2012 Breeder's Digest - Spring

Page 1

Vol.No.4 Issue 1

Thank you to our new Sponsors Ogilvy and Unigroup!

Mare’s Milk More than Foal Fodder

Classifieds Great Warmbloods for Sale!


New Evaluation Methods for Mares

at Hockley Valley Resort

Provincial Chapter News World Breeding Federation General Assembly Report

National Mare Winners



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A p u b l i c a t i o n o f t h e C a n a d i a n Wa rmb l o o d H o r s e B r e e d e r ’ s A s s o c i a t i o n

Table of Contents: 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 25 26 27 30 32 34 36 38 39 41 42

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Chairman’s Message From the Editor’s Desk CWHBA Officers and Directors Coming Events / Fee Schedule National CWHBA AGM Report - March 2012 Article: Other Uses for Warmblood Mare’s Milk WBFSH Report - 2011 General Assembly Mare Inspections - The Next Step The Red Heads are 2011 Winners Daughter, Like Mother, is Top Scoring Mare Stallion Service Auction Reaps Great Results Equine Canada Extends Condolences on Passing of Hickstead Equine Canada Unveils Inaugural Horse of the Year Award Bennington - 2011 Licensing Champion Maritime Chapter News Quebec Chapter News Ontario Chapter News Manitoba Chapter News Saskatchewan Chapter News Alberta Chapter News BC Chapter News International Young Breeders Competition CWHBA Year-End Awards Ogilvie Equestrian Summer Circuit CWHBA and USDF All Breeds Awards Program Trailertrips.com Announces New Online Service Classified Advertising with CWHBA - Why? Sale Horses Classifieds

About Our Cover Restique - Top scoring mare in Canada for 2011. See full article on page 14.

Dear Members, Welcome to the horse industry in 2012. Many aspects of our industry are contracting and there is a new reality that we as breeders must adapt to. It is not only that we have experienced four years of economic hardship; the demographics of the horse community are changing and with that come changing expectations. One of the major shifts is that, for the first time since Equine Canada began tracking the industry, older adults comprise the largest proportion of horse owners. We as breeders must recognize that more than ever, the market is demanding horses with superior dispositions and rideability. At the same time, the level of training and preparation expected is going up. To help our breeders adapt to the changing reality the CWHBA is also changing and adapting. In executing our strategic plan, launched in 2010, we have identified the need for better evaluation tools regarding disposition and rideability and we are working closely with international initiatives to standardize linear scoring systems. At our most recent Annual General Meeting, delegates and directors voted in favour of a new governance structure to create a management committee that will be focused on timely delivery of our programs and services. We are still a volunteer driven organization and by rationalizing and documenting the tasks into manageable units we anticipate being able to spread the work load over more people in a more efficient way. The most important task ahead is to get the turnaround time on our registrations back to an acceptable level. After nearly a year of ongoing delays, we know we have severely taxed the patience of our members. While our office has done an excellent job of keeping current with its portion of the workload, the extra steps of listing and approval of Foundation Stock by the AAFC, continues to contribute to the wait times. This must be addressed and the Board has approved measures to get us on track soon. The launch of new sponsorships in 2011 – Unigroup bringing direct member benefits and Ogilvy Equestrian bringing increased recognition and incentives for Canadian Warmblood horses to be seen in the show ring, are also welcome developments. Beginning at the 2011 AGM in Kelowna and continued again this year, we have been proactive in forging relationships with trainers and coaches by holding a Trainers Panel as part of our AGM weekend conference. This has resulted in an invaluable dialogue and learning opportunity for both parties. Once again, the reality of higher expectations was reinforced, but it appears that horse usage remains relatively strong, when compared to the significant world wide reduction in breeding. That is probably the best news for a viable market in the future when the supply demand ratio could be reversed. Nevertheless we are probably still three years away from seeing the direct impact of fewer horses being bred now. The important message is that our organization is continuing to show leadership and is moving forward to meet the new challenges. Thank you to all the wonderful volunteers that make this possible. Chris Gould Chairman


