Business Plan for Dzamlingar; A wellness in paradise

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Business Plan for Dzamlingar

A WELLNESS IN PARADISE A place to regenerate your body and Soul Inside the Ati Yoga Center, at Dzamlingar, South of Tenerife.

2 May 2020 This is the first step towards a more complete and collective draft to be corrected. Prepared by Benedetta Tagliabue With corrections by Giovanni Boni and Ilaria Faccioli

Graphic by Caterina Miralles

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Table of contents About “A Wellness in Paradise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 What is “A Wellness in Paradise” .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Where is “A Wellness in Paradise” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Who founded “A Wellness in Paradise”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

What do you find in “A Wellness in Paradise”. . . . . . . . . 10 The Ati Yoga Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 The Gompa and other building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 The Welness Spa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Therapies avaliable in “A Wellness in Paradise” . . . . . . 19

What Therapies avaliable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

The School inside “A Wellness in Paradise” . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Wellness school; learning about therapies . . . . . . . . . . . 20

The Accommodations inside “A Wellness in Paradise . . . . . . 22 Accommodations, Residence and Villa . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Space distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Wellness SPA .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Wellness School. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Wellness Accommodations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Budget and income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Wellness SPA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Wellness Accommodations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

Wellness School. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

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“A Wellness in Paradise”

What is “A wellness in paradise”? Paradise Wellness is the perfect place to regenerate your body and Soul through ancient healthy methods and therapies. It is the ideal place to renew yourself and overcome stressful daily life. With the help of Tibetan, Ayurvedic, Chinese, homoeopathic and more type of ancient therapies in a tropical atmosphere you will flourish in this perfect land, with one of the best climates you can find in the world. Paradise Wellness offers personalized treatments and therapies either on a daily basis or with weekly residencies and a wonderful way to learn about them.

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“A Wellness in Paradise” Where is it located? Located in the beautiful island of Tenerife, part of the Canary islands, better known as the island of eternal spring, Paradise Wellness is enclaved in the South of the island, a place which enjoys a perfect micro-climate. Here, under the magnetic influence of Volcano Teide, nature flourish and people also naturally gains fully their natural health state. En 2011, tras haber fundado once centros en todo el mundo, el Maestro Dzogchen, Professor Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, comienza a buscar terrenos en Tenerife, Islas Canarias.

In 2011, after having founded eleven centers across the globe, the Dzogchen Master, Professor Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, begins to look for land in Tenerife, Canary Islands.

en tenerife, islas canarias

Ese mismo año 2011, se encuentra una propiedad abandonada en Playa Paraíso, en la parte sur de la isla. De esa tierra desierta florecerá el Global Gar de la Comunidad Dzogchen, Dzamling Gar, y su Centro de Conferencias, el Gönpa.

In the same year 2011, an abandoned property is found in Playa Paraíso, in the southern part of the island. From that deserted land will bloom the Global Gar of the Dzogchen Community, Dzamling Gar, and its Conference Center, the Gönpa. al sur de la isla

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“A Wellness in Paradise” Who founded “A wellness in Paradise”? Paradise Wellness is enclaved in the Ati Yoga Center of “Dzamlingar”, founded in 2011 by the world renown Spiritual Master and Doctor Professor Namkhai Norbu, originally coming from Tibet. He was envisaging here a place for holistic spiritual and physical evolution, where most of his teachings could be applied for the benefit of mankind. During His life He taught around the globe Spiritual Development through disciplines ranging from Yoga, meditative dances and songs, ancient therapies, meditative systems which are here applied and taught with the aim of reaching a better physical and spiritual wellbeing. Paradise Wellness is focusing on personalized health therapies and every patient have the possibility to integrate it with the wide holistic offer of the Ati Yoga Center of Dzamlingar. (links of practices in Dzamlingar)

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What do you find in

“A Wellness in Paradise� Something about the Ati Yoga Center in Dzamlingar Dzamlingar, the Ati Yoga Center founded by Professor Chogyal Namkhai Norbu in the South of Tenerife, is a beautiful Property of around 3 hectares at 5 minutes walking distance from the Ocean shore. Here, among beautiful gardens always in flower, stand different buildings of many colours to host holistic activities. The place, originally thought to serve as a thalassotherapy, was abandoned before completion. Professor Namkhai Norbu found it in this abandoned state and restored it to make it an example of sustainable and natural beautiful architecture and landscape.



