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City of Camrose
City of Camrose Valleyview Cemetery DECORATION DAY
Sunday, August 21, 2022
On Sunday, August 21, 2022 (the third Sunday every August), the City of Camrose invites friends, family, and relatives to recognize loved ones at the Valleyview Cemetery. Every year the cemetery becomes a field of colour, which we welcome again this year. Come out and enjoy the day! Just a reminder: Once Decoration Day is over, we ask all family members who have placed decorations that do not conform to our bylaw, to remove within a week after Decoration Day. After that, Cemetery staff will be picking up all decorations that do not conform to our Cemetery Bylaw, so regular maintenance can continue. All non-conforming and left over decorations will be recycled. For further information, please feel free to contact the Community Services Office at 780-672-9195.
Alberta Community A
August 5th - August 28th, 2022
Chuck MacLean Arts Centre
4809 - 52 Street
GALLERY HOURS MON-FRI 8:30AM-5PM | SAT & SUN 1PM-4:30PM 780.672.9949
August 5th
The Alberta Foundation for the Arts Travelling Exhibition Program
Now is the winter... TALKING ART
Saturday August 13th 10am - 3pm (for ages 9-12)
Chuck MacLean Arts Centre
4809 - 52 Street
GALLERY HOURS MON-FRI 8:30AM-5PM | SAT & SUN 1PM-4:30PM 780.672.9949
Please pre-register by calling 780-672-9949
Re d uces water Reduces water u s a g e a n d s ave s yo u m oney !
I n c l u d e s : • L o w f l o w s h o w e r h e a d • F a u c e t a e r a t o r s • To i l e t t a n k b a g • L e a k d e t e c t o r t a b l e t s • A N D M O R E !
Come by City Hall or the Aquatic Centre before October 31 to win one of 100 kits!
Or, purchase one from City Hall for $20.00
Wastewater Treatment Plant project progressing
By Lori Larsen
During the July 18 City of Camrose Committee of the Whole meeting, City of Camrose Engineering Services manager Jeremy Enarson’s reported to council the progress of the Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) and Landfill Clay Purchase (LCP) projects.
Enarson said to date the completed work includes construction of new emergency overflow storage cell at the South Lift Station (SLS).
The following work is reported as ongoing with projected completion dates: • interior and exterior
SLS upgrades (November 2022); • expanding treatment lagoon capacity, including upgrading of the aeration system to the existing lagoons (August 2023); • addition of moving bed biofilm reactor tankage
and related infrastructure (May 2023); • construction of process building (April 2023) including delivery and erection of pre-engineered steel building (August/September 2022); • remaining site improvements (June 2023) • expanding the City’s treated wastewater storage capacity within Cell
“I” (September 2022) • clay to landfill (August 2022); • final landscaping, construction of parking lot and trail access (fall of 2022 to March of 2024); • general requirements (ongoing).
The approved budget on the Waste Water Treatment Plant Upgrade project includes total construction costs $46,842,339 and an approved and available contingency of $4,327,661, for a total of $51,170,000.
The current financial status of the Waste Water Treatment Plant upgrade project indicates total costs to date $14,262,606. The anticipated total costs are $47,509,608 with an approved and available project contingency of $3,660,393.
The approved budget on the Landfill Clay Purchase Project includes total construction costs $2,791,189 with an approved and available contingency of $312,811.
The current financial status of the Landfill Clay Purchase Project indicates total costs to date $1,342,586. The anticipated total costs are $1,768,065.
Enarson noted that to date the City has approved 18 change orders related to the scope of Maple Reinders Construtors (MRCL) and six scope changes related to the work of Associated Engineering (AE).
For complete details on the WWTP and LCP projects visit the City of Camrose website at www. camrose.ca and click on the Wastewater Treatment Plant link.
Currently, the City is working on providing explainer videos for public viewing that will contain drone footage with recent construction photos as well as descriptions of the new technology being added to the WWTP with anticipated availability for viewing by the end of this summer.
Photo Courtesy of City of Camrose