From the Editor’s Desk Welcome to the spring 2012 Edition of the Breeder’s Digest! I have recently taken over the guiding reins from Colleen Embree-Jay who had been the Editor of this fine publication for many years. These are very large shoes to fill, and I hope to meet the high standards set in the past. Please bear with me as I tread lightly into my new volunteer position! I have agreed to do one full publication per year, and watch for a supplemental newsletter in the fall of 2012. In developing the content, we are looking to cover the interests of the CWHBA members who have expressed their thoughts and wishes for this magazine. We heard that many members want two publications per year, chapter reports from all areas of the country, award notifications, more advertising and fun based features. I encourage readers to contact me with their thoughts and interests! I hope to include some ideas of my own including increased distribution to equestrian type businesses, co-op advertising partnerships, member contests, horse celebrity profiles, and training/breeding advice columns. I invite you to call or write me with your thoughts and suggestions! With your input I can consult with the Board of Directors and Editorial Committee who will help me chose the appropriate path for this publication. I would like to put out a huge thank you to the contributors of this magazine, the Advertisers who support it, the Writers, and the Volunteer Editorial Committee, Marilyn Powell, Chris Gould and Charmaine Bergman. It is because of Volunteer like these, your membership and fees are kept at extremely competitive rates, so please be sure to thank them with your kind words and/or your patronage, when you have occasion to purchase product, services or horses. Sincerely, Val Sanford

Correction Notice

Oops! We goofed! Ruurd Dijkstra kindly wrote to us that the 2010 Champion Mare, Venice, was not imported in utero as stated in the last issue. This article was featured on page 17 of the Spring 2011 issue. Venice was born in Whitefish, Montana and was bred by Natlie Bryant of Little Creek Farm. She was imported into Canada as a yearling by Ruurd and Wieke Dijkstra, purchased from D G Bar Breeders, Hanford, USA, as agent for Little Creek Farm, and subsequently sold to Gabrielle Anderson. She is simply a beautiful and well deserving, award winning, mare and we apologize for our error in the last publication!




National Bank Free Jumping Challenge & Young Breeders Competition - Caluori Pavilion Olds AB, Contact Katrina Van den Bosch at 403-556-6629

May 12

Saskatchewan Chapter Annual Education Day, BBQ and Dessert Auction Fundraiser - Jumping Hills Stables Prince Albert SK, Contact Vanessa Ethier vanessasenko@hotmail.com 306-922-3597

Sept 5-9

Spruce Meadows Masters Booth Coordinator Mara-Coote Freeman 403-556-7356

Sept 5-9

Battle of the Breeds - team selector and chef Darlene Schmidt 403-886-4074, Selections will be made prior to July 30, 2012

Sept 22-23

Alberta Chapter Breeders Show - Ponoka Ag Society Contact Jill Owen 403-704-4100

May 30

Deadline for applications to host Mare Inspection Locations in Alberta for 2012, Contact Janine Olsen at 403-886-2676

Oct 13-14

Fall Classic Breeders Sale - Olds AB, Contact Jennette Coote 403-556-8046

Jul - Oct

Breed Shows and Provincial Mare Inspections held across Canada hosted by each province. Chapter contact information for those dates not listed here.

Nov 24

Saskatchewan Chapter AGM - Contact Charmaine Bergman 306-764-7148 dqapex@gmail.com

Nov Jul 27-28

MJ Farms Show - Olds, full set of material classes Contact Mara Coote-Freeman 403-556-7356

Alberta Chapter AGM - Red Deer, Contact Jennette Coote 403-556-8046

Jan 2013 Jul 19

Deadline for entry in Fall Classic Sale www.fallclassicsale.com

Trade Show Booth at Alberta Breeders and Owners Conference, Red Deer

Mar 1-3 2013 National CWHBA 2012 AGM will be hosted in Alberta! Aug 31-Sep 2 Annual CWHBA Saskatchewan Chapter Showcase & Mare Evaluations - Pelmac Stables, Saskatoon, SK pelmac@sasktel.net 306-933-4615


If you have a lot of horses to register, please contact the office for information about our credit application for large herds. Membership:

Fee: CDN Funds

Annual membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $85 Associate membership ( Non-owners of registered breeding stock ) Associate Members receive newsletter & are eligible for Awards Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35 Life time membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $850 Registration: Registrations for all horses born prior to January 1994 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $90 Registration of foal by entered & Approved or Licensed stallion: Within 12 months of foaling date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $85 - Late penalty - add . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75 Registration of foal by non-entered or non-approved stallion: Within 12 months of foaling date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $185 - Late penalty - add . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75 Stud Book Entry:

Initial Entry fee for Approved stallions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75 Initial Mare Entry for all mares ( one time fee for inspected mares ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45 Annual Mare Entry ( for non-inspected mares ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45 Stallion ‘Report of Mares Bred’ ( Due Nov 1st of calendar year ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75 Stallion ‘Report of Mares Bred’ - late filing after November 1st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100 Mare Inspection and initial Mare Entry for First Breeding Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100 Stallion Inspection and Entry - stallions aged 2 years . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200 Stallion Inspection and Entry - stallions aged 3 years and over . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $400 Offspring Evaluation and/or branding fee ( ID markings no cost ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25



