co2U Course Proposal

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Greenhouse Gas Accounting and Management -COURSE PROPOSAL About CCS Campus Climate Solutions (CCS) is currently seeking new strategic partnerships to extend “CO2U,”, a training program in greenhouse gas accounting and management, to broader audiences. This program provides all necessary materials, created in adherence to all relevant industry and educational standards, for organizations seeking to provide training to a variety of audiences. Campus Climate Solutions finished training its inaugural class of students in May 2009, in partnership with Santa Fe College’s Continuing Education Program. No university in the U.S. currently offers a curriculum that covers the full range of skills needed for professionals entering the booming GHG/climate change industry. As a result, there are not enough qualified GHG professionals to carry out existing climate initiatives. Without immediate action, this disparity between the demand for GHG experts and the limited availability of training could lead to a manpower shortage that would severely inhibit society's capacity to implement aggressive emissions initiatives and policies. For this reason, Campus Climate Solutions was established in June 2008 to meet the following objectives: 1. Train the next generation of greenhouse gas professionals by providing practical, accessible and affordable greenhouse gas accounting training to students. 2. Give students the opportunity to gain hands-on professional experience by assisting local entities in their efforts to measure, mitigate, and/or offset their greenhouse gas emissions

CORE PURPOSE: The process of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions must start with precise and accurate GHG accounting and measurement practices, and this course seeks to introduce these practices to the world’s current and future business, industry and government leaders. All materials and lessons presented in this class will teach the most widely accepted, accurate and ethical practices and protocols as dictated by current industry standard (described below).

COURSE TOPICS: This course will cover the following topics, which are described in-depth on the next page: ✴ The basics of climate change science ✴ Processes for greenhouse gas accounting ✴ Protocols for creating a greenhouse gas inventory ✴ Using a greenhouse gas inventory for reporting emissions and creating strategic climate action plans ✴ Current and likely national and international emissions policies, and the likely impact of these policies on various sizes and types of organizations ✴ Voluntary and regulated carbon markets, and other strategies for reducing emissions

INTENDED AUDIENCES: This course is not intended for any particular industry or professions. There are no prerequisites. Those meeting one or more of the following criteria are likely to benefit the most from this course: ✴ Anyone wishing to gain basic skills in emissions measurement and management methods, such as executives or administrators seeking to help their own organization measure and manage their emissions. ✴ Students, recent graduates or current professionals in any field wishing to expand their expertise and gain an edge in today’s competitive job market, or those who wish ✴ Anyone interested in learning how organizations of all sizes can become “carbon-neutral”

INDUSTRY STANDARDS: This course will teach only the highest standards of professional practice in measuring, accounting, auditing and managing greenhouse gas emissions. These include the standards established by relevant policies, protocols and programs, including WRI/WBCSD's GHG protocols (Organizational and project-level), the ISO 14064, the Climate Registry's GHG Program, the EU Trading Schemes, the Kyoto Protocol and Clean Development Mechanisms, among others. Campus Climate Solutions © 2009. All Rights Reserved.


President, Founder Campus Climate Solutions Topic

Phone: (321)298-0059 Fax: (352)395-5086


Students who complete this course will gain in depth knowledge of the following key objectives:

Basics of Climate Change: The Causes and Impacts of Global Climate Change

Greenhouse Effect basics - how it works, how the atmosphere traps heat Greenhouse gases - what they are, why carbon dioxide is important The definitions and difference between weather and climate and between climate change and global warming The six main greenhouse gases and the main sources of these, both natural and anthropogenic The role each of these GHGs play in global warming and climate change Possible impacts of climate change on earth’s systems and how societies are affected by these impacts The concentrations of the main GHGs and how these have changed since the industrial revolution

Greenhouse Gas Accounting: Intro to GHGs, GWPs, and C-H Ratios

Global warming potentials (GWP) of each GHG and and how they are derived Definition of emissions factors and how they differ from global warming potentials. The difference between carbon, carbon dioxide, and CO2 e and when to use these terms How to do a carbon footprint for a device given basic electricity information The difference between scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions and the purpose for these differentiations The information included in a carbon footprint and the possible circumstances for excluding information The widely accepted international standards and protocols used in current GHG accounting practices, and where to find them.

Creating an Inventory: Protocols for measuring and managing emissions at the organizational level

The process, purpose and importance of of establishing GHG boundaries and a base year for in an organization’s inventory Various emissions calculation approaches (i.e – measuring emissions directly or using emission factors) The process of identifying different emission sources and which to include Information required in a GHG Inventory, and the importance of and protocol for documenting the data collected Various calculation tools in the industry and the proper uses for and limitations of these tools. Know the step by step process of creating a GHG Inventory for an organization of any size Define the purpose of a greenhouse gas inventory and know what is included in these inventories

Using an Inventory: Requirements for GHG reporting, verification and validation for emitters of all sizes

The business case for responding to climate change, and how businesses are currently responding to climate change threats and impending regulations Widely used voluntary reporting/GHG reduction programs (CCX, Climate Registry, VCS, EPA Climate Leaders, EIA 1605(b), etc. ) and the requirements for reporting to these programs Components required in a GHG report, and how to identify and document these items Effective strategies for climate action in an organization. Purposes, strengths and weaknesses of financial mechanisms that support climate programs (carbon trading, offsets, credits, etc) The three stages of climate-related strategy development (develop a climate strategy, focus inward, focus outward) and how to effectively implement these strategies

Climate Policy: current regulations and voluntary programs; preparing for future policies

How and why emissions vary in different regions, and the impact of these disparities on various options for U.S. and global climate policy Which policy options are most likely to be implement nationally and world-wide, and the implications of these for key stakeholders What party is responsible for climate change (Species, countries, businesses, industries, governments, etc) and which of these parties is responsible for combatting climate change How these groups are currently dealing with climate change, and how this will likely change in the future Current U.S. and world emissions and how much scientists stipulate must be reduced Major milestones in global climate policy, and major hurdles/setbacks

Reducing Emissions: A look at carbon offsets and going neutral

The purpose and of voluntary emissions reduction programs like the EPA Climate Leaders Program and ACUPCC Reasons countries, companies, and other entities choose to reduce emissions Understand which policy options are most likely to be implemented to reduce global GHG emissions Strategies for reducing emissions, and the potential of these (wedges). The definitions and differences between carbon credit, carbon offset, carbon reduction, carbon market etc. The most widely used, active carbon markets and trading programs and the legal status of these

Campus Climate Solutions © 2009. All Rights Reserved.

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