PROGRAM: EHS Onstage Presents "Letters to Sala"

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PRODUCER LEVEL Joanie and David Andrews / David Catharine and Grant Faulconer / Sara Linda and David Elmer / Adeline Kristin and James McAlpin / Logan Kim and Jeff Van Gundy / Grayson

DIRECTOR LEVEL Julie and Michael Donaldson / Kate

PERFORMER LEVEL Laura Banfield and Dan Kirkpatrick / Corinne Taucha Hogue / Mali Elizabeth and Tom Howley / Lucy


Letters to Sala a play by

Arlene Hutton originally conceived by Lawrence Sacharow based on the book Sala’s Gift by Ann Kirschner Produced By

Directed By

Paul Revaz

Katherine Weigand

Set & Lighting Design By

Costume Design By

Paul Revaz

Robin Bowman

Director of Photography & Editor

Peter Hutcheson Production Stage Manager

Connor Smith Stage Management

Madeleine Berckley, LJ Coady, Sophia Espinoza Photographs appear with the permisson of the Sala Garncarz Kirschner Family Letters To Sala is presented by special arrangement with Dramatist Playservice, Inc. New York

Sala Ann Caroline Elisabeth Young Sala Chana   Raizel    Blima Laya Dina   Rozia   Bela Frymka  Sara Regina


Bella Marquez  Alena Haney Caton  Murry  Kate Donaldson Sara  Faulconer  Gwendalyn Diaz Lydia Berckley Taylor Schugart Taliana  Stoy  Grayson Van Gundy Valentina Morales  Ruby  Theriot  Jackie Canfield Julia Zichy

Ala Lucia Chaim Harry Herbert Sidney Elfriede

Abigail  Klinkerman  River  Reinertsen-Forehand  Colin McCormick  Will McKinnie Mark-Anthony  Mey  David Andrews  Elise Branch

Gucia   Zusi Rachel   Glika

Poema  Sumrow  Grayson Van Gundy  Gwen Diaz Taliana Stoy

Guards Work Camp Girls

David Andrews, Joshua Horn, Mark-Anthony Mey, Poema Sumrow Elise Branch, Jackie Canfield, River Reinertsen-Forehand, Valentina Morales, Ruby Theriot,  Julia  Zichy



Katherine Weigand Paul Revaz Connor Smith Madeleine Berckley LJ Coady Sophia Espinoza Paul Revaz Robin Bowman

LJ Coady Lilly Oren Tessa Twiford Peter Hutcheson Madelyn Klinkerman Tessa Twiford Hayes Dodson Mathieu Gay Coco Daly-Hill Trip Ducey Torsten Louis Tessa Twiford Coco Daly-Hill Trip Ducey Cami Gibbons Paige Naughton Stagecraft classes Connor Smith George Brock

A Note From the Director... Welcome to Theatre in 2020. As we wind up the first semester of the 2020-2021 school year, the EHS Theatre program has become a hybrid film company. Gone are the days of worrying about sightlines and run time, replaced by camera angles, editing and green screens. It’s a brave new world. Letters to Sala knocked me over when I first read it three years ago. It handles heart-breaking loss and defiant hope in such a sensitive and deft way. It’s not a play about the Nazi labor camps, though they are central to the play. It’s about how we approach our history. It is respectful to history while also challenging the audience. Are the hardest parts of our histories private lessons to be saved away for personal reference or important public lessons to be shared to resonate with everyone? The question of how we remember and reference our darkest hours is universal, and Ann Kirshner’s source work, Sala’s Gift and Arlene Hutton’s stage adaptation treat that question with care. I have been amazed and truly heartened by the ability of this young cast to delve into the circumstances in play within Sala’s world. They have been inquisitive and respectful, attempting to situate themselves in a universe where such dire consequences permeated every choice, every activity. Without any prompting, they researched the histories of their characters, finding historical relationships and life stories that they shared with pride. Most amazingly and hopefully, they worked together each step of the way to create an ensemble experience that I hope is clearly evident on screen. All of this they did in a short three weeks of rehearsal and two weeks of filming. I hope they have had as much fun as I have in putting this project together for you. Thank you to everyone in the EHS community that made this show possible. It has taken a reimagining of the campus, the curricula, and in our case, the production process to bring this season and this show to you. Thank you to the parents for allowing us to borrow your families for a while, in the lead up to a hectic holiday season. But most of all, thank you to the cast and crew of Letters to Sala for creating an unforgettable theatrical (film?) experience. Paul Revaz December 2020

