Architecture Portfolio

Grajaú apartment Living room

Project made in partnership with Faktory Arquitetura office.
Used softwares: Autocad + SketchUp + Vray + Photoshop View 01 View 02 Perspective 02 Perspective 01
8 9 Grajaú
apartment Living room This renovation in the neighbourhood of Grajaú, Rio de Janeiro, aims to transform the old living room into a pleasant and bright place, with adequate spaces for the client. The project suggests the inclusion of new furniture, in combination with the refurbishment of other pre-existing facilities at the site. One of the objectives in this work is the inclusion of a greenery space, merging constructive and natural elements. With this in mind, the interior design incorporates a made-to-measure shelf done with black metal (metalon) and freijó wood, specially designed to house the client’s TV and plants. Regarding the lighting plan, the project proposes the improvement of the illumination of the space, painting the walls in a light colour accordingly. The old sofa now gained prominence by being renovated with a new colour, and the old cabinet gave way to a small gallery of pictures, improving circulation and the integration of environments. Finally, to create a shopping guide for the client, the project develops a moodboard with references to items and specialized stores for the purchase of furniture suggested.

10 11 Plans, sections and views Grajaú - Living room Lighting Plan Section A Section B View 01

12 13 PROJECT IMAGE GREEN LINEN FABRIC Renovation of the existing sofa DRESSER 1,80X0,50m Cimo - Líder interiores TABLE 1,60X0,80 m Drop - Líder interiores LIGHTING TRACK White - Spots 4000k FLOOR LUMINAIRE Solon - Plug Design WHITE PENDANT Aaron - Leroy Merlin RUG Studio2,0X2,5mNaraMaitre EXISTING IncorporatedPLANTSinthe project WOOD FLOOR Use of existing floor COLLOR - AÇÚCAR CRISTAL Tintas Suvinil - Matte Finish STRAW CHAIR Laura - Líder interiores MoodboardGrajaú-Living room

Recreio apartment Interior design

Interior Recreiodesignapartment
Used softwares: Autocad + SketchUp + Vray + Photoshop Perspective 01 - Living Room Perspective 02 - Living Room Perspective 03 - Living Room
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In the living room, the plan proposes a tv panel with space for storage and an appropriate area for the appliances. Moreover, it also suggests a retractable sofa that matches the existent seats made of linen and a tapestry that delimit the space and divide the room into twos ambients.
In the dining room, the proposal suggests a bench with a chest to store less used objects, Indian straw finished chairs and a large mirror to reflect the natural lighting and bring more natural light to the ambience. The lateral wall is painted in blue, which contrasts with the colour of the wood that appears all over the room and matches with the golden chandelier in the center of the dining table. The corridor that leads to the bedrooms a lateral niche lighting guides the way to a small art gallery with paintings chosen by the client.
This project located in Recreio dos Bandeirantes, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, aims to bring quick and affordable solutions for an apartment already in use. Looking not to make structural modifications or change the pre-existing finishings, one of the requests was to use naturallooking materials and made-by-measure furnishings to optimize the usage of the space.

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Perspective 07 - Kitchen
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Perspective 08 - Kitchen Perspective 09 - Kitchen In the kitchen, the project aims to keep it discreet in colours and create more storage space as possible. Therefore, it uses light and made-by-measure materials, allowing to decrease the cost of the project and keep the ambient brighter. The white finishing in the backsplash was kept as well as the hydraulic and sanitary structures. The new lighting plan adds more light spots around the table and the kitchen sink, besides the inclusion of LED strips in specified points of the woodwork. The majority of the household appliance included in the plan came from the client, and specific furniture was created to accommodate it. To add more colour to the room, the project suggests a geometric panel in the colours blue, gray and white. To the dining table, a special structure was made, using as support one of the stands and one table foot at the end in Freijó wood.



