Student Directed One Acts

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PRODUCER LEVEL Joanie and David Andrews / David Catharine and Grant Faulconer / Sara Linda and David Elmer / Adeline Kristin and James McAlpin / Logan Kim and Jeff Van Gundy / Grayson

DIRECTOR LEVEL Julie and Michael Donaldson / Kate

PERFORMER LEVEL Laura Banfield and Dan Kirkpatrick / Corinne Taucha Hogue / Mali Elizabeth and Tom Howley / Lucy


Asleep at the Wheel By

Serena Noor CAST

Julia Cole Officer Denton

Taylor Schugart ‘22 David Andrews ‘22 Alena Haney ‘21

3 Characters Figure It Out By

Matthew McLachlan CAST

Character 1 Character 2 Character 3 Stage Directions

Ashlyn Collings ‘24 Ruby Theriot ‘23 Taliana Stoy ‘23 Chikei Williams ‘21

Directed & Designed By

Addie Elmer ‘21 Lighting design

Paul Revaz Sound Design

Peter Hutcheson Production Stage Manager

Coco Daly-Hill ‘23 There will be one 15 minute intermission following this performance

Director’s note

After a quicker than expected 3 years of waiting I finally took directing, and it has led up to these One Acts being performed. I could never have imagined what this past year would look like when I was a freshman and first thinking about directing a one act. This whole year has been nothing short of a learning experience. I am a fan of things coming full circle, and after the One Acts last year had to be performed as radio plays because of covid-19 I was so excited to hear that live performances on the Underwood stage would be returning with them. I was quarantined for the first two weeks of rehearsals and conducting them online. This caused a small setback, but I have been working hard with my two casts, and we have put together a great show regardless. I am prouder of them every day as they continue to pass my expectations. I have gotten close with members of the theatre program who I did not know as well before the One Acts began and tightened the bond with those who were already my good friends. I am excited for you all to see these shows. The actors have been working diligently and surprised me with how well they were able to revert back to the old ways of rehearsing for live theatre. Enjoy the show! Addie Elmer April 2021

CAST BIOS David Andrews ’22 (Cole) Previous EHS Onstage productions include: Othello (Clown), Fiddler on the Roof (Mendel), The Man Who Came to Dinner (Richard), Twelfth Night (Sebastian), Letters to Sala (Sidney), and Beauty & the Beast (Lumiere). David would like to offer his thanks to his friends and family for the support.

Ashlyn Collings 24’ (Character 1) Previous EHS Onstage productions include: Twelfth Night (Olivia’s Entourage) and Beauty and the Beast (Ensemble). In her spare time, she enjoys playing soccer, listening to classical music, and reading plays. Ashlyn would like to thank her mom and friends for all their support. Alena Haney ’21 (Officer Denton) Previous EHS Onstage productions include: Beauty and the Beast (Wardrobe), Letters to Sala (Ann) Twelfth Night (Viola), Tuck Everlasting (Ensemble), King Charles III (Tristan Evans), The Man Who Came to Dinner (Maggie), 103 Degrees Fahrenheit (Ana), Fiddler on the Roof (Ensemble), Othello (Emilia), The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (Country Girl), Radium Girls (Society Woman), Into the Woods (Ensemble), and All Happy Families Are the Same (Man #2). Previously she has also performed in shows at Interlochen Center for the Arts. She thanks everyone who works to make EHS Onstage thrive. Go Knights! Taliana Stoy ’23 (Character 3) Previous EHS performances include: The Man Who Came To Dinner (Ensemble), King Charles III (Butler), Tuck Everlasting (Ensemble), Twelfth Night (Entourage) Letters to Sala (Laya Dina/ Glika) and Beauty and the Beast (Ensemble). Taliana would like to thank all the people that worked hard to make this one act production happen, and her friends, family, and cast for their love and support.

CAST BIOS Ruby Theriot ’23 (Character 2). Previous EHS performances include: King Charles III (Ensemble), Twelfth Night (Maria), Letters to Sala (Frymka), and Beauty and the Beast (Enchantress). In her free time, she enjoys cooking, reading, and spending time with her friends.

Chikei Williams ‘21 (Stage Directions) Previous EHS productions include: King Charles III, Tuck Everlasting and Beauty and The Beast. Chikei also enjoys producing music instrumentals and enjoying life with friends and family!

Taylor Schugart ’22 (Julia) is very excited to be participating in another EHS Onstage production. She has previously been in King Charles III (Jess), Othello (Lodovico), Fiddler on the Roof (Fiddler), Letters to Sala (Blima) and others. She can’t wait for this show!!

PRODUCTION BIOS Coco Daly-Hill ‘23 (Stage Manager) has previously participated as a member of the tech crew in The Man Who Came to Dinner, Letters to Sala and Beauty and the Beast. She is excited to manage her last production at EHS.


