Stacey and Andrew White Lisa and Mark Witcher Krystene and John Woodard Salli and Michael Youtt Henry Zaleski ’90 Piper and Matt Zaleski Charlotte and Antonio Zuniga

CLASS OF 2023 PARENTS Kristin and Ron Adzgery ReBecca Alcalá Kelley Bentley and Karim Aitboughima Christie and Camilo Amezquita Sandy and Will Anderson Nina Andrews Gauri and Mohit Arora Monica and Jay Berckley Gina and Devinder Bhatia Kim and Stewart Black Shelly Blalock Mary Ellen (Wright) ’93 and William Bos Andrew Bosarge Linda Bosarge Patty and Hal Bourlon Elisa and Matt Bragga Kristen and Jeb Brown Rochelle and Seth Bullock Ruthie and Bill Burke Jane and Robert Cabes January and Scott Carter Jane and Chris Champion




New board member Thad Hill is President and CEO of Calpine Corporation. He and his wife, Margaret, and three children worship at St. John the Divine.

Richard A. Howell ’01 is an attorney and partner at Jackson Walker LLP. As an active volunteer for the Episcopal High School Alumni Directors Council he has served as president and led numerous committees.

Jenna Junell works at Sage Equity Partners, LLC, with her husband and company founder, Harris Junell. Junell joins the board for a second term as the Capital Campaign Committee Chair.

He and his wife, Julie, are members of St. John the Divine and have two young children, Caroline and William, who attend River Oaks Baptist and plan to be future Knights.

She and her family attend St. Michael’s Catholic Church and have three children, Austin, Bailey, and Georgia. Their two daughters, Bailey and Georgia, attend EHS. Bailey is a senior and Georgia is a freshman.

When not in the courtroom, Howell enjoys coaching basketball, reading, and gardening.

Junell serves on various boards in Houston area, and enjoys cooking, travel, tennis, and the outdoors.

Hill has two children attending Episcopal High School. Daughter Channing is a junior and Sarah Margaret is a freshman. Son Ballard, a future Knight, is a 6th-grader at River Oaks Baptist. An avid bird hunter, Hill also enjoys tennis and golf, great works of fiction, and college football.


Olga Chapman Jennifer and Clifton Chavis Attallah Lewis-Citizen/William Citizen Christina and Jerrit Coward Cathy and David Crabtree Catherine and Edward Crain Heather and Brady Crosswell Debbie and David Crow Kari and John Dagley Laura and Ned Davenport Arga and James Davis Kelly and Jim Davis Lynn and Ronald Deyo Miranda Stokes and Tom Dobson Jennifer and B.J. Ducey Pepper and Ashley Edens Nicole and Greg Eidman Tracey and Steve Ellison Sabrina and Leo Espinoza Beverly Farooq Margaret and Jon Farris Aimee and Tyler Flood Dominique Sachse and Nick Florescu Stephanie and Hugh Forque Candace TenBrink and Abhi Gami Dima and Shukri Ganim Kelley and Levi Goode Katie and Jeff Gustavson Casey and Ryan Hackney Allison and Grant Hall ’89 Susan Hardwick-Smith Shannon and Othella Harrington Shannon (Buggs) Harrison ’88 Cynthia and Mark Hazard Wendy and Chris Hearn Jaime and RJ Heijmen Ronda and Taylor Holladay Mary and Jeth Jones Keisha Guzman-Jones and Ken Jones


Allison and Zach Jordan Michelle and Alex Juden Patty and Neil Kallmeyer David Karohl Ali and Mark Katz Katherine and Sean Keenan Allyson and Jason Kinzel Courtney and Tom Lippincott Anna Salas and Alberto Lopez Raji and Pranav Loyalka Rachel and Greg Marino Veronica and Nick Massiatte Shelley and Douglas Masterson Kristin and James McAlpin Lisa and Brian McLemore Jessica Cook and Christian Mehnert Paula and Mark Mey Audrey Drought and Lee Mitchell Janet and Harvin Moore Melissa and Matt Morris Amy and Gage Mueller Kari Phillips and Khalid Muslih Lori and Ken Naughton Carol Wasden and Troy Neeriemer Karen and Jeff Newman Michelle and David Nickerson Lyria and Shawn O’Brien Kevin O’Gorman Laurie and John Pearson Gin Kappler-Peeler and John Peeler Tica and Richard Perwien Steve Peterson Elaine and Vytas Petrulis Amy and Jordan Pincu Allison Piper Marla and Karl Poirot Alonzo Ramirez Karen and Ken Redding Anna Zichy Reynolds and Jim Reynolds

Alison and Darryl Robinson Suzanne and Brian Rose Holly and Jonathan Ross Elizabeth and Seth Russell Stephanie and Brian Sauer Kara and Curt Schaefer Kristina and Marc Schultz Rochelle and Jerry Seade Connie and Matt Shanley Kim and Kevin Sisk Sam Smith/Keely Smith Margaretta and Rick Snell ’88 Carrie (Robertson) ’92 and Austin Stanton Eloise and Jamie Taussig Laura and David Theis Lisette and Paul Theriot Jemma and Chris Thomas Jennifer and John Thornton Lauren and John Toubassi Ann and Greg Tuckwood Kim and Jeff Van Gundy Rose and Richard Vella Mollie and Kent Wallace Emily and Andrew Webster Tracey and Larry Weeden Carrie and Ron Welsh Lisa and Shawn Wendell Tiffanie and Jeff Williams Mary Wilson Ju and Earnest Wotring Margaret and Mike Young Ketti Awad and George Younis

GRANDPARENTS Ann and Bert Adkins in honor of Helen Davies ’16 Ann and Charlie Alexander in honor of Rebecca Alexander ’14 and Meg Alexander ’20; and in honor of Ned Smith Carol Ann and William Anderson in honor of Ellie Beaver ’20 Oneta Andress in honor of Charlotte Kinzel ’22 and Henry Kinzel ’23 Marilyn and Boliver Andrew in honor of Mary Margaret Knolle ’20 and Kathryn Knolle ’22 Judy Andrews in honor of Sarah Andrews ’18; Catherine Andrews ’20 and David Andrews ’22 Benita Benjamin in honor of Evian Benjamin ’15 Kay Bird in honor of Kathryn Taylor ’19 Jill and Jerry Brooks in honor of Sydney Brooks ’23 Mary Ann and Dean Callender in honor of Ashley Callender ’09; Taylor Callender ’09; Amy Callender ’10 and Drew Callender ’12 Maurie and Philip Cannon in honor of Austin Underwood ’22 and Lynda Underwood Fannie and John Compton in honor of John Rambo ’22 Emily and Holcombe Crosswell in honor of Holcombe Crosswell ’14; Connor Stone ’15; Ligon Crosswell ’15; Clayton Crosswell ’18; Chapman Crosswell ’20 and Hollings Crosswell ’23 Sue Nan and Rod Cutsinger in honor of Tate Martin ’19 Lorita Donahoe in honor of Cade Williams ’21 Marilyn and Robert Dorries in honor of Emma Walker ’20 and Camille Walker ’22 Sukey Fenoglio in honor of Ruby Kelley ’18 and Ned Kelley ’22 Lucinda and Brad Fleming in honor of Logan Pancheri ’22 H. Fort Flowers in honor of Grace Flowers ’19 and Gloria Flowers ’20 Patti and Jim Fox in honor of Cameron Fox ’10; Blake Fox ’12; Justin Fox ’18 and Tanner Fox ’21 Cynthia and Bill Gayden in honor of Grace Keenan ’17; Will Keenan ’19 and Emily Ellen Keenan ’23 Johanna and David George in honor of Scott Little ’18 and Lindsey Little ’20 Sue and Hart Green in honor of Mary Holden ’15 and Sam Holden ’19 Susan and Wayne Hanks in honor of Bennett Hanks ’21 Punkin and Walter Hecht in honor of Alexander Deutsch ’19 and Aaron Deutsch ’21 Lola and Daniel Herndon in honor of Lola Herndon ’21

Fred Herring in honor of Paul Smith ’22 Sally Holmes in honor of Harrison Holmes ’19 and Caroline Holmes ’22 Pam and Bo Howard in honor of Bella Marques ’23 Dot Isacks in honor of Will Turlington ’21 and Reid Turlington ’22 Marilyn Ligon in honor of Holcombe Crosswell ’14; Ligon Crosswell ’15; Clayton Crosswell ’18; Chapman Crosswell ’20; and Hollings Crosswell ’23 Rosalyn and Barry Margolis in honor of Alex Frankfort ’22 and Olivia Frankfort ’22 Ann McCulloch in honor of Katie McCulloch ’17 and Mary Helen McCulloch ’21 Beth McGreevy in honor of Elizabeth Anne Charbonnet ’19; Molly McGreevy ’19 and Jack McGreevy ’21 Claudia and Ken Moursund in honor of William Moursund ’22 Carolyn Oldham in honor of Nicholas Oldham ’22 Pam and David Ott in honor of Lola Herndon ’21 Kathy and Harry Phillips in honor of Kathryn Bragg ’22 Fairfax and Risher Randall in honor of Sam Randall ’22 Flo Ray in honor of James Henry Ray ’19 and Mary Carol Ray ’21 Fran and Wayne Shull in honor of Jacob Dixon ’21 and Carter Dixon ’22 Jenilee and Douglass Simmons in honor of Clara Curtin ’20 Jean and Robert Stanley in honor of Reed Stanley ’18; Weston Stanley ’20 and Blake Stanley ’22 Kathy and John Stanton in honor of James Stanton ’23 Karen and James Taussig in honor of Edward Taussig ’12; William Taussig ’14; James Taussig ’21 and Walter Taussig ’23 Gwendolyn and Willie Taylor in honor of William Taylor ’23 Dorothy and Gene Thompson in honor of Emma Poirot ’23 Ann Trammell in honor of Charlotte Baird ’18 and Berkeley Baird ’20 Jill Turlington in honor of William Turlington ’21 and Reid Turlington ’22 Lynda Underwood in honor of Austin Underwood ’22 Rowanne Uselton in honor of Cameron Leisz ’10; Connor Leisz ’12 and Collin Leisz ’14 Elizabeth and Peter Wareing in honor of Elizabeth Wheless ’22 Barbara Webber in honor of Drew Webber ’10; Mitchell Webber ’13 and Quinn Charlton ’22 Fay Whitehead in honor of Ford Johnson ’21 and Lynda Underwood


ALUMNI Dear EHS Community, With all the craziness surrounding the end of the 2019-2020 school year, it is hard to believe that my tenure as the President of the EHS Alumni Association Directors Council is coming to a close. We started the year off strong with so many new alumni eager to get involved in the Directors Council and it has been incredibly rewarding to be a part of it. The Directors Council hosted and helped to plan a number of successful and exciting alumni events this year. From Homecoming to Alumni Leadership Day to the annual Holiday Luncheon, alumni from all over the country have stopped by campus to visit with beloved faculty, walk the campus, and visit the Leaving Trees. I want to say thank you to each of you! The faculty love seeing you and hearing about each of your next steps past high school. In addition to your participation, or your commitment to participate in the events that were canceled due to COVID-19, I want to thank those alumni who were able to contribute to the 2019-2020 Annual Fund. Although our spring alumni giving day was canceled, I hope you will financially support EHS in this school year. These collective dollars, of all gift sizes, impact the year in which they are given. And as we have all seen this year, EHS pivoted in a moment’s notice to prepare for virtual learning and even captured the attention of the national news: Though most of the EHS students are accustomed to the new facilities, I loved attending the meetings with the alumni who had not yet stepped foot in places like the new Hildebrand Athletic Center or the new Underwood Student Center. But most importantly, regardless of new buildings, the same EHS spirit that we all know and love is still present on campus—the spirit that makes EHS a special place for current students and even alumni that graduated 10-plus years ago. Thank you again for all that the EHS Alumni community has done this year and especially to those who are currently working on the front lines of the coronavirus pandemic. I am so proud to be a part of this community and to have served this past year. I am looking forward for many more exciting years to come. Please know your participation in alumni efforts is always welcomed and I encourage you to reach out to the alumni office; they would welcome a call or email from you. Alumni commitment at EHS is stronger than ever, and it excites me to think about what the next several years will bring in terms of alumni involvement from those both near and far. Go Knights! Hilary Mundinger Holmes ’09 P.S. Save the Date – April 9-10 and 12, 2021! Next spring’s Alumni Weekend where we will combine class years 0, 1, 5 and 6!