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What do you find in

“A Wellness in Paradise” The Gompa and other buildings in Dzamlingar In Dzamlingar you can find lovely accommodations inside more than 13 different villas, embedded in lushy gardens. Here are also a Cafeteria, a grand open air Swimming Pool, and many beautiful Structures for physical and spiritual Practices. The main Building in Dzamlingar is the iconic wooden “Gompa”, a wonderful room (Hall) of more than 1000 square-meters overlooking the sea and the Tenerife landscape, which hosts daily many different kinds of holistic activities. Underneath the Gompa is “Paradise Wellness”, a therapy Center strictly connected with the spiritual world surrounding it.

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What do you find in

“A Wellness in Paradise” A Wellness Paradise SPA Paradise Wellness is a beautiful health facility easily accessible from both the town of “Playa Paraiso”, in Adeje, or from the “Ati Yoga Center”, permitting its use both daily, as an external consultant, or internally, coming from a “wellness residency”. Here you can find Specialized Medical (wellbeing) Help based on traditional ancient therapies such as Tibetan, Ayurvedic, Chinese, combined with western medical knowledge such as psychology, homeopathy, nutritionism.. Here specialized medical experts will design a personalized therapy for you so that they can be more efficient for your personal whole well-being.

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The Therapies avaliabe in

“A Wellness in Paradise� What therapies are available? Water therapies are central in Paradise Wellness, coming from western and tibetan traditions, mixed with the tropical flavour. Personalized pools at different temperatures and sizes will integrate the therapy offer. Here you can also find Body treatments as massages of different kinds, agopuncture, moxibustion etc and body depuration through diet, herbs, ancient farmaceutical recipies... The personalized treatment can be integrated with spiritual activities like yoga, breathing, meditative dances and many more.

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The School inside

“A Wellness in Paradise� Wellness School: Learning about therapies. The therapy Center is enriched by a Wellness School where you can access lectures and classes on the same wellness topic applied in the center. Knowledge on tibetan therapies is especially important and a complete learning cicle is offered to whom is interested in understanding more about these methods. A beautifull lecture hall and smaller classrooms permit different formats of classes and seminars.

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The Accomodations inside

“A Wellness in Paradise� Accomodations, Residence and Villas Confortable accomodations for the users of A Wellness in paradisew are available both inside the wellness building or in the Villas in the Dzamlingar Gardens. They range from single bedrooms to family appartments, all of them with exterior private openair space, embedded with vegetations and flowers. The beautifull Gardens, the Swimming pools and the Cafeteria are easily reachable from every accomodation. Residency in the Ati Yoga Center in Dzamlingar is a wonderfull spiritual and wellbeing experience, ideal to regenerate from the stressfull everyday life.

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Why should I go to “A Wellness in Paradise”

Why should I go to “A Wellness in Paradise” Our contemporary life tends to make us forget about our inner needs to cultivate our body and spirit. The time spent in Wellness in Paradise looking after your health as a whole will give you a strong rebust making you more efficient and satisfied in your everyday life. Paradise Wellness is the perfect way to mantain a deep good health and an inner happyness. The result of your feeling after visiting A Wellness in Paradise is well expressed by the song written by Chogyal Namkhai Norbu about the Ati Yoga Center in Dzamlingar “Come to Dzamlingar..happyness is present..let’s enjoy this happiness together”

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Plans and space distribution of

“A Wellness in Paradise�

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Plans and space distribution of

“A Wellness in Paradise” The SPA inside “A Wellness in Paradise” A wellness in Paradise will host: An indoor water SPA, open to public, with pools at different temperature, with different intensity of salt, 1 sauna, 1 steam room and a relaxing space looking at the winter garden, chaise longues for about 10 people, detox tea and tropical juice and fruit area. A holistic therapy center with A tibetan clinic space with: 3 tibetan medicine specialists 2 tibetan water therapy with wooden traditional bath 2 tibetan feet water therapy 2 tibetan steam rooms 3 Kunye massage beds 5 holistic specialists among oriental and western world as: Chinese world Ayurvedic world Homeopatic world Psicological world Allopatic world

9 massage beds for different tipes of therapies. 1 Pharmacy with herbs, where the products can be assembled and sold to public after specialist recepy. 1 Wellness shop with beauty and different products open to the public. Chainging rooms for general public and private patients and toilets. Everything is introduced by a large reception and waiting room, both accesible from the outside street at Playa Paraiso or from the inside of the Ati Yoga Center. It is also accessible and diectly connected with the 15 bedrooms dedicated to the residence therapies, connected to the Wellness from a wooden tibetan bridge.