Upper West Side By

Jessie Jones, Nicholas Hope & Jamie Wooter CAST

Stan Jake Mimi Amber Rita Meredith Deena Willard

Connor Smith ‘22 Mathieu Gay ‘24 Julia Zichy ‘23 Lydia Berckley ‘23 Poema Sumrow ‘23 Lily O’Gorman ‘23 Bella Marquez ‘23 Anayla Wilson ‘23 Directed & Designed By

Grayson VanGundy ‘23 Lighting design

Paul Revaz Sound Design

Peter Hutcheson Production Stage Manager

Ava Toubassi ‘23

Director’s Note:

When I signed up for Directing for the Stage a year ago it didn’t really occur to me that I would be directing a one act play. It was only when I began looking for plays to direct in January that I finally realized the time had come to get this new creative process started. I had been thinking about it for months, but now it had arrived. I had almost been scared of something I knew was coming. The only unknown was how this play was going to be presented. Would it be video as the theater program had done all year? Or would it be a live performance which is what everyone has been trying to get back to in a safe and responsible manner? When I read Upper West Side Story for the first time, I just had this gut feeling that no matter which way this story was presented it could be wonderful for an audience to see. Everyone in the cast and crew has been amazing. The COVID protocols, different rehearsal locations, quarantines and conflicts would have been overwhelming had it not been for the group of people I have had the pleasure of working with through it. They have been helpful, understanding, and very hardworking which has not only made this process fun, but one of the most rewarding things I have ever done. While I didn’t know exactly what I signed up for last spring when registering for classes, I have since learned that what I had really signed up for was months of challenging, artistic, wonderful, funny moments, and indeed the greatest end of my sophomore year I could imagine. Grayson Van Gundy April 2021

CAST BIOS Lydia Berckley ’23 (Amber) Previous EHS performances include: The Man Who Came to Dinner (Ensemble), King Charles III (TV Producer), Tuck Everlasting (Ensemble), Twelfth Night (Valentine), Letters to Sala (Raizel), and most recently Beauty and the Beast (Mrs. Potts). She previously performed with Wildfish Theatre Company, Inspiration Stage, and in school productions. She is very grateful for her family and friends and their constant support. Mathieu Gay ‘24 (Jake) is excited for his first appearance on stage at Episcopal. Although he has not performed before, he has been working behind the scenes on previous shows such as Twelfth Knight, Letters to Sala, and Beauty and the Beast.

Bella Marquez ’23 (Deena) is very excited to be a part of her fifth production at Episcopal. She has previously performed in over 17 other productions including Shrek (Young Fiona), Snow White (Sneezy), Anne of Green Gables (Diana), Peter Pan (Wendy), and most recently Beauty and the Beast (Ensemble). She would like to thank everyone who made this production possible, and she hopes you enjoy the show. Lily O’Gorman ‘23 (Meredith) is excited to be in her second production with the EHS theater program. Favorite credits include: The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee (Rona Lisa Peretti), Legally Blonde (Margot), The Lion King (Nala), and with EHS, Beauty and the Beast (Ensemble). When she isn’t at school, you can find Lily at the barn riding her hunter jumper horse, Hadron or baking brownies with her twin sister. Lily would like to thank her friends and family for their support!


Connor Smith ’22 (Stan) previously Stage Managed for Beauty and the Beast (ASM), Letters to Sala (PSM) and worked tech for productions such as Tuck Everlasting, King Charles III and Fiddler on the Roof. Connor would like to thank his friends and family for supporting him throughout his EHS Onstage career. Poema Sumrow ‘23 (Rita) is thrilled to be a part of Upper West Side Story! Previously, she has been in Twelfth Night (Ensemble), Beauty and the Beast (Ensemble) and Letters to Sala (Gucia). In her free time, she enjoys baking, watching movies and listening to music. She’d like to thank her friends and family for their unwavering support. Anayla Wilson ’23 (Willard) Previous EHS performances include: Twelfth Night and Beauty and the Beast. Anayla enjoys playing tennis, trying new foods, and being with her family. She would like to thank her family for always supporting and never letting her give up on her dreams.

Julia Zichy ‘23 (Mimi) is very excited for her second One Act at EHS. Previous performances include: The Man Who Came to Dinner, King Charles III, Letters to Sala, The Actor’s Nightmare, and Beauty and the Beast. She would like to thank her family and friends for all the kind support.


Ava Toubassi ‘23 (Stage Manager) has previously participated as a tech crew member in Tuck Everlasting and Beauty and the Beast. She is excited to continue to participate in tech crew for the rest of her time at EHS.

Production Staff Program Coordinator Producer Technical Director Directors Stage Managers Audio/Visual Crew

George Brock Katherine Weigand Paul Revaz Addie Elmer ‘21 Grayson Van Gundy ‘23 Coco Daly-Hill ‘23 Ava Toubassi ‘23 Peter Hutcheson Stagecraft Classes

Alena Emilia Haney Class of 2021 Who would have thought Alena would be everything from a society girl to a Jewish man to a shipwrecked young woman of Messaline to a singing piece of furniture and more? Thank you to EHS Onstage for Four Great Years! With admiration, love and appreciation, The Haney Family

Congratulations to the cast and crew of Upper West Side Story. Thank you for your hard work and dedication. Grayson

A GREAT BIG THANKS! To all who made this year’s 28th Annual EHS Dads Club Golf Tournament A Phenominal Success!!!!! Contact Dean Colello for more information

Grayson We are so proud of you for taking on the challenge of directing Upper West Side Story. Good luck to you and the cast and crew. We can’t wait to watch! Mom, Dad, and Mattie


Arts Pillar Performing Arts Department Garmon Ashby - Chair George Brock - Theatre Program Coordinator Kristina Burgess - Dance Program Coordinator Grant Gould - Music Program Coordinator Ken Ballard - Music Peter Hutcheson - Theatre-A/V Karen Pfeifer - Dance Paul Revaz - Theatre

Visual Arts Department

Kate Philbrick - Chair Lauren Cunningham - Studio Arts Program Coordinator Japheth Storlie - Media Arts David Framel - Publications Program Coordinator Pejman Milani - Media Arts Coordinator Erin Joyce - Studio Arts David Trauba - Studio Arts Sharon Willcutts - Studio Arts


Jay Berckley - Dean of Arts & Innovation

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