Contemporary Art Museum Five Year Anniversary Edition

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Our Mission

The Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis promotes meaningful engagement with the most relevant and innovative art being made today.

MESH is published annually by the Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis. Unless otherwise noted, articles may be reprinted without permission with appropriate credit to the publication and the museum. CORRESPONDENCE Jennifer C. Gaby Director of Public Relations and Marketing by email to: © 2009 Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis Cover Photo: Hélène Binet Photography: Katherine Bish, Robert Boston, Sarah Carmody, Catchlight Park Photography, Jay Fram, Richard A. Nichols, Robert Pettus, Richard Sprengeler, Brea McAnnally, David Ulmer, Peter Wochniak 2

You have a passion for the arts. You believe that art is fundamentally important to the health and vitality of our community. This is why you support the Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis.

The Contemporary is an institution built on a passion for the arts. Twenty-nine years ago, a small group of visionaries founded an organization dedicated to promoting public conversations about the art of the present—they named it the First Street Forum after its address in Laclede’s Landing. Then, just a little more than five years ago, the Forum’s Board of Directors had the passion and vision to expand the scale of the organization dramatically, rename it the Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis, and build an amazing new home for it in Grand Center. Your passion for the Contemporary can be seen through all we do. Your passion for our exhibitions is reflected by the thousands of people who attend our exciting opening nights. Your passion for learning is exhibited by standing-room-only crowds for our distinguished speakers. Your passion for improving our community is shown through your support of the education and outreach programs that make a difference in lives of St. Louis youth. At the heart of all of this is your passion for the arts and your commitment to making our community a better place. The stories that follow in this special 5th Anniversary edition of MESH are a small example of how your passion for the Contemporary helps improve the quality of life in St. Louis. Great non-profit organizations need great communities to support them. At the Contemporary, we are most fortunate to have an engaged and caring community that gives generously of its time, its talent, and its resources. To all our members, donors, volunteers, and supporters, from our Board and staff, thank you so much for being passionate about the Contemporary.

You are making great things happen.




“It’s hard for me to believe that the Contemporary opened its doors just a little more than five years ago. In this short period of time, the Contemporary has presented a number of exhibitions that challenge the way we see the world and has offered diverse education programs that inspire us to think about art differently. I am proud to be a part of an institution that is not only generously supported by the St. Louis community, but is also recognized internationally for the work it accomplishes. The past five years have shown us that future possibilities are infinite. As we go forward, I’d like to express my deepest appreciation to those who have given us support. Your investment in the Contemporary allows our visitors to enjoy a wide range of exhibitions, education, and public programs. Without your support, we simply would not be able to do what we do. Thank you.”

- Paul Ha, Director

Artist Maya Lin and Director Paul Ha give a gallery talk to museum members.





Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis Unlike many museums, the Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis does not have a permanent collection of art. The exhibitions change regularly, so there are likely to be new works on view each time you visit. In fact, since many artists come to St. Louis to create new pieces just for their exhibitions here, you may even catch the smell of fresh paint as you walk through the doors. The Contemporary’s exhibitions range from major installations by international artists who fill the Main Galleries, to experimental short-term projects by emerging artists in The Front Room, to exhibitions, such as the Great Rivers Biennial, which present new work by artists within the St. Louis community. The art exhibited at the Contemporary changes dramatically from one season to the next, but our commitment is constant: to present the most innovative and relevant art being made today. The Contemporary aims to present the type of work that makes you stop, take notice, and think about art­—and the world around you—in new ways. Gedi Sibony: My Arms Are Tied Behind My Other Arms, 2009, installation view.



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A Fiction of Authenticity: Contemporary Africa Abroad, 2003

Cindy Sherman: Working Girl, 2005

Maya Lin: Systematic Landscapes, 2007

Larry Krone: Artist/Entertainer, 2006

John Armleder and Olivier Mosset, 2008

Yoshitomo Nara: Nothing Ever Happens, 2004

I Remember Heaven: Jim Hodges and Andy Warhol, 2007

Aïda Ruilova: The Singles 1999 - Now, 2008

Dzine: Punk Funk, 2005

Exhibitions Whether presenting major exhibitions by world-renowned artists or giving young artists their first shows, the Contemporary’s Main Galleries are a place where amazing things happen. With constantly changing exhibitions and site-specific works of art, we can’t always tell you exactly what you will see next at the Contemporary. However, we can guarantee that you will see a first; such as the first solo museum show by a young artist like Gedi Sibony; the first exhibition showing early work by superstar Cindy Sherman; and the first time the work of two contemporary art favorites have been examined side-by-side, like Jim Hodges and Andy Warhol. If we do our job well, years later, when the artists have become well-known and their work is hanging at MoMA or the Saint Louis Art Museum, our visitors can say, “I saw it first at the Contemporary.”



“We believe that it is important for young artists’ works to be seen. The Contemporary has a fantastic program which fosters these artists. It is a privilege for us to support the Contemporary and the many young artists who inspire us.”

— Charlotte and Bill Ford, National Advisory Board Members

“Immediately inspired by the shows and efforts of the St. Louis community, the young artists at White Flag Projects, and the masterful vision of the Pulitzer Foundation for the Arts, I set to work on the physical intricacies and light opportunities inside the rooms of the Contemporary to see what was already there and to find what I already had, but had never seen. The enthusiasm and encouragement to experiment from the curator and staff facilitated the most concise and comprehensive show I’ve ever had. I’m grateful for this opportunity.”

— Gedi Sibony, exhibiting artist, 2009

photo left to right: Charlotte Ford, Gedi Sibony, and Bill Ford



Great Rivers Biennial The wildly competitive Great Rivers Biennial program, launched in 2003 by the Contemporary and the Gateway Foundation, aims to propel the careers of our city’s talented artists to new heights. The Contemporary believes there is no better way to support the careers of our community’s artists than to give them financial support and the opportunity to develop a major museum exhibition. The Great Rivers Biennial enables the Contemporary to do just that: every two years the museum awards $20,000 each to three St. Louis artists who have been selected by a distinguished national jury, and works closely with them to present a large-scale exhibition in the Main Galleries. Previous winners have enjoyed continued successes since their exhibitions at the Contemporary, and many are influential members of the St. Louis arts community. Juan William Chávez started out as student in the Contemporary’s New Art in the Neighborhood youth education program before attending the Kansas City Art Institute, and later, the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. In 2006, he returned to St. Louis and cofounded Boots Contemporary Art Space, an artist-run space on Cherokee Street, before being selected as one of the Great Rivers Biennial winners in 2008. Some Great Rivers winners are pursuing careers as working artists in St. Louis while others have moved to other cities around the world. We are eager to see what stories unfold from the next Great Rivers Biennial, opening in April 2010.




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Jill Downen: The Posture of Place

Moses: The Audiophile Series

Corey Escoto: GIT It Together

Adam Frelin: Spotlight/White Heat/Airborne

Matthew Strauss: Dead Language

Michelle Oosterbaan: Living Room

Kim Humphries: Collection

Jason Wallace Triefenbach: Hero, Compromised (Autobiographical Fiction/Narrative Medley)

Juan William Chávez: Drawings from the Cave



“The Great Rivers Biennial Program is a face melter! It’s the best gig in town and the number one opportunity for artists living in St. Louis!”

— Juan William Chávez, Great Rivers Biennial 2008 award recipient



City-Wide Open Studios In St. Louis, you don’t have to look far to find talented and dedicated artists. They live and work all around us. Their studios can be found in loft spaces Downtown, among the antique shops on Cherokee Street, and in renovated spaces in Grand Center. For an entire weekend every summer, St. Louis artists come together to open their doors to the public as part of the City-Wide Open Studios program. Beginning with 40 artists participating in the first year, the program recently featured more than 120 artists from all around the area who engaged the community directly in a conversation about art. The Contemporary has always felt that one of the best parts of contemporary art is the opportunity to talk with living artists about their work. We are proud to present City-Wide Open Studios, Flat Files, and the Great Rivers Biennial to connect the St. Louis public with the creative heart of our community and encourage a dialogue about visual art.



“The Contemporary gives St. Louis the best and most comprehensive view of cutting-edge work today. I’m always excited to see what is coming up next on their exhibition schedule! The Contemporary’s support of young artists through education and funding is one of the most noble art enterprises happening in the Midwest.”

— Tom Huck, artist





Education Programs Contemporary art can be challenging—even intimidating. We get that. That’s why we offer a diverse line-up of education programs that aim to take the fear out of contemporary art. During the Contemporary’s Girls’ Night Out exhibition, the Guerilla Girls presented a free public lecture to a standing-room-only audience of more than 300 guests, and then spent the afternoon with high school students in the New Art in the Neighborhood program. The Contemporary is proud to offer a broad range of education programs for the St. Louis community, including lectures, gallery talks, podcasts, and hands-on workshops for adults, as well as Free Family Days and outreach programs to children in the public schools. These programs are all designed with one goal: to help people better understand and enjoy contemporary art.



New Art, Making a Difference When people think of the Contemporary, they usually think of two things: exhibitions and events. Many people aren’t aware of the Contemporary’s outreach initiatives that make the community a better place. One of the best examples of how the Contemporary’s work is making a difference is expressed by Stan Chisholm’s story. Stan Chisholm is a young man who grew up in South St. Louis with his mom and his nine brothers and sisters. He was a good, quiet kid who loved to draw. Through his childhood, his family moved often, and even struggled with being homeless. By the time Stan was a senior in high school, he and his family moved to Eureka, Missouri, and Stan started attending a new school. His art teacher recognized his artistic talent and encouraged him to apply to a program that would allow him to explore his talent further, New Art in the Neighborhood.

Stan Chisholm at the Contemporary’s 5th Anniversary Gala.

Stan and his fellow classmates also learned how to create a portfolio of their artwork. The group took a field trip to Washington University in St. Louis for National Portfolio Day where they were able to show their work to admissions staff representing art schools from around the country. It was there that Stan met the admissions officer from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago who was impressed by him and his work, and encouraged him to apply to the school. Stan is now completing his fourth year at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. He has returned to St. Louis every summer to work at the Contemporary as a gallery attendant and to volunteer at Free Family Days, and last year, he had the special opportunity to return to the New Art classroom as a visiting artist. He led New Art students in an art workshop and also provided them with advice on college and careers in the visual arts.

Beginning that fall, Stan became dedicated to New Art. Just a senior in high school, he took the initiative to figure out how to get the Contemporary from Eureka by bus. He woke up early every Saturday to make his trip, and he made sure he was at each class.

Stan is one of more than 200 students who have participated in the New Art in the Neighborhood program since it began in 1995. Because of the generosity of donors, every student receives a full scholarship to attend this competitive, hands-on art program.

Every week, Stan spent four hours in the Contemporary’s New Art classroom working alongside 20 other creative teens. Throughout the year, he had the chance to work with and learn from instructors and visiting artists, including British video artist Keith Piper, Japanese art superstar Yoshitomo Nara, and Chicago-based artist Dzine. He learned how artists use different media to shape their ideas and to create work, and inside the New Art classroom, Stan found inspiration.

