Architecture portfolio

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Camilla Paternò architectural student selected works



Name: Camilla Surname: Paternò Date of birth: 21/05/1994 Nationality: Italian (florence) Addess: Via U. della Faggiola 45, FI Phone: +39 3319479255 E-mail: education

software skills


di Milano, architecture built environment - interiors Master degree [110e lode/110]



degli studi di Firenze, DIDA dipartimento di architettura, scienze dell’architettura Bachelor degree [110e lode/110]

Universidad Politecnica



escuela de arquitectura Erasmus+

Liceo Classico Michelangiolo, Florence High school diploma work experience

language skills

Ark3P architectural office curricular internship

Studio di architettura di interni dell’architetto Massimo Materassi Extracurricular internship Studio di interior design Mode S.A.S. Bettarini Enio, Florence curricular internship

Autocad Adobe Photoshop Archicad Cinema 4D Adobe InDesign Vectorworks Artlantis Studio SketchUp Adobe Illustrator Quantum GIS Rhinoceros Vray Microsoft Office Straus7 Grasshopper


Italian Mother tongue

English TOEFL IBT 84/120, Philadelphia (USA)


C1 DELE certificate, Florence


#01 #02 #03 #04 #05 #06

Land museum The A - cloud amazon exchange hub From rail to trail San Siro surplus Dubai pavilion Poli - play mi

06 18 26 34 44 50

land museum cultural intervention for a fragile landscape in nice Camilla Paternò, Nevena Rikalo, Ioanna Tzorva Master Thesis [Politecnico di Milano] Guya Grazia Maria Bertelli Le Var valley of Nice, France 03 October 2019

Based on the study of the territory crossed by the river Var, in the vicinity of Nice, France, this thesis explores the possibility of uniting a fragmented territory through the design of a cultural hub that can reveal its richness and restore its identity. The project sees the construction of a diffused museum, which becomes a connector within a territory made inconsistent by years of uncontrolled urbanism. Fragmentation, abandon, secondary functions and infrastructures have

caused the detachment from the values and founding qualities of this place, which the museum aims to bring upfront and to represent: the land. The name of the project, “LAND MU- SEUM�, refers to the remains of a cropharvesting circle that was found and preserved as part of the agricultural past of the site. The project aims to activate the existing landscape and give it a role in the expansion plan of the city.




Dense green layer


Grass field

Existing agricultural fields

Water system

Green river bed

Faรงade facing the corridor

Green corridor

Municipality masterplan

Agricultural area

Linear Park

New buildings

Agricultural traces

New tram line

strategy _ the paradigm of connection

masterplan _ green corridors and linear park


low production agricultural fields

central turning point

space of difficult definition

pre existing influences

existing land programmation use



urban garden

partecipative garden

settlement of the grid

a system of natural spaces


The agricultural park is a methodology to merge and emerge the differences and peculiarities of each landscape (agricultural, forest, urban garden, partecipative garden). The pre-existing buildings of the site gave the grid a twisted structure. Existing Hydro-morphes are important both for anthropocentric, naturalistic design as well as soil formations that provide sustainable agricultural fields and irrigation.

masterplan model




undeground plan _ cultural center , laboratories , parking lots

grounffloor plan _ cultural center , museum , entrance gate






The museum can be synthetized as being the overlap between one longiudinal volume and a cubic one. The ipogean longitudinal volume in its interior it hosts a sequence of laboratories and workshop areas, while the cubic one represents the expositional area. The longitudinal underground acts as a connection between the river, the ground level and the landscape. It is shifted diagonally to be linked to the other elements of the masterplan. The cube stands up facing the river directly as a statement. From the ground floor upwards, the volume is more compact, its plan is squared and the different floors are characterised by three phases: past, present and future.



Third floor digital contents future

Second floor terrace present

First floor exposition past


the a-cloud

amazon exchange hub Claudia Frassoni, Emanuela Gusmini, Alesa Micacchi, Camilla Paternò Thematic studio [Politecnico di Milano] Hector Fernandez Elorza Plaza de Castilla, Madrid, Spain 2018-2019

The project is based on the concept of division of spaces, based on functions and uses. Keeping in mind the limits of the underground (metro station and car tunnel), the first step was to carve a space that could connect the ground level with the exit of the metro. This space was then divided into different floors at different heights, forming a dense and polyvalent space. At the ground floor, the main feature is the means of transport: buses, trucks,

bike sharing and car sharing. Everything is covered by a structure that seems to float like a cloud: the warehouse. Inside we can find an efficient circular division between a long and a short stay. The columns that support it have different functions, from vertical connections for people to connections between different floors for objects. Finally, the roof represents the poetry of the project with its park and the drones landing.









from rail to trail Camilla Paternò Architectural design studio1 [Politecnico di Milano] Antonio Da Silva Ferreira De Carvalho Casoretto, Milan, Italy 2017-2018

