2017 Standard Hill Connection Angus and Hereford Sale

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Col. Ryan Dorran, DMI, Auctioneer C) 403-507-6483 Nathan Marin, Ringman C) 306-869-7130 Stephen Myer C) 306-893-8414 Shari Leachman, Leachman LiveAuctions C) 306-903-7289 Larry Toner, Stockmen’ s Insurance C) 306-834-7652

Register to bid online at www.LiveAuctions.tv You must pre-register to be able to participate. View lot information and videos online at

Volume Discount - 5% for three head Juniour Discout - 5% to those under 21 Free Delivery within 500 km or farther Join us for complimentary lunch at noon on sale day. 2

Many changes are coming to the sale this year. My family and I have much to be thankful for in our journey so far in this business, and the future is exciting. Our goal is to offer quality seedstock with a high level of customer service for many years. This year will be the first sale without our long time co-consignor and friend Jake Pilkey. For five years we were partners in this sale and we appreciate all the help Jake provided. The sale venue has moved, the date is sooner, and the format changed. We decided that preparation would be simpler if we didn’t have to haul the cattle to the Smith’s barn, and less costly to replace all the equipment after their auction sale. Mother’s yard was the winning alternative with a nice warm shop, her smiling face, and lots of shelter. With a high water table and keeping cattle in their regular pens it is essential that the frost still be in the ground, so we moved the sale up a few weeks. Once we were on a roll with changes it seemed prudent to switch to a video sale. This will allow us to enhance our online marketing ability, not stress the cattle, and reduce labour costs. Make sure you come ahead to sort the cattle. I like to advertise our customer satisfaction guarantee that if the cattle don’t work for you we will refund your money. If a bull develops into something that shouldn’t have left the ranch, we refund you your money. If a heifer doesn’t catch when her contemporary group was fertile, we refund your money. Simple. This year’s offering has quality thats runs from top to bottom. Our rigorous culling of the cow herd and each calf crop means you should be able to find multiple animals that fit your needs, and our cattle sell at affordable prices. Consider a visit or a purchase at our sale on February 24th as an investment for the future. I guarantee to work hard to help you meet your goals with your cattle operation. I would be more than pleased to recommend genetics that will fit your needs.



Black Angus Yearling Bulls








Black Angus Two-Year Old Bulls




Early Sunset Freedom 89U

Tat: M IJ 89U Birthed : Feb 10 /0 8 65 lbs Calf Crop A verag es - 87 Prog eny A nalyzed M ale Calves BW : 90 W W : 691 YW : 1138 Fem ale Calves BW : 85 W W : 612 W W : 898

9 d au g hters w ork ing . Top 6%

for BW epd .

Sire of Lots 24, 28, an d 29 an d Herdsire 350 B

Standard Hill Freedom 350B

Tat: SH L 350 B

Birthed : Feb 12/14 88 lbs

Ow ned w ith StevenM cK enzie of Lloyd m inster

Selected for u se by A Ifor his bone m ass, w id th of ru m p and top,and hair.

Sire of Lots 6, 8, an d 11 an d M atern al Broth er to Herdsire 350 C

Minburn Quantum 55Y

SCC Bando 45A

Tat: DW W 55Y Birthed : Feb 24/11 83 lbs W W : 70 6 YW : 1117 SC: 48

Tat: BDS 45A Birthed : Feb 3/13 89 lbs W W : 788 SC: 46

Sired last year’s hig h selling tw o year old A ng u s bu ll. H is first five fem ales inprod u ctionhave aw esom e u d d ers. H e is top 10 % for BW &CE.

Long bod ied ,free m oving bu ll leaving his m ark . Sired class w inning penat CW C A last year. EPDs are top 15% for W W ,M ,&SC.

Calf Crop A verag es - 40 Prog eny A nalyzed M ale Calves BW : 90 W W : 678 YW : 1137 Fem ale Calves BW : 76 W W : 590 YW : 893

Sire of Lots 25-27, 69-72 14


Calf Crop A verag es - 33 Prog eny A nalyzed M ale Calves BW : 89 W W : 696 YW : 1131 Fem ale Calves BW : 78 W W : 616 YW : 887

Sire of Lots 1, 12-15, 17-19, 65,67 an d 68


Tattoo: IM P 0 0 4X

Birthed : M arch 31/20 10

Calf Crop A verag es - M ale Calves BW : 80 W W : 736 YW : 1225 40 6 Prog eny Fem ale Calves BW : 82 W W : 617 YW : 891

U sed by A I. Calves are larg e hipped , m u scu lar, and eye

appealling . EPDs g reat for BW , M , CE, REA . Sire of Lot 23

Standard Hill Major 350C Tattoo: SH L 350 C Birthed : Feb 4/15 88 lbs W W : 773 YW : 1224 Sonof Settler and ou r 117X cow ( d am of 350 B herd sire). Thick m u scled , d eep bod ied .