New Art boasts an incredible success rate: more than 85% of students who have graduated from the program over the years have gone on to college. Many, like Stan, want to be artists. Others take the lessons they learned in New Art about teamwork, creativity, and collaboration to pursue other careers.


The Contemporary is pleased to announce that starting in 20092010 New Art students will be able to receive college credit from the University of Missouri-St. Louis, giving them an even greater head-start on life.


New Art in the Neighborhood students with visiting artist Kimiko Yoshida.

“As a senior in high school, my schedule is pretty crammed, but I don’t mind putting my other activities aside to go to New Art in the Neighborhood every Saturday. New Art is by far the greatest art program I’ve come into contact with in St. Louis; it takes talented kids from all over the city and gives them free space and materials to simply create, without any limitations, and with only one rule: to respect each other. On top of that, New Art students get to take part in the hip world of the Contemporary, and meet with great artists who are making a living in the ‘real world’ by doing what they like. New Art in the Neighborhood is pretty much the best thing ever.”

— Rachel Waldemer, New Art student



Collaborative Programs Years from now when Metro Academic and Classical High School students gather to eat lunch, talk about their troubles, and share their joys, they will be taking part in a story that began with a small group of students who imagined they could use art to bring the community closer together. Inspired by the Maya Lin: Systematic Landscapes exhibition at the Contemporary in 2007, Tom Tobias’s International Baccalaureate Art class seized the opportunity to work with the Contemporary to create a permanent outdoor sculpture at their school. Students worked with artist Ilene Berman over the course of two years, exploring public sculpture in a variety of contexts and learning about design, materials, the relationship of sculpture to the landscape, and the purposes of public art. After several different plans were presented and debated, the students arrived at a final design. The work, Untitled (Gathering Place), is a circle of clay “seats” formed by the students. The piece was installed on the school grounds in May 2009. Students learned many important lessons through this process. In particular, they learned how to listen to and respect the ideas of peers, when to compromise, and when to seek new solutions to problems. The sculpture now serves as a lasting legacy of the collaborative process to future students.



“My students have been so fortunate to have the opportunity to work on this project with the Contemporary over the last two years. In the process of completing the sculpture, the students have used critical thinking, communication, and problem solving skills to create a project budget, an installation plan, and produce a spectacular piece of art for the entire school and community to enjoy.”

— Tom Tobias, International Baccalaureate Art Teacher, Metro Academic and Classical High School, St. Louis Public Schools



School Outreach Just as children grow strong with a balanced diet, they also benefit greatly from having healthy servings of the arts. At the Contemporary, we believe that early and frequent exposure to the arts is critically important to the health of young people in our community. That’s why we are committed to providing outreach programs that teach youth about contemporary artists and ideas, encourage creative problem-solving and critical thinking skills, and build self-esteem. Throughout the year, the Contemporary sends artists to work with teachers in the St. Louis Public Schools, organizes school group tours, and develops collaborations with community members, teachers, and students, all with the purpose of developing creativity and fostering a deeper understanding of art.



“As a parent, I’ve seen the benefit that creating art can have for kids of all ages. That’s why I am so glad the Contemporary brings art into the public schools so kids in our community have the opportunity to experience the joy of art.”

— Dorte Probstein, Contemporary member, with her daughter Karina



Free Family Days Although contemporary art can sometimes be difficult to understand, it’s not hard to find ways for parents and children to learn about the artists, the exhibitions, and the ideas and concepts behind them. Our Free Family Days offer many ways for the young and old alike to come together to learn about contemporary art. Thousands of families have participated in these special days by creating sculptures with recycled materials, posing for family portraits, creating collaborative maps of the world with sidewalk chalk, and enjoying many other hands-on activities inspired by the art in our galleries. Who knew contemporary art could be so much fun?



“Bank of America has long held the belief that a healthy community is a healthy place to do business. Arts organizations like the Contemporary add vibrancy—and edge ­­—to our community, making St. Louis a great place for people to live and work. We share the Contemporary’s strong commitment to education, and are delighted to provide operating support for its outreach efforts that bring the arts to thousands of youth and families each year. This underscores Bank of America’s belief that investing in the capacity of our non-profit organizations and enabling them to do great things is the way we can make real change possible.”

— Patricia L. Mercurio, President-Missouri, Bank of America and Contemporary Board Member Emerita Marylen Mann



The audience at the Robert Storr lecture.

Vic Muniz

Michael Kimmelman

Gedi Sibony and Richard Flood

Robert Storr

Jeff Rosenheim

Maya Lin

Artist and Curator Talks Contemporary art is challenging and often inspires conversation. The Contemporary believes that it is extremely important to foster these conversations, and that is why we bring scholarship and art commentary of the highest caliber to St. Louis through a variety of lecture programs. From presenting cultural leaders such as MoMA Director Glenn Lowery to hosting Internationally-renowned artists such as Maya Lin, we hope to engage the St. Louis community in a dialogue about the ideas and issues of our time.



“My husband David and I are honored and proud to support the Annual Distinguished Speaker Series. It is quite a treat for us to experience such profound and stimulating talks from the likes of Glenn Lowry of MoMA, Michael Kimmelman of The New York Times, and most recently, Robert Storr. The fact that our support enables the Contemporary to present this series free and open to the public brings us real joy. It is our hope that many will be seduced, as we were, by the wideranging talks, exhibits, and other educational programs at the Contemporary, and that art will become a part of their everyday lives.” — Susan Sherman, Contemporary Board Member with Contemporary Director

Paul Ha and MoMA Director Glenn Lowry



Special Events The size and diversity of Opening Night crowds speak volumes about the popular appeal of contemporary art in St. Louis and the museum’s exciting line-up of programs and events. Each year, the Contemporary hosts dozens of free public programs and special events designed especially to engage and delight members of the community. Bustling evening receptions and stimulating lectures by artists, critics, and curators provide insight into the works on view, while events like Playground of the Ridiculous, DJ/Magic, and Select Nights have entertained the after-work crowd with live performances, music, poetry, and art. For fans of the Contemporary, the museum isn’t just a stimulating and exciting place to be—it’s a unique and memorable experience as well.





Fifth Anniversary Gala

Katherine and Marc Lazar with Cabanne Schlafly and Jim Howard


There was magic in the air at the Four Seasons when a crowd of more than 400 came together to honor Tom Friedman and the late Ernest Trova and to celebrate the Contemporary’s first five years. Special emcee Deborah Roberts of ABC News set the evening’s elegant tone and Aileen Agopian, director of contemporary art at Phillips de Pury & Company, New York, led an unprecedented live auction of seven works of art— including a surprise piece Tom Friedman created just for the occasion. By the time the final paddle fell, the Contemporary’s supporters had generously donated more than $378,000 to support the museum’s exhibitions and education programs. Thank you for your generosity and continued enthusiasm for bringing today’s most important artists to St. Louis.

Peter and Susan Tuteur

Linda and Grier Raclin


Aileen Agopian of Phillips de Pury & Company, New York leads an unprecedented art auction to benefit the Contemporary.

ABC News Anchor/Correspondent Deborah Roberts with 5th Anniversary Co-Chairs Jimmy Jamieson and Susan Sherman

Charles and Bunny Burson

Senator Claire McCaskill, Joseph Shepard, John Ferring, Judy and Jerry Levy applaud honorees

Tom Friedman accepts his award

Tino Trova and Carla Hassell accept the award for their father

5th Anniversary Co-Chairs Susan Sherman and David Drier

Nancy and Kenneth Kranzberg

Arnold and Hazel Donald

Jim and Meredith Holbrook

Honoree Tom Friedman and Contemporary Director Paul Ha

Andy and Mary Ann Srenco

Randy and Ann Lipton with Missouri Secretary of State Robin Carnahan and Juan Carlos

Dorte and Jim Probstein

Clare Davis and David Obedin



Five Years by the Numbers Welcomed

183,290 visitors to the museum


Raised more than

$150,000 to local artists $10,127,390 for exhibitions and education programs


Provided full scholarships to more than students for the New Art in the Neighborhood program Led

261 free public tours to high school and college students Raised

$5,000,000 for our Endowment Exhibited the work of

183 artists

84 special projects and exhibitions Presented art for 1,393 days



17 books and catalogs

The figures above are reflective of the time period ending on April 30, 2009.



Five Years of Balanced Budgets $2,500,000











Total revenues






Total operating expenses






Where Funding Comes From‌

Where It Goes‌

7% 9%


Public Funding


Endowment Draw


Fundraising Events (Net)


Earned Income




Board and Individual Giving


Grants and Sponsorships


Exhibitions and Education Programs



The Front Room

Main Galleries Exhibitions SEASON ONE: 2003-2004

SEASON FOUR: 2006-2007

Spring 2008

A Fiction of Authenticity: Contemporary Africa Abroad September 20, 2003 - January 3, 2004 Featuring artists Siemon Allen, Fatma Charfi, Godfried Donkor, Mary Evans, Meschac Gaba, Kendell Geers, Moshekwa Langa, Ingrid Mwangi, Odili Donald Odita, Owusu-Ankomah, and Zineb Sedira.

Larry Krone: Artist/Entertainer September 15 – December 31, 2006

White Flag Projects: Provincial Gallery Simulator; Snowflake/ Citystock: Snowflake Cares; Evil Prints: Outlaw Printmakers ‘08; Boots Contemporary Art Space: Shoebox: Boots Substation; Maps Contemporary Art Space: Character Study; Homegrown, an exhibition by Dana Turkovic; Apop Records

Polly Apfelbaum: Crazy Love, Love Crazy January 23 - March 28, 2004 Yun-Fei Ji: The Empty City January 23 - March 28, 2004 Michael Lin April 23 - June 27, 2004 William Pope.L: eRacism: electronica April 23 - June 27, 2004 Great Rivers Biennial 2004 July 16 - August 22, 2004 Featuring artists Jill Downen, Adam Frelin, and Kim Humphries. SEASON TWO: 2004-2005 Keith Piper: Crusade September 10 - November 21, 2004

New Video, New Europe September 10 - November 21, 2004 Organized by The Renaissance Society at The University of Chicago. Yoshitomo Nara: Nothing Ever Happens December 3, 2004 - February 27, 2005 Organized by the Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland. Laylah Ali: Paintings and Drawings December 3, 2004 - February 27, 2005 Dzine: Punk Funk March 18 - July 17, 2005 Ruby Osorio: Story of a Girl (Who Awakes Far, Far Away) March 18 - July 17, 2005 Alexander Ross: Survey March 18 - July 17, 2005 SEASON THREE: 2005-2006 Cindy Sherman: Working Girl September 16 - December 31, 2005

Girls’ Night Out September 16 - December 31, 2005 Featuring artists Eija-Liisa Ahtila, Elina Brotherus, Dorit Cypis, Rineke Dijkstra, Katy Grannan, Sarah Jones, Kelly Nipper, Daniela Rossell, Shirana Shahbazi, and Salla Tykka. Organized by the Orange County Museum of Art.