FROM RAIL TO TRAIL follows the idea to keep as much as possible the existing rails, being them an important feature of the ATM depot. FROM RAIL TO TRAIL will bring to the former ATM a new life, including public park, paved areas and green spaces. The aim is to increase the neighbourhood liveability by providing new attraction poles, such as an exhibition space, commerce functions and life-time residences. The tracks of the rail are retained, developing new furnitures that

use the same module. Moreover, the gap between the tracks is covered to avoid falls. The new furnitures create an original and functional space, based on the existing features. Molteplicity is one of the most characteristic aspect of our society. To respect people’s needs is important to offer different typologies. Moreover, the typical concept of external gallery is rethought, creating spaces that give more privacy, but that also allow the interaction between the residents.

















san siro surplus Camilla Paternò, Josephine Algrain, Coline Chagnot Architecture of intrtiors design studio

[Politecnico di Milano] Gennaro Postiglione Italy 2017-2018

Our work concerns the block via Abbiati 6. The plot is composed of two long buildings (90m). For the intervention we chose to reorganise the circulations. On five existing vertical circulations (per building), we kept only two staircases and we add a new horizontal connection. To deal with privacy issues, we proposed to shift out the external gallery, creating a gap between the external corridor and the apartments. Moreover, we rearranged the different typologies, providing

more diversity to answer better to the consumer’s demand. Finally, we chose to link the two building by a new construction; the temporary tower. Another intervention was about improving the flats area by adding two meters to the North-West side of the building. This surface can be an extension of the bedrooms or a balcony to enjoy the sunset. After that, we designed a thermal envelop, wrapping the existing building and we proposed to settle tesla tiles on the roof acting as solar panels.











dubai pavilion Camilla Paternò Design and construction studio [Politecnico di Milano] Massimilano Nastri Italy 2017-2018

The former pavilion is designed for the Dubai Expo of 2020. It follows the concepts of the Expo of sustainability, mobility and opportunity. The wheels (attached to the bamboo columns) provide energy, connected to a generator, as the textile cladding in the top of the structure. Also, the floor is made by modules with led lights fed by the passage of people. The main structure is made by lamellar wood, with simple plate for the joints.

The columns are made by four bamboo columns, a traditional material, keeping the idea of the sustainability. Hanged to the ceiling, hammocks recreate a chilling space where people can relax and plan the next visit. The energy produced by the flow of people is partially used for phone-charger base and digital screens. The pavillion reflects the concept of the Expo, creating a relaxing and interactive area for visitors.






Detail model 1:1


poli-play mi Dalila Giampietro, Alesa Micacchi, Camilla Paternò Scenografia e spazi della rappresentazione

[Politecnico di Milano] Pierluigi Salvadeo Milano, Italy 2018-2019

Poli play Mi is a cooperative game whose purpose is to graduate in architecture at Politecnico di Milano. The six players make up a team that will aim to beat the game itself. There isn’t a single winner, but everyone can win or everyone will lose. Players win against the game if they succeed in completing the targets set by the exam cards or they will lose if they remain stuck on a target. This can happen if you finish the equipment tokens or if all the players during the round

have already passed from the building without obtaining the coin useful to achieve the goal. Last hope will be to unlock the extensions to find out if you can get the necessary token. Players in turn will choose a pawn and a color for the pins and will position themselves on a starting spot. Floors of the same building are randomly arranged, but in each floor there must be only one type of equipment token. The players take turns rolling the dice and moving along the hole path.





modular buildings

In the board game there are 5 three-story buildings. In each of them you can find equipment of the following categories: residence, library, Adobe, modeling and study room. Stackable stories look the same, so the player has to reminded the contents.


The exams are taken through the insertion of the equipment tokens inside the slot of the classroom shown on the examination card. At the end of the game it will be possible to collect all the tokens thanks to the container boxes below.


Placed in contrast to the extrusion of buildings, the trapdoors represent an obstacle for the player who will be trapped. Symmetrically to the extrusions there are 5 empty spaces: the bar Verde, the Poli Print, the patio, the construction site (for Renzo Piano’s project) and the Nave building’s elevators.


Are considered a spatial extension of the board. Each player can unlock them by accessing them trough the path. In each play extension takes a different function, based on the “extension card” that is drawn.



The 6 pawns are composed of a circular base to be able to fit into the holes of the path. To make them recognizable the 6 characters represent silhouettes of famous architects: Le Corbusier, SANAA, Calatrava, Mies Van Der Rohe, Renzo Piano and Walter Gropius.

brand building pins

Next to each modular building there are 6 slots to introduce a colored-point pin. Each player has 5 of them, one per building and he has to place it every time he enters one of the buildings, to remember he can’t go back untill next exam.


Are of two kind: miracle and misfortune. The 20 miracle cards recall small joys of student’s life, bringing them back to the context of the board. Unlike the previous ones, the 20 misfortune cards depict the student’s misfortunes.


Positioned on strips of transparent acetate, they rise when the box is opened. Trees have an aesthetic value and recreate a realistic landscape of the campus.


Camilla Paternò

Firenze +39 3319479255

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