2011 Breeders Digest - Spring

Page 1

Vol.No.3 Issue 2

Feature Article: Canadian Hi-Score Mare Venice & Sheri Bresse

In Memoriam:

Elaine Partington Chapter News

Road to the International Ring: Joni Lynn Peters


Year End & Achievement Awards



Bridging the Gap

CWHBA Annual General Meeting Kelowna, March 2010


A p u b l i c a t i o n o f t h e C a n a d i a n Wa rmb l o o d H o r s e B r e e d e r ’ s A s s o c i a t i o n

Table of Contents: 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 8 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 14 | 15 | 17 | 18 | 23 | 24 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 32 | 33 | 33 | 34 | 36 | 37 - 39 40 |

The Canadian Advantage Chairman’s Message CWHBA Officers and Directors Coming Events / Fee Schedule National CWHBA AGM Report - Kelowna, March 2010 Article: Bridging the Gap from Breeders To Performance WBFSH Report In Memoriam - Elaine Partington The Road to the International Ring - Selecting the young Grand Prix Horse Fall Classic Breeders Sale - 2010 Report Article from KER - DHA Positively Affects Semen Quality Feature Article - Canadian Hi-Score Mare Venice & Sheri Bresse Mare Inspections 2010 - Premium Mares CWHBA Stallion Service Auction Canadian Warmblood Year End and Achievement Awards USDF All Breeds Awards Article: Equine Thermal Imaging Services British Columbia Chapter CWHBA Alberta Chapter CWHBA Saskatchewan Chapter CWHBA Manitoba Chapter CWHBA Ontario Chapter CWHBA Quebec Chapter CWHBA Nova Scotia & Maritime Chapter | Member’s Sale Horses Classifieds Sponsor - Western College of Veterinary Medicine

About Our Cover Featured on our cover for this Spring Edition is the 2010 Canadian Hi-Score mare on inspection, VENICE. Read the article about her on page 17.

Dear Members, I am sure everyone has heard by now, that at long last we have received Ministerial approval of our new Articles of Amendment, and our amended By-Laws. You are probably wondering what this means for you and your horses. Here is what you need to know. First: the Warmblood horse was recognized under the Animal Pedigree Act as a distinct breed in 1991 and remains a distinct breed today. That means there is no change to our congruity with international standards and methodology. Second: while our new Articles provide a more accurate description of the Warmblood horse, they do not affect the status of existing or future registrations. They support what we have been doing, and what we will continue doing. Every horse that has been registered under the old system meets the criteria of the new Articles. Third: in this process we have assembled a tremendous amount of information regarding the history and genealogy of the Warmblood horse. This information will give Canadian breeders a unique and valuable insight into the genealogy of their horses and how they connect with the ancient origins of the breed . Fourth: Selle Francais bloodlines will be completely integrated into the CWHBA Stud Book. Fifth: as soon as the CLRC has adapted to the new system, you will begin receiving registration certificates that are modified to show percentage trace back and other pedigree information that relates to the influential stallions and confirmed foundation stock as described in the new Articles. That is the most significant and visible change that you will see. If not much has changed was this worth all the hard work? Yes without a doubt. The importance for Canadian breeders of operating under the authority of the Animal Pedigree Act is that, unlike the United States, Canada continues to have a single Warmblood breed society, protected under law, which can unify breeders in this country and work for all Canadians, by providing us with all the tools and support that are enjoyed by our European counterparts. Control of the association is in Canadian hands and the money and resources stay in Canada to benefit Canadians. I think this is an important advantage, one that has, to this point, allowed the CWHBA to grow to be one of the largest registries in North America and a respected member of the WBFSH. Your long standing patience and commitment has been rewarded and will assure our continued growth and success. Chris Gould Chairman


Canadian Warmblood National Board of Directors, Provincial Directors & Committee Chairs: CWHBA National Office

Operations Manager: Victoria Kendall Box 21100; 2105 8th Street East Saskatoon, Sk, Canada S7H 5N9 Tel: 306-373-6620 • Fax: 306-374-0646 E-mail: office@canadianwarmbloods.com President: Chris Gould Box 688, Mayerthorpe, AB T0E 1N0 Tel: 780-786-4337 • Fax: 780-786-4262 E-mail: tsf1@telus.net Vice Chairman: Dana Young Box 62, Eden, Manitoba R0J 0M0 Tel: 204-966-3316 E-mail: evergreenfarms@mts.net Stud Book Committee Member: Jennette Coote RR2, Olds, Alberta, T0M 1P0 Tel: 403-556-8046 • Fax: 403-556-7356 E-mail: cootejennette@hotmail.com Honorary Director: Eve Mainwaring Tel: 613-342-6006 • Fax: 613-342-8523 E-mail: emainwaring1@cogeco.ca Awards Committee: National Office • Tel: 306-373-6620 E-mail: awardsprogram@canadianwarmbloods.com Marketing Committee: E-mail: marketing@canadianwarmbloods.com Web Master: Marilyn Powell E-mail: webmaster@canadianwarmbloods.com

National Board of Directors:


• Jennette Coote ~ Tel: 403-556-8046 • Tammie Fulton ~ Tel: 403-240-1721 E-mail: trfulton@telusplanet.net British Columbia:

• Michael Rabe ~ Tel: 250-308-6024 E-mail: mrabe@jetstream.net • Marilyn Powell ~ Tel: 604-530-6385 (Interim) E-mail: inquire@mirrabookfarms.com Manitoba:

• Dana Young ~ Tel: 204 966 3316 • Ingrid Martin ~ 204-757-2292 E-mail: gmartin1@mts.net Nova Scotia:

• •

Holly Erith ~ Tel: 902-384-2202 E-mail: herith@xplornet.com Julie Fulton ~ Tel: 902-922-2549 E-mail: juliefulton@fultonperformancehorses.ca


• Ruth Armstrong ~ Tel: 519-942-9582 E-mail: armstrong.farm@sympatico.ca • Jackie Vandenbrink ~ Tel: - 519-624-7177 E-mail: info@vandenbrink.ca Quebec

• Marie Arsenault ~ Tel: 418-878-4951 • Julie Cantin - Tel: 418-475-1229 E-mail: juliecantin88@hotmail.com Saskatchewan:

• Charmaine Bergman ~ Tel: 306-764-7148 National Treasurer E-mail: apexfarms@sasktel.net • Diane Million ~ Tel: 306-236-5085 E-mail: million@xplornet.com

Important Information: Canadian Livestock Records Corporation (CLRC) 2417 Holly Lane, Ottawa, ON K1V 0M7 Telephone: 613-731-7110


Provincial Executive:

Alberta: President: Vice-Pres: E-mail: Sec/Treas: E-mail: Inspections: Director: Director: Director: Director: Director: Director: Director: Director: Director: Director: Director: Newsletter: Equi-Fair:

Jennette Coote - 403-556-8046 Katrina van den Bosch - 403-556-6629 katnhans@hotmail.com Tammie Fulton - 403-240-1721 trfulton@telusplanet.net Jane Jones - 780-388-2405 Tanya Bergquist - 780-373-3884 Shirley England - 780-354-3066 Chris Gould - 780-786-4337 Lorrie Jamieson - 403-748-3070 Doreen Kulcsar - 403-749-3737 Kathy Laxton - 403-931-2424 Janine Olson - 403-886-2676 Cindy Orr - 403-638-9018 Jill Owen - 403-704-4100 Jennifer Stephenson - 780-696-2506 Jennifer Dayton - 403-932-4819 Connie Begin - 780-963-4170 Mara Coote-Freeman - 403-556-7356

BRITISH COLUMBIA: President: Michael Rabe ~ Tel: 250-838-7051 E-mail: mrabe@jetstream.net Vice-Pres: Connie Kempter ~ Tel: 250-446-2149 E-mail: rappenhof@gmail.com Secretary: Connie Kempter Inspections: Marilyn Powell ~ Tel: 604-530-6385 E-mail: BC_inspections@canadianwarmbloods.com Treasurer: Joan Moore ~ Tel: 604-796-2558 Director: Fraser Valley - Marilyn Powell Director: S. Island - Lindsay Lee E-mail: fineleefarm@gmail.com Director: Thompson Region - Shawn Bruins-Slot Tel: 250-372-0296 E-mail: rafter5ranch@xplornet.ca Director: Okanagan - Michael Rabe Director: NW - Reka Schippers - 250-847-4529 E-mail: schipp@bulkley.net Director: NE - Esther Pederson - 250-787-2033 E-mail: pep_271@hotmail.com Director: Central N. - Sam Schacke - 250-964-7324 E-mail: nadsila@hotmail.com

Nova scotia: President: Holly Erith 902-384-2202 E-mail: herith@xplornet.com Vice-Pres: Julie Fulton ~ Tel: 902-922-2549 E-mail: juliefulton@fultonperformancehorses.ca ONTARIO: President: Ruth Armstrong - 519-942-9582 E-mail: armstrong.farm@sympatico.ca Vice-Pres: Jackie Vandenbrink - 519-624-7177 E-mail: info@vandenbrink.ca Secretary: Kelley Willemze - notifykel@sympatico.ca Treasurer: Susan Jenkins - 519-928-2628 E-mail: susantjenkins@3web.net Awards/Web: Sue Fleming E-mail: smcfleming@rogers.com Shows: Tineke Hogendoorn - 519-634-9805 E-mail: info@hogendoorn.ca Mare Inspection/Foal Futurity Coordinator: Andrea Volasko E-mail: andreavolasko@hotmail.com Publications: Shannon Smith E-mail: fieldstone@sympatico.ca Fund raising Coordinator: Pauline Woodcock E-mail: tudorhousefarms@hotmail.com QUEBEC: Presidente: Julie Cantin ~ 418-475-1229 Courriel: juliecantin88@hotmail.com Vice-Presidente: Marie Arsenault - 418-878-4951 Courriel: marie_arsenault@videotron.ca Secretaire, tresorier: Claude-Eve Bonneau - 450-779 6003 Courriel: equinter@hotmail.com Directeur Saguenay: Bernard Maltais ~ 418-678-9413 Courriel: bmaltais@juno.com Directeur des communications / communication director Julie-Pierre Côté ~ 418-564-9919 Courriel: julpcote@yahoo.ca Our global e-mail: quebec@canadianwarmbloods.com

• Pour plus d’efficacite et une reponse plus rapide, nous vous demandons d’utiliser le courriel lorsque possible. Merci • For more efficiency and a faster answer, please use e-mail whenever possible. Thank you.

MANITOBA: President: Gail Howell - 204-428-3218 E-mail: howell.stoneridge.gail7@gmail.com Vice-Pres: Lorraine Wilson - lorraine-wilson@live.com Secretary: Jocelyn Young - 204-966-3316 Treasurer: Jocelyn Young - evergreenfarms@mts.net Director: Chelsea Hacault -204-526-0395 E-mail: brr@inethome.ca Director: Dana Young - 204-966-3316 Director: Hanna Schlup - 204-268-3359 hschlup@highspeedcrow.ca Email: Director: Ingrid Martin - 204-757-2292 Director: Meghan Nicholls - 204-726-5406 Director: Tim Klassen - 204-428-3554 moonrosestables@hotmail.com Email: Director: Wilf McKay - 204-752-2297

SASKATCHEWAN: President: Charmaine Bergman - 306-764-7148 E-mail: apexfarms@inet2000.com Vice-Pres: Diane Million - 306-242-236-5085 E-mail: million@xplornet.com Secretary: Val Sanford - 306-242-5099 Email: valsanford@hotmail.com Director: Diana Pella - 306-933-4615 Email: Pelmac@hughes.net Director: Gayle Hakes - 306-236-4647 Email: sgfarms@hotmail.com Director: Lisa Longtin - 306-463-3447 Email: lisa@merringtonwarmbloods.ca Director: Joy Mckinnon Email: jmckinnon@sarcan.sk.ca Director: Vanessa Ethier Email: vanessasenko@hotmail.com

DNA & Parentage Verification - Download DNA form from the CWHBA web site and send to National Office. Cost: $60.00 per horse - Contracted through: Saskatchewan Research Council Genserve Laboratories™ (SRC)

For information about Inspections, Registrations, Foal Identification or Events in your Province Please contact your provincial representatives above. Please send all paperwork to National Office.

