Flat Earth the truth and the bigger picture

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THE LIES The Earth as we know it is not as it seems. Most have seemingly accepted the lie, but others revolt against it. The Earth is not a globe. The government wants to control what you think. They mean to brain wash you, to control you. We have clear evidence, but we wont go into that. The evidence isn’t important, what's important is the truth. The truth is that the earth is in fact FLAT.

*False diagram of the earth created by the possible lizard people of the government*

THE TRUTH If I told you that the Earth was actually flat? Would you laugh? Well, you shouldn’t. Because it’s the truth. Despite the clear evidence of the Earth being flat, scientists mock the flat Earth society and claim they know everything. How else would water stay on the surface of the globe? Why cant we see a curve when we are on the second story of our houses? The government wants to trick us in to believing their lies so that we keep electing lizard people to run our planet as we know it.


*Big stinky loser scientist *

If you look over the horizon from NY, you can actually see the Egyptian Pyramids! Try it yourself. What scientific evidence can disprove what you can see with your own eyes. There is more experiments you can do, but they are to hard and complex and scientific to put in the article, but the evidence from tis one experiment should prove the Earth is in fact flat. Scientists will try to disprove this claim, but they always fail.


Tom Cruse- Most likely lizard, scientologist, hates flat earth

John Travolta- Believes earth is trapezoid, scientologist

Dwayne “The Rock� Johnson- Flat earth denier, literal rock in his physical form

Mark Zuckerberg- Alien from neighboring galaxy, works with lizard people to hide the truth of Earth

Bill Nye- Strong believer of round earth, scientist, teaches false truth, government agent

Morgan Freeman- Voice is to smooth to be human, motives unknown

THINGS TO STAY AWAY FROM EVERYTHING that is not officially approved by the Flat Earth Society is A LIE. They have the ability to brain wash your mind into thing the Earth is round. We at the Flat Earth Society think that you should take your child out of school immediately, relocate them, and re-educate them if you have children. It is extremely important that you have close to no contact with the government. If you do already have contact with the government via work, media, friends, or a loved one, DO NOT believe ANYTHING they say. Even something as simple as going to the bathroom could be a lie. Instead they could be secretly contacting the government of your true beliefs.

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