Camp Chesterfield Presents “Dreaming with the Departed” with Teresa Vazquez
Sunday, August 5, 2018 9:00 am - 12:00 Noon Art Gallery East
“Dreaming with the Departed” with Teresa Vazquez
ADDRESS_______________________________________ CITY_________________________________ STATE________ZIP______________ PHONE____________________________ E-MAIL _________________________________________ Cost: Pre-registration by July 28th; $25 After July 28th; $35
Method of Payment: Cash ____ Check ____ Credit Card____ Card Number ___________________________ Expiration Date: _________________ Make checks payable to: Camp Chesterfield Mail to: Camp Chesterfield P.O. Box 132
Chesterfield, IN 46017 Camp Chesterfield Ph. 765-378-0235 E-mail: Web: Facebook: Camp Chesterfield
Sunday, August 5, 2018 Dreaming with the Departed with Teresa Vazquez 9:00 am - 12:00 Noon Art Gallery East Overview The goal of Dreaming with the Departed is to inspire participants to experience connections to their dearly departed for timely and useful communication through Active Dreaming, a dream work modality that blends the best elements of modern dream practices and worldwide shamanic dream work. The workshop will consist of the following: •
A brief overview of how Active Dreaming came about and its uses
An exploration of nine reasons why the dead come calling in our dreams with examples from my own life & those of others
An assertion that we can journey to a place in the imaginal realm where the dead are still alive and can interact with us
An explanation of how shamans, the quintessential dreamers, have used the drum for millennia to safely enter these places and return with great gifts of spirit, creativity, healing and vision. At least two lucid dream journeys with the shamanic drum to connect with our dearly departed for timely and useful communication
Demonstration and practice of Lightning Dreamwork, a core technique of Active Dreaming
Next steps for continuing our dream dialogues with the departed
Teresa Vazquez is a Dream Midwife and Principal at Dream-a-World/SoĂąartes. She is trained by Robert Moss in his School of Active Dreaming and conducts dream circles, workshops and private consultations. She also holds a B.A. in Creative Writing from Oberlin College and an M.F.A. in Studio Art from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Her art work is largely inspired by her dreams. She is a published author, professional artist, and the Community Programs Manager at the Indianapolis Art Center. She is a mother, grandmother and a lover of nature.