2011 COMING EVENTS: April 2 Ontario AGM, Freejumping & Inspection Clinic, 12 noon, Daelin Farm, Guelph April 17 Ontario Free Jumping Competition 9:30 am Orangeville Fairgrounds, Orangeville ON April 23-24 Atlantic Horse Fair April 30 Young Breeders Championships Katrina Van den Bosch - 403 556-6629 April 30 Alberta Chute Jumping Championships Katrina Van den Bosch - 403 556-6629 May 7

SK CWHBA BBQ, Dessert Auction & Seminar, Prince Albert, Vanessa Senko - 306 922-3597


Atlantic Summer Show Series

June - October Annual Mare & Foal Inspections: British Columbia - Marilyn Powell - 604-530-6385 BC_inspections@canadianwarmbloods.com Alberta - Jane Jones - 780-388-2405 AB_inspections@canadianwarmbloods.com Saskatchewan - Charmaine Bergman - 306-764-7148 SK_inspections@canadianwarmbloods.com Manitoba - Dana Young - 204-966-3316 MB_inspections@canadianwarmbloods.com

June - October Annual Mare & Foal Inspections: Ontario - Andrea Volasko - 519-925-3462 ON_inspections@canadianwarmbloods.com Quebec - Julie Cantin - 418-475-1229 QC_inspections@canadianwarmbloods.com Maritimes - Holly Erith - 902-384-2202 Maritime_inspections@canadianwarmbloods.com TBA National Stallion Licensing Tour & SPT office@canadianwarmbloods.com September 3-4 SK Chapter Warmblood Showcase Saskatoon, Diana Pella - pelmac@hughes.net September Alberta Chapter Shows Doreen Kulscar - 403 749-3737 September 7-11 Spruce Meadows Masters Mara Coote-Freeman - 403 556-7356 September 7-10 Battle of the Breeds, Darleen Schmidt October 8 Oct 15-16

Ontario Foal Futurity, Mare Inspection & Mare Performance Test, Orangeville Fairgrounds Alberta Fall Classic Breeders Sale, www.fallclassicsale.com

November RAWF, Toronto, ON November 26 Alberta Chapter AGM Tammie Fulton - 403 -240- 1721

CWHBA FEE SCHEDULE Effective: January 1, 2010 Membership:

Fee: CDN Funds

Annual membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $85 Associate membership ( Non-owners of registered breeding stock ) Associate Members receive newsletter & are eligible for Awards Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35 Life time membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $850 Registration: Registrations for all horses born prior to January 1994 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $90 Registration of foal by entered & Approved or Licensed stallion: Within 12 months of foaling date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $85 - Late penalty - add . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75 Registration of foal by non-entered or non-approved stallion: Within 12 months of foaling date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $185 - Late penalty - add . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75 Stud Book Entry:

Initial Entry fee for Approved stallions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75 Initial Mare Entry for all mares ( one time fee for inspected mares ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45 Annual Mare Entry ( for non-inspected mares ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45 Stallion ‘Report of Mares Bred’ ( Due Nov 1st of calendar year ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50 Stallion ‘Report of Mares Bred’ - late filing after November 1st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75 Mare Inspection and initial Mare Entry for First Breeding Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100 Stallion Inspection and Entry - stallions aged 2 years . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200 Stallion Inspection and Entry - stallions aged 3 years and over . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $400 Offspring Evaluation and/or branding fee ( ID markings no cost ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25


DNA test (mane hair) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Duplicate Certificate ( Notarized Affidavit Required ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Re-Issued Certificate ( Owner Error or Request ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transfer of ownership ( membership of CWHBA not required ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$60 $50 $15 $30


Annual General Meeting March 11 - 13, 2011

Kelowna, B.C. The CWHBA Annual General Meeting and Seminar took place in Kelowna March 11th through 13th at the Coast Capri Hotel. Thirty directors and delegates from across the country participated in an intense two days of discussion and information sharing. Workshops, seminars and the AGM kept participants busy during the days, while a hospitality evening on Friday and an Awards Dinner and Silent Auction on Saturday kept them entertained. Thanks to the host B.C. Chapter and especially to Michael Rabe and Connie Kempter for organizing. The Saturday morning workshop was focused on a review of the four year Strategic Plan, that was launched in 2010. Reports were received from the four planning committees outlining the work they had done and next steps for 2011.

High point of the day: panel discussion “Bridging the Gap

from Breeders to Performance” The afternoon featured a number of presentations. First, Dr Grant Scott gave an excellent overview of OCD, its causes and treatments. Dr Scott’s knowledgeable and common sense approach (he is a practising arthroscopic surgeon) was welcomed by breeders. Besides the clarity of the information, the important take home message was don’t rush into surgery if your horse does not have clinical symptoms. Not all OCD requires surgical intervention, especially for mature sound horses

with a performance history. The new Equine Canada Export Marketing strategy was well explained in a slide presentation sent by Susan Stewart, EC Export Marketing Coordinator. This was a timely presentation following on the success of the CWHBA participation at WEG. The high point of the day, and a first for the CWHBA, was a panel discussion titled Bridging the Gap from Breeders to Performance. Prominent trainers, coaches and judges from the Kelowna area were invited to give their views on how we can bridge the gap between breeders and trainers. This was an outstanding session that ran well beyond the time planned. An excellent dialogue took place over the two hour session, and then into the evening as four of the panel stayed for the Awards Dinner. Most impressive was the interest and openness of the

Dana Young from Manitoba, hamming it up for the camera. Dana was the determined and successful bidder for the last set of embroidered polo wraps.


trainers to work more closely with Canadian breeders. The key appears to be communication and a number of ideas were generated to address that issue. Panelists (above L - R) Julia Bostock, Lynda Ramsey, Katrin Maxwell, Isabel Reinertson and Bill Ulmer were unanimous in encouraging breeders to approach them directly with horses for sale and agreed that this was something that few trainers had considered in the past. The Awards Dinner was followed by a very heated, one item, live auction for the last set of CW embroidered polo wraps. Dana Young from

Manitoba was the determined and successful bidder at sixty five dollars. She capped her weekend off at the AGM, by being elected to a two year term as the new Vice Chair. Year end High Point and Achievement Awards were presented and may be seen on our Web site and this magazine. Congratulations to all. The Chairman’s Volunteer Recognition Award, given each year to bring attention to the importance of our hard working volunteers, was given to retiring Director Doreen Kulscar. Doreen has been an invaluable member of the Board and in particular was instrumental in coordinating the advertising and sponsorship drive that was essential to publish the WEG Special Edition of the Breeder’s Digest. Doreen also works hard at the provincial chapter level ensuring the success of the Fall Classic Breeders’ Sale catalogue.









Silent Auction Donators: Otter Coop, Saddle Up Magazine, Hard Valley Warmbloods, Tanya Bergquist, Jennette Coote, Key Warmbloods & Two Willows Equine, Shaun Bruins-Slot, Quebec Chapter, Diane Hanson, Pheasant Ridge Farm, Mirrabook Farms, Charmaine Bergman and British Columbia Chapter.



1. Lindsay Lee & Connie Kempter, BC. 2. Tammie Fulton, AB 3. Ruth Armstrong, Jackie van den Brink, ON, Shawn Bruins-Slot, BC 4. Julie Fulton, NS 5. QC members 6. SK members 7. & 9. Meeting, listening to speakers 8. Silent Auction - Val Sanford 10. Silent Auction - Diane Hanson 11. Lynda Ramsay accepting award for Pikardi from Marilyn Powell 12. Silent Auction - Jennette Coote



The Annual General Meeting which took place the following day, was largely occupied with reports and formalizing the plans from the previous day’s workshop, however a motion from the floor, to start DNA profiling foals beginning with 2011 foals, was carried after much debate. The CWHBA already requires DNA on stallions and mares at entry so the elements necessary to DNA parentage verify have been phased in over several years. Several other recommendations from the Strategic Plan were discussed and referred to the Board, including a proposal to include gallop and jumping evaluation in mare inspections. In all it was a very successful weekend made possible by the generosity of several Sponsors: Intercity Insurance, Capri Insurance, Gaitpost, Alberta Chapter CWHBA, Holliston and Associates, Rappenhof, Saskatchewan Chapter CWHBA, Lazy SB Branch Warmbloods, Mirrabook Farms and Apex Farms.


Bridging the Gap from Breeders to Performance Creating Synergy between Coaches/Trainers and CWHBA Breeders Saturday, March 12th at the CWHBA AGM in Kelowna, the day finished with an honest and open dialogue with a panel of Coaches and trainers from the Okanagan area. Entitled ‘Bridging The Gap from Breeders to Performance’ and moderated by Jennette Coote, the panel discussion was designed to provide an opportunity for breeders and trainers to discuss issues that affect they way young horses move from the breeders into the performance market. Issues such as the quality and level of training required by trainers, ethics around commissions and simply how can both groups get to know and meet the needs of the other. The common ground is, of course, the desire to have good, rideable, competitive horses for amateur and elite riders. The gap is that breeders need to sell young, usually green prospects and seldom connect directly with trainers while trainers need developed horses with show mileage and seldom look for horses directly from breeders. The panelists were Julia Bostock , Level II Hunter/Jumper Coach of Full Throttle Equestrian, Vernon; Lynda Ramsay, Level III Eventing Coach, Event and Basic level Dressage Judge, Mission Creek Ranch, Kelowna; Kathrin Maxwell, EC Coach, from Germany who, with her family, now calls Wild Horse Mountain Ranch, Summerland, home; Isabel Reinertson, M Level Dressage coach and Chair of Para Equestrian Canada, Salmon


Arm and Bill Ulmer, Hunter/Jumper trainer and coach, twice short listed for Canadian Olympic team, operator of Foxwood Stables, Kelowna. The First Question asked was ‘what are trainers looking for in a horse they would recommend for their clients.‘ The panelists responded that a consistent horse with good mind was a priority over talent. That they wished to see horses that have a solid walk, trot and canter. The majority of their riders are Amateurs and Juniors. They wish to see good video, and Bill Ulmer likes to see video that also shows the character of the horse.

dressage horses and hunters both need a good canter ... the trot can be improved with training, but not the canter Discipline of choice certainly affects their needs. Bill runs a Hunter barn, and his clients want hard working, pretty horses with solid characters. Lynda noted that her clients require horses that can take timeouts and come back pleasant to the same place the owner left off.

Kathrin also wishes that they have been to a few shows, but for horses she personally developments, she looks to unbroken 2 or 3 year olds that are budget wise to purchase. Isabel stressed the same basics, plus she felt that Dressage horses and hunters both need a good canter, that “the trot can be improved with training, but not the canter.” She also felt that inviting trainers and coaches to events such as the Okanagan Breeders Group sale/showcase was an excellent start in their area. A question in regard to double commissions and some other non-transparent impediments to the selling process was well fielded by the panelists. Some charge day fees to their clients for looking at horses, and others charge their client a commission on the purchase price. They all strongly believe in a single commission system. The feeling that the industry has been damaged by double dipping was expressed by several of the panelists. They were unanimous in rejecting the idea of kick backs or under the table commissions from the sellers, but acknowledged that some trainers still operate that way. Their best advice to breeders was to encourage them to be completely open, when dealing with trainers and talk about commissions and pricing right up front. Often ambiguity is the issue and breeders will find that trainers are more ethical than we have been led to believe. As to how the panelists find horses for their

clients, well, Julia Bostock still finds word of mouth is the best way for her. Lynda Ramsay noted that the Internet has made life easier and offers tremendous networking opportunities, as well as the ability to view video, photos on-line. The best places she has bought from in the last 5 to 10 years has been from breeders with fabulous websites and breeder group sites. She also refers clients to those websites. For print, she feels that Gaitpost has been a successful media for her to advertise sale horses in.

Clearly there is a synergy to be found by working

disclosing all pertinent information regarding health, disposition and training level. Most are not looking for super stars, they are looking for solid citizens to go forward with their client for many enjoyable years.

Even some issues, like OCD that is not active or solidified, are acceptable, if the horse and the price more closely with our is right. The economy has affected everyone’s business and many people have tightened their coaches and trainers. belts by reducing lessons per week, attending fewer shows per season and postponing purchases of new horses. The up side to this is that people Kathrin Maxwell uses the Internet, magazines and personal contact with are more open to buying locally bred horses. other coaches that she has a relationship with. She likes the idea of short Pre-purchase exams were touched on, and most seemed to have reasonable YouTube video followed up by a longer DVD sent via mail after the party requirements for baseline x-rays. Bill Ulmer likes to have a simple pre confirms interest. purchase done before going to see the horse if travelling any distance. Isabel Rheinertson makes most of her sale contacts at actual competitions, and highly advises breeders to get their horses out to the show ring. She suggested giving horses to a trainer, who will do this, to showcase a breeding program. The cost of partnering or giving the horse away free may well be worth while, when compared to the costs of developing and showing horses. Bill Ulmer looks at horses from a variety of sources, and feels that the seller’s need to be honest on the dollar figure they will accept, knowledgeable about what each discipline requires and realistic about whether their horse meets those requirements. Many of today’s clientèle cannot find the solid entry level horses. Everyone is looking for them, so some will look at horses with less miles. It costs a good amount of time and money for the buyer and their coach or trainer to actually go and try horses, so respect this was the message, by being honest and

Regarding pedigrees; most coaches are not particularly knowledgeable about pedigrees and care more about a horse’s performance than its lineage, however, they will remember good or bad experiences and relate it to a certain sire or dam or breeding program. Throughout the session there was a good dialogue between panelists and the audience. A number of ideas were aired concerning how the CWHBA, as a breed association, can help to bridge the gap. There was enthusiasm for more of these types of events. It was an excellent learning session for everyone and we are very grateful to the panelists for their very positive response and encouragement to our breeders. Clearly there is a synergy to be found by working more closely with our coaches and trainers.

