How to fill the NPS, LDA and Standards Surveys AIESEC in Bangladesh
The Leadership Development Assessment will let you know where you stand in your leadership journey after taking the exchange experience.
The Net Promoter Score survey will let us know how satisfied you were with your AIESEC experience, so we can improve and bring better experiences to other young people in Bangladesh.
With this, we measure the quality of the leadership experience that you just lived. Filling it completely is a requirement to download your AIESEC certificate.
Where are these surveys?
1) Go to, click on your picture and go to your profile
2) Click on the red circled area to see your applications
Where are these surveys?
3) Click on your project
4) Done! You can scroll down to find all of them
A piece of • For the standards survey, if there is one question that you don’t understand, please ask your AIESEC contact person in your home or in your host country for clarification. • Answer all the questions thoughtfully and truthfully. Fill all surveys yourself, don’t let anyone else do it for you, or pressure you to change an answer. Remember that you will get the AIESEC certificate regardless of the way you answer these questions.