2018-2019 Annual Report

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Annual Report


The white rose

May my I'll take the last rose fromsoul the garden for you, the rose that blooms the first mists. white  bloom ininlove The greedy bees have visited it until yesterday, for all existence.

but it's still so sweet that makes you tremble

He is aSteiner portrait of you at th  Rudolf A little forgetful, like you will be then. Attilio Bertolucci

Annual Report 2018/19

On 615 acres of wooded hills, gardens, and pastures in rural upstate New York, adults with special needs and long and short-term service volunteers live and work together as equals in extended family homes throughout Camphill Village. In this annual report, we recognize this wonderful community and its members for continuing to set a new standard for integration and appreciation of all abilities. And we thank our generous donors for continuing to support our mission of being an integrated community where adults with developmental differences are 2

living a life of dignity, equality, and purpose. In our last annual report, you read about our Strategic Plan and the many ways we intend to continue improving the experiences our community members have here while continuing to support the Camphill Movement. We thank you all for helping us reach our goal of $1.9 million in the 2018–2019 fiscal year. Your generosity inspires us to evolve and improve, and enables us to focus on the needs, relationships, and wellbeing of the nearly 100 adults who have chosen to make their home here at Camphill Village. 3

Annual Report 2018/19

Revenue & Support Camphill Village $11m

Expenses Camphill Village $12M

Management & General $1.3m

Grants $1.7m

State Funding $5.2m

Program Services $10m

Personnel $3m Medical $1.8m Food, Clothing, Supplies $770k Therapists, Human Concerns, Education $1.0m Capital $1.4m Repairs & Maintenance $339k

Other Income $211k

Contributions $2.4m Federal Entitlements $1.7m

David Wallace and Bill McIlroy harvest herbs in the Healing Plant Garden in July.


Development & Fundraising $460k

Utilities, Rents $372k Insurance, Financial $346k Transportation $237k Office Expenses, Other $487k

Work Spaces/ Gift Shop $264k

Jeff Mill collects flowers in the Healing Plant Garden in late summer.

Matthew Holtz and Bobby Freed look on as Lee Edwards pours a bucket of newly boiled maple syrup in the Sugar House.


Annual Report 2018/19

Economic Impact

Camphill Village Copake

Total Spend: $12m Total Purchase: $9m


$6m $6m


Compensation & Benefits Purchases in Columbia County Purchases Outside Columbia County

David Freed stands at a major Village intersection as peak leaf season approaches.


Marian Scharr spends her afternoon in front of the Village Green with a cup of tea and some art supplies.

Frances Manley has been working in the Village Candleshop since 2011.


Annual Report 2018/19

We thank the following people, businesses, foundations, and trusts for so generously donating to our 2018-2019 Annual Fund. Our Supporters Individuals


Noemi Tal and Mishka Zuckerman sit together inside the Turtle Tree Seed greenhouse.

Willy Donahue moves hay to the cows before afternoon milking.


Mark and Joan Abramowitz William and Erica Accuosti Susannah Adams in honor of Tony Bacon James Adams Mary and Warren Adis James and Suzanne Aisenberg in memory of Camilla Feer Jessica Albright Robert and Marilyn Aldrich Jean Aldwell James Allen and Meghan Flattery Allen Barbara Almy Heidelise Als and Frank Duffy in honor of Christopher Duffy Heinzpeter and Rosemarie Als in honor of Christopher Duffy Philip Anderson David Anderson John and Catherine Andujar Josephine Angevin in honor of Tony Bacon Carolynn Anklam Anonymous in honor of Brooke Hogan in memory of Renee Taubenblatt in memory of Larry Van Over Isabella Antonorsi Caroline Aoyama Diane and Jim Archer in memory of John Clifford Regula Aregger William and Mary Aring Alvin and Helene Arlitz Brenda and Joseph Armstrong-Champ in memory of Trauger Groh Hratch Arukian Muriel Asch in honor of Suzanne Taube Scott Asen Victor and Victoria Atkins in honor of Tony Bacon Donald and Linda Auerbach

in memory of Philip Auerbach Rosanne Aulino in honor of Taylor Jones Anthony Avatari Lawrence and Lois Avrin in memory of Rose Silver

B Dan Bacon in honor of Tony Bacon Neil and Hillary Baker Tito and Mary Ellen Balducci Michael and Margie Baldwin John and Regina Ballinger Charles and Amelia Banino Philip Barbato David and Debra Barford in honor of the Care House residents Liz Baring in honor of Andrea Baring Diane and John Barnes in honor of Nathan Collins Bradford and Amy Barr Phebe Barth Ann and Joseph Batal in honor of Marian Scharr Richard and Kathleen Batsavage in honor of Amanda Balducci Eric Baumheier and Aja McAdams Anne Baxter in honor of Susan Williams Linda Bayreuther and Bob Leonard Teshna Beaulieu Jean Beaven Henry and Theresa Beekley Mary Beekley Don and Denise Beinfang Norman and Sara Bell in honor of Chris Ridley Donna Bellaire Chris Bellingham Louise and Christopher Bender in memory of John Clifford 9