Hajo • Artificial Insemination

(Chilled, Frozen, and Fresh)

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Sire Hochadel by Hohenstein. Dam’s sire Don Primero, Donnerhall’s most successful licensed son.

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11/11/10 12:29:57 PM


World Breeding Federation For Sport Horses Report on WBFSH General Assembly By Chris Gould

Philadelphia 2010

Chris Gould (Chairman) and Victoria Kendall (CWHBA office) attended the 2010 WBFSH General Assembly on behalf of the CWHBA, from September 28 to September 30, 2010 in Philadelphia.

collaboratively with other national associations. The feed back we received was good.


One of the tour items was a visit to the Devon Breed Show. Our hosts were gracious, but the weather was horrific with gale force winds and rain, so the event was interesting, but not so much fun and entries were down. The show gets a lot of press, but there is so much inter registry competition that you get a class for every NA registry, often with only one or two horses.

The WBFSH Annual General Assembly takes place each year in a different country. This was the second time in North America. Each member association sends one or two representatives. The focus of the meeting is the General Assembly where the business of the federation is done. The year round activities of the federation are managed by the Board with a supporting Executive Committee made up of professional staff seconded by the Board members from their home associations. The main business is receiving reports on the year’s activities, ratifying the actions of the Board , approving the plan for the next year and setting policy. The General Assembly takes only a half day, so the remaining time is spent on seminars and tours of the host country. Although the official business is important, the networking and sharing of information that takes place during the rest of the time is of utmost value. In this organization, more than any other the informal structure is where most issues are addressed first. The seminar and tour information can be seen on the schedule and the seminar presentations available on the WBFSH site. Co Host presentation: The CWHBA was the only NA association to help support the meeting, which was hosted by the International Sport Horse Registry / Oldenburg. By being a co host of the main dinner, we were given the opportunity to make a presentation at the end of the Tuesday seminar session. We gave a good overview of our history and our current status as well as sending the message that we are the leaders in Canada and are ready and willing to work 10

USA situation:

We had some good discussions about how the U.S. breeders are so entrenched in their daughter societies, while at the same time the stallion owners are forced to get as many approvals as they can. Over all their industry is more fragmented than ours, with a lot of people doing duplicate work. Their major issue, as is ours, is tracking performance. As long as U.S. breeders are willing to accept colonial status, there is little likelihood, that the United States will be the breeding power house that it could be.

prize money, it appears to be growing again. The horses she showed us were not especially spectacular, however temperament and training are by far the most important issue and it takes a special horse to make it look easy with automatic changes. The big news is that Warmbloods have completely taken over the market, largely because of temperament. This may not be news to everybody, but it does indicate that there is a niche market we could be better at capitalizing on. Remember a Canadian approved stallion Rio Grande was many times USEF hunter sire of the year so Canada has a good reputation down there. Hassler Dressage: One of the tour stops was an amazing new facility Hassler Dressage operated by Scott Hassler and built with an anonymous financial partner. There were no horses yet, construction is still going on, but the architecture, size and quality of the construction is beyond imagination. To see pictures go to the WBFSH site.

Pedigrees on Show programs:


The WBFSH is working closely with the FEI and it is now FEI policy that major shows should have pedigree and stud book information on the starting lists. There was some question of whether this was being followed at WEG. Along the same lines, the WBFSH voted to send a letter to Spruce Meadows to recognize and thank them for their leadership in this area. They have been putting pedigree info on programs for some time and we thought it would be a good idea for the WBFSH to recognize that.

After a couple of previous considerations, Spain has confirmed it will host the WBFSH General Assembly in 2011.

Hunters: We had an excellent session with top hunter trainer Louise Serio. She certainly opened a few European eyes. The market for hunters is still a big thing in the east and with the revival of the Hunter Derby classes and significant

Chris Gould 2010 FEI WBFSH World Ranking List Dressage Studbook CWHBA - 18th of 33 stud books Horses: Pikardi, Lindor’s Finest Jumping Studbook CWHBA - 33rd of 43 stud books Horses: Ulano, Lucas

The CWHBA mourns the loss of a truly inspiring supporter: A New Boss Mare In Heaven - In Memory of Elaine Partington On April 1 2011, Elaine Partington, Treasurer for the Saskatchewan Chapter CWHBA, passed away. Words cannot convey how valued and loved Elaine was by the members of the Canadian Warmblood Horse Breeders Association. She was a stalwart, unwavering supporter with the phrase “what can I do to help” always on her lips. More important than this; she inspired us to be enthusiastic, generous and loving. She will be greatly missed, but her spirit will endure in the lives of all those she touched. Chris Gould writes:: For those of you that did not have the pleasure of knowing Elaine, she was a key person in vitalizing the Saskatchewan Chapter, signing on as one of the founding directors. She and her husband Terry worked behind the scenes, making Ebon Stables the centre for Warmblood activities in Saskatchewan, while partner Pat Slimmon sat on our Board for many years. She was a person of great energy, outspoken and full of humour, on top of being a wonderful horse woman.

Family photo 2009: Elaine & Terry’s 40th Wedding Anniversary, kindly supplied by Shawna Partington (left), Tanys at right..

Elaine’s Lessons for Life

In 2001, Colleen Embree-Jay and I had the good fortune of traveling to Sweden with Elaine, Terry and their daughter Shawna, to observe the SPT there, while we (CWHBA) were considering adopting the short test format. It was a great trip made doubly so by the enthusiasm and curiosity that Elaine brought to everything, from sight seeing in Sweden and Denmark to closely observing the SPT proceedings. I know she made a great impression on our Swedish hosts, including Dr. Ingvar Fredricson. (Group pictured above) Elaine was a formidable presence; she spoke her mind, was generous and thoughtful, put


There are people who give you an all her energy into everything that she did. My heart goes out to her family, Terry and Shawna and her close friends Pat Slimmon and John Blacklock. She will be sorely missed. Opportunity for a defining moment knowledge, and at the same time practising his profession as an engineer. in your life, Elaine Partington gave us a When the “mature” riders were taking lessons, and Elaine was drawing diagrams in the arena footing, she wasn’t just showing us about horses, lifetime of such moments. by Charmaine Bergman

s influential as she was within the Saskatoon horse community, her inquisitive side sought to find more and better things for us all and she strode into the Provincial and National arena with her clear logic, no nonsense ability to cut to the chase and made things happen, the right way. As a competitor her skills were high and her sense of humour made many a show incident into a tale of laughter to carry forward. In fact, we all have great stories of funny show incidents, and Elaine was often the centre of the story, or the person who had just the right phrase for the story. A creative writer early in her adult years, Elaine learnt to be crafty with words and there are phrases emblazoned on our psyche forever, that were Elaine’s alone. All her life, Elaine worked hard, from dawn to dusk and beyond, yet she raised two fabulous daughters, Tanys and Shawna, with her husband Terry. Where she found the time to be all the things she was to all the people, whose lives she touched, is impossible to know. But she did and her family was right there helping her. Shawna is an accomplished Coach in her own right. She also schools the young Ebon horses that her father, Terry, gives the right start to and she has helped the SK CWHBA Chapter through many a Showcase. Tanys was the French speaker that was so appreciated the years the Chapter hosted the Stallion Service Auction at PBR Auctions. And Terry, well, Terry has just always been there, holding the physical plant of Ebon together to the highest standard, helping many with their horses by offering sage and timely

she was giving us lessons in life. Since the inception of the Saskatchewan Chapter of the CWHBA in 1998, Elaine was a leader amongst us, sometimes dragging us kicking and screaming, and always showing unique insight, extreme attention to detail and tons of fun. She kept us on line financially. Terry, Shawna, and Tanys were part of the team of great and hard worked volunteers, often giving more than one ever expected.

Elaine made us all grow. She kept and held many close when they most needed it; she was the centre of many circles, from Pony Club to the Ebon crew, to the Coaches in Saskatchewan, to the SK CWHBA, to her friends and most of all to her family, pictured above left on the occasion of Elaine & Terry’s 40th wedding anniversary. We thank her for her greatness of character that gave so much to so many. She leaves behind a community that is enriched for having her. As her very good friend John Blacklock put it, “there is a new boss mare in heaven, with a herd of good friends, and that is Elaine Partington.”

Photos courtesy of Elaine’s friend, Judy Wood


The Road to the International Ring Selecting the young Grand Prix Horse an interview with Joni Lynn Peters Joni is a ranch-raised horsewoman from the interior of British Columbia. Horses have been part of her life since she can remember. From helping her dad log with his team of Belgian draft to participating in gymkhanas, reining competitions and mountain riding to Pony Club. Pony Club took her into eventing where in 1995 she was short listed to the national eventing team. She then decided to concentrate on dressage and in 1998 was long listed to the national dressage team and in 1999 short-listed, on the Canadian bred horse “The Equalizer”. Without a formal coach, Joni attributes much of her success to wonderful clinicians that helped her, but mostly to her mom and dad Jacquelyn and Bob Peters who have acted as her advisers and mentors throughout her career. Her competition successes have won her invitations to train in Germany with Udo Lange and a bursary from the B.C. Horse Council to be able to accept. In 1998, with the urging of her parents, Joni attended her first Fall Classic Breeders Sale in Olds and purchased Winken (Widukind x Chances Are II, Landscape Page xx) bred by Leah Goin. Her Winken partnership won her the bursary to Germany as they competed very successfully thru the medium levels. Winken trained to Grand Prix but due to arthritis could not continue his career. Joni, why go to the Warmblood sale when looking for a new horse?

Joni said ‘the sale provided an opportunity to view a lot of well presented horses, and see them several times ridden, walking, jumping and to try them out. It was a great opportunity to develop an eye to confirm the type of horse I wanted.’ As well she said the pedigrees and quality of horses in the sale really impressed her. So when it became apparent she needed another horse in 2003, she went back to the sale and bought Travolta. What first attracted you to look at 3 year old Travolta (Ferro / Landwind II) bred by John & Jackie van den Bosch.

Joni said she previewed the sale on line and


picked out 6 horses to look at based on pedigree both sire and dam side. Then looking at the horses she has a priority list of characteristics that she uses in selecting. Type, Disposition, Movement, and she feels that Pedigree and conformation are equal. The type she is looking for is an athletic, totally balanced individual, a lighter more modern look of warmblood. She stressed that to go all the way the horse has to be sensitive. Disposition she needs, is one she can get along with. The horse must be willing to discuss the issues with her. When ridden it must be willing to be trained, be a happy athlete who likes their job.

By Jennette Coote

Movement: The horse must have an excellent canter and walk, and needs a good trot. It has to have three balanced gaits. The canter must be a clear three beat with a jump to it and balanced ease of movement that lets them handle their feet wherever they are. The walk is very important, and she spends 60% of her time with the horse assessing the walk. It must be a clear 4-beat that is balanced and maintains rhythm, at all times. Conformation: In general he must have an up-hill build. The hip needs to be somewhat closed for collection with a long line from hip to buttock for length of stride. She looks for big feet for soundness and big ears, as she feels that this indicates honesty.

Selecting the young Grand Prix Horse an interview with Joni Lynn Peters .... continued

Joni prefers to select young horses that have spent their early years in a herd where they can learn the pecking order and have space for development. Handled appropriately but not cuddled or overly coddled. They need to be sensitive, but need to want to play and be willing to accept guidance.

Joni, now that Travolta has grown up and is longlisted for the National Dressage Team, would you tell us a bit about the journey to this point?

Joni say’s she used the normal progression of training using the levels and lots of patience. She took Travolta to 2 Training level tests as a 4 year old; then as a 5 year old did a short season on him in level I becoming B.C. champion; as a 6 year old Second Level B.C. Reserve Champion; as a 7 yr old Third level B.C. Champion, and at 8 and 9 Prix St. George/ Int. 1 B.C. Champion; at 10 he was Grand Prix B.C. Reserve Champion and Western Regional Champion. I asked her about the FEI young horse classes?

Joni said that she

‘felt they were a showcase for breeders, but not particularly good for the development of hot sensitive horses because they ask a lot’. She felt that they are more suitable to amateur horses that are not as hot and sensitive. Were there points in his development that were hard to get over and made you wonder if he would make it?

Joni replied that there were none. ‘He was at the next level before I knew we were ready to go there’ she said, ‘he is a very sensitive, hot horse that over thinks at times and it just takes patience and time to keep him going’. She believes this sensitivity is what has made him competitive at the tough level he’s at. ‘It takes heart and courage to complete the Grand Prix Special, he has to be on the ball the entire test; there are no breathing spots’. To end this interview with Joni, we wish her and Travolta the best of success and hope that the International Team is their next stop.











