CJHA Junior Influence

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Junior Influence The Official Newsletter of the Canadian Junior Hereford Association Spring 2014 This Junior Influence includes: -Bonanza 2014 Information -National Council Meeting Highlights -Heifer Lottery, Semen Donation, Calendar Projects Updates -Fun Facts About the New CJHA National Council Members -Upcoming Hereford Events Across Canada -Coloring Contest -�Helfie� Contest Pictures -Scholarship Opportunities - And Much MORE!

2013/2014 National Council President Kyra McConnell crazycowgirl_77@hotmail.com Ontario

Communications Miranda Heidecker miranda_heidecker@yahoo.ca Saskatchewan

Allison Mastine allison.mastine@gmail.com

Vice President Heather Fisher-LeBlanc heatherfisher1@hotmail.com British Columbia

National Delegates


Secretary Ashley Black ashley.e.black@unb.ca Maritimes

Ontario Justin McLaughlin

Maritimes Bennett Crane blcrane@upei.ca

Manitoba Jay Rimke jayrimke@gmail.com

Quebec Colt Mastine colt_mastine@gmail.com

Samantha Rimke rimke24@gmail.com

Saskatchewan James Hordos


Alberta Larissa Lupul barefoot@mcsnet.ca Chase Bennett naomibennett33@gmail.com National CJHA Coordinator Meghan Black meghan@hereford.ca

Canadian Junior Hereford Association 5160 Skyline Way NE, Calgary, Alberta 403-275-2662 www.hereford.ca Canadian-Junior Hereford Association




Junior Influence

Spring 2014

Table of Contents • Presidents Report................................3 • Communications Report.....................3 • CJHA National Council Meeting Report...................................4 • CJHA Project Updates & Deadlines.........................................4 • Provincial Reports British Columbia............................5 Alberta............................................5 Saskatchewan..................................6 Manitoba.........................................6 Ontario............................................7 Quebec.............................................7 Maritimes........................................7 • Facts About Your New CJHA National Delegates Larissa Lupul...................................8 James Hordos..................................8 Ashley Black....................................9 Samantha Rimke.............................9 • CJHA “Helfie” Contest........................10 • Upcoming Junior Events.....................11 • New for Bonanza 2014........................11 • CJHA “Future of the Breed” Scholarship.............................12 • Keith Gilmore Foundation Scholarship..........................................12 • Faces of the CJHA Cayley Brown, BC...........................13 Breanna Curry, Maritimes..............13 • CJHA Bonanza Word Search..............14 • Coloring Contest.................................15

Remember to take the time to personally thank any supporters of the CJHA you may run into during the spring & summer! Without the support of many generous individuals we would not be as successful as we are! 2

Junior Influence

President’s Report

Spring 2014

Kyra McConnell

Hello Fellow Hereford Enthusiasts! I am honoured and excited to be the President of the Canadian Junior Hereford Association for the current year! The CJHA Council works hard to create as many opportunities as possible for the youth of the Hereford breed. The Heifer Lottery project is set up to help Juniors introduce different genetics into their own herds, from some of the best Hereford operations in the business across Canada. Vouchers for this project are drawn at Bonanza each year. The Semen Donation project has concluded for 2014. Congrats to those that nominated females this year and received semen from the many Hereford breeders that donated. This project gives Junior members the opportunity to improve their breeding program through their own sire selection. The semen that is donated this year will be made available for selection early this fall with a deadline set before the new year. Keep your eyes open for posts about this project on the Junior page on the CHA website, our Facebook page & Twitter! To be involved in these awesome opportunities and many more, you must be a CJHA member in good standing and have paid your yearly activity fee. To renew your Junior membership, or if you have any friends that would like to become a CJHA member please visit hereford.ca for information on Junior memberships or contact Meghan at the Hereford office! I would also like to extend an invitation to everyone to this year’s Bonanza, “Memories Made Here”, being held in Lindsay, Ontario on July 30th-August 2nd. Ontario CJHA members have been working very hard to make this event a success! Information about this year’s National Junior Show and registration material is also included with this issue of the Junior Influence and can also be found on the Bonanza website page, so be sure to read up on rule changes and get yourselves and your cattle registered by the June 1st deadline!! For those Junior Hereford members going off to, or that are in a post-secondary education program, remember to apply for our CJHA “Future of the Breed” Scholarship. Applications can be found on the Junior page on the CHA website and are due May 15! Any questions about any of the CJHA projects or events please contact your Provincial National Delegates or our National Adult Advisor Meghan Black! I look forward to seeing everyone at Bonanza this year and best of luck to those attending Provincial Junior events, as we keep the Hereford breed growing!

