Camp Chesterfield Presents “Precipitation Mediumship: Rediscovering History and Your Hidden Potentials” with Rev. Kevin Lee
Saturday, July 28, 2018 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Art Gallery East
Precipitation Mediumship: Rediscovering History and Your Hidden Potentials with Rev. Kevin Lee Registration PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY
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Saturday, July 28, 2018 “Precipitation Mediumship: Rediscovering History and Your Hidden Potentials” with Rev. Kevin Lee 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Art Gallery East Overview Since ancient times, mystics have reported spirit communication in the form of writing and even artistic expression that materialized without human hands interacting. Today, we call such phenomena Precipitation Mediumship. Examples exist in several religious texts, museums, churches and private collections. We will learn about numerous forms of such intelligent phenomena, how the concept of “Life Eternal” is demonstrated in physical form, how the beauty and richness of the spirit world is brought forth through the phenomena, how we all possess potentials to unfold this Gift of Spirit, and lastly, to understand the immensely healing potentials for personal transformation through demonstration of this lost art. We will hold an Experimental Precipitation Spirit Circle as a training exercise in classroom daylight. Optional: for such experiment, students may bring a (lightproof) shoebox, 10 blank white index cards (3x5), along with a few of each: crayons/colored pencils/pens/markers. Objectives:
Historical to Modern day accounts of Precipitation Mediumship
Art and Spirit Writing as Spirit Communication
Philosophical, Religious and Scientific Aspects of Precipitation
Developing the “Precipitation-Potential” already in us
Learn Proper Sitting/Development Protocols & Guidelines for Unfoldment
Experience an Experimental “Precipitation Mediumship” Circle (no guarantees of results)
Rev. Kevin Lee is a certified Spiritual Medium and the Senior Minister of the Metaphysical Chapel of South Florida ( which is located in Fort Lauderdale and one of 15 such churches across the U.S. within the United Metaphysical Churches denomination. His Center of Light has been promoting metaphysics, Spiritualism, and afterlife topics for over 40 years while serving its community by bringing professional metaphysical speakers, mediums and healers from around the planet to demonstrate their Gifts of Spirit and Higher Truth Teachings. Rev. Kevin’s passion is clearly “all things precipitation and spirit writing”. Since 2012 when he experienced a healing epiphany (emotional and spiritual) due to witnessing Precipitation Mediumship and Spirit Card Writing, he has been literally guided by his spirit team towards ever more such experiences – so much so that now he is the caretaker of a rare Bangs Sisters painting that belonged to one of his guiding spiritual influences, Ethel Post Parrish-Riley. His collection of precipitated and spirit writing artifacts have continued to grow over the years. Many are to be shown via slides at Chesterfield during his formal presentation in 2018. You can read several of his published articles on precipitation mediumship at The Otherside Press (online). In addition to being a dual-certified Nurse Anesthetist and Nurse Practitioner by profession, he has now begun dedicating his time to researching,