Camilla Duffy [english protfolio]

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Duffy Camilla Landscape architect student +33 6 27 14 23 92 //


Education :

Internships / Personal Experience :

2015/2016 :

ERASMUS - Exchange student in Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten

[ Internship ] 6 weeks | Endroits en Vert Landscape studio [ June 2015 ]

Sin c e 2 0 1 3 :

E c o l e N a t i o n a l e S u p é r i e u r e d u P a y s a g e i n Ve r s a i l l e s , F r a n c e Master and Post Master degree - Graduation in 07/2017

[ Internship ] 6 weeks | Griesmar Architecture | Architecture and Landscape studio [ April 2013 ]

2012/2013 :

Prep school in Antibes, France, Art and Landscape philosophy a d d i ti o n to a Ge o gr aphy bachelor gr aduation year.

[ Internship ] 3 month | Brin d’Herbe | Landscape and garden company [ Mai 2010 ]

2 0 0 9 / 2 0 11 :

«Brevet Technicien Supérieur Agricole - aménagements paysagers» Yard management, technical knowledge, landscaping, horticulture. Diploma awarded with honours 06/2011

[ President] 1 year | Student union association | ENSP Versailles [ september 2013 ]

2006/2009 :

Agricultural highschool - Agronomy, biology and environment «bac» Landscaping option - diploma awarded with high honours.

[ Children instructor] 3 years | Le Pylône | Les fauvettes | La mosaïquev [ 2010/2013 ]

Hobbies : Discovering new places, horseriding, surfing, cycling, drawing, food : cooking and eating, cultural exhibitions, contemporary art, cinema, history and again discovery...

The first two weeks, I have been trusted to design a 2ha Urban park above an underground parking slab. Then I will work for four weeks with Sophie Roux, Landscape architecte, to design a playground square.

Joined an International and pluridisciplinairy team. to work on the «Europan 12» project contest, «multi-mix» theme, for the requalification of the Laakso-Aurora hospital in Helsinki.

Worked on several yards, planing and organising the construction site, practiced team management and have participate to the different gardening and building works.

Managed the student union association. The aim was to organise meetings, activities and represent the Landscape student of Versailles in reunions with the school administration and also in public meetings.

Worked as a summercamp instructor in several camps and associations for languistic holidays. Managed a team of instructors on two off them. - This implied journey management and organising pedagogical projects around nature and culture for children.

[ 1rst prize ] 2 month work | Suresnes Garden Competition, school challenge [ Mars 2010 ]

I have designed and build an effemerical garden with a team of 3 students from TECOMAH. We have won the first prize from the public vote and from the jury for our «Grey is the new green» garden.

[ Gap Year ] 9 month | ... [ 2011/2012 ]

Tour de France» trip, Milano, Edinburg, London, Berlin visit. Worked for an activity center near Paris.

Languages :

Fluant in French and English, learning Deutch

Software skills: Can use PC and Mac - Have a personal Laptop


Overview grey is the new green [p.7] connecting [p.25] residential edgewood [p.10]

EU WS - Airgriculture [p.19]

WS4 - Opening spin 43째 [p.12]

Step by step [p.8]

Suspention [p.27]

WS5 - Graduation [p.18]

closest scale

Arts project Urban planning territory programation

Public space Ephemerical village [p.9]



Walk the line [p.14]

Thin tension [p.26] WS6 - Deform to form [p.20] Territorial expertise [p.22]

Europan project [p.15]

Project timeline : 2010



















Project approach

Listen, Addapt, evolve, combine

As a student, I have experienced many different scales and many directives. Each of them made me adapt my tools to approach and to create a project. I believe that each project comes with its own experiences and representation manners and that my methods have to adapt themselves, evolve and combine to be the most relevent they can be to create first but also to communicate at different actors.

Getting in the scale This is the for me an important step to take. Being able to represent myself at any scale concerning the project. It calls for heavy abstraction, but I can feel now that I am able to represent myself in a 1/50 scale as well as 1/25000. To do so, I use my life territory. I measure places I know by heart, compare them to the ones I work on and manage to feel the scale.