Mohnen Pulse 0533

2017 Walking Bull

Tattoo: IM P 0 533A

Birthed : Jan8/13 78 lbs W W : 90 4 YW : 1474

Selected for u se by A Ifor his eye appeal, ped ig ree, and EPDs. H e rank s top 1% for BW , SC, CE: top 10 % for W W , YW and top 5% for m ilk . H is calves here show a lot of vig ou r.

Nichols Quiet Lad T9

Tattoo: IM P 0 0 9T

Birthed : M ar 12/0 7 63 lbs

W W : 775 YW : 1625

U sed by A Ifor his d ocile natu re, larg e bod y d im ensionand leng th.

Sire of Lot 10

Basin Excitement

Sire of Lots 2, 3 & 5

Tattoo: IM P 678U Birthed : Feb 3/0 8 76 lbs W W : 862 YW : 1361 A Ibu ll. Cu rve bend er w / EPDs rank ing him intop 7% for BW , and 1% for W eaning and Yearling .

Merit Big Dawg 3049A

Sire of Lot 22

Standard Hill Bengal 479A

Tattoo: TJL 30 49A Birthed : Feb 9/13 BW : 86 lbs W W : 643 YW : 1260 Calf Crop A verag es - 97 Prog eny M ale Calves BW : 86 W W : 774 YW : 1357 Fem ale Calves BW : 83 W W : 665 YW : 10 14

Res. Ju nior Cham pionBu ll CW A ‘14 EPDs g ood for g row th and scrotal Sire of Lots 4, 9, and 66

HF TIGER 5T sire T:SH L 479A Birthed : Feb 8/13 99 lbs W W : 762 YW : 1362 A hig h seller from ou r 20 14 Sale, bu t w e k ept a sem eninterest. Sons topped the 20 16 sale. Owned with K-Cow Ranch

Sire of Lots 7 & 21 15

Polled Hereford 2-Year Old Bulls








Polled Hereford Yearling Bulls





Pictures and Video Shot December 27th and 28th Video available online at


Clayridge Hemi 5X

Tattoo: CL A Y 5X Birthed : Jan15/10 10 2 lbs W W :720 - 72 Prog eny A nalyzed

CE -4.7 BW 4.1 W W 39.2 YW 56.1 M 20 .1 TM 39.7 SC 0 .2 CW 41.7 S -1.2 FA T 0 .0 99 REA -0 .15 M A RB 0 .16

HEM Iw as pu rchased at the A g ribitionSale in20 10 . He w as Cham pionbu ll at Brand on that year. A d d s pig m ent and u d d er qu ality. Sire of Lots 31,32,34,43 and 63


Tattoo: PTT 151Z Born: M ar 26/12 96 lbs 46 Prog eny A nalyzed

CE -3.7 BW 5.7 W W 39.7 YW 57.6 M 15.0 TM 34.9 SC 0 .6 CW 87.0 S -2.2 FA T -0 .0 17 REA -0 .0 5 M A RB -0 .11

M A X w as pu rchased privately for his m u scling , eye appeal, and m od erate fram e. His d au g hters entered prod u ctionin20 16 and w ere im pressive.

Sire of Lots 41,46,48,50,51,60,74, 86-90 28

SHPH 62T Cannon 173A

Tattoo: FG N 173A Born: A pr 7/13 88 lbs W W :646 YW :10 19 - 16 Prog eny A nalyzed

CE 2.1 BW 2.8 W W 52.8 YW 90 .1 M 18.3 TM 44.7 SC 0 .7 CW 91.0 S 1.8 FA T -0 .0 0 9 REA 0 .62 M A RB -0 .0 1

CA NNON is a w alk ing bu ll that w e retained an interest into ad d fram e, g row th, pig m ent and u d d er qu ality inthe herd . His sire w as 290 0 lbs.

Sire of Lots 52,57,62,75,78-81

FCC 2U Harlan 7Y

Tattoo: G CFH 7Y Born: Feb 11/11 BW :87 W W :887 63 Prog eny 7Y ad d s g row th, red pig m ent, testicle, vig ou r and m u scle.


CE -0 .5 BW 5.7 W W 59.6 YW 10 0 M 17.2 TM 47 SC 1.4 S -1.0 FA T -0 .0 0 9 REA 0 .49 M A RB -0 .0 9

Sire of Lots 33,35,36,40,44,45,47,49,64,65

Square-D Pat 2N 7S

Tattoo: SA O 7S Birthed : Feb 7/0 6 84 lbs

28 Dau g hters inProd u ction- 10 1 Prog eny A nalyzed CE 5.4 BW 0 .6 W W 48.0 YW 62.1 M 10 .0 TM 34.0 SC 1.7 CW 56.5 S 0 .5 FA T -0 .0 12 REA 0 .35 M A RB 0 .0 6

PA T continu es to be u tilized by A I. He has left u s w ith a larg e g rou p of m od erate fram ed , u d d erly aw esom e cow s that raise som e of ou r top calves annu ally.