Annual Report 2018/19

Chris and Jen Benoit Jeffrey and Rosalind Benton in memory of Norene Benton Michael and Pamela Benton Joel and Lorraine Berman Glen and Dawn Berman Jan and Judy Berman Shari Berman and Jack Pascarosa Ben and Gloria Berry Jeffrey Berry and Frances Jensen Ruth Berry in honor of Zachary Gastman Gary Biale and Susan Cohen Dolores Bianchino in memory of Jack Acker Charles and Elaine Bily Harry and Sylvia Bingham Amanda Bishop Lisa Bjorn and Marney Blair Audrey and Hunter Black Robert and Merrell Blackwell Marge and Ed Blaine James Blaine in honor of Tony Bacon Stanley and Abby Bloch in honor of Ilene Oloff Aimee Bloom Mario and Deborah Boiardi in honor of Tony Bacon David and Sherill Bolevice in honor of Michael Bolevice S. Bonsall Jane Booth Susan Booth Luca Borghese in memory of Kenneth Young William Boris-Schacter Stephen Bortz James and Mavis Bottenhorn Stuart Boynton Richard and Barbara Braff in honor of Estelle and Joseph Freedman Carol Brand Linda Brandi Anne Bray Jessica and Kevin Breault Edna Breecker Eileen Bristol William Brock in honor of Tony Bacon in honor of Susan Williams Nancy Bronson in memory of James Hoover Joseph and Susan Browdy Megan Brown and Jeff Anderson 10

in honor of Brynn Anderson James Brudney and Anne Doyle Constance and Gene Brushke Marc Bryan-Brown C. Frederick and Judith Buechner John and Deborah Buehler William and Carrie Buetow Harriet Bundy and Richard Hermon-Taylor Nicholas and Claire Burke in honor of Tony Bacon Marianne Burkhar Mary Burntitus Diane Burroughs in honor of Paula Levai Michael Burzynski James Bussel and Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles Mark C. Butler Mark Butler

C Liz Caballero Sarah Cahill Marcia Calabrese Charles Caldwell Robert Caldwell in memory of John Clifford Sara Campbell Gabrielle Canino and John Marion Allison Canton Joanne Cardillo Kathleen Carello-Thuro and Todd Thuro Judith Carlough in memory of John Clifford Kathleen Caro John Carroll James Carroll Charles Carry III John and Suzanne Cartier in honor of Susan Williams Kathryn and Paul Caruso in honor of Marian Scharr Margaret and James Cashen Sonni Chamberland Leslie Chambers Allan Chasanoff in memory of Alton Marshall Victoria Chehade Annika Cheney Edson Chipalo Mary Christianson and Laura Coyle Kevin and Kathleen Christofferson Richard and Nancy Church in honor of Tony Bacon

Ann Churchill Susan and Frank Cimino in memory of Norene Benton in memory of Earle Benton Virginia Cinorre in honor of Patricia Cinorre Karen Cinorre and Sam Levy in honor of Patricia Cinorre Nathaniel and Hester Clapp Forester and Jennifer Clark Paul Clark Candice Clayton Matt Cloughley Stuart Cohen and Donna Lee Kurkul Leslie and Carole Cohen Joel and Terry Cohen Joan Cohen Saeko Cohn Theodore Cohn Paul Colatrella James and Lynne Colclough Dick and Faith Coleman in memory of John Clifford John and Jane Comfort Charlotte Connell in honor of Josephine Porter Joanne Connelly in memory of Josephine Connelly Edward and Nancy Conner in honor of Tony Bacon Thomas and Kara Conway Lucy and Steve Cookson Saul and Karin Cooper in honor of Elisabeth Cooper Louis and Susan Cooper in honor of Elisabeth Cooper Patti Corozine John and Amy Corsetti Steven and Laura Corsun Marc and Jennifer Costantino Ronald Cox Prescott and Joan Crocker in honor of Tony Bacon Bonnie Crusalis and Winthrop Quigley Judy Cummins Robert Cutler in honor of Tony Bacon George Cutler

D Steven Dagger Lisa and Dean Dagnoli

Pamela Dalton and David Salisbury Thomas and Barbara Dalvano in honor of Richard Hauptman Dora Damiano and Jerrard Mavellia in memory of Sabino Mavellia Benjamin Davis Kenneth Davis in memory of Barclay Davis Christy Davis in memory of Phillip Auerbach Kerst and Min De Jong Hubert and Frances de Lacvivier Philip Dearborn in honor of Tony Bacon Terry and Pamela DeGeyter Chase Delano in honor of Tony Bacon Sue Delp in memory of Warren Delp Christoffel den Biggelaar George and Leigh Denny Robert and Bobo Devens in honor of Tony Bacon Lucile Dewart Lee and Rebeca Dewey Eric Deyo in honor of Kipp Deyo Sylvia Diamand in honor of Anne Ratner Daryl Dichek and Kenneth Smith in honor of Larry Silver Alice Dietrich in honor of Dan Bacon in honor of Tony Bacon in honor of Susan Williams Craig and Annebeth Dillon Michael and Mary Ann DiNapoli in memory of Leonard and Tessie DiNapoli Kelly DiPietro Gregory Diskant and Sandra Baron George and Michele Ditomassi John and Donna DiVito Deborah Dobbs in honor of Nico Dobbs Anne Dobbs John David and Elizabeth Donahue Deborah Donaldson in memory of Jane Hayden Nathaniel and Miriam Donson Dean Dordevic Bradley Dorfman and Meeyoung Toh Jennifer Dorn in memory of Norman and Elinor Greenfeld Antonio and Shelley Dos Santos Virginia Dow and Reid Bielenberg 11

Annual Report 2018/19

in honor of Reid Bielenberg John and Linda Dowd in honor of Liam Arancio in honor of Sophia McGarah William Driscoll in memory of John Clifford James Drozd Nancy Dryden Anne-Florence Dubouloz Mark and Nicolette Dumke Sandra Gail Dunn

