COMMUNITY CARE CLINIC The Class of 2020 expanded the Clinic’s legacy of providing care to our community’s most underserved patients and garnering financial support for the services the clinic provides. The second Mr. CUSOM pageant was a true success – with more contestants, attendees and funds raised. Additionally, under Kailey Remien’s leadership, the Class of 2020 began a new tradition to celebrate the work of the clinic – the Care Gala. Co-Directors JT Mueller and Justyne Murphy worked with Harnett Health and the Harnett Health Foundation to explore possible clinic expansion to a second physical location in Lillington. Thanks to the Class of 2020’s dedication and leadership, at the time of your graduation, the clinic continues to serve an increasing number of patients, has expanded to a second night with a mobile clinic, is incorporating telehealth services, and continues to provide invaluable training to a growing number of interprofessional students.