A Note From Sala’s Daughter Hundreds of labor camps were created in the early years of the war, usually attached to construction projects or factories that belonged to German businesses. Conditions varied, but in Sala’s camps, the Jews wore whatever clothes they had brought from home, and numbers were not tattooed on their arms. They were meant to survive, at least to finish the day’s work. They had been torn from their loved ones, they were hungry, they worked impossible hours under unimaginable conditions, they slept in overcrowded wooden barracks without heat or ventilation, and they lived in constant terror – but the Nazis delivered their mail. Letters and packages were allowed, even encouraged, as if they were first-time campers away from home and the Nazis were eager to reassure anxious parents that all was well. Sala was one of about 50,000 slaves, young and healthy Jewish men and women from western Poland. They were valuable property of Organization Schmelt, an SS division that was set up soon after the Nazi invasion of Poland. Relatively little has been written about the partnership between Nazi leaders, German businessmen, and the Jewish politicians that spirited away tens of thousands of people from the Upper Silesian region of Poland. The very existence of labor camps where Jews received mail is hardly known, and their names are all but forgotten – except by those who were imprisoned there. This is not surprising: to write about these places, which were constructed on the outer circles of hell, not its very core, might have appeared to compromise the agonizing reality of Auschwitz. Because the conditions in the death camps were so much worse, a certain competitiveness sometimes creeps in, even in survivors. “Oh, your mother was in the labor camps,” one survivor told me, waving her arms for emphasis. I had been showing her some of the letter. “I was in Auschwitz,” she declared. “We could never have had such letters in Auschwitz.” She had remained at home in Hungary until late in 1944. How long had she been in Auschwitz, I asked? “Four days,” she said, her tone flat. Four days in Auschwitz…five years in seven different labor camps. She and my mother lost their parents, sisters and brothers, their place in the world. I do not want to compare. Some threshold of suffering defies measurement. Ann Kirschner Sala’s Gift



Congratulations on your 8th EHS ONSTAGE  PLAY!! We have seen you blossom into an authentic actor, and we’ll always admire your unstoppable perseverance! Let your story begin! You are our greatest gift of love, Mom, Dad, Tita, Tito and Tundra

COMPANY BIOS Performers David Andrews ’22 (Sidney/Guard) was most recently seen in this year’s virtual production of Twelfth Night. Previously at EHS, David performed in Othello (Clown), Fiddler on the Roof (Mendel), and in The Man Who Came to Dinner  (Richard).  After a small break from EHS Onstage, David is excited to be back, even if it is virtual. He is grateful to his friends and family for their support. Lydia Berckley ’23 (Raizel) is excited to be part of her 5th production at EHS. Previous performances include: Twelfth Night (Valentine), Camelot (Lydia), Godspell (Soloist), Alice In Wonderland (Matilda), Madagascar the Musical, Jr. (Candy Hammernose), Legally Blonde (Pforzhiemer), Elf The Musical (Emily Hobbs), The Man Who Came to Dinner (Ensemble), King Charles III (TV Producer), Tuck Everlasting (Ensemble), The Big One Oh Zoomsical (Mom), and Dear Edwina Zoomsical (Susie Napkins).

Elise Branch ’21 (Elfriede) EHS Onstage productions

consist of The Legends of Sleepy Hollow (Student), Radium Girls (Venecine Saleswoman, Board Member), Into the Woods (Ensemble), Twelve Angry Jurors (Foreman), Fiddler on the Roof (Ensemble, Fruma Sarah), and Tuck Everlasting (Ensemble). Elise hopes you enjoy the show!

Jackie Canfield ’21 (Sara Czarka/Ensemble) is excited to be a part of another performance at Episcopal High School. She has previously performed in Othello (Ensemble), The Man Who Came to Dinner (Plainclothesman, Choir), Tuck Everlasting (Ensemble) and Twelfth Night (Ensemble).


Gwendalyn Diaz ’21 (Chana/Rachel) Previous roles include: Twelfth Night (Orsion’s Squad), Tuck Everlasting (Winnie Foster), Nobody Sleeps (Ada), Fiddler on the Roof (Golde), Othello (Gratiano), and Into The Woods (Cinderella) with EHS Onstage; She Loves Me (Ilona Ritter) and Into the Woods (Rapunzel) with Operativo Houston; Legally Blonde (Vivienne Kensington), Annie (Annie), & Grease (Patty Simcox) with Pearland Little Theatre; The Lion King (Rafiki/Nala), R&H Cinderella (Fairy Godmother), and The Little Mermaid (Ariel) with Kids Backporch Productions. She is also a proud member of IMPACT, MASQUE, Chorale, and the International Thespian Society at EHS. Gwen sends kisses to her loving family.