Communications Report Miranda Heidecker

Hi, Juniors! I hope you’re all excited to attend Bonanza this year in Lindsay, Ontario. I know I am! At our Annual General Meeting this past March the CJHA Publicity & Promotions Committee came up with some great new ideas for new merchandise & promotional items so look for them this summer! We’ve also created a CJHA Twitter & Instagram account, along with having a Facebook page! Connect with us today (#wearehereford) on Twitter, Instagram, and/or Facebook to get updates about cattle shows, pictures, contests, merchandise and updates about the CJHA! Good luck with your preparations for summer shows & Bonanza Juniors! I hope to see you all in Lindsay! 3

Junior Influence

CJHA National Council Meeting Report

Spring 2014

Ashley Black

At the beginning of March the CJHA National Council met in Calgary for the Annual Council Meeting. This weekend allowed for the National Council to come up with new ideas together on how to keep the CJHA up-to-date and interesting for new members to join our association! As previously mentioned, keep informed with the different activities going on through our social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter & Instagram! We encourage posts and pictures from others about what’s going on in your province! This spring we’ll be working on new ideas for CJHA merchandise which will be available for purchase on the Canadian Hereford Association’s website and at Bonanza, as well as promotional items that will be given out to encourage new members to join the CJHA. As a National Council we want YOUR feedback! What can we do that’s new and exciting to grab the attention of our Juniors. Any ideas on new projects that we can offer our members? Have any suggestions

on Fact sheet topics? Let us know! Either contact your CJHA National Delegates or contact Meghan at the Hereford office! The weekend rounded out with some Council “bonding” as all Delegates and some Advisors partook in laser tag! If you have any questions please let us know!!!

CJHA Project Updates & Deadlines

Semen Donation Project - Alberta is gearing up this project for 2015. -Their goal is to have 35 polled and 25 horned bulls. -They intend on having the list this year completed by the middle of October so the list of bulls can be posted online & sent out early fall! **NEW - Juniors will now be required to purchase Semen Certificates on certificate bulls at price for $30 from the CHA to register calves. CJHA Calendar Project -Saskatchewan is looking after the 2015 Calendar. -Please contact your Provincial National Delegates if interested in advertising in the 2015 CJHA Calendar as the deadline for this year is September 1! -Business card ads are $60 and full page ads are $600! CJHA Auction -The CJHA auction will take place this year at


Bonanza in Ontario, and organized by Manitoba. **NEW - Photos of auction items will be made available on the CHA website and CJHA Facebook page by middle of June! Heifer Lottery Project -British Columbia is organizing this project. -Vouchers will be drawn at Bonanza and announced immediately after. -If the Junior drawn has no interest or plans on using the voucher, it will be redrawn ASAP. -If interested in participating in this project please contact your Provincial National Delegates! 50/50 Project -This project will be geared by Quebec & the Maritimes this year at Bonanza. -There will be a draw every evening at Bonanza in hopes of being a success again this year!

Junior Influence

Spring 2014

Provincial Reports British Columbia Heather Fisher-LeBlanc

BC is eagerly anticipating Bonanza in Lindsay this summer! There will be at least two BCJHA members attending. If you are a BCJHA member or the parent of a Junior who is interested in attending Bonanza, please contact either Catherine at (250) 293-6858 or Heather at (250) 855-8398. We would be more than happy to help you out! The Junior event that was planned to take place at the Little Fort Herefords Anniversary event lacked the participation that we had hoped for. However, after the successful participation of Juniors at the Inaugural West Coast Hereford Show in 2013, we are planning to host a Junior show in conjunction with this the Hereford MOE show in the fall of 2014. We have high hopes for this event and are continuing to try and get a group of Juniors together for the future.


