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It’s My Life

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Straight Talk

It’sMy Life


How Does Your Garden Grow?

Ihave two books due to editors. Overhappily buzzing around them, my heart due, actually. When we first started lifted in a way it hadn’t in months. to quarantine, I figured this would be I’ve since discovered that I’m not a great time to get them written. And alone in this. Friends all over the world yet, four months later, they remain unfinhave also been planting gardens. Some ished or, to be honest, barely begun. are doing this for the very practical

Really, the only thing I’ve purpose of growing food, but more accomplished is putting in a new flower often it seems to be done for the sheer garden. As that doesn’t pay the bills, it’s joy of creating bright spots of color and not the most practical thing to focus on. life in the midst of a world that feels gray Yet every day I put a couple of hours in, and hopeless. before the heat gets oppressive and I have to give up. And every day when I’m showering off the dirt and sweat, I tell myself that I should have spent the time working on something more productive.

This isn’t entirely unplanned. We bought this house in part because of the multiple existing flowerbeds and potential for putting in more of them. This first year was supposed to be a “see what’s already growing here” one, after which we would decide what to do next year.

But shortly after the virus started to change our lives, I found myself tearing out the huge bank of juniper bushes in front of the house. Then I took down the sloppily-laid stone retaining wall along the west side of the house and began waging war against the army of wisteria and Digging away at roots until sweat stung my eyes and dwarf Alberta spruce trees planted there. It felt good to do this work. Every time another recalcitrant stump finally I collapsed, exhausted, on the grass beside a gigantic came free from the mostly-clay soil we have here, I felt as if I’d taken a step forward. Towards what, I didn’t know. hole helped burn off a lot of frustration about what’s But it seemed like progress. Digging away at roots until sweat stung my eyes going on right now. and I collapsed, exhausted, on the grass beside a gigantic hole helped burn off a lot of frustration about what’s going on We can’t do very much about the right now. coronavirus, the selfishness of our fellow

When I finally started putting things in citizens who refuse to take precautions instead of just taking them out, I felt even for everyone’s safety, or the unforgivable better. I decided to create spaces for stupidity of the people who should be the local wildlife, so I focused on finding leading instead of lying. But we can put plants that pollinators love. I got a lot flowers in the ground and do our best to of echinacea and Black-Eyed Susans. I help them grow into something beautiful. planted several hydrangeas and butterfly This week, the county we live in went bushes. When, one afternoon a few days from having one of the lowest rates later, I went out and discovered bees of infection in the state to being the

leader in new infections and labelled the “hot spot” of COVID-19 activity. Almost overnight, months of work trying to contain the spread was wiped out, largely due to the irresponsible behavior of a small group of people.

Hearing the news, I felt defeated. So much time wasted. So many people who will now get sick, some who will die. And still the people who are largely responsible for this pandemic dragging on and on and on are the same ones screaming about not wanting to do the things we all need to do to try and get it under control.

After learning that our county had soared past Red Alert Level 3 for a public health emergency and was racing headlong towards Level 4, I went into the backyard to water the plants. Everything felt so useless—the months of isolation, the worrying about staying safe, the determination to not give in to despair. Why do any of it if other people were going to undo everything anyway? And why bother tending to a bunch of flowers?

As I was standing there, a hummingbird flew up to one of the butterfly bushes. It hovered there, inspecting the dark-purple flowers. Then I noticed that the hydrangea next to it had its first bloom, a delicate pink spray rising above the leaves. Amidst all of the bad news, here was something good, something promising, something that suggested things might get better if I just keep going.

I finished watering and went inside. Sitting down, I opened the file for one of the books I’ve been neglecting and wrote a few words. They didn’t come easily, but they came. We’ll see what they grow into. ▼

Michael Thomas Ford is a much-published Lambda Literary award-winning author. Visit Michael at michaelthomasford.com

Photo by Dustin Humes on Unsplash.com

By Marj Shannon

On the Road Again!