Jennette Coote, Chairman Teresa van Bryce, Administrator Fall Classic Breeders’ Sale CWHBA – Alberta Chapter (403) 556-8046 or (403) 420-5949 fallclassicsale@canadianwarmbloods.com The 16th annual Fall Classic Breeders’ Sale offered by the Alberta Chapter of the Canadian Warmblood Horse Breeders Association wrapped up another great year on October 17th. The barns were buzzing and the seats full with additional viewers looking on via live streaming video. This European format sale allowed buyers a day and a half of previews and tryouts of the consigned horses, showing the horses under saddle, chute jumping and in-hand. This year’s group of breeders consigned a consistently well-bred, well-raised product. Eric Martin, a trainer from Manitoba, said “This is my first time here and I am truly impressed with the quality of horses and breeding offered and the fact that one trip allows me to see so many potentially suitable horses for my clients”. Bob Wilson of Ottawa found and purchased five horses to take back to Ontario, Warmbloods P3R purchased three horses to take to Quebec, and long time US buyer Marion O’Connor took a trailer load back to Idaho - all indications of the high quality and breeding available at the sale.

Section B cooler, above, sponsored by Victory Tack Shop, went to new owner Paula Leweke for Royal Ritz, a 4 year old CWHBA gelding, Royal Senna / Rocks, shown here with breeder Crystal McFarlane.

This auction had a first for Canada (and perhaps North America) with the honour of selling the first Contender daughter offered at public auction. High selling Section A mare Contikki (Contender/ Landucci) received the Sparks Innovations cooler for new owner Klondike Victory Farm, and consignor Lindsay Wendt of Grandview Performance Horses received the Tack Corral leather halter. Bidding was also very competitive on the weanling Quaterback colt Quatermane (Quaterback / Redford) consigned by Key Warmbloods, and the lovely yearling gelding Eastwood (Riverman / Judgement) consigned by Woodlawn Farms. The Section B cooler was sponsored by Victory Tack Shop and went to new owner Paula Leweke for 4 year old Canadian Warmblood gelding Royal Ritz (Royal Senna / Rocks), and receiving the Tack


Section A cooler, above, was sponsored by Allan and Joyce Sparks, of Sparks Innovations pictured here with new owner Lorrie Jamieson of Klondike Victory Farm & Contiki (Contender/Landucci).

Corral halter for high selling consignor/breeder was Crystal McFarlane. Also actively pursued were Go For the Gold (Gervantus II / Donner Bube) breeder/consignor M3 Warmbloods, MJ Adelaide (VDL Ulando /Fantast) breeder/consignor MJ Farms and Solar Power (Simply SM / Bates Motel) breeder/consignor Gillian & Darwin Orr. The high selling two year old was Debonair (Ikoon / Wild Gold) breeder/consignor Tina & Peter Watkins. The overall sale gross was the highest since 2007 with the average per horse improving to $8,441. The performance horse sale average was up from 2009 to $9,791, and the young prospect average up to $9,833, a significant increase from 2009. The high seller sold for $26,000 with 43 of 69 horses sold. Sale Chairman Jennette Coote commented “We worked very hard on our marketing this year and it showed with the increase in attendance at the sale and the internet activity. Buyers were very specific about what they wanted and were prepared to pay for it. Overall I was very pleased with the sale, however there were many nice horses not sold and would encourage people still interested to visit the sale site and consider the horses remaining.” Saturday’s gala evening was a treat. The Precision Driving competition opened the event and Judith Orr-Bertelsen and her Haflinger gelding Masterpiece took top prize. The well received vaulting demonstration by high placed Canadian at the World Equestrian Games (WEG), Jeanine van der Sluijs of Olds, was an audience favourite, many commenting that they’d not had the opportunity to view a vaulting performance live. Bonny Bonnello then shared her road to the WEG with her Canadian Warmblood gelding Pikardi in the dressage competition and autographed commemorative t-shirts and books following her presentation. A very spirited Calcutta benefiting the Young Breeders Fund was held prior to the Calido Star Young Horse 3-Bars competition. The hotly contested 3-bars class jumped for $1,000 in prize money with the result after 6 rounds a tie between Laura Iversen’s Springtime PR (Goodtimes / Lancaster) and Lindsay Wendt’s Nashville (Baldini II /Pluspunkt) at 5’3”. This longest running auction of Warmbloods in North America will return in 2011. Please check the web site at www.fallclassicsale.com for updates and information. We welcome your participation.

The European format sale allowed buyers a day and a half of previews and tryouts of the consigned horses, plus horses are shown under saddle, chute jumping and in-hand.

DHA Positively Affects Semen Quality by: Kentucky Equine Research Inc. January 12 2011, Article # 17530

Various supplements are commonly given to breeding stallions in hopes of improving semen quality, but conflicting reports exist on their effectiveness. Researchers have found, however, that the supplement ingredient DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid found in fish oil, does have a positive affect on semen quality.

In one study, when stallions supplemented with DHA were compared with a control group that did not receive the supplement, semen from both groups showed good sperm motility (the ability of the sperm to move in a forward motion) after 24 hours of cooling, but the sperm from supplemented horses swam straighter and faster. After 48 hours, changes were more obvious, with sperm from treated horses showing better total motility, progressive motility, and rapid motility. Supplemented stallions whose cooled semen doesn’t generally sustain a good quality showed significantly improved semen quality. Keep your horse healthy with the information in Understanding Equine Nutrition.

Kentucky Equine Research

Nutrition and Health Information from the Experts!

Visit www.Equinews.com

Lipids (a group of substances that include fatty acids) are highly concentrated in sperm and sperm membranes. The different amounts and concentrations account for the differences in how well semen from a particular species will react to cooling and freezing. The supplement used in the study was designed for boars, whose semen has some of the same characteristics as stallion semen, namely a similar distribution of polyunsaturated fatty acids and a low tolerance to cold shock. Studies in humans and other animal species have shown that supplementation with vitamins C and E and a combination of L-carnitine and L-acetyl-carnitine also have improved sperm output, concentration, and motility. However, it is not known whether these supplements would have any effect (either positive or negative) on sperm quality in stallions.

Article reprinted with the permission of copyright holder Kentucky Equine Research (KER). Visit www.ker.com for more horse health and nutrition information.

15 107789c_KER_Bus_ad_01-2011.indd 1

1/26/11 10:14 PM

Horses for the . . . amateur to the professional

New Dat October e!

15-16, 2011 One week after

Canadian Thanksgiving.

Canada’s Premiere Warmblood Auction The Fall Sale Committee is proud to Sponsor the trophy cooler for the inaugural Canadian Hi-Score Mare based on Inspection scores from 2010.

ongratulations to past sale consignor Sheri Bresee & Gabrielle Anderson's

• Telephone bidding welcome • Online Bidding Available





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Visit us online www.fallclassicsale.com




Photo © Janine

Premium 8.5 points

Society Grounds Olds, Alberta, Canada

VENICE. Ferro / Lancet / Doruto

Olds Agricultural


80 Registered Warmblood Horses

presented in the European Tradition

60 - 2 Year Olds & under saddle performance horses 20 - Foals, Yearlings and Broodmares E-mail: admin@fallclassicsale.com Sponsored by:

Alberta Chapter Canadian Warmblood

A New Tradition begins 2010 Award for High Score Mare at Inspection By Jennette Coote

The 2010 High-Score Mare at a Canadian Warmblood inspection, is Venice. This lovely, 8 year old daughter of Ferro / Lancet / Doruto, scored a high 8.5 points on inspection during the Alberta Breeders Show. Not only did she win the Fall Classic Warmblood Sale sponsored cooler for CWHBA mare inspections, she was also the Alberta Champion Mare and Show Champion. Imported in-utero from Holland, she was purchased by owner Gabrielle Anderson and she has been in training with Sheri Bresee for dressage. Venice had excellent success in Training and First Level classes as a five and six year old. When university created the need to cut back expenses for her owner, Sheri Bresee took the opportunity to lease Venice as a broodmare for her family’s Aspelund Ridge Warmblood breeding operation. Aspelund Ridge Warmbloods is a family collaboration between Sheri, father Garry and mother Linda. It started with Sheri as a young girl participating in Pony Club to the A level, then deciding to attend the Olds College Equine program. At the college, Sheri found her first warmblood partner Talisman. A son of CWHBA foundation stallion Wermizal out of Lady Rockney xx / Arabacus xx, Sheri prepared him for the college auction and bought him. Then training with Leslie Reid

resulted in Talisman and Sheri being named as Dressage team alternate for the 1999 Pan Am Games in Winnipeg. There, she was a test rider for the games. Talisman and Sheri have since taken on 4 young girls to teach them advanced level dressage including Gabe Anderson, who competed in the North American Young Riders Championships, her sister Emily who competed in FEI Juniors, and 11-year-old Sonja Heaton in the FEI Children’s level.

at inspection, with Contessa also achieving Reserve Champion Alberta Mare in her year. Add Venice to this superb group and the Bresee’s have created a high power broodmare band for dressage production, in both pedigree and conformation.

Sheri has an active dressage training and teaching business with a large group of juniors at Burnt Lake Stables in Red Deer. She also takes the time to work with the Parkland Area Alberta Dressage Association and acts as show manager for the Provincial Championship and the Western Regional Dressage Shows.

A Canadian success story - Aspelund Ridge Warmbloods will continue to produce high quality Canadian Warmbloods using the tools provided by the organization and their own astute ability to select both pedigree and conformation.

Sheri’s continued search for her next Grand Prix mount resulted in the purchase of their licensed stallion, Sovereign Hit. As usual, they trusted their great track record at selecting yearlings and purchased this Sandro Hit / Donnerhall son just prior to his first birthday. He was presented to his licensing and had premium scores in all categories. An injury resulted in a slowdown of his training, however, in 2010 he won the title Champion Western Regional Training level and Sheri has high hopes for the 6-year-old FEI classes.

The family breeding business started with buying well-bred yearling fillies from the Fall Classic Warmblood Sale. Garry and Sheri attended the first ever sale and purchased ‘TC’ (Tannenhain x Weragonia, Wedekind) and Maggie (Major Won x Phoebe, Parcours). ‘TC’ produced many lovely competitive horses and two granddaughters of Maggie, Regala by Regardez, and Farrah by MJ Fusion, are now continuing the Maggie line for the farm. They then purchased from the Fall Classic Sale the yearlings Latte by Cappuccino and Contessa, Cappuccino / Nemo. Contessa performed as Sheri’s competition horse achieving success at 4th level. She has now produced a foal by Bugatti Hilltop, and one by Rousseau. All their mares scored high premium marks 17

2010 Premium Mares 18

Congratulations Owners & Breeders! Mare Inspection Premiums awarded in 2010 The inspection evaluations are an important tool in the CWHBA efforts to meet their breeding aim to produce a well bred Warmblood horse suitable for Olympic and related Equestrian sports. The Application for Stud Book Entry and Evaluation are on one tri-part form. You must be a current Annual Member of CWHBA. The following inspection categories are used: • Breed & Sex Type • Quality of Conformation (calculated as an average of sub-scores) • Correctness of Gaits • Swing & Elasticity of Gaits • Walk • General Impression & Development Venice Score: 8.5 Olympic Ferro x Polina, Lancet Leasee: Sheri Bresee

SPRINGTIME P.R. Score: 8.33 Goodtimes x Next Generation, Lancaster Owner: Maya Iversen

Fiona Miranda Score: 8.0 Oxford x Riverdale, Kadans O: E. Monaghan-Miranda; B: J. VandenBrink

Cassidy III Score: 8.33 Carthago Sun1 x Arabella, Anforan xx B/O: St. George’s Stables Ltd.