Michelle Schuepbach on behalf of the AJHA

The past year has been a busy one for AJHA members. With many of our members getting older we have been working hard on getting younger members more involved in the AJHA. This also includes plans to recruit new members in coming years. Some of the things we are working on include - Brochures that will be sent to 4-H members exhibiting Hereford cattle (both Hereford Influenced & Purebred), encouraging them to become CJHA members. - Updating the current Alberta Junior section of the AHA website to make it more appealing to Juniors. - In 2013 we opened up the elements of our creativity contests (art, photography, literature) at our Provincial Junior Hereford Show to all members in the province (not just those attending). This was done by accepting entries through online submission that were sent in via in digital format so that Juniors who couldn’t be present at the show could still participate. In 2014 we are holding our own Provincial Junior Show in Okotoks, AB on June 27 & 28. The past few years this show has been held in conjunction with Summer Synergy, in Olds. This is a show we still plan on supporting, though we are looking forward to connecting with more of our own Hereford Junior members in having our own event. The Executive of the AJHA for 2013-2014 includes: President: Michelle Schuepbach Vice President: Coleman Nixdorff Secretary: Sarah Nixdorff Treasurer: Jenna Nixdorff CJHA Delegates: Larissa Lupul, Chase Bennett (alternate Sarah Nixdorff)


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Junior Influence

Spring 2014

Saskatchewan James Hordos

Spring of 2014 has started off with some harsh weather here in Saskatchewan. Cold temperatures and a few storms have been enough to make us think it was still winter! The SJHA hopes that everyone did have a great winter and a good calving season whether breeders are just wrapping it up, or for more commercial breeders, just getting under way. The Saskatchewan Junior delegates, Miranda Heidecker and James Hordos attended the CJHA National Council Meeting on behalf of the SJHA. The meeting was held back in the beginning of March, in Calgary. For all of you Saskatchewan Juniors who have any questions or concerns regarding Bonanza or any other CJHA function or project please feel free to give either of us call or email, we are happy to help! This summer, the SJHA is again holding their annual Beef-A-Rama which is organized by Hereford breeders, Rob and Dawn O`Connor. It will be held at Glenavon, SK, in conjunction with the town`s local summer fair on July 12th. Make sure everyone marks this date on their calendars! (Beef-ARama is an awesome warm-up show for Bonanza!!). Last year the show had great Junior attendance with 34 members from across SK take part. The show will be held in the Glenavon Hockey arena where the show can go on, rain or shine! The SJHA encourages Juniors from Saskatchewan to participate, but we also invite Juniors from neighboring provinces to join us as well! The show has a very fun atmosphere and was enjoyed by everyone who attended the show in 2013. If anyone has any questions about the show, you can check out the website www.beefarama.weebly.com, and please don`t hesitate to give Rob and Dawn a call as they are excited to answer any questions. They do a great job organizing the show! From everyone here in Saskatchewan, we are excited to meet up with friends and fellow Hereford breeders this summer at all of our Junior Hereford functions! We wish everyone the best of luck with spring breeding, but also good luck to our grain farmers with seeding as they play a huge role in the cattle industry!


Jay & Samantha Rimke Here in Manitoba, the New Year brought in some very cold weather with lots of snow that many of us Manitobans wished that would of never came! However, we all survived and its slowly starting to warm up, and it finally feels like spring! The MJHA Annual meeting was held in January where the 2014 MJHA Executive was voted in, and includes: President: Jay Rimke Vice President: Cooper Blaine Secretary: Samantha Rimke Treasure: Orianna Hyndman Communication Officer: Jennifer Fossay National Delegates: Jay and Samantha Rimke With calving season underway, the Juniors are welcoming in new offspring, and scouting out their potential show string for the year. We are excited to say our first show took place at the end of March. The Royal Manitoba Winter Fair is always a fun filled week for all the Juniors that attend. The Manitoba Juniors would like to invite you to our spring meeting, May 25th, 2014. All Juniors are welcome! From our Province to yours, we would like to wish you a happy calving season and all the best in the spring when cattle are sent to pasture and breeding begins! 6

Junior Influence

Spring 2014


Justin McLaughlin This year the OJHA is extremely excited about hosting Bonanza 2014, on July 30th - August 2nd at the Lindsay Exhibition Centre, in Lindsay Ontario. The theme this year is ‘Memories made Here’ (and we promise to deliver)! Our strong board of directors consisting of co-chairs: Kyra McConnell, Justin McLaughlin and Cassandra Gorrill are working hard to gather sponsors and plot out the event. The board is meeting regularly to ensure tasks are being completed, and that preparations are going smoothly. The OJHA is also looking forward to their AGM coming up on April 12th, in Peterborough, ON. We would like to welcome any enthusiastic Juniors to join us! To all Hereford breeders: keep your eyes out for the Ontario Juniors as we’ll be looking for your sponsorship for Bonanza 2014!