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Plans and space distribution of

“A Wellness in Paradise” The School inside “A Wellness in Paradise” Paradise wellness School is directly connected through a stair to the wellness center and it is located at ground floor level. It is a space of about 320 sqmeters and hosts: A big forum classroom with double height, able to give class or lectures to 80/100 people. This flexible space can be used and arranged in many different ways. 4 closed classrooms hosting about 8/10 people each. 1 relaxing space for informal talks or meetings. It is accessible both from the Wellness Center and directly from the Ati Yoga Dzamlingar Center.

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Plans and space distribution of “A Wellness in Paradise” In residence Accomodation of “A Wellness in Paradise” The Wellness Paradise inner Residence is connected with Paradise Wellness through an inner bridge and counts on 15 individual or “couple” bedrooms, each one with private bathroom. 9 bedrooms count of a grand private exterior space and 4 on an exterior terrace. All of them count of an interior cafeteria and usable

kitchen and with interior and exterior dining and coffee tables, shared with the Ati Yoga Dzamlingar Center. The residence is both accessible from the street at Playa Paraiso and from the land of the Ati Yoga Center in Dzamlingar, being directly connected with the blossoming gardens. Patients

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of the Wellness Center can be hosted here if they are following the week end or weekly therapies. They can also choose to be hosted in the Villas inside Ati Yoga Dzamlingar Center, which are embedded in Gardens and have a view towards the sea.

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Business possibilities for the activities contained inside “A Wellness in Paradise�

The Spa

The Residence

The School

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Business possibilities for “A Wellness in Paradise� SPA

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Massage Paradise Wellness counts on 9 massage beds for exterior or residential therapies. We calculate a massage of 1 hour for 60€/hour. We calculate the operability of each bed during 8 hours a day during 6 days a week. We then have a maximum possibility for the 9 beds of 4320€/day. We will take into account only 80% of the possibility which is 3450€/day. In a week of 6 days we then have 20736€/week Which makes more or less for a month a billing of 83000€/month We consider 9 therapists attending the 9 massage beds, with a medium salary of 2500€/month or 3000€/month which makes a total expens of 22.500 or 27000€/ month. Massages would then be able to gain from 60500€/ month or 56000€/month Which makes an avarege monthly gain of 58.000€/ month and an annualy gain of 696.000€/year.

1 masseuse = 8 massages a day 9

masseuses =

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81 massages a day

Business possibilities for “A Wellness in Paradise� SPA

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Giovanni Boni and Ilaria Faccioli, comments. Benedetta

Giovanni e Ilaria

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Business possibilities for “A Wellness in Paradise� SPA

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Specialists visits Every specialist will be able to visit 8 patients every day at 120€/visit. We have space for 6 specialists (chinese therapy, Ayurvedic therapy, Homeopatic therapy, Psicological therapy, Allopatic therapy) and space for 3 tibetan specialists. This means the 8 therapists could do for personalized visits a maximum of 7680€/day We will consider only an 80% of this, which makes 6144€/day. We consider therapists visits only 5 days a week, And this will give 30720€/week. Which makes 122880€/month We consider a salary for the therapists of around 4000 or 5000€/month. We then consider that specialists personalized visits could obtain an income ranging from 90880€/month to 82880€/month, which makes an average monthly gain of 86880€/month And an annualy gain of 1.042.560€/year


specialist =


tibetan therapies specialists


specialists of other disciplines - 43 -

8 visits a day

Business possibilities for “A Wellness in Paradise� SPA

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Giovanni Boni and Ilaria Faccioli, comments. Benedetta

Giovanni e Ilaria

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Business possibilities for “A Wellness in Paradise� SPA