Janaina Tschäpe: Melantropics September 15 – December 31, 2006

I Remember Heaven: Jim Hodges and Andy Warhol January 26 - April 22, 2007 Katie Holten: Paths of Desire May 18 - August 5, 2007

Shoot the Family May 18 - August 5, 2007 Featuring artists Yasser Aggour, Darren Almond, Janine Antoni, Richard Billingham, Miguel Calderón, Mitch Epstein, Hai Bo, Lyle Ashton Harris, Ari Marcopoulos, Malerie Marder, Jonathan Monk, Anneè Olofsson, Adrian Paci, Chris Verene, Gillian Wearing, and Zhang Huan. Organized by Independent Curators International.

Fia Backström; Sean Snyder; Sung Hwan Kim & Clemens von Wedemeyer & Alix Pearlstein & Sven Augustijnen & Aurélien Froment; Evas Arche und der Feminist (carte blanche); Susanne M. Winterling; Hayley Tompkins & Sue Tompkins; Florian Pumhösl; William Gass (guest curator); Tris VonnaMichell; Tom Johnson; Cezary Bodzianowski

Great Rivers Biennial 2008 February 1 - April 20, 2008 Featuring artists Juan William Chávez, Corey Escoto, and Michelle Oosterbaan. John Armleder and Olivier Mosset May 9 – August 3, 2008 SEASON SIX: 2008-2009 Lutz Bacher: Spill September 12, 2008 - January 4, 2009 Aïda Ruilova: The Singles 1999 - Now September 12, 2008 - January 4, 2009 Co-organized by the Aspen Art Museum and the Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis.

Summer 2009 Olga Chernysheva & R.H. Quaytman & Josephine Pryde; Christopher Orr & J. Parker Valentine & Rezi van Lankveld; Sam Moyer & Lesley Vance & Stan VanDerBeek; Douglas Ross & Philip Vanderhyden

Collaborations and Special Projects

Bruce Nauman: Dead Shot Dan January 23 - April 19, 2009

Black Factory June 18, 2005 and July 8, 2006 The Black Factory, artist William Pope.L’s interactive performance art installation on wheels, traveled to St. Louis and the Contemporary during its two national tours from Maine to Missouri, where Pope.L and other Black Factory passengers playfully hosted a discussion on difference and democracy.

Chantal Akerman: Moving Through Time and Space May 8 - August 2, 2009 Organized as a collaborative effort by The Blaffer Gallery at the Art Museum of the University of Houston, the MIT List Visual Arts Center, the Miami Art Central/Miami Art Museum, and the Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis.

Spencer Finch: Sunset (St. Louis, July 31, 2008) September 4 - October 17, 2008 On the occasion of The Light Project at The Pulitzer Foundation for the Arts, artist Spencer Finch presented a solar-powered, plein air ice cream stand, in which the color of the ice cream matched the fading colors of a St. Louis sunset.

Carey Young: Speech Acts May 8 - August 2, 2009

It Is What It Is: Conversations About Iraq Tuesday, March 31, 2009 In a project presented by Creative Time, artist Jeremy Deller traveled by RV on a three-week road trip between New York and Los Angeles. The project encouraged discussion of the history, present circumstances, and future of Iraq through unscripted, nonpartisan conversations with the public.

Gedi Sibony: My Arms Are Tied Behind My Other Arms January 23 - April 19, 2009

Denise Ward Brown: Farewell Old Lady February 27, 2004

The Collectibles April 7 - June 11, 2006 An exhibition highlighting collectible objects by artists such as Pipolotti Rist, Takashi Murakami, Marcel Dzama, Laurie Simmons, Peter Wheelwright, Rikrit Tiravanija, Tobias Wong, and Yayoi Kusama.

Adam Frelin: Pulse March 26, 2004

Reena Spaulings; Wojciech Gilewicz; Chihcheng Peng; Claudia Wieser & Andrew Falkowski & Elad Lassry; Gregor Hildebrandt; Hany Armanious; Diego Perrone; Beatrice Gibson & Alex Waterman; Ian Burns; Roman Signer; Claire Fontaine; Meredith Malone (guest curator); Dexter Sinister (carte blanche) Winter/Spring 2009

Contemporary Masterworks: Saint Louis Collects April 7 - June 11, 2006


Fall 2008

Maya Lin: Systematic Landscapes September 7 - December 30, 2007 Organized by the Henry Art Gallery, University of Washington.

Contemporary Project Series 2004-2007

Selections from the Contemporary’s Flat Files June 30 – August 20, 2006

Ei Arakawa; Alex Hubbard & Oscar Tuazon; Garder Eide Einarsson; Jan Estep; Max Schumann; Vlatka Horvat & Eva Weinmayr; Jia Zhang-Ke; Ed Fella (guest curated by Bruce Burton); Brent Green; Center For Advanced Visual Studies

SEASON FIVE: 2007-2008

Great Rivers Biennial 2006 January 20 – March 26, 2006 Featuring artists Moses, Matthew Strauss, and Jason Wallace Triefenbach.

Centering on the Grand June 30 – August 20, 2006 Featuring artists Bill Kohn, Peter Marcus, and Robert Pettus.

Summer 2008

Danny Yahav-Brown: And Then They Danced December 3, 2004 - February 27, 2005 Katharine Kuharic: The World Brought Low March 18 - July 17, 2005 Michael Paul Britto: Dirrrty Harriet Tubman September 15 - December 31, 2006 Slater Bradley: The Year of the Doppelganger and My Conclusion/My Necessity January 26 - April 22, 2007

Publications A Fiction of Authenticity: Contemporary Africa Abroad Yun-Fei Ji: The Empty City Michael Lin Laylah Ali, Types Ruby Osorio, Story of a Girl (Who Awakes Far, Far Away) Dzine, Punk Funk Cindy Sherman, Working Girl Great River Biennial 2006 Larry Krone, Artist/Entertainer Limited Edition Boxset Janaina Tschape, Melantropics I Remember Heaven: Jim Hodges and Andy Warhol Katie Holten, Paths of Desire John Armleder and Olivier Mosset Lutz Bacher, SMOKE (gets in your eyes) Aida Ruilova, The Singles 1999 – Now Gedi Sibony Chantal Akerman: Moving Through Time and Space


Cumulative Giving The Contemporary honors those donors who have financially supported the organization since its inception. The following list recognizes cumulative gifts to all campaigns from all donors, living and deceased, since 1980. Should you notice any errors or omissions, please contact Lisa Grove at 314.535.0770 x206 or Your help in making us aware of inaccuracies is appreciated.

More than $1 Million Alison and John Ferring Emily Rauh Pulitzer $500,000 to $999,999 The Bellwether Foundation, Inc. Ruth P. Blanke Emerson Dana Brown Charitable Trust Gateway Foundation Irving Harris Foundation Nancy and Kenneth Kranzberg Trio Foundation of St. Louis Whitaker Foundation $250,000 to $499,999 Anonymous Eleanor W. and Paul Dewald James C. Jamieson III Donna Moog and Leonard Landsbaum Dorothy Moog Regional Arts Commission Susan and David Sherman III Jack C. Taylor $100,000 to $249,999 Anonymous Ann R. Ruwitch and John Fox Arnold Arts and Education Council AT&T Foundation Gertrude and William A. Bernoudy Foundation Charter Communications Barney Ebsworth Susan McCollum and Todd Epsten Jan and Ronald Greenberg Sally and Henry O. Johnston William T. Kemper Foundation, Commerce Bank Trustee Ann Sheehan Lipton and Randy Lipton Joan and Mitchell Markow Susan and David Mesker I.E. Millstone Missouri Arts Council, a state agency Missouri Cultural Trust Monsanto Fund Tom Moog Neva and Marvin Moskowitz National City (Allegiant Bank) National Endowment for the Arts Dorte and James Probstein Sara Lee Corporation Sonnenschein, Nath and Rosenthal LLP Carol and Michael Staenberg

TOKY Branding + Design, Inc. Anabeth and John Weil William E. Weiss Foundation The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts $50,000 to $99,999 Bank of America Charitable Foundation Nini and Clarence Barksdale Susan Barrett The Boeing Company (McDonnell Douglas Foundation) Nancy Reynolds and Dwyer P. Brown Bunny and Charles Burson Barbara Z. and Charles J. Cook Yvette and John Dubinsky The Caleb C. & Julia W. Dula Educational and Charitable Foundation Harry Edison Foundation Charlotte and Bill Ford Jeffrey Fort E. Reuben and Gladys Flora Grant Charitable Trust Agnes Gund Foundation Kelly and Shaun Hayes Jerrilyn and David Hoffmann Marylen Mann and Franklin Jacobs Mary Ranken Jordan and Ettie A. Jordan Charitable Foundation Mary Ann and E. Desmond Lee Douglas B. MacCarthy Macy’s Foundation Maritz Elizabeth Wright Millard Lester Miller Isabelle and Jean-Paul L. Montupet Eleanor J. Moore The Nimoy Foundation Clare Davis and David Obedin Spencer T. and Ann W. Olin Foundation Kim and Bruce Olson Pulitzer Foundation/St. Louis Post Dispatch The Saigh Foundation Jane and Warren Shapleigh Jeanne and Rex A. Sinquefield Mary Ann and Andrew Srenco St. Louis Magazine Sally and John Van Doren Phoebe and Mark Weil $25,000 to $49,999 Alive Magazine Anonymous Judith and Adam Aronson

Arthur and Helen Baer Charitable Foundation Debbie and John Capps CRG Gallery David Diener Hazel and Arnold Donald William A. Donius Barbara and Thomas Eagleton Edward Jones Betty and David C. Farrell Glazer’s Midwest Jan and Rand Goldstein Terry Good Greater St. Louis Community Foundation Eva Lundsager and Paul Ha Carla and Michael Hassell Valerie Miller and Marlon Hoffman Meredith and Jim Holbrook Becky and John Hubert Judy and Jerald Kent Amy and Bill Koman Phyllis and Kenneth Langsdorf Lannan Foundation Sally S. Levy James S. McDonnell Foundation Patricia and William B. McMillan Carrie and William L. Polk, Jr. Renaissance Financial Saint Louis Art Museum Terry Moore Shepley Susan and David Sherman, Jr. Gianna Jacobson and Todd Siwak Donald M. Suggs Susan and Peter Tuteur U.S. Bancorp Foundation Richard Frimel and Gary Werths $10,000 to $24,999 Marilyn and Bruce Adaire Dianna and J. Joseph Adorjan Laura Rogers and Thomas Alexander Galerie Guido W. Baudach Cathy and Jim Berges Nan E. and Oliver C. Boileau Ramesy and Mark Botterman Elissa and Paul Cahn Kate and Dale Cammon Centene Corporation Centro Modern Furnishings Judy Champ Chase Park Plaza Ellen and Durb Curlee DHR International Michael Donziger Julie and David Drier