E Josephine and John Eastman in honor of Tony Bacon Dwight Ebaugh Mark Ebersole and Maria Walker Linda and Lawrence Eckler Choral Eddie Alan and Susan Eddy Rosie and Lee Edwards Samantha and David Edwards Barbara and James Edwards in honor of Tony Bacon in honor of Susan Williams Virginia Efta Edith Ehrlich James Elder and Ayesha Mall Maurice and Ellen Elias in memory of Michael Rosenzweig Cecelia and Robert Elinson Edward Ellien Gary and Cynthia Lee Ellis David and Phebe Engel Daniel and Bonnie Engelman Judith Erb Jeff and Barbara Erdmann Vivian Eskin Abigail Esty Norman and Vicki Ettenger Elizabeth Evans Barbara Everett Florence Everett

F Megan Fairbank and James Beekman David and Sherry Fanti Frank Fawcett Peter and Alisa Feer Barbara Feer and Peter Joyce John and Grace Feighery 12

Loraine Feitelson in memory of Kimberly Cohen James Feldman in memory of Madeline Feldman Paul and Roxanne Ferretti Aimie Feuling in honor of Richard Fredericks Greta Fields Sheila and Ernest Fierro in honor of Marian Scharr Brian Fillebrown in honor of Scott Ballinger Anthony and Pamela Fingleton in honor of Tony Bacon Molly Finn Ann Finucane Abigail and Mike Fitzsimons in honor of Tony Bacon James and Lisa Fleming in honor of Noreen Fleming L.C Florance Hollis and Jim Forbes E. Gail Ford Richard and Marie Ford in honor of Ellen Hunt Joan Forrester in honor of Joan Hill Heather Forrester-Sobczck in honor of Joan Hill Jodie and Brad Foster Esther Frances Frank and Pamela Peper Frazier in memory of Pamela Peper Fraizer J. Pepper and Elizabeth Frazier in honor of Tony Bacon Karen Freed Henry and Helen Freedman Angela Freeman Eric and Heather Friedlander Stanley and Susan Friedman Kathy and Alan Friedman James and Karen Friend in honor of Ellen Hunt Alison and Karl Frost John Fuller in memory of John Clifford James and Lynda Furey Richard and Susan Furlaud William Furse Branko Furst and Christina Porkert Abby Fyer

G Ernest and Candace Gagnon Peter and Julie Gale Adolfo and Elizabeth Garcia in honor of Susan Williams Nathaniel and Nancy Gardiner in honor of Tony Bacon Ian and Josie Gardiner Susan Gardner Wakeman and Joan Gardner Tim Garrad Thomas and Carole Garretson in honor of Tony Bacon William and René Garrity Timothy Garstica Patricia and Andrew Garvey in honor of Tony Bacon Andrea Gastman Karen Geisler Alan Gelb and Karen Levine Neil and Dara Gelerter Edward Gerner in memory of Madeline Feldman Ellen Gesmer Donald and Margaret Gibson in honor of Stephen Gibson Frances Giffin Kay Giles and Jimmy Petitt Robert Gilette Nina Gillman in honor of Susan Williams Benes Glackman Raymond Gleason in honor of Andree Gleason David Goldblatt and Minna Schrag Michael and Therese Goldman in honor of Katie Schreckinger Andrew Goldman June and Fred Goldner Jenna and Seth Goodman Susan Gordon Margie Gordon in memory of Margie Gordon Edward and Kathleen Gorman in honor of Elijah Kent Joseph Gosler and Sheila Wolper Victoria Graboys in honor of Tony Bacon Bernice Graham Richard and Susan Graver in honor of Zachary Gastman Lynn Gray in honor of Danny Miller

Joyce and Thomas Greene in honor of Lindsay Mead in memory of Alyce Murphy in memory of Cheryl Underwood Alison Greene and Edward Mead Andrea Greenman and Amos Neufeld Bradley Griffin in memory of Alton Marshall Brehon and Kathryn Griswold in honor of Tony Bacon Michael and Nancy Grogan William and Deirdre Guenther Alexandra Guillaume Lynn Guterman Ruth Gutman in memory of Charles Gutman Robert Guzzon Gaines and Rosie Gwathmey

H Wanda Hagen Eric Hagopian Mohammad Hajian and Meena Bolourchi in honor of Helen Serebin Mary Haley and Seth Jordan Meg and Bob Hall John and Ann Hall Brent and Sarah Hall in honor of Elizabeth Stevens Dorothy Haller Janet Hamel and Jeffrey Hooke in honor of Martha Mendis William and Helen Hamel in honor of Martha Mendis James Hamlen in honor of Dan Bacon Suzanne Hamm Margery and Joseph Hammer in honor of Tony Bacon Kathleen Hammer in honor of Paula Levai Wanda Hamming Henry and Marie Hansen Cheryl and Eric Hanson in memory of Jeffrey Bernstein Nicholas Hare in honor of Susan Williams Bill Harju Francis Harrigan and Paula Kennedy Whitney and Rob Harrington Barbara Harris in memory of Steven Eisenhauer Susan and Burr Harrison 13

Annual Report 2018/19

Emily Harrison Sherry Harsh Glen Hartley and Lynn Chu Sarah Hartman-Caverly Ira Haspel Whitney and Elizabeth Hatch Atsuko Hatsuda David Hauptman in honor of Richard Hauptman David and Kristin Hawkins David and Barbara Hawkins in honor of Susan Williams David and Barbara Hayden Doris Hayes in honor of Susan Olsen Sophy P.Q Haynes Robert Haynes and Elizabeth Stevenson in honor of Robbie Haynes Philip and Lesley Heimlich Beckie and David Heinlein Michele and Alexander Heinrici in honor of Tony Bacon Kathryn and Vincent Heintz in honor of Nancy Wellman Marian Heller in honor of Lesly Livengood Ernest and Elsie Helmke Paul and Dorothy Helmreich Linda Hemingway Amy and Malcolm Henderson in honor of Susan Williams Robert and Frances Herman Mark Hershman in memory of John Clifford Christina Heuer Timothy Higbee Juliane Hill William Hill M.G Hinshaw in memory of Jewel Hinshaw John and Rita Hirsch David and Ellen Hirsch Eloise and Arthur Hodges in honor of Tony Bacon Peter Hoffman and Linda McNutt Hoffman Whitney Hogan in honor of Brooke Hogan Thatcher and Cathy Hogan Lawrence and Barbara Hohlt in honor of Patricia Cinorre Jared Hohlt in honor of Patricia Cinorre Barbara and Jaime Holcombe Margaret and Hudson Holland in honor of Tony Bacon 14