Kate Donaldson ’21 (Elisabeth) is very excited to be in her ninth EHS Onstage production. She has previously performed in The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (Country Girl), Radium Girls (Society Woman), Into the Woods (Ensemble), Othello (First Senator), The Man Who Came To Dinner (Ensemble), Fiddler on the Roof (Shprintze),  King Charles III (Nick), Tuck Everlasting (Carny/Ensemble), and Twelfth Night (Curio). She would like to extend a huge thanks to her friends and family for their continued love and support.  Sara Faulconer ’21 (Young Sala) Recent productions at Episcopal include: The Man Who Came to Dinner (Miss Preen), King Charles III (Sara), Nobody Sleeps (Daisy), All Happy Families are the Same (Hayley), Fiddler on the Roof (Ensemble) and Twelfth Night (Orsino’s Squad). Her recent productions outside of EHS include: The Music Man (Penelope Dunlop), Shrek (Gingy), and Seussical (Ensemble). She is sad this is her last show with the EHS theater program, but she is excited to take her next steps into college. She would also like to thank her fellow cast members, friends, and family for their constant love and support.

We are so proud of your hard work and perseverance.  Love, Mom and Dad

Congratulations Alena and Cast on another great EHS Production!   Love: Mom, Dad, and Alexander

“Integrate what you believe in every single area of your life. Take your heart to work and ask the most and best of everybody else, too.”

Meryl Streep

COMPANY BIOS Alena Haney ’21 (Ann) is thrilled to continue her EHS Onstage senior season after performing in Twelfth Night (Viola). Previously appeared in Tuck Everlasting (Ensemble), King Charles III (Tristan Evans), The Man Who Came to Dinner (Maggie), 103° Fahrenheit (Ana), Fiddler on the Roof (Ensemble), Othello (Emilia), The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (Country Girl), Radium Girls (Society Woman), Into the Woods (Ensemble), and All Happy Families Are the Same (Man #2). At Interlochen Center for the Arts: Alice (Commentator 2, Wonderlander, Lobster) and a gender-swapped version Twelfth Night (Orsino). She thanks her family for their endless support and dedication. Josh Horn ’24 (Guard) is thrilled to be part of his second EHS Onstage production. Previous performances include: Twelfth Night (Servant/Ensemble). When he’s not acting Josh plays baseball and golf.

Abigail Klinkerman ’22 (Ala) is very excited to perform in her fourth EHS Onstage show. This will mark her 28th production! Favorite credits include Tuck Everlasting (Mae Tuck), Urinetown (Officer Lockstock), 9 to 5 (Judy), 13 the Musical (Kendra), 25th Spelling Bee (Rona), Ruthless! (Judy), The Toxic Avenger (Mayor), Drowsy Chaperone (Janet), Chicago (Mama Morton), Willy Wonka (Veruca Salt), Seussical (Cat in the Hat), The Lion King (Timon), and Annie (Miss Hannigan). Abigail has studied dance for 8 years, enjoys playing the guitar and competing in volleyball and track at EHS. She wants to thank her friends and family for all their love and support!

Take risks and keep reaching for the sky!

River, We are so proud of your hard work and passion in everything you do! Break a leg! Love, Mom, Dad and Hunter


Bella Marquez ’23 (Sala) is very excited to be a part of her fourth production at Episcopal. She has previously performed in over 15 other productions including Shrek (Young Fiona), Snow White (Sneezy), Anne of Green Gables (Diana), Peter Pan (Wendy), Tuck Everlasting (Ensemble) and most recently Twelfth Night (Olivia’s Entourage). She hopes you enjoy the show.

Colin McCormick ’22 (Chaim Kaufman) Previous EHS performances include Othello (Ensemble), The Man Who Came to Dinner (Ensemble) and Twelfth Night (Captain). In his free time, Colin enjoys playing guitar and bass, listening to EDM, and playing video games with friends. Colin would like to extend a huge thank you to his friends and family for their continued love and support.

Will McKinnie ’21 (Harry) is so excited to be a part of his fifth production and fourth performance at Episcopal. Past productions include: The Lion King (Simba), Into the Woods (Rapunzel's Prince), Fiddler on the Roof (Perchick), King Charles III (Prince William), and Tuck Everlasting (The Man in the Yellow Suit). He looks forward to future productions with EHS Onstage. He thanks his friends and family for their love and support. Mark-Anthony Mey ’23 (Herbert/Guard) has previously performed with EHS Onstage in Tuck Everlasting (Miles Tuck). Outside of Episcopal, he has been a part of Junie B. Jones: The Musical, The Lion King, A Midsummer Night's Dream, and The Importance of Being Ernest. He would like to thank all of his friends and family who helped make this process as enjoyable as possible for him.

