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TWYZ (TEE-WISE) The Music Maestro

TWYZ: The hard working artiste fuses dancehall, reggae, jazz and other contemporary sounds.
Having performed at the 22nd NUST graduation ceremony on 4 November 2016, graced by His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe and Chancellor of the University, Cde Robert Gabriel Mugabe, T Wyz decided to travel and record an album in Harare during the semester break (soon after the performance).
“I felt encouraged performing at the ceremony in the presence of the Chancellor and celebrating with about 2 000 graduands. I also managed to rope in promoters who helped me record my album in Harare,” said T wyz.
T Wyz boasts of a long catalogue of songs from his previous album and singles collection. Among his songs include Wendy, Handigeze and Handichakuda. In a way to promote his upcoming album, the Handigeze hit maker has been sampling new songs in the NUST Delta garden (a chilling zone for students on campus).

The hard working artiste fuses dancehall, reggae, jazz and other contemporary sounds. He is positive about the success of his yet-tobe titled album and has pegged $1 for each CD to be sold on campus.
“Our album stand will be at Delta NUST gardens but we will also ensure some team members move around campus selling discs to fellow students. Discs will be sold on campus for $1,” said Twyz.
Meanwhile, T Wyz is coordinating with two on campus clubs to support his album. These are College Youth Art Club (CYAC) and NUST Business Networking (NBN). The fastest rising artiste wants to involve NUST learning community for the success of his yet-to-be named album.
“As NBN, we welcome T wyz’s new album. The album comes at the right time when NBN is running a successful #BuyNustCampaign to encourage NUST learning community to support creative, innovative and productive students.
NBN will join Twyz as he would be meeting his fans and selling his new album. Through supporting student enterprises and works, NBN understands that students will make money to help their parents in paying some expense incurred during the semester,” said Crispen Rateiwa, chairperson of NUST Business Networking. Twyz performs with a live band.
His versatility and artistry is beyond measure. Playing a guitar and singing simultaneously makes him the mostsought-after entertainer on campus.
Unlike some students who shun extra curricula activities, T wyz balances academics and music successfully. Nothing separates him with his guitar. He takes it everywhere including lectures.
Catch Twyz’s new album singles via his whatsapp group: click to join