Amanda (Whitehead) Johnson Delia and Eric Johnson


Jennifer (McReynolds) and Todd Frazier Shannon (Buggs) Harrison Lindsay (Cohn) and Rand Holstead Libbie Masterson Beth and Scott McGarry Denise (Wight) and Keeley Megarity Katheryn (Shaffer) ’89 and Hugh Ray Courtney (Lanier) and Christopher Sarofim Margaretta and Richard Snell Tara (Terneny) and Pete Speer


Misty and Jay Bennett Mia and Augie Bering Allison and Grant Hall Heather and Beau Herrold Kelli and Brad Little

Jackie and Connelly McGreevy Katheryn (Shaffer) and Hugh Ray ’88 Sarah and Duncan Underwood


Ellie (Strobel) and Barry Fulton Hollis and Randall Grace Henry Zaleski


John Black Andrew Hawthorn Elisa (Stude) and Cris Pye


Hillary (Brooks) and Tony Houle John Low Haley (Ray) and Tyler Moore Carrie (Robertson) and Austin Stanton


Mary Ellen (Wright) and William Bos Catherine (Butler) and Jay Hawthorn ’94


Laurence (Phillips) and Henry Bragg Virginia and Morrow Evans Marla and Jimmy Grace Elva and Matthew Grunert Catherine (Butler) ’93 and Jay Hawthorn Jennifer (Collins) and George McCormick Julie and Bart Moore Eloise (Fay) and Andrew Novotny Liz Selig Kristin (Jacobs) ’00 and David Thomas Laura (Wareing) and William Wheless Elizabeth and James Whitehead


Elizabeth and Andrew Coveler Vanessa (Lanceley) and Matthew Hauser



Roxy and Cullen Evans Audra French and Arnold Colunga Mindy and Connor Riseden


Kathryn and Mark Howell Kaitlyn (Becker) and Jarred King Mandy (Malone) ’98 and Brad Loper


Lucy and Fowler Carter Mandy (Malone) and Brad Loper ’97 Rachel (Burns) and Toby Miclette Mary Catherine Sharman Stephen Thompson


Sarah and Alan Bradshaw Kathleen (Guill) and Lee Feller Cambrey and Matthew Rogers




Rebecca (Creel) ’02 and Barry Alsup Danny Clark Emily (Kingswell-Smith) and Mike Day Kristin (Jacobs) and David Thomas ’94

Colton Kelley Kari and Will McDaniel Audrey Paterson


Taylor (Throckmorton) and Jeffrey Jackson Megan and Frank Meyer Michael Weekley

Emma (Simmons) Anselmi Sarah and B.W. Crain Julie and Richard Howell Meghan (Sickler) and Matt Moake Jennifer (Lynn) and Ben White


Rebecca (Creel) and Barry Alsup ’00 Jenny Childers


Winnie (Simmons) Phillips



Kim and Andrew Paterson


Cody Kelley Geoffrey Marolda Heather (Scruggs) and Matt Waters


Lucy (Grierson) and Nathan Bertsch Mary Catherine (Jackson) and Ryan Holliday



Hilary (Mundinger) and Greg Holmes Jerrien Johnson

Nicki McNear Shelby (Zimmermann) & John Henry Styles ’14



Caroline Best


Alli McNear Abbie Wrather


Evan Plemenos Dale Potts Luis Torres

Alexander Haney


Nina Plemenos

Haley Manley Ann-Charlotte Proffitt Hugh Zabriskie


Zach Plemenos Shelby (Zimmerman) ’15 and John Henry Styles


Lindsey McNear

Alumni Association 2019-2020 Directors Council President: Hilary Mundinger Holmes ’09 Vice President: Naseeb Nuseibeh ’11 Secretary: Carroll Cartwright ’10 Directors Council: Alex White ’87 Dave Lodowski ’94 Knox Nunnally ’97 Margaret Hurn Wolfenberger ’98 Christian Zaleski ’00 Preston Hall ’00 John Athon ’01 Anne Louise Conway Blanchard ’03 Bryan Athon ’04 Mary Plumb Senkel ’04 Colton Kelley ’04 Joseph Sharman ’05 Mindy Wooldridge Samuelson ’05 Madison Woodward ’05 Hadley Walker Black ’06 Riley Mundinger Landry ’07 Taylor Kopycinski ’08 Jimmy Bailey ’08 Will Bertron ’08 Elizabeth Adkins ’09 Jerrien Johnson ’09 Kimberly Foster ’10 Laine St. Paul Williams ’11 Ashley Brown ’12 Moody Heard ’12 Ann-Charlotte Proffitt ’12 Shelby Zimmermann ’15




Cynthia and John Adkins Merrie and Laif Afseth Janet and Jere Ahrens Harriet and Christian Alexander Henrietta Alexander Susan and Ken Alexander Devon Anderson Marilyn and Bolivar Andrews Joanie and David Andrews Christine and Mohammed Attar Sandy and Jack Baber Ericka Bagwell Laura and Matthew Baird Malcolm Baker Shelley and Newt Barineau Tammy and David Barringer Bubba Beasley Karen and Ned Becker Becky and Barry Beeson Nicole Benjamin Mia and Augie Bering ’89 Alison and Scott Birdwell Susan and Jim Boone Andrew Bosarge Linda Bosarge Pam and Bill Boyar Nancy and John Bradford Abbey and David Branch Nancy and Arthur Brand Nora and Richard Brooks Kristen and Jeb Brown Maria and Neil Bush Beth and Ed Cadena Barbara and Todd Carpenter Julie Carrillo January and Scott Carter Chris and Bill Caudill Trina and Craig Chandler Melinda and Jay Chernosky Jence and Craig Childers Jill and Chris Cokinos Dee Dee and John Colello Anita and Brandon Cook Kelty and Rogers Crain Heather and Brady Crosswell Debbie and David Crow Sylvie and Gary Crum Susan Sparkman and Steven Culbert Debra and Jim Cutler Sue Nan and Rod Cutsinger Sarah and Thad Dameris Alice Davidson Antha Adkins and Frank Davies Kelly and Jim Davis Karen and Paul Davis Marty and Andrew DeBusk Sangeeta Cheema and Karam Dhillon Julie and Michael Donaldson Jodi and Troy Donley Laura and Mike Donnelly Cindy Yeilding and Art Donovan

JoAnne and Andy Doyle Joan and David Dunlap Janet and Fred DuPre Karey and Phillip Dye Pepper and Ashley Edens Bonny and Joe Bob Edwards Nancy Lauf Eisenberg Linda and David Elmer Ann and Tom Estus Betsy and Doug Evans Susanne and Randall Evans Catharine and Grant Faulconer Sidney and AB Fay Susan and Bill Finnegan Lucinda and Brad Fleming Dominique Sachse and Nick Florescu Julia Flowers Barbara Foorman Kristi Reinertsen-Forehand and Larry Forehand Karen and Pat Foster Linda and Mike Fox Kim and Dan Franklin Jennifer and Scott Frasier Jennifer (McReynolds) ’88 and Todd Frazier ’88 Ann Friedberg Synda and Robert Frost Elizabeth and Will Galtney Isabel Moros and Guillermo Garcia-Manero Laura and Carl Giesler Suzan and Julius Glickman Margie Goodall Bianca and Grant Goodman Jeff Green Vinceanne Mandola-Green Toshla and Todd Guthrie Patricia and Pearce Hammond Peggy and Virgil Haney Sylvie and Ehab Hanna Cheronda Harrell Alice and Randy Helms Rennae Henry Georgene and Albert Hergenroeder Heather and Beau Herrold ’89 Beth and Sam Holden Claudia and Hank Holmes Terry Holmes Lindsay (Cohn) ’88 and Rand Holstead Judy and Steve Howell Mary Kay and Thomas Hunt Leslie and Jack Jackson Katina and Gil Jackson Mary and James Jennings Sue and Mac Jensen Kriki and David Jesulaitis Delia and Eric Johnson ’87 Leah and Michael Jones Karyn and Wayne Jones Katherine and Matthew Kardesch

Judy and Barry Kaufman Katherine and Sean Keenan Debbie and Steve Kelley Betty and Jim Key B.J. and Marc Kilbride Krista and Kevin Kirton Milete and Marc Klinkerman Angela and Steve Koch Susan and Marvin Krasner Alecia and Larry Lawyer Gisette and David Leathers Joy and Jeff Lee Kathryn and Steve Leisz Emily and Mike Madison Laura and Luke Mandola Deborah and Earle Martin Kim and Scott Martin Tiffany and Charles Masterson Peggy and Dave Matthews Nan Clancy and Cecil McCullough Ann and George McDaniel Donna and Mike McGinnis Beth McGreevy Jackie and Connelly McGreevy ’89 Patti and Phelps McKee Anna and Scott McLean Pilar and Jeff McNear Patty and Ferguson McNiel Sarah and Jeff McParland Denise (Wight) ’88 and Keeley Megarity Susu and Fred Meyer Pat and Ken+ Michael Kimberly and Chris Miller Melissa and Matt Morris Louise and Gary Moss Katy and Sam Murray Tricia and Richard Nelson Cynthia and Robert Nelson Stephanie and John Nguyen Whitney and Rick Ogle Lisa and Mike O’Leary Susan and Edward Osterberg Cindy and Kelley Parker Kelly J. Larkin and Fernando Parra Dorothy and Malcolm Paterson Laurie and John Pearson Jane and Harry Pefanis Beverly and Oliver Pennington Judye and John Perry Kate and John Philbrick Kathy and Harry Phillips Sarah and Stephen Pitt Eugenia and Ted Plemenos Judy Johnson and Judson Polikoff Ellen and Allen Potter Kathleen and Townes Pressler Patti and Steve Raben Patti and Kim Randolph Noel and Roger Rankin

Flo Ray Katheryn (Shaffer) ’89 and Hugh Ray ’88 Kim and Chris Reichert Suzanne and Jay Rippeto Alison and Darryl Robinson Julie and Mike Rollins Anne and Joe Romano Suzanne and Brian Rose Jeanie and Jonathan Ross Julie and Chris Russ Nancy and Joseph Santamaria Mary Jane and Bo Sasnett Sherri and Charles Schugart Suzette and Gordon Schutze Liz Schwarze Molly and Bubba Shaffer Millette and Haag Sherman Morgan and David Shin Sharon and Tom Simmons Misty and Jeff Singleton Len Slusser Lori and Joseph Small Kathryn and Jeff Smith Lynette and Trey Snider Judy and Bret Stanley Deborah and Monte Stavis Nancy Williams and Larry Stevens Michele and Charles Still Mary Anne and Chip Stockard Lisa and David Stone Susan and Jim Tanner Darlene and Pat Tatum Shelly and Bob Thomas Jill and Barkley Thompson Carol and Gregg Thompson Kathy and Marty Thompson Rachel and Ryan Trainer David Treat Kelli and Tod Tumey Lynda Underwood Kim and Jeff Van Gundy Adrienne and William Vanderbloemen Traci and Kopi Vogiatzis Sherri and Garrett Walsh Elizabeth and Peter Wareing Kay and Max Watson Amanda Watts Robin and Donald Wayne Janna and David Webber Meg and Dick Weekley Fay Whitehead Randa and Charlie Williams Delby and BJ Willingham Sally Ann and Bill Windle Lisa and Mark Witcher Janet and David Wrather Michelle and Julius Young Salli and Michael Youtt Janna and Adam Zylman

The Silver Dollar Society Named in honor of EHS founder, alumni parent, and alumni grandparent John Austin, this leadership giving society focuses on alumni 5-20 years out of high school. Since 1989, Mr. Austin has gifted every graduating senior with a silver dollar to remember their time at EHS and to symbolize their first gift back to the School. We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our Silver Dollar donors; we are sincerely grateful for your support!