We love watching you do what you love. Mom, Dad, and Mattie

Break a leg Kate!  We’re so proud of you!!   Mom, Dad, Parker & Andrew


Valentina Morales ’24 (Bela) is making her debut at EHS! Previous performances include: Jungle Book (Mother Wolf), Frog and Toad (Frog), and Comedy of Errors (Merchant). In her free time, Valentina enjoys playing volleyball for EHS and her club team, working out, listening to music, and hanging out with friends. Caton Murry ’21 (Caroline) is ecstatic to be part of her 11th EHS Onstage production since coming to Episcopal. While this performance looks a little different, she is more than happy to be able to continue her involvement with the program despite the ongoing pandemic. In addition to previous shows, she has most recently had the opportunity to perform in Twelfth Night (Olivia), King Charles III (Kate Middleton), and Fiddler on the Roof (Hodel). She couldn’t be more grateful to her family and friends for their continued love and support and is incredibly thankful for the opportunity the program provides her.

River Reinertsen-Forehand ’21 (Lucia/Assistant Director) Past productions include: The Lion King (Timon), Comedy of Errors (Antipholus of Ephesus), Into the Woods (Ensemble/Snow White), Othello (Desdemona), Fiddler on the Roof (Ensemble), 103 Degrees Fahrenheit (Whitney), The Man Who Came to Dinner (Lorraine), King Charles III (Ensemble/Free Newspaper Woman) and Twelfth Night (Fabian). She was Props Manager for Tuck Everlasting and she directed The Actor’s Nightmare for the Student Directed One Acts last spring. River would like to express massive thanks to her family, friends, and cast mates for all their love and support! Taylor Schugart ’22 (Blima) is very excited to be participating in another EHS onstage production. She has previously been in King Charles III (Jess), Othello (Lodovico), Fiddler on the Roof (Fiddler), Twelfth Night (Olivia’s Entrourage) and others. She can’t wait to see how this show turns out!


Taliana Stoy ’23 (Laya Dina/Glika) is so excited to be a part of her fifth production at Episcopal. Previous EHS performances include: The Man Who Came To Dinner (Ensemble), King Charles III (Butler), Tuck Everlasting (Ensemble) and Twelfth Night (Ensemble). Taliana is a member of MASQUE. She would like to thank all the people that worked hard to make this show happen, and her friends, family, and cast for their love and support.   Poema Sumrow ’23 (Gucia) is excited to take part in such a captivating play! Previous shows include The Sound of Music (Louisa), Peter Pan (Ensemble), and Cinderella (Ensemble). In her free time, Poema loves to bake, watch movies, and listen to movie soundtracks. Poema would like to thank her family and her friends for supporting her and giving her the confidence to perform!

Ruby Theriot ’23 (Frymka) Previous EHS performances include King Charles III (Ensemble) and Twelfth Night (Maria). Ruby is excited to be performing in another EHS performance. In her free time, she enjoys cooking, reading, and spending time with her friends. She is grateful to the students and teachers involved in the theatre program for making her experience fantastic.

Grayson Van Gundy ’23 (Rozia/Zuzi) is so excited to be part of this amazing cast and crew telling a great story. Previous performances from EHS include The Man Who Came to Dinner (Harriet), Tuck Everlasting (Ensemble), and Twelfth Night (Ensemble). Grayson would like to thank everyone from the rest of her cast, crew, directors, friends, family, and everyone else who has helped the production and shown her support through everything.

Valentina, Keep shining like the star you are! We are always so proud of all your hard work.  Love, Mama, Papa & Victoria

ABIGAIL,  You are "UDDERLY" entertaining!! Congrats on your 4th EHS production. We are so proud of you! Love,  Mom, Dad, Madelyn, and Penny


Julia Zichy ’23 (Regina) Previous EHS performances include: The Man Who Came to Dinner (Ensemble) and King Charles III (Ghost). When she is not on stage, Julia likes to run with her fellow EHS cross country team, speak French with her fellow classmates, and write poetry. Julia would like to say a huge thank you to her family and friends.


Madeleine Berckley ’21 (Assistant Stage Manager)  is excited to be one of the assistant stage managers for Letters to Sala. She has found a growing interest in technical theatre and stagecraft! Growing up in New York, Madeleine learned to love different aspects of art: visual and performing, and their many facets. Letters to Sala is the ninth show she has participated in at EHS. She has previously helped with Twelfth Night, King Charles III, The Man Who Came to Dinner, Fiddler on the Roof, Into the Woods, Othello, 12 Angry Jurors and Tuck Everlasting. She is excited to continue pursuing these interests. LJ Coady ’21 (Stage Manager) previously teched for Tuck Everlasting. In her free time, LJ enjoys reading, listening to music, and spending time with her friends. LJ would like to thank her parents for all their love and support, and everyone in theater for being so awesome!