Julie Holzman Alison Horowitz in honor of Marian Scharr April Houle Patsy and John Howard Karen Howard and Victor Earle in honor of Tony Bacon Larry Hoyt David Hudson and Patricia Scheppman Olivia and Talib Huff Warren and Marsha Hunt in honor of Ellen Hunt

I Dean Iarkowski in memory of John Clifford William Iler William and Hannelore Inglis Dolores and Tilo Intriere-Kaufmann David and Linda Rae Inwood in memory of Henrietta Margolis Raymond Ippolito Josephine Iselin

J Joan Jackson Michael Jacob Ellen Jaffe Johannes Jager Zarema Jagizarov Arnoud and Asima Jansveld Harold Jarmon and Alice Daniel Patrick Jeffrey Kevin Jennings Vibeke Jensen Gary and Kathy Johnson in honor of Katherine Steffey Joan and Stephen Johnston in honor of Lindsay Johnston Norman and Barbro Jung Stephen and Nancy Jusick in memory of John Clifford

K Kenneth and Susan Kacoyannakis Erna Kahan in memory of Rena Feldman Estelle Kalichman in memory of Michael Rosenzweig

D. Jonathan and Angela Kamen in memory of Anne Ratner Joel Kanter in honor of Kathryn Caruso in honor of Sheila Fierro Candace Kaptain in memory of Tammy Brobst Catherine Karanas in honor of Miss Maria Charlotte Logan Gerald Karnow and Julia Alamo Karnow Linda and Bernie Kastory in memory of John Clifford Marc Katchen Hannah Kates in memory of Alan and Christine Fliesler Denise Kelly John Kelly Jo Anne Kennedy Jack Kennedy Madeline Kennedy Barbara Kenner in honor of Paula Levai Elizabeth Kent Jeff and Morgan Kent Diane Kern Judy Kern Margaret Kerndt David and Janet Kettler in memory of John Dobbs William and Eileen Kiefer Stephen and Martha King in memory of Albert Fenn in memory of Janette Zuzalek Frederick and Elaine King Manfred and Gloria Kirchheimer Lazarus and Paula Kirifides Richard and Christine Kitto in memory of Martha Pearson Franziska Klebe in honor of Alexander Loefken Irving and Rhoda Kleiman David and Penny Klein in honor of Jan and Judy Berman in honor of Joel and Lorraine Berman in memory of Rena Feldman Susan and Pavel Klein Lee Klein Marion Kleinkramer in memory of Bobby Schwabe Alan and Suzanne Klimek William and Deborah Kline in honor of Ellen Hunt William Kolberg Marie Kolczynski in memory of Camilla Feer

Mitchell and Kim Konsker Steven and Alissa Korn Ed and Therese Kornbluh Peter Kornman George Kosmides Harry and Katherine Koster Beatrice Kovasznay Andrea Kowalski Ann Kowalski Lynn Kramer and Hal Brodie Bruce Kraus and Julie Manis Ingrid Kraus in memory of Michael Kraus Sarah Krenicki and Matthew Forrest Leann and Joseph Krenicki Hanna and Robert Kress Sandra Krieger and Andrew Dash Jill Kurfirst John Kurowski and Holly Whitehurst

L Kristina Labaty and John Carlson Mary Labovitch Stefan and Emily LaCroix Chiu-nan Lai Lynn and Anne Marie Lander in honor of Justin Lander Catherine and Paul Langereis John Langevin Marie Lankford in memory of Margie Gordon James Larson and Rhoda Wilmot Annette and Thomas Laskaris David and Susan Lawrence John Lawrence and Craig Franklin Lawrence in honor of Tony Bacon Sarah Lederman Chris Lee Alexandra Leff in honor of Randy Simon Stanley Leff Gary Leggett Michael and Mary Ellen Lehmann David Lehrhoff and Cynthia Triolo Lysa Leland in honor of Tony Bacon Edward Lemon Marilyn Lenkowsky and Jack Spillman Michael and Jeanne Leonard J. David Lesenger James Leshkevich Jason and Marsha Lesser in memory of Madeline Feldman 15

Annual Report 2018/19

Rosemary and Pierre Levai Max Levai Carol Lever in memory of Harry Margolis in memory of Henrietta Margolis in memory of Robert Margolis David and Lisa Lever in memory of Harry Margolis in memory of Henrietta Margolis in memory of Robert Margolis Kaye Levy Judith Levy in honor of Kevin Keane Barbara Lewis Marc and Caryn Lewis Margaret Lewis William and Annamarie Licamele in honor of Martha Mendis Eliane Lingwood Philip and Judy Linton Andrew and Elise Liss in honor of Tammy Berman Gilbert and Elfie Lloyd in honor of Paula Levai Amy Lockwood Susan Lodge in honor of Tony Bacon Alexander and Heide Loefken in honor of Anja Loefken Jakob Loewenberg Mary Power Logan in memory of J. Murray Logan in honor of Miss Maria Charlotte Logan Paul and Susan Longenecker in honor of Ellen Hunt Peter and Babette Loring William and May Louie Maynard and Judith Louis Tree Love Suzanne Lubell Jed and Sharon Luchow Jerome and Ruth Lutnick Martin Lyden Andrew and Karen Lyke

