2016/2017 Annual Report

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Annual Report


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Annual Report 2016/17

There are 365 days in a year. That’s 365 days to grow together or independently, to experience new places and skills, and to evolve at Camphill Village — a place where we live a dynamic and varied life that is shaped by the steady rhythm of the seasons, and where some have lived for decades. We want to show you, our donors, where your generosity exists in numbers. You may already be aware that the state provides for bear necessities here. But it’s your contributions to the annual fund that truly enhance our lives. Thanks to you, we are master weavers and woodworkers, whose work will be enjoyed by families for generations. We are farmers and gardeners, who can bring home the same vegetables and meats that we raised, and see our friends prepare them at mealtime, so we can enjoy them together. Aaron Burstein, who does not speak, spends hundreds of afternoons each year working one-on-one with a residential volunteer on his felting projects. He expresses himself through fiber arts. This is through your generosity. Danny Miller fills tote bags with bread from the Village Bakery, and delivers them on his bicycle to each home in the Village – as he has done for years. And because of you, Suzie Taube takes great pride in letting visitors know that it’s her job to close up the chickens at night. These aren’t outliers. Every single life at Camphill Village has felt the tremendous impact of your generosity. And while that impact is clear to those who are here with us each day, we will try to convey these outcomes in numbers throughout this annual report.

Revenue & Support $12m Grants $2.6m

Expenses $10.7M State Fuding $5.2m

Management & General $1.7m

Program Services $8.6m Personnel $3.1m Medical $1.7m Food, Clothing, Supplies $1.2m Therapists, Human Concerns, Education $861k Capital $438k Repairs & Maintenance $324k Utilities, Rents $304k

Other Income $228k Contributions $1.9m


Federal Entitelments $1.6m

Work Spaces/ Gift Shop $435k

Insurance, Financial $201k

Development & Fundraising $505k

Transportation $188k

Friends and colleagues, Camphill Village continues to be the ideal model – some say a utopia – for individuals with disabilities and for the hundreds of families impacted by our unusual and special organization. It has been with great pleasure that I’ve led the Camphill Village Board of Directors as president, and I thank our donors and this lifesharing community for providing me and my colleagues with an endless source of inspiration to commit our time and our hearts to Camphill Village. I want to thank you all for your commitment. You have forever changed the lives of the people who call Camphill Village home. The monumental impact of your generosity throughout my time on this board is nothing short of inspiring. It ignites us, and we strive constantly to develop new programing, a new standard of health for individuals with disabilities, and a cheerful, supportive extended family environment for those who live here. We thank you. I am honored to announce that Gabriella Sperry, who has been a member of our

board since 2012, will lead our board of directors into Camphill’s future. Gabriella, who is also a member of the Camphill Ghent Board of Directors, served for 20 years on the Board of the International Center in New York, which teaches conversational English and American culture to immigrants. She also served on the board of the Doane Stuart School in Albany for 10 years. Gabriella also steps into the position at a very exciting time for our organization. We recently developed a three-year strategic plan that will guide our efforts to improve the overall quality and operations of Camphill Village. Because of Gabriella’s history of commitment to charitable organizations, as well as the stellar membership across our board, I am positive that the leadership of our organization is in good hands. I will continue to participate as a member of the board, so I look forward to seeing you all in the very near future. We have a powerful vision for the future of this organization, though there is still much uncertainty on the state level, as far as policy and funding are concerned.

Because of this uncertainty surrounding our state funding (which comprises almost half of our operating budget), the health of our annual fund is more important now than it has ever been. At the moment, almost 100 individuals with disabilities have made their home at Camphill Village. Many have lived here for 50 years or more. The tradition of Camphill Village is one of strength in unity, where the families of loved ones with disabilities funded our expansion, so there would be another bed, and the possibility of a fulfilling life, for their loved one. It is that same sense of unity that continues to drive this organization, propelled and elevated by gifts from our generous donors. We thank you for continuing to support the mighty mission of Camphill Village, our home in Copake. With gratitude,

Bill Vogt

Dear Friends, Our community has had quite an exciting year in Copake. We are constantly improving our programing and quality of life in our community, and it is because of your generous donations that Camphill remains the very special place that it is. I’d like to focus, in this letter, on a serious issue that has already affected our community, and the things we can do to lessen that impact. You may have seen us using the term “Final Rule” in our advocacy work, and I’d like to explain what that means. The “Final Rule” is reference to regulations promulgated by the Federal Government that dictate what types of programs and support services are available under the Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Waiver of the Medicaid Program. The concept is that the individual “waives” their right to institutional services in favor of home and communitybased services. Although Camphill Village is not waiver funded, most opportunities under the New York State Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) are funded through the “waiver.” To ensure compliance OPWDD has begun reviewing all existing services against the regulations in the Final Rule as part of a statewide Transition Plan. This process seems to favor urban settings as more inclusive than rural settings. The well-intentioned ruling, motivated largely by the concern to provide individuals with disabilities with more access to choices in their lives, disregards the possibility that those who live in rural settings may choose to live in rural settings—just like the population that is not considered disabled

may also choose to live in a rural setting. To force an individual with disabilities to live in an urban environment can be detrimental to that person’s quality of life, depending on the needs and desires of the individual. There are several residents here at Camphill Village who experienced isolation and exclusion in these urban settings prior to moving to Copake. Before moving to Copake, a young resident was regularly taken advantage of and found himself in dangerous situations while living in an urban setting. Another resident experienced severe isolation while living in a lovely home in a charming Hudson Valley village, and grew weary in that setting. And before joining us at Camphill, a resident lived in Manhattan, and despite working at a local bookstore, became bored and grew lonely. These people love their lives in Camphill Village, and if that should change, they will always have the option to amend their living situation. Although the Village is situated in a rural area, it provides an ideal setting for community building. It is like a small town, where everybody knows each other and friends are nearby. We have a lot of connections and interactions with the broader community. And with more than 20 nationalities from six continents, the world is well represented in the Village. Many of you are aware that we experienced unprecedented difficulty in obtaining our current five-year state contract with the OPWDD due to the language set forth in the “Final Rule.” By the time we finished