DNA test (mane hair) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60 Duplicate Certificate ( Notarized Affidavit Required ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50 Re-Issued Certificate ( Owner Error or Request ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15 Transfer of ownership ( membership of CWHBA not required ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30

Annual General Meeting March 3 - 4, 2012

Hockley Valley Resort, Ontario The 24th Annual General Meeting weekend of the Canadian Warmblood Horse Breeders Association was hosted by the Ontario Chapter at Hockley Valley Resort near Orangeville Ontario. Hockley Valley weather started off welcoming enough, but by Saturday morning a huge storm blew through, with wet snow and a power outage. The facility was extremely accommodating and moved our meetings into a conference room powered by a backup generator. They even managed coffee!! Our main challenge the first morning was finding our way in a pitch black bathroom! Saturday, as usual, was devoted to workshops, a tour and an evening social prior to the actual AGM which was held on Sunday. Chairman, Chris Gould, started the morning plenary session with a presentation and discussion - Breeding Program Review Progress Report. This was a follow through on the Strategic Plan initiated in 2010. To this point the committee has made recommendations regarding the breeding goal and vision for the CWHBA evaluation system with greater emphasis on soundness and disposition, and with increased recognition of discipline specific characteristics and reproductive ability. Chris also reported on international developments in the area of linear scoring, which is being examined closely by the committee. Initiatives have been taken through the Interstallion Committee, to

Chris Gould (on right) moderates the Trainers’ Panel Discussion. L to R: Garry Roque, John McDonald, Randy Roy

look for international standardization, as this system of scoring is gaining in interest in many countries. At present the KWPN, Irish Sport Horse and Belgium Warmblood are using some form of linear scoring, while Sweden and Denmark, like us, are considering implementing it in the near future. Good discussion followed the presentation as people shared ideas for improving the participation and impact of our inspection system. We had a little comic relief that morning; while Chris made his introduction, we could see skiers walking backwards fighting their way against the wind to the ski hill. Following our coffee break, Jennette Coote, Core Committee Chair (mandated to examine our core services and how they are delivered) brought forward her committee’s recommendations for revisions to the CWHBA governance structure. The central concept is the creation of a management committee to handle the regular affairs of the association and provide efficient delivery of programs and services. We are a volunteer based organization so it has become increasingly important

to clarify roles and responsibilities and most importantly find ways to share the work load. There was also discussion about increasing the number of Vice Chairs on the Board. That would require a By-Law amendment and may be addressed in the future. Following the morning sessions, meeting attendees were treated to a tour of the Caledon Equine Hospital a state of the art facility that specializes in advanced surgical procedures, including eye surgery done by a specialist that regularly flies in from North Carolina and laser surgery to correct cribbing. It was an informative tour and a great opportunity to ask head surgeon, Dr Watt a variety of questions . The last session of the afternoon was a Trainer’s panel, “Effective selling in today’s market and focus on the future”. This was a repeat of last year’s program brought back by popular demand. Our thanks to the Ontario Chapter for their selection of eminent trainers for this panel: Mr. Randy Roy, Sr.EC/USEF Judge, Hunter Trainer, author and buyer agent; Mr. John McPhearson, Dressage Trainer, rider, and buyer agent; Mr. Garry Roque, Eventing Trainer/Coach, rider, breeder and buyer agent. Our panel of guests answered prepared

Alberta Chapter Members & Directors: Doreen Kulcsar, Chris Gould, Janine Olsen, Lorrie Jamieson, Kathy Laxton, Jennette Coote