It’s clear some people are hitting the refreshed at all. Keep the little air vent road—and driving straight to our above the seat open at all times. little beach town. Though COVID-19 Getting our kicks on route 66…. has made for somewhat subdued When driving, there are lots of things vacationing, it’s good to feel even a to consider. We should occupy a car little of the vibrancy that visitors bring only alone or with members of our to our shore. household: a car is a “small, contained

We may also be feeling a little space,” so is potentially high-risk. If our wanderlust. After all, if folks can travel travel involves multiple households, it’s to visit us, how about some get-aways safest if each household occupies its of our own? We might be able to do own vehicle. that—if we’re deliberate about the If people from more than one details. household do share a vehicle, find

Destination: International travel is ways to refresh the air. Drive with basically a non-starter just now—at least the windows open or use the car’s for US travelers. We need to be mindful ventilation system to draw in outdoor about choosing even a domestic air. Everyone in the car needs to wear destination: COVID-19 hot spots keep a mask. If possible, keep the number popping up; avoiding them needs to be of occupants small enough (and the a priority. Some places would require vehicle large enough) that the driver we self-quarantine for a couple weeks and passenger(s) can physically upon arrival. Know this before crossing distance. that state line.

Mode of Travel: Distance and/or the time available may require flying. Many destinations, though, require a decision: To date, there’s no is it safer to board a flight, or drive for a few days? evidence that anyone Leaving on a jet plane…. Check to see what various airlines are doing to has contracted keep passengers (and staff) safe. Are they filling middle seats? Many airlines coronavirus from food. began to do so in recent weeks; Delta, The risks related to for one, has committed to blocking middle seats and restricting the number dining derive from of passengers on flights through September 30. other diners…

When flying: wear a mask. Bring disinfectant wipes and clean the Nature’s call will require a visit to a seatbelt buckle, tray table, and anything rest stop or other public facility. Find else we’ll touch. Pack a small container one that’s not crowded. Other people of hand sanitizer and use it liberally. are the source of most infections; we Keep hands away from faces. Avoid don’t want to be packed into a tight the bathroom if possible; if not, wash indoor space with lots of them. Wear hands really well and apply more hand a mask, make the visit as short as sanitizer once back at our seat. possible, wash hands, and use a hand

What about breathing recirculating sanitizer immediately after leaving the air? So long as the plane’s ventilation facility. system is running, air is refreshed How about refueling—both gas (outside air is pulled in, replacing inside tanks and ourselves? The gas tank is air) often and efficiently. If the system the easier of the two: wear gloves at isn’t running—e.g., when sitting on the the pump, pay at the pump, and sanitize tarmac for an extended period—it isn’t hands afterward.

And ourselves? To date, there’s no evidence anyone has contracted coronavirus from food. The risks derive from other diners, not food. Packing our own food is good; so too is takeout. Shopping at the grocery for a meal works—many are large enough to avoid extended, close contact with other shoppers. Wherever we’ve foraged for food, eating outdoors is best. Picnic, anyone?

Yearning for a dine-in restaurant meal? Choose one where masks are required, and try to sit outdoors. If outdoors isn’t an option, sit as far away from other people as possible. Avoid lingering over the meal: it’s all about limiting time spent in enclosed spaces with other people.

Accommodations: What about overnight stays? Try an RV. It’s a large vehicle—we can spread ourselves out. It offers a kitchenette for meal prep. We can sleep in it, avoiding hotel rooms. It has a self-contained bathroom.

If an RV is out, camp in a tent or cabin, keeping ourselves largely outdoors. Just be mindful of those public restrooms and shower houses, observing usual precautions.

Staying with friends or family? Special considerations may apply. Is anyone in either household high-risk? If so, we may want to consider staying elsewhere. If opting for a hotel, call before reserving a room to see what safe practices it’s implemented and plan to supplement those with our own safe practices. Avoid tight common spaces—e.g., elevators or crowded lobbies.

Eager to answer the call of the open road (or friendly skies)? It can be done— admittedly, at heightened risk. But with planning, preparation, and mindful practices we can mitigate the risks. Happy trails! ▼

Marj Shannon is an epidemiologist and wordsmith who has devoted her life to minutiae. She reports that yes, the devils are in the details.

Classes & Events—All Coming to You via Zoom

Visit camprehoboth.com for Zoom meeting ID and password, unless otherwise noted.