Aurora Borealis Score: 8.0 Autocrat x Sailor’s Honey xx, Sailor Bold xx B/O: Dr. Heather Smith-Oberton

Ginetta W Score: 8.0 Apenarde CH x Gorgeous Daisy, Goya de Lully B /O: Sigma Warmbloods

Farrah Score: 7.83 MJ Fusion x Echo, Eastern Ruler B/O: Gary Bresee

Air Canada Score: 7.67 Abke x Irma, Ramiro Z O: Sheila Durand & Hugh Tackaberry

AIREE CL Score: 7.67 Rubignon x Winters Gift, Weltmeyer B: N. Horsthuis; O: Jane Macdonald

2010 ©Southern Designs

BRIDGET Score: 7.67 Silverstone Z x Unieka, Damiro B B/O: John van den Bosch

CONTENDRA KT Score: 7.67 Contendro x Cara KT, Cappuccino B/O: Kathy & Tom Laxton

CAVALUNA Score: 7.67 Silverstone Z x Riviera, Ferro B/O: John van den Bosch

INNASENSE Score: 7.67 Odilon x Hells Angels, Devil’s Choice B: Painted Trak Farms; O: A. Augustine

2010 Premium Mares

West Jet Score: 8.0 Winning Mood x Irma, Ramiro Z O: Sheila Durand & Hugh Tackaberry


2010 Premium Mares 20

JES CHENOA Score 7.67 Carthago Sun I x Colibri, Caletto I B/O: J.E.S. Breeding Farm

RASCELLE Score: 7.67 Rascalino x Airielle, Arkansas B/O: Dr. Heather Smith-Oberton

SOUTHERN SYMPHONIE Score: 7.67 Bajazzo x A Southern Melody, Artenstolz B: Mirrabook Farms; O: Stephanie Epp

CATALINE Score: 7.5 Carthago Sun I x Palucca, Power B: St. George’s Stables; O: Scott/Sherilyn Sobie

2010 ©Southern Designs

GOLDIKA W Score: 7.5 Oberon x Gorgeous Daisy W, Goya de Lully B/O: Sigma Warmbloods

Kora May Score: 7.5 Elledan x Korianne Owner: Joy McKinnon

Juno K Score: 7.5 Gold Hat x Kora May, Elledan Owner: Joy McKinnon

Petrushka Score: 7.5 Feuertanzer x Passion Moon, Rooney’s Champ Owner: Carole Poche

WKM TAMHARA Score: 7.5 Nickelson B x WKM Amazon, Double Cream B / O: WKM Stables Ltd (Wilf McKay)

Mare Inspection Premiums: 7.0 - 7.49 The complete list of all mare results received to January 1, 2011 is published in the 2011 Stallion Directory. Those mares with photographs supplied are pictured in this Breeders Digest. We wish to thank the photographers whose images appear here and the members / owners / chapters who supplied images, and apologize to those whose names we did not have at press time. • Janine Olson - Photography by Janine • Reg Corkum • Southern Designs • Edda Selinger for St. Georges Stable • Kimberley Tackaberry for Bridlewood • Diane Million / Ted Bansch • Kristi Muzyka Femika Score: 7.33 Florian x Maatie, Formaat B: J. Bruins-Slot; O: Sarah Sellmer

ANDROMEDA II Score: 7.33 Autograph x Minuet, Musing B/O: Joyan Fraser

2010 ©Southern Designs

CITIZEN-CASEY Score: 7.17 Ibrahem x Lurex, Fancy Yarn B: M & L Carman; O: Sharon Pelley

PINEHURST Score: 7.33 Portland L x Dawosa, Wodan B/O: Chris & Tara Lambie

2010 ©Southern Designs

CLEOPATRA KT Score: 7.17 Carthago Sun I x Cara KT, Cappuccino B/O: Kathy & Tom Laxton

CONCORDIA KT Score: 7.17 Contendro x Cara KT, Cappuccino B/O: Kathy & Tom Laxton

Photo 2010©Reg Corkum

FINAL FANTASY Score: 7.17 Flower King D x Bali II, Uther B/O: Sandra Wells

HVW SPLASH’S BONNIE Score: 7.17 Pik Kaiser x Yasmeenas Splash, Ebonie Ace B/O: George Million

2010 Premium Mares

T.W. ENVY Score: 7.5 Tempranillo x Forli, Fils de Lully Breeder / Owner: Janine Olson

Marlise Score: 7.17 Haarlem x Zelda, Notaris O: Trudy Exton & Tom Kelly


2010 Premium Mares 22

Bardot Score: 7.0 Braveheart II x Shanannie Annie, Chalk Hill B/O: Teresa Longsworth

FPH HAZEL Score: 7.0 Jumars x Niagara, Zeoliet B/O: Julie Fulton

Kamella Score: 7.0 Kingston x Maatie, Formaat B/O: Shawn Bruins-Slot

LADY’S MISS CONGENIALITY Score: 7.0 Pik Kaiser x Kaija’s Pretty Lady, Ebonie Ace B/O: George Million

Mary Jane Score: 7.0 High Kick x Believe at Bat B: M. Trnski; O: St.Georges Stables

SAN ALICIA Score: 7.0 Santiago x Rio Alicia, Rio Grande B: L Martinbault; O: T Pompa & P Lalonde

VALENTEENA FF Score: 7.0 Vaultair x Feeahdora, Schwalbenherbst B: Elizabeth A. Fletcher; O: JFK Stables

Venus aka P. C. Valentine Score: 7.0 Devonwood x Petrone`s Cologne, Petrone B: R & L Weir Stables; O: S. Lapointe

HVW HOOKER’S PETRA Score: 7.0 Pik Kaiser x Crystal’s Hooker, Ebonie Ace B/O: George Millionr


Stallion Service Auction he CWHBA Stallion Service Auction is an annual event that gives breeders the opportunity to breed to some of the best CWHBA Approved or Licensed breeding stallions.

owners for supporting the CWHBA Stallion Service Auction. The highest selling Stallion Service was to a ‘choice of 1’ of Rainbow Equus Meadows stallions. Congratulations!

While the 2011 Stallion Service Auction is now past, having run March 20th, the information following will prepare you for the 2012 Auction.

The committee would also like to extend our sincere gratitude to the volunteers of the Maritime Chapter who ran an exceptionally efficient auction.

The Auction usually runs early in the year, around the end of February or early March. Look for this logo at right, to indicate a nominated stallion, or the Foal Futurity held annually in each province. The 2011 Stallion Service Auction generated $25,975.00 (+ another 2 Final Round bids). We’d like to thank all the bidders and the stallion

The 2012 Auction is tentatively planned for midFebruary. Look for updates on the CWHBA Web site, the CWHBA Facebook page & the CWHBA E-News. Again, thank you for your support. Respectively Submitted, Julie Fulton

Why Bid?


t’s the deal of the millennium - where else can you get a reduced price on a breeding service, as bids start at 50% of the advertised service fee. Anyone can register to bid. PLUS - there is no GST/HST, another saving of 5 - 12%. The resulting foal will be eligible to compete in a Provincial Foal Futurity and is eligible for registration with the CWHBA, which is internationally recognized by the World Breeding Federation for Sport Horses. You have an opportunity to breed to some of the best Warmblood breeding stallions available. Hosted by the Nova Scotia Chapter, the National Stallion Service Auction is a live auction with bidding by telephone; bids are updated live on the BID BOARD on the web site as the auction progresses during the day. The bidding system works with stallions divided into 4 groups, one group being bid on each hour. At the end of that hour, stallions with no valid bid will be listed as ‘Open For BIDDING’ and bids will continue to be accepted on those stallions until final close of the second round bidding at the end of that day.

There is a third opportunity to place a successful bid - we offer final round bidding on stallions not sold on auction day - their Final round status will be noted on the bid board and usually closes one week after the auction date. At that time, stallions with no valid bid will be listed as ‘not sold’ and e-mail bids will be accepted during the following week. The Auction pages on the Canadian Warmblood web site will explain the complete details.


he Stallion Service Auction is a significant fund raising opportunity for each province for their yearly operating costs, as well as funding the prize money for each year’s Foal Futurity. The Foal Futurities are a fun event and are usually associated with an inspection or keuring in each of the Provinces.


ll progeny of a Nominated Stallion are eligible to enter one Foal Futurity. Those breeders who were successful bidders on an auction service receive a complimentary nomination, while all others will pay an entry fee, a large portion of which is added back to the prize fund for the futurity.


2011 Participating Stallions Autograph Banderas Baron van Gogh Beau Soleil Beaulieu’s Conquest Beaulieu’s Heartbreaker Beaulieu’s Quissini Bellerophon Bling Candillo Junior Cheops Z Crin Rouge Don de Marco Escudo II Excalibur Farscape DSF Fettercairn Formation Freestyle Frenchman Giacomo di Cantero Grandom Ilian de Taute Ironman Justice

Kingston Landfriese II Landkoenig Lino Lokomotion Novalis Oberon Pablo Pacific Star STV Patten Pegase de Hanomar Pik Kaiser Graphit Portland L Royal Prince Rubignon Rubinus Sagnol Schroeder Sir Gregory Sovereign Hit Tramino VDL Navarone VDL Ulando H Viva Voltaire Whirlwind II

2010 Auction Nominated stallions: Look for foals by these stallions in the 2011 Foal Futurities in each Province. Any foal sired by one of these stallions is eligible to enter. Autograph Baron van Gogh Beau Soleil Beaulieu’s Conquest Beaulieu’s Coolman Beaulieu’s Cool-Man II Beaulieu’s Heartbreaker Beaulieu’s Quissini Bonaparte Boulder’s Bam-Bam Bugatti Hilltop Candillo Junior

Coromino Coronado WW Corzo Z Cotopaxi Cree Donner Bube Escudo II Excalibur Fabian II Farrington Florian Formation

Freestyle Frenchman Gervantus II Giacomo di Cantero Hadrian T Hajo Holberg Ilian de Taute Justice Kingston Kumano Lanciano xx

Landfriese II Landkoenig Lokomotion Nickelson B Novalis Oberon Oxford P.S. I Love You Pablo Pacific Star STV Pegase de Hanomar Pik Kaiser Graphit Platinum v. Rappenhof

Portland L Raffaello Rhythm & Blues Riverman Routinier Royal Senna Royal-T Rubignon Rubinus Sagnol San Ramiro Santiago

Schroeder Sir Gregory Sovereign Hit Tramino Urybaldi CH VDL Navarone VDL Ulando H VDL Windsor H V’Tropez Watch Out Whirlwind II Wolkenglanz


2010 CWHBA Year End Awards: The Awards program continues to draw more horses each year whose owners nominate them for the program, including owners from the US. Year End Awards are for registered Canadian Warmblood horses only. Entered horses may participate in the Achievement Awards program. The 2010 recipients include several horses who also earned National and International accolades during the past year, including Pikardi (at right), a member of the Canadian Dressage Team at the 2010 World Equestrian Games in Kentucky. Schippers Creek Alex (below) and rider Roxy Schippers competed at Third level where Alex earned a Dressage Canada Silver Award for 2010.

Photo courtesy Equine Canada © Kalina Rutledge Photography

Southern Vintage (below right) with owner & rider Sarah Lorenz, was: 2010 US Area VII Year End Training Champion as a 6yr old, and 2010 Area VII Reserve Horse of the Year (from all levels). They also earned a Level II Achievement Award for Eventing.

The young Dublin II, (below left) with owner / rider Jean Helen Klassen, competed at Training & First Level dressage in 2010 where they also earned an Achievement Award Level I Dressage and Dressage Canada Bronze Awards for 2010.

Photo 2010 © Tim O’Neal

Photos not identified are courtesy of the Owners

Torie Klassen and Rochambeau (no photo) competed successfully in the Rocky Mountain 5 year old horse divisions with some serious dollars in her pockets at the end of competition. Well done! Work Of Art, an Achievement Award winner, also earned a Dressage Canada Silver Award at Second Level for 2010, under rider Martina Pork.

Congratulations to these winners listed here! 24

2010 CWHBA Year End Awards: 2010 Year End Awards: Dressage Level 1: • Dublin II (Donner Bube x All Dignity, Pleasure Bent) O/B: Jean Helen Klassen Dressage Level 2: • Schippers Creek Alex (Artenstolz x Genesis, Goodwill) O/B: Friederike Schippers; Rider: Roxy Schippers Dressage Level 3: • Pikardi (Pointmaker x Delaney, Diamont) O: Bonny Bonnello & Jean Bell B: Jill Biggs (Northern Sport Horses) Eventing Level 2: • Southern Vintage (Kingston x Southern Reflection, Artenstolz) O: Sarah J. Lorenz B: Mirrabook Farms Jumper Level 2: • Rochambeau (reg. Aux Cayes P.R.) (VDL Arctic x Ursula MBR, Ferro) O: Victoria Klassen B: Powder River Ranch

2010 CWHBA Achievement Awards: Earned 100 points at each level; only awarded once at each level.

Dressage Level 1: • Dublin II (Donner Bube x All Dignity, Pleasure Bent)

O/B: Jean Helen Klassen • Work of Art (Warkanson x Grandstand, Godewind)

O: Friederike Schippers B: Pam Symons Dressage Level 2: • Schippers Creek Alex (Artenstolz x Genesis, Goodwill)

O/B: Friederike Schippers Eventing Level 2: • Southern Vintage (Kingston x Southern Reflection, Artenstolz)

O: Sarah J. Lorenz B: Mirrabook Farms

Mirrabook Farms Sport Horses Dressage • Jumper • Event • Hunter • Pleasure

Standing for 2011: CWHBA Approved stallions Autograph, Kingston & Tramino

Frozen semen for CWHBA Approved Kenner available

���g��tu��ti���: Merlin & Tanya Bergquist


Hendrik Gaebel Certified German Trainer Pferdewirtschaftsmeister

Let Hendrik help you find your special mount! Provides clinics and judging, training and horse sales. Nesselroden, Germany www.ausbildungsstall-gaebel.de/

Autograph: on achieving full Approval CWHBA a huge Thank-you to our many owners who presented their Autograph ‘kids’ and sent results, including:

• Ace III - premium on inspection • Aragon II - premium on inspection • Akilah - working well under saddle; ready to show • Anastasia II - premium on inspection; Hunters • Southern Wizard - premium; winning Eventer with Jr. • Andromeda II - premium Mare Inspection; age 3 years • Amadeus II - eventing with AA; premium on inspection • Apple Prince - winner in Young Horse Event classes & Royal 2009

Southern Vintage - Winning Event Horse by Kingston Southern Xception - Winning Event Horse by Kingston Troubador - Winning Event Horse by Tramino Contact: Marilyn Powell or Lynne Robinson 22603 - 64th Ave, Langley, B.C. V2Y 2N8 • 604-530-6385 E-mail: inquire@mirrabookfarms.com Web: www.mirrabookfarms.com



Canadian Warmblood & USDF All Breeds Awards Program The Canadian Warmblood Horse Breeders Association is very pleased to be participating with the United States Dressage Federation (USDF) in the All Breeds Awards Program. This worthwhile and strong program is very attractive to riders and gives the owners of Canadian Warmblood horses in the USA a chance to participate. One interested American owner of a Canadian Warmblood said, “the most important thing is the challenge, the contest, the recognition!”. The Canadian Warmblood Awards allow us to recognize the outstanding horses now competing in dressage in the USA, and elevate the visibility of Canadian Warmblood horses there.

the USDF and has 68 participating breed organizations who may offer awards in each of the nine levels of competition, Training to Grand Prix. Awards are further offered in each division within the level, including Open, Adult Amateur, Junior Young Rider, Vintage Cup, and Freestyle. Qualifying standards set by the USDF are high, requiring horses to accumulate a number of scores from at least four different judges, at a minimum of four different recognized competitions. These stringent requirements mean that there is not necessarily a qualifying horse for every possible award.

horses must be registered Canadian Warmblood and the papers must be appropriately transferred, meaning the owner of record in the CWHBA registry matches the owner on the USDF records of competition results. Check our website at www. canadianwarmbloods.com/ awardsUSDF.php for CWHBA USDF All Breeds Awards from previous years. The 2010 results will be posted on the web site.