R. Jeffrey Edwards Jane Elfers Employees Community Fund of Boeing St. Louis Film Neshui Merle and Greg Fox Fox Associates Foundation Fox Family Foundation Lois and Robert H. Friedman Sara and John Fumagalli Joan Goodson Elizabeth Firestone Graham Foundation Ray Graham III Gary Grant Allen P. and Josephine B. Green Foundation Jean and Sidney Grossman Dudley and James H. Grove, Jr. Laura and James Hageman Tracy Hart Susie and Howard Hays William Randolph Hearst Foundation Ingersoll Rand/Hussmann Corporation Randee and Myron Jacobs Bettie S. Johnson Suzanne and James Johnson Stanley Thomas Johnson Foundation Debbie and Craig Kaminer Francine and Simon Katz Helen Kornblum Jill and Peter Kraus Lashly & Baer, P.C. Karen and Mont Levy Joanne and Richard Liddy Zoe and L. Max Lippman Robert Lococo Greg Lukeman Talbot and John MacCarthy Jenny and Philip Maritz Jackie and William E. Maritz Linda M. Martinez Peggy and Guy McClellan Libby and James McDonnell William D. Merwin Cynthia and Walter Metcalfe Metlife Foundation Microsoft Pat Whitaker and Dick Miles Kim and Bill Miller Mondriaan Foundation Olivier Mosset Noémi and Michael Neidorff Nestle Purina PetCare Evelyn and Eric P. Newman Cathy Barancik and Steve Novik Courtney and Gyo Obata



Oppenheimer & Co., Inc Laura and William R. Orthwein, Jr. Peabody Energy Phillips Petroleum Foundation, Inc Cynthia and Edward Potter Pro Helvetia Linda and Grier Raclin Leslie and Jacob Reby Thomas Rich Jeanne Greenberg Rohatyn and Nicolas S. Rohatyn Salon 94 George Schlapp Julie and William Shearburn Southwest Bank Marcella and Greg Stevens Mary Strauss Swiss Reinsurance Company Tarlton Corporation Barbara and Andrew Taylor Sissy and Ted Thomas Thompson Coburn LLP Joseph and Jean Tucker Sheila Greenbaum and Gary Wasserman Phyllis and Terry Weiss Amanda and Hal Wellford Katch and Ben Wells Wells Fargo Advisors Maya Lin and Daniel Wolf Sherry and Gary Wolff Zane Bennett Contemporary Art Ann Ziegler Zipatoni $5,000 to $9,999 Arch Coal, Inc. ARCTURIS Australia Council for the Arts Charline Baizer Susan Cahan and JĂźrgen Bank John Bierbusse Marion and Van Lear Black III Guy Blase Ann and Douglas Brown Reid Buerger Burlington Northern Foundation Cannon Design Robin Carnahan Brad Carsten Coca-Cola

John Cohen Sherrye and Kimble Cohn Mary and Sal Conti Paula Cooper Gallery Susannah and Donald Danforth Hope and Julian Edison Rebecca and Martin Eisenberg Muriel and John Eulich Denise and Craig Evans Georgene Ferring Devon and Matthew Fischer Margretta Forrester Four Seasons Hotel St. Louis Judith and Ira Gall Clifford Willard Gaylord Foundation Bettie Gershman Linda Gibson Kenneth Goldberg Grand Center, Inc. John Grizzell Jennifer and Cap Grossman Barbara Barenholtz and Milton Hieken Jessica Holzer Dee Ann and Malcolm F. Ivey Javelin Louise and Richard Jensen Greg Keller Susan Kerth John Klein Kodner Gallery Joanne and Alan Kohn KWMU FM 90.7 Susan and John Langheim Katherine and Marc Lazar Sheree and C. Christopher Lee Judith and Jerome Levy Lexus/St. Louis Lexus Dealer Association Marilyn and Donn H. Lipton Lucy Lopata Janet Schoedinger and Jim Mann Susan and James Mellor Private Bank at Merrill Lynch Sherry and Ben Miller Susie and Bill Moriconi Barbara and Reuben M. Morris Edie and Tom Neary Nexstar Sally and George Nikolajevich Lynn and John North Novus International, Inc.

Join the Contemporary for our 4th annual trip to Art Basel Miami Beach! December 2 - 5, 2009 Art Basel Miami Beach combines an international selection of top contemporary art galleries with an exciting program of special events. We are excited to collaborate with the Saint Louis Art Museum on this fun-filled trip. For more information, please contact Lisa Grove at 314.535.0770 x206 or


Lois and Robert Orchard Deborah J. Patterson Sharon and Robert Pettus Pulaski Bank Judy and Paul Putzel Catherine and Maurice Quiroga Kyle Baxter and Alan Ratchford May and Charles P. Reay Kathy and Tom Reeves Peggy and Jerry Ritter Deborah Zimmerman and Jonathan Root Nancy and John Ross Carlin and Steve Scanlan Schnuck Markets, Inc. Lois and Vincent Schoemehl, Jr. William P. Schuchard Judith Child and Alan Schwartz Peggy Shepley Nancy B. Singer Ruth and Alvin Siteman Philip Slein Gallery Matthew Moynihan and Brian Smith Barbara and Arthur Sprung St. Louis Philanthropic Organization, Inc. St. Louis Trust Company Joan and Harry Stonecipher Tenet Healthcare Mary and Eric Thoelke Kellie and Andrew Trivers U.S. Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth Management Urban Arts Development Virginia G. Watkin Rita and David Wells Laura Whitley Donna Wilkinson Todd Wolff Bryan Young Jeff Ziminski $2,500 to $4,999 Margaret M. Adams Caroline Bottom Anderson and Daniel Anderson Art Mart Art: Concept Jilanne and Rick Barnes Roseann Weiss and Harper Barnes Charles H. Bentz Association Grace Brod Sigrid and Jeffrey Brooks Mara and Brian Bruce Charlene Bry Patricia and William Bush Galerie Andrea Caratsch Gail Cassilly Janice Anderson-Cerny and Tim Cerny Mary Ann Cheng Mary Leigh Cherry Ellen and Robert Clark Brian Clore Laura Cohen Dan Dallas Design Within Reach Amit Dhawan Embassy of Australia Marilyn and Alyn Essman Anthony Fathman Andrea and Rob Feldman Gail K. Fischmann Fleurish Lotta and Jeff Fox Marilyn and Thomas Francel Betty and Charles Freeman Catherine Manley Gaylord Foundation Susan and Warren Gelman Susan and Robert Goldstein Barbara Goodman Graybar Foundation Lisa and James H. Grove III Harrah’s St. Louis Casino and Hotel Eugene Harris Nancy Hawes Laura and Jay Hegeman John Heiman

Lilly Christy Busch Hermann Charitable Foundation Francesca Consagra and William Herndon Cheri Hoffman HOK, Inc. Kerry and William F. Holekamp Larry Honig Thomas Hoopes Charles Houghton Mark Howald James P. Howard Ruth K. Jacobson Ronald Jagels Jennifer Jamieson Barbara and James C. Jamieson, Jr. Jennifer and Alan Jonagan Nancy Ylvisaker and Wes Jones Patience and Alfred Jung Jerome and Nancy Kalishman Family Foundation Lewis Kalmbach and Gregory Ott Kansas City Art Institute Maureen Kelly Whitney and Kelly Kenter Sarah and James R. Kimmey KitchenK Penny and David M. Kols Dorotha and Robert Kresko Barbara and Benjamin Landesman Steven Lange Mary and Oliver M. Langenberg Steve Lanter Pamela and Kenneth Lester Alan Liebert Jill and R. Lane Lohr Kimberly MacLean Brenda Mainer Gay and James V. Maloney Gina and Branko Marusic Constance and John McPheeters Sheila and James Mills Midge and J. Patrick Mulcahy Barbara and Patrick Murphy Sandra Ford and Richard Papendick Roy Pfautch Heather and Anthony Podesta Lydia and Kenneth S. Polonsky Portofino Club R. Duane Reed River City Professionals John G. Roach Kathleen and Weldon Rogers IV Ivette and Andrew Rothschild Jane and David Sanders Lysa and Gentry Sayad Ulrike and Thomas Schlafly Caro and James Schneithorst Alexander Schonwald Rosemary and Joseph Shaughnessy Cynthia and Keith Shaw Claire McCaskill and Joseph Shepard Sigma-Aldrich Corporation Lisa and Allan Silverberg Marcia and Herbert C. Smith Catherine and Jeffrey Soros Barbara and Eugene W. Spector Linda Stark Robert Stein Katherine and Howard Stephens Melinda and Steven J. Stogel Matthew Strauss Anne and William Tao Target Margaret and Jerome Thomasson Steve Trippe Michelle and Steven Trulaske Lisa and Andrew Tuteur Union Pacific Corporation Molly and Charlie Vitale Franklin F. Wallis Harriette and Peter Warren Josephine and Richard Weil Ann C. Wells Kathie and Richard Winter Carolyn and Steve Wolff


$1,000 to $2,499 Sandra and Ronald Ackerman Alpha Packaging Ameren UE American Red Cross Robin Weinberg and Scott Anderson Norman Arbogast Aries Atrium Gallery Milton and Sally Avery Arts Foundation Joan B. Bailey Ben Barnes Mary and Morton Bearman Brent Benjamin Peggy and David Bergmann Blackwell Sanders Peper Martin Nanette Boileau Laura and Thomas Boldt Martha and Vincent Bommarito Bonneville St. Louis Radio Group James Afflixio and Gary Boyson Brandeis University Barbara and Dolph Bridgewater Ted Briscoe Ashley and Mark Brown Barbara and Laurance Browning, Jr. Mary and Gerald Brunstrom Connie and Les Buechele Phoebe and Spencer Burke Sara and Jack Burke Lindsay and Scott Bush David Butler Mary and Richard Butler Ann Kittlaus and Jay Byrne Millie Cain William Carey Karen Carroll John Cassilly Ronda and Douglas Cassity Susan and Carroll Kent Casteel, Jr. Jean Cavender Rochelle and Louis Cella Barry T. Cervantes Connecting and Caring Foundation Deborah and David Challoner Kimberly and Reuben Charles Adelaide Cherbonnier Val and Mark Christensen R. Walston Chubb Chubb Group Donald Claus Mildred Cohn Commerce Bancshares Foundation Herbert Condie, Jr. Wendy Cook Belle Cori CPI Philanthropic Fund Martha and Michael Cramer The Crescent Carol Crouppen Terry Crow Eve Dake Janet and James Datema Cory and Bruno L. David Beth Davis Patricia Degener Martha Desloge Diageo Carol and Quintas Drennan John Drew Joy and Melville Dunkelman The Earthgrains Company Nicole Benoist Edgerton and Jamey Edgerton Richard Barger and David Eichholtz Lawrence E. Eishen Sara and Fred Epstein Ernst & Young Mark Fillion Sarah Smith and Dick Fleming Vicki and Ron Flier Samuel Fordyce Nancy and Steve Fox Carl Fox Christy and Gary Fox Sam Foxman Megan and Chris Frank

