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thesis research process
[japan + transnational exports] 1960s metabolist utopic urban paradigms rethinking metabolist urban paradigms to address dynamics of informal urbanism analogous paradigms
[global] today informal urbanism using localised knowledge to inform redevelopment of framework analytical framework informal settlements
INFORMAL METABOLISM: A MANIFESTO empirical photography archives scientific mapping oral
Joe Slovo case study: informal settlement in South Africa
Thesis Book Extracts

index localising joe slovo metabolist international trajectories langa urban patterns spatial occupation analysis precedent study

Symbiotic Analytical Framework
Origin Narrative
[02] spatial occupation
The origin narrative involves tracing the historical, cultural, political, and social background that led to the establishment of the informal settlement in question. This begins on the national level, followed by its localisation within the city-wide context.
The observation of changes in spatial occupation over time determines the methodology by which a given informal urban settlement adapts to the changing needs of its dwellers. This study should be done on the urban and architectural scales.
[03] social sustainability
Social sustainability provides the backbone to the selfdetermined logic of informal urbanism. Informal circular economies, locally sourced skills, materials and produce, and the multidimensional adaptation of open spaces sustain and promote urban informality.
[04] linkages
Active linkages determined by means of social and physical mapping define the relationships between people and spaces fostered within urban informality. Their dynamics within the settlement determine whether they are a function of unity or separation.
Megastructure refers to the multi-layered structure of governmentality which affects urban informality in a given context as observed by means of three life-cycle categories: long, medium, and short.
Spatial Occupation
Repetition of common factors such as materials, structures and masses determine physical and visual connections between dispersed elements.
Repetition of common factors such as materials, structures and masses determine physical and visual connections between dispersed elements.
Definition refers to physical, socio-economic or political boundaries which not only link elements within the constraints together but also separate them from others outside of such bounds.
Definition refers to physical, socio-economic or political boundaries which not only link elements within the constraints together but also separate them from others outside of such bounds.
Informal structures
Formal structures & ablution blocks
definition refers to physical, socio-economic or political boundaries which not only link elements within the constraints together but also separate them from others outside of such bounds.
Joe Slovo footprint Structures
Joe Slovo footprint
Sequential Paths
Sequential Paths
Sequential Paths
Mapping of sequential paths illustrates the inner connections between elements and spaces within the settlement.
mapping of sequential paths illustrates the inner connections between elements and spaces within the settlement.
Mapping of sequential paths illustrates the inner connections between elements and spaces within the settlement.
Spaces Of Mediation
Spaces Of Mediation
Spaces Of Mediation
Spaces of mediation determine connections by means of interstitial spaces between elements and masses.
Spaces of mediation determine connections by means of interstitial spaces between elements and masses.
repetition of common factors such as materials, structures and masses determine physical and visual connections between dispersed elements. spaces of mediation determine connections by means of interstitial spaces between elements and masses.
[hard boundary] Buffer strip [political boundary] Formal dwellings [hard boundary]

Structures [hard boundary]
Buffer strip [political boundary]
Formal dwellings [hard boundary]
[soft boundary]
Pavement/Road [soft boundary]
Main paths [vehicular access] paths [limited access]
Main paths [vehicular access] Secondary paths [limited access]
Perceived street front
informal metabolism: a manifesto
With this manifesto I challenge hegemonic notions of design approaches towards informal settlements, and reject the decontextualised application of best practice models across heterogeneous contexts.
I rebuke the preconceived assumption of communities’ needs and instead propose a series of operational categories that investigate the intrinsic logic of informal urbanism, harnessing them into contextualised tools for design.
Informal Metabolism borrows fundamental notions from the Metabolist urban paradigms and reconsiders them through the lens of informal urbanism.
Shared structural core
Base dwelling structure
Example of organic morphological proliferation
Enclaves - pockets of activity or rest
Secondary sequential paths
Primary sequential paths

Organic footpaths
Spaces of mediation
Break down existing barriers encouraging open linkages
Morphological footprint
Washing lines
Self-constructed fences creating courtyards
Community activities (eg laundry)
Temporary spatial occupation/activities
Structures providing services (eg cash store bar tailoring, etc)
Self-constructed second storey
Residential structures
Shared structural core
Short life-cycle – responsive occupation
Medium life-cycle – infrastructure and services
Long life-cycle – infrastructure and legislation

Type Publication
Year 2021
Team Architetti Senza Frontiere; PoliMi; Camillo Magni; Giuliana Miglierina site plan and sections
In collaboration with PoliMi and Architetti Senza Frontiere, I designed the publication layout and developed the graphic visualisation for the design proposal accompanying the research project for the reconstruction of Mogadishu’s urban fringe.
The project proposes the infill of gaps within the peri-urban fabric of Mogadishu with affordable housing typologies, aiming to ease pressure on the dense urban centre.

Mbakadou Primary School region of Louga, Senegal
While working with Architetti Senza Frontiere I was tasked with the preparation of the materials for the 2021 Zumtobel Competition entry. This included the layout of competition panels, editing photographs, adjusting existing drawings and preparing new drawings to communicate the project.
section a-a site plan
Link https://www.asfitalia.org/primary-school-mbakadou-senegal
Primary School
Louga, Senegal
Primary School
Louga, Senegal
Reconsidering Marrakech Airport As An Urban Agricultural Hub

Type Thematic Design Studio [MSc Architecture and Urban Design]
Year 2021
Team Camilla Allan; Nicolò Chierichetti; Alexander Van Rensburg city analysis city scale proposal project scheme new urban tissue render

The Menara Sew-Port stitches disconnected urban fabrics by transforming the existing airport and stretching the western agricultural corridor to decentralise Marrakech’s radial hierarchy. This is done by inserting new tissue into the airport and military site located south-west of the Menara gardens. The proposal exists in the form of agricultural re-migration, at formal and informal interventions, with the aim for cultural and economic stimulation, using a circular economy methodology.
Masterplan Programme Cards
Water And Waste System

urban sections urban tissue plan localised tissue plans

Type Urban Design Studio [MSc Architecture and Urban Design]
Year 2020
Team Camilla Allan; Guo Wengyi; Yang Kaiqi; Gao Lina; Tan Yueqing
This urban scale project is located around the disused railway yard (Scalo) of Porta Romana, along the southern transect of Milan’s railway system.
An in depth analysis of the area provided the necessary toolkit to propose the Scalo Porta Romana as a threshold between the inner city and the agricultural fringe.
As such, the project proposes a city fringe network that strategically re-activates inactive buildings and connects them through a series of pedestrian and cycle friendly paths.