References Surfaces places publiques / distances batie 140m



53m 20m

Place garibaldie 900m²

90m Place george pompidou : 7 420m²

10m 35m


18m 36m 80m Place Anthéa antibes : 2720m² Place Niki de saint phall : 3240m²

Dimension reference sheet

Meeting with the site

testing model

I have experience to ways of meeting the site : • Physically, without other information that my senses. • In a folder, with information, maps, and google street views. I believe that mixing both approaches are important. The first to feel the scale, the second to understand the context more widely.

Sensitive density map

It can be anything, but it is always closely linked to the site. Sometimes, it happens that the principal drawing first starter is less important at the end that at the beginning, but I believe that they all contribute in a way. I always try to be open at any new idea coming along and ready to drop out something that becomes irrelevant. History diagram


Project starters

Mind drawing

Share and communicate I believe in several ways of presenting a project. For me it has to be really close to the process and adapted to the people we are presenting it to. I usually do it with slides, panels and have lately experienced it by video.

Verifiing, prooving, changing This must be the most challenging part of a project. Here is often the moment when we have to be inventive. Also, I believe it’s the moment when you have to exchange with other, explain and listen to what they understand, what they would do. I try to verify the ideas all along the reflection process as it often gives more than it takes from the project. For me measuring, thinking ahead of the presentation and the creation is really important.

capture of the presentation video

1/50 scale model

Making sure that the project is more than a creation of the mind and that it’s communicable is the most defiant part. View verification layout

View verification section

Sketchup 1/1 model


closest scale


Grey is the new green Suresnes garden competition 2010 Setting : Surface : Location : Terms : Supervisor :

school competition / Tecomah 12 m2 on slab surface suresnes near paris - April 2010 2 month design - 1 week construction O. Berger

With a batch of antracit grey slabs, we had to design a terrasse of 12m². We opted for a brownfield ambiance, using 5 recycled barils and some different size volcano rocks. The plant holder were shaped in a way to create depth and generate intimacy. A lightweight and scattered vegetation were selected with a great range of shades to contrast with the structure and the stones. Our team won the Jury’s First Prize and the Public’s Heart-throb prize. Layout drawing

area to relax

Variations of grey, green and red

opening views on the effeil tower


Step by step

private garden design

Recalling the aesthetic exterior of the village bye creating different levels, the project unites modernity with the spirit of the region. Allying mineral lines with vegetal curves, the atmosphere is homely and relaxing. Step by step, the residents can enjoy the different levels, each one proposing a unique atmosphere, specific uses and large panoramic views across the valley.

Pergola ment to give some shade

1m Presentation pannel of the project


Team : Camilla Duffy, Joris Masafont, Ken Novelas // prof : Laurelie Delassale // School : Prepa Vert Azure Antibes //

Setting : prep school exercise Surface : 74 m2 Location : tourette sur loup, south of france Terms : 2 month - february 2013 Supervisor : L. delassale

Hand made layout drawing for the project

Ephemerical village Setting : ENSP Versailles, 1st year, 3rd Workshop Surface : 96 m2 Location : mont brouilly, Saint lager, bourgogne Terms : 1 month design - 1 week construction -March 2014 Supervisor : F. Roumet, R. Bocquet, S, Auray Complete experience, from visiting the site for the first time to the inauguration of the project. We work with three administrative localities on the revalurisation of tourism of Mont Brouilly. The first steps were to do a survey of its actual condition, to pinpoint the zones needing to be worked on and to draw up our project which we then presented at a public enquiry. After this rich experience, discovering what was missing and the good things found, we planned the work site and carried out our projects. All the propose projects were carried out under the philosophy of recyling and a collaborative work site. No waste was thrown away and no materials were brought in. Ground layout of the mont

Hazel hut

Propose a transversal axis

Stones reapearing

Alive hut

Team : Camilla Duffy, Laurian Gascon, Quentin D’amalric, //Prof: F. Roumet, R.Boquet, O.Jaquemin // School : ENSP VERSAILLES

Building with the living

Offer some places to rest and play

Weavering the branches


residential Edgewood Ecological lifestyle Setting : Surface : Location : Terms : Supervisor :

ENSP Versailles - 2nd year ecologie project 7670m2 of wasteland Sevran - Est of Paris 3 days - May 2015 F.Roumet, AC.Jacquot

In between forest, residential areas and cultivated lands

Jardiner l’espace ouvert habiter la lisière et le verger

Camilla Duffy et Etienne Vazzanino - DPLG2 - Ecologie - La Lisière -

Before intervention 0




15 m

The demand was to propose the implantation of an alternative residential area. One that could disappear without wasting the land. This proposition, offers 10 housing units of 50m² with a 30m² private garden each. They were disposed in a way to group the energy entries and to benefit of a good sun exposition.

combining public, community and private spaces

In between them two community kitchen garden hold the open space. Around them, public spaces for children to play or for gathering are disposable. The vegetation is the main structure of our limits playing with different stratum.