SILVER DOLLAR DONORS Misty and Jay Bennett ’89 John Black ’91 Mary Ellen (Wright) ’93 and William Bos Laurence (Phillips) ’94 and Henry Bragg Lucy and Fowler Carter ’98 Danny Clark ’00 Sarah and B.W. Crain ’01 Virginia and Morrow Evans ’94 Marla and Jimmy Grace ’94 Elva and Matt Grunert ’94 Alexander Haney ’19 Vanessa (Lanceley) ’95 and Matthew Hauser Andrew Hawthorn ’91 Hilary (Mundinger) ’09 and Greg Holmes ’09 Lindsay (Cohn) ’88 and Rand Holstead Julie and Richard Howell ’01 Amanda (Whitehead) Johnson ’87 Delia and Eric Johnson ’87 Jerrien Johnson ’09 Kelli and Brad Little ’89 Geoffrey Marolda ’07 Beth and Scott McGarry ’88

Jackie and Connelly McGreevy ’89 Denise (Wight) ’88 and Keeley Megarity Julie and Bart Moore ’94 Hallie (Ray) ’92 and Tyler Moore Eloise (Fay) ’94 and Andrew Novotny Dale Potts ’11 Ann-Charlotte Proffitt ’12 Elisa (Stude) ’91 and Chris Pye Katheryn (Shaffer) ’89 and Hugh Ray ’88 Cambrey and Matthew Rogers ’99 Courtney (Lanier) ’88 and Christopher Sarofim Margaretta and Rick Snell ’88 Kristin (Jacobs) ’00 and David Thomas ’94 Luis Torres ’11 Sarah and Duncan Underwood ’89 Heather (Scruggs) ’07 and Matt Waters Michael Weekley ’05 Laura (Wareing) ’94 and William Wheless Jenny (Lynn) ’01 and Ben White Elizabeth and James Whitehead ’94 Abbie Wrather ’17


ALUMNI CLASS NOTES Send your updates to Director of Alumni and Annual Giving Margaret Young at so that you can be featured here in the next issue of Pillars magazine!


Heather Skidmore Howard ’87 Is back in San Francisco and keeping busy as Senior VP of Operations and People at Rothy’s. Heather, her husband, twin daughters and puppy are all making the most of living in Northern California.


Andrew Hawthorn ’91 who is Director of Product Management, EMS Applications at ESO was asked by their research team to co-author a research paper on COVID-19 Preliminary Case Series: Characteristics of EMS Encounters with Linked Hospital Diagnoses. In addition to his efforts with EOS, Andrew is the Deputy Chief of the Community Volunteer Fire Department in Houston.


Dave Thomas ’94 and Kristin Jacobs Thomas ’00 still have the EHS spirit with their own Knight yard sign.


Stirling Craig ’97 returned to Houston and opened a plastic surgery practice, Fusi and Craig. She is thrilled to be back in Houston with her husband and two children. Robyn Rosen Goldstein ’97 created Yardpeeps in an effort to celebrate and recognize front line workers. Goldstein turned a drawing she did thanking frontline workers into yard art. The proceeds go to Brighter Bites, a Houston nonprofit that gets fresh produce to families in need. To know more of her story, see the West U Buzz.


Mary Clarkson ’00 has been busy with her restaurant/market Avondale Food and Wine.



Chief Achifelu ’03 Joined the Episcopal High School Advancement Team as Advancement Coordinator. Becca Heilman Davison ’03 and her mom appeared on ABC’s Shark Tank to promote on their product Unbuckle Me! Davison was also featured in articles in Houstonia Magazine and the Houston Chronicle. Katie MacIntyre Wold ’03 let us know that she and her family are enjoying living in Denver.


Spencer Evans ’05 was commissioned by The G. W. Jackson Multicultural Society to sculpt a memorial statue of its namesake and Corsicana’s first African-American school principal. In addition, Spencer is also an assistant professor in the department of Experimental and Foundation Studies at Rhode Island School of Design.


Bianca Kirkland ’06 is a veterinarian with CyFair Animal Hospital. Be on the look out for her Instagram with precious photos of animals from the clinic.


Jimmy Bailey ’08 received his MBA from Rice University in May 2020.


Lizzie Andrews ’09 is in year one of residency at New York Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital.

Colin George ’09 Is working at NASA’s Johnson Space Center as a flight controller in the Avionics Systems Branch of the Flight Operations Directorate.


Katherine Kuntz ’10, Kristin Morley ’11 and Jennifer Morley Burner ’09 were together in South Africa where Katherine runs and owns an eco-tourism company. Bryant Reckling ’10 Is cooking up many Texas favorites at his True Craft Market in Houston.


Madeline Bricker ’11 graduated from Texas College of Orthopedic Medicine and will begin her residency at UT Houston in pediatrics.


Hayley Manley ’12 created Shut Your Mouth after realizing that masks would be an enduring trend but also recognizing the hassle of eating and drinking while trying to protect yourself. That’s when a lightbulb went on for Manley and friend Sarah Cordill created masks with zippers that allow diners to drink but not totally expose their face or touch their mask. They have also added a reusable straw to each mask as they want to promote sustainability. Proceeds help raise money for charity:water.

Jennifer LaPorte ’13 Last year she was featured in the Disney Channel musical adaptation of Freaky Friday. Saturday, August 24th she burns up the screen in the Lifetime Channel adaptation of V.C. Andrews “Web of Dreams.” Based on the fifth and final novel of the Casteel series the prequel, “Web of Dreams” finally unlo cks the mysteries of the family. Heaven’s mother Leigh (Jennifer LaPorte) had to escape from Farthinggale Manor and the secrets she harbored. Falling into the arms of Luke Casteel Sr. (Tom Donadt), his devotion promised her hope as only Luke knew her deepest of secrets. Bravely she bore the suspicions of the hill folk, as she tried to grasp the happiness that long eluded her. With a baby girl, Heaven, on the way, she hoped for a chance at happy ever after.


Olivia Landry ’14 graduated from University of Texas School of Law in May 2020.


Ashley Chainani ’15 was awarded the 2020-2021 Fulbright Award to Spain. Chainani will serve as an English teaching assistant and research how Spain’s educational system allows for intergenerational socioeconomic mobility. While her program was scheduled to begin in September it has now been postponed until January 2021. Amir Taghizadeh ’15 graduated from the Parsons School of Design in May 2020.


Kit Klaes ’13 opened her own bakery business, I Need Some Dough, last August in Houston.



Morgan Rogers ’16 graduated from the University of Oklahoma in May 2020. Lizzy Fallon ’16 graduated from Columbia University in May 2020. Katherine Wallis ’16 graduated from Baylor University in May 2020. Jenny Lillard ’16 graduated from Baylor University in May 2020. Sophie Fast ’16 graduated from University of Southern California in May 2020. Caroline Murphy ’16 graduated from University of Southern California in May and will attend Columbia University in fall 2021 to work toward her M.S. in Sustainability Management. Melanie Graves ’16 graduated from University of Missouri in May 2020.


Elizabeth Barineau ’18 was a news anchor for ATVN (Annenberg TV News) which is a 30-minute USC student produced news show. Elizabeth was anchor for the Monday episodes. Gia McCrae ’18, inspired by the selflessness of essential workers, did not waste any time creating her first nonprofit organization, The L.O.V.E. Project (Lifting Our Valuable Essentials). She knows a number of essential workers personally and wanted to help those close to her and in the community. Initially, McCrae filled her thank-you baskets with freshly made cookies from a local bakery, brochures about The L.O.V.E. Project, and personal letters. With recent donations, McCrae has been able to do other acts of appreciation, such as bringing coffee, lunch, or dinner to essential workers.


Zachary Bowman Treadwell ’16 enjoyed an internship with KTRK Houston. Alexia Tsiropoulos ’16 graduated from the Manships School of Mass Communication at Louisiana State University in May 2020.

Mark Nylund ’19 begins his second year at the United States Military Academy at West Point.

Alex Reynoso ’16, quickly pivoted when her senior semester at TCU was canceled due to Covid. Reynoso reached out to Small Steps Nurturing Center in Houston to find out if there were ways she could lend support. Through the help of many EHS alumni families and the support of Nile Khan, a current junior at EHS, they were able to collect, organize, and contribute more than 50 boxes of food for young families, which Khan and Reynoso then delivered to Small Steps. When Reynoso completes her degree at TCU, she plans to move back to Houston to attend nursing school. Her love of helping others, especially children, has inspired her to pursue a career in healthcare.


Wedding Bells: Leigh Lausen ’11 & Collin Shaw January 27, 2020 Emma Cate Graham ’16 & Matt McNew March 15, 2020 Landi Lausen ’09 & Kyle Lutz April 4, 2020 Laine St. Paul ’11 & Trace Williams April 15, 2020

Knight Arrivals: Charles Slater Born May 3, 2020 Kate & Ryan Born ’11

Mary Price Loomis January 13, 2020 Emily (McCarroll)’11 & Drew Loomis

Wyatt James Ross January 8, 2020 Lauren (Timbrook) ’99 & Andy Ross

Tyler Aaron Davis, Jr. March 18, 2020 Jayla Johnson ’15 & Tyler Davis

Guillermo “Will” Andrés Machado April 27, 2020 Kelsey (McDowell) ’04 & Guillermo Machado

Emily Roberts Samuelson May 17, 2020 Mindy (Wooldridge) ’05 & Clark Samuelson

Mary Madson McLean March 12, 2020 Caroline & Peter McLean ’07

Hadley Cain Savery March 25, 2020 Jen (Wegman) ’07 & Joe Savery

Henley Olivia Moffatt May 3, 2020 Grayson (Watkins) ’08 & Taylor Moffatt ’08

Margaret James Shields May 12, 2020 Kelly (Boss) ’04 & James Shields

Elle Ford Fisher May 26, 2020 Allison (Ford) ’03 & Mateo Fisher

Charles Alan Greenburg February 27, 2020 Lizzy (Heilman)’06 & Mark Greenburg

Matthew West Grisell, Jr. March 30, 2020 Lindsay & Matt Grissell ’03

Lily Frances Holmes May 8, 2020 Hilary (Mundinger) ’09 & Greg Holmes ’09

Camden Ahman Lewis March 3, 2020 Rachel (Powell)’05 & Jamal Lewis

Averie Soryaya Naghavi February 14, 2020 Brooke & Shahin Naghavi ’01

Robert Rown Pitts April 8, 2020 Jennifer (Hurn)’99 & Chris Pitts

Poppy Elizabeth Porter April 14, 2020 Emily (Vidor) ’08 & Mark Porter

John “Jack” Robert Tennant March 4, 2020 Elli (Barnwell) ’04 & Borden Tennant

Caroline Christine Waters April 6, 2020 Heather (Scruggs) ’07 & Matt Waters

Carlisle Everman Willis May 28, 2020 Shelby & Parker Willis ’07


It’s important to remember that in spite of the pandemic, life does go on, there is good news to share, and our EHS community proceeds together, Knight Strong!



