2 minute read
from Camp Fire School Readiness & Early Education Apprenticeship Program Evaluation Report 2020-2021
Kindergarten-3rd Grade Reading Fluency55
Language Domain
MAP® READING FLUENCY™56 is an online screening and progress monitoring tool. The assessment establishes a benchmark oral reading fluency level for students, and depending on the level, assesses foundational or advanced reading skills. For kindergarten students, MAP® Reading Fluency™ assesses Language Skills (Listening Comprehension & Vocabulary) and Decoding Skills (Phonological Awareness & Phonics). For each skill, students are rated at, below, approaching, meets or exceeds grade level.
LISTENING COMPREHENSION includes the ability to listen to a passage that is read aloud and ask and answer questions about the passage, as well as the ability to repeat and follow sequenced, multi-step directions.
PICTURE VOCABULARY refers to the students’ ability to understand the meaning of spoken words (receptive vocabulary) by correctly identifying pictures related to the spoken words.
Decoding Domain
PHONOLOGICAL AWARENESS is the ability to recognize and work with sounds in the spoken language, including skills such as: identifying rhyming words, recognizing words with same initial sound, blending syllables, and segmenting multisyllabic words.
PHONICS/WORD RECOGNITION refers to students’ ability to recognize the sounds of the spoken language and the letters and combinations of letters (words) that represent those sounds.
Kindergarten-3rd Grade Reading Growth57
MAP® READING GROWTH™58 is a standardized assessment that provides categorical (quintiles) and continuous scale (RIT) scores designed to measure achievement at a given point in time as well as growth over the school year and from one year to another. The quintile scores identify students as low, low average, average, high average, or high, relative to a national norm-referenced group, for overall reading achievement, foundational skills (Reading/Writing & Vocabulary) and Literal Comprehension skills (Analyzing Text & Composition.). MAP® Reading Growth™ also includes measures of each student’s projected growth (from fall to spring), identifies whether the student met that projection and provides a growth quintile based on their baseline beginning of year scores and the observed growth for similar students in the norm-referenced sample.59
Foundational Skills
BEGINNING READING AND WRITING skills include phonological awareness and phonics (described above) as well as correct use of oral language.
USE OF VOCABULARY refers to the students’ ability to understand how words can be used such as the ability to identify words with the same meaning or finish an incomplete sentence.
Literal Comprehension
ANALYZING TEXT refers to students’ ability to understand key ideas, implied meaning, and details in an oral or written passage.
COMPOSITION: Inquiry and Research refers to the students’ ability to use critical thinking to analyze and summarize text.
55 A variety of sources provided the information included in these descriptions. 1Brief_PhonologicalAwareness.pdf (d1yqpar94jqbqm.cloudfront.net)
Awareness | LEARN - Children’s Literacy Initiative (cli.org), Kindergarten_TEKS_0820 (texas.gov), Phonics | LEARN - Children’s Literacy Initiative (cli.org), Reading Curriculum Ladders (fortheteachers.org)
56 https://www.nwea.org/map-reading-fluency/
57 A variety of sources provided the information included in these descriptions. 1Brief_PhonologicalAwareness.pdf
Phonological Awareness | LEARN - Children’s Literacy Initiative (cli.org), Kindergarten_TEKS_0820 (texas.gov), Phonics | LEARN - Children’s Literacy Initiative (cli.org), Reading Curriculum Ladders (fortheteachers.org)
58 https://www.nwea.org/map-growth/
59 NWEA. (2020). 2020 NWEA MAP Growth normative data overview https://teach.mapnwea.org/impl/MAPGrowthNormativeDataOverview.pdf