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2020-2021 EEAP Evaluation Recommendations
The following recommendations are based on the findings of the 2020-2021 evaluation.
• Ensure adequate support for virtual professional development by ensuring all host sites, apprentices, and mentors are sufficiently trained in the digital tools to be effective • Implement virtual professional development in an intentional and limited manner to ensure adequate connection and program support
• Provide additional guidance to mentors on how to effectively support apprentices virtually
• Selectively invite apprentices based on their ability to persist in the program through completion
• Clearly communicate to potential apprentices the differences between CFSRP and EEAP
• Implement a more formal pilot cohort with a fully defined evaluation plan and program implementation metrics in 2021-2022
• Systematically collect information on why apprentices leave the program or fail to complete it, along with demographic characteristics, to identify opportunities to support apprentice success and support an equitable workforce development program
• Consistently measure and report on all apprentices’ classroom quality at beginning and end of year
• Develop and implement an outcomes survey and data sharing agreements to gather information on participants’ post-program paths
• Provide a warm handoff to institutes of higher education/increased guidance on how to navigate career progression post-program
• Follow up with graduates to track post-program outcomes including career and educational progression, wage increases, and duration with their center and the field