questions including what are they looking for in horses for their students. They then responded to questions from the floor. Some of the opinions that came out of those discussions differed as the disciplines varied. Once again we were extremely gratified at how positive and approachable these elite trainers and riders were. They were very clear in their answers, but at the same time very encouraging to our breeders and willing to look at Canadian bred Warmblood horses. All Trainers agreed that performance and preparation overshadow pedigree, but were aware of some bloodlines, however generally on the basis of what to avoid. All were very receptive to viewing horses via good videos, but breeders need to do their homework (training and presentation, type of horse they are looking for, and good editing) prior to sending a video. Saturday night featured the Red Carpet Gala Awards Banquet with a beautifully decorated photo booth. We enjoyed a live fund raising auction, excellent dinner and awards presentations. Two of our Trainer’s panel stayed to enjoy the supper and events with us. The fantastic live and silent auctions, raised enough money to offset the AGM participants lunch the following day. See pictures and reports of the awards in this issue. The AGM on Sunday was done in record time, although not without good discussion and debate on a number of topics. The proposed By-Law amendment to increase the number of Directors was defeated by a split vote. As they say the devil is in the details. With time to spare, we had the opportunity to have open brainstorming sessions discussing the Awards program and ways to engage higher membership enrolment before every one had to leave to return to their homes after a long, fruitful two days. Thanks again to Ruth Armstrong, Jackie Vandenbrink, Sue Fleming and Stephanie Goodman for a tremendous weekend! 1. Dana & Jocelyn Young, Manitoba 2. Our good friends at the Claremont Auction House, Bill and Jimmy handled the live auction brilliantly! Here they auction off the signed copy of Hickstead! 3. Jackie van den Brink winning top mare for 2012, Michael Rabe of Hanoverian Sport Horse Farm (sponsor Hi-Score Mare on Inspection) & Ruth Armstrong 4. Chris Gould presenting Marilyn Powell with award for Level 1 eventing for Southern Xception 5. Sue Jenkins, Stephanie Goodman, Ruth Armstrong, Jackie Vandenbrink 6. Diana Pella, Charmaine Bergman, Val Sanford, Diane Million, Leny Boersma 7. Ruth Armstrong, Lindsay Feller, Sheryl Feller, Chris Gould mother and daughter from Manitoba receiving award for Unbelievable 8. Sharon Buffet and Chelsea Van Lierder accepting the dressage award 9. Ontario members Pauline Woodward and her husband look over the auction items 10. Janine Olson, Lorrie Jamieson, Doreen Kulcsar 11. SK Directors - Diane Million Diana Pella, Val Sanford, Charmaine Bergman 12. Saturday night auction














OTHER USES FOR WARMBLOOD MARE’S MILK! Patricia Weijs and her husband Leo, were originally KWPN breeders in Holland. After the family moved to a 160 acre ranch in Salmon Arm B.C., they continued with horse breeding, and currently raise/train Canadian Warmblood Horses and New Forest Ponies. The whole family gets involved on the farm, starting and training their own horses and ponies in both dressage and jumping at Weijs' Spa Creek Ranch. Patricia tells us how they reap mares milk from their mares. Horse milk looks surprisingly much like human milk, and has some rather unknown uses that have been used in traditional medicine for centuries. In ancient times people knew that mare’s milk has a salutary influence on the skin and scalp. Homer wrote about horse milkers. Cleopatra bathed daily in mare’s milk for her skin and beauty. Herodotus wrote 500 years before Christ about mare’s milk: “Nutrit, roberat, alerat” meaning, It nourishes, strengthens and gives new energy. Asian Steppe People used fermented alcoholic horse milk (kumis) for nutrition and health. In Russia, the first tuberculosis mare’s milk sanatorium was built in 1858. Prior to World War 1 as many as 25,000 tuberculosis cases yearly were cured with mare’s milk. Until WW1 it was a common sight in Europe to see door-todoor vendors selling mare’s milk and has been used in the treatment of inflammatory illnesses for centuries since it was known to contain antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory substances. Spas in Germany and Austria use mare’s milk to treat skin and intestine problems. "We make use of mare’s milk on our breeding ranch. The first six weeks all the milk is for the foal. After that, the foal can eat additional food so that for a part of the day it can be separated from its mother. The foals are in a herd of their own, but stay in contact with their moms. Because most beneficial components are destroyed after pasteurization, the Government in Europe allows mare’s milk to be sold non pasteurized, although the Industry has to comply with strict sanitary regulations. This is not possible in Canada yet. The milk is mostly used by people that suffer from eczema, psoriasis, asthma, Crohn’s disease, diarrhea, constipation, fatigue, kidney failure, cow’s milk allergy, stomach problems, post-surgical recovery, MS and rheumatoid arthritis. It also gives more energy to

cancer patients. It is used in cosmetics to treat skin problem and is absorbed directly through the skin. At the University of Jena, in Europe, clinical trials were performed, which they hope to use to substantiate claims in the future. In Belgium and Germany the milk is already being delivered to hospitals." For more information: http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/ NCT00753805 Patricia & Leo Weijs, Spa Creek Ranch If you would like more information about their horses or the mare’s milk production, you can visit: www.spacreekranch.com or email: info@spacreekranch.com


Sire Hochadel by Hohenstein. Dam’s sire Don Primero, Donnerhall’s most successful licensed son.