YOGA OF 12-STEP RECOVERY (Y12SR) PROGRAM ⊲ Sundays | 5:00 p.m. Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom. us/j/487294739?pwd=Z3dEMVNXNWRtR0xaUzV2Ni9NTXlPdz09 Meeting ID: 487 294 739 Password: 693539 Y12SR is open to anyone dealing with addiction, their own or the behaviors of others; all “A’s” are welcome. The model addresses addiction as a physical, mental, and spiritual dis-ease; “the issues live in our tissues.” We’ll start with a 12-step-based discussion focused on recovery topics, then we’ll take it to the mat. The topic will be woven throughout a Hatha flow practice incorporating breathing techniques (pranayama), yoga poses (asana), and closing with a guided meditation. Modifications and props will be offered making the practice accessible for all levels from beginner to experienced.

CAMP REHOBOTH LGBTQ+ YOUTH DISCUSSION GROUP ⊲ Thursdays in August For Zoom meeting ID and password, contact Barbara at bantlitz@ camprehoboth.com CAMP Rehoboth LGBTQ+ Youth Discussion Group is a safe and nurturing space to start conversations important to our community. We celebrate who we are, we promote respect and understanding, and we accept each other’s differences with the intention to build a more connected community. This discussion group is a safe space for LGBTQ+ youth to talk about issues, values, and matters that make up our lives, free from stigma and judgments.

Please be mindful these meetings are specifically open to youth ages 11-19.

BREATHWORK FOR DAILY STRESSORS ⊲ Tuesdays at 8:00 a.m. through

August 11

Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom. us/meeting/register/tZYscuyuqzMsG9xyXJnL_7tU9oOdANtw-pC6 Learn to consciously control the flow of breath in this class with Erin Shivone. Whether you are looking to increase lung capacity and energy level, calm the nervous system, or find mental clarity, this class will benefit you and your well-being. Join us each week as Erin introduces a new breathing technique, discusses its many health benefits, and explains how to integrate mindful breath into your daily life.

CHAIR YOGA ⊲ Tuesdays | 9:00 a.m. Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom. us/meeting/register/vJModOmvqDIo0M-V6vAINAQ6-xARGfogFQ Everyone can access the health benefits of yoga in this chair yoga class with Erin. She’ll guide you to synchronize conscious breath and mindful movement. The sequence of poses is designed to energize and strengthen as well as relax and lengthen muscles. Reduce anxiety and stress, improve circulation, protect joints, build strength and balance, and support your overall well-being.

AFTER DINNER CONVERSATION ⊲ Mondays at 7:00 p.m.

August 3 and August 17, 2020

Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom. us/meeting/register/tZwucOqorTotH9FLjWjQyKasCYPyIz-Eh-p4 Join us for after dinner conversation and connection with LGBTQ community members across Sussex County! This evening social program offers older adults and members of the LGBTQ community the opportunity to discuss current events and new ideas. This group will be facilitated by Salvatore Seeley, LCSW.

MEN’S DISCUSSION GROUP ⊲ August 12 and August 26 Zoom Meeting:https://us02web.zoom.us/ meeting/register/tZItd-GhqT8oEtLnNRbi1Q9U2_My_WQV7bw6 The Men’s Discussion Group is a safe and nurturing space to start conversations important to our community. We celebrate who we are, we promote respect and understanding, and we accept each other’s differences with intention to build a more connected community. This discussion group is a safe space for Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and masculine of center men to talk issues, values, and matters that make up our lives, free from stigma and judgments.

LGBTQ BOOK CLUB ⊲ August 27 | 5:30 p.m. Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom. us/meeting/register/tZYvd-6orDsvGtw2naGKzHTmRYcr8Zf_Xt6F Hope you can join us for the book club this month. For more information about our book club and our August book, please email: Salvatore@camprehoboth.com.▼

Some of these virtual meetings are made possible through the Delaware Division of Public Health’s Tobacco Prevention Community Contract. Funding for the contract is provided by the Delaware Health Fund and managed by the American Lung Association of Delaware.


HIV CTR COUNSELORS Jerry Filbin, Niki Nicholson, Alan Spiegelman



CALL IN ADVANCE services may be disrupted by COVID-19

Visit the Business Partner Directory on the CAMP Rehoboth website to find links to these area businesses in BOLD. The Guide includes: Food and Wine, Shopping, Lodging, and Services—all at camprehoboth.com.