negotiations, we were more than a year passed our initial contract date. This has never happened to us before, and we only expect the policy landscape to become more arduous for us to navigate when the time comes for our next contract in 2021. The possibility that we could eventually lose our state funding makes it extremely necessary for us to concentrate on the health of our annual fund to compensate for a partial or total loss of state funding, and we must simultaneously advocate for rural communities like ours to remain an option for individuals with disabilities. We are proud of our work here. In terms of mental and physical health among members of the population with intellectual and developmental disabilities, there is no state or setting that comes close to meeting the figures that we have achieved here in Copake. Our advocacy initiative is growing, and we hope you have signed up to receive our advocacy emails by writing to advocacy@camphillvillage.org. On behalf of all of us at Camphill Village in Copake, I thank you for your support. Sincerely,

Kerst de Jong Executive Director

Office Expenses, Other $198k


Annual Report 2016/17

Updates on the Camphill Village Board of Directors

Economic Impact of Camphill Communities in Columbia County Total Spend: $18.9m Total Purchase: $12m

Camphill Village Copake

Compensation & Benefits Purchases in Columbia County


Purchases Outside Columbia County


Gabriella Sperry, who joined our board in 2011, was inducted into her new roll as board president in early 2018. She replaces Bill Vogt, who continues his extensive service to the Village as board treasurer.

We are delighted to announce the following additions among the members of the Camphill Village Board of Directors. Read more about our new members under the “About” tab on our website.

We also thank Peter Kornman, who has left the board, for his service to our community.

Bruce Kraus, Partner, Kelley Drye & Warren LLP.

Louis Cooper, Attending Physician, Emergency Medicine at New York Presbyterian Hospital; Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine, Weill Cornell Medical Center.

Roman Gerhard, House Leader, Camphill Village USA, Inc.

Susan Williams, Parent of a Camphill Village resident.


Of the $18.9 million spent by Camphill communities, approximately $12 million was for goods and services, and $9 million in the form of employees’ compensation and benefits. Principal spending categories included food, household and office

All Communities

55 years since this aerial photo of our village was taken

Regional Benefit supplies, energy, construction, insurance, cars, and equipment, gasoline, telephone, furniture, repairs, and maintenance. Illustrated here is a breakdown of each community’s financial impact, as well as consolidated statistics for all four communities.

Total Spend: $10.7m Total Purchase: $7.8m

Camphill Ghent

Total Spend: $3.7m Total Purchase: $1.7m


$2.9m $4.7m



Triform Community


Total Spend: $3.2m Total Purchase: $1.8m

Camphill Hudson $0.6m



$0.7m $1.1m


Total Spend: $1.3m Total Purchase: $0.7m



Annual Report 2016/17

Our Supporters Individuals A

B Dan Bacon Neil and Hillary Baker Tito and Mary Ellen Balducci John and Regina Ballinger


Mac Bell Elena Bennett Jeffrey and Rosalind Benton in memory of Norene Benton Michael and Pamela Benton in memory of Norene Benton Throop and Constance Bergh Frederick Berliner Joel and Lorraine Berman in honor of Tammy Berman in honor of Camphill Village Copake Lewis and Jill Bernstein in honor of Lorraine Berman Ben and Gloria Berry Dolores Bianchino in memory of Jack Acker Lynda and Jeffrey Billheimer Charles and Elaine Bily Amanda Bishop Audrey and Hunter Black James Blaine in honor of Tony Bacon Duncan and Julia Blanchard in memory of Norman Greenfeld Joyce Blanton and Samuel T. Ball Orest and Patricia Bliss Erika Bloomfield in memory of Edna Wile Barbara Bockbrader Keith and Theresa Bogdanovich Mark and Linda Bonin S. Bonsall Jane Booth Susan Booth Julie and Stephen Boothroyd Robert Bower

James Bussel and Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles Van Calhoun and Susan Senecah Suzan Campbell Lisa Caplan James Carroll John Carroll William and Laurie Carson Kathryn and Paul Caruso in honor of Ralph Scharr Norma Castle Roberta Caswell Sonni Chamberland Allan Chasanoff in memory of Alton Marshall Norman Cherubino Ann Churchill Susan and Frank Cimino in memory of Norene Benton in memory of Earle Benton Nathaniel and Hester Clapp Owen Clarkin Carol Clayman in honor of David Wallace in honor of Douglas Wallace Barbara Clement Jamin Clemente in honor of Hasan Wilson Richard and Carolyn Clemmer-Smith Joel and Terry Cohen Leslie and Carole Cohen Stuart Cohen and Donna Lee Kurkul Bertram and Barbara Cohn Theodore Cohn Paul and Paula Colarusso Paul Colatrella James and Lynne Colclough Ivan and Kay Cole Mrs. Bradley Collins Louise Griffin Collins Robert and Shannon Collins Charlotte Connell Edward and Nancy Connor Frank and Debra Conte Louis and Susan Cooper Saul and Karin Cooper in honor of Elisabeth Cooper

Andrea Baring presents a taper candle in the Candleshop.

