Portfolio_Camila Schmitsler

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ca mila s c hmit s ler

port f olio

ca mila s chmit s ler


Philip K. Dick Collection — 5 E ditor ia l de s ig n/ p e r s o nal p r oj e ct

Design Plural — 12 E ditor ia l de s ig n/ acad e mi c p r oj e ct

Nat King Cole 50th anniversary— 18 cove r de s ig n / acad e mi c p r oj e ct

RMR Construtora — 28 b r a n d de s ig n/ f r e e l anc e wo r k

Higienópolis Sinais — 34 p ost e r de s ig n / acad e mi c p r oj e ct

Illustrated book/ Kianda — 40 illust r at ion + b ook d e s i gn/ acad e mi c p r oj e ct


Personal Information — 49 Personal Statement — 51 Curriculum Vitae — 50 Contact Information — 54

The four books of the collection..

— Personal project type

— Mercúrio collective


— Second semester/2017 date

Philip K. Dick Collection 7

boo k d esig n


Above, an example of the spread of the book. On the right, the four front covers.



This was a personal project developed with Nathalie Shores and Renato Freddi under the label of Mercúrio Collective. Four short stories (The Gun, Beyond Lies The Wub, The Defenders and Second Variety) from the science fiction author Philip K. Dick were edited and presented for the first time at the 3rd edition of Feira Kraft - an important independent publishing fair in Brazil. All of the books plots depict a dystopian future as the aftermath of a nuclear war. Having that in mind, the only color used on the spread of the books is red, representing that crude and violent outcomes. The collection features a dust jacket made from newspapers’ frontpages about the cold war. All the books were hand-bounded and the titles on the dust jackets were manually stamped.


boo k d esig n



On the left, an example of the stamp used on the book dust jacket. Below, the book being hand-bounded.


book d esig n


Above, the book closed and opened with the dust jacket.



Below, the book without the dust jacket.


boo k d esig n


The front cover of the book.


— Academic project type

Course — Undergraduate diploma at FAAP

— Second semester/2016 date

Design Plural 15

boo k d esig n



Design Plural is an academic work, developed to promote the integration between multiple displines of the graphic design course. The final product consists of a book with 96 pages, 160mm x 225mm in its closed format and printed all in a single color, pantone 102-16C.



Below and on the left, cover and example pages of the spread.


boo k d esig n

— Early experimentations of the book, featuring the book cover, chapter opening, spread with one image and spread with quote experimentations.

— Early sketches of the book.


— Book cover and book glove of the finished project.


cover d esig n

— Academic work type

Course — Undergraduate diploma at FAAP

— First semester/ 2013 date

Nat King Cole 50th anniversary 20


cover d esig n


This is project cotemplates a comemmorative CD, vinyl record and poster launched to celebrate the 50th death anniversary of Nat King Cole. It is meant to appeal not only for the singer’s usual audiences, but also to draw attention from a younger audience. At first, the idea was to make a pop art inspired illustration of the artist and “dress him” using paper layering as cotemporary pop singers. This idea, however, was discarded since it might have been seem as an over-infantilized approach to the usual audience of Nat King Cole. That way, the fun and colorful approach was kept, but its illustration factor was toned down. The cover design proposition features a dynamic cut out lettering and a handdrawn crown pattern (inspired by the crown symbol used in many Nat King Cole’s cover arts).



The vinyl record cover.


cove r d esig n



On the left, the compact disk design. Below, examples of advertisements applied magazine and newspaper formats.


cove r d esig n


Below, the vinyl record cover planification.



Handdrawn pattern and final pattern used in the product


cover d esig n


Images of the first cover experimentation



Blind drawing made while listening to Nat King Cole’s music meant guide de mood of the project.


bra nd d esig n

— Freelance work type

— RMR Construtora


— First semester/ 2014 date

RMR Construtora 30


Bussiness card of the company.


bra nd d esig n


Above, the brand design. On the right, the corporate stationery.




RMR Construtora is new construction company in the market looking to inspire trust and credibility. It focus is placed on small towns real state development and aimed to a young clientele. We made the brand design of the company, the coorporative stationery aswell as the social media material of the company.


bra n d d esig n


The social media page of the company.



Some of the first experimentations.



Final poster created in this project.

— Academic work type

Course — Undergraduate diploma at FAAP

— First semester/ 2015 date

RMR Construtora 37

post er d esig n


Images collected in the city area designated.



This was an academic project where we were assigned 3 tasks/ rules: 1. Photograph all of the signs present at a assigned part of the neigbourhood (imagetic, verbal, all of them); 2. Create a poster with the title “Higienópolis Sinais Percerber” using only the previous images and tipography. No digital effects were alowed, only collage. Besides the photos, the poster could contain only two colors: yellow and red (separeted or together). That way, the poster created attempted to replicate the visual caos found in the signals documented, intercalating the images taken with each other.


post er d esig n


Image created with the images collected.