Alameda Sandra Alvim Urban project

Alameda Sandra Alvim
This proposal starts from the understanding of linear parks inserted in consolidated urban areas as central elements of articulation of the system of open spaces. Linear parks can act as attractors of the surrounding social life, and at the same time, promoters of urban biodiversity. To explore these issues, the project proposes the requalification of the boulevard Alameda Sandra P. de Faria Alvin.
The development of a linear park on the boulevard located in Recreio dos Bandeirantes, west of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, aims to rescue the space for the community combined with environmental preservation, establishing a new public free space of quality where it operates. Endowed with different public uses and articulated with the existing squares in the surroundings, the plan aims to rescue the space for the community combined with environmental preservation, establishing a new public free space of quality where it operates.
Used softwares: Autocad + SketchUp + Illustrator + Photoshop
It is known in Recreio dos Bandeirantes the existence of several public open spaces and green areas, foreseen in the urbanization project of José Otacílio Saboya Ribeiro (PA6028), which did not reach their potential to dynamize public life. The reason for such failure of those public spaces is the ingrained logic of “condominium city”, the dependence on the use of private vehicles as the main means of transport and the concentration of services that predominates on one single avenue, Avenida das Américas.
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Urban project
In this context, the Alameda Sandra P. de Faria Alvin protrudes as an extensive and faded transitional space in the landscape, located between Avenida das Américas and Parque Chico Mendes, two strategic points with totally different uses. Therefore, the boulevard, to which central streets of the neighbourhood converge with a mostly residential environment and easy access. The boulevard has high urban potential and an environmental buffer for the region.

Existing trees New Sandbanktrees PerviousSuspendedgardendeckconcretePerviousconcreteGrassBikerackSignaling
The master plan is conceived, firstly, from the collection of information about the place where the project is inserted. Through visits, information about the local fauna and flora was gathered. These pieces of information are displayed through signs put in place by a local support group. Thus, the proposed design has in its core the principle of maintaining the local flora, reaffirming pre-existing uses, and respecting the spaces already occupied by arboreal species, creating draining concrete paths that connect various points of the Alameda.

Masterplan with approach at Alameda Sandra Alvi m In order for the area to be accessible to all users, a sidewalk was created around the entire Alameda, it is important to note that part of this sidewalk currently exists for access to some buildings, but due to its fragmentation and lack of standardization, it is important to reinforce this improvement. It is also proposed to create a bike path that completely crosses the Alameda, making a direct connection between Avenida das Américas and Parque Chico Mendes. In addition, traffic calming systems are proposed at the intersection of Av. Genaro de Carvalho and Alameda, between Heitor B. Tigre and Alameda E Pq. Chico Mendes and Alameda, which are the busiest points for cars and which currently do not have any type of signs or pedestrian crossing areas.
For the connection of Alameda Sandra Alvim with the surrounding squares, it is proposed the use of a paved floor that seeks to encourage pedestrian curiosity about the connecting street and thus intensify flows in these regions. In addition, it is proposed to use signs in the surrounding squares, to be informative about the Park in Alameda and its biodiversity. It is also important to emphasize the use of an “articulated element”, an object that passes through several spaces, having different uses in each of them. In the project, this element appears in orange, contrasting with the green of the Restinga forest, from several elements: first, through lines in the paving of the floor, which suggests the pedestrian’s walk; through furniture such as benches, children’s toys and in the parks; on the lookout, as an orange block; in the main colour of the exchange and sanitary points; and finally, in the fauna passage.
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Existing trees New Sandbanktrees PerviousSuspendedgardendeckconcretePerviousconcreteGrassBikerackSignaling Dog park Alameda Sandra Alvim Playground ParqueFaunaObservatorypassageChicoMendes Av. Jarbas de Carvalho APPROXIMATION 4 APPROXIMATION 5 APPROXIMATION 6