D Frederick and Katherine Dabney Dora Damiano John and Lisa Daniels in honor of Susan Williams Rashad Daoudi in honor of Hasan Wilson Benjamin Davis Christy Davis Dave and Tink Davis in honor of Dan Bacon in honor of Susan Williams Robert and Lenore Davis Helga Dawn Jerome and Jacqueline Day Kerst De Jong Hubert and Frances de Lacvivier Walter Deane Philip Dearborn Terry and Pamela DeGeyter Daniel and Maria del Rio John and Anne Delehanty in memory of Norman Greenfeld Amy Delman in memory of Sandy Taube Christoffel den Biggelaar George and Leigh Denny Robert and Bobo Devens Tracey Dewart and Michel Eckersley Lee and Rebeca Dewey Eric Deyo Peter Di Paola Sylvia Diamand in honor of Anne Ratner Daryl Dichek and Kenneth L. Smith John and Annebeth Dillon Charles Dimston Michael and Mary Ann DiNapoli in memory of Leonard and Tessie DiNapoli Gregory Diskant and Sandra S. Baron John and Donna DiVito Anne Dobbs Deborah Donaldson Jody Donohue Karen Donovan Bradley and Meeyoung Dorfman William Douglass Beth Dowd and Douglas McGarrah Howard and Niki Dowdell Sally Dowling James Drozd

Nancy Dryden Donna and Dominic Duarte Anne-Florence Dubouloz Bill and Sarah Ducas in honor of Tony Bacon The Dumais Family Helene Dunkelblau and Edward Vernoff Sandra Gail Dunn Dale Durland Antoinette Dyko

E Mark Ebersole and Maria V. Walker Choral Eddie Virginia Efta Edith A. Ehrlich Steven and Margaret Eisenhauer Norma Ejsmont James Elder and Ayesha Mall Cecelia and Robert Elinson Samantha Embrey David and Phebe Engel in honor of Ellen Hunt Daniel and Bonnie Engelman Deanna English Jeffry and Roberta Epstein in honor of Sheila Adelman Erin Erkelens Vivian Eskin, Ph.D. Abigail Esty Norman and Vicki Ettenger Michael and Dana Eudy Nicholas Evans Thomas and Vicky Evarts Florence Everett

F Brett Fagin Megan Fairbank and James L. Beekman Owen and Sarah Fairbank David and Sherry Fanti Lyn Farrugia Frank Fawcett Barbara Feer and Peter Joyce Peter and Alisa Feer John and Grace Feighery Mark and Andrea Feinstein Loraine Feitelson in memory of Richard Feitelson James Feldman Jay and Leora Fenster James and Pamela Fernandes Jeanne F. Ferrer Paul and Roxanne Ferretti Mimi and Robert Feuling Fredericks Anthony and Pamela Fingleton in honor of Tony Bacon Simon Fischweicher Chris Fish Acker James and Lisa Fleming Katharine Fleming Arlene Fliesler in memory of Alan Fliesler Christine Fliesler Rita Folger in honor of Richard Folger E. Gail Ford Joan Forrester in honor of Joan Hill Heather Forrester-Sobczck in honor of Joan Hill Jodie Foster Esther Frances Lisa Francescon in honor of Ralph Scharr Bruna Franchi Frank Frazier in memory of Pamela Peper Fraizer Karen Freed Elaine Freeman in honor of Robbie Haynes Eric and Heather Friedlander Rita Friedman in honor of Lorraine Berman Stanley and Susan Friedman James and Karen Friend in honor of Ellen Hunt Antoinette Froio Marianne Frongillo in honor of Ralph Scharr James and Lynda Furey William Furse

Branko Furst Abby Fyer

G Joseph Gabisch Christopher Gaffney and Karen Kames Ernest and Candace Gagnon Peter and Julie Gale Brenda Gall Adolfo and Elizabeth Garcia in honor of Susan Williams Nathaniel and Nancy Gardiner in honor of Tony Bacon Cynthia Gardner Susan Gardner William and RenĂŠ Garrity Andrea S. Gastman Daniel J. Gastman Gerald Geddes Karen R. Geisler Neil and Dara Gelerter John and Patricia Geoghegan in honor of Ian Solomon John and Hannelore Gerlach Edward Gerner, MD in memory of Madeline Feldman Brigitte Gerney Donald and Margaret Gibson June and Fred Goldner Seth Goodman Kimberly Gordon Susan Gordon Joseph Gosler and Sheila Wolper Paul Gough Victoria T. Graboys in honor of Tony Bacon Deborah Grace Bernice Graham Kirby Graham in honor of Robbie Haynes Austen and Lynn Gray Gordon and Maggie Gray Lynn Gray in honor of Danforth Miller Morris Gray Melissa Green in honor of Sandy Taube Norman and Elinor Greenfeld in honor of Joseph Freedman Catherine Greenough John Greer Laura-Lee Griffith and Maher Khazendar Ann Grimm Brehon and Kathryn Griswold in honor of Tony Bacon William and Deirdre Guenther Rosalinda Guerra Lynn Guterman Cheryl Gutmann in memory of Charles Gutman Ruth Gutmann in memory of Charles Gutman Robert Guzzon Gaines and Rosie Gwathmey

5,620 gallons of sap collected

38 trips to Blue Rider Stables for therapeutic horseback riding


Jennifer Orahood receives therapeutic riding instruction at Blue Rider Stables.

Meghan Anders in honor of Matthew Holtz Nancy Anderson in memory of Tertia Gale in memory of Terry Fredericks Philip Anderson in memory of John Anderson Josephine Angevin in honor of Tony Bacon Carolynn F. Anklam Anonymous in honor of Larry Van Over in honor of Brooke Hogan Isabella Antonorsi Roselyn Aring William and Mary Aring Philippe Armenier Deborah Asbeck Muriel Asch in honor of Suzanne Taube Michael Ashe Christopher and Merylina Asselin Victor and Victoria Atkins in honor of Tony Bacon Morrell and Maria Avram in honor of Robbie Haynes Lawrence and Lois Avrin in memory of George and Rose Silver