Realisation : Camilla Duffy, E. Vazzanino //Prof: F. Roumet // School : ENSP VERSAILLES

François Roumet et Anne Cecile Jacquot

Edgewood consolidation method

non impacting Houses - implantation method

Public space


opening spin 43째

pushing out the walls of a public space Setting : Surface : Location : Terms : Supervisor :

ENSP Versailles, 1st year, 4th Workshop 2,2ha Paris, 14th arrondissement 2 month - June 2014 F. Garnier, B. Blanchon

My part was to cut with the fragmentation leading to a disuse of the plaza and answer to the population needs of outdoor activities. Therefore, I transformed the plaza from a divided, fenced, overcrowded to an open space, proposing five different ambiance, each one, calling for different outdoor activities. No physical display are separating them. I used topography and tree density to mark the sensation of different places. Most importantly, I proposed to spin the outdated underground swimming pool by 43째. That way, it proposed a new grid to the plaza, and offered new possibilities to organise the city square. I could also offer a new dimension of the pool more adapted to parisian needs. Cuts and isolation existing plaza

Resting space under a few large trees mixing shadow and sun


Remove the causes of disfonction

Spin the swimmingpool - open the space

Children playground under different colored tree stratums, next to the primary shcool

1 : Parvis of the theater and swimmingpool Tall stems and dense treetops to contraste with the building aligning the main road.

4 : Central staircasse

This display is ment to seperate by sensation the plaza and propose sitting space.




2 : Underground swimmingpool building

Organising the different spaces of the plaza It’s dimension can propose a pool of 50m long

5 : Market and street cafe

The trees are planted to guide the installation of market stands also give shade to the street café


Realisation : Camilla Duffy, //Prof: Bernadette Blanchon et Frédérique Garnier // School : ENSP VERSAILLES



3 : Underground youth sports area

This sport area propose two city stadium and skating devices, 3m under the plaza level.

6 : Childrens playground

This playground is standing just in front of the primary school and planted with low trees.


Sending up the hill contry side mutation Setting : Surface : Location : Terms : Supervisor :

ENSP Versailles, 2nd year, 7th Workshop 10,8ha total, 1,9ha zoom proposition Vitry sur seine, south of paris 2 weeks - June 2015 F. Cremel, C. Trapenard Vitry - Main boulvard New «Vitry centre» subway open spaces : enclosed...................... uncoupled..................... Isolated....................... Towers in between the hill and the town

The plaza leads to the park

«Parc des Lilas» up the hill

Diagnostic Generating meeting and gathering spaces and people

Vitry is a dense city in the south of Paris métropole. It was an important agricultural land in the green belt of Paris before the rural exodus. Today, from this past a Agricultural park remaines untouched above the hill. It has kept a contry side atmosphere and is an experimental place for landscape designers for 40 years. Connexion town/park, daily/unusual

My project is to open the town to it, make it more accessible and visible from the main road. I had to find my self the area and have chosen to work from the new «vitry centre» subway, linking the town to paris, to the park des Lilas.

Vitry centre subway Polarisation between here and elsewhere


Zoom proposition - central plaza to send up the hill

The plaza opens the view on the hill and leads us to the lilas contryside Park

These perspectives have been realised by hand then photoshoped. They talk about space and atmosphere.

Realisation : C. Duffy,r //Prof: Franรงoise Cremel, Claire Trapenard // ENSP Versailles

The directions are given through the high buldings that are integrated in the space

The plaza combine contryside and town envirronement. To connect with its past but living in the present


Europan Laakso Aurora

Hospital requalification, ÂŤmulti-mixÂť Internship project at griesmar architecture 18 ha Helsinki 6 weeks - MaY 2013 JB. Griesmar, F.Berlanda

In 2013, I had the occasion to enrol in the Europan 12 contest during a six-week internship at Griesmar Architecture Agency in Nice (south of France). Our team was composed by French, Italian, Lithuanian Architects and two Spanish Landscape Designer. We worked in English most of the time.