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Aproximation 01 perspective Aproximation 02 perspective Aproximation 03 perspective
02: The playground, seen twice along the Alameda Sandra Alvim, according to the mass plan created, has as its main characteristic its differentiated furniture. This type of model, which deviates from the pattern normally found in public parks, favours creativity and experimentation and seeks to integrate children and nature, with its organic forms and strong colour that stands out in the landscape, without interfering with it. The choice of the drainage floor for this location was primarily due to the concern to waterproof the soil in the area, to avoid the possibility of flooding in the region.
Aproximation 01: In this first section of the project at the Alameda, it is possible to notice the existence of large trees that only appear at this place in the plan, creating a certain kind of forest. Therefore, to attract those who are passing through a commercial building or school next door, a living space is proposed to be under the crowns of these trees, involving their trunks with fixed furniture that does not affect their life Aproximationcycle.
Aproximation 03: In this section, we can analyze two points of the project: one of the three park benches and one of the two exchange points incorporated in the area. The bench is an organically shaped object that embraces and creates spaces, being able to give it different functions due to both its width and length, and can be seen, in addition to the Alameda, also in the Heitor Bastos Tigre square. Now, concerning the exchange point, this was designed to be a device that aggregates several functions, from administrative to sanitary and interactive issues. Its shape is composed of a large, simple slab organically supported by cylindrical pillars intersected by a central volume that encompasses the toilets and the project’s administrative area.

perspective Aproximation
Aproximation 06: The fauna pass is located at the intersection of Alameda Sandra Alvim and Avenida Jarbas de Carvalho, connecting the Alameda with the Chico Mendes Park. The objective of this structure is to increase the safety of small animals and avifauna and also of the residents who cross the avenue, avoiding traffic accidents and pedestrians. One of the three elevated crossings incorporated in the project can also be seen in this approximation, which aims to reduce the speed of motor vehicles on Avenida Jarbas de Carvalho, Avenida Genaro de Carvalho, and the connection between Praça Heitor Bastos Tigre and AproximationAlameda.04 05 06
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Aproximation 05: The observatory was created in the most reserved place in Alameda, to respect the inhabitants of the surroundings and the passage of fauna, and, at the same time, to have a privileged view of the Chico Mendes Park and Lagoa das Taxas. Its simple steel frame has a shape that allows only a few people to climb at a time, thinking again about respecting the privacy of the surrounding residents.
Aproximation 04: The dog park adds, as well as the playground, a draining concrete floor in orange colour, integrating with the other environments of the project. In addition to the suggested more conventional furniture usually found in dog parks, some slight elevations were created in the area, generating small hills with passage tubes inside, which have both an aesthetic function in terms of design and interaction for the dogs. It is also possible to analyze in this approximation one of the types of furniture suggested in the project, in this case, the benches that appear along the Alameda.
perspective Aproximation


How to reframe the Maracanã River, today a forgotten element in the urban landscape of Tijuca, as a target and transforming element of the city?
Currently neglected in the urban landscape, the Maracanã River, localized in Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, has the potential to link the different contexts and occupations existing in Tijuca through the presence of water, a constant element, but little explored in the region. In addition, the revitalization and preservation of urban rivers are processes that directly impact the quality of life in a region, and also represent an opportunity to deal with a latent environmental issue in contemporary global cities.
Starting from the appropriation of the Maracanã River as the project’s guiding axis, the aim is to transform the Tijuca neighborhood, starting from a linear green park allied to the course of the river. Based on the identification of different public spaces and existing facilities along the river, it is intended to enhance the relationship between the locals and the free areas of the neighborhood, through the stimulation of meanings and the experimentation of spaces. This was a group project, with the members: Amanda Soriano, Camila Fernandes, Gabriel Campos e Larissa Scheuer.
Used softwares: Autocad + SketchUp + Lumion +
Photoshop + Illustrator CorpoCorrenteUrbanproject

Maracanã River General Roca street
In order to reincorporate the Maracanã River into the urban landscape of Tijuca, attraction points were sought in its surroundings that could create interest for this location, and thus great flows and attractions were seen in Saenz Peña Square, Lamartine Babo Square and in General Roca connecting street. The first has a subway station and is surrounded by shops and important streets connecting the Tijuca neighborhood with its surroundings, while Lamartine Babo Square is located on the banks of the Maracanã River, the biggest driver and organizer of the neighborhood, and finally, Rua General Roca, it is very busy and is the connector of these two spaces mentioned above.
42 Saenz Peña Square
In order to incorporate human sensations along the proposed path and connect the points mentioned, the landscape project used colors and shapes in order to instigate curiosity in those who travel through the region. The organic lines and the red color indicate flows and uses in the squares and also on the connecting street. In addition, there was a lot of concern about materiality along the route, as it is a region known for its floods and problems in urban drainage, thus, draining concrete was chosen as the main material for the floor design.
Lamartine Babo Square

