2 minute read
People of Campbell Medicine
Brandon Burns, MSII, Class of 2022

WHAT/WHO INFLUENCED YOUR PASSION TO PURSUE MEDICINE? My mother has been the biggest influence in my journey to medicine. I grew up going to the nursing homes she worked in visiting her patients (usually singing and praying with them). She’s always been my biggest source of support in my pursuit of medicine.
WHAT AREA OF MEDICINE ARE YOU MOST INTERESTED IN AND WHY? I’m currently most interested in OB/Gyn and Women’s Health. I grew up surrounded by strong female mentors and role models and would be extremely proud to dedicate my life to that field of medicine. I’m drawn to OB/Gyn in particular due to the coupled reason of bringing life into the world with Obstetrics along with the continuity of care that comes with Gynecology.
WHAT ARE YOUR GOALS AS A FUTURE HEALTHCARE PROVIDER? My main goal as a future physician above all is to make my patients feel cared for. While it’s obviously important to be well-versed in your respective field, it’s equally as important to me to treat all of my patients with the highest amount of empathy. I hope that when I look back on my life and my career that I am proud of the way I made my patients feel.
WHAT HAS BEEN THE MOST MEANINGFUL MOMENT OF YOUR MEDICAL SCHOOL JOURNEY SO FAR? My most meaningful memory since joining Campbell has been participating in the Mr. CUSOM pageant. I raised over $3500 for the Community Care Clinic, performed and raised awareness with 8 other guys in my class, and made life-long memories all in the name of providing free healthcare for those in need. Another unforgettable memory from my time in medical school was working with fellow medical students, Carrie Shropshire and Tyler Ramsey, to found Campbell Med Pride. Helping to create a club that encourages inclusivity, diversity, and a space for LGBTQ+ education in medicine has been one of the most impactful memories since starting my time at Campbell.
WHY DID YOU CHOOSE CAMPBELL? I chose Campbell and fell in love with Campbell simply because of the people. Since day one I’ve experienced the collective encouragement and respect from the Campbell community as a whole. I began my time at Campbell in the MSBS program where I immediately felt welcomed by the administration, faculty, staff, and students alike. After almost three years at Campbell I’m proud to say that feeling of community has always been present.
WHAT IS ONE PIECE OF ADVICE YOU'D OFFER TO FUTURE MEDICAL STUDENTS? My one piece of advice is to take time out of every day to be thankful for where you are. Even if it’s for five minutes, I think it’s so important to acknowledge that where you are now is where you one day dreamed of being.