Deidre and C.K. Fratt Richard Gaddes Nancy and Walter Galvin Carol K. and David P. Gast Barbara Gervais GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Elizabeth and Kevin Glazer Betsy Gleijeses Deb and Gary Godwin Stephanie Riven and Roger Goldman Alice Goodman Rene Gregg Dawn and Bruce Grench Judi Griffin Suzy and Richard Grote Kellie Hynes and Bob Guller Joan Hall Patti and Tim Hand Judy and Harvey Harris Richard S. Hawes III Donna Heckler Terri and Michael Hennessey Frances Hensley Mary Lee and Robert R. Hermann Jacob Herschend Barbara Hertenstein Richard Hetlage Graham Hill Linnard R. Hobler Horncrest Foundation, Inc Stephanie Huff Gregory J. Hutchings Marlene and John Isaacs Michael Isaacson Stephanie A. Descours-Johnson and Kelley Johnson Terri Goslin-Jones and Robert Jones Judy and Dennis Jones Claudia and John G. Joyce Karen Kalish KDHX 88.1 Mary Lou and Roger Keech Sheila and Rich Kendrick Robert Ketterer Stacey and Douglas R. King Glenda and Jeff Klearman Joanne and Charles Knight Lesley and William Knowles Jonathan Kodner Robert A. Koetting Ann and Donald Kornblet James A. Krekeler Mary Ann and John Krey Ann and Ronald Krone Jane and Robert Lander Catherine Cathers and David Landreth Patricia and Clinton W. Lane Mira Cope and David Lazarus Deanna Kuhlman-Leavitt and Robert Leavitt Peggy and Don G. Lents Rita and Edwin Levis Ann and Ted Levis Ann and Lee Liberman Jeff Lignelli Sohaila and Michael Litz Thomas J. Lohse Kirsten Finstad and Kyle Lommen Katherine and George Love Cecile Lowenhaupt Emily Blumenfeld and David Lowey Ann Lux Lynn and Carl Lyss Minard MacCarthy Andrea Mackris Jane Lee Hunter MacMillan and Bryan MacMillan Frederic G. Maurer Lucia May McBride & Son Homes Stephanie and James McClennen Margaret McDonald Mary and John McElwain Bryan Craig and Mike McGuire Jill and Dan McGuire Eileen “Boo” McLoughlin Carol and Bryce McTavish Jane and William Melzer

Dorus and Joseph Millard Rachel Miller Michelle and James Mills Mel Watkin and Jerry Monteith Mary and Michael Morgan Barbara and Stephen Michael Murray David Naunheim Neiman Marcus - Plaza Frontenac Jan Nellen Betsy and Charles Newman Joan Newman Gillian Noero Megan S. and Peter T. Noonan Northern Trust Mariko Nutt Betsy O’Herin Ilene and Henry Ordower Jill and Lawrence K. Otto Pace Framing and Graphics William Palmer Sally L. and Jackson C. Parriott Jeanne and Jerrold Pass Pasta House Company Nancy M. Peggs Linda Penniman Cynthia and Raymond Peters Deb Peterson Susan and Gordon Philpott Carrie Carda and Chris Pinderski Pittsburgh Pipe Jodi and David Polzin Ellen and Steve Post John Pyzk Jean and Robert Quenon Cindy and Howard Rachofsky Marnie and Joel Rebmann Red Brick Management, LLC Paula and Jeff Reed Jeana and Buddy Reisinger Ann and Ted Richardson Kathy and Vic Richey Susanne S. Renner and Robert Ricklefs Riverfront Times Janet and Lee Rodgers Ellen Sherberg and Jerry Rosenblum Edna Rosenheim Rosemary and Richard Rosenthal Gay M. Hirsch and Henry D. Ross Tim Ross Milton Rothschild Drew Roy Kay and Michael Ruwitch S. King Collection Alice and Peter Sargent Richard Sauget Helene Sayad Elizabeth Sayad Andi and Steve Schankman George Schelling Cabanne Schlafly Mary and Peter Schlafly Schlafly Brewery Cara and Chip Schloss Jim Schmidt F. Carl Schumacher Deborah and John Scott Margie and Marc Seldin Keiko and Yoshiaki Shibusawa Mrs. John Shoenberg Julia Muller and Earl Shreckengast Victoria and Lloyd Silverman Maryanne E. and Ted Simmons The Mildred, Herbert and Julian Simon Foundation Simons Jewelers Stacy and Greg Siwak Linda and Stephen Skrainka David Sliney Brian D. Smith Mary Sprague Lucie and Steve Springmeyer Kevin Steincross Susan and Henry Stern III Judith and Ernest Stix, Jr. Stephanie and Matthew Stokes Suzanne Stone Daria and Ray Stranghoener

Stupp Bros. Bridge & Iron Co. Foundation Caryl and Alan C. Sunshine Karla and Edward Sutton, Jr. Peggy Symes Taipei Cultural Center Monte Throdahl Connie and Ed Throop Nancy H. Grove and Joe Tiernan Ricki and Ben Tischler Jenny and Stephen Trampe Pam and Greg Trapp Gentry Trotter Susan and Kent Turner Georgia Van Cleve Ann VonAllmen Cheryl and Thomas Walker Wal-Mart Foundation Sherry and Harry Watts Helen Weiss Virginia V. Weldon Bradford K. Werner Stevie and Joseph Werner Werremeyer/Floresca Inc. Susan and Rob Werremeyer Cathy and James White Marquita and Joe Wiley Jill and Brad Winters Cheryl and R. Dean Wolfe June K. and Alvin A. Wolff Jack Wright Gary Wuest Nancy Wunderlich Zero Arte Contemporanea Ericka Zoll Suzanne and Theodore Zorn $500 to $999 John Abramson Thomas G. Adams Anita and Gene Adams Randy Adams Marlyn Adderton Amini’s Galleria Angelica Corporation Mary and Walter F. Ballinger III Michelle Barbour Behr Process Corporation Carol C. and Peter F. Benoist Mildred and Harry Berland Jeff Bewley Henry Biggs BJC Health System Susan and Terrence Block Catherine Bollinger Olivia Lahs-Gonzales and Guy Bour Ida Siegfried and William Bricken The British Council Janice Broderick Amy Ravin and Eric Brown Gail and Peter H. Bunce Mike Campbell Judith Cappuyns Cellar Advisors Phyllis Cherrick Jane Clark Pamela Coffin James Cohan Sidney and Sadie Cohen Foundation Anne Leners and Daniel Cook Anne and Bryan Cook Robert A. Cook Ann and Stephen Cortinovis Perry Craig Attilio D’Agostino Patricia and Jonathan Dehner Sherry and Jack Delo Paul Doerner Deborah and Robert Dolgin Drury Hotels Jean and Robert Ducker John T. Dunivent Mary and John Easley Eunice Eckstein Leisa Zigman-Edlin and Michael Edlin Joe Edwards Robert Edwards



Jane Eiseman Marion and Seth Eisen Elsevier Inc. Jean Emory Suzanne and Irl Englehardt Jane Friedrich and Jon Erblich George Erker Federal Mogul Jennifer Feldhaus Susan and Steve Felker Carol and Lawrence Finger Katy Fischer Kathleen and David Fischhoff Jane and Tom Fisher Geri Fox Stacie and Scott Franc Marjorie and Terry Franc Miriam Wilhelm and Eric Friedman Katherine and Peter Fuerst Gannett Foundation Jill and Jeff Garlich Gregory Gieber The Alvin Goldfarb Foundation Paul Gray Richard Gray Susan M. Greenberg Stephanie and Geoff Gross Michael L. Gross Heather Grumich Jeffress B. Hailand Cheryl Haines Maggie and Paul Hales Jeanne Hartz Denise and Chris H. Herrington Anne Hetlage Gail and Steven Hochberg Holekamp Foundation Gayle Hookerman Margie and Merle Horowitz Elizabeth S. and James H. Howe Terri Reilly and Jeffrey Hughes Shawn Estes and Douglas Hundley Eva Hurst Lynn and Steve Hurster Cliff Hyatt Ironman Sound Industries Tania Beasley-Jolly and William Jolly JP Morgan Karen and Raymond Kalinowski Martin Kaplan Tracy Katz Francesca Kaufmann Gallery Barry and Jack Kayes Thierry Kennel King Louie’s Jonathan King Richard Kluesner Knoll Studio Michael Konrad Nancy and Ted Koplar Margo Kopmann Susan and Stanley Kottler Melissa and John Kreishman Anita and Jim Lamont Don Land Jane Landsbaum Lawrence Langsam Todd Lannom Erica and Robert Leisenring Rita and Edwin Levis, Jr. Joan and Al Loeb Carolyn and Joseph Losos Sylvia and Michael Lottman Rosalyn and Charles Lowenhaupt Ellen and Michael Lowenstein James Lu Susan and Dan Luedke Charles MacKay Christina Maguire Dorothy Jacob Mahon Phyllis and George Markus Tracey Marshall Georgia and Paul Martin Lori Mason Laura McCanna Zellie and John McClelland Kathleen and Daniel McDonald


Silas McKinley Phyllis McPheeters Betty and Paul Mendelson Irene and Grier H. Merwin Jen and David Meyer Midwest Digital Output Carolyn and Joe Miles Jane and Steve Mitchell Susan and Stephen Moelling Pamela and Stephen Murphy Neiman Marcus Group Rosemarie and Richard Nelson Mark Niesman Alise O’Brien Kathy and Robert O’Loughlin Betsy and Harry Orchard Virginia S. Panton Alan I. Glass and Charles E. Peery Suzanne and Gordon Phillips Michelle and Jeffrey Pike Playback STL Polsinelli Shalton Flanigan Suelthaus Jill T. Potter Karen and Richard Priest Ceil and Michael Pulitzer Linda and Mike Putnam Pyramid Construction Juliette and Nelson Reed Vivian Reisinger Janet Brown and Paul Reuter Chris Richter Cornelia Homburg and Francois Rijk Andrea Rosen Barbara Levin and Barry Rosenberg Mary and David Royce Linda and Edward A. Ruesing Anne and John Ryan Angela and Bob Ryerson JoAnn and Ted Sanditz Shelby and Chuck Schagrin Elsie Mahler Scharff Maxine and Robert Scheibe Christina Schindler David Schlafly Susan and Benjamin Schwartz Martin Schweig Charmaigne Scott Sharon and James Scott Lois Severin Lily and Bruce Seymour Edward Shaheen Kemery Bloom and Robert Shapiro Carol Shapiro Christa and Gerald Shatz Karen and Jim Shaughnessy Leena and Ravindra Shitut E. Randall Siefert Caroline and Adam Sky Nancy M. Smith Jean and Jacob Sosna Ann and David Sosne Ellen Soule Todd Spener Karen and Mark Spreitler Mary St. Clair Laurie and William Stern Jennifer Jacobs and Jeff Stettner Tegner and Francis Stokes III Stolar Partnership Rachel Storch Jennifer and Michael Stotler Jeffrey Stuerman Betty Suggs Anne and Scott Sutter Roselyne Swig Rita and Erwin Switzer Jerry Talamantes Marjorie and Herbert Talcoff Helen Lee and Peter Tao Richard Tao Taxter and Spengemann Gallery Teri and Richard G. Thornberry Karen Forsman and Jeff Tillinghast Polly O’Brian and Barrett Toan Robbye Toft Odile and Fred Tompkins Thomas A. Tyler