AUCTION 2020: BLUE KNIGHT MASQUERADE On Friday February 21, 2020, we headed into a night of mystery and celebration for our Episcopal High School’s 36th Annual Auction Gala, “Blue Knight Masquerade.” For the third year, the Auction was held in our spectacular Hildebrand Athletic Center on the EHS campus. Guests sipped cocktails and enjoyed the evening while mingling in blue gowns and bejeweled masks. Auction chairs Elizabeth and Will Galtney, Daryl and Aaron Hoover, and Carol and Gregg Thompson built a strong team that led us to a night filled with elegance. They raised an outstanding $1.4 million for the School’s operating budget.

UNDERWRITERS Underwriters Cocktail Party Kelli and John Weinzierl Sovereigns Tables Elizabeth and Will Galtney Hildebrand Fund Sherri and Charles Schugart Christy and Matt Galtney/Julie and Keith Williams-Gamma Construction Claudia and Hank Holmes-Cadence Bank/Loraine and Scott Wegmann Louise and Gary Moss-Moss Landscaping/ Carol and Gregg Thompson Lisa and Will Mathis/ Sarah and Duncan Underwood ’89 Millette and Haag Sherman/ Terri and John Havens Kelli and John Weinzierl/A Friend of EHS


Monarchs Tables Lacy Crain and Joe Galloway/ Elizabeth and James Whitehead ’94 Rob ’01, Ben ’04, John ’09, Drew ’12 Galtney Peggy and David Matthews Nobles Tables Lesley and Kevin Lilly-Avalon Investment & Advisory, LLC Cherie and Jim Flores The McCord Family Anna and Scott McLean The Sarofim Foundation Margaret and Joel Shannon Joni and John Zavitsanos

Sovereigns Couples Carol and John Austin Laura and Matthew Baird Jeanie and Tommy Carter Jill and Christopher Cokinos Catherine and Edward Crain Julia M. Flowers Adriana and Jeffrey Greene Jenna and Harris Junell Lucy and Vic Kormeier Carmen and Butch Mach Celine and Randy Nelson Holly and Jonathan Ross Judy and Bret Stanley Randa and Charlie Williams Connie and Tommy Wright

Monarchs Couples Tammy and David Barringer BBVA Compass Gina and Devinder Bhatia Karan and Aanchal Bhatia Trina and Craig Chandler Jence and Craig Childers Hilda and Greg Curran Robin and Lance Deutsch Bonny and Joe Bob Edwards Linda and David Elmer Caroline and Jeremy Finkelstein Julie and Robin Goytia Erin and Preston Hall ’00 CeCe and Emerson Hankamer Jill and David Herrold Lindsay (Cohn) ’88 and Rand Holstead Daryl and Aaron Hoover Amy and Cliff Husted Patty and Neil Kallmeyer Katherine and Matthew Kardesch Katherine and Sean Keenan Cammie and Mark Kennedy Carolyn and Matt Khourie Allison Piper and Walker Kimball Ellecia and Edmund Knolle Carol Lee and Allen Lyons Amanda and Murrah Mayberry Kirby and Scott McCool Jackie and Connelly McGreevy ’89 Kimberly and Chris Miller Melissa and Michael Mithoff Janet and Harvin Moore Lisa and Josh Oren Liz and Paul Palmer Katheryn (Shaffer)’89 and Hugh Ray ’88 Suzanne and Jay Rippeto J.J. and Gerry Spedale Eloise and James Taussig Mollie and Kent Wallace Lisa and Shawn Wendell Stacey and Andrew White

Nobles Couples Chris and Merrell Athon Cyndi and John Baily Karen and Michael Brisch Jane and Chris Champion Laura and Ned Davenport Jane and Jimmy DeGeorge Linda and Mike Fox Ali and Mark Katz Sue and Greg Lewis Jessica Cook and Christian Mehnert Victoria and Jarrett Minton Melissa and Matt Morris Leslie Margolis and Josh Paull Carol and Tim Nielsen Keely and Sam Smith Sarah and Jeff Szymanski Laura (Wareing)’94 and William Wheless Johnnie and Jimmy Wright Regals Couples Henrietta K. Alexander Elizabeth and Sergio Amelio Carolyn and Phil Betti Jennifer Black Stacey and Scott Butler Jane and Robert Cabes Jennifer and Cliff Chavis Kristi and Chick Chickering Laura and Martin Citardi Debbie and David Crow Stacy and Matt Debnam Susana and Antonio de Pinho Jennifer and B.J. Ducey Sherri and Simon Dullingham Michelle and Greg Elliott Stephanie and Julian Fertitta Stephanie and Hugh Forque Anne and John Freeman Laura and Scott Fuselier Amy and Curtis Hartman Cynthia and Mark Hazard

Heather and Beau Herrold ’89 Candice and Andrew Hicks Elizabeth and Tom Howley Marilyn and Scott Irwin Mary and Jeth Jones Michelle and Alex Juden Kristen and Matt Katz Kristi and Robert Kincannon Carrie and Brent Lium Veronica and Nicholas Massiatte Caren and Mac McKinnie Paula and Mark Mey Cara and Chad Michael Audrey and Lee Mitchell Monica and Ken Moursund Adrienne and Stefan Murry Michelle and David Nickerson Ruth and Lance Odom Elaine and Vytas Petrulis Natasha and Loren Pieper David Pond Ashley and Al Pratka Kelley and Steven Provenzano Lisa and John Reed Brandy and Stephen Ray Mindy and Spencer Rippstein Kara and Curt Schaefer Melinda and Brent Scheps Kari Findley and Ken Sill Felicia and Rafael Stone Cecie and Kyle Turlington Adrienne and William Vanderbloemen Carrie and Ron Welsh Laura and Bob Wheless Marissa and Kailee Wong Salli and Michael Youtt

Auction Leadership Auction Chairmen Elizabeth and Will Galtney Daryl and Aaron Hoover Carol and Gregg Thompson Underwriting Chairmen Frances Alexander Caroline Finkelstein Jennifer Gatto Michelle Juden Jackie McGreevy Kimberly Miller Judy Stanley

Live Auction Chairmen Gina Bhatia Debbie Crow Bonny Edwards Terri Havens Liz Herndon Lindsay Cohn Holstead ’88 Kirby McCool Caren McKinnie Melissa Mithoff Lisa Oren Eloise Taussig Stacey White

Silent Auction Chairmen Laura Citardi Patricia Rorschach Michelle Nickerson Cara Michael Director of Advancement Peggy Haney Auction Coordinator Debbie Kelley Advancement Assistant Mandy Malone Loper ’98


AUCTION DONORS The 401 Restaurant 713 - Juice Bar 9 Round Beechnut A Friend of EHS A.D. Players Abejas Boutique A’bientot Katherine and Leigh Adkins Advantage Testing Kristin and Ron Adzgery Kelley Bentley and Karim Aitboughima Joe Aker Frances and Ben Alexander Henrietta Alexander Alison Prouty Interiors Almaza Jewelers Al’s Formal Wear Amanda Lindroth Corp. Elizabeth and Sergio Amelio Annunciation Orthodox School Area Art Attack Art of Cellaring Ashley Goforth Design Athena Gun Club The Athletic Room At-Home Tutoring Services Chris and Merrell Athon Audi Central Houston Carol and John Austin Avalon Investment and Advisory LLC Avalon Stationery and Gifts Avante Laser & Medispa Avenu Fitness The Avera Companies The Axelrad Clinic Aztec B. Viz Design Jeff Bagwell

Cyndi and John Baily Laura and Matthew Baird Minnie and Will Baird Balthazar Cellars Meredith Barineau Tammy and David Barringer BBVA Compass Beautique Day Spa Annie Beck Becks Prime Alice and Trey Bell Bella Rinova Salon Bellaire Dermatology Benjy’s In The Village Holly Benson Monica and Jay Berckley Bering’s Hardware Aly and Jason Berlin Claire Berman Carolyn and Phil Betti Gina and Devinder Bhatia Karan and Aanchal Bhatia Dan Binder Jennifer Black Mike Blalock Shelly Blalock Blo Blow Drybar Post Oak The Boardroom Body Works and Fitness Kathy and Sean Bolks Bollo Woodfired Pizza Borden Partnership Mary Ellen and William Bos Joey Bourret Boutros Orthodontics William G Bowen Boxer Resorts Boxwood Interiors Braeburn Country Club Laurence and Henry Bragg Elisa and Matt Bragga

The Brain Domain Branch Basics Brandon Lack Studios Brasil Brazelton Auto Brenda’s Gypsy Dog Spa The Briar Club Karen and Michael Brisch Allen and Molly Brivic Marlene Brivic Albert Wells Brown ’00 The Brown Foundation Jeb Brown BRSH Dental Buffalo Bayou Partnership Buffalo Grille - John McAleer Bullet Girl Jewelry BullsEye Storage Stacey and Scott Butler By Brayden Wardrobe Styling Jane and Robert Cabes Katrina Benson Cadena Cadence Bank Dana Caledonia, D.D.S. Evelyn and Mark Cambria Cammarata Pediatric Dentistry Group Nona Carmichael Jack Carr Jeanie and Tommy Carter Kandice and Chris Carter Cartier Casa Ole’ Shannon Castillo Casual Carats Cavender’s CBG Interiors LTD Central Market Ceron Salon Rick Chainani Chamberlain, Hrdlicka, White, Williams & Aughtry

Auction Committee Chairmen Kathryn Adkins Jen Arntzen Tammy Barringer Jennifer Black Laurence Bragg Karen Brisch Jill Cokinos Michele Deutsch Robin Deutsch Bonny Edwards Sabrina Espinoza Catharine Faulconer Anne Freeman


Laura Fuselier Laura Giesler Julie Goytia Patricia Hammond Heather Herrold Candice Hicks Leslie Jackson Kristi Kincannon Angela Koch Allyson Kopel Sonia Lahoti Carrie Lium Carmen Mach

Blair Manley Rebecca Martin Pilar McNear Kimberly Miller Victoria Minton Monica Moursund Katy Murray Sheila Neylon Lyria O’Brien Whitney Ogle Natasha Pieper Lisa Reed Mindy Rippstein

Melissa Rootes Suzanne Rose Lori Small Felicia Stone Cecie Turlington Sarah Underwood Adrienne Vanderbloemen Sherri Walsh Laura Moore Wheless Kiki Wilson Deb Zembek