Atlantic Jewelry, 313 S. Boardwalk ..............................................302-226-0675 Browseabout Books, 133 Rehoboth Ave......................................302-226-2665 Gallery 50, 50 Wilmington Ave .....................................................302-227-2050 New Wave Spas, 20660 Coastal Hwy...........................................302-227-8484 Ocean Boulevard Furniture, 19803 Hebron Rd............................302-645-2626 One Day At A Time Gifts, 46-B Baltimore Ave...............................302-212-5632 Unfinished Business, Rt. 1 behind Panera Bread .........................302-645-8700


1776 Steakhouse, Midway Shopping Center...............................302-645-9355 Back Porch Café, 59 Rehoboth Ave..............................................302-227-3674 Blue Moon, 35 Baltimore Ave .......................................................302-227-6515 Café Azafran, 18 Baltimore Ave....................................................302-227-8100 Café Papillon, Penny Lane Mall.....................................................302-227-7568 Diego’s Bar Nightclub, 37298 Rehoboth Ave...............................302-227-0818

Dos Locos, 208 Rehoboth Ave............................................ 302-227-3353

Go Fish, 24 Rehoboth Ave.............................................................302-226-1044 Goolee’s Grille, 11 South 1st St....................................................302-227-7653 Iguana Grill, 52 Baltimore Ave ......................................................302-727-5273 Just In Thyme, 38163 Robinsons Dr.............................................302-227-3100 Lori’s Café, 39 Baltimore Ave........................................................302-226-3066 Loves Liquors, LLC, 305c Rehoboth Ave.......................................302-227-6966 Lupo Italian Kitchen, 247 Rehoboth Ave.......................................302-226-2240 Palate Bistro, 19266 Coastal Hwy................................................302-249-8489 Penny Lane Liquors, 42 Rehoboth Ave.........................................302-567-5245 Purple Parrot Grill, 134 Rehoboth Ave..........................................302-226-1139 Rigby’s, 404 Rehoboth Ave...........................................................302-227-6080 Shorebreak Lodge, 10 Wilmington Ave........................................302-227-1007 The Pines, 56 Baltimore Avenue...................................................302-567-2726 The Pond, First & Rehoboth Ave....................................................302-227-2234


At Melissa’s B&B, 36 Delaware Ave..............................................302-227-7504 Atlantic Sands Hotel, Boardwalk & Baltimore Ave........................302-227-2511 Atlantis Inn, 154 Rehoboth Ave.....................................................302-227-9446 Breakers Hotel, 105 2nd St & Baltimore Ave................................302-227-6688 Canalside Inn, 34 6th St................................................................866-412-2625 Rehoboth Guest House, 40 Maryland Ave....................................302-227-4117 Sea ‘n Stars Guest Suites, 44 Delaware Ave.................................302-226-2742 Summer Place Hotel, 1st St & Olive Ave.......................................302-226-0766 The Shore Inn, 37239 Rehoboth Ave Ext......................................302-227-8487


Go Brit, 18388 Coastal Hwy..........................................................302-644-2250 Matt’s Fish Camp, 34401 Tenley Ct..............................................302-644-2267


Bluecoast Seafood, 1111 Hwy One, Bethany...............................302-539-7111 Catch 54, 54 Madison Ave, Fenwick.............................................302-436-8600 Matt’s Fish Camp, 28635 Coastal Hwy, Bethany..........................302-539-2267


BUILDING/CLEANING/REMODELING/LANDSCAPING A.G. Renovations ..........................................................................302-947-4096 Country Life Homes, 34882 Picnic Basket Ct...............................302-231-5001 Randall-Douglas............................................................................302-245-1439 Ron’s Repairs.................................................................................302-727-3591

CHURCHES/SYNAGOGUES All Saints’ Episcopal, 18 Olive Ave................................................302-227-7202 Epworth UMC, 19285 Holland Glade Rd ......................................302-227-7743 Grace of God Lutheran, ELCA, 20689 Shoppes at Long Neck......302-947-1044 M.C.C. of Rehoboth, 19369 Plantation Rd....................................302-645-4945 Seaside Jewish Community, 18970 Holland Glade Rd.................302-226-8977 St. Peter’s Episcopal, 2nd & Market Sts, Lewes............................302-645-8479 Unitarian Universalist, 30486 Lewes-G’Town Hwy.......................302-313-5838 Unity of Rehoboth, 98 Rudder Rd, Millsboro ................................717-579-2612 Westminster Presbyterian, 301 King Charles Ave ........................302-227-2109