Stuart and Paula Boxer in memory of Norman Greenfeld Nonie Brady Richard and Barbara Braff in honor of Joseph Freedman in honor of Estelle Freedman Carol E. Brand Anne Bray Ritalynne Brechner in honor of Anne Ratner Edna Breecker Louis and Myra Brickman in memory of Norman Greenfeld Angela Brink Nancy Bronson in memory of James Hoover John D. Broome Jerome Brossard Joseph and Susan Browdy Elizabeth and Michael Brown Irene M. Brown Joseph Brown in honor of Kimberly Warga in memory of Maury Ordovers Megan Brown and Jeff Anderson Robert and Barbara Brown in honor of Tony Bacon James Brudney and Anne Doyle Rev. C. Frederick Buechner and Judith Buechner William and Carrie Buetow Harriet Bundy and Richard Hermon-Taylor in honor of Tony Bacon Wesley and Sandra Burch Nicholas and Claire Burke in honor of Tony Bacon in honor of Dan Bacon Michael Burzynski

44,000 beeswax candles dipped

Mark and Joan Abramowitz R.W. Adamchak Susannah Adams in honor of Tony Bacon in memory of Alice and Fellows Davis Harry M. Albright in memory of Edward Warga, Sr. Jessica Albright Robert and Marilyn Aldrich Eleanor Alland in memory of Norman Greenfeld Barbara Almy Heidelise Als and Frank Duffy in honor of Christopher Duffy Heinzpeter and Rosemarie Als in honor of Christopher Duffy Wendy Amash

Mary A. Baralt in honor of Kelly McCaughan Philip Barbato David and Debra Barford Liz Baring in honor of Andrea Baring Diane and John Barnes in honor of Nathan Collins Bradford and Amy Barr Phebe Barth Jane Bassewitz and Jerome Bunke in honor of Maria Logan Art and Sue Bassin Richard and Kathleen Batsavage Eric Baumheier Linda Bayreuther and Bob Leonard Webster and Ann Beal Barbara Bean Teshna T. Beaulieu, D.C. Jean Beaven

John Corsetti, MD and Amy Corsetti Marc and Jennifer Costantino Miriam Coughlin Robert and Sandra Courchesne Roger Crandall Lisa Crawford Walter and Lila Croen Robert F. Cullon in memory of Norman Greenfeld George Cutler Robert Cutler in honor of Tony Bacon

Ben Berry prepares a sugar maple tap in the Village.


Annual Report 2016/17

Wanda Hagen Tonya Haigh Mary Haley and Seth Jordan Brent and Sarah Hall in honor of Elizabeth Stevens John and Ann Hall Mai Hallingby Judie Halpern in honor of Lorraine Berman Janet Hamel and Jeffrey Hooke in memory of George Mendis in memory of Martha Mendis William and Helen Hamel Marilyn Hamer Charles Hamlen James Hamlen Cheryl and Eric Hanson in memory of Jeffrey Bernstein Barbara Harris Susan Harrison Ira Haspel Whitney and Elizabeth Hatch Atsuko Hatsuda David Hauptman in honor of Richard Hauptman in memory of Molly Hauptman Paul and Eva Hawkins Michelle Hawksworth in honor of Laurie Kahn Kristin Hayden-West and Rodney West Doris Hayes in honor of Susan Olsen Robert Haynes and Elizabeth C. Stevenson Sophy P.Q. Haynes Deborah Hearst Marian Heller Ernest and Elsie Helmke Paul and Dorothy Helmreich in memory of George Chamberland Linda Hemingway Amy and Malcolm Henderson Gloria Herkowitz in memory of Norman Greenfeld Robert and Frances Herman Bill and Betsy Herman in memory of Sara Jane Herman Nancy Heselton Christina Hesse Christina Heuer Julie Hill David and Ellen Hirsch John and Rita Hirsch Eloise Hodges Nancy and Leonard Hodgins in honor of Robert Freed in honor of David Freed Ervin and Susan Hoeg in memory of Dorothy Avis Jared Hohlt in honor of Patricia Cinorre Barbara and Jaime Holcombe Margaret Holland in honor of Tony Bacon


I Matthew and Barbara Iler in honor of Dan Bacon in honor of Tony Bacon William and Hannelore Inglis Dolores and Tilo Intriere-Kaufmann Raymond Ippolito Steven and Palmer Irving Martha Iuster

J Dwight Jackson and Gail Moaney-Jackson in honor of Hasan Wilson Joan Jackson Mia James Alice Daniel and Harold Jarmon in memory of Anne Ratner Sarika Jaswani Jenny Jeffrey Kevin Jennings Keith and Ananda Johnson Mary Johnson in honor of Robbie Haynes Cynthia Johnston Joan and Stephen Johnston in honor of Lindsay Johnston Hildegard Jones Norman and Barbro Jung

K Erna Kahan in honor of Lorraine Berman D. Jonathan and Angela Kamen in honor of Anne Ratner Thelma F. Kanter in honor of Ralph Scharr Candace Kaplain in honor of Mayla Rose Marion Kaplan

Catherine Karanas in honor of Maria Logan Bernhardt Karp Charles and Angelika Keil in honor of Tavius Sims Neal and Susan Keller in memory of Edna Wile Abigail Kellogg Denise Kelly John Kelly Carol Kempf Chad Kennedy and Chiara Scotto Di Marco Elizabeth J. Kent Gregory and Angela Kent in honor of Elijah Kent Jeff and Morgan Kent Judy Kern David and Janet Kettler in memory of John Dobbs Amy Goodman Kiefer and Joseph Kiefer in memory of Ann Kiefer William and Eileen Kiefer in memory of Edward Warga, Sr. Jeffery and Kristine Kiko-Cozy Frederick and Elaine King in honor of Tony Bacon Stephen and Martha King Tarah and Jon King Lazarus and Paula Kirifides in honor of Aaron Burstein Margaret Kirkbride Meg N. Kirkpatrick Victoria Kirsten Richard and Christine Kitto Jack Kittredge and Julie Rawson Brad and Tara Klaas Franziska Klebe in honor of the Loefken Family Charles and Pearl Klein David and Nancy Klein in honor of Jan Berman Madalyn Klein and and Nelson Avila Marion Kleinkramer in memory of Bobby Schwabe Goldie Klempner Alan and Suzanne Klimek William and Deborah Kline in honor of Ellen Hunt Claudine Knight in honor of Robbie Haynes William Kolberg Mitchell and Kim Konsker Edward and Susan Kopelowitz Noach and Esther Kosofsky Harry and Katherine Koster William Kowals in memory of Sandy Taube Andrea Kowalski, RA Ingrid Kraus in memory of Michael Kraus Melvin and Hedy Kravatz in honor of Lorraine Berman Hanna and Robert Kress Sandra Krieger and Andrew S. Dash Gail Kuderko John Kurowski and Holly Whitehurst in honor of Reid Bielenberg