Allison Mastine

Quebec had four Junior members attend Bonanza 2013 in Brandon, Manitoba. Thank you again to the Manitoba Junior Hereford Association for putting in so much hard work to make everything run smoothly! Many Juniors got together to participate in the Junior Beef Show held at Expo Boeuf in October 2013. There were roughly 200-250 Juniors who participated in the Junior show on the Sunday, making it one of the biggest Junior shows at Expo Boeuf! Dylan Mastine and Jade Ouellet represented the Quebec Junior Hereford Association at the Royal Winter Fair. It was the first time Dylan and Jade participated in the Junior Hereford show at the Royal. The Quebec Junior Hereford Members are looking forward for the Quebec Junior Beef Show being held in Brome, Quebec from July 4th to 6th, 2014. We are hoping to have many Juniors attend Bonanza 2014 in Ontario to make many memories!

Maritimes Bennett Crane

Greetings from the Maritimes! We hope that everyone has had a successful winter calving and are excited for the upcoming show season! This year will be very busy for the Maritime Juniors. The show season out East begins in the spring with the three provincial steer shows and sales. We would like to wish the best of luck to CJHA and 4-H members that are exhibiting their Hereford or Hereford Influenced steers! MJHA members are looking forward to the 2014 East Coast Round Up, hosted by Earlybird Farm in Sussex, New Brunswick from June 6th -8th . Here, we will have our Annual MJHA meeting and continue planning for Bonanza 2015 which will be held in Fredericton, New Brunswick. The Maritime Juniors are also looking forward to Bonanza 2014, as many of our Juniors are planning to attend and bring cattle! We look forward to seeing everyone there! Best of luck to everyone breeding for next year’s calves and to those participating at Bonanza and other Hereford events across Canada! Andy Schuepbach Ph: (403) 625-4693 Fax: (403) 625-1500 Cell (403) 625-6316 Hans Ulrich Ph: (403) 625-2237 Box 2044 Claresholm, AB T0L 0T0

Larissa Lupul Foisy, Alberta

780-645-5858 barefoot@mcsnet.ca


Practical, Efficient Cattle are our Livelihood andy@lilybrookherefords.com www.lilybrookherefords.com

Junior Influence

Spring 2014

Facts About Your New CJHA National Delegates

1. How many Bonanzas have you attended? I’ve been to 5 Bonanzas (Princeton, Medicine Hat, Saskatoon, Brandon, and St. Hyacinthe).

2. What’s the name of your first calf or favorite cow? The name of my favorite cow is “Whiplash”.

3. Where is one place you would like to travel? I’d like to travel to the Ukraine because my family is Ukrainian!

4. What do you bring to the National Council? I bring fun and excitement about the Hereford breed to the CJHA National Council. Larissa Lupul, Alberta Delegate 5. How has Bonanza benefited you? Bonanza has benefited me by making me a more outgoing person and improving my showmanship and public speaking skills! 1. How many Bonanzas have you attended? I have attended 3 Bonanzas (Lindsay will be my 4th).

James Hordos, Saskatchewan Delegate

2. What’s the name of your first calf or favorite cow? The name of my first heifer was “Sally”. 3. Where is one place you would like to travel? One place I’d like to travel to is Hungary. 4. What do you bring to the National Council? I bring my work ethic and commitment to the CJHA National Council. 5. How has Bonanza benefited you? Bonanza has benefited me by allowing me to meet a lot of new people around my age who have the same interests as me. Bonanza has also taught me how important team work is and how cooperation with fellow Junior members can lead to life long friendships. Bonanza is a great place to learn from other people who are skilled in so many different fields. G GRRAANNTT R ROOLLSSTTOONN PPHHOOTTOOGGRRAAPPHHYY LLTTDD Box 410 Coalhurst, Alberta T0L 0V0

Grant Ph: 403-593-2217 Craig Ph: 403-651-9441 Email: grantspix@gmail.com Web: www.grantspix.com


Junior Influence

Spring 2014

1. How many Bonanzas have you attended? I’ve been to 3 Bonanzas thus far (Truro, St. Hyacinthe & Brandon). 2. What’s the name of your first calf or favorite cow? The first Hereford I’ve owned completely by myself was Elmlodge Rose 41X. I purchased her through the CJHA Heifer Lottery from the Source of Success Sale when I won a voucher in 2010. 3. Where is one place you would like to travel? If I could travel anywhere I’d like to be able to go to England or Australia, somewhere’s with a completely different culture and way of life compared to what we’re used to here in Canada.