Jane and Chris Champion Trina and Craig Chandler Chaparral Needlework Chas. P. Young Co. (CPY Printing) Jennifer and Cliff Chavis Chick-fil-A Kristi and Chick Chickering Jence and Craig Childers Chocolate Bar Choice Tutoring Chris Bailey Photography Circa Lighting Laura and Martin Citardi City Kitchen Catering Clark Cooper Concepts Chad Clay Clean As A Whistle Meredith Clote ’04 Evelyn Paysse and David Coats Jill and Chris Cokinos The Conative Group Cindy and Mark Cook Kelly Coselli Coyle & Associates Landscape Design/Contractors Catherine and Edward Crain Lacy Crain and Joe Galloway Creative Flooring Creative Paperworks Crosswell Organizing Debbie and David Crow Sarah and Junior Cruz Allyson Cunius - Clean Beauty Lauren Cunningham Hilda and Greg Curran Lisa and Charles Cusack CWD Studio + Home Dan’s Vitamin House Jason Danziger ’98 Laura and Ned Davenport The Davey Tree Expert Company David Brown Flowers Arga and James Davis Debbie and Peter Dayton Susana and Antonio de Pinho Stacy and Matt Debnam Debra Alexander Photography Jane and Jimmy DeGeorge The Del Deutsch and Deutsch Houston Inc. Deutsch Fine Jewelry Michele and Richard Deutsch Robin and Lance Deutsch Stephanie and Mark Deverka Kate DeWitt ’07 Lynn and Ronald Deyo DH Orthodontics Diana Martin Interiors Lee Anne and Jason Dixon Julie and Michael Donaldson Doorstep Digital

Dos Carolinas The Downtown Club JoAnne and Andy Doyle Drunk Elephant Jennifer and B.J. Ducey Sherri and Simon Dullingham Alberto Dvorak Dwell Well Inc. Pepper and Ashley Edens Edgar Medina Art Studio Edit Bonny and Joe Bob Edwards Cecilia and Jim Edwards EHS Alumni and Parent Volunteers EHS Arts Department EHS Dads Club EHS Faculty and Staff EHS Freshman Class of 2023 Girls JV White Volleyball Team EHS Junior Class of 2021 EHS JV Blue Basketball Team EHS JV White Basketball Team EHS Parents Association EHS Senior Class of 2020 EHS Sophomore Class of 2022 EHS Spirit Club EHS Varsity Tennis Team Nadine A Eidman Michelle and Greg Elliott Ellwood Linda and David Elmer Embellishments by Angela The Empty Vase Enoteca Rossa Episcopal High School Erick Sandlin Art Erin Brooke Salon Escalante’s Fine Tex-Mex & Tequila Sabrina and Leo Espinoza Eugene’s Gulf Coast Cuisine Eunice Restaurant Event Yard Greetings The Exercise Coach Jennifer Cunningham Farbstein Fari’s Skin Care Catharine and Grant Faulconer Fayez Sarofim & Co. U.S. Men’s Clay Court Championship Feliz Interiors Stephanie and Julian Fertitta Elizabeth Fertitta Stephanie and Julian Fertitta ’88 Caroline and Jeremy Finkelstein FireXDisk Flanders Polo and Riding Lessons Claire and Caldwell Fletcher Cherie and Jim Flores Julia Flowers Stephanie and Hugh Forque Lee and Grant Fortney FOUND


Linda and Mike Fox Carter France Frank’s Americana Revival Stacy Franz Anne and John Freeman Scott Freeman Front Room Hair Studio Neil Fullarton & Bo Rose Laura and Scott Fuselier Ashley Gaido ’90 Ben Galtney ’04 Christy and Matt Galtney Drew Galtney ’12 Elizabeth and Will Galtney John Galtney ’09 Rob Galtney ’01 Gamma Construction Mansur Gavriel Gelines Jewelry General Academic Gentry Portraits The Gerke Law Firm Elbridge Gerry Laura and Carl Giesler Gittings Portraiture Jessica Givens

Glamour Dogs Glass 2 Remember The Glassell Junior School Museum of Fine Arts, Houston The Glassell School of Art Glow Medical Aesthetics Golf Tec - Upper Kirby Mauro Gomez Kelley and Levi Goode Dr. Robin Goytia & Dr. Gary Brock Julie and Rob Goytia Will Graham and Katherine Lacey Kathie and Joe Grealish Lizzy Greenburg ’06 Adriana and Jeffrey Greene Greenwood King Gremillion & Co. Fine Art Inc. Ann McAdam Griffin and Rob Griffin Grizzaffi Coffee Catering Manu Gupta H Town Restaurant Group Dr. Mark Hablinski HAI Hospitality Allison and Grant Hall ’89 Erin and Preston Hall ’00 Hamilton Shirts

Patricia and Pearce Hammond Peggy and Virgil Haney CeCe and Emerson Hankamer Catherine and Chris Hanslik Koelsch Haus Vanessa Lanceley Hauser ’95 Terri and John Havens Nellen Hawkins ’04 Cynthia and Mark Hazard Wendy and Chris Hearn Tricia and Chuck Henry Liz and Rogers Herndon Joanie Herring Heather and Beau Herrold ’89 Jill and David Herrold ’87 Candice and Andrew Hicks High Tower Texas The Hildebrand Fund Mindy and Jeff Hildebrand Margaret and Thad Hill Hiram Butler Gallery - Terrell James HITS Theatre The Hitting Academy Melissa Danney Hobbs Ronda and Taylor Holladay Holliday’s K-9 Social Club

Auction Committee Members Chrissy Abaza Harriet Alexander Elizabeth Amelio Kay Amendola Devon Anderson Holly Anderson Nicole Anderson Nina Andrews Gina Angulo Jen Arntzen Ericka Bagwell Michele Bailey Kelley Bentley Aly Berlin Anachal Bhatia Kim Black Shelly Blalock Brooke Borden Elisa Bragga Monica Brink Rochellle Bullock Ruthie Burke Angel Butler Cheryl Butler Kim Callahan Janna Webber Charlton Jennifer Chavis Jessica Cook


Catherine Crabtree Catherine Crain Michelle Crane Heather Crosswell Mary Daly-Hill Stacy Debnam Lynn Deyo Jennifer Ducey Cecilia Edwards Eryn Elliot Michelle Elliott Linda Elmer Stephanie Fertitta Stephanie Forque Donna Gaetti Christy Galtney Elizabeth Gonzalez Sallie Guerino Keisha Guzman-Jones Ronda Holladay Marilyn Irwin Brandi Jenkins Mary Jones Allison Jordan Patty Kallmeyer Katherine Kardesch Ingrid Keating Katherine Keenan

Krista Kirton Sonia Jacob Lahoti Angie Levinthal Chrissy Lewis Courtney Lippincott Bronwen Martin Shelly Masterson Lisa Mathis Kristen McAlpin Jennifer McCormick Nicole Merriam Paula Mey Janet Moore Catherine Morales Melissa Morris Lori Naughton Celine Nelson Cindy O’Donnell Ese Otah Laurie Pearson Martha Perwien Amy Pincu Allison Piper Erin Florsecu Podsednik Frances Rambo Catherine Randall Brandy Ray Katheryn Shaffer Ray ’89

Karen Redding Holly Ross Anna Maria Salas Margie Sanders Stephanie Sauer Kara Schaefer Melinda Scheps Sherri Schugart Autumn Seiler Melissa Standley Sandra Stavinoha Candace TenBrink Laura Theis Jemma Thomas Rebecca Turner Rose Vella Rose Vella Rose Vella Mollie Wallace Katie Walmsley Emma Wang Emily Webster Kelli Weinzierl Lisa Wendell Marissa Wong Johnnie Wright Salli Youtt Anna Sazontyeva Zichy

Hollywood Frame Gallery Claudia and Hank Holmes Lindsay (Cohn) ’88 and Rand Holstead Home Interiors LLC Hooks-Epstein Galleries Daryl and Aaron Hoover Hotel Contessa Houston Arboretum & Nature Center Houston Axe Throwing Houston Country Club Houston Dog Walking Club Houston Grand Opera The Houston Museum of Natural Science Houston Polo Club Houston Texans Houstonian Dental The Houstonian Club Carol and John Howenstine Elizabeth and Tom Howley Renee Humphrey Mary Kay and Thomas Hunt Amy and Cliff Husted Indulge Inner Loop Laundry Innovative Images by Robert Berger Intermix International Derma Spa Marilyn and Scott Irwin Island Grill The Itsy Bitsy Boutique IW Marks Jackie Manuel Interiors Vandrick James JED’s Finest The Jen Collection Jentry Kelley Cosmetics Jill Egan Interiors Jill Reno Collection John Daugherty, Realtors Delia and Eric Johnson Jerrien Johnson ’09 Jonathan’s Fine Jewelry Mary and Jeth Jones Michelle and Alex Juden Julie Rhodes Interiors Julie Shannon Designs Jenna and Harris Junell Just Her Sports Patty and Neil Kallmeyer Kameron Craft Design Katherine and Matthew Kardesch Katia Katie Scott Design Ali and Mark Katz Kristen and Matt Katz Ingrid and John Keating Katherine and Sean Keenan Debbie and Steve Kelley Kendra Scott Cammie and Mark Kennedy Dr. Catherine Kerr

Carolyn and Matt Khourie Kristi and Robert Kincannon Allyson and Jason Kinzel Alexander B. Klein Alexandra Knight Ellecia and Edmund Knolle Knot Standard Houston Angela and Steve Koch Allyson and Andrew Kopel Dr. Lucy Kormeier Vic and Lucy Kormeier Dawn and Chris Krieg Kriser’s Kscholastic Inc. Kuhl-Linscomb Lagree HTX Lamborghini Houston Molly Lamme Niki and James Lassiter Laura Manchee Designs Laura Rathe Fine Art Laura Weaver Interiors Ralph Lauren Laurenzo’s El Tiempo Restaurants Alecia and Larry Lawyer Amy and Neil Leibman Leontine Linens Leslie & Co. Ladies Store Lessons In Your Home Lettrefina Michelle Levine Angie and Jared Levinthal Felicia and Benjamin Lewin Allison and Stephen Lewis Mary Catherine and Michael Lewis Sue and Greg Lewis LGI Oriental Rugs Lighting Inc. Lesley and Kevin Lilly Courtney and Josh Lindloff Lissa Debes Interiors Carrie and Brent Lium Longoria Collection Mandy (Malone) ’98 and Brad Loper ’97 Robert Loper Lady Ann and Ryan Loving Lucchese Bootmaker Lucho Lea Aden and Michael Lueck Graham B. Luhn Gina and Jeff Luhnow Lupe Tortilla Carol Lee and Allen Lyons Carmen and Butch Mach Mach Industrial Group The Mad Potter Magpie’s Gifts Jessica Cook and Christian Mehnert Maida’s Belts & Buckles Phil Mailloux Maison Maison Design


Blair and Clay Manley Marburger Farm Antique Show Margaret’s Paintings by Margaret Alvarez Marie Reine Jewelry Mariquita Masterson Kim and Scott Martin Melinda Marye-Kelley Veronica and Nicholas Massiatte Tiffany and Charles Masterson Lisa and Will Mathis Matt Camron Rugs Peggy and David Matthews Maureen O’Shay Photography Max Lang Max Movers, Inc. Amanda and Murrah Mayberry Helen McAda Elisabeth McCabe McClain Gallery Kirby and Scott McCool Jane McCord and The McCord Family Jennifer and George McCormick Madison McDuffie ’11 McGarr Design Jackie and Connelly McGreevy ’89 Caren and Mac McKinnie MCL Jewelry Anna and Scott McLean Pilar and Jeff McNear MECOX Denise (Wight) ’88 and Keeley Megarity Jessica Cook and Christian Mehnert Memorial Hermann in Honor of Elizabeth and Will Galtney Alisa and Drew Mengwasser Mercedes Benz Houston Greenway Nicole and Chris Merriam Metcalf Fine Art Portraits Paula and Mark Mey Cara and Chad Michael Michael’s Cookie Jar michelle y williams studio Kimberly and Chris Miller Victoria and Jarrett Minton Mister Car Wash Audrey and Lee Mitchell Audrey Drought and Lee Mitchell Mark Mitchell Melissa and Michael Mithoff MKL Design Co. Mod Pizza Modern Acupuncture - River Oaks Moderno Tacos + Tex Mex Anna Moise ’20 Molina’s Monkee’s of Houston Moody Gallery Janet and Harvin Moore Jennifer and Joel Moore Laurie and Reed Morian Melissa and Matt Morris