My work concerned the integration of some buildings. I studied the architectural customs of Finland leading me to use the source rock and the topography as part of the building.. Also, I chose to work on the green axis expension between the two most important parks of Helsinki. Finally, I have produced the different layout explanation sketches presented on the project panel. (Adobe Illustrator)


Experimental model of the main building

Team : JB. Griesmar, F.Berlanda, Camilla Duffy, M. Biondo, A. Malleupoch // Intern ship at Griesmar Architecture

Setting : Surface : Location : Terms : Supervisor :

Contest pannel

Urban planning territory programation



Reconnectiing with the river Setting : Surface : Location : Terms : Supervisor :

ENSP Versailles 22 ha Verneuil sur seine - North of Paris 2 month - November 2014 a.Brauns, C.alliod

According to the geographical particularities, the ecosystems and history proper to the site.

First Sketch from the town to the river

I decided to concentrate the dwellings on the southern part of the site, making sure that they would all have a good location and views but without losing the magical ÂŤelse whereÂť impression you can experience, 10 min away from the city center. The project honors the river side and the industrial past. Resurch model

Realisation : Camilla Duffy //Prof: Alice Brauns et Claire Alliod // School : ENSP VERSAILLES

This city outback has a strong post industrial identity, and the river which gave its name to the town is completely hidden from view.

Layout drawing of the presented project

AA Section of the Highly urbanised space



BB section - In between the two ponds, looking towards the Seine

«Airgriculture» Europeen workshop

ENSP Versailles, 2nd year 800 ha Areoport le bourget - Est of Paris 1 week, March 2015 K.Helms, R.Stange, A.Kucan, A. Rocca Clement and hang

We have been asked to work on a cultivated plot, today used not for agriculture but to maintain an open space in the north part of the airport. Quickly, we felt that we had to think wider, taking care of the urban fringe and the Bourget airport, today used for private flights. That way, we proposed an urban park to re-qualify the urban fringe, to value the stream and transform the highway into a tramway and cycling axis.

Thats me!

Also, we have chosen to maintain agricultural activities on the upper part and expend it on the airport plots between the runways, making it an «Aeroagricultural» park. There we could imagine new activities and new ways of doing agricultural work, maybe using drones., linking the air with the ground. Realisation : C. Duffy, C. Lecuru, H.Zhang, G. Rouchier //Prof: K.Helms, R.Stange, A.Kucan, A. Rocca

Setting : Surface : Location : Terms : Supervisor :

Transforme the Highway in a Tramway Urban parkway regiving a natural bed to the river and offering relaxing spots for the inhabitants Keep the airport structure but deflect it's use. For exemple as a water lane.

Propose new uses for the original buldings or reorganise them in a way to adapt to new activities

Link the parkway with the "parc de la Courneuve" giving a new corridor to nature

Team "Brain storming" model

Project layout 4 hours hand drawing on a A1 format


Deform to form Urban planning Setting : Surface : Location : Terms : Supervisor :

ENSP Versailles, 2nd year, 6th workshop 27 Ha Neuilly sur Marne, Est of Paris 2 month, February 2015 N. Gilsoul, A. Faucheux

There, is a 69,8ha unused land available (black shape). This plot is located on the flood plain of the Marne river. Here, I was asked to think about a new residential area on a fallow ground of 27ha. I decided to mix different type of housing, with public spaces, cultural and leisure devices, offices, and a multimodal transportation station leading to Paris. More importantly, I had to deal with the flood risk and decided to make it a spectacale more than a obstacle using topography.


Building Layout

Trees grid

Flooding impact

Rain water layout

Main road Canal Marne

General situation

Between town grids and nature connection

Project section from the ecologic coridor to the boulvard

Collective housing Public space

Residential parc ecological corridor


en kc r o W





le Bou


sta al d o rm inte





Layout 1/500 for an A0 made with Autocad then Photoshop

Layout model showing the topography of the flood management Retention basin

For this project I also wanted to experience the possibilities of creating different types of space with the building’s shape and orientation.. Then I concentrated on the main boulevard, making it less a highway road, and more as a connecting public space in between two residential areas.,

par ving

Retention basin

Intermodal underground station Cycling road Towards the parc

Plazas in between buildings

Realisation : Camilla Duffy //Prof: Nicolas Gilsoul and Alexis Faucheux // School : ENSP VERSAILLES

connecting boulevard

Sketch of the central boulvard breaking with the strong highway image of the original boulvard


territorial expertise

Landscape diagnostic on an administrative territory Setting : Surface : Location : Terms : Supervisor :