L Kristina Labaty Stefan LaCroix Chiu-nan Lai, Ph.D. Tammy Lamb-Mattin in honor of Ellen Hunt Lynn and Anne Marie Lander Brenda Lee Landry Cordelia Lane Catherine J. Langereis Wiepske R. Larsen in honor of Susan Olsen James Larson Nancy and Al Larson in honor of Martha Mendis Erika Laurion and David Brown in honor of Mishka Zuckerman John Lawrence and Craig Franklin Lawrence Ruth LeBar in memory of Dorothy and Ben LeBar Lindsay Lebrecht Alexandra Leff Stanley Leff Gary Leggett

Darren Lehrman in honor of Ralph Scharr Lysa Leland in honor of Tony Bacon Marilyn Lenkowsky and Jack Spillman in honor of William Spillman J. David Lesenger Francis and Ellen L’Esperance Jason and Marsha Lesser in memory of Madeline Feldman Pierre and Rosi Levai Carol Lever in memory of Harry Margolis in memory of Henrietta Margolis Stewart and Elisabeth Levine Kelly Levy Stuart and Joy Levy in honor of Lorraine Berman Barbara Lewis Marc and Caryn Lewis Margaret Lewis Margaret I. Lewis Nancy and David Lewis John and Jessica L’Heureux William and Annamarie Licamele in honor of Martha Mendis Sheldon Lichtblau George Lindsay and Nancy Metz in memory of Virginia and Stanley Metz Eliane Lingwood Michael and Linda Linsmeier Richard D. Lisman Andrew and Elise Liss in honor of Tammy Berman Jean R. Little Jane Lloyd in honor of Hasan Wilson Jennifer Lobo-Buhl Amy Lockwood Susan Lodge Michael and Ann Loeb Alexander and Heide Loefken in honor of Anja Loefken Jakob Loewenberg Mary Power Logan in memory of Evelyn Vazac Paul and Susan Longenecker in honor of Ellen Hunt Enrique and Nancy Lopez-Balboa Peter and Babette Loring William and May Louie Maynard and Judith Louis Faith Lovejoy Walter and Vicki Lowery in memory of Ellen Rafel in memory of Erwin Frankel Suzanne Lubell Jed and Sharon Luchow in memory of Eleanor Germaine Debbie Lusk Martin J. Lyden, Ph.D. Andrew and Karen Lyke Nancy and Robert Lynk in memory of Norman Greenfeld

104,000 tea breaks

5,726 loaves of bread baked Robert Zaken examines a ball of proofing dough.

Harvey and Elaine Holtz in memory of Jack and Sylvia Blocker in memory of Sam and Florence Holtz in honor of Matthew Holtz Melody Horn Donald and Dorothy Horowitz in honor of Ralph Scharr Ellen and Sandy Horowitz in honor of Ralph Scharr Frances M. Horowitz in memory of Eric Williams April Houle Larry Hoyt Olivia and Talib Huff Evan Hughes and Adelle Waldman Warren and Marsha Hunt in honor of Ellen Hunt Deborah Hyde in honor of Lucia Havlovic

245 Farmers’ Breakfasts


Tom Miano passes Marian Scharr a ceramic yogurt crock during Farmers’ Breakfast, a decades-long tradition in the Village.

M Don and Marnie MacLean Vincent Madonia, MD and Ann Madonia Stanley Madyda Paul and Cynthia Mahoney Thomas and Emily Mahoney Thomas and Mary Mahoney Timothy and Nancy Mahoney Eleanor and Frank Maio in memory of Norman Greenfeld Marcia Maiorella in honor of Richard Hauptman Judith Makrianes in honor of Susan Williams in honor of Dan Bacon in honor of Tony Bacon Linda Malanchuk-Finnan in memory of Lora Chamberland Rachel Maldonado Garry and Barbara Malone Matthew and Catherine Mandel William and Lynn Manger Brian Mangum and Anna Lehmann Billy and Frances Mangum Robert and Heidi Manice Edward and Maya Manley Frances Manley John and Susanne Manley in memory of Charles Gutman in memory of Ursel Pietzner Eric and Paulette Mann in honor of Arielle Mann Linda Marder and Bruce Coppock David and Cynthia Markowitz Marguerite Marra in memory of Laura and Joseph Marra Mary Martens Anne Martin in honor of Elizabeth Stevens Burr and Mary Anne Martin David and Martha Martin in honor of Tony Bacon Howard and Betty Martin in honor of Anne Martin Stevens and Winnie Martin in honor of Elizabeth Stevens Greg Mashberg Maureen Mason William and Cynthia Mason Lora Maxcy Anthony and Carol Mayo Melanie Mayo Robert and Suzanne Mays in honor of William Rosecan Daniel and Nichole McBride Julie McCallan Patrick and Carol McCallister Jim and Ann McCaughan Alan McDonald Brian McDonald in memory of Will McDonald Jim and Maureen McFadden

