Camping In Ontario News December 2025
Camping In Ontario News December 2024
Camping In Ontario (CIO) is a member-based Association, comprised of small businesses located throughout the Province of Ontario. Our Association was started in 1969 by a group of campground owners that wanted to improve their businesses.
While the way we do things has changed over the years, our mandate remains the same:
“As a vital and active stakeholder in tourism, Camping In Ontario supports member campgrounds in the Province of Ontario by educating campground owners, marketing camping in Ontario to the general public and advocating to government.”
A message from our Board Chair

What a great year it has been. November saw the end of my first year as Chair of the Association and the beginning of my second year as Board Chair. It was an honour to be re-elected by the members of the Board in November. November also saw other change within the Board as we saw the end of Chantal Thomas and Greg Rodgers time on the Board, and we welcomed Warren Sheridan and Jeff Kavanagh to the Board.
The Executive members remained the same as last year with Matt Den Hollander as Vice Chair, April Hearns as Secretary and Patricia Maat as Treasurer. The remaining Board members are, Dave Hilhorst, Cydny Bonello, Paula Rajkumar, Peter Bingeman, and Lynn Cheeseman.
The AGM in November was exciting with three member motions coming from the floor. First is for the association to revisit corporate park member dues structure, second is to explore the possibility of provincial park memberships and lastly, a request be sent to GoRVing for formal voting rights. An update on these motions will be provided at the upcoming Spring Meeting.
We accomplished many great things in 2024, and I am excited to see what the next year brings as the services CIO offers to its members continually evolve with changes to the industry and the needs of our membership.
Wishing you all the best in 2025 and during the holiday season.

Mark Jaycock Chair
Willow Lake Campground and RV Park

A message from our Executive Director
To say that 2024 was a bit of a blur is an understatement – we had a wonderful year!
2024 started off with a successful RV show season and we just kept building momentum. Our spring meeting in Kitchener saw us experience the solar eclipse together – it was a sign that the rest of the year was going to be great.
The “great” began in late spring when a call came from MP Lianne Rood’s office as a follow up from our RVDA of Canada lobby day. Shortly after – we had Bill C-410 being introduced in the House of Commons!
And the great just kept coming… we worked on the school, social media and of course the national convention. Despite a slower than anticipated start – the registrations for convention started coming in and we did not look back. In the end, over 180 Ontario delegates registered with another twenty people attending from across the country. Thank you to our partner Cara Csizmadia for her work on the convention.
Level 1 of the school was offered in hybrid format (on-line and in-person) and then the brand-new Level 2! To date, over fifty people have enrolled in what was a dream less than 24 months ago. Thank you to Sarah North-Harris for her passion in building the school.
We drew the year to a close with our first dedicated lobby day at Queens Park in more than a decade. Along with ORVDA we held a breakfast reception, attended Question Period and held dedicated meetings with MPP’s. Thank you to Rebecca Cabral for all her hard work in making the day such a considerable success.
Thank you to the board of directors for the support and direction provided this past year. Finally, thank you to Sandra Galego who truly is the person that keeps us running…
All the best for 2025 and Happy Holidays!

Executive Director Camping In Ontario

Camping In Ontario would like to give a big thank you to everyone who donated items and placed bids at our auction. We would also like to thank our sponsors and everyone who made this years convention possible!