Further information regarding USDF eligibility requirements and the awards program can be found Each breed organization sets on their website at www.usdf.org/ additional standards for their awards. awards/all-breeds/all-breeds.asp. The program is administered by The CWHBA has established that

O’Brays Equine Services Specializing in Foaling, Breeding & A.I. 5 heated foaling stalls with 32 x 40 heated turnout area 24 Hour Monitoring Services & On Site Veterinarian

Ralph & Betty O’Bray Hwy 2A south of Carstairs 403-337-4006 Jason & Val Bexson www.legacystables.ca

Home of two Champion Imported English Registered Shire Stallions Sladbrook Jubilee Spirit - 2009 American National Champion & Ruskington Danny - 2009 Canadian Grand Champion 26

Equine Thermal Imaging Services Our thanks for this article to Clifford Gerow of Heat Seeker – Thermal Imaging, a sponsor of our 2010 AGM in Saskatoon. www.heatseeker.ca

take approximately ½ to 1 hour and the results will be shown to you immediately after. A complete and detailed report including photographs of the scan will be forwarded to you shortly after for your records and action as you deem necessary.


What is Thermal Imaging? A safe non-contact method of imaging What we see What you see surface heat patterns on the horse’s the training process to ensure training is not causing body. Since your horse cannot tell you where he hurts, specific stress or strain on certain parts, and this will thermography can help locate areas with changes in allow the trainer to adjust the training program to blood flow. Both sides of the horse’s body should have better suit the horse and therefore get better, quicker the same thermal patterns or “symmetry”. Hot or cold results. areas can be abnormal. Preparing your horse for a Thermal Scan: Thermography is used with veterinary exam and other Here are some guidelines to make sure that you get the imaging tools. Regular imaging provides a preventive tool best viewing possible of our horses.. Remain mindful that for horses in training. we are imaging for the differences in heat variations so we Equine Thermography Applications must minimize any possibility of creating false readings • Pre Purchase/Sale Exams: Having the horse you are because of outside temperature interferences: either purchasing or selling will provide the purchaser - The horse should be clean and dry the peace of mind that at the time of the scan, the - The horse should be kept inside out of direct sun horse was in good condition and that all injuries have exposure for period of 2 hours prior to the scan been disclosed in an open and fair manner. - The main and tail can be either braided or clumped • Lameness: A thermal scan can detect the slightest to provide as much exposure as possible to the increase in surface temperature that comes with surface of the horse. injuries that cause lameness and other injuries, and - There should be no vigorous brushing at least one can quickly provide a complete picture of the condition hour before the scan. of the animal so you can make the right decision on - The horse should be free of liniments, topical lotions treatment options. and grooming products. • Saddle fittings: new saddles or changes in either the horse or rider can cause points of contact that create sore spots on the horse. A thermal scan of the horse and saddle can provide valuable information on the saddle fit and how it interacts with the horse so that the necessary changes can be made to alleviate any problem spots, thus making a happier horse and a better riding experience. • Infections: localized infections can be easily detected by measuring the surface temperature and also provides great insight into where the infection may be coming from. • Used as a Rehabilitation aid: thermal imaging can show both the owner/trainer and the care providers Thermal Imaging provided by Heat Seeker-Thermal how the rehabilitation plan is working and how the horse is reacting to the plan. Regular scans can show Imaging, or any other professional thermographer, is an the progress of the treatment plan, so adjustments can accurate, fast, non contact, cost effective and completely safe way of quickly assessing and pinpointing unknown be made when and where necessary. • Diagnostic aid: thermal imaging can pinpoint a specific injuries in your horse. Thermal imaging is a decision area of concern, that may not be obvious from signs making tool for you, the horse owner, that provides you and symptoms provided by the horse. This information with scientific and accurate information on the conditions is immediate and can be provided to the owner/trainer affecting your animal so you can make the right decision and or the care providing team to direct attention to the on the next steps to take. area of concern and can be done on site so the animal does not have to be trailered. • Injury Prevention/Training Aid: Can be used during www.heatseeker.ca

ouldn’t it be great if your horse could tell you that they have a sore joint, or that the saddle you ride with hurts her? Wouldn’t it be great if she could tell you that her teeth hurt, or that she fell and hurt herself in the pasture last night, or that she tripped and hurt her leg. The unfortunate part is she cannot speak to you to tell you all that might be wrong. A picture is worth a thousand words, and by using thermal imaging, which produces a very clear picture of injuries, your horse, with your help, can speak to you. Thermal Imaging can detect very small injuries or inflammations long before your horse tells you via symptoms and are detected. “A dead man tells no tales”, is something that I often heard during my many years in forensics, and my answer to them was simply, yes they can, if you are trained and have the equipment and experience to hear them. This can be said of your horse as well, with my thermal imaging equipment, training and experience; I can hear what your horse wants to tell you about an injury or physical condition. Thermal imaging detects very small variations in temperature, something that is generated from all things in this world, above absolute zero. When an animal is injured or has some physical distress, the first thing the body does is bring more blood to the area. This rush of blood brings with it more heat, heat that can easily be seen using a thermal imaging camera. With a complete thermal scan of your horse, you can take the information you have received and the photographic report that comes with it, and make decisions on what treatment you feel is best for your animal. You can bring the report to your veterinarian and or health care provider to determine what care is to be done in the most expedient manner possible. An added benefit of having a thermal imaging scan done on your horse by Heat Seeker – Thermal Imaging, is that we come to you so you do not have to trailer your already injured horse. The scan can be done in your facilities that the horse is familiar with and therefore does not cause any undue stress on your animal. The scan will


British Columbia Chapter News 2010 was a relatively quiet year for B.C. Chapter with the widespread downturn in the economy, and the involvement of key members in the work with the APA that is now finally approved by government. Inspection numbers were down with only 18 mares and two stallions being presented. Despite those lower than average numbers, 7 of those mares were awarded premium scores and both stallions received good scores. Inspections were held in the Lower Mainland, Vancouver Island, Kamloops and Enderby. The National Tour was held at Memory Lane Warmbloods in Langley, September 6, 2010. Thanks to Sheryl Ann Dodd and family for their generosity, and to Elaine Cox for the superb west coast salmon lunch. Congratulations to newly licensed Ratu & Laird. Laird’s enviable show record in FEI dressage, means that he is fully approved. At the Vancouver Island inspection October 30 , at Top Notch Warmbloods in Nanaimo, the team had the opportunity to evaluate a quality group of foals. The results of that class were very close, with only 2.5 points separating 1st to 4th: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Quidam (filly) Hali-Berri (filly) Rave On (filly) Rubicon (colt)

Quidam Blue Hajo Ratu Ratu

Rhonda McQuade Julie Malet Julie Swindell Julie Swindell

The 2010 B.C. Foal Futurity was hosted at the Enderby location, the farm of Chapter President, Michael Rabe on November 7. Champion foal went to the Cheops Z filly of Janice Tyndall, Circque de Noir with 8’s across the board and a ‘9’ for swing & elasticity. Reserve Champion went to the entry of Michael Rabe by Florian out of the leased mare Eclipse, by Formaat. This unnamed filly was expressive and tall. Her dam is a full sibling to the Approved stallion Formation.

LAIRD - BC-[CAN]1188-98 S by Lynx out of Jalburga (Ferro / Pretendant) presented by Marcie Dorion-Doyle; owned by Loretta Doiron & Doris Thompson and bred by Patricia Ripenburg.


Pictured above: Cirque de Noir with owner/breeder Janice Tyndall. 2010 B.C. Foal Futurity Results: 1. 2. 3. 4. 2.

Cirque de Noir unnamed filly unnamed foal Kooza OHF unnamed colt

CheopsZ Florian Florian Kupido K Florian

Janice Tyndall Michael Rabe Michael Rabe Ferne Johnson Michael Rabe

Plans for 2011 inspections include a return to the central interior, Prince George, possibly Fort St. John and Smithers as well as the Okanagan, Kamloops, Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island with Riding Horse Tests wherever possible. Please contact BC Inspections Secretary to register for an inspection in your area.

RATU - BC-[CAN]4068-04 S by Rubignon out of Wallen’s Expresso (Wallenstein / Gouverneur) owned by Julie Swindell & Sally DeZwaan; bred by Trudean Knight.

Alberta Chapter News The National Bank Free Jumping Challenge April 17th, 2010 Olds, AB. Unseasonably warm temperatures and brilliant sunshine greeted the competitors in the Free Jumping Challenge that was held at the Calouri Pavillion in Olds, AB. This is the 3rd year for this event and the competition was hot!

Photo at left: courtesy Kristie Muzyka

The high score of the day and Champion of the 4yr-old division was Emmelia (Eastern Ruler / Surefire Express) owned by Natasha Simpson and Cobie van den Bosch with a whopping 45/50 points. She is a striking bay mare with a big wide blaze and one blue eye. She scored 9’s across the board in the 5 categories of Canter, Reflexes, Scope, Technique and Temperament. The judges were Albert Kley, riding Master of Spruce Meadows, and Judy Wise, trainer and owner of Fairway Farms in Langley, B.C. They were thrilled to see the talented young horses come from all over the province to this event. Champion of the 3-year-old division was Cavaluna (Silverstone / Ferro) owned and bred by John and Jacquie van den Bosch of Red Deer, AB. This lovely grey mare scored 9’s for reflexes and capacity with an overall score of 38. The 5-year-old division was won handily by the beautiful bay mare, Leita Z (Le Savage / Lavita) owned by Brian Moss of Calgary and presented by Cody Peach, with an overall score of 42. This is a competition that welcomes all breeds, the requirement being that each horse is a registered animal, so that proof of age can be supplied. A crowd favourite, this year, was a grey Welsh pony stallion, Pajon’s Illusion, who competed admirably in the 4 year old class. It should be noted that the distances are not changed to accommodate horses of different sizes, but that didn’t stop him scoring well enough for 4th place. The mares stole the show this year, can’t wait to see what sort of horses come to ”jump to the Challenge” in 2011.


Alberta Chapter News 2010 Young Breeders Competition


April 17th, 2010 Olds, AB A great collection of photographs by Vanessa Latford of the morning session before the chute jumping held at the Agricultural Fair Grounds in Olds, AB. 1. At right, deep in concentration »»

«« 2. At left, judging conformation 4. Below, Hanna Woydack of Germany, 1st showmanship, will have her name engraved on the Arkansas Memorial Trophy; ribbon girl - Emily O’Neil


3. At right, Darcia Bartholow »»



5. Below, Tara Lansbergen - Overall Winner


6. Below, brilliant smiles from International guest competitors! Amongst many other winners, these girls enjoyed success and took home some prizes. Left to right: Hanna Woydack, Germany; Svenja Stohr, Germany; Helene Sourdois, France



Alberta Chapter News 2010 Breeders’ Show The show took place on Sept 25, 2010 at the Willowdale Equine Center south of Red Deer. Thank-you to all the participants and volunteers that came out to support this event. A special thank-you to Maya Iversen for being show secretary, Jennifer Stephanson - committee chair and Janine Olsen for help getting everything ready and especially as show photographer.