M Jeff and Cynthia Mack in honor of Tony Bacon Don and Marnie MacLean Stanley Madyda Timothy and Nancy Mahoney Elizabeth Mainiero in honor of Martha Mendis 16

Judith Makrianes and Alexander Robertson in honor of Tony Bacon in honor of Susan Williams Linda Malanchuk-Finnan in memory of Christina Chamberland Rachel Maldonado Joe Malheiro Matthew and Catherine Mandel Brian Mangum and Anna Lehmann Robert and Heidi Manice in honor of Tony Bacon Frances Manley in honor of Margrit Metraux John and Susanne Manley in memory of Vera and George Kalmar Edward and Maya Manley Alan Manley and Daniela Gonella David and Cynthia Markowitz in memory of Esther Yagoda Christiane Marks Sarah Marshall and Cindy Herbert Mary Martens Anne Martin in honor of Elizabeth Stevens Burr and Mary Anne Martin Barbara Martin David and Martha Martin in honor of Tony Bacon Greg and Amy Mashberg William and Cynthia Mason Diane Matino Lora Maxcy Melanie Mayo Robert and Suzanne Mays in honor of Bill Rosecan Stephen Mazoh James and Kathleen Mc Caffrey in memory of John Clifford Bonnie and Ronnie McAlister in honor of Taylor Jones John and Joan McAlonan in honor of Kimberly Warga Daniel and Nichole McBride Margaret McBride in memory of Camilla Feer Kathleen McBride in memory of Camilla Feer Patricia McCann Joseph McClintock and Kathleen Breen William and Nancy McCorkle in honor of Amanda Balducci Carol McDaniel Susan McDermott M. Brian McDonald in memory of Will McDonald

Alan McDonald Jim and Maureen McFadden Katherine McFarland M. Donald and A. Victoria McGoldrick in memory of Renate Sachs Michael and Joyce McGovern William and Laure McIlroy Michael McKenna Ronald McLaren in honor of Millicent McLaren D. Richard and Jane McLeroy Christopher and Kathleen McMahon Elizabeth McNamara and Barbara Noble Jack and Ruth Ann McSpadden Machado and Ellen Mead David and Lisa Mendis Will Merck and Nonie Brady Cathleen Merckens Leigh and Charles Merinoff Darryl and Ina Jo Meyer Flo and Vic Meyers Stephen Meyers and Marsha Hymowitz-Meyers in memory of Alan and Christine Fliesler Anthony and Denise Miano in honor of Thomas Miano Daniel and Emilie Michaud in honor of Taylor Jones William Milczarski and Ann-Marie Nazzaro in honor of Lindsay Johnston Eric Mill Alan Miller in memory of Judith Miller Helen Miller in honor of Danny Miller Toby Miller and Linda Maxson Fran and Wayne Miller John and Sally Miller Michael Millici Nancy and Christopher Milliken Robert Minturn in honor of Tony Bacon Brenda Mishaan and Michael Coughlan Carrie Mitchell Mohamed and Karen Mohamed Steven Mollot in honor of David Freed in honor of Robert Freed in memory of Irwin Mollot Susan Montanari and Dennis Knepper in honor of Linda Jespersen Elizabeth Moreland Jessie Morgan in honor of Danny Miller Mark and Billie Morgan Seth and Rebecca Morrison

Robert and Charlotte Morse Arlene Morzinsky Elsie Mosqueda in memory of Camilla Feer Steven and Susan Moss John and Claudia Moyne Jamil and Laura Muasher Richard Mulock in honor of the Healing Plant Crew Davina Muse Christopher Myhrum

N James and Audrey Nathan Michael Nelson John and Amy Neukom Morton Newburgh and Michael Crisafulli Ann Newell William Nichols Mary and Michael Nicosia Jen Nikolich in memory of John Clifford Alan Nisselson and Trudy Whitman Kei and Maiko Noguchi Andrea Noonan Renee and Ben Nooney Emily Northam

O Mary O'Flaherty Nancy and Adrian O'Leary Brian and Judith O'Leary Richard and Linda Olney in honor of Tony Bacon Bonnie Oloff Carol Oman Urban Robert Orens in memory of Alice Orens Gregory Orlick in memory of Frank Orlick Megan O'Shea John and Barbara Ostrander Richard Ott Dale and Sue Otto

P Mark Pallack Elizabeth Pantaleoni Terry Paquette 17

Annual Report 2018/19

Robert and Laura Parisi Robert Park Diane and David Paton Eugene Patrick Elizabeth Peabody in honor of Tony Bacon Carol and Wade Peacock John and Jane Pearce Joe and Barbara Pearson in memory of George Pearson Anne Pellegrino Bruce Pennetti Catalina Perez Isabel Perkins in honor of Tony Bacon Evelyn Perkins Sheldon Perlmutter in honor of Danny Miller in honor of Karen Jane Hayden Rebecca Perrin in honor of Edna Wile Isobel Perry in memory of Kerry Solomon Michael Peskoe and Patricia Bourdon Frank and Marcia Peteroy Michael Petrick Richard Philips Elizabeth and Stephen Phillips Glenda Phillips and Michael Knight Joseph Phillips Pamela Piantedosi in honor of Tony Bacon Michael and Marilyn Pienta in honor of Ellen Hunt Linda Piester and Eugene Aronowitz David Piotrowski John and Janet Piwowarski Christine Pizzuti Catherine Pizzuti Renee and Daniel Plasky in honor of Charmaine Paul Julia Plotnik in honor of Helen Serebin Marisha Plotnik A. Katherine Plumb Mary Lee and Conrad Plumb-Mentjes Grace Polk Sallee and Peter Poole Ann Power David and Mary Powers Loring and Anne Pratt in memory of Alton Marshall Patrick and Deborah Prendergast Ted Pugh Raymond Pultinas 18