Susanne Franza Valdez Andrea and Peter Van Cleve Nita and Henk van der Werff Vin de Set Fabienne Vincel Olga Viso Thomas Von Lintel Paula Lupkin and Andrew Walker Michael Wallace Renee and Jim Walsh Barbara and David Ware Janet Weakley Laurie Garland and Michael Weisman Joann Von Bergen and Steve Wells Paul Wentzien Ellen and Bruce White Frannie and Andrew Whiteside Lee Wielansky Belva Wilson Caro Wolfner Karen and Mark Zorensky $250 to $499 Paul Adams III Karen Addison Aeterna Medical Spa Roger Altvater Lynne and David Anderson Bill Appleton Jo Harmon and Fred Arnold Art Seminar Group Helen Baer Julia J. Barnes Marguerite Baxter Kathy and Steve Becker Carol and Joel Belz Malte Schultz and Kermit Berg Barbara and Pierre Berger Mary Ann Dzuback and Peter Best Patricia and Roman Beuc Donald Birger Susan and Arthur Bishop Elaine and Harold Blatt J. Russell Bley, Jr. Marilyn and Donald Blum Lee Ann and Kyrle Boldt III Mary Jo and Michael Borts Joanne and Scot Boulton Alan Brainerd Steven Brandes Kimberly Brannan Tim Brennan Judith Brilliant Z. Creighton Brinson Katherine Brodsky Kathy Brown Brown Shoe Jeff Burge Jane Burton Gertrude Busch Saskya and Michael Byron Louise and John Cadwell Jean Caine Amanda L. and Winston E. Calvert Greta and Marvin Camel Mary Carpenter William Carson Robert Centeno Enrique Chagoya Mary and Robert Ciapciak Chris Clark Chris Cochran Emily and Matt Coen Anne Pokoski and Ian Cohen George Cole Dianne and Robert M. Congdon Sally B. Bliss and Jim Connett Katherine Conti Lois Cook Copia Urban Winery and Market Grace and Gary Corbin Ann Cordonnier Suzanne and Robert Couch Ali and Andy Cowen Margaret and Irvin Dagen William H. Danforth

Adrienne Davis Jo and David Dean John DeGregorio Barbara S. Demerath Voris O. Dickerson Ann and Jim Dillon Larry Dolan Elizabeth Don Constance and Walter Donius Alla and Roman Dorfman Liz and Christopher Dorr Melissa Drane Timothy Drone Gayle and Michael Eastman Kim and Timothy Eberlein Marjorie and Ernest Eddy Mimi Edlin Judith C. Eishen Joan M. Elkin Perry Emge Hildy Etzkorn John E. Feinstein Bertha Feist Peggy and Terrence Finn Lillian E. Finn Sarah and Keith Fischer Five David M. Flood Becky and Lucien Fouke, Jr. Marilyn and Sam Fox Marylen Wecther and Iain Fraser William M. French Nancy Siteman and Michael Freund Phyllis Friedman Ruth Fuller Margaret and Gary Gambill Gannett Foundation Mark Garascia Agnes and Dave Garino David S. Garland Jean Gase Alice Gerdine Catherine and Jerome Gidlow Angie and Jim Glik L. Gay Goessling Sherri and Richard Goldman Judy and Al Goldman Kathleen and Ed Goodman Jill Goodman Douglas S. Gorman Walter Gray Gary Gronau Jennifer Gross Lyle Gulley Fred Guyton Troy G. Guzman Paul A. Guzzardo Mary T. Hall April and Albert Hamel Michelle and Scott Harris Amos Harris Matthew Harvey Chris Hayden Donna and David Heimos Julian Hess Carol and Steve Higgins Marian and Maurice Hirsch, Jr. Gary L. Hirshberg John B. Hoag Sister Gabriel Mary Hoare Susie and Jeff Hochman Carol Hodson Dennis Hoffert John W. Hoffmann Martha and Michael Hogan Lisa Houdyshell Dennis Hyland Michelle and Jeff Insco Joanne and Joel Iskiwitch Gayle Jackson Deborah J. Jaegers Wendy and Neil Jaffe Susan Arden Joly Lori and David Jones Sharon and Harold Joseph Emma Kafalenos Joni and Drew Karandjeff


Make Your Event a Work of Art. Host it at the Contemporary! The Contemporary is the perfect setting for your corporate meeting or special event. For more information, contact Jaci Burgess, Catering Sales Manager at Steven Becker Fine Dining, at 314.367.4848 x105 or Mary Ann and James Keil Carey and William Keller Ann Kiburz Constance King Nancy and Richard Klassen Patricia Kohn Robert E. Kohn Sandy Kohn Karen and Larry Kotner Norma and George Kottemann Peter Krombach Shirley Lieber and Norton Kronemer Philip Krull Kathryn Adamchick and D. Bruce La Pierre Henry S. La Pierre Andrea and Craig Labarge Mary and John Lang Marian B. Langdon Louis Lankford Randy Larsen Suzanne and Robert Lay Sallie and Michael Lazaroff Susan Bower and Stephen Leet Sherman J. LeMaster Violet and William Li Barry Litwin Marlene and Kenneth Locke Barbara and Ralph Lowenbaum Lynn Ludwig Judith and Henry Luepke, Jr. Else and Bent Lundsager Peter MacKeith Linda and Virgil Mantle Marlene Marcella Ashley and Leo Marino Mary Ann Maritz Lois and Ken Marshall Signe Lindquist and Warren Martin Kim Sindel and Jorge Martinez Jeffrey Mayer Van McElwee Jill and Dan McGuire Meridith McKinley Peter McMillan Sharon M. McPherron Laura and John Meyer Goni Michaeloff Robert Michelmann Diane R. Miller Laura and Paul Miller Gregory Miller Laura Miller Jessica Brod Millner and Andrew Millner Kim and Mark D. Miselnicky Kate Mitchell Suzanne Moak Allene Montgomery Mary and James Moog Nik Moon Dorothy Moore

Joel Myerson Nancy and Thomas Nagel Michele March and Dawn Nash Thomas J. Newcomb Mike Noelke Margaret Decker and Margaret Nolan Betty J. Okenfuss Mary and Thomas Ott Deborah and Mark Paradowski Elizabeth and J. Russell Parker Christopher Parr Martha Payne Cheresse D. Pentella Edward Pepper Cynthia Peterson Giuseppe A. Pirone Elizabeth Pecha-Poelker and Chris Poelker Deborah Schapiro and Louis Polish William Julius Polk, Jr. Robin and John Porta Lisa and Lee Portnoff Alex T. Primm Margaret Keller and Rick Puller Louis Rauh Michelle and Denny Reagan Ann and William Reckel Nancy and John Rice Benjamin Riley Sarah E. Roberts Orli Shaham and David Robertson Leslie Robertson Ann and Leon Robison Susan and Robert Rolf Rebecca Roth Don Roth Royce Carlton, Inc. Deann and Michael Rubin Sachs Fund Karen Sampson Linda J. Sandell Brooke Santos SAP Barbara J. Sarbach Jane Sauer Natalie Zurfluh and Jeff Schneider Jill Downen and Charles Schwall Rhonda Sciarra Darrell Scott Sandra and Stanley Shapiro Jennifer and Walter Shifrin Barbara and Edwin Shifrin Alison Sieloff Christy and Ronald Silverman Natalie and David Simmons Daniel E. Singer Lynn and Richard Slackman Mary Ann Morley and Dennis Smith Paula and Morton Smith Cindy Smith Ann Carr

Janet Freeman and Paul Solman Sharon and Lawrence Sosna Hal Speaner Squires St. Louis Bread Company Stephen B. Stack Jim Stecher Carla Steck John H. Stevenson Kay and Bob Stocksdale Karen Duffy and Charlie Struckhoff Jennifer Sullivan Mary and Cleon Swayzee Maria and Robert Sweney Marc Thayer Diane and Rick Tinucci Alicia and John Tlapek Clint Treadwell Tripos Inc. Mike Tucker Jocelyn Twist Debbie Tzinberg Susan and Ben Uchitelle Sarah McCormick and Corge Umlauf Laurel and Michael VanderVelde Lisa and Tom Vollmer Jessie and Hans Vonk Mary C. Walters Rosella and George Wamser Susan and Henry Warshaw Matthias Waschek Anita and Bernard Waxman Webster University Joan Weeks Marty and Lenny Weinstock Joan and Vernon Wendt Freida L. Wheaton Rebecca and Paul Willhoft Eugene Williams Jean and Norman Wolff Eric Wood Adam Woodruff Douglas Woodruff C. Robert Wright John Wuest Judith and Richard Wyman Linda and Donald Yatkeman Thomas D. Zillmann Marie M. Zografakis $100 to $249 Rosemary Abendroth Alicia Aboussie Sandra Abrams Melissa and Thomas Acker Patty Adams Leslie and Todd Adams Sarah Adamson Gay Adler

Jenny Agnew Chris Aguirre Jesse Aguirre Debbie and Tim Akin Dana Alexander Peggy Allen American Express Foundation Marian Amies Carol and R. Clark Amos Kristina Anderson George Anderson Julie Anderson Appraisers Association of America, Inc. Ann and Paul Arenberg Porter Arneil Jodie and Maty Aronson Ted Atwood Shannon and Bradley Bailey Michelle Bain Bryan Baker Edward L. Bakewell Patrick Baldera Deborah Johnson Baldwin Ann and Tony Balsamo Mary Jo Bang Barbara and Richard Barber Bill Barrett Dianna Barron Cindy and Greg Barth Jenna S. Bauer Margaret and Roger Beaman Jennifer and Michael Beatty Janet and Bernard Becker Laura Grady and Michael Behle Vincenza and Clifford Bellone Mark Belz Ben and Jerry’s Sam Berger Joann and Ted Berger Joe Bergfeld Brian Berglund John Berglund Karen Beshore Kathy Best Dana Beth Candida Alvarez and Dawoud Bey Sarah and John Biddle Ellen Stokes and Roger Birkel John Blumenfeld Michael Bobroff Carmine Boccuzzi Diana Bodner James P. Boedeker Melissa and Greg Bohlmann Aaron Boldrey Leslie F. Bond Sondra Boren-Prydybasz Carol Borromy Susan Bosse Catherine and Jay Boulanger Alison and Arthur Bourey Bonnie Brabec Maria and Gene Bradford Jamie Marshall Brady and Dylan Brady Kathleen Brady Joan and Jim Brandt Elizabeth A. Braun Daniel Brennan Mikki Brewster Kellie Mandry Lauren Britton Jan Brodsky Charissa and John Bronsky Kristi and Nathaniel Broughton Jeff Brown Linda and Donald Brown David Brown Elizabeth Brown Sarah Bruno James R. Buck Gita and Mark Budd Linda Burg Jeanne Nerbonne and Andreas Burkhalater Laura Burkhart Stephen D. Butler Eric Butts Evan Buxner