COMMUNITY RESOURCES AARP of Delaware (age 50+).........................................................866-227-7441 ACLU of DE—Lesbian & Gay Civil Rights Project...........................302-654-3966 CAMP Chorus—Program of CAMP Rehoboth................................302-227-5620 CAMP Rehoboth—LGBTQ Community Service Org.......................302-227-5620 CAMP Rehoboth Families—LGBTQ parents connect.....................302-227-5620 CAMP Rehoboth Parents of Transgender &

Gender Non-conforming Children ...........................................302-227-5620 Cape Henlopen Senior Center—Rehoboth (age 50+)...................302-227-2055 CHEER Centers of Sussex County (age 50+).................................302-515-3040 Delaware Aging & Disability Resource Center..............................800-223-9074 Delaware Human Relations Commission

Housing & public accommodation...........................................877-544-8626 Delaware Information Line...........................................................................2-1-1 Delaware Pride—Community events, annual Pride Festival.........302-265-3020 Delaware Transgender Resources—transdelaware.net, delawarelgbtq@gmail.com Delaware Transgender Support....................................................302-402-3033

Gay/Lesbian Alcoholics Anonymous—add’l schedules.................302-856-6452

Saturdays 6 pm: Epworth UMC, 19285 Holland Glade Rd (step meeting)

Saturdays 7:30 pm: All Saints’ Church, 18 Olive Ave (step meeting)

Tuesdays noon: St. Peter’s Church, 211 Mulberry St, Lewes (step meeting)

Thursdays noon: CAMP Rehoboth, 37 Baltimore Ave (open discussion)

Sundays 9 am: CAMP Rehoboth, 37 Baltimore Ave (open discussion)

Tuesdays 8 pm: CAMP Rehoboth, 37 Baltimore Ave (Young Persons) Gay Men’s Discussion Group—Program of CAMP Rehoboth........302-227-5620 Lesbian Support Group—Program of CAMP Rehoboth.................302-227-5620 Lewes Senior Activity Center (age 50+)........................................302-645-9293 LGBTQ Student Union—University of DE, Newark........................302-831-8066 Meals on Wheels Lewes-Rehoboth...............................................302-645-7449 PFLAG-Rehoboth—2nd Tuesdays, Public Library, 111 Adams Ave, Lewes...........................................................302-841-1339 SLAA and SAA—Thursdays, 7:30 pm, All Saints’ Church 18 Olive Ave ...........................................................................302-745-7929 Social Security Administration—Lewes office...............................800-772-1213 TransLiance of DE—Rehoboth—4th Tuesdays at 7 pm, MCC of Rehoboth; contact: TransLiance@gmail.com COUNSELING/THERAPY/LIFE COACH

Jewish Family Services....................................................... 302-478-9411 Karen Abato, ATR-BC, LPAT, Licensed Art Psychotherapist.. 302-232-5330

Kevin J. Bliss, Personal/Professional Coaching ............................302-754-1954 Time to Heal Counseling & Consulting, Lewes ...........................302-574-6954 ENTERTAINMENT

Jazz SEAduction music, Valerie McNickol............................ 302-381-6707

ERRANDS/PERSONAL NEEDS Alternative Lifestyle Services........................................................302-727-2050 EVENT PLANNING/CATERING

Big Fish Catering................................................................ 302-226-5500

Flair................................................................................................302-930-0709 Palate Bistro & Catering ................................................................302-249-8489 Plate Catering................................................................................302-644-1200 FINANCIAL SERVICES Bell Rock Capital, 19606 Coastal Hwy .........................................302-227-7608 Black Diamond Financial Solutions,19409 Plantation Rd.............302-265-2236 Community Pride Financial ...........................................................302-227-2939

County Bank, 19927 Shuttle Rd ......................................... 302-226-9800

Jenn Harpel, Morgan Stanley........................................................302-644-6620 FLORISTS Windsor’s Florist, 20326 Coastal Hwy..........................................302-227-9481 FUNERAL SERVICES

Parsell Funeral Homes & Crematorium ............................... 302-645-9520


Beach Cuts, 214 Rehoboth Ave ..........................................302-226-ROBB

