Eco Intellect

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Heating that doesn’t cost the earth

ce your carbon footprint u d e r lly astica r d d an Save money on heating bills

Using the environment to heat your home Have you ever wondered why the back of your fridge feels warm? Your fridge is designed to extract heat from your food and transfer this ‘captured’ energy to the back of your fridge and into your kitchen. Imagine using this wasted heat to provide free heating and hot water! Heat Pumps work on the same principle but rather than wasting that captured energy, the freely available renewable energy taken from the environment i.e. Ground, Air or Water is compressed to produce more heat and then converted into comfortable heating and hot water. Simply by moving free energy from one place to another. Heat pump Technology can be up to 5 times more energy efficient than a standard gas or oil boiler. Therefore for every unit of electricity you use, Heat Pumps can provide you with up to 5 units of free heat energy in return.

Ground Source Heat Pump While the air temperature varies throughout the year, typically in the UK, the ground temperature below the frost line averages between 8 and 10ÂşC at a depth of between 1 to 2 metres all year round. By using a series of pipes buried in either a trench or borehole, heat is collected from the soil or water and transferred to the heat pump. The heat pump can then transfer this free energy to the desired heat distribution system i.e. Radiators, Under Floor Heating, water storage for the hot water supply. During the summer, the heat can also be transferred back into the ground to act as a cooling mechanism. Around 75% of the energy required for heating can be taken from the ground (which costs nothing) to provide heating and hot water.

Air Source Heat Pump Air source heat pumps work by converting the low temperature energy found freely in the air into providing heating and hot water to family homes and commercial properties. The heat produced can be used to pre-heat water in a storage tank or circulate through under floor heating or radiators. Even the British weather won’t disrupt this clever technology as it can still perform well at temperatures as low as -15 ºC.

How efficient are heat pumps? Traditional Methods Energy in 1 KW in

Heat energy out

Direct Electricity

Energy in 1 KW in

0.99 KW

Heat energy out

Gas Boiler

0.83 KW

Direct Electric 99% Efficient

Gas Boiler 83% Efficient

Eco Intellect Heat Pumps Energy in 1 KW in

Heat energy out

Air Source Heat Pump

Energy in 1 KW in

2.5 KW

Heat energy out

Ground Source Heat Pump

3.2 KW

Air Source 250% Efficient

Ground Source 320% Efficient

With Heat Pump Technology, running costs are drastically reduced even despite the fact that the cost of gas is currently lower than the cost of electricity. Also, when using a heat pump system the CO2 emissions are far less than if using a gas or electric boiler. Based on SAP (Standard Assessment 2 Procedure) 2005 figures, heat pumps reduce CO emissions by up to 43%.

Your Questions Answered Do Air Source and Ground Source Heat Pumps really work? In short – Yes! By moving energy from one place to another, our systems can take the low temperature energy from the air, the ground or water. Compress it to a higher temperature and transfer it to heat your property. The system works on the same principle as a fridge – which takes heat from its contents, transferring that heat into your kitchen (which is why the back of your fridge feels warm!).

Does the Heat Pump work all year round?

Will the system save me money?

Our systems operate efficiently in very low temperatures. In fact these systems are very popular in northern Scandinavia where the winters are severe and temperatures frequently drop to -20ºC.

Yes. The amount you save depends on the design and the property where the system is to be installed, but you will definitely save versus other fuels – including gas and other carbon producing alternatives.

What is COP? You may have heard the phrase COP (Coefficient of Performance). Put simply, this is the ratio of heat output versus the amount of energy the system uses. Our systems can deliver something in the region of 1:5 meaning that for every unit of electricity you use, the system could generate 5 units of heat.

I haven’t heard of these systems before, are they new?

Will it provide enough hot water for baths showers & domestic hot water?

In the United States and Europe, especially Sweden Austria and Germany the use of Heat Pumps are very common. Heat Pumps were invented more than 50 years ago and continuous development has greatly improved its reliability and efficiency.

Our advanced Heat Pump technology can deliver a temperature of up to 80° C which will provide an abundance of piping hot water. Much too hot to put your hand under without scalding, however you don’t have to set it this high.

Are they suitable for new builds?

Is the system noisy?

Very well suited. The insulation values on new builds make the installation of Heat Pump a good choice. It can also be cheaper when installing Ground Source Heat Pumps on a new build as the installation of the ground loops can be done when the footings are excavated.

Our units have been subject to decades of development which has reduced noise and vibration to a minimum – the result is that they may hum just a little, like a refrigerator.

Alternative Renewable Energy The use of Solar Panels to heat water is becoming increasingly popular around the world due to the energy and money savings. Solar Panels work by collecting energy from the sun which heats the fluid in the Solar Panel. The heat from the fluid is then transferred to the heat distribution system, i.e. radiators, under floor heating, hot water supply. Solar Panels can be installed at various locations including homes and office buildings and are a popular way to invest in your property and your energy future.

The use of Wind Turbines can be a great way to provide a source of clean and renewable energy for your home or business. Wind Turbines harness the power of the wind and use it to generate electricity. The energy from the wind turns propeller-like blades around driving a turbine which generates electricity. The stronger the wind, the more electricity produced.

The installation of renewable energy technologies such as Wind Turbines, Solar Panels and Heat Pumps can all save money on your energy bills, drastically reduce your carbon footprint and your dependency on fossil fuels by using a free natural renewable resource.

How can we help you? Technology has come a long way in recent years and individuals, communities and businesses alike are recognising the benefits of switching to renewable energy. At Eco Intellect we pride ourselves in offering a complete, no nonsense, and down to earth approach to energy efficient solutions. Our aim is to meet your requirements, reduce carbon emissions and future proof your hard earned cash from rising energy prices. From on site evaluations to design, supply and installation, you can be confident that we will match your precise requirements and ensure we deliver the right solution for your needs every time.

Other Services

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Besides our core offering of energy efficient solutions, we can offer you a variety of other services

If you would like any further information on any of our services please feel free to contact us.

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