Introductions Nora Nickle Nora moved to Camphill Village in
Nora lives in Aillinn House, and has been
December, and she’s been embracing
working in Aspen and Argo houses in the
the summer weather jogging around
mornings and spending her afternoons in
the Village most days.
the Candleshop. Nora says she feels comfortable being herself in the Village.
“I really like fitness and I go jogging around. I also like basketball,” says
“It feels great,” she says. “I have more
Nora, adding that she’s been taking
freedom to talk to people and say what
advantage of the gym here in the
I have to say.”
Village. “It’s a pretty good gym; I like to lift weights there.”
Welcome, Nora!
Nora Nickle prepares lunch in Aspen House.
Willem Hallstein Willem moved to Camphill Village in
with others he knew from his days at
January after spending several years
Triform. “Well it’s a great thing to have
farming at nearby Camphill Triform.
friends,” he says, “and I have to tell you
He’s been living in Aillinn House and
that I love living in Aillinn.”
brings his agricultural experience, which has been an asset to our community! “I have to tell you that farming is my favorite subject,” he says. Willem added that he’s made a lot of friends in the Village, and has been reunited Willem Hallstein moves absorbent wood chips from a trailer into the dairy barn.
Welcome, Willem!