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by Tim Gallo please check out my hp`s for more stuff:

The body of old sands and time... ! "#$%& '( ")*+%,'%, -%.'# * ")%/.%0% 1#.% $2()34 * -%$2%5'34 $2*4*,... 6%.'7# ")%$*2$8 9'# "%: -#&*, '% 8 '# ")%2*-. ;%: 9%*9* -#&(9 /#"%2 ")#:&%-, "%&%<=*4$8 '( $2)>'# -)#9#'*. 6 -3$%23 -$? &(@#2$8 2(&*9 $.>5(,'39 * ")%$239 - &(& >A%) '( $"*'# +(+%5&* *.* 7-#2%&, -3)%$/*, '( &(9'#. B &%0:( 5#.%-#& "%4%@ '( 9>)(-C8 - -$? - D2%9 9*)# &(@#2$8 ")%$239 * $.>5(,'39. E$? +>:2% -#.#'% *A ")%/.%0% * )#/#'% :% '(5(.( -)#9?' - -$? .*/#'% @(:'%$2* * ">$2%23, &%2%)39* %A(+%5#' -#$C 9*). Sun plays under my eyelids. I can hear the whisper of my ancestors, balancing on the string of time. From the bird`s eye everything seems to be so ever simple, natural. When human looks like ant - everything in this world seems to be accidental and simple. Seems like everything has been decided before the time - everything is so content, when the greed and human nature is barely recognizable from this high.

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