• Sue Weiburg and Jill Owen acted as entry secretaries. • Inspectors for the for the young horse ring - Joanne Wright and Charles Gould • Mare inspections - Jane Jones, Tammi Fulton and Jennette Coote • Riding horse test - Joanne Wright and Jane Jones • Hitching - Jen and Emily O’Neil

Foal Futurity

Two Year Old

Mare Show Ages 8 and over

1 Rosabelle (Raffaello x Libelle, Liebling), Kathy Laxton 2 O.Felipe (Ikoon x Ava lll, Recruut), H & K van den Bosch 3 Penniecress (Whirlwind ll x Tanzie, MJ Fusion), Heather Osterhout 4 O.Francesca (Ikoon x Marci Geo Royal, Marcellini), Hans & Katrina van den Bosch 5 Life Saver (Urybaldi CH x Stage Bound, Just a Cat), Crystal Kelso

1 Sir Isaac Watts (Londonderry x Bonissimo, Donner Bube), O/B: Jane Jones 2 Lockwood (Lancaster x Sahalee, Silberpfeil), Chris & Tara Lambie 3 Peadars Boy (Carthago Sun lll x Nightengale, Lucero), T & R Patton

1 Venice (Olympic Ferro x Polina, Lancet), Sheri Bresee 2 P.C. Valentine (Devonwood x Petrone’s Cologne, Petrone), Stephanie Lapointe 3 Class of Her Own (Rumor x Class Act, Donaufurst), Nicole Hirsekorn

Young Horse Championship Sponsored by: Berquist Farms Alberta Champion: Sir Isaac Watts Res. Champion: Quatermane

Mare Championship Sponsored by: First Choice Restoration Alberta Champion: Venice Res. Champion: Springtime P.R.

Open Foal

Produce of Dam 1 Bonissimo (Donner Bube x Falou, Lemgo), Jane Jones 2 Nightengale (Lucero x Ilene’s Day, Distant Day), T & R Patton 3 Libelle (Liebling x Ladybird, Latus ll), Kathy Laxton 4 Airborne GB (Iris de Nortre Dame x Iniciador, Royal Chocolate), Chris & Tara Lambie

Young Horse Riding Test Sponsored by: Donegal Farms

Mare Show Ages 3 and 4

1 Quatermane (Quatterback x Zavani, Redford), Key Warmbloods 2 Rossendale (Rocks x Aireborne GB, Royal Chocolate), Chris & Tara Lambie 3 Lukutme (Luke x Bonissimo, Donner Bube), Jane Jones 4 Much Too Classy (Mannhatten x Class of Her Own, Rumor), Nicole Hirsekorn Yearling 1 YVSH Riviera (Rocks x Colusa, Coeur de Lion), Chris & Tara Lambie 2 Leilani (Lougheed x Libelle, Liebling), Kathy Laxton 3 Chromwell ll (Candillo x Destiny ll, Cheops Z), Garry Bredin 4 Everwinn TM (Wilton x Celestial, Silberpfeil), Kevin & Jennifer Stephenson 5 Supreme Challenge TM (Challenger x Fairwell, Dexter Supreme), Kevin & Jennifer Stephenson 6 Gaelstar (Calidostar x Nightengale, Lucero), T & R Patton 7 Vanity Fair (Urybaldi CH x Bold’n Privat, Brunswick), Crystal Kelso

1 T.W. Envy (Tempranillo x Forli, Fils de Lully), Janine Olson 2 Pinehurst (Portland L x Dawosa, Wodan), Chris & Tara Lambie 3 Sedona (Silberpfeil x Brassy Treasure, Brass Minister), Chris & Tara Lambie Mare Show Ages 5, 6, & 7 1 Springtime P.R. (Goodtimes x Next Generation, Lancaster), Maya Iversen; B: Powder River Ranch 2 Farrah (MJ Fusion x Echo, Eastern Ruler), Garry Bresee 3 Maisy (Dr.Adagion x Amazing Sky, Sky Classic), Tina Mc Alary

1 MJ Adelaide (VDL Ulando x MJ Sydney Rainbow, Fantast), O/B: MJ Farms 2 Aragorn KVS (Justice x Butt Mayborn Daisy, Wermizel), Carmen Strabel; B: Dr Arie Koppe 3 WH Lolita (WH Leader x Wanda, Warkanson), Carmen Strabel; B: Wachter Horses 4 Sedona (Silberpfeil x Brassy Treasure, Brass Minister), Chris & Tara Lambie 5 MJ Escalade (Whirlwind ll x MJ Tender Moments, Abi-Sha Polka), Melanie Morrish; B: M J Farms


Saskatchewan Chapter News 2010 Showcase, Pelmac Stables - September 4-5

Pelmac Stables owned by husband and wife team, Diana Pella & Peter MacDougall Foal Futurity

Material Jumping

Chute Jumping Champion

Ebon’s Baby Grand - O: Ebon Stables, Saskatoon

Champion: Westwind - Wolkenglanz x Ravenna, Radjah Z; O/B: Lisa Longtin, Kindersley; Photo courtesy Kristi Muzyka 2 Windfall - Whirlwind II x Brisa, Bajazzo; O/B: Teresa Binetruy & Norman Kohle, Grandora 3 Whickerthree - Whirlwind II x MJ Aruba; Fantast. O/B: Carla Motz, Glidden The Foal Futurity is funded by the CWHBA Stallion Service Auction

Open Foal

Photo © Judy Wood

Riding Horse Test Champion

Champion: Ebon’s Baby Grand - Beach Boy x Ebon’s Creme Caramel, Capyrus; O/B: Pat Slimmon & Elaine Partington Photo © Judy Wood 2 Rugiero - O: Pelmac Stables 3 Baie de Soleil - O: Steve Wilson

Dressage Material

Champion: Benjamin - Banderas x Mazurka; Major Won xx; O/B Valerie Sanford, Saskatoon Photo courtesy Kristi Muzyka 2 Caprice II - Carthago Sun III x Pik Kaisers Aquelino Mist, Aquelino xx; O/B: Ted Bansch, Goodsoil


Champion: Rugiero - Radjah Z x Vanessa II, unkown; O: Pelmac Stables (Saskatoon), B: Flying One Ranch. 2 Baie de Soleil - Beau Soleil x Alba II; Arkansas; B: Touchstone Farms; O: Steve Wilson, Saskatoon

Ebon’s Bittersweet - Beach Boy x Ebon’s Windwalker, Warkanson; O: Ebon Stables; B: Pat Slimmon & Elaine Partington, Saskatoon

Show Sponsors 2010

A sincere Thank-you to our 2010 Sponsors. • Low Wood Ranch • Jim and Linda Donnelly, Melfort • Pelmac Stables, Saskatoon • Dundee Wealth Management • Williams Power Wash, Saskatoon • Mainline Motors, Kindersley • Lazy SB Warmbloods, George and Dianne Million, Meadow Lake • Pik Kaiser Syndicate, Ted Bansch and Bruce Waldrun • Ward Hanson Paints and Sporthorses, Pike Lake • D Bar C Horse Transport, Alberta • Delisle Co-Op • Corman Park Veterinary Services • Norm Kohle Farrier Services • Copper T Warmbloods, Saskatoon

Manitoba Chapter News CWHBA Mare Inspection & Show

Open Foal Class - 5 entered

Inspection Premiums:

August 21st, 2010

2010 was the first year we held a riding horse test and it was a success. Thank you to our entries and to Andrew Curry for test riding. Our Mare Inspection saw 7 mares in total inspected of which 2 earned premium scores.

Foal Futurity - 2 foals entered Champion: Boulder Kapriole - Boulder’s Bam Bam x Korrado; B: Chelsea Hacault O: Katlyn Pennycook

Reserve: Dark Side of the Moon - Kumano

WKM Tamhara, O/B: WKM Stables (above)

x Zipper’s Easternmoon, Eastern Ruler; O/B: Moonrose Stables

Riding Horse Test

Champion: WKM Xellence - Nickelson B x WKM Amazon, Double Cream xx; O/B: WKM Stables Reserve: JFK Ferrari - Nickelson B x Imagine That; O/B: JFK Stables

Open Two-year-old class:

1. JFK Dark Details - Oxford x Madrygal Q.V., Falko; O: JFK Stables; B: Quo Vadis Stable

1 WKM Tamhara - Nicholson B x WKM Amazon; O/B: Wilf and Karen McKay, WKM Stables 2 Moon Charmer - Oxford x Nova Moon, Novalis; O/B: Tim Klassen, Moonrose Stables 3 Harvest Moon - Oxford x Dolly’s Moon xx, Bashful Cloud xx; O: Moonrose Stables; B: Lyla Hiebert

Open Yearling Class

Champion: WKM Waltztime - Cat Weasel x WKM Royal, Nicholson B; O/B: WKM Stables Reserve: JFK Edwardo - Oxford x Hot Wheels Q.V., Falko; O/B: JFK Stables

Valenteena FF, O: JFK Stables (above)



he 2010 Eastern Canadian Free Jumping Championship was held on Sunday March 28, 2010 in front of an appreciative crowd at the Royal Canadian Riding Academy. There were 18 horses in the competition this year, consisting of nine 3-year-olds and nine 4-year-olds. The competition was judged by Yannick Patron and Kevin Maxie.

owned by Robert Krcmar. Second place went to Grace D’Arsouilles (Vigo d’Arsouilles / Cento) with 23.0 points. Grace is an imported Belgian Warmblood mare owned by Christine Weidner and Jeremy Feenstra. In third place was Bovaire (VDL Ulando H / Voltaire) with 22.0 points. Bovaire is a CWHBA registered gelding, bred and owned by Timothy Millard.

for their support of this event: Vivian Millard and Sean Fogg of Gimcrack Equestrian Centre, Jacquie Wickens of Letter Perfect Embroidery, Jackie Vanderbrink of Masterfeeds and Timothy Millard of Sentinel Hill Farm. Also, special thanks go to Michael Mahon of Rushmount Equine Sports Ltd. who delivered and supplied all the jump chute material.

In the three year old class the winner and Reserve Champion of the competition was Cordeiro (VDL Ulando H / Voltaire) with 24.0 points - pictured at right. Cordeiro is a CWHBA registered gelding, bred and owned by Timothy Millard. Second place went to Cantina AV (VDL Ulando H / Welstern) with 23.0 points. This is a CWHBA registered mare, bred and owned by Andrea Volasko. The third place finisher was Casino Royale (Orame / Adios) with 22.5 points. Casino Royale is a KWPN registered stallion, bred and owned by Fran Webber.

The competition is co-hosted by the Canadian Warmblood Horse Breeders Association and the Hanoverian Breeders Club of Eastern Canada. These clubs would like to especially thank the competition’s lead sponsor, Uplands Farm, and Jennifer Rogers for her continued support.

Detailed placing results can be found at www.hanoverianbreedersclub.com

In the four year old class the winner and Champion of the competition was La Fleur (Nekton / Lorentin I) with 25.0 points. La Fleur is an imported Holstein gelding

The competition is named in memory of the Hanoverian show jumper Diva mare (by Don Juan), owned by Jennifer Rogers, who tragically died in 2008 after foaling. Diva, ridden by Jay Hayes, was a regular on Canada’s show jumping team in the 1990’s. We also would like to thank our other sponsors


Quebec Chapter News Excerpts from the full articles in the Stallion Directory / Extraits d’articles de l’annuaire des étalons Photographs © Julien-Pierre Côté, Marie-Sophie Arsenault Gunn & Quebec Chapter (Read full reports in the Stallion Directory)

2010 - a great start to our second decade of SPT

Test national canadien 2010 de performance des étalons

Canadian National Stallion Performance Test 2010 August 27 to September 3, 2010

27 août au 3 septembre Ste-Justine de Newton


he 2010 Stallion Performance Test was the eleventh anniversary of the Canadian stallion testing program. This year it was ably hosted by the Quebec Chapter of the CWHBA and held at Ferme Beaulieu Farm. Ten stallions were scheduled for testing. Of these nine entered the training phase of the test. In the end, five stallions successfully completed the entire process.

n 2010, le test de performance des étalons (TPÉ) marquait le 10e anniversaire du programme canadien d’évaluation des étalons. Cette année, l’évènement a été habilement organisé par le chapitre québécois du CWHBA et tenu à la Ferme Beaulieu. Dix étalons étaient inscrits au test. De ce nombre, neuf ont performé dans la phase entrainement du test, et pour finir, cinq étalons ont complété avec succès tout le processus d’évaluation.

Unseasonably hot weather was an additional challenge for horses, riders and spectators alike, however with early morning starts and wonderful cooperation from Carlo Zimmer and Bea (Zimmer) Jarzynska, owners of Ferme Beaulieu Farm, the test went off without a hitch.

La chaleur, inhabituelle pour la saison, a été un facteur de stress supplémentaire pour les chevaux, les cavaliers et les spectateurs, cependant, en commençant tôt le matin et avec la merveilleuse collaboration de Carlo et Bea Zimmer, propriétaires de la Ferme Beaulieu, le test s’est déroulé sans anicroches.

This was the first time the test was held in Quebec and it was a tremendous success. Julie Cantin, Marie Arsenault, Julien-Pierre Cote, Marc-André StOnge, Marie-Sophie Arsenault Gunn and the rest of the Quebec Chapter crew are to be congratulated. The facility was perfect, the atmosphere great, the group meals and social evenings were the icing on the cake. We look forward to returning to Quebec in the future.

