Theta Xi Statement of Position on Human Dignity

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fi{ETA )il FB,ATERI{ITr holds the firm belief that it is the mutual resp.onsibility of the its chapters and each member to respect and protec_tthe- dignity ot'al] l9-to -F;;k;t?;;t"ir f,raternitv. "r" directly or indir6ctly assdciated with the degredation of ;;td;. otheis in Fraternities: substance abuse, sexism, racism and hazing. WHEREAS, Theta Xi, in its Purpose, Statements of Positior.r, a-nclppgrams',h3s 1|9wn and dignity of all human beings. This should manil'est itself rn a a teiief in the intesrity -ourselves and others, and for mutual respect WIIEREAST, Sexual conduct, attitudes toward wome-rr,and the 9o.1sgmnt1on.of alcohol Ggtee, interrelated, since exc-essivedrinking contributes signifrcantly to t";bil ;;;;1, i""pptbpriut" ""*"Zi bdhu"iot and frequently fosters demeaning attitudes toward women' and WIIEREA5;, Racism and hazing, in addition to sexistn, stem from a basic lack of respect for the dignity and understandiiig of other human beings, and WHEREAS, Excessive drinking and the use of controlled substances show a basic lack of respect for one's own dignity and a lack of concern for potential negative effects on others. TIIEREFORE, BE I1I!RESOLVED TI{AT Theta Xi Fraternity hereby states its position on human dignity as follows: Theta Xi Chapters and individual members shall not tolerate sexual abuse emotional, vdrbal or physical - of women, phall .neither condone nor pa*icipJe in hazing r"firriti"s, shall respect tttg it-tlt g.ty of.ffoqe of.different sExual orientation, ph^ysicatabilitr', or-political belief; and ;;iigfi;;itr*city, -

Theta Xi chapters shall operate ,within the -guidelines of the Fraternity'| Statements o? Position oi Alcohol, Controiled Substances, Hazing and Pre-IniTiation Activiti;;, Risk Management, Fraternity Values and other subsequently-adopted Statements of Position; and


Theta Xi chapters shall abide by and enforce the Fraternity's -Risk adopt policies qqd procedures Vfanaeem""t-- Foti.v and individrially policies r-egar-dingall of these matters. and reinfoicing Fraterniiy statements -========:==:========

Adopted August 2,1991.

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