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se m es

tr e F u n d a m e nto

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Camila Schmitsle r Nzt Bretas hali aola e Sh BP D B ore 4 s2 co fi 01 á r 6 G jeto

Early poster experimentations.


illust rat io n + b o o k d esig n

type — Academic work

— Undergraduate diploma at FAAP Course



Illustrated book/ Kianda 42


The book cover.


illust rat io n + b o o k d esig n



This is my undergraduate final project and it is still on the final stages of the creative process. It consists of an illustrated book about the angolan myth Kianda. It is aimed to the independent publishing market. This particular myth was chosen because angolan culture plays a key role on the brazilian identity, even though it is very underestimated. Thus, this project aims to disseminate and value the Angolan culture. The closed format of the book is 300 mm x 165 mm.



Scheme of the book spread.


illust rat io n + b o o k d esig n



Book spreads.


illust rat io n + b o o k d esig n





Early illustration experimentations.



a bout me


ca mila s chmit s ler


personal statement

From an early age I have shown great interest in arts and communication. As far as I remember, I was the one designated as responsible for the visual aspects of the school group assignments - I took care of the printmaking, the presentation and the posters. The funny thing, however, is that I always thought pursue a career in journalism. This idea prevailed until my last year of high school. Despite my innate aptitude for visual thinking (at this point I had even amateurally produced visual products for colleagues, such as pamphlets and websites), I hardly knew what graphic design really was. As I researched the career that I wanted to pursue, I realized that journalism might not be the right path. I even considered advertising, but although the creative aspect of it pleased me, I thought that it didn’t quite fit my beliefs. Eventually, my research led me to graphic design and I couldn’t be more pleased with my choice. I have a special affection for handiwork (printmaking, binding and the overall finishing processes) and I believe that design should not only replicate the status quo and preconceived concepts, but instead harness its educational potential and public contact to contribute to the evolution of its surroundings. At the moment I am working on my final undergraduate project at FAAP (the course will end in December 2017). Although I am not an illustrator, I decided to make an illustrated book. I already had some amateur knowledge of the area, but it was very superficial. Since this would be the longest project I’ve ever done, I decided to take advantage of this moment to challenge myself and develop a new skill. The book is about an Angolan myth. I specifically chose this story because Angola plays a crucial role in Brazilian cultural formation and is often very undervalued and poorly understood in Brazil. In the professional field, as I am still a student I only had freelance and internship experiences. The first place I had the pleasure of being an intern was in a local print shop. There I learned a lot about printmaking and handicraft in general, further awakening my interest in this field. My second internship was in the Rosset Group, the largest textile company in Latin America. In this, I was responsible for most of the graphic materials of the 5 beachwear brands of the group, from newsletters to motion graphics. I have always considered it very important to keep personal projects in parallel with the professional experiences mentioned above. I lectured a screen printing workshop at the Itápolis Art Week and more recently I participated in an independent publishing fair, Feira Kraft, presenting some personal projects alongside the arts and design collective that I am part of, Mercúrio.


c urricu lu m vita e

academics high school Colégio Rio Branco

High school completed in December 2013.

Undergraduate diploma in graphic design

Attending - started in February 2014 and will end in December 2017. In the first two years of the course, “general” design classes were taught, addressing graphic and product design. The course specification in Graphic Design starts on its 2nd year.

Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado

crayon - DIGITAL PAINTING Faculdade Melies

Digital Painting course using the software Adobe Photoshop. Some of the topics approached during the course were: painting scenarios, creating textures, color theory, classical painting and photographic manipulations (Mar-2017 to Aug-2017). professional experience

graphic design intership Best Design Gráfica Digital

Internship at a local print shop. My roles included: customer service, development graphic design pieces, as well as participation in the printing and finishing process (Feb-2015 to May-2015).

freelance designer RMR Construtora

Creation of the visual identity of company, business cards, corporate stationery and Facebook page; Development of advertising flyers, banner and e-mail marketing for a real estate development (June-2015 to Sept-2015).


FREELANCE DESIGNER Fantini Restaurante

Website development, booklet and presentation for client prospection, internal guides, among other institutional materials (May-2016 to Oct-2016).


I was placed in the beachwear marketing department of the Rosset Group. I developed banners, invitations, newsletters, booklets, as well as images and videos for the social media pages of the brands Cia. Marítima, Água Doce, Classic and Rangiroa (Nov-2017 to June-2017). OTHER ACTIVITIES

volunteer TECHO

Performance in the area of Community ​​ Management (Oct-2014 to Aug-2015). In this, weekly meetings were held with the residents of the poor communities in São Paulo to detect and solve their daily problems.

silk screen lecturer Itápolis Art Week

A Screen Printing workshop was given at the Itápolis Art Week along with Lucas Marchese. The attendees learned from how to build their own screen to the screen printing method itself (Dec-2016).

graphic designer Mercúrio collective

Mercúrio is an arts and design small collective focused on the independent publishing scenario of São Paulo. It has an experimental bias and produces printed materials such as posters, fanzines and books.


contact inf o r m atio n

— camilaschmitsler.cargocollective.com

view more of my projects

— camila.schm.oliveira@gmail.com



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