Le TPÉ se tenait pour la première fois au Québec, et ce fût un succès retentissant. Julie Cantin, Marie Arsenault, Julien-Pierre Côté, Marc-André St-Onge, MarieSophie Arsenault Gunn et le reste de l’équipe du chapitre québécois méritent d’être félicités. Les infrastructures étaient parfaites, l’atmosphère agréable et les repas et soirées en groupe étaient comme le glaçage sur le gâteau! Nous sommes impatients de revenir au Québec dans le futur.


Photo submitted by Bea Jarzyndska of the whole Team at Ferme Beaulieu Farm at the Stallion Performance Test: Congratulations All ... well done!


Proud Stallion Owners

CWHBA E-Store View and purchase CWHBA logo Apparel, Equestrian Clothing and Accessories, Horse Equipment, Miscellaneous items & more, Online. Shipping included. Check it out! Online payment is easy and secure - options include PayPal, Visa, MasterCard, Amex & more.

Online at: www.canadianwarmbloods.com 35

Maritimes Chapter News 2010 April - Atlantic Horse Fair Booth:

It was a very busy day. We had a lot of fun raising $36,904.00 for the CWHBA. There were 63 stallions participating 49 stallion breeding’s sold with the highest selling stallion being Whirl Wind II for $1,400.00. As everyone stayed at my place we had quite a social weekend. We would like to thank all the stallion owners from across Canada and the United States for their generous support to the association. The net funds raised bring a portion of dollars to the chapters for their foal futurities (based on stallions nominated and breedings bought in each chapter), and to support and improve services to our members October 24 - Foal and Yearling Futurities, Mare Inspection, Riding Horse Test:

Julie Fulton and Holly Erith manned a booth at the Atlantic Horse Fair in Truro, Nova Scotia. We handed out information to passers by and spoke with interested horse enthusiasts during the weekend. Our goal was to boost visibility for the CWHBA in the Maritimes. We used the large green CWHBA flag as our back drop and had a very nice table display. (Photo above - 2011)

2010 was our first year hosting Futurity classes. I believe after this years classes and prize money the word will spread! Foal Futurity winner went to Karen Quigley’s Ulvannie and also the grand prize of $825.00 Yearling Futurity winner went to Debbie Fantin’s Euro’s Graceland and also the first prize of $330.00 (pictured below)

2010 March - Stallion Service Auction:

mares were presented of which two had Premium scores. • Citizen Casey (Ibrahem x Lurex, Fancy Yarn) B: M & L Carman; O: Sharon Pelley, Photo page 21 7.16 • FPH Hazel (Jumars x Niagra, Zeoliet) B/O: Fulton Performance Horses, Julie Fulton Photo page 22 7.0 • Oriel (Oxford x Nova, Ninja Magic) B/O: Holly Erith • RW Just in Case (Mojo x MJ Party Doll, Fantast) B/O: Alissa Cue • Lover’s Lace (Lover’s Cross x Nova, Ninja Magic) B: H Erith; O: L LeClair • FPH Just Rosey (Jumars x Sea Willow, Sea Wall) B/O: Julie Fulton • MJ Calianna (Cabardino x MJ Party Doll, Fantast) O: Alissa Cue • Flawless (Oxford x Fundy Crossing) B: P Johnson O: J. Beanlands • Kitty Hawk (Morden Sunrise x Oaklawn’s Gingerpop, Hilltop Parader Bob) B: R. Rogerson O: Charlie Hamm • Gisella (Keegan x Georgia) B: Dan Meggison O: Lesley Langley • Chanel (Consul x Ulanda, Heartbreaker) B: P Johnson; O: L Bradshaw

Riding Horse Test: Two mares participated in the Riding Horse Test. Lindsay Bradshaw was our Test Rider for the event. • Niagra (Zeoliet x Regency Lace, Regency Lane) O: Fulton Performance Horses,Julie Fulton: 9.72 • Gisella (Keegan x Georgia) B: Dan Meggison O: Lesley Langley 8.5 Thanks to all the Participants, volunteers and organizers who made this a successful event. Special thanks to (left to right below): Russlyn Patriquin, Jane Jones, Charmaine Bergman; Linda LeClair who donated her facility and Lindsay Bradshaw our Test Rider.

At the 2009 AGM, the Maritime Chapter proudly accepted the torch from the Saskatchewan Chapter to carry out the duties of the Stallion Service Auction. It is with great thanks to Charmaine Bergman who flew in to assist us in this inaugural event. We would also like to thank Victoria at the office for the paper shuffling and answering many questions, and of course Marilyn Powell for a job well done on the data bases, web site, art work and stallion directory etc; and also to Betty Dwyer, Russlyn and David Dyke, Della Eirth, Marie Arsenault’s daughter Marie-Sophie and friend Philippe, who helped out with French translation.

403-309-3773 s info@victorytackshop.com www.victorytackshop.com RR #1, Burnt Lake Business Park, Red Deer, AB


• 1st Euro’s Graceland (Landfreise x Euro’s Amazing Grace, Oxford) • 2nd Michelle Whidden’s Eowyn (Escudo II x Sherpa’s Charm, Nepal) won the second prize of $220 (Photo above by Michelle Whidden) Congratulations to the winners! And thank you for taking the time to participate.

Mare Inspection: Maritime Chapter 2010 Mare Inspection was held at Fall River Stables, Fall River Nova Scotia. Charmaine Bergman of Saskatchewan and Jane Jones of Alberta were the Senior Inspectors for the day, assisted by Russlyn Patriquin. Eleven

Report submitted by, Holly Erith Maritime Chapter

Nova Scotia’s foundation Warmblood stallion JUMARS with owner, Julie Fulton on the occasion of his 30th Birthday on April 5th, 2011. Jumars is a 1981 Latvian Warmblood entered with the number: NS-APPR625-81 S Congratulations Jumars, we wish you many more healthy years!

The Warmblood horses listed on the following pages are arranged by Province, where appropriate. The smaller map with each section gives you the reference of where these horses are located in the country. The pedigree information is arranged as: Sire (registry: his sire/ his dam sire) / Dam’s sire / 2nd Dam’s sire (space allowed) You will also be able to find more information, photographs and video on these horses on the Canadian Warmblood web site pages, under sales. Only horses that are registered Canadian Warmblood, or entered for breeding, are listed in this section. The Canadian Warmblood web site contains a wealth of information including registration procedures. You will also be able to find information on the sires of these horses in our online Stallion Directory. We invite you to consider a Canadian Warmblood for your next performance horse whether you compete or pleasure ride; participate in Dressage, Jumpers, Hunter, Eventing, Driving ... there’s a horse here for You!

www.canadianwarmbloods.com Southern Victoria

Quick Step

2004 CWHBA Mare • 16.2 H • BC-[CAN]4060-04 P1 Tramino (west: Traumprinz / Golan) / Martin’s Worry xx

2010 CWHBA Colt • CWHBA Registration pending Quite Easy (hol: Quidam de Revel/Landgraf I) / Calvados Price Canadian Funds: $8,000 + gst

Elegant, refined mare with the warmblood motor; beautiful top line; free shoulder; classic movement; Hunter form over fences - will be a top A circuit Hunter. Albrecht Heidemann declared her very sweet, sane and easy to ride. Competed Training level dressage; schooling fences; very good rideability. Contact: Marilyn Powell or Lynne Robinson Mirrabook Farms Warmbloods & Sport Horses E-mail: inquire@mirrabookfarms.com www.mirrabookfarms.com • Tel: 604-530-6385 Location: Langley, BC

Top jumping bloodlines (Quidam de Revel – Capital I Calvados), substance and excellent conformation. A serious stallion or performance prospect. Dam has already produced one approved stallion. Born May 18, 2010.

Member’s Sale Horses

Member’s Sale Horses

Contact: Touchstone Farm Ltd 780 786-4337 E-mail: tsf1@telus.net Location: Mayerthorpe, AB


Member’s Sale Horses 38

In Utero Colt Option <<

Sephora II

Sire: Uphill Dam: Royale >>

In-utero Colt Option by embryo transfer Uphill (kwpn: Oscar x Apollonios xx) / Wildcard kwpn / Farmer kwpn

2009 CWHBA Mare • AB-[CAN]6802-09 G Sunny-Boy (old: Sandro Hit/Donnerhall) / Redford kwpn

Uphill - the Most Popular KWPN Breeding Stallion of 2009 and out of Royale, approved CWHBA mare carrying the blood of Voltaire, Nimmerdor, Quite Easy, Quidam de Revell, Landgraf I. Uphill, champion of his 2004 Approval, has a good character and loves to work. Dam’s sire, the imported Quite Easy son, Wildcard, is competing under Eleanor Elstone in Dressage. They qualified and attended the 2010 WEG in Para Dressage. Read more on web site.

2009 filly by Sunny-Boy out of imported Dutch Warmblood mare (Redford/Wolfgang/Aktion). This filly carries some of the worlds finest dressage talent thru Sunny-Boy - Sandro Hit, Krack C, Ferro, Wolfgang and Nimmerdor to name a few. She is a tall, athletic, confident, youngster who loves to show off her elegant movement.

Contact: Doreen Kulcsar Key Warmbloods • Tel: 403-358-4628 E-mail: doreenkulcsar@gmail.com Location: Red Deer, AB

Contact: Doreen Kulcsar Key Warmbloods • Tel: 403-358-4628 E-mail: doreenkulcsar@gmail.com Location: Red Deer, AB

Boy Blue


2003 CWHBA Gelding • AB-[CAN]6521-03 G Beach Boy (kwpn: Nurzeus/Lucky Boy) / Indoctro kwpn

2004 CWHBA Gelding • 16.2 H • AB-[CAN]3959-04 G Gervantus II (old: Grannus/Vollkorn) / Damiro kwpn / Florian kwpn

Boy Blue has jumping ability to match his pedigree. Started a little late, he is now showing 3’/ 1.10 m jumpers. Although he is sensitive, he tries to please and would be suited to a skilled junior or amateur rider.

Gelinas is showing 1.20m with a junior. Champion Novice Level Eventer as a 5 yr old. Competed in the 2010 Summer Series at Spruce Meadows, Gelinas also competed at Thermal, California, in March. Gelinas has a lot of scope and power, and wonderful movement. Currently competing in California.

Contact: Sandra Donnelly Alborak Stable • www.alborakstable.com Tel: 403-932-4819 • Cell: 403-803-5647 E-mail: 3days3ways@gmail.com Location: Calgary, AB

Contact: Sandra Donnelly Alborak Stable • www.alborakstable.com Tel: 403-932-4819 • Cell: 403-803-5647 E-mail: 3days3ways@gmail.com Location: Calgary, AB

Suntillo AF

2007 CWHBA Entered Mare • AB-[CAN]APPR3728-07 Dacaprio (han: Davignonr/Caprimond) / Rosentau han / Weltmeyer

1999 CWHBA Mare • SK-[CAN]2391-99 M Atillo (kwpn: Kristal/Doruto) / Bernstein (Trak) Price Canadian Funds: $10,000

FEI prospect: Stunning talent and impeccable breeding come together in a modern package. Out of St. Pr. St. Rosalie, this athletic mare has blood lines including Donnerhall, Rubinstein, & Weltmeyer - 3 of the top 5 for dressage in the world rankings. Under professional training, this imported Verband Approved Hanoverian mare’s exceptional movement makes her a professional’s future Grand Prix mount. Currently 16 hh and growing. Contact: C. Arelis Kona Equestrian • E-mail: carelis@shaw.ca Location: Lethbridge, AB

Sunny is a solid 16.2H, sired by the imported Dutch dressage stallion Atillo out of CWHBA premium Trakehner mare, Serene Sunday. Started professionally in 2007 she was lightly worked, also ridden by an amateur. She went back into training early spring 2010. Breeding package possible.

Contact: Charmaine Bergman 306-764-7148 • apexfarms@inet2000.com www.apexfarmsandappraisal.com Location: Prince Albert, SK

Futi’s Barillo W

FPH Riverdance

2004 CWHBA Gelding • 17.2H • ON-[CAN]4082-04 G Futurist (han: For Pleasure/Madison) / Batido han / Akzent II

2008 CWHBA Filly • NS-[CAN]7096-08 G Sagnol (old: Sandro Hit/Landadel) / Zeoliet / Regency Lane xx

Barillo has competed successfully at the 1.20 m level . He is flashy, easy to ride and would make a wonderful equitation horse. Barillo is a very athletic, refined horse with lots of scope and the potential to be a higher level J/A jumper.

FPH Riverdance has 3 lovely gaits. She is a suitable prospect for either dressage or jumping. Athletic, supple, well handled. Lots of suspension in all three gaits. Beautiful expression. Leggy - athletic - quiet - well mannered. Currently being started under saddle.

Contact: Christine or Augustin Walch W Charlot Farm • Tel: 519-271-5322 wcharlotfarm@cyg.net www.charlotfarm.com Location: Stratford, ON

Member’s Sale Horses


Contact: Julie Fulton Fulton Performance Horses • Tel: 902-922-2549 info@fultonperformancehorses.ca www.fultonperformancehorses.ca Location: New Glasgow, NS


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