Moss Landscaping Louise and Gary Moss Monica and Ken Moursund Munger Interiors Amy Munger Katy and Sam Murray Adrienne and Stefan Murry The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston Fundi Mwamba Nancy’s Hustle NARS River Oaks Lori and Ken Naughton Celine and Randall Nelson Laurence B. Neuhaus Karen and Jeff Newman Sheila and John Neylon Nancy Nguyen - Manicurist Michelle and David Nickerson Carol and Tim Nielsen Niko Niko’s Greek & American Cafe Jodi Jenkins Nolen Tracy Glesby Northington ’06 Eloise and Andrew Novotny Dianna and David Nussbaum Lyria and Shawn O’Brien Ruth and Lance Odom Old Fashioned Photo Booth Jens Van Dyck Olesya Webb Pilates Olsen Family Outdoor Experiences Orange Theory Lisa and Josh Oren The Organizing Organization Ouisie’s Table Out of the Box The Owen Group Design Firm Tami Owen Robin and Elijah Owens Palazzo’s Trattoria Liz and Paul Palmer Pampered Pet Inn The Parlour Salon Partners in Building Caroline Curtis Paterson Leslie Margolis and Josh Paull Kimberley Pavalock Julie and Jack Perry Perry Tutoring Perry Video & Photography Persona Med Spa Pete’s Fine Meats Elaine and Vytas Petrulis Natasha and Loren Pieper Pinstripes Houston Allison Piper and Walker Kimball Pivot Point Advisors Erin Podsednik David Pond Ashley and Al Pratka Presbyterian School Kathleen and Townes Pressler

Prime Systems Kelly and Steven Provenzano Kelly Provine ’89 Pure Body Studio Quality Life Fitness Quatrine Home Raintree Boutique Frances and Rick Rambo Patti and Kim Randolph Rare Gems of India Brandy and Stephen Ray Katheryn (Shaffer) ’89 and Hugh Ray ’88 Leigh Anne and John Raymond The Reagart Collection by Reagan Corbett Rebecca Lankford Designs Lisa and John Reed Refresh Dermatology Kim and Chris Reichert Anna and Jim Reynolds RIDE Indoor Cycling - West University Suzanne and Jay Rippeto Mindy and Spencer Rippstein Jennifer Gatto and Wayne Risoli River Oaks Bookstore River Oaks Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram River Oaks Donuts River Oaks Medspa River Oaks Travel Riverstone Fitness, LLC Robert’s China, Crystal & Gifts Robin Jackson Photography Alison and Darryl Robinson Paige and David Rockecharlie ROCO - River Oaks Chamber Orchestra Rodan + Fields Rogers Travel Melissa and Jamey Rootes Patricia and Richard Rorschach Holly and Jonathan Ross Margaret Rotan Rover Oaks Row House Bellaire

Royal Street Fine Art Aspen Didi and Jeff Rushing Erin Russe Ryan Russe Russell & Smith Ryde River Oaks S. Bell Designs Karen Sachar Dominique Sachse Saint Arnold Brewing Co. - Brock Wagner Saint Shore SAKS Fifth Avenue Salli Youtt Design Sanctuary Spa Don Sanders Margie and Brad Sanders The Sarofim Foundation Mary Jane and Bo Sasnett Nicole (Austin) Satterfield ’98 Savarese Fight Fit Scene One Interiors Kara and Curt Schaefer Melinda and Brent Scheps Courtney (Reeves) ’02 and Greg Schilling Schlumberger Tammy and Dan Schoen Anna and Bret Scholtes Sherri and Charles Schugart Cedric Scott Sculpt U Physical Therapy Seasons 52 Segreto Finishes Liz Selig ’94 Dee Sellers Shabby Slips Home Lauren Shah ’03 Julie and David Shannon Margaret and Joel Shannon Shelley Melody Interiors Millette and Haag Sherman Morgan and David Shin Sid Mashburn Bizet and Gabe Siegel

Auction Advisors Melinda Abell Tammy Barringer Julie Bayouth DeDe Bertron Dionne Breen Kathy Brooks Grace Cartwright Wendy Chiles Dru Cone Lynette Cone Cindy Cook Christy Echols Bonny Edwards Lisa Erwin Sabrina Espinoza Catharine Faulconer Patricia Hammond Heather Herrold Dorothy Kaldis Marcy Margolis Kim Martin Michelle Martin Melanie Meeks Cristin Miller Kimberly Miller Melanie Morgan Lyria O’Brien Lisa O’Leary Anita O’Shaughnessy Fox Beth Reeves Pam Sengelmann Molly Shaffer Leigh Smith Tiffany Smith Michelle Stewart Susie Streller Bridget Butler Wade ’87

Luncheon Hostesses September Tiffany and Charles Masterson October Janna and Adam Zylman December Kristi and Chick Chickering February Laura and William Wheless March Hilda and Greg Curran


Sign Gypsies Kari Findley and Ken Sill Sissy Fenoglio Interiors Sketches By Beth Emily and Patrick Smith Keely and Sam Smith Kristin and Ned Smith Susan Hardwick-Smith Keely and Sam Smith Shannon Smith Society for the Performing Arts Sonik Vision Soul Cycle - Memorial Sparrow Cook Shop Spec’s Warehouse of Wines, Spirits, and Finer Foods Jeanne and Gerry Spedale Squared Away St. Mark’s Episcopal School Stages Repertory Theatre Melissa and Drew Standley Judy and Bret Stanley Stepp Family Dentistry Dr. Colby Stewart Cynthia Stone Felicia and Rafael Stone Stretchlab Bellaire Sugar Land Skeeters Susan Ellison Dentistry & Cosmetics Suzette Schutze Fine Art Evans Swann ’05 Sweetwater Pools, Inc. Sarah and Jeff Szymanski Tapester’s Grill Eloise and James Taussig Dr. Mary Taylor Texas Center for Facial Plastic Surgery Maynard Thomas Carol and Gregg Thompson Thompson + Hanson Thornton Flies Three Dog Bakery Ticket Stop Today’s Vision - Bellaire Tom James Company Toni R Salon Tony’s Restaurant Tootsie’s Lauren and John Toubassi Mr. David Trauba Tree Care Inc. Tribute Goods Fine Linens True Rest Float Spa Cecie and Kyle Turlington Elaine Turner Twin Oaks Cleaners Gina Ulbricht Sarah and Duncan Underwood ’89 Underwood Ranch The Union HTX Urban Air Bay Area


Van Cleef & Arpels Adrienne and William Vanderbloemen Vein Center Houston Diane and Dick Viall Village Frame Gallery Village Plumbing & Air Vincent Ford Custom Apparel Vintage Contessa & Times Past Vision & Hammer Vision Optique Patricia Wailes Mollie and Kent Wallace Sherri and Garrett Walsh Wants & Needs Style Kay and Fred Wasden Janna and David Webber Emily and Andrew Webster Loraine and Scott Wegmann Lisa Weigand Kelli and John Weinzierl Emily and Kipp Wells Carrie and Ron Welsch Lisa and Shawn Wendell Sarah and Larry West West U Orthodontics Dr. Anna Maria Salas Westbury Animal Hospital Laura and Bob Wheless Laura (Wareing) ’94 and William Wheless White Lion Safaris Due South Expeditions Linda Gale White Stacey and Andrew White Elizabeth and James Whitehead ’94 Jessie Wilhite Sharon Willcutts Julie and Keith Williams Randa and Charlie Williams Susan Williford Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP Marissa and Kailee Wong RJ Wood Connie and Tommy Wright Johnnie and Jimmy Wright Write for the Occasion You Lucky Dog, LLC Margaret and Mike Young Cindy and Chris Young Your Butler’s Pantry Salli and Michael Youtt Wendy Yu Zadok Master Jewelers Giuseppe Zanotti Joni and John Zavitsanos Janna and Adam Zylman

Auction Night Volunteers Auctioneer Stephen Lewis Chris Bailey Photography Sara Austin EHS Faculty, Staff, and Friends Jessica Adams Jeff Adams Mike Alford Bess Alford Jason Alsup Salvador Argueta Garmon Ashby Emily Barron Jay Berckley Alice Berry Alan Bradshaw ’99 Alex Bruton Robert Buckelew Kristina Burgess Jenny Cantrell Mark Carter John Colello Meredith Cornish Jeff Cotton

Lauren Cunningham Scott Cunningham Shelly Edmonds John Flanagan Claire Fletcher Karen Foster Neil Fullarton John Gillet Jenilee Gobea Rey Gongora Ashley Gray Peggy Haney Evan Harris Baron Heinemann Wendy Heinemann Julianne Hickey Justin Hickey Mike Hodgson Beth Holden Mary Catherine Holliday Krista Holter Hillary Houle ’92 Elizabeth (Biz) Kechejian Debbie Kelley Steve Kelley Colton Kelley ’04

Cody Kelley ’07 Sheila Kelly Kary Kemble KZ Koochekzadeh Johnny Kwok Danielle Kwok Courtney Lindloff Josh Lindloff Kate Lindon Ashley Long Brad Loper ’97 Mandy (Malone) Loper ’98 Phuc Luu Paula Luu Laurie Mann Luke Mann Ray Marshall Jeanette Martinez Bob Matthews Remon Maximos Jacqueline Maximos Greg Melius Julius Michael Pat Michael Mark Mitchell Daniel Murphy

Maureen Myers Ruben Orellana Robin Owens Joanna Papakonstantinou Kimberley Pavalock Kate Philbrick Kim Randolph Patti Randolph Leigh Anne Raymond Julie Rollins Bo Rose Erin Russe Anna Saikin Jeff Singleton Ayesha Spooner Rasa Starkey Brad Telford Emma Tsai Patty Tse Gina Ulbricht Henry Valdez Charlie Varela Billy Warren Carol Wasden Emily White Margaret Young

AUCTION PILLARS UP Lead Gifts $30,000 Frances and Ben Alexander Sherri and Charles Schugart Gifts of $20,000 Elizabeth and Will Galtney Gifts of $15,000 to $5,000 Stephanie and Mark Deverka Linda and David Elmer Caroline and Jeremy Finkelstein Christy and Matt Galtney Lindsay (Cohn) ’88 and Rand Holstead Jenna and Harris Junell Carol Lee and Allen Lyons Cara and Chad Michael Millette and Haag Sherman Sarah and Duncan Underwood Janna and David Webber Julie and Keith Williams

Gifts of $2,500 to $1,000 Cyndi and John Baily Stacey and Scott Butler Jill and Chris Cokinos Linda and Mike Fox Anne and John Freeman Erin and Preston Hall ’00 Peggy and Virgil Haney Elizabeth and Tom Howley Amy and Cliff Husted Michelle and Alex Juden Ali and Mark Katz Mary Catherine and Michael Lewis Lady Ann and Ryan Loving Lea Aden and Michael Lueck Pilar and Jeff McNear Alisa and Drew Mengwasser Louise and Gary Moss Elaine and Vytas Petrulis Suzanne and Jay Rippeto Paige and David Rockecharlie Holly and Jonathan Ross

Mary Jane and Bo Sasnett Morgan and David Shin Kristin and Ned Smith Judy and Bret Stanley Carol and Gregg Thompson Loraine and Scott Wegmann Lisa and Shawn Wendell Susan Williford Gifts up to $500 Monica and Jay Berckley Shelly Blalock Michele and Richard Deutsch Molly and Duncan Lamme Kimberly and Chris Miller Eloise (Fay) ’94 and Andrew Novotny Katheryn (Shaffer) ’89 and Hugh Ray ’88 Margaret and Mike Young


PARENTS ASSOCIATION The Parents Association did a wonderful job during a very stressful 2019-20 school year. Guided by our President Carolyn Betti, our moms began their planning in early May as they prepared for the fall semester. In early summer, the Mentor Moms welcomed and helped the incoming freshmen and transfers acclimate to the EHS Community. The onboarding continued with the annual Volunteer Rally, welcoming our new parents and promoting involvement through committee sign-up. The Parents Association’s 28 committees continued their work throughout the year, and their nonstop commitment to the students, faculty, and staff was on full display. Our moms are on campus every day volunteering and providing help where it is needed. Their smiles and “can do” attitude advance the family atmosphere on the EHS campus.