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Tibetan terapeutical Shang Shung clinic The Tibetan therapeutical clinic counts on 3 Kunye massage beds. Each massage could be 60€/Hour 2 tibetan baths in wooden bathtubs 80€/hour 2 feet massages place 50€/hour 2 steam rooms 80€/hour We calculate an use of 8 hours a day during 6 days a week, which will give a daily income of 3 Kunye massage beds. 1440€/day 2 tibetan baths in wooden bathtubs 1280€/day 2 feet massages place 800€/day 2 steam baths 1280€/day Which makes the possibility for tibetan therapies to have entries for 4800€/day We will consider only an 80% of this,

which makes 3840€/day. In a week of 6 days we then have 23040€/week Which makes 92160€/month We calculate 8 people attending tibetan therapies at about 3000€/ month, Which means salaries for about 24000€/month We calculate the possible monthly gain for tibetan therapies with a range from 68000€/month to 58000€/month which makes an average monthly gain of 63.000€/month And an annualy gain of 756.000€/year


specialist =


tibetan therapies specialists


tibetan theriapies helpers - 47 -

8 hours a day

Business possibilities for “A Wellness in Paradise� SPA

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Giovanni Boni and Ilaria Faccioli, comments.


Giovanni e Ilaria

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Business possibilities for “A Wellness in Paradise� SPA

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Water SPA and Relax The Water Spa and Relax space, open to general public, can host a maximum of ten people at the same time. It will be open 8 hours a day 6 days a week. We imagine only 6 people an hour with a dayly ticket of 30€/day. In a day we can then have an entry of 1440€/day, 8640€/week, 34.560€/month. We consider one person attending the space at 2500€/ that the Water Spa could monthly gain 32.060€/month So that Water Spa and relax could have an annualy gain of 384.720€/year


SPA assistant =

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8 hours a day

Business possibilities for “A Wellness in Paradise� SPA

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Giovanni Boni and Ilaria Faccioli, comments.


Giovanni e Ilaria

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Business possibilities for “A Wellness in Paradise� SPA

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Beauty shop

Pharmacy shop

Beauty shop could obtain a considerable income but we consider here a very average possibility of selling for 15.000€/month with the presence of 2 people with a salary of 2500€/month.

Pharmacy and pharmacy shop could obtain a considerable income but we consider here a very average possibility of selling for 15.000€/ month with the presence of 2 people with a salary of 2500€/month.

The beauty shop could make a monthly gain of 10.000€/month And an annual gain of

The pharmacy shop could make a monthly gain of 10.000€/month And an annual gain of



Reception desk Receprion will count on two receptionists and a waiting area very much in contact with the two shops.


seller =


receptionists ar the Entry Desk.


sellers at the Pharmacy shop


sellers at the Beauty shop - 55 -

8 hours a day

Business possibilities for “A Wellness in Paradise� SPA

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Giovanni Boni and Ilaria Faccioli, comments.


Giovanni e Ilaria

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Business possibilities for “A Wellness in Paradise� Residence

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Paradise Wellness Residence. The Residence counts on 9 bedrooms wiith private exterior space. We consider 100€/night and all together 900€/night 4 bedrooms with private terrace We consider 80€/night and all together 320€/night 2 simple bedrooms We consider 60€/night and all together 120€/night So that the Residence could gain 1340€/night every night. We consider an 80% of its possibility which makes 1072€/night, 7500€/week and 30.000€/month. The residence could gain 360.000€/year


assistant =


cleaning assistants

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8 hours a day

Business possibilities for “A Wellness in Paradise� Residence

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Giovanni Boni and Ilaria Faccioli, comments.


Giovanni e Ilaria

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Business possibilities for “A Wellness in Paradise� Residence

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Cafeteria in the Residence The Cafeteria has a very variable possibility so that we only consider here to rent it to an exterior operator at 5.000€/month, per year 60.000€/year So we can deduce that the Paradise Wellness could have a full gain of 3.539.280€/year


cafeteria staff =


caffeteria staff

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8 hours a day

Business possibilities for “A Wellness in Paradise� Residence

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Giovanni Boni and Ilaria Faccioli, comments.


Giovanni e Ilaria

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Business possibilities for “A Wellness in Paradise� School

este muro estaya ejecutato?

< 70cm!!


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Paradise Wellness School The activity of the school can be of different kinds but here we consider 2 semesters for a maximum number of 40 students.

We can consider on top a weekend seminar a month with 20 partecipants at 150€/we. Being 3000€/we.

Each student could pay 5.000€/ semester and thus 400.000€/year at its full.

We cansider an 80% of it giving each seminar 2400€.