Julie Purnell in honor of Tony Bacon

Q Nancy Quigley

R Linda and Matt Railey in honor of Danny Morse Daniel and Kathryn Rakosky Lynn and Bill Raleigh Ingobert and Ann Rau Godehard and Patricia Rau Paul Raymond and Jean Marie Hodge-Raymond in honor of Mimi Raymond Paula Reagan in memory of Ruth LeBar Eileen Reardon Mark Redding and Jacqueline Case Paul and Kathe Rehm Ilana Reich Nancy Reich Leslie Reichert in honor of Tony Bacon Michael and Cynthia Reichman Thomas Gorman Reilly and Janice Reilly Kelly and Peter Reilly Rudolf Reitz Florence Rewinski David and Sandra Reynolds Roger and Dory Rindge Mark Rivinus and Margaret Devries in honor of Christopher Duffy Ian Robb A. Catherine Robbins in honor of Mishka Zuckerman Steven and Georgianne Roberts Virginia Robinson in memory of Elizabeth Miller Beth Roche John Roden Arthur Rogers in honor of Dan Bacon in honor of Tony Bacon Anne Rorimer Charles Rosen and Jill Silverman David Rosenberg in honor of Zachary Gastman Richard Rosenburgh Mark Rosenstein in honor of Joel and Lorraine Berman

Michael and Sherri Rosenzweig in memory of Sidney and Yvette Rosenzweig Jason and Stephanie Rosewell Arthur and Rebecca Roth in honor of Richard Hauptman Ira Rothbaum in honor of Zachary Gastman Gideon Rothschild in honor of Jan and Judy Berman Edward and Ellen Rothstein Pamela Roy Susan V. S. Rubin in memory of Elizabeth Miller Susan Rudnick and Neal Keller in memory of Edna Wile John Rufer Holly and John Ruff William Russell Tadhg Russell

S Reynold and Lucy Sachs Tere Salinas Lila Salvatore Michael and Joan Salzman Amy Sananman Onat Sanchez and David Schwartz Helen and Larry Sanford in honor of Tony Bacon David Sassoon Val and Nancy Savenko Ellin and Allen Scalise in honor of Joan Hill Peter Schaffer James Schamus and Nancy Kricorian Ann M. Scharff Harriet Scharr in honor of Marian Scharr in honor of Ralph Scharr Spencer Schauermann Jan Scheefer Idoline Scheerer in honor of Tony Bacon Robert and Suzanne Scheible Seymour and Renee Scherzer in memory of Alan and Christine Fliesler Kathy Schmidt in honor of Paula Levai Elizabeth and Alex Schneider Eleanor Schoenberger in memory of David Tarshes David and Deborah Schultz

Theodore and Dona Schwab in honor of Stella Mortman Gerald Schwartz Barbara and John Schwartz in honor of Ellen Hunt Joseph and Carolyn Schwartz Marcia Schwieder in memory of John Clifford J. Michael Sconyers Amy Scott Ashley and Robert Scott William Scott in memory of Camilla Feer M.L. and David Scudder Susie and Philip Sears in honor of Tony Bacon Sarah Seiler in honor of Tony Bacon Craig and Sharon Seitz in memory of Rena Feldman Sebene Selassie and Antonio Frederic Fasano Helen Serebin Sandra Serebin in honor of Helen Serebin Benjamin and Ali Serebin in honor of Helen Serebin Ellen Shaby in honor of Ilene Oloff Lawrence Shaderowfsky and Susan Solomon Anuj Shah and Heather MacDonald Sanjit Shah William and Julie Shapiro Janet Shapiro Matthew and Jennifer Shefler Thomas Sheridan M. Colleen Shetland Lorraine Shiarappa and James McDonough Paul Shumaker Carmen and A. Joel Shumer Kathleen Shuster Deborah Siegel George and Jane Siemon Sarah and Donald Silva Peggy Silva in honor of Linda Lang Seymour Simon Daniel Sims David and Jean Sincerbox in memory of John Clifford Peter and Phyllis Skaller in honor of Richard Neal Shelley Slade in honor of Susan Williams Leon and Elaine Smith Katherine Smith 19

Annual Report 2018/19

Elizabeth Smith and Jean Churchill Patricia and Graham Smith Steve and Barbara Smith Lawrence Smith Dian Smith Kenneth and Katherine Snelson Lonnie Solomon and Al Bernstein Lori Solomon in memory of Hasan Wilson in honor of Tijen Wilson Thomas Spain Gabriella and Harvey Sperry James and Karen Speyer Sally Squibb in honor of Tony Bacon John and Jane Stamatov Olga Staneslow and Judith Weir in memory of Doris Bruun William and Susan Staub Barbara Stedge in honor of Taylor Jones Zachary Stephens William and Toni Stevens in honor of Elizabeth Stevens in memory of John Stevens in memory of Louise Stevens Anudeva Stevens John and Judy Stevens Evelyn Stone in memory of Ruth Stone Katherine Storms Charlene Stott Gail Strauss in honor of Ilene Oloff Joan Strochak in memory of Bert Kavy in memory of Helen Ludmerer Margaret and Peter Sullivan in honor of Sheila Sullivan Margaret and David Sullivan Robert and Cheryl Sund Elizabeth Sustick Eric Swanson and Carol Bekar Don and Marilyn Sweet in honor of Judy Sweet James and Julie Sykes in honor of Susan Williams