Auction 2021: Light Up the Knight Friday February 19, 2021 Mark your calendars for Friday February 19, 2021, as we “Light Up the Knight” for Episcopal High School’s 37th Annual Auction Gala! Join us as we honor all of the ways that EHS empowers our Knights to #FindInnerGenius. Guests will enjoy an elegant evening of community, fellowship, and fun. Auction Chairs Caren McKinnie and Michelle Juden began building their team last spring, and they look forward to shining a light on Episcopal High School—the Knights! Auction Meeting Hosts: December Meeting Patty and Neil Kallmeyer February Meeting Anne and John Freeman March Meeting Liz and Rogers Herndon For the latest updates visit:


The Parents Association also helps out the school with financial support for the Family Directory, Knight Vision Glasses, Field Knight, Senior Welcome Breakfast, Auction, Grounds, Pillar Support, Faculty/Staff Appreciation, Volunteer Appreciation, and many other school community activities. The Parents Association excitement and enthusiasm provides a wonderful environment for all of EHS.

COMMITTEE CHAIRS AND REPRESENTATIVES Kay Amendola* Jen Arntzen Shelley Barineau Tammy Barringer Alice Bell Aly Berlin Carolyn Betti* Kim Black Jennifer Black Mary Ellen Bos Michele Carlin Lynn Deyo Jo Dickson Elisabeth Dyer Pepper Edens Nicole Eidman Sabrina Espinoza Linda Fox Ann Freeman Donna Gaetti* Jennifer Gatto Stacey Henningsen Lorie Herod Carol Howenstine Sue Jensen Mary Jones Michelle Juden Patty Kallmeyer Katherine Kardesch Angela Koch

Carrie Lium Blair Manley Jennifer McCormick Kimberly Miller* Katy Murray Sheila Neylon Michelle Nickerson Elaine Petrulis Lisa Reed Kim Reichert* Suzanne Rippeto Mindy Rippstein Patricia Rorschach Suzanne Rose Elizabeth Russell Kara Schaefer Anna Scholtes Lori Small Eloise Taussig Jennifer Thornton Ann Tuckwood Cecie Turlington Emily Webster Lisa Wendell Stacey White Sarka Ziegler * Volunteered on multiple committees

Parents Association Officers President Carolyn Betti Vice President Whitney Ogle Secretary Blair Manley Treasurer Laurence Bragg Parliamentarian Sonia Lahoti Class Parent Rep Cara Michael Dean of Parent Programs and School Legacy John Colello


DADS CLUB Jay Rippeto, EHS Dads Club President, continued the Dads Club tradition to invite, engage, and provide opportunities for our dads to get involved in the EHS community. As the year began, our dads started grilling for Field Knight and all home football games. The dads are also in both concession areas lending a helping hand. Our dads are welcomed on campus for an array of school events, meetings, breakfasts, and special events. The Dads Club provides morning breakfasts (5 throughout the year) allowing our dads to hear about the Four Pillars, College Counseling, and see firsthand our talented learners through student presentations. Our two main events, Sporting Clays and Golf Tournament were not held this year. Weather and Covid-19 caused both events to be canceled. However, our dads did not skip a beat, their pledge to help wherever needed was evident throughout the year. The Dads Club has a financial stake in the EHS Community, providing funding for all Four Pillars, student/faculty/staff activities and appreciation, Class of 2024 t-shirt, “Got Blue” spirit shirts, Field Knight, SOS-Race for the Cure, Pink Ribbon Knight, Spirit Club, Opening Night dinners for all theater and dance productions, Faculty/Staff Christmas gifts, Family Directory, College Counseling college rep hospitality, EHS Gong Squad, Challenger events, and Student events. The Dads Club also provides lunch for the annual Senior Leaving Tree event. From start to finish, this organization provides its support for the entire Episcopal Community. This past year, the Dads Club funded the following requested items – HUDL Camera System, Carbon Volleyball Net System, Lacrosse Goals/Netting, and DiamondBoxx Sound System. The Dads Club Board approved almost $70,000 in funding during the 2019-2020 school year. The 2019-2020 Dads Club for the second time, participated in the Lead the Way Campaign with a $15,000 pledge toward the new Field Hockey Turf Field. Since 1994, the Dads Club has given almost $2,100,000 back to the EHS Community.

Dads Club Leadership President - Jay Rippeto Vice President - Ronnie Deyo Secretary - Mike Young Treasurer - Joe Bob Edwards Senior Representatives Chad Clay Brady Crosswell Ashley Edens Thomas Hunt Chris Krieg Junior Representatives Michael Brown Ronnie Deyo Mike Fox Jay Rippeto Mike Young Sophomore Representatives Joe Bob Edwards Emerson Hankamer Charles Masterson Mark Witcher Tom Zenner Freshman Representatives Scott Carter Jeff Henningsen Sean Keenan John Pearson Shawn Wendell


DADS CLUB GOLF TOURNAMENT SPONSORS Nick Adair ’05 Lovie and Ben Alexander Nicole and Phil Anderson Alice and Trey Bell Erika and Matt Benz Gina and Devinder Bhatia Kristine and Jeff Bird Jane and Robert Cabes Michele and Clint Carlin January and Scott Carter Jane and Chris Champion Trina and Craig Chandler Chad Clay Julia Collins Catherine and Edward Crain Larry Crawford Heather and Brady Crosswell Debbie and David Crow Stacy and Matt Debnam Jane and Jimmy DeGeorge Lynn and Ronnie Deyo Justin Dzik ’05 Pepper and Ashley Edens Bonny and Joe Bob Edwards Nicole and Greg Eidman Catharine and Grant Faulconer Stephanie and Hugh Forque Linda and Mike Fox Laura and Scott Fuselier Laura and Carl Giesler Allison and Grant Hall ’89 Catherine and Chris Hanslik Amy and Curtis Hartman Stacey and Jeff Henningsen Mary Kay and Thomas Hunt Marilyn and Scott Irwin Jerrien Johnson ’09 Jean and Josh Jones David Karohl

Katherine and Sean Keenan Rich Klucznik Allyson and Andrew Kopel Dawn and Chris Krieg Courtney and Tom Lippincott Tiffany and Charles Masterson Amanda and Murrah Mayberry Jackie and Connelly McGreevy ’89 Pilar and Jeff McNear Megan and Frank Meyer ’05 Audrey Drought and Lee Mitchell Whitney and Jonathan Mock ’89 Allison (McConnell) ’06 and Price Monroe ’05 Glenda and Danny Moore Katy and Sam Murray Karen and Jeff Newman Sheila and John Neylon Ruth and Lance Odom Cindy and Mark O’Donnell Tricia White-Rhemtulla and Farzan Rhemtulla Suzanne and Jay Rippeto Mindy and Spencer Rippstein Alison and Darryl Robinson Stephanie and Brian Sauer Kay and Carter Simonds Krista and Todd Sinex Kim and Kevin Sisk Amy and Ken Snell Lisette and Paul Theriot Jennifer and Bill Toomey ’89 Ann and Greg Tuckwood Cecie and Kyle Turlington Susannah and Stuart Wallace ’89 Mollie and Kent Wallace Jennifer and Ronald Watt Kelli and John Weinzierl Carrie and Ron Welsh Lisa and Mark Witcher Kelly and Tom Zenner


ENDOWMENT UPDATE The EHS Endowment Board provides careful oversight for these important resources. Assets are sage invested through a diversified asset portfolio. The Board met quarterly with a focus on the long-term sustainability of the Mission of Episcopal High School. In addition, as part of ongoing due diligence, the Endowment’s by-laws were revised this year Despite market volatility, the value of the Endowment held stable. As of June 30, 2020, the EHS Endowment Fund balance was $38.5 million. In addition, the Endowment Fund has future pledges to make the total assets of the Endowment worth $43.5 million. The Endowment contributed $1,071,000 to the School’s annual operating budget of $28,883,000. We are pleased that the Endowment could make a significant contribution to the daily operating needs of the school. Ongoing Endowment growth continues to be a strategic goal for the School. A primary vehicle for this growth will be an increased focus on securing planned gifts, using philanthropic strategies such as bequest beneficiaries, and more. Episcopal High School’s Endowment Fund welcomes contributions and pledges of any amount. The Endowment is a perfect way to preserve a donor’s charitable intent for generations to come. Peggy Haney, Director of Advancement,, would be happy to discuss endowment giving opportunities in more detail.


Board of Trustees of the Endowment Fund President Victor A. Kormeier Jr. Vice President Bill Caudill Secretary Laurence B. Neuhaus Merrell Athon Thomas L. Carter Jr. W. Craig Childers Michael Ellington William F. Galtney Jr Melinda Budinger Hildebrand Jeffrey J. McParland A. Haag Sherman Ned Smith Lynda Knapp Underwood Randa Duncan Williams Thomas M. Wright

ENDOWMENT AND SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT FUND DONORS EHS Endowment Fund The Hildebrand Foundation Episcopal Diocese of Texas

Andrew H. H. Kaufman Scholarship Judy and Barry Kaufman Judith O’Donnell and John Parker

Underwood Scholarship Fund Anne Symonds in honor of Lynda K. Underwood Lynda Underwood in honor of, Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Arnold Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ned C. Becker Mr. & Mrs. O. H. Crosswell Mr. & Mrs. Harry Cullen Mr. Michael P. Cullinan Mr. & Mrs. W. P. Denison Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Pat T. Dyer Ms. Sukey Fenoglio Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Gaedcke Mrs. Ollabelle Hall Mr. & Mrs. George Masterson Mr. Jack Mayfield Mr. & Mrs. Ned Smith Mrs. Ann Trammell Mr. & Mrs. Keith Trotman Mr. & Mrs. Louis Waters Mrs. Fay Whitehead and Family

Lauren ’02 and Tracy ’06 Glesby Scholarship Lila Rauch John Flanagan Scholarship Fund John Flanagan Lake Robertson Kari Findley and Ken Sill


RESTRICTED GIFTS Restricted gifts are donations that are designated for a specific purpose, such as a particular event, program, or item for the School. EHS solicits unrestricted gifts through the annual giving program and welcomes restricted gifts, such as the generous donations recognized below.