Sandra E. Duchon and Michael W. Byrne Cabot Ian Caine Kim Caldwell-Leible Nancy and Tim Callahan Frazer Cameron Don Carlson Colleen and Rob Carlton Clarkson Carpenter Dwight Carter Lisa and Jeff Cary James Cash Susan Casnocha Gigi and Bob Cassilly, Jr. Linda and Joseph Cavato Julia Cavender Leonard Cervantes Nancy and Martin Chalifour Pele and Frank Childress William Christman Melinda Chu Citi Foundation Anne and Timothy Clark Torrey Clark Peter Clarkson Richard Clements Kay and Dave Cochran Betsy and Bruce Cohen Shane Cohn Susan and Carmon Colangelo Sarah Colby and Kim Humphries Timothy C. Collins Nancy Compas Maureen Concannon Melissa Condie Lisa and Kenneth Connor David Conradsen Erin Convy Barry Cordes Theophilos Coulis Charlotte Eyerman and Aaron Crawford Paul Crone Joan Cronin Carolyn and Robert Crowe Anne Croy Virginia and Stephen Culver Robert L. Curnutte Estelle and Dave Dale Molly and Chris Danforth Pamela and Joseph Danklef Christiane and Rocco Danna Sarah Davis Patrick Davis Betsy Sara Ruppa and Joe Deal Roberta Dearing Jackie Demko John Demoor Laurie and Dale Dendtler Mary and Alex Denes Vickie and Howard Denson Elizabeth Fathman and Paul Dever Cary Dice Rebecca and Joe Diekemper Marilyn Disney Richard Dodge Catherine Dolan Betty J. and James L. Donahoe H. Lindsay Donahue and Michael Ferrer Margaret Donnelly Hester Donziger Kim and David Dorste Elizabeth and Thomas Douglass Dorothy M. Doyle Dave Drebes Yvonne and Phillip Dressel Debra Drexler Jeffrey M. Dreyer Joyce Driemeyer Carita Arnold and Mark Drucker Kate Duffy Robert Duffy Philip Durham Nikki and Jim Dwyer Victoria Dzundzev Linda Eaton Pat and Glenn Eckert Phil Estep


Jason Evans Courtney Everson Anne Faherty Mary and Michael Farley Beth Farmer Carolyn and Kevin Farrell Suzanne and Paraig Farrell Ruth McKinney and Fred Faust Ed Fehlig Rachel McCalla and Matthew Fernandes Katherine Fernandez Joan and Jacob Fiala LeRoy L. Fink Tim Finney Dale Fisher Fitz’s Sarah Smith and Richard Fleming Courtney Dressler and Joe Floresca Anne Lewis and Franc Flotron Barbara and Ray Flunker Laura Flynn Suzanne and W.M. Ford Lisa and Rob Forsyth Robert Fournie Angela and James Fowle Paula Francaso and John Francis Sarah Francois Frances Franklin Jeane Morrel-Franklin and Robert Franklin Rodney Franks Nicole and Keith Freber Merle and Alan Freed Frankie M. Freeman Sigmund E. Freund Andrew Freundlich Alicia Friedrichs Kathryn and Andrew Frost Phyllis E. Frye Christine House and Ryan Fujiwara Barbara Gadarian Margretta Forrester and Walker Gaffney Jennifer Galida Ann Gallagher Sue Gallop Carole and Anthony Gambino Alice Garcia Kathy and Tom Gatti Erinn Gavaghan Sharon Gebhardt Marina Gelfand Stan Gellman Edward Geltman Shannon Fitzgerald and Glen Gentele Brent and Natalie George Christine George Lorraine Gergeceff-Cooper Elaine and Marvin Gernstein Mark Gettemeyer Matthew Ghio Laree Defreece and Kenneth Gilberg Muriel Gilberg Susan and Norman Gilbert Victor Gillett Rose C. Gillooly Debbie and Louis Gilula Steve Glick Howard Glickman Evelyn Goering Sally and Howard Goldstein Kathy Gomric Andrea Rubin and Gary Goodman Elizabeth Gorgas Michelle Zielinski and Frank Goudsmit Anne E. Gourley-Payne King Graf Marley Graviss Margo Green Ana Coelho and Leonard Green Maureen and Robert Greenberg Lorraine Greene Edwin Grossman Dennis Grousosky Diana and Dan Gualdoni Dawn M. Guernsey Emily R. Guignon William Gust Patricia Hageman

Jason Hall Charlotte and Alan Hamilton Jean C. Hamilton Phillip Hampton Brian Handrigan Zora Hanko Norma Hanneken Christina and William Hansen Trip Hardin Thomas N. Hardy Carletta Harlan Barbara Harshmond Betsy and Richard Hartland Jeff Hartz Tony V. Havlin Kimberly Hayes Vivien and George Hazelrigg Christine Head Heart of Oak Foundation, Inc. Jay P. Heiken Todd Heilman Aaron Hempel Jim Henderson Elizabeth O’Hare and Scott Hendrickson Carolyn and Jay Henges Pat Herman Signa and Bob Hermann Tim Hermann Mary Lou Hess Janice Hetland Lillian and Edward Higgins Laurie Hiler James Hilgard Dolores and Gene Hoefel Kathryn Forster and Phillip Hoehn IV Jane and Gregory Hoeltzel Barbara and Sumner Holtz Jim Holtzman Richard A. Horn Angela and James Hornback Christy and Ezra Hubbard Carolyn and Richard Huffman Sarah Hugg Jill and Zachary Hummel Alice Hunter Chris Hunter Amy Hurley Elizabeth Hutt Catherine Ianchulev IBM Amy Hoover and James Ibur Kyna Iman Imo’s Warner Isaacs Christina Isaak Elizabeth Isenberg Joan and Arnold Jacobson Marcia and Sanford Jaffe Marjory L. Jaffe Mary Ann Lazarus and Daniel Jay Diana and Perry Johnson Joann and Dennis Johnson Mary Beth Johnson Michelle Johnson Damon Johnson Stan Jones Howard Jones JS Express Lawrence Kahn Michele Rose-Kaplan and Lawrence Kaplan Peggy and Lee Kaplan Charlene Kass Carl Kates Susan Katzman Katy and Mike Kaufman Barry Kayes KCI Enterprises Ellen Kelly Janet Kennedy Dan Kessler Peter Kilbridge Cheonae Kim Frances L. King Jeanne Kirkton and Larry King Christin Klaber Nancy and Robert Klepper Joanne Kluba

Lee Anna Knox Jane and Don Koberlein Mary Koenig Gunther Kohn Ken Konchel Regina R. and Ken Konet Esther Kopan Sally and Charles Kopman Paul Kouri Helen and Panos Kouvelis John Kovac Jane Delynn and Katherine Kuharic Susan Laduzinsky-Shapiro Anne E. Lageson Susan Lammert Michael Lance Jean Steck and Gary Larson Mia Lask Leslie J. Laskey Richard Boever and Gary Lauenstein Carl Lauryssen Cheryl and Steve Lawler Patricia and Richard Lazaroff Peggy and Loy Ledbetter Linda and Paul Lee Helen Lee Robert Lehman Barry Leibman Hans Levi Lucy and David Levy Liluma Lisa Lindsey Joan E. Lipkin Paul Listemann Heather and Mike Little Helen Liu Ellen Livingston Robert Lockwood Mike Lockwood Stephen Loeb Emily Long Joan Long Madeline and Robert Longstreet Sam Longstreth Richard F. Lowenstein Susan Lowther Kim Lutz Cathy Lux Laura Lyon Tim Lysell Gloria Maguire Susie and Ken Malcolmson Angela Malles Robert Maloy Tom Manche Kellie Mandry Margaret and Peter Marcus Noreen Marcus Kenneth R. Mares Jeanne D. and William S. Maritz Anne Martin Ellen Soeteber and Richard Martins Mark Masterson Sally and Mark Matisik Tomea Mayer Douglas McGraw Jim McHugh Stanley McKay Therese McKee Angie McLaughlin Kelly McMahon Michael McMillan Lisa and Kimball McMullin Elizabeth McNulty Susan McQuiggan Kathy McRuiz Mimi and Melvin Mednikow Christa Meiners Cinthia Menolascino Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation Howard Meyer Stephanie and Robert Mihlbaugh Chuck Miller Angela Miller Ann and William Miller Kathy Beers and Stephanie Mills Amanda Mills


Robert Mills Joy and Randall Miltenberger Judy Miniace Morton Mitchell James Mitchell Karin Moody Cindy Camillo and Mark Moon Emily Moore Barbara Muckerman John Mueller Gerry Mueller Judy Glik and Harvard Muhm Susan and Michael Murphy Don C. Musick III Paulette Myers Caroline Nagy Pamela and Neal Neuman Denise Neumann Beth and Brian Newman Carol Niederlander Carolyn Simon and Jaxon Noon Rita and Jeffrey Nornberg Nancy and Aaron Novack Jennifer Novak William L. Nussbaum Joseph Obadiah Virginia O’Brien Matthew O’Leary Stephanie Ogden Mary R. Ottoson Penn Owen Joan Pace Robert Packman Madalyn Painter Leigh and Jordan Palmer Zachary Pancoast John Papa Yali Li and Wade Paschall Meredith Paschke Kyte Pastard Ashley Patey Frank Patrick Gail Bass and Alan Pearlman Brad Penturf Lana and Edward Pepper Evelyn Perlstein Peter Pierotti Mandy Pitzer Marlene Poger William Pope.L Katherine Poss Mary Kellogg and Robert Powers Peter Pranschke Cindy Prost Michael A. Province Julie Pullaro Larry Putnam Babette and Louis Putzel Barb Quinn Michael Quintero Steven Rabenberg Harriet Rauh Amy Ray Jummie Ready Reuters America Inc. Pat and Leslie Rich Ann and Carey Ries Lauren Rittinger Allison Roberts Lindsey Rohner Amani Roland Wanda Roland Miguel Rosales Patty Rose Joan Rosen Lois Ross M.D. Ross Charles Russell Julia Ruvelson Elizabeth Ruwitch Sammy and Joe Ruwitch Melissa and Tom Ruwitch Nancy Sachs Richard J. Sacks Eleanor Safe Linda Salamon Karen Samson

David Samuels Robert L. Sandefur Dana Sandweiss Wendy Saul Dianne Scaccia Gabrielle Schaefer Stephen Schenkenberg Elsie Scherck Janet Scheve Joan S. Schiele Geraldine and Gideon Schiller James Schmidt Susan D. Schmidt Diana Schmitt Marie and Walter Schmitz Patience and Bevis Schock Lisanne and Dexter Schraer Marlys Schuh Ann and Hugh Scott Eileen H. Searls Helen and Julian Seeherman Thomas Sehr Daniel Shaughnessy Arlene Shaw Sheldon Arts Foundation Brett Shelton Alice Sherwood Steve Shifton Shoe Ladue Inc. Katherine Siddens Stephanie Sigala Phoebe and John Sill Caroline Simon Rick Simoncelli Morton Singer Marc Singer Susan and Jeffrey Sippel Raymond Slavin Thomas Sleet Rose-Marie and Robert Smith Kelly Scheffer and Tim Smith Marilyn Smith Ashley King Snyder Angela Hamilton and Stephen Snyder Stephen Sollins Chris Sommers Joe C. Sparks Robert Sparks Kate Spencer Betty Sproule Sarah and Randy Spurr St. Louis Community College, Forest Park Kristen Stabler Christine Stanek Susan and Richard Stang Stephanie and Howard Stanley Edward Stein Jonathan Stein Linda and Lane Steinger Jonathan Stine Georgia Stobbs Kellie Stokes