Public Affairs & Communications Update

Rebeccas’s Update
Another year has come and gone, and our advocacy efforts have been non-stop. While this important work continues, I am happy to provide an update on our activities over the past four months.
Kick-off with MP Rood
In September, we were proud to host MP Rood at Trout Haven Park to our kick off event for Bill C-410. MP Rood introduced the Private Member’s Bill An Act to Amend the Income Tax Act (Campgrounds), which proposes an amendment to include “or a campground business” as an exception under the definition of a specified investment business.
Camping In Ontario board members and campground owners met with MP Rood to share their personal experiences and congratulate this significant step forward on an important issue for our industry.
Outdoor Hospitality Day at Queen’s Park
In addition to preparing for National Convention 2024, we worked to organize Outdoor Hospitality Day at Queen’s Park on December 5th. This joint initiative with the Ontario RV Dealers Association marked the first time Camping In Ontario has hosted a lobby day at Queen’s Park in more than a decade.
The non-partisan breakfast reception invited Members of Provincial Parliament to meet with our delegates, enjoy refreshments, and learn more about the camping and RV industry’s vital role in Ontario’s economy. Mike Schreiner, Leader of the Green Party, and Stephanie Bowman, Liberal MPP for Don Valley East, spoke about the economic and cultural importance of camping and RVing.
Public Affairs & Communications Update
Our delegation was formally introduced in the legislature by Stan Cho, Minister of Tourism, Culture, and Gaming. Delegates included:
• Alexandra Anderson, Executive Director, Camping In Ontario
• Natalie Conway, Executive Director, Ontario RV Dealers Association
• Rebecca Cabral, Senior Manager, Public Affairs and Communications, Camping In Ontario
• Sandra Galego, Membership Coordinator, Camping In Ontario
• John Krohnert, Platinum RV Sales
• Rob Edwards, Leisure Days RV Group Inc.
• Aaron Langille, Camp-Out RV
• Dave Hilhorst, Skycroft Campground Resort
• Cyndy Bonello, Glen Haven Resort
• Ellie Abucay Giammatollo, Windmill Point Park & Campground
We extend our gratitude to Speaker Arnott, MPP Sabawy, MPP Bowman, MPP Pinsonneault, Minister Thompson, MPP Riddell, MPP Jordan, Minister Tangri, and MPP Schreiner for taking the time to meet with our delegation.
Tourism Day at Queen’s Park
Shortly after our event, on December 10th, I attended the Tourism Industry Association of Ontario’s (TIAO) lobby day at Queen’s Park and their Taste of Ontario culinary reception. This gathering brought together representatives from all sectors of Ontario’s tourism industry to emphasize the value of tourism and highlight ongoing challenges.
We are appreciative of TIAO’s continued advocacy and partnership, which makes them an invaluable ally to our industry.
Rebecca Cabral
Senior Manager, Public Affairs & Communications Camping In Ontario
Protecting your business is our business

You work hard to build a successful RV campground that your guests want to return to year after year. BrokerLink has designed an insurance program that addresses the unique risks and insurance needs of your business, so you can focus on providing an exceptional experience for your guests.
Coverage options tailored for your RV campground can include:
• Business Interruption Coverage, to help sustain your business income following a property loss, and can extend to damages to parking pads, RV units and other unique RV infrastructure.
• Property Coverage for playground equipment, walkways, constructed parking pads, water and electrical systems.
• Liability Coverage for garage auto and warehouseman’s legal liability (covers RV units owned by others, stored on your property).
Our experienced team understands the RV tourism sector and can provide tailored coverage solutions for your specific needs.

*Unique offering: Business Interruption arising from civil authority evacuation is extended to eight weeks, compared to two or four weeks, as offered by other insurance programs.
Ask us about coverage for your professional fireworks events!

Education - COHMC Update

2024 was a big year for the Education pillar at Camping In Ontario. Following the inaugural offering of our Campground and Outdoor Hospitality Management Program (COHMP) in 2023, we continued to develop the school with the re-development of Level 1 to be offered in a hybrid model as well as the curation and launch of Level 2. Both programs launched in the fall of 2024 with great success.
Moving to a hybrid model, which included 3 online and 2 in-person sessions, proved to be a beneficial strategy for the participants. While in-person sessions provide much-needed interaction, networking, and sharing of ideas, the ability to learn from home at a less intense pace was better for the students. We will continue to build on this model and will be able to introduce other learning opportunities to accommodate people for whom travel is difficult. To date, more than 50 people have participated in Level 1 and/or Level 2 programs. We are now onto building Level 3 of the program and further developing our online offerings.