Anne McIlvaine Susan McIntosh in honor of Tony Bacon Donna Mckeown William and Katherine McKnight D. Richard and Jane McLeroy Christopher and Kathleen McMahon Jerome and Cynthia McManus in memory of George Mendis Machado and Ellen Mead Linda Meisinger John Mellquist and Zsuzsanna Mitro David and Katherine Melmoth Leigh and Charles Merinoff Christine and Kenneth Meszkat Jackie Metzger Richard Meuter Darryl and Ina Jo Meyer Stephen and Marsha Meyers in memory of Christine Fliesler Stuart Meyers Victor and Florence Meyers Robert and Pam Meyjes Anthony and Denise Miano in honor of Thomas Miano The Mignot Family in honor of Hasan Wilson William and Ann-Marie Milczarski in honor of Lindsay Johnston Alan Miller Helen Miller John and Sally Miller Toby Miller and Linda Maxson in honor of Danforth Miller Lisa Millette Nancy and Christopher Milliken in honor of Tony Bacon Robert Minturn James and Catherine Mitchell Meghan Mizrachi Charles and Carol Molesworth in honor of Nicholas Dobbs Jeanette Molk and John Murphy in honor of Tony Bacon Susan D. Montanari Mary A. Mooney and Donald Steele in honor of Hasan Wilson Jessie Morgan Mark Morgan Angela Moro Seth and Rebecca Morrison in memory of Eden Kend Robert and Charlotte Morse Stella and David Mortman in honor of Gail Mortman in honor of Stella Mortman Jamil and Laura Muasher Sharon Mueller Robert Muhleisen Patricia Munn Michael and Diane Munson Thomas Myers

Lulu Viets rests with a cup of tea in the Village Co-op.


Annual Report 2016/17

James and Audrey Nathan Judith Neu Ann Newell Ina Newman in honor of Lorraine Berman Scott Newman William Nichols Judith Nigro Emily Northam

O Dawn and Gerald O’Hara Nancy and Adrian O’Leary Landis and Sarah Olesker Bonnie Oloff Annie Laurie Olsen John and Donna Olsen Kate and Norm Olson Dorothy Orahood in honor of Jennifer Orahood James and Flora Orahood in honor of Jennifer Orahood Robert and Alice Orens in honor of the Manley Family Dale and Sue Otto Peter and Nadine Oundjian Catherine and David Overbagh in honor of Martha Mendis

Michael and Marilyn Pienta in honor of Ellen Hunt Linda Piester and Eugene Aronowitz Gyvonne Pinkston in honor of Tony Reid John and Janet Piwowarski Christine Pizzuti Renee and Daniel Plasky Marisha Plotnik Mary Lee and Conrad Plumb-Mentjes in honor of Wanda Root Norman and Carol Polansky in memory of Sandy Taube Grace Polk Bruce Posner and Sandy Radoff Jeffrey Levitsky and Laurie Posner, MD Robert and Margo Potrzeba David and Mary Powers Julie Purnell in honor of Tony Bacon


20 Join the Sound rehearsals




Joan Souders in honor of Sandy Taube Thomas Spain Lloyd and Marilyn Spence Gabriella and Harvey Sperry Robin Squibb in honor of Tony Bacon Anne-Seymour St. John and Albert Ellis Cathy Stamler Olga Staneslow and Judith Weir in memory of Doris Bruun Nick and Andrea Stanton William and Susan Staub Gerald Stein Peter and Margaret Steinfels Monica Stephenson in honor of Sandy Taube Elizabeth and Craig Sterbenz in honor of Danforth Miller Mika Sterling Peter and Lenore Sternlight Sharon Stettner Anudeva Stevens John and Judy Stevens in honor of Elizabeth Stevens William and Toni Stevens in honor of Elizabeth Stevens Mary Liz Stewart in honor of Hasan Wilson Ursula Strauss Joan Sullivan Margaret Sullivan Robert and Cheryl Sund Peter and Lynda Surdam Don and Marilyn Sweet in honor of Judy Sweet Darrel and Joie Swenson Steven Swenson Barbara Syer

T Zeb and Mavis Taintor Monica Talaya Roy and Eileen Tau Val Taubner Raymond and Erin Teichman in memory of Norman Greenfeld Arnold and Lois Tepfer Nicholas and Sara Theisen Robert Thoden Victoria Thomas Benjamin Thompson Betty Thompson Marianne Thompson Leigh Tiedemann and David Dove in honor of Tony Bacon Susan H. Tofel Julia Toland in honor of Tony Bacon Dona Totten Said and Patricia Toub Diane and Warren Traiger William and Roswitha Trayes John and Polly Tucker

8,370 cows milked

Carolyn A. Race Linda and Matt Railey in honor of Danny Morse Daniel and Kathryn Rakosky Ingeborg Rathke Ingo and Ann Rau Paul Jeffrey Raymond and Jean Marie Hodge-Raymond Eileen Reardon Cordell Reaves in memory of Hasan Wilson Leslie and Robert Reed Nancy Reich Leslie Reichert in honor of Tony Bacon Thomas Gorman Reilly and Janice Reilly David and Sandra Reynolds Louis and Sylvia Reznick in honor of Lorraine Berman Samuel Rhodes and Hiroko Yajima-Rhodes Lynn Rice Michael Rice Michelle Richardson Howard and Anne Riina in honor of Frances Manley Roger and Dory Rindge Margaret Roach Ian Robb William Roberts in honor of Tony Bacon Leah Robins and Leif Larsen in honor of Tony Bacon Stanley and Janet Robinson Virginia Robinson in memory of Elizabeth Miller Jane and David Rodgers in memory of Jane Schoonmaker Tammy Berman joins other villagers in reading sheet Arthur Rogers music during Join the Sound rehearsal at Fountain Hall. in honor of Whitney Nancy L. Rollins Ilan Ronen Charles and Jennifer Rose Catherine Padley Albert and Linda Rosecan Sarah Page Rona Rosenblatt Demetrios Panteleakis in memory of Sandy Taube Herbert Pardes, M.D. Richard Rosenburgh Robert C. Park Mark Rosenstein Oliver and Barbara Parker in honor of Lorraine Berman in honor of Tony Bacon Margaret Rosenthaler Shari and Jack Pascarosa Michael and Sherri Rosenzweig Isabel Pasik in memory of Sidney and Yvette Rosenzweig in honor of Lorraine Berman Arthur and Rebecca Roth Eugene G. Patrick in memory of Esther Yagoda Elizabeth Peabody in memory of Hyman Yagoda in honor of Tony Bacon Gideon Rothschild Regina Pearlmutter in honor of Jan Berman Joe and Barbara Pearson in honor of Tammy Berman in memory of George Pearson Susan V. S. Rubin Anne Pellegrino in memory of Elizabeth Miller Bruce Pennetti Michael Ruddy Evelyn Perkins Patricia Rudges in honor of Tony Bacon Holly Ruff Isabel Perkins William Russell Sheldon Perlmutter Mary Louise Ryus in honor of Danforth Miller in honor of Tony Bacon in honor of Karen Jane Hayden Rebecca Perrin Isobel Perry Michael Peskoe and Patricia Bourdon Frank and Marcia Peteroy Jessica and Dalton Sachs Elizabeth and Stephen Phillips Rowena Sahulee Glenda Phillips and Michael Knight in honor of Hasan Wilson