We will consider a use of 80% for 320.000€/year We consider 6 teachers attending the courses at 3000€/month, each semester being 4 months teachers costs 144.000€/year

We will need 1 teacher at 1000€, so that each seminar could gain 1400€, which could give an yearly gain of 16.800€. We consider then a possible gain for the Wellness School of about 192.800€/year

Thus the school can give 176.000€/ year.


Teacher =


Teachers during 2 semesters

2 2

6 hours a day

Tutors for workshops and weekend seminars Cleaning assistants - 67 -

Business possibilities for “A Wellness in Paradise� School

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Giovanni Boni and Ilaria Faccioli, comments.


Giovanni e Ilaria

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Conclusions about the Buisness Plan of “A Wellness in Paradise”

Conclusions The total gain for the complete Paradise Wellness Center and School is of 3.732.080€/year. At this budget we have to subtract the cost for a manager who’s goal would be to provide fluid public (100 people a day) and a good communication agency whose costs could be around 200.000€ per year for both servies. We will consider 5 years to make it operate fully, So that First year will work at 20% of its possibilities, 746.416€/year Second year will work at 40%of its possibilities, 1.492.832€/year Third year will work at 60% of its possibilities, 2.239.248€/year Fourth year will work at 80% of its possibilities, 2.985.664€/year Fifth year will work at 100% of its possibilities, 3.732.080€/year Giving for the first five years an average gain of 2.239.248€/year And for the years after that a full gain of 3.732.080€/year PS: It is worth considering the possibility to hire a Tourism Manager (aprox 80.000€/year) And a Comunication Agency (aprox 80.000€/year) In order to assure the necessary flow of presences at Paradise Wellness.

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Some consideration about the

Business plan for Dzamlingar Conclusions This Business Plan is intentionally not including any income coming from the Dzamlingar Ati Yoga Center. Nevertheless we think that Paradise Wellness activity can greatly benefit to the Dzogchen Community around the World and to Dzamlingar.

Among the activities that can be offered we mention:

Dzamlingar can increase the offer for Paradise Wellness Residencies and will retain the majority of the income.

Open practices taking place in the Gompa or in the Space Underneath the Gompa, like: Breathing, Yantra Yoga, Khaita Dances Khaita Songs, Some of the meditative Dances, Some of the meditative lessons and practices,

Dzamlingar could for example offer as available to Paradise Wellness 3 appartaments for each Villa on let’s say 11 of the exhisting houses. Each appartment of 4 people each can be rented each night at 120€/night, 840€/week, 3360€/month. We consider a maximum use at its 80%, so that 2688€/month each appartments. Each Villa can then gain 8064€/month and 97.000€/year. Considering that we can rent on 11 houses the Dzamlingar Villas could gain through Paradise Wellness business movement 1.065.000€/year. This gain will be divided among the gars owning the houses, Dzamlingar and Paradise Wellness. Then every activity in Dzamlingar land can be opened and offered to the public coming to Paradise Wellness, making Dzamlingar a welcoming place to the Dzogchen Community, to its history and to the very broad activities and practices coming from Professor Chogyal Namkhai Norbu.

Open Air Cafeteria, Open Air Swimming Pool, Carpa big Space, Children Corner

Bookshop of Shang Shung Editions, Tibetan Museum, Divination Cabin, (with Gesar and Dorje Yudronma), Evolution Creation New Editions, Gardening activities, Permaculture workshops, Renting of some space, etc etc. The visitors at Paradise Wellness could eventually become members of the Dzogchen Community. We hope this business Plan could help in providing a financial sustainment in Present and Future to the Dzogchen Community and the Precious Knowledge here given from our Precious Master Chogyal Namkhai Norbu.

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Possible spaces for Dzamlingar to Collaborate with “A Wellness in paradise� The Gompa The multipropuse space The yoga room The Dzamlingar bar and cafeteria The Dzamlingat Chagjib The outdoor swimming pool The Carpa The Dzamlingar accomodations

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Thank you

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A Wellness in Paradise Business Plan for Dzamlingar 5 May 2020 Prepared originally by: Benedetta Tagliabue With corrections by: Giovanni Boni And Ilaria Faccioli Graphic and images by: Caterina Miralles Photos by: Marco Fassoli, Marc Beneria and Liz Granger Ptoject by: Miralles Tagliabue EMBT arquitects

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