Ashley Black, Maritime Delegate

4. What do you bring to the National Council? I haven’t been involved with the CJHA as much or as long as some of the other members that sit on the board but I’m eager and keen on getting involved and encouraging other members to do so as well. To the CJHA National Council I bring my quirky personality, my positive energy and my leadership skills. 5. How has Bonanza benefited you? Bonanza has benefitted me substantially! While I get to travel to new places across Canada to exhibit the Hereford breed, I also get to meet people that also enjoy showing cattle. Bonanza is a great place to learn and expand your knowledge on many aspects like showmanship, grooming & judging. 1. How many Bonanzas have you attended? I’ve been to 11 Bonanzas! Bonanza in 1999, and then all the Samantha Rimke, Manitoba Delegate ones between 2004-2013. 2. What’s the name of your first calf or favorite cow? The first calf I owned was named Flower. I had her when I was really little and she was like a pet dog. 3. Where is one place you would like to travel? I would really like to go to Australia. It seems so different there and I would like to see how the agricultural industry works compared to ours. 4. What do you bring to the National Council? Being new to the CJHA Council, I plan to bring new ideas and welcome more members to the CJHA. I want to encourage Juniors to take advantage of what the CJHA has to offer, because the programs we do have are very beneficial to young individuals developing their own herds and in becoming more involved in the beef industry. 5. How has Bonanza benefited you? From participating in so many Bonanzas, I have had the opportunity to travel and meet many new friends and fellow Hereford enthusiasts from across Canada. Attending Bonanzas has opened my eyes to other cattle herds across Canada and has given me the chance to see how other Juniors work with their cattle. 9

Junior Influence

Spring 2014

CJHA “Helfie” Contest

Thanks to all the Juniors that submitted “Helfie” Photos in 2014! Visit our Facebook Page to check out the Album and post your “Helfie”!

Dennis & Andrea Babiuk

Phone: (780) 657-2270 Cell: (780) 603-1079 Email ncx@xplornet.ca

Box 102 Brosseau, AB T0B 0P0

Quality Cattle For Sale At All Times


Junior Influence

Upcoming Events & Deadlines

Spring 2014


5-6............Saskatchewan Beef Expo, Prarieland Park, Saskatoon, SK 11-12........Ontario Hereford Association AGM & Junior Hereford AGM, Peterborough, ON


15.............Deadline for the CJHA “Future of the Breed” Scholarship!! 15.........Deadline for the Keith Gilmore Scholarship 25..............Manitoba Junior Hereford Association Spring Meeting


1...............Deadline for Bonanza 2014 Registrations 6-8.............Maritime Junior Hereford Association “East Coast Round Up” & AGM, Sussex, NB 21..............Keith Gilmore Foundation Charity Golf Classic, Medicine Hat, AB

24-25.........7th Annual T Bar C Invitational, Saskatoon, SK 27-28........Alberta Junior Hereford Provincial Show, Okotoks, AB


4-6.............Quebec Junior Beef Show, Brome, QC 6-12...........National Junior Hereford Expo, Harrisburg, PA 12..............Saskatchewan Junior Hereford “Beef-ARama”, Glenavon, SK 27-30.........PRIDE, Springdale, AK 29-August 2....Bonanza 2014, Lindsay, ON

New for Bonanza 2014!!

ENTRY DEADLINE IS JUNE 1, 2014. Entries postmarked after this date will not be accepted!

-PeeWee & Junior members must select at least two of the following four individual competitions. Intermediate & Senior members must select at least three of the following four individual competitions: Public Speaking, Individual Judging, Individual Grooming & Showmanship. These must be pre-selected on the entry form, and no changes will be allowed after entry is submitted. Failure to participate in the required number of competitions will result in the forfeit of any prizes.

-Both Art & Literature Competition entries must depict the theme of “Memories”. -Great Griller --> The Bonanza Committee will supply the steak, table, chairs, BBQ & cooking utensils. Teams are only cooking 1 steak. Costumes, theme & table settings are the responsibility of each team.

-Open Grooming & Showmanship --> The same animal must be used for these competitions. NO BULLS ALLOWED!

-Yearling & two year old bulls must be handled with a ring at ALL times. No humbugs! -”Bonanza Buddies” will be offered this year. A Bonanza Buddy is someone who is willing to assist younger members with any questions they may have and lend them a hand with their day -to-day activities. This is an option on the registration form.

-Public Speaking --> Speeches are to depict the theme of “Memories”. Impromptu Speeches will NOT be a category available for PeeWees or Juniors, ONLY Intermediates & Seniors.


Junior Influence

Spring 2014

CJHA “Future of the Breed” Scholarship APPLICATIONS DUE MAY 15, 2014!

