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We remain sustainable despite the financial pressures
We remain sustainable despite the financial pressures
Reacting swiftly to an unprecedented year!
The Fundraising team began the year with ambitious targets to engage new supporters and grow our charitable income. However, the onset of Covid-19 sent us ‘back to the drawing board’.
We reacted immediately to the pandemic, with an appeal that focussed on our need for support during the difficult time. The response was overwhelming, setting the tone for a year of unsurpassed generosity from our Camphill Village Trust family.
Doing it together
Home-based and socially distanced fundraising challenges replaced our planned 65th celebration fundraising events and kept our spirits high during lockdown. In April, colleagues, community members and their families ran, cycled, and trampolined to raise funds as part of the 2.6 challenge in response to the cancellation of the London Marathon.
Meanwhile, we adapted our planned newsletters and appeals to better keep our supporters informed about the impact of Covid-19 restrictions on our communities. Donations in response to the appeals has been phenomenal. We strengthened the capacity of our online shop and have seen sustained sales growth.
Thank you!
The ongoing generosity of our individual supporters, customers and some significant gifts from charitable trusts and foundations have sustained us through this period of unprecedented financial pressure. This has resulted in the Trust surpassing our charitable income targets for the year and giving us a secure footing to meet the challenges which Covid-19 will continue to pose.
Thank you to all our supporters.