T Monica Talaya Matthew and Donna Taormina Roy and Eileen Tau Val Taubner 20

David and Milbrey Taylor in honor of Tony Bacon Arnold and Lois Tepfer Burton and Harriet Tepfer Robert Thoden Victoria Thomas Christian Thomas Betty Thompson Marianne Thompson Benjamin Thompson Marjorie Thompson-Duck Jennifer Thomson Kathleen Tiexiera in honor of Beth and Emily Susan Tofel in memory of Camilla Feer Julia Toland in honor of Tony Bacon Diane and Warren Traiger Robert and Kathy Trainor Alex Tuchman John and Polly Tucker in memory of J. Murray Logan Lorraine and John Tuohy Peter Turino in honor of Susan Williams Elizabeth Tuttle in honor of Tony Bacon in honor of Susan Williams John Tyo

U Stephen and Marian Beth Usher

V Stephen Van Coutren Christine Van Der Hurd in honor of Paula Levai Anna Van Der Hurd Charles Van Horne in memory of Camilla Feer in honor of Toni Van Horne Roothbert Sarah van Leer MaryAnne and Paul VanDenburgh Mark Ventling in memory of John Clifford Richard Viets and Dielle Fleischmann in memory of Marina Viets James Vinick in honor of Susan Freedman Leslie Vivian

Benjamin and Susan Vizoskie in memory of Alan and Christine Fliesler Donald and Sara Vogel Mabel Vogel Pamela and John Vogel Bill and Diane Vogt George Vogt Dieter and Ulrike von Lehsten

W Alice and D.W Wainwright in honor of Tony Bacon in honor of Susan Williams Jonathan Wajskol Helen Walka Avonelle Walker David and Lisa Walker in honor of Tony Bacon in honor of Susan Williams Mary Wall Doug and Betty Wallace in honor of Dick Malmgren in honor of David Wallace in honor of Douglas Wallace Ishmael and Vita Wallace in honor of the Healing Plant Crew Elise Wallace in memory of George and Barbara Jespersen Andrew Wallach in honor of Emily Wallach Ann Walter and Derek Economy Jay and Candy Walton in honor of Tony Bacon Annie Walwyn - Jones Josephine Warden Christopher and Carmen Warga Edward and Ellen Warga Allan and Sheila Warshawsky Gen Watanabe Eric Watterud in memory of Madeline Feldman Troy Weatherup David Webster Bette Weed in honor of Paula Levai Margery Weekes in honor of Tony Bacon in honor of Christopher Ravinus Joann Weiner in memory of Camilla Feer Richard Weininger and Gretchen Stearns Leslie and Michael Weinstock in honor of Sheila Adelman

Helga Weisburger in honor of Linda Gradman Steven and Anne Weisholtz Barbara Weiss in honor of Tammy Berman Anne Weiss Joan Weitzner in memory of Burton Weitzner Jennifer and Brian Welham Deirdre Weliky in memory of John Dobbs Nancy Wellman and Harold Klinger in memory of Charles Hamlen Peter and Mary Wendt Barbara and Mark Wesley in honor of Emily Wallach Patrice Whitbeck Lyons in honor of Taylor Jones Nancy White Robert and Carole White in memory of Will McDonald Christopher and Ellen White in honor of Tony Bacon Robert and Valerie White in honor of Betty White Matt White and Tom Schumacher William and Wendy Whitten Buddy and Gloria Williams David Williams and Jennifer Weiser in honor of Carol Fletcher in honor of Julianne Williams Edward and Lisa Williams Gregory Williams in honor of Taylor Jones John and Lacey Williams Lisa Williams in memory of Hedwig Goldman in memory of Eric Williams Richard and Terri Williams in honor of Carol Fletcher Susan and David Williams Susan Williams in memory of Camilla Feer Philip Willman Ellen Willner Markly and Gonul Wilson in honor of Tijen Wilson Cynthia Wilson Donald and Kristin Wilson Richelle Wilson Anna Winand Vicki Windman in honor of Ilene Oloff Eleanor Windman Dane Wisecarver 21

Annual Report 2018/19

Ron and Beth Wish Samuel and Nora Wolcott in honor of Tony Bacon Chris and Carrie Wolf in honor of Elizabeth Stevens Dominic and Lauren Wolff Judy Wolf Matthew Wood Ward and Priscilla Woods in honor of Tony Bacon Angela Wormser and James Muraski Sharon Wyrrick

Y Linda Yates in honor of Tony Bacon Joe and Anna Mary Yoder Vanya Yoors Amy Young Richard and Mary Young

Z Jill Zacharie in memory of Camilla Feer Rachel Zebrowski in honor of Tony Bacon Arthur and Ann Zeckendorf Alina and Reinhard Zerbe Jennifer Zunk and Carin Hopps

Our Supporters Businesses

A A. Colarusso & Son AAAAA Bee-Line Corporation Acme Metals & Recycling, Inc. Adolfo's Aero Crane Services, Inc. Algonquin Industries, Inc All States Transport, Inc. AM Lithography AmazonSmile American Exterminating America's Box Choice, LLC Any-Time Home Care, Inc. Associated Building Wreckers, Inc. Astro Chemicals Automotive Fleet Remarketing Inc.