Gregory Meyers Hair Studio, 20245 Bay Vista Rd & Rt 1 .............302-727-5331

Stephan & Co Salon & Spa, 19266 Coastal Hwy.................. 302-260-9478

HEALTH-RELATED AIDS Delaware – Kent & Sussex Counties....................................302-226-3519 AIDS Delaware – New Castle County ...........................................302-652-6776 AIDS Hotline – Delaware statewide..............................................800-422-0429 Brandywine Urology Consultants..................................................302-824-7039 Beebe Healthcare, 26744 J.J. Williams Hwy................................302-645-3300 CAMPsafe AIDS education & prevention program of CAMP Rehoboth ................ .......................................................................................................302-227-5620 Christiana Care HIV Wellness Clinic .............................................302-933-3420 Christiana Care LGBTQ Health Initiatives......................................302-733-1227 Delaware HIV Consortium - Statewide..........................................302-654-5471 Delaware Hospice.........................................................................800-838-9800

Delaware Total Foot & Ankle Center.................................... 302-297-8431

National Alliance on Mental Illness of DE (NAMI)..........................302-427-0787

Rehoboth Beach Dental, 19643 Blue Bird Ln...................... 302-226-0300 Steven B. Wright, D.M.D., 18912 J.J. Williams Hwy............ 302-645-6671

The Aesthetic Center.....................................................................302-827-2125 INSURANCE

Eric Blondin, State Farm ..................................................... 302-644-3276 George Bunting, State Farm ............................................... 302-227-3891 Jeanine O’Donnell, State Farm ........................................... 302-645-7283

LEGAL/ACCOUNTING/TRUST SERVICES Lawson Firm, 402 Rehoboth Ave..................................................302-226-3700 Steven Falcone CPA, Taxes & Planning.........................................302-644-8634 LOCKSMITHS Rock Lock/Robin Rohr/Your Community Locksmith ......................302-386-9166 MASSAGE THERAPY/FITNESS Midway Fitness & Racquetball, Midway Center............................302-645-0407 One Spirit Massage, 169 Rehoboth Ave.......................................302-226-3552 Rehoboth Massage/Alignment......................................................302-727-8428 PET RETAIL Critter Beach, 156 Rehoboth Ave .................................................302-226-2690 Pet Portraits by Monique...............................................................717-650-4626 PET SERVICES

Brandywine Valley SPCA, 22918 Dupont Blvd, G’twn......... 302-856-6361 Delaware Humane Association, 18675 Coastal Hwy.......... 302-200-7159 Parsell Pet Crematorium, 16961 Kings Hwy, Lewes ........... 302-645-7445

REAL ESTATE Allen Jarmon, RE/MAX, 317 Rehoboth Ave...................................302-227-4800 Bill Peiffer, Patterson Schwartz, 18958 Coastal Hwy ...................302-703-6987 Chris Beagle, Berkshire Hathaway, 37230 Rehoboth Ave ...........302-227-6101 Debbie Reed Team, 319 Rehoboth Ave........................................800-263-5648 Donna Whiteside, Berkshire Hathaway, 16712 Kings Hwy..........302-381-4871 Eric Atkins, Patterson-Schwartz, 18958 Coastal Hwy ..................302-727-1456 Hugh Fuller, Realtor.......................................................................302-745-1866 John Black, Patterson Schwartz, 18958 Coastal Hwy..................302-703-6987 Lana Warfield, Berkshire Hathaway, 37230 Rehoboth Ave..........302-227-6101

Lee Ann Wilkinson Group, 16698 Kings Hwy...................... 302-645-6664

Lingo Realty, 246 Rehoboth Ave...................................................302-227-3883 McGuiness Group, 246 Rehoboth Ave..........................................302-227-3883 Randy Mason/Shirley Kalvinsky, Lingo Realty...............................302-227-3883

Sea Bova Associates, 20250 Coastal Hwy.......................... 302-227-1222

Troy Roberts, Mann & Sons, 414 Rehoboth Ave...........................302-228-7422 TRAVEL & TRANSPORTATION

Accent On Travel, 37156 Rehoboth Ave ............................. 302-278-6100

CHEER Transportation (age 50+)...................................................302-856-4909 ITN Southern Delaware (age 60+ or disabled)..............................302-448-8486 Jolly Trolley Shuttle from Rehoboth Ave & Boardwalk..................302-644-0400

Olivia Travel ..........................................................800-631-6277 ext. 696

POPULAR LGBTQ BEACHES Poodle Beach, south end of the Rehoboth Boardwalk Cape Henlopen State Park, Ocean Dr north to Cape Henlopen State Park. Daily parking rate in effect March-November

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