The CJHA will annually offer four $500 post-secondary scholarships to worthy recipients who have made outstanding contributions to the Hereford industry. Winners will be announced at the CJHA National Show: “Bonanza.” Eligibility Requirements 1. Applicant must be an active member of the Canadian Junior Hereford Association. Applicant must be currently enrolled in a post-secondary program or in their final year of high school as of January 1st, 2013 2. Applicant may receive award only once. 3. Applicants must be enrolled on a full-time basis in the postsecondary program of their choice at the time the award is received. 4. Applications must be postmarked no later than May 15th of the year of application. 5. Applicants must include a copy of all post-secondary or high school transcripts. Unofficial transcripts are acceptable. Selection 1. A seven-member selection committee will be appointed to independently review the applications, which will be evaluated on a point system. 2. Four scholarships will be awarded each year. Applicant may apply for other awards and scholarships in the same year, for which the applicant is eligible. 3. The $500 awards will be presented to each recipient during the awards banquet of the CJHA Hereford Bonanza. Scoring Criteria Each applicant will be ranked out of 100 points. The two successful applicants will score the most points out of 100. Academic Performance /30 Commitment to the Breed /50 • previous contributions and accomplishments /30, future plans /20 Reference /20 Total /100

Keith Gilmore Foundation Scholarships

(a) Up to two, $2,500 scholarships are offered to individuals in a post graduate degree program in agriculture, agricultural journalism and/or veterinary medicine at a recognized university, leading to a career in the field of agriculture. (b) Up to four $2,000 scholarships are offered to individuals in an undergraduate degree program in agriculture, agricultural journalism and/or veterinary medicines (or pre-veterinary) at a recognized university leading to a career in the field of agriculture. The successful applicant will already have completed a minimum of one year in his or her major field of studies. (c) Up to four $1,500 scholarships are offered to individuals enrolled in a recognized diploma program in agriculture, agricultural journalism and/or animal health technology leading to a career in the field of agriculture. The successful applicants will have already completed a minimum of one year in a diploma program.

Deadline: May 15, 2014



Junior Influence

Faces of the CJHA

Spring 2014

Cayley Brown, British Columbia Cayley Brown is a new member of the BC Junior Herefords, but is not new to the CJHA. She recently moved to Princeton after her parents took over as managers at Copper Creek Ranch. Born and raised in the agricultural industry, she started showing at the age of three. Cayley’s life has always revolved around cattle and she is extremely grateful to have been surrounded by so many skilled cattlemen and woman throughout her life. Cayley had extended family that had invested in Hereford for fun, and when they decided to get out of cattle, they gifted them to her. This was the beginning of her herd. Shortly after, she purchased some cattle from her grandfather, and since then has bought the odd heifer from different herds across Canada to keep new blood in her herd. Her favorite show to attend is Agribition, because she loves being able to compete against the “best of the best”. To date, Cayley says her most proud accomplishment was winning Miss Hereford World 2012, an online award judged by a panel of international judges. Aside from cattle, Cayley is passionate about dog training and rehabilitation as well as makeup artistry. Cayley said, “Going forward, my only goal in life is to constantly better myself, and in return, better the world around me”

Faces of the CJHA

Breanna Curry, Maritimes

Breanna Curry is from Wentworth, Nova Scotia. She is 18 years old and will be graduating high school this year with plans to continue on with her education.

Bree has always loved being around cattle and has been showing since she was three years old. Being around cattle comes naturally to Bree. She enjoys fitting cattle and has shown at many shows including the Oxford Expo and two National Junior Hereford Shows, Bonanza, held in Truro & St. Hyacinthe. Bree has been involved in 4-H for many years and enjoys helping younger members as well as lending a hand to anyone that needs it. She has been a member of the Maritime Junior Hereford Association and hopes to one day have her own herd of Purebred Hereford cattle under the “Castle Creek Livestock” name.

Sunnybrook Farm Audrey & Peter Kidney 506-328-3604 506-328-2003 Weston, NB


Junior Influence

Spring 2014

Word Search!

Coloring Contest!

Colour the picture found on page 15 any way you like to win CJHA merchandise! Include your name, your age, and address on the back and return to: Meghan Black Canadian Junior Hereford Association 5160 Skyline Way NE Calgary, AB T2E 6V1 POSTMARKED BY JUNE 1, 2014 14

Junior Influence


Spring 2014

Junior Influence

Spring 2014

Canadian Junior Hereford Association 5160 Skyline Way NE, Calgary, Alberta 403-275-2662 www.hereford.ca Canadian-Junior Hereford Association




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