Sophia Espinoza ’23 (Assistant Stage Manager) is so thrilled to participate in an amazing play at Episcopal High School. She has previously performed in Fiddler on the Roof, Annie, James and the Giant Peach, The Man Who Came to Dinner, Twelfth Night, and more. She has worked backstage on two other shows, King Charles III and Tuck Everlasting. She also enjoys running cross country and playing tennis.


Connor Smith ’22 (Production Stage Manager) Previous EHS Onstage appearances include performing in Othello (Ensemble) and building sets and teching for most performances, most notably Tuck Everlasting and Fiddler on the Roof. In his free time, Connor enjoys listening to jazz and classic rock, reading historical books, and playing videogames with his friends. Connor hopes to continue being a part of the EHS Onstage community and thanks his friends and family for their continued support.

Jackie, We love you and are so proud of you! Love,  Mom, Dad & Gaby

The following Map and associated descriptions are from The New York Public Library’s Online Exhibition Archive. For current classes, programs, and exhibitions, please visit

This map highlights countries, regions, and place names important to Sala’s story. Surrounding countries (in dark brown) and select major cities (in italics) are provided for reference purposes.

Ansbach: Site of beautiful Baroque synagogue where Sala observed her first Jewish New Year after liberation, September 1945, and where Sala met and married U.S. soldier Sidney Kirschner Auschwitz: Death camp to which most residents of Sosnowitz were deported, including Sala’s parents, Chana and Joseph Garncarz, and her mentor and friend, Ala Gertner, and Ala ’s husband, Bernhard Holtz Bendsburg: Location of large ghetto during occupation; early headquarters of a regional Judenrat later incorporated into the Sosnowitz Judenrat Bergen-Belsen: Bergen-Belsen: First major concentration camp liberated; in 1946, the largest Displaced Persons camp and gathering site for more than 11,000 Jews Geppersdorf: Nazi labor camp associated with building the ReichsAutoBahn; the first of seven camps in which Sala was imprisoned Neusalz: Schmelt labor camp to which Sala’s sisters Raizel and Blima were sent Nuremberg: Site of U.S. Army base where Corporal Sidney Kirschner was stationed Prague: City where Sala and her boyfriend Harry Haubenstock promised to meet after the war Rattvik: Site of sanatorium where Raizel and Blima convalesced after liberation Schatzlar: Sala’s last labor camp, liberated on May 8, 1945 Sosnowitz: Sala’s birthplace and home until her deportation in October 1940


28th Annual EHS Dads Club Golf Tournament Monday April 12, 2021 Wildcat Golf Club Registration/Lunch begins at 11:00am Shotgun Start at 12:30pm

Available Sponsorship Opportunities Contact Golf Chairs Sergio Amelio – Ronnie Deyo – Allen Lyons - Dads Club President Ronnie Deyo –

Tournament Underwriter $15,000 (1/2 – 2/3 Subscription available)

Special Underwriter

Master Sponsor -


Tour Sponsor -


Team Sponsor -


Cart Sponsor -


Hole Sponsor -


Single Entry-


Eight paid entries, hole sponsorship, Various types of recognition Masters Sponsor Award, participants not Limited to EHS. Four paid entries, hole sponsorship, Various types of recognition Tour Sponsorship Award, participants not Limited to EHS. Four paid entries, hole sponsorship, various types of recognition, Participants not limited to EHS. Name on cart and opportunity to drive cart, if desired. No individual player Sign at the tee; various types of recognition. No individual player Green fee, cart rental, gift bag, beverages, lunch, and dinner.

Contact Dean Colello for more information and sponsorship questions/sign-up


Arts Pillar Performing Arts Department Garmon Ashby - Chair George Brock - Theatre Program Coordinator Kristina Burgess - Dance Program Coordinator Grant Gould - Music Program Coordinator Ken Ballard - Music Peter Hutcheson - Theatre-A/V Karen Pfeifer - Dance Paul Revaz - Theatre

Visual Arts Department

Kate Philbrick - Chair Lauren Cunningham - Studio Arts Program Coordinator Japheth Storlie - Media Arts David Framel - Publications Program Coordinator Pejman Milani - Media Arts Coordinator Erin Joyce - Studio Arts David Trauba - Studio Arts Sharon Willcutts - Studio Arts


Jay Berckley - Dean of Arts & Innovation

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