To help us move forward with more inclusive learning opportunities, we will be launching the school’s website and learning management system (LMS) in early 2025. The LMS will allow our members and students to access lessons and assignments online and provide a platform where we can offer fully online and self-study programs. We will also be moving the Member Resource Library to the new website to offer you a complete learning experience. More details to follow closer to the launch.
In addition to the school we also offered several Virtual Training Sessions in 2024. Topics included: Reservation Systems: Pros and Cons, Handling Negative Reviews, Waivers: Are They Really That Important, and Emergency Preparedness using the Ready Rating System. All sessions were well attended and the recordings are available on the Camping In Ontario website.
This year we also submitted 2 funding applications to the Government. In September we submitted a funding application to the Federal Government to research the barriers to entry and motivations of new campers, particularly new-to-Canada campers, and a diversity training program based on our findings. In October we submitted a funding application to the Provincial Government through the Skills Development Fund. This funding is earmarked for developing Level 3 of the COHMP as well as an Instructor Program to ensure the longevity of the school. We hope to hear about our success in securing funding in early 2025
Level 1 Graduates - October 2024
Education - COHMC Update (Continued)

Level 2 Graduates - November 2024
To bring our year to a close we had a very successful convention in Niagara Falls. The education sessions were well attended and your feedback is invaluable for planning future events and securing speakers you want to hear more from. If you have not yet had a chance to complete the survey please take a moment to share your thoughts.
While 2024 was a big year for the Education Pillar, we are gearing up for a full 2025. Next year holds in store: the launch of our website and LMS, Level 3 of the COHMP, a spring meeting and convention, a new round of Virtual Training
sessions, and new partnerships with our industry partners to create a more cohesive, well educated industry. Thank you for your support in 2024 and we look forward to bringing you more learning opportunities in 2025.
Sarah North-Harris Director of Education Camping In Ontario

Meet our 2024 Board of Directors

Mark Jaycock Chair
Willow Lake Campground and RV Park Chair@campinginontario.com
April Hearns Secretary McGowan Lake Campground mcgowan.lake@gmail.com

Warren Sheridan Shore Acres Trailer Park warren.sheridan77@gmail.com
Patricia Maat Treasurer
North Shore RV Park nshore@northshorepark.com

Peter Bingeman Country Gardens RV Park info@cgrvpark.ca
Lynn Cheeseman Killam Seasonal Resorts lcheeseman@KillamREIT.com

Jeff Kavanagh Green Acres Campground & Restaurant jackiandjeffok@yahoo.ca
Dave Hillhorst Skycroft Campground Resort dave@skycroft.com
Matt Den Hollander Vice Chair
Experience Camping Ltd. Vicechair@campinginontario.com

Paula Rajkumar Islandveiw Trailer Park Info@islandpark.com

Cyndy Bonello Glen Haven Resort cyndy@glenhavenresort.com
Convention & CampEx Highlights
CampEx 2024 was held over three days in mid-November. Sunday, November 17th, was the Campground Tour featuring three great campgrounds – Windmill Point Park & Campground, Bissell’s Hideaway, and the Niagara Falls KOA. Thank you to all the campground hosts and John Michaels Banquet & Events Centre for putting on a great lunch. Rumor has it the fun began the minute the doors closed and the buses pulled away. The debate on which bus was more fun remains.
Sunday evening saw the opening of one of the largest trade show ever assembled for campground owners in Canada. After an evening of networking with suppliers and attendees, we finished our day listening to comedian Graham Chittenden.

Campground tour Bissell’s Hideaway Water Park & RV Resort
Comedian Graham Chittenden
CampEx Floor 2024
Convention & CampEx Highlights

Monday, November 18th started with Dan Trommater challenging us to think about how we approach everyday challenges. From there, Sarah North-Harris led us in a fun icebreaker event. This allowed new and returning delegates to mingle and get to know each other. Delegates then had an opportunity to wander around the CampEx floor and meet with vendors. The afternoon sessions were packed; some sessions were standing-room only.
Our day ended with our annual auction. Thank you to everyone who either donated or purchased an item. Special thank you to our very own auctioneers, Lynn Cheeseman and April Hearns. Overall, we raised $27,850.00 for the special project fund. Our dancing board members alone raised close to $1,500.