Sáenz Peña square perspective 01 Sáenz Peña square perspective 02 Sáenz Peña square perspective 03
Sáenz Peña square The already mentioned draining concrete floor was incorporated in Saenz Pena Square and also in the adjacent streets, using red and beige colors, in order to create flows between these points based on visual connections between the spaces. Elements were also created that reaffirm the concept of stimulating the human senses and large covers that protect and restructure the flows. In addition, the old fountain was restructured, now having a deck in its composition and in order to reaffirm its use for the population as an element also for bathing and entertainment, a large playground was incorporated containing a cover that opens and brings a play of light and shadow in the perspective of the place. The existing fair now has an appropriate space and an exercise place for seniors was also included, and it is important to note that the existing trees were kept and were of utmost importance in the conception of the proposed design. The subway station also ended up undergoing changes in its entrances and exits, gaining coverage, which did not exist before, protecting those who use this means of transport, and its respirators received new finishes talking to the rest of the proposed project. In relation to Conde de Bonfim street, which is quite busy, retains little tree cover and ends up being very hot throughout the year, a central flower bed was created with a lot of trees. It is also very interesting to highlight the implementation of cycle paths along the entire route, in order to make it a more inclusive and easily accessible location. In addition, many crosswalks and access ramps were created for greater accessibility in the region.

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General Roca street perspective 01 Lamartine Babo square perspective 01 Lamartine Babo square perspective 02
Lamartine Babo Square and General Roca Street For the integration of the Maracanã River to the landscape and also to urban use, levels were created along it, in order to create spaces for living along its length as a kind of urban “beach”, giving new meaning to the river in the local perspective. A bike path along this entire length was also a fundamental choice for the integration of spaces, generating new flows and influences. In relation to the Lamartine Babo square, it underwent major changes. First, there was a major widening of the sidewalk, integrating it with the Maracanã River and removing existing traffic lanes, and so traffic was diverted to create new uses in the space gained. Later, a part of the lateral land was also incorporated into the square to gain footage in the project. The previous afforestation of this square was basically done by palm trees, which do not provide much shading and made the square very uncomfortable thermally and therefore not very busy, so a new type of afforestation was proposed for the place, now using medium and large trees with great shading potential. In addition to these changes, there was the creation of two large playgrounds in the square, containing furniture in different ways that suggest unconventional games in the place and able to accommodate different audiences. A grandstand with a stage was also created, which could host concerts, plays or be a skate park and roller skates.

Museum of Senses perspective
Residencial building perspective Market perspective
Museum of Senses, market and residencial buildin g
Finally, the project features a residential building overlooking Praça Lamartine Babo and the Maracanã River. The building incorporates in its facade the old businesses causing this duality of the old x the new instigating the view of those who pass by the place.
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Another important addition to Praça Lamartine Babo was the Museum of Senses, which aims to bring, along with the rest of the project, the importance of valuing the human senses, based on samples with bodily experiments. The architecture of this museum is marked by its coverage created from a parametric modeling, which makes reference to the water movements of the Maracanã River and which creates a space for contemplation due to its materiality, which allows the entry of natural light in the morning at the same time in which, at night, it allows light to escape from the object, making it a focal point on the avenue.
Coupled with the Museum of Senses, the project features a free market for the entire public, a space whose function is to create a daily flow of people in the square in question. With entrance from the side, the market has a large outdoor area with lots of trees that integrates the interior with the exterior and overlooks the Maracanã River.

