Camp Chesterfield Presents “Explore Your Inner Goddess Through the Chakras” with Rev. Brooke Winkler, MSSA, RYT-200
Sunday, July 29, 2018 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Art Gallery East
“Explore Your Inner Goddess Through the Chakras” with Rev. Brooke Winkler, MSSA, RYT-200 Registration PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY
NAME__________________________________________ ADDRESS_______________________________________ CITY_________________________________ STATE________ZIP______________ PHONE____________________________ E-MAIL _________________________________________ Cost: Pre-registration by July 21st; $50 After July 21st; $75
Method of Payment: Cash ____ Check ____ Credit Card____ Card Number ___________________________ Expiration Date: _________________ Make checks payable to: Camp Chesterfield Mail to: Camp Chesterfield P.O. Box 132 Chesterfield, IN 46017 Camp Chesterfield Ph. 765-378-0235 E-mail: Web:
Sunday, July 29, 2018 “Explore Your Inner Goddess Through the Chakras” with Rev. Brooke Winkler, MSSA, RYT-200 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Art Gallery East Overview You are invited to embark on a journey to explore your inner goddess through the chakra energies. Your guided tour will go inside to embrace your love, passion, beauty, warmth, & laughter. Your spirited tour guide, Brooke, has developed an itinerary that includes: •
Gentle Yoga to ground your root chakra
Belly Dancing to express your feminine sacral chakra
Art to explore and inspire your solar plexus chakra
Journaling to connect with your heart chakra
Laughter to exercise your throat chakra
Mindfulness to guide your third eye
Meditation to open your crown chakra
This guided tour will allow you the opportunity to unlock and express new levels of the goddess within you. Join Brooke in this delightfully entertaining and introspective workshop, and bond with other delightful beings just like yourself! Please bring a yoga mat or something comparable!
Brooke Winkler, MSSA, RYT-200 started her professional life as therapist, but always sensed there was more of a connection between the psychological and spiritual. She immersed herself in the study of the mind, body, and spirit, and how to bridge them together. Brooke is a graduate of Fellowships of the Spirit School of Healing and Prophecy, and a Reiki Practitioner, Registered Yoga Teacher, Certified Laugh-A-Yoga Coach, MARI practitioner, Artist, Medium, and Belly Dancer. Brooke believes that humor gets us through life and bonds us with others, and this philosophy is evident in all that she does. She is the owner and creator of Engaging the Spirit, where she is able to share her love, humor, energy and creativity with the world.