Tere Salinas in honor of Camphill Village Copake Lila W. Salvatore in memory of Gerald Markowitz Caitlin Sargent David Sassoon Val and Nancy Savenko Ellin and Allen Scalise Margo Schab James Schamus and Nancy Kricorian Ann Scharff Harriet Scharr in honor of Marian Scharr Spencer Schauermann Jan Scheefer Robert and Suzanne Scheible Stanley Scher Seymour and Renee Scherzer in memory of Alan Fliesler in memory of Christine Fliesler Barbara Schlabach Trudi Schlosberg in honor of Lorraine Berman Eleanor Schoenberger in honor of David Tarshes David and Deborah Schultz Tom Schumacher and Matt White Linda Schupack Barbara and John Schwartz in honor of Ellen Hunt Jerry Schwartz Harry and Lynne Schwartz in honor of Nicholas Dobbs Sunny Schwartz J. Michael Sconyers Amy Scott Jon and Kathleen Scott in memory of Norman Greenfeld Jonathan Scott in honor of Dan Bacon in honor of Susan Williams Robert and Ashley Scott Tamara Seidman in memory of Ursula Granite Carol Seifert Sarah Seiler in honor of Tony Bacon Barbara Self Irene Selver in honor of Anne Ratner Helen Serebin Sandra Serebin Lawrence Shaderowfsky and Susan Solomon Isaac Shamah William and Julie Shapiro Halley Shefler Matthew Shefler Scott H. Sheldon Patricia Sheron Lorraine Shiarappa and James E. McDonough Betsy and Will Shields in honor of Susan Williams Vikrant and Sunanda Shivdasani Binkley and Paula Shorts Paul T. Shumaker Carmen and A. Joel Shumer Paul and Ellen Shur in memory of Sandy Taube Kathleen Shuster Deborah Siegel George and Jane Siemon William and Leslie Sievert Sheila Silver Scott Simeral and Evelyn Reilly Charles Sims and Nancy H. Wolf John and Marbry Sipila Jessica Sisco Peter and Phyllis Skaller Brian and Deanna Smilen Elizabeth Smith and Jean Churchill Gregory and Elizabeth Smith Leon and Elaine Smith Monica Smith Patricia Smith Kenneth and Katherine Snelson Patricia Snyder in memory of Norman Greenfeld Howard and Wendi Sobelman in honor of Lorraine Berman Edward Sodel Melanie Sokol in honor of Ralph Scharr The Solomon Family Suzanne Sorel Annaliese Soros

28,598 hand-filled seed packets sold by Turtle Tree Seed


Dom and Mardi Tuminaro in memory of Mark Tuminaro Ruth Turner

U Stephen and Marian Beth Usher

V David Vahlsing Diane Vahradian Jo Valens Adriaan and Magrietha Van Heiningen Sarah van Leer MaryAnne and Paul VanDenburgh Alexander and Carol Vietor in honor of Tony Bacon Richard Viets in memory of Marina Viets James Vinick Leslie Vivian Benjamin and Susan Vizoskie in memory of Christine Fliesler in memory of Alan Fliesler Allan and Janice Vogel Donald Vogel Bill and Diane Vogt Ann Vose

W Susan and Charles Wadsworth Jonathan Wajskol Avonelle S. Walker Douglas and Elizabeth Wallace in honor of David Wallace Elise D. Wallace in honor of Barbara Jespersen Andrew Wallach Martha Walsh in honor of Tony Bacon Ann Walter and Derek C. Economy Jay and Candy Walton Josephine Warden Christopher and Natalie Warga Jonathan Warshawsky in memory of Joseph Freedman Eric Watterud in memory of Herman Feldman in memory of Madeline Feldman Robert and Patricia Way David Webster in honor of Tony Bacon Margery and Arthur Weekes in honor of Tony Bacon in honor of Christopher Duffy Robert and Nancy Weiner Richard B. Weininger, MD and Gretchen Stearns, MD Leslie and Michael Weinstock Barbara Weiss in honor of Lorraine Berman

Elizabeth Dewart sorts seeds at Turtle Tree Seed. Joan Weitzner in memory of Burt Weitzner Jennifer and Brian Welham Nancy Wellman and Harold Klinger Peter and Mary Wendt Barbara and Mark Wesley in honor of Emily Wallach Christopher and Ellen White in honor of Tony Bacon Nancy White Robert and Carole White in memory of Will McDonald Robert and Valerie White Caleb and Billie Williams David Williams and Jennifer Weiser in honor of Carol Fletcher Eugene Williams Julianne Lay Williams in honor of Carol Fletcher in honor of Robert Lay Lisa Williams in memory of Eric Williams in memory of Hedwig Goldman Natasha Williams Rachel Williams in honor of Tony Bacon Richard and Terri Williams in honor of Carol Fletcher Susan and David Williams Paul and Sandra Willingham in honor of Tony Bacon Philip Willman Cynthia Wilson Donald and Kristin Wilson Markly and Gonul Wilson in honor of Tijen Wilson Bruce and Barbara Winer Samuel and Nora Wolcott Chris and Carrie Wolf Roger and Judy Wolf Kenneth Wong in honor of Hasan Wilson Ward and Priscilla Woods Ilsabe Wyman Sharon Wyrrick

Y Elizabeth Young Richard and Mary Young

Z Rachel Zebrowski Arthur and Constance Zeckendorf in honor of Tony Bacon June Zellers and Adam Tomash Jessica Zilke

Joan Hill milks the last cow of the morning.