ENSP Versailles 161,8km2 Canton d'Ouzouer-sur-loire, near orleans 6 month, september 2014 to march 2015 A. Freytet, M. Toublanc, A. Sauter During the third semester at ENSP Versailles, I studied the landscape of a French administrative sector, the «canton.» of Ouzouer-sur-Loire. The one I chose is a rural region with 6 villages, Orléans Domanial forest on the north part, the Loire river in the south and a Nuclear power station. During 6 month, I observed these landscapes, studied their origins, and talked to the local inhabitants and those employed on the land.

Conton's location

3 cows, 4 chimneys 3 cows, 4 chimneys

Drawing to understand the landscape






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Define landscape entities

Draw and compare skylines, find the particularities and differences, here in the lowland

Explaining the human implantation according to the flood menace

Once I took stock of the region, I was able to profile and pinpoint the landscape and territorial issues, highlight the opportunities and point to the problematic changements. That way, I was able to debate about this land’s future and to propose some visions that would conscile landscape identity with the urban and touristic pressure as far as the disappearance of the Nuclear power station in the near future.

Drawing of the Canton with Aquarelle picturing the

human installation in the lowland and on the hills


Arts projects


connecting people linking space along the axis Setting : Location : Terms : Supervisor :

Prep school, Art in situ project Nice, south of france 3 days, january 2013 A. Goldtsimmer

Humans and metal figures interacting

General Marshall Plaza

Realisation : Camilla Duffy// professor : Alain Goldtsimmer // School : Prepa Vert Azure Antibes

To link three public plazas in the center of Nice, I manufactured 30 little ÂŤIron menÂťthat I disposed all along the axis. They were all playing with the space, acting like invaders. I fixed them in a way that when you see one, you will see an other. People became curious and started to play and find them. In that way they have linked the space.

on the way to invade the axe



Along the «coulée verte» of paris Setting : Location : Terms : Supervisor :

ENSP Versailles, "bring back the site" project Paris, quartier bastille 3 days, 1rst year, september 2013 O. Marty, L. Cremel

On an iron bar, that recalls the ancient railway that existed there, I marked out the noticeable limits along the path. If one portion of the corridor is an open space above the city roofs, the other is densely wooded and swallowed up beneath the skyline of the town. The spiral created by the iron thread translates the mouvements of my eyes depending on the limits and configuration of the space.

To counterbalance the spiral I used a patch of grassland as a control for the density of the vegetation in the shape and sensation of this walkway.

Relations between the promenade and the art work


Realisation : Camilla Duffy, //Prof:O.Marty, L.Cremel School : ENSP VERSAILLES

suspended mobile

The spiral floating on iron bar

Thin tension The graft

Setting : Location : Terms : Supervisor :

ENSP Versailles, "the graft"" project Mont brouilly, burgundy region 3 days, 1rst year, March 2014 O. Marty Coupe de principe du cordage / Principale section of the installation

With eighteen other students from l’ENSP Versailles, we were invited to reinstate the original slope that had disappeared due to its exploitation as a gravel pit. To do so, we collected some blue plastic thread used in vinyards all over the region and which we used in 38 meter-long stretches of thread to recreate the impression of a slope from the top of the pit to the other side of the road.

How to proceed?

Realisation : Camilla Duffy, //Prof:O.Marty // School : ENSP VERSAILLES

This structure was not only visible from inside the gravel pit but also from the top and along a path leading to the top of the pit.

Intention sketshes made on the grounds

Sketch of the gravel pit The construction of this structure has been exalting. The energy that everyone put into carrying out this huge piece of work made it possible to complete it in a day. The result was more than satisfying and the impression of the slope was palpable. More over, entering the installation from road level was a really sensitive experience. The impression of having a roof over our head and being under the slope delighted the public, even more so when ,by suprise the threads disappeared along with the clouds, allowing us to see the blue sky.

View from the road

the slope goes on

Sunset from under the slope



All documents were produced by Camilla DUFFY Many project aren't presented in this portfolio but could be discused during an interview. Camilla DUFFY +33 6 27 14 23 92


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