Maternity House Architecture project

Used softwares: Archicad + Lumion + Photoshop Perspective 03 Perspective 02
54 55 Maternity House Architecture project Perspective 01
The project is a proposal for a maternity house, which is a specialized paramedic building for natural births. A welcoming and safe place for the pregnant and the newborn. Located in the neighbourhood of Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro Brazil, in an easy-access location with hospitals nearby for any kind of emergency.
The master plan consists of five blocks linked by an internal patio and a pergola that cross all of the buildings of the complex, aiming for the creation of cozy spaces where the pregnant women feel comfortable accessing the services available. The first two blocks located at the entrance are the milk bank and the administration unit, easy to access by the milk donors and visitors of the Maternity House. The utility unit is located in front of the service entrance to facilitates loading and unloading of materials and entry and exit of ambulances and employees. In regards to the materiality, it consists of concrete, wood and glass, bringing warmth and comfort to the spaces, allowing the integration between the landscaping with the constructed object. It is important to notice the proposal of brises Soleil in the facades, aiming to protect all of the buildings from solar light, which is intense in the city, and beyond that, provides privacy to the rooms of the maternity.

56 57 prenataladministrationunit bankmilkunitutilityunitbirth unit Birth unit floorplan

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Edifício ArchitectureBarreiraandpaisagistic project

In view of the great changes of modernity in relation to time and space, it is necessary to create a break to experience the environment in which we live: the city. In this context, the flâneur is inserted: a figure that, since the emergence of cities, intends to understand and break them down, along the slower pace. By facing this concept, the Barreira Building project aims to formally dialogue with the Barreira do Vasco favela, creating a game of volumes and materials, also bringing the similarity of the use of slabs to the terraces formed. In addition, there is an intended focal point, meeting place, situated in the center of the building, where the outer square extends inward.
The flâneur and the city
This focal point characterizes a slowdown and is defined by the building’s access limits, the pre-existing fair in the surroundings - which will be reorganized -, and the recreational water table. Analyzing the project’s content, the focus on leisure for the community’s residents is evidenced, with rentable rooms that can be used for various activities, such as art, dance, sports, children’s recreation, as well as places for food and living. In addition to leisure, the project also has a commercial approach, having office spaces for rent, coworking spaces and two auditoriums. This project was done in collaboration with Amanda Soriano. softwares: Archicad + Photoshop + Illustrator

Several gardens and decks were also created, generating outdoor living spaces protected by large trees. In addition, a large water mirror was proposed in the central area of the suggested square, in order to improve thermal comfort throughout the space and create a bathroom space for local residents.
Paisagistic project and ground floor
The main purpose of the landscaping project is to create flows and spaces, integrating internal and external spaces and commerce with public spaces, stimulating local development. This commercial integration occurred through the creation of a space reserved for the open fairs that already took place on the land used for the creation of the project, in addition to the design of stores with openings for the square that connects leisure and the public sidewalk with the commerce located in the project itself. Regarding constructive choices, the material chosen for the floor design was the interlocking floor in different colors, which create shapes and suggest paths, in addition to having a great potential for urban drainage.

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3º Floor 4º UndergroundFloor East SectionSectionNorthfacadefacadeAABB

Armazém do Mel commercial building

The project proposes to revitalize an old façade of a house to create a trade-in natural product. Located in a beach region of Rio de Janeiro, surrounded by forests and mountains and frequented by cyclists, the biggest challenge was to be able to think of a low-cost project for the owners and to make a relation with nature and with the products to be sold. Thus, it was proposed for the project using many natural elements, such as the creation of large windows with bamboo frames, an element also found in the designed bicycle rack, the creation of planters with native species of the region, and also a small balcony for consumption and appreciation of the local nature. Furthermore, it proposes the integration of pre-existing elements in the façade, such as the back roof, which was replicated, creating a conversation between new and restored elements. Finally, the creation of a side ramp for more accessible access to all customers, the insertion of company logos in places that are easy to see both for pedestrians and for those who drive through the place, and lighting that brings a sense of unity between the designed spaces.
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Used softwares: Autocad + SketchUp + Lumion + Photoshop Armazém do Mel Commercial building Perspective 01 Perspective 03 Perspective 02