Aucion item donated by Willow Lake Campground & RV Park
Our second day started with a Cross Canada Campground Management panel. This was a fantastic opportunity to learn what CIO, CRVA, RVDA, BCCLA, and CCRVA are working on. Camping In Ontario’s AGM was held immediately after the morning session. Three member motions came from the floor. The motions are opening membership to the provincial parks, voting membership in Go RVing, and multi-park memberships. For the full list of returning and new board members please refer to page 11.
Guest speaker Dan Trommater
Ice breaker Electric maze
April Hearns & Lynn Cheeseman
Convention & CampEx Highlights
Cara Csizmadia from CCRVA hosted a Lunch and Learn panel on the USA electrical code updates. The day ended with another round of great breakout sessions. Our last night together had us light up the Falls while we feasted on the Taste of Canada buffet at the famous Table Rock House Restaurant. Despite the wet weather, all had a wonderful time. An event such as this does not happen without the work of many people. Thank you to the following convention committee members; April Hearns, Susan Moelker, and Mark Jaycock from CIO, Bruce Snow, Ellie Abucay-Giammattolo, and Jamie Cox from CCRVA. A big shout out to the staff of CIO and CCRVA for making the event a success.

McGowan Lake Campground
What a veiw!
New Members
Gibb’s Camping & RV Resort
Avalon Eco Resort
High Falls Bay Cottages, Camping & Waterpark
Blue Sky RV Resort
New Suppliers
Mcwood Products
Canadian Sheild Consultants
Weed Free Waters
Beechwood Real Estate Advisors, Brokerage Inc. Care Camps of Canada
Dates to remember 2025
New 2025 Directory
January 2025
Virtual Education Session
January 23, 2025
Virtual Education Session
February 20, 2025
Toronto Spring Camping &RV Show & Sale
Feb 27 - Mar 2, 2025
Montreal RV Show
March 9 - 6, 2025
Toronto Sportsman Show
March 13 - 16, 2025

Camping In Ontario is the representative body of privately and publicly owned and operated campgrounds in the province of Ontario. The Camping In Ontario team works on behalf of the campground members by lobbying government on issues that affect their business, negotiating cost savings on the products and services they use every day, and market camping in Ontario.
Executive and Staff
Alexandra Anderson Executive Director aanderson@campinginontario.ca
Sandra Galego Membership Coordinator info@campinginontario.ca
Rebecca Cabral Senior Manager, Public Affairs & Comunications rcabral@campinginontario.ca
Sarah North-Harris Director of Education education@campinginontario.ca
Board of Directors
Mark Jaycock Chair
Willow Lake Campground Chair@campinginontario.com
April Hearns Secretary McGowan Lake Campground mcgowan.lake@gmail.com
Patricia Maat Treasurer North Shore RV Park nshore@northshorepark.com
Cyndy Bonello Glen Haven Resort Cyndy@glenhavenresort.com
Paula Rajkumar Islandveiw Trailer Park Info@islandpark.com

Peter Bingeman Country Gardens RV Park info@cgrvpark.ca
Lynn Cheeseman Killam Seasonal Resorts lcheeseman@KillamREIT.com
Dave Hilhorst Skycroft Campground Resort dave@skycroft.com
Matt Den Hollander Vice Chair Experience Camping Ltd. Vicechair@campinginontario.com
Jeff Kavanagh
230 Westney Road South, Suite 306 Ajax, Ontario L1N 2J5
Telephone: 289.660.2192
Toll Free: 877.672.2226
Membership Inquiries membership@campinginontario.ca
Connect with us
Green Acres Campground & Restaurant jackiandjeffok@yahoo.ca
Warren Sheridan
Shore Acres Trailer Park warren.sheridan77@gmail.com