Sire of Lot 54, Grandsire of many Lots

SHPH 7S Dominator 70Y

Tattoo: SHL 84A Born: A pr 17/13 at 94 lbs W W :754 YW :1211 Sonof DOM INA TOR u sed by A Ifor his pig m ent, extra fram e and g row th.


Sire of Lots 56,59,76

of 70 Y

Standard-hill 70Y Assasin 84A

Tattoo: FG N 70 Y Born: A pr 20 /11 BW :80 W W :824 YW :1260

29 Prog eny A nalyzed

CE 7.4 BW -2.9 W W 38.2 YW 60 .9 M 15.9 TM 35.0 SC 1.0 CW 55.6 S 2.4 FA T -0 .0 0 3 REA 0 .40 M A RB 0 .11

DOM INA TOR is a trait lead er for BW , Stayability, and M PI. This sonof PA T w as show nas a Senior Bu ll at Lloyd and A g ribition. Long bod ied , sm ooth m ad e, level lined bu ll.

Sire of Lots 30, 37-39

Bare Mr You Tube 4Y Tattoo: BA RE 4Y Born: Feb 28/11 BW : 78 80 Prog eny CE 5.0 BW -0 .7 W W 30 .0 YW 50 .3 M 15.2 TM 30 .2 SC 0 .6 CW 37.8 S 0 .8 FA T 0 .0 12 REA 0 .25 M A RB 0 .0 3

W e pu rchased sem enof YOU TU BE back at the tim e he sold at A g ribitionto NCX. W e w ere thenable to attainw alk ing rig hts in20 15 and are very pleased w ith prog eny. Sire of Lots 25-27, 69-72

ANL SI 425X Untapped 182W 94B Tattoo: K K L 94B Born: M ar 24/14 at 91 lbs W W : 672 The first g rou p of calves by ou r U NTA PPED sonhit the g rou nd this past A pril. They have g row n w ell and are som e of the heaviest intheir contem porary g rou ps. W e hope his calves all com e w ith his d ocility and hip.

Sire of Lot 82 29

F1 Hybrid 2-Year Old Bulls


Black Angus Yearling Heifers




Polled Hereford Yearling Heifers





There are currently 21 F1 Baldie Heifers in the pen to pick from. We will be putting together pens based on weight and phenotype prior to the sale. Data sheets and video will be available on sale day. 18 Heifers - Hereford x Angus and 3 Heifers - Angus x Hereford

Average birth date of the heifers is April 17th. Average birth weight of the heifers is 87 lbs.

All data for every pen wil be available on sale day.


Terms: All sales are in Canadian Funds, payable by cash or cheque on sale day, unless other arrangements have been made prior to the sale. Every animal sells to the highest bidder, and in cases of disputes the auctioneer will make the decision to reopen the bidding. The auctioneer's decision will be final. Each Animal becomes the responsibility of the purchaser as soon as sold. Volume Discount: Buy any three head, get a 5% discount. Junior Discount: Any junior age cattlepeople, less that 21 years old, will receive a 5% discount. Announcements: Any announcements from the stand take precedence over printed material. Guarantee: All animals are backed by the respective breed associations Breeder Guarantee. All bulls will be semen tested before the sale. A list of results will be available at the sale or by calling the consignors the day before the sale. Deffered bulls may be sold, in which case they will be semen tested prior to delivery. Hereford bulls sold to purebred breeders will be parentage and genetic defect tested by the seller prior to delivery. Angus bulls sold to purebred breeders will be parentage verified by the seller prior to delivery. Any other parentage or defect testing may be requested by the purchaser, however cost may be the responsibility of the purchaser. All genetic testing results will be shared with howe the purchaser, with true and clean tests guaranteed. Delivery: Free delivery within 500 km or to central locations in Saskatchewan and Alberta with consideration of volume and value of purchases. Feeding/Wintering Program: Purchases can be sent back to their home pens and remain under the exact same management as pre-sale until May 15th free of charge. After that a daily charge will apply of $4/bull and $3/heifer. We recommend you insure your purchases. Insurance: The sellers encourage the purchasers to insure animals that remain at the seller’s ranch. Larry Toner, with Stockmen’s Insurance, will be on site to fulfill your insurance needs or you may use the insurance provider of your choice. Sight Unseen Purchases: Call the consigners to discuss what type of animal you require and your purchase price in mind. We will do our best to fill your needs. If you are not 100% Satisfied with your sight unseen purchase you will be fully refunded. No questions asked. All persons who attend the sale do so at their own risk.

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