B Balise Motor Sales Company Ballard Mack Sales & Services Bank of America Matching Gifts Barrco Automotive Warehouse Distributors Inc. Bay Oil Company Bedford LLC Belt's Farm Bennett Franklin Real Estate Services, LLC Bolduc's Apparel, LLC The Bonadio Group Brevard Yoga Center, LLC Brooks Staff Temporaries Burfeind & Sons Contracting LLC

C Carah Medical Arts in honor of Richard Neal Caren & Company Carmen Barbato, Inc. Carter-McLeod Paper & Packaging Co., Inc. Celadon Financial Group Central Rigging & Transfer Charlie Arment Trucking Check Writers Chubb & Son Citizens Bank 22

City Tire Company, Inc. CJ's Towing Clarity Coaching Institute Clark Paint & Varnish Co., Inc. Clifford Paper Inc. in honor of Brooke Hogan Collins Electric Co., Inc. Commercial Scale The Concrete Kings Consumer Adjusters LLC Conway Hardwood Products, LLC Cool Insurance Agency, Inc. Copake Veterinary Hospital Cortina Tile of West Springfield Cresset Farm Development Initiative Inc.

D Dechert LLP Diversified Group Dominion Nickel Alloys LTD Duct & Vent Cleaning of America, Inc.

E Earle Family Farm Ed Herrington, Inc. Enfield Enterprises ESAC Appraisers-Consultants Eyewitness Surveillance

F The Farm School Fleetpride Foley - Connelly Benefits Group Frigo's

G Gary Rome Hyundai Good Friends and Company Gottlieb, Inc. Guido's Fresh Marketplace


Annual Report 2018/19

H H.H. & M. Metals Harry Grodsky & Co., Inc. Hawthorne Valley Association, Inc. Health New England, Inc. Hipoint Heating & Cooling, Inc. Hi-Tech Metals, Inc Hogan Technology, Inc.

I IBM Matching Grants Program Imprint Marketing Concepts in memory of John Clifford Intertown Realty Co., LLC Intra-American Metals, Inc. Ivey Industries

J JMG Trading, Inc. Jobin Machine, Inc Joseph Freedman Co., Inc.

K Kazickas Family Foundation Knights of Columbus Council 548

L Labrador Recycling Leah Robins Designs, LLC in honor of Tony Bacon LidoChem, Inc. Performance Nutrition in memory of John Clifford Lifttruck Parts & Service Living In The Light, SSM Local Organic Ventures, LLC Long Energy

M M.J. Metal Inc. Madison Insurance in memory of John Clifford Mariel's Music Martin Pallets 24

Mastermans LLP Max Restaurant Group McClure Construction Inc. McNamara Waste Services MechoShade Systems, Inc. in memory of Rena Feldman Melting and Filling Equipment, Inc. Metallic Recovery Group, Inc Metz Wood Insurance Inc. Meyers Brothers Kalicka, P.C. Mr. Clean Septic Service

N Nantucket Grass Roots Network Engineering New England Uniform New Hampshire Hydraulics Northeast Industrial Manufacturing, Inc. Northern Tree Service, Inc. Northstar Pulp & Paper

O Omnisource Corp O'Reilly Talbot & Okun Associates, Inc.

S S & F Technologies Corp. Savage Arms, Inc. Spartan Aerospace Stanton A. Moss Inc. Summit Handling Systems

T The Swiss Hutte Tech Roofing Service, Inc. Turnkey Intelligence, INC

U UBS Financial Services, Inc United Alloys and Metals USA Hauling & Recycling, Inc. Utility Service New England

V Vortex Physical Therapy, P.C.



Paris Corporation in memory of John Clifford PASCAP Company, Inc. Pasquito Builders in memory of John Clifford Peter Pan Bus Lines Phillips Insurance Agency Inc. Planet Aid Inc. Private Capital Group Protrade Steel Co., LTD. Pullman & Comley, LLC

W.W. Grainger, Inc Web TixDirect Westfield Bank Westover Building Supply Williams Distributing Willimansett Waste Co. Inc.

Y YourCause

R R.P. Schmidt and Son LLC Raipher D. Pellegrino Associates, P.C. The Robert E Morris Company Roberts Energy Romco Contracting Rome Clifford Katz & Koerner, LLP RTH Group Inc. Ryan Iron Works 25

Annual Report 2018/19

2018-2019 Camphill Village Board of Directors

Our Supporters Foundations & Trusts Aaron D. Burstein Supplemental Needs Trust

Henry E. Niles Foundation

Alpern Family Foundation, Inc.

Irene Soubry Trust FBO Clara

Arthur L. Loeb Foundation, Inc. The Bank of Greene County Charitable Foundation Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation, Inc. The Camphill Foundation Camphill Resident's Trust D. Morse Trust Ethel Kennedy Foundation Fliesler Family Fund George W. and Kate M. Rowe Fund The Susan Graver and Richard Graver Fund in honor of Zachary Gastman

IBM International Foundation (IFF) Jewish Communal Fund Juniper Networks Foundation Fund Mario Ciullo Trust May and Samuel Rudin Family Foundation, Inc. Metzger-Price Fund, Inc. Patterson Family Foundation Paul and Patricia Gioia Foundation Roy and Niuta Titus Foundation V. Randall 3rd Party Special Needs Trust William McIlroy Special Needs Trust


Board Members

Emeritus Directors

Gabriella Sperry President

Webster Beal Joel Berman Julie Boothroyd Joel Cohen Louis Cooper Ben Davis Roman Gerhard Ricky Hauptman Bruce Kraus Kristina Labaty Rosemary Levai Helen Serebin Charles Sims Roy Tau Val Taubner Susan Williams

Molly Finn (2011) Marty Hunt (2016) Alan Miller (2015) Robert Norris (2016)

Kerst de Jong Vice President Bill Vogt Treasurer Roselyn Aring Secretary Jessica Albright Assistant Secretary Bill Kolberg Assistant Treasurer



Camphill Village USA, Inc. 84 Camphill Road Copake, NY 12516

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