Annual Report 2016/17

Our Supporters Businesses A A Colarusso and Son Acme Metals and Recycling, Inc. Adolfo's After Hours Auto, Inc. AJM Enterprises All States Transport, Inc. ALON Marketing Group and Destinations of New York State in memory of Hasan Wilson AmazonSmile American Pest Solutions, Inc. America's Box Choice, LLC Any-Time Home Care, Inc. Applied Dynamics APW Wealth Advisors, LLC ArtInCrochet Associated Building Wreckers, Inc. Automotive Fleet Remarketing Inc. Avid Ironworks, Inc.

B Barrco Automotive Warehouse Distributors Inc. The Bonadio Group Braman Termite and Pest Elimination Brookline High School Math Dept. in honor of Ralph Scharr Burfeind and Sons Contracting LLC

C Camphill Village Kimberton Hills, Inc. Carter-McLeod Paper and Packaging Co., Inc. Central Rigging and Transfer Chavurat Tikvah Chicago Waldorf School Chicopee Savings Christian Community Clifford Paper Inc. Collins Electric Co., Inc. The Committee to elect Bud Williams for City Council Conway Hardwood Products, LLC Cool Insurance Agency, Inc. Cortina Tile of West Springfield Custom Recycling, Inc.

D Dechert LLP Delphi Agrarian Arts Foundaton, LLC Diversified Group Duct and Vent Cleaning of America, Inc. Dynamic Dock and Door, Inc.

E Ed Herrington, Inc. EP Nevins Insurance Agency, Inc. Epco Business Forms



The Farm School Finn Partners in honor of Hasan Wilson Fln-Mar Rubber and Plastics, Inc. The Freeman Group Northwestern Mutual

One Source Risk Management and Funding O'Reilly Talbot and Okun Associates, Inc.


PASCAP Company, Inc. Phillips Insurance Agency Inc. Pioneer Spine and Sports Physicians (PSSP) Planet Aid Inc. Pro Printers Public Employee's Federation-Division 262 in memory of Hasan Wilson

G.B. Hastie Fence, Inc. Goodshop Greenberg Traurig, LLP

H Hamel Family Wines Harry Grodsky and Co., Inc. Hawthorne Valley Association, Inc. Health New England, Inc.

I Independent General Contractors Inc. Intra-American Metals, Inc. Ivey Industries

J Jewish Communal Fund JMG Trading, Inc. Joseph Freedman Co., Inc. in memory of Norman Greenfeld

K Kinderhook Toyota, Inc Knights of Columbus Council 548

L L. Browe Asphalt Services Law Office of Christopher Myhrum Long Energy

M M.J. Metal Inc. MacMillan and Son, Inc. Martinez Auto Body Shop, Inc. in memory of Edward Warga, Sr. Meyers Brothers Kalicka, PC Midnight Sun NF Mr. Clean Septic Service

N New England Uniform Niagara Tourism and Convention Corporation in honor of Hasan Wilson Northeast Metal Traders, Inc. Northstar Pulp and Paper NYC and Company in honor of Hasan Wilson


R R and R Industries, Inc. R.P. Schmidt and Son LLC Raipher D. Pellegrino Associates, PC Republic Iron Works, Inc. RickAA Inc. Robert Danz PC Rome Clifford Katz and Koerner, LLP Ruge's Subaru

S S and F Technologies Corp. Salesforce.org Savage Arms, Inc. Shannon Corporation in honor of Joel Berman Snowbird Associates LLC Step By Step Carpets and Interiors, LLC

T Tech Roofing Service, Inc. Toyota Dealer Match Program The Truck Buyer Inc. Turgeon and Associates, LLC

U UBS Matching Gift Program USA Hauling and Recycling, Inc.

V Valley Energy Vortex Physical Therapy, PC

W Watchdog Security, Inc. Web TixDirect Whispering Pines Landscaping White Oak Creek Farm

Y YourCause in memory of Norene Benton

Our Supporters Foundations & Trusts Aaron D. Burstein Supplemental Needs Trust Alpern Family Foundation, Inc. Arthur L. Loeb Foundation, Inc. The Asen Foundation Baker Charitable Foundation, Inc. The Balm Foundation, Inc. in honor of William Spillman D. Morse Trust Estate of Edith C. Bohn Estate of Trude T. Hirsch


Ethel Kennedy Foundaton in honor of Tony Bacon The Fan Fox and Leslie R Samuels Foundation Inc. George W. and Kate M. Rowe Fund Hudson River Bank and Trust Co. Foundation IBM International Foundation (IFF) Irene Soubry Trust Ken Soubry Foundation, Inc. KeyBank Foundation Mario Ciullo Trust

May and Samuel Rudin Family Foundation, Inc. Metzger-Price Fund, Inc. The Mortimer Levitt Foundation, Inc. The Nordblom Family Foundation The Otter Foundation Patterson Family Foundation Paul and Patricia Gioia Foundation RSF Social Finance (Salam Gift Fund) S & L Marx Foundation, Inc. V. Randall 3rd Party Special Needs Trust

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