EHS Dads Club EHS Parents Association American Chemical Society

EHS Dads Club EHS Parents Association Arts Angels Friends and Family of Impact

Financial Aid Eryn and Bob Elliott Episcopal Diocese of Texas The Marc F. Adler Prize for Excellence in Teaching The Adler Foundation Marc Adler Scholars Program The Albert and Margaret Alkek Foundation CFP Foundation Library JoAnne and Andy Doyle Eryn and Bob Elliott Catharine and Grant Falconer in honor of Sara Faulconer ’21 Linda and Mike Fox in honor of Tanner Fox ’21 Allison and Greg Hammer in honor of Haley Hammer ’21 Martha and Richard Perwien in honor of Sophia Perwien ’23 Stephanie and Russel Post in honor of Audrey Post ’22 Tina Smith in honor of Justin Smith ’20 Carrie and Ron Welsh


Performing Arts Department Thank You to our Subscribers! Producer Level Joanie and David Andrews Laura and Matthew Baird Abigail and David Branch Jill and Christopher Cokinos Lydia and Rafael Diaz Linda and David Elmer Catharine and Grant Faulconer Catherine and Christopher Hanslik Kristin and James McAlpin Pilar and Jeff McNear Director Peggy and Virgil Haney Julie and Michael Donaldson Angie and Jared Levinthal Amy and Jordan Pincu Performer Kristine and Jeff Bird Stacy and James Debnam Lee Anne and Jason Dixon Cynthia and Mark Hazard Melissa and Andrew Hopwood Heather and Wayne Kearney Jean and Josh Jones The McAlpin Family Tica and Ricahrd Perwien Lori and Joseph Small Carrie and Ronald Welsh

ATHLETICS EHS Dads Club EHS Parents Association Lori and Stephn Herod Vivian Smith Foundation

RELIGION Altar Guild Members EHS Dads Club EHS Parents Association Students of Service Albertsons Safeway Chapel Chairs – Given to the Glory of God In honor of Caroline Guerino, Class of 2020 by Sallie and Tony Guerino In honor of Thomas Razim, Class of 2020, by Genevieve and Ed Razim Chapel Memorial Fund Gifts are used as needed for prayer books, hymnals, flowers, altar linens, seasonal decorations, banners. Etc. EHS Parents Association Nicole and Phil Anderson Kristine and Jeff Bird in honor of Natalie Bird ’20 Pam and Pat Black in honor of John Elliott Heather and Brady Crosswell in honor of Marilyn Ligon and Mr. and Mrs. Holcombe Crosswell; and in memory of Dr. Ralph Ligon Stacy and Matt Debnam in honor of All Beacons of Light in the Community JoAnne and Andy Doyle Eryn and Bob Elliott in memory of William Elliott Linda and Mike Fox in memory of Graham M. Johnston Catharine and Grant Faulconer in honor of Sara Faulconer ’21 Corey Garrett in memory of Elsie Garrett Casey and Ryan Hackney in memory of Dr. William P. Hackney Peggy and Virgil Haney in memory of The Rev. and Mrs. Angus Dun, Jr. Cynthia and Mark Hazard in memory of Josephine Gilmore Ali and Mark Katz

Angela and Dean Liollio in honor of Sophia Liollio and the Class of 2020 Alisa and Drew Mengwaser and William Mengwaser ‘ 22 in memory of Dr. Gary L. Stamp Carol and Timothy Nielsen in memory of Marion and John Merritello Tica and Richard Perwien in memory of James R. Berry Natasha and Loren Pieper in memory of Grace and Lowell Pieper Catherine and William Randall in honor of The Reverend Anne Knight Hoey Catherine and William Randall in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Risher Randall Carl Scherrieb ’90 in honor of Larry J Kelley, Sr. Tina Smith in memory of Mona “Nana” Smith, “Hoot” Smith, Bill and Buell Elliott Gina Ulbricht in memory of Betty and Jim Ulbricht Robyn Vermeil in honor of Alexander Kenneth Vermeil ’20 Robyn Vermeil in honor of Sasha Olivia Vermeil ’18 Robyn Vermeil in honor of Nicholas Robert Vermeil ’16 Katherine and Robert Walmsley with much gratitude in honor of the EHS teachers, coaches, and Administration. Thank you for all your time, care and Support! Carrie and Ron Welch in memory of Mildred S. Bennett Class of 2020 Carol and John Austin – Silver Eagle Coins in honor of the Class of 2020 Class of 2022 Stephanie and Mark Deverka In Kind Alan Ross Photography Melissa and Tom McCaffrey Chris Bailey Photography Capital Gifts Lacy Crain and Joe Galloway The Crain Foundation Ellen and Edward Randall


COLLEGE ACCEPTANCES Members of the Class of 2020 were accepted into 179 universities. The University of Alabama* American University* Angelo State University Arizona State University-Tempe The University of Arizona* Arkansas State University University of Arkansas Auburn University* Austin College* Austin Community College* Baylor University* Belmont University Benedictine College* Berklee College of Music Blinn College Boston College Bradley University University of British Columbia Brown University* California College of the Arts Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo California State University-Chico University of California-Davis University of California-Los Angeles* University of California-Riverside University of California, San Diego University of California-Santa Barbara University of California-Santa Cruz


Case Western Reserve University Chapman University* Citrus College* College of Charleston* University of Chicago* Clark Atlanta University Clark University Clemson University University of Colorado at Boulder* Colorado School of Mines Colorado State University-Fort Collins* Columbia College Chicago Concordia University-Texas* University of Connecticut* Creighton University Dallas Baptist University Dallas County Community College* Davidson College University of Delaware University of Denver DePaul University Drake University Drexel University East Texas Baptist University Eastern Michigan University Elon University Emerson College Emory University (Oxford College)

Fordham University Georgetown University* University of Georgia Gustavus Adolphus College Hampton University* Harvard College* Hendrix College* Houston Baptist University University of Houston University of Houston-Downtown Howard Payne University Howard University* Indiana University-Bloomington* University of Iowa* Ithaca College Kansas State University University of Kansas* University of Kentucky Lee University* Lehigh University* LeTourneau University Liberty University* Long Island University, Brooklyn Louisiana State University* Loyola Marymount University Loyola University Chicago* Loyola University New Orleans* Lynn University

Manhattan College Manhattanville College University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Marymount Manhattan College McLennan Community College* Miami University-Oxford University of Miami* Michigan State University Millsaps College University of Mississippi* University of Missouri-Columbia University of Nebraska-Lincoln University of New Hampshire New York University* North Carolina State University at Raleigh* University of North Texas Northeastern University* Northwestern University* Norwich University Oklahoma State University The University of Oklahoma* Pace University-New York Pennsylvania State University University of Pennsylvania* University of Pittsburgh Prairie View A&M University* Principia College* Purdue University* University of Redlands Reed College Regis University Rhodes College Rice University* University of Richmond

University of Rochester Rollins College Rutgers University-New Brunswick Saint Mary’s College of California Sam Houston State University Samford University San Diego State University University of San Diego* Santa Clara University Savannah College of Art and Design* Seattle University Seton Hall University* Sewanee: The University of the South University of South Carolina-Columbia University of Southern California* Southern Methodist University* Southern University and A&M College Southwestern University* Saint Edward’s University St. John’s University* Stephen F. Austin State University* Syracuse University* Tarleton State University Tarrant County College* Temple University The University of Tennessee-Knoxville Texas A&M University* Texas Christian University* Texas Lutheran University Texas State University Texas Tech University Texas Tech University* Texas Wesleyan University The University of Texas at Arlington

The University of Texas, Austin* The University of Texas at San Antonio* University of Toronto* Trinity College Dublin Trinity University* Tufts University* Tulane University* University of Tulsa University at Buffalo (SUNY) University of Oregon University of St Thomas University of the Incarnate Word Valparaiso University Vanderbilt University Vassar College University of Vermont University of Victoria Villanova University Virginia Military Institute* University of Virginia* Wake Forest University Washington & Jefferson College Webster University Wesleyan University West Virginia University Willamette University William and Mary Xavier University of Louisiana *One or more members of the Class of 2020 attending



IN MEMORIAM Brent Bushell ’01 EHS mourns the loss of Brent Bushell ’01. During his time at EHS, Brent participated in Orchestra, Jazz Band, and Percussion Ensemble. He was a member of National Honor Society and the Math Tournament Team and was awarded the Head of School Award. Following graduation, he received a Bachelor of Science degree in Information Technology from the University of Houston and two Master’s degrees in Business Administration and Information Systems from Santa Clara University. He is survived by his wife Sara (Mitchell) Calvert ’01, who he met while students at EHS. Brent had a huge heart, incredible brain, and quick wit. He will be missed by all who knew him.

Derek Creacy ’17 With great sadness, EHS mourns the loss of Derek Creacy ’17. During his time at EHS, Derek was a 4-year Cross Country and Track & Field member. He was incredibly talented and hard-working. In addition, he was an accomplished musician and participated in the Orchestra, Jazz Band, and the Chapel Music Group. Derek, along with a few fellow cross-country musicians, would even perform at International Fest and EHS Coffee House. His teachers, coaches and teammates could always count on Derek to make them laugh, especially when traveling to sports meets. Derek is missed very much by all who knew him.

Karen Yager ’92 The Episcopal High School family mourns the loss of Karen Yager, Class of 1992. While attending EHS, Karen was active in the arts and eagerly gave her time to the International Thespian Society, Theatre Tech, as well as Light and Shadow Magazine. After EHS, she graduated from Texas State University and built a successful career in marketing and graphic design. Beyond the doors of her office, Karen was an avid painter, a certified ESL teacher, a volunteer at the Clarity Center and a beloved daughter, sister, aunt, and friend to all who knew her.


2020-2021 Chairman The Rt. Rev. C. Andrew Doyle Executive Chair A. Haag Sherman

Board of Trustees Frances Alexander, Henrietta K. Alexander, Shelley Torian Barineau, J. Craig Chandler, W. Craig Childers, Jane Johnson Dabney, William A. Edens Sr., Emerson K. Hankamer Sr., Terri Havens, Andrew B. Hawthorn ’91, Thad Hill, Richard A. Howell ’01, Elizabeth K. Howley, Jenna Junell, Alecia Lawyer, Clay Manley, Laurie N. Morian, William Randall, Ned Smith, Trey Snider, The Very Rev. Barkley Thompson, John Weinzierl, James Whitehead ’94, Julius Young Jr. Life Trustees John F. Austin III, Edward C. Becker, The Rt. Rev. Maurice M. Benitez†, W. Craig Childers, Lacy Crain, The Rev. Laurens A. Hall, Victor A. Kormeier Jr., Frederick R. McCord†, Laurence B. Neuhaus, The Rt. Rev. Claude E. Payne, Joel I. Shannon, Lynda Knapp Underwood, The Rt. Rev. Don A. Wimberly Executive Committee J. Craig Chandler, W. Craig Childers, The Rt. Rev. C. Andrew Doyle, William F. Galtney Jr., Melinda Budinger Hildebrand, Victor A. Kormeier Jr., Clay Manley, A. Haag Sherman, Ned Smith, Lynda Knapp Underwood, John Weinzierl, James Whitehead ’94, Randa Duncan Williams, Julius Young Jr. †


LEADERSHIP Head of School Ned Smith

Dean of Arts and Innovation Jay Berckley

Dean of Spiritual Life The Rev. Beth Holden

Associate Head of School Nancy Laufe Eisenberg

Director of Finance and Operations Evelyn Cambria

Director of Community and Inclusion Wayne Jones

Director of Athletics Jason Grove

Dean of Faculty Nguyet Xuan Pham

Director of Advancement Peggy Haney

Principal Kim Randolph

COMMUNICATIONS TEAM Director of Communications Claire Fletcher

Webmaster and Designer Mauro Gomez

Communications Associate Lauren West

Photography Scott Cunningham, Claire Fletcher, Mauro Gomez, Advancement Department, Chris Bailey Photography

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