Mary Ann Strandell Monica Straub Terry Suhre David Sulser Dana Jones and J. Bruce Summers Anthony Sutberry Julie Kohn and Dan Swift Rachel and Mike Swiston Jodi Everding and Marc Syp Jacqueline Turner and Melvin Tann Austin Tao Lisa Collins and Todd Taylor Dan Tea Nina Tekwani Isolde and Ruediger Thalmann Sarah Thomasson Pamela Thurston Carolyn H. Toft Kimberly and Laurent Torno III Touhill Performing Arts Center Madge Treeger Genie Trejo Valerie Tripi Chad Trotter Chris Trotter Joyce and James Trotter Lloyd Snowden and Terry Trout Alicia and Yorgos Tsibiridis Diane Tucker Dana Turkovic Mat Turner Cindy Underwood Andrea Vadner Kate and Ryan Valleroy Van Schalkwyk Dino Varmaz K. Verde Dave Vincent Vito’s Susan Volaan Nanci S. Von Schriltz Margaret and Bernhard Voss Lynn and Ed Wakefield Barbara and Mark Wald Sarah Waldemer Victoria and Andre Walker Jennifer and Bob Walpert Denise Ward-Brown Lucas Wartner Nancy Webb Jan Weiner Nancy and Steven Weinreich Larry and Margie Weintraub Barbra and Peter Weiss Ellen and Sanford Weiss Jane and John Weiss Patricia Wells Marilyn Werner Jennie Werremeyer Kim West Regan Wheat Leslie and Shannon Whitaker

Daniel White Kristie and David Whitney Elsie B. Wilkens Paul Williams, Jr. Annette and Alif Williams Hadley Wilson Linda and Peter Wilson Gina Wishmeyer Kathy Wisniewski Susan and Alan Witte Nick Wolfe Jack Wood Kathryn Wright Lois and James Wyman Mary Yager Lynne and William Yarger Dennis Zaretsky Diane and Thomas Zebell Carole Zimbrolt Bob Zweibel *Gifts as of May 1, 2009

Become a Member! Members enjoy free admission and great discounts at Tempt Café and MUSE Gift Shop—and the joy of knowing your gift supports the museum. It’s easy to join or renew today.



Board of Directors Past and Current

On this special anniversary, we want to express our sincere gratitude to the following people who have served on our Board of Directors since our founding in 1980. Our success today is truly a result of the vision and hard work of these many dedicated individuals. Thank you. Bruce B. Adaire Daniel J. Anderson Frederick H. Atwood III Ted Atwood Clarence Barksdale John Bierbusse Richard Bomblatusf Vincent Bommarito Leslie F. Bond Mark R. Botterman Donald L. Bryant, Jr. Donald Brandin Barbara Bridgewater Grace Brod Dwyer P. Brownc Thomas R. Brunner, Jr. Bunny Bursonc Susan Cahanc John Capps Robin Carnahan Paul Cavelli Janice Anderson Cerny David Chambers Judy Champ Norman Champ Reuben O. Charles II Kimble A. Cohnf Barbara Cookc Charles Cooke Belle Cori Suzanne Couch Jack Cowartf David Dean Patricia Degenerf Eleanor W. Dewalde David Dienerc Arnold Donaldc David Drierc Barbara Eagleton Jamey Edgertonc R. Jeffery Edwards David C. Farrell Alison Ferring John Ferringcp Laura Kemper Fields Richard T. Fisher


Richard Fordf Barcy Condon Foxfp Alvin Frankp Jack W. Freeze John Fumagalli Jan Goldsteinc Terrance Goodep Joan B. Goodsonfe Gary Grant Ronald K. Greenberg Suzy W. Grote Richard T. Grote Alfred J. Guillaume, Jr. Fred F. Guyton, Jr. Lynn Hageef Laura Hageman Carolyn Hager August W. Hager III Jo Harmon Anthony Havlin Shaun Hayes John Heiman Ronald Hengesf Carrick Hillf David Hoffmannc Russell Hogan, Jr. Meredith Holbrookc Lawrence E. Honig Charles Houghton IIIfp Becky Hubertc Michael Issacson Ruth K. Jacobsonf James C. Jamieson IIIc Richard Jensenc Henry O. Johnstonep Patrick Jostrand George Kassabaumf Kenneth Kermesf Emory Kesteloot Nancy Kranzbergc Phyllis Langsdorfc C. Christopher Lee Mont Levy Alan Liebert L. Max Lippman Zoe Lippman

Ann Sheehan Liptonc Barry Arthur Litwin Donald C. Lottman Douglas B. MacCarthyfp John E. Mackey Kimberly MacLeanc James Mann Marylen Manne Peter Marcus Philip Maritz Joan Markowc Linda Martinez Peggy McClellan Susan McCollumc William B. McMillan, Jr. Margaret McNally William Melzer Pauline C. Mesker J. Ben Miller Isabelle Montupetc Donna Moogep Eleanor J. Moore Terry D. Moore Neva Moskowitz Steven Mortimore Evelyn E. Newmanf John North David Obedinc Deborah J. Patterson William Peacock Nicholas G. Penniman IV David T. Pieroni William L. Polk, Jr. Ruthe Ponturo James Probsteinc Emily Rauh Pulitzerfpc Thomas W. Purcellf Grier Raclinc May Brown Reay Jacob Rebyc Tom Rich John Roach Hannah Rae Roth Drew Roy Edward A. Ruesingf Ann Ruwitche

David L. Sanders Jane Sauer Charles Saulsberry Carlin Scanlane Vincent Schoemehl, Jr. Patrick Schuchard F. Carl Schumacher, Jr. Michael Shapiro Jane Shapleigh William Shearburn Susan Shermancp Yoshiaki Shibusawa Rex Sinquefieldc Guy L. Smith IVf Mary Spraguef Andrew Srencoc Michael Staenbergc Joan Stonecipher Ruth A. Streit Betty Bateman Suggsf Donald Suggsc Edward Sutton Milton F. Svetanics, Jr. Stuart Symington, Jr.f Jerome W. Thomasson Jean S. Tuckerfep George S. Tulloch, Jr. James Turley John Van Doren G.H. Walker III William E. Wallace, Jr. Franklin F. Wallis Harry Watts Anabeth Weil Ben H. Wellsf Patricia Whitakerc Donna Wilkinson Kathryn B. Wright Kay Wren Paul L. Zaffaroni Leslie C. Zuke Key: f = Founder c = Current e = Emeriti p = President/Chair


Highlights of Our History 1979 - 2003

1979 - A group of civic, cultural, and educational leaders, alarmed with

the prospect of an “artless” Downtown, come together with the hope of maintaining the presence of art as a complement to commercial activity.

1980 - First Street Forum (the Contemporary’s original name) is founded by a group of visionaries to “foster open discussions on issues of public interest.” 1981 - The First Street Forum opens in a 1,600 sq. ft. space on First Street in Laclede’s Landing in March 1981. Inaugural exhibition, from the Museum of American Folk Art, New York, opens, Small Folk: A Celebration of Childhood in America. 2001 - The ground-breaking of construction on the new, permanent building at 3750 Washington Blvd. designed by Architect Brad Cloepfil of Allied Works Architecture.

1992 - The Forum relocates to the recently created Grand Center Arts and Entertainment District. The Board realizes the importance of this opportunity to become the visual arts anchor for this ambitious development.

1988 - The First Street Forum changes its name to “The Forum for Contemporary Art” and moves to 555 Washington Avenue in the heart of downtown. The new facilities allow for larger and more complex exhibitions and a lecture/performance space. Most importantly, the new location offers access to a larger number of people and the opportunity for a wide range of programs that interest them.

1995 - New Art in the Neighborhood, an education program providing arts education to local teens, debuts.

1998 - Capital and Endowment Campaign kicks off to raise funds for a new permanent building in Grand Center.

1979 1980 1981


















Highlights of Our History 2003 – now

2006 - The Contemporary launches ArtLink, a collaborative young friends group, with other St. Louis art organizations. City-Wide Open Studios and Flat Files connect the St. Louis community with regional artists.

“It’s unveiled. It’s in your face. It’s accessible and inclusive. It’s a place to meet your friends after work. It’s a date. It’s a statement. It’s different for everyone. And it’s becoming part of the city’s make up–and not just for those artsy folks anymore.”

2003 - Inaugural Gala, a star-studded event, celebrates the opening of the Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis.

– Arch City Chronicle, April 4, 2006

Inaugural exhibition, A Fiction of Authenticity: Contemporary Africa Abroad.

“Checking out the exhibits at a local art museum has always been a worthy pastime. But for more than a year, the Contemporary also has made it equally accessible and comfortable.”

“[ The Contemporary’s] wide-open galleries collide with performance spaces while its yards of window-walls entice communities through the Grand Center cultural district with potentially vivid drive-by art experiences.”

– Bethany Prange, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, November 30, 2006

– Ann Wilson Lloyd, The New York Times, October 12, 2003

2005 - The Contemporary Challenge

2004 - The first Great Rivers Biennial highlights the work of three emerging artists from the St. Louis area. Annual Distinguished Speaker Series kicks off with a lecture by Glenn Lowry, Director of the Museum of Modern Art.

“The Great Rivers Biennial program has galvanized the arts community in St. Louis. The energy it has generated, combined with the recent momentum of community-based arts organizations, has transformed the city’s artistic zeitgeist for the better.”

– Ivy Cooper, Art Papers, May/June 2004

campaign launches with a $1 million gift from Alison and John Ferring and a $5.4 million challenge gift from Emily Rauh Pulitzer. The Contemporary ArtReach education program brings the arts to St. Louis Public Schools. The Contemporary starts podcasting and blogging, and is among the first museums in the country to do so. Monthly Select Nights make the Contemporary the place to be in St. Louis for twenty and thirty-somethings.

“This museum is putting St. Louis on the map. With each new exhibition and program, the Contemp[orary] continues to reinvent itself.” – Rudy Zapf, Playback:STL, October 2005







2007 - The Contemporary successfully meets the Pulitzer Challenge and pays off all building debt, and raises a $5 million endowment—before its 4th birthday. New curatorial team takes the helm at the Contemporary.

“. . .the Great Rivers Biennial, funded by the Gateway Foundation and hosted by the Contemporary Art Museum, is at the top of the heap…” – David Bonetti, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, August 12, 2007

2008 - Chief Curator Anthony Huberman’s

inaugural exhibition, John Armleder and Olivier Mosset, is presented. Contemporary launches The Front Room series of short exhibitions by artists and others.

April 2009 -

The Contemporary hosts its 5th Anniversary Gala at the Four Seasons Hotel St. Louis honoring two St. Louis greats, Ernest Trova and Tom Friedman.

“A Contemporary Milestone. It’s a paradox, that juncture where something inherently modern celebrates history. It’s been five years since Brad Cloepfil’s ‘intentional vacancy that achieves meaning through the art itself’ rose at the corner of Washington and Spring. In that time, the museum’s exhibit—from Yoshitomo Nara’s ‘Nothing Ever Happens’ to Bruce Nauman’s neon—have challenged and enhanced the city’s art scene.”

– St. Louis Magazine, April 2009

The John Armleder and Olivier Mosset exhibition is named “Best of 2008.” – Bob Nickas in Artforum






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