1 minute read

Sara Bella Wolff cradles Liquorice the cat while Rukin Shivdasani hangs laundry to dry on the sunny back patio at Lirio House.

Danny Miller poses with Linus the screech owl and Ellen Kalish from Ravensbeard Wildlife Center, who taught us about predatory birds in May.

Kim Warga prepares a fresh salad from spring greens grown by our gardeners.

Samed Baris guides cows on the first day our farmers let our dairy herd out to pasture after their winter in loose housing.

Joan Hill retrieves bedding hay for the piglets in the barn.

Seeya Zheng assists Jennifer Orahood, who recently joined the Weavery.

Taylor Jones and David Wallace aerate seedling soil in the Healing Plant Garden greenhouse on the first day of spring.

Julia Erl fills Ellen Hunt’s plate. It was the first day of the season that our Café crew used salad greens grown entirely by our gardeners.

Bill McIlroy prepares to gently water some seeds that were sown directly into a Turtle Tree Seed garden.

Rose Aring, Makiko Yoshida, and Emily Wallach collect litter along Empire Road on Earth Day—a collection event organized each year by the Copake Grange.