17.2 H, beautiful Black Hanoverian Won 2009 B.C. Dressage Championships with scores in the high 70%. Standing at stud on Vancouver Island. Offering Live Cover, Fresh Shipped and Frozen. LFG Licensed Canadian Warmblood Contact Owner: Julie Malet-Veale Nanaimo B.C. 250-722-2289 jmv.hanoverians@gmail.com


World Breeding Federation for Sport Horses 2011 General Assembly

October 23 – 28, 2011 Seville, Spain


The 2011 meetings of the WBFSH took place in the historic city of Seville, Spain. The schedule of events began with a seminar day on Monday including a presentation by the host ANCCE (Asociación Nacional de Criadores de Caballos de Pura Raza Española), the National Association of Purebred Spanish Horse Breeders, on the P.R.E. (Pure Spanish Horse) followed by presentations concerning horse welfare regulations and legislation in several EU countries. The seminar closed with a detailed report on the Animal Identification and Traceability system in Spain. The evening was highlighted by a tour and tapas meal at the incredible Alcazar Palace which features many Moorish influences in style and use of tile. The second day was spent in touring to the city of Jarez to the Royal Equestrian Centre to see performances of the P.R.E. Horses and to a prominent sherry winery which also has a horse breeding sideline.

were empty until about ten in the evening; the typical time for eating dinner was between ten and midnight.


Most of the presentations were in Spanish so a Translator was employed throughout. These presentations are available on the WBFSH web site. There appears to be an excellent working relationship between the Spanish government department of agriculture and the ANCCE as well as the research community.

Horse ID and Traceability in Spain:

The Spanish system is in many ways identical to the proposed system in Canada and is more extensive than any other in Europe. First all horses are given a UELN and a passport. That is issued by the ANCCE for purebred horses and by the government for non pure bred horses. The government also maintains a premise ID data base and an ownership data base.

Wednesday, day three, was occupied with the General Assembly and additional seminar topics covering genetics and nutrition. This concluded the General Assembly and public business of the WBFSH. By invitation some twenty people stayed for the Thursday meeting of WHIRDEC (World Horse Identification, Registration and Data Exchange Committee), which is a working committee of the WBFSH. Everyone that attended the meetings was impressed with how well developed and advanced the Spanish are in all the areas covered, from the animal traceability program to the genetic improvement plans of the P.R.E.. It was interesting to experience the different cultural life style as well. Meetings began rather early and continued until two in the afternoon at which time lunch was eaten, so it was a long time between meals. Restaurants


Chris Gould with WBFSH President Jan Pederson and his wife in Seville Spain. (After dinner drinks at a tapas bar, late, like every night in Spain.)

The three databases are thereby used to track all movement of animals. This is done with cooperation of the authorities in Spain`s seventeen regional jurisdictions. Application to move a horse is made to the local office and when completed the receiving location reports to a local authority. In this way all movement is recorded. This includes travel to horse shows and breeding farms. Questions concerning the cost and long term viability were raised. The system was completely built by the Spanish government and is integrated with all livestock, such that the operating cost is minimal and it is therefore inconceivable that the government would abandon it in the future.

General Assembly

The WBFSH remains in stable financial condition in spite of the fact that half of its funding is tied to the number of foals born (which is declining) in the large studbooks. The sponsorship of Merial ended last year and there is an active search for new sponsors. The tack and clothing company HKM has recently come forward and will provide coolers, jackets and other product for WBFSH awards. They are also willing to work directly with studbooks to provide products (pads, coolers, jackets) carrying the WBFSH logo and the studbook logo. The annual plan was presented and it features continued support for the Young Breeders Championships, further work in coordinating horse welfare issues, harmonizing of basic x-ray standards and development of a long term strategic plan for 2012 to 2016. Regarding the Young Breeders, since attempts to hold it in Canada in 2013 were thwarted, due to the high cost of travel, some method for equalizing or subsidizing those costs is being discussed, so that costs for non European participation can be mitigated and that long term plans to hold the championships in Canada in 2017 can be realized. Sweden will host for 2013.

On behalf of the CWHBA I brought forward a motion to the WBFSH regarding DNA parentage verification being moved from the current micro satellite technology to SNP (Single nucleotide polymorphisms). That motion, while not formally voted on was taken as direction for further investigation by the Board. In informal discussions, I found that there was no consensus amongst those knowledgeable in the area. This is a technology that is changing very rapidly so it is appropriate that contact be made with ISAG (International Society for Animal Genetics), but at least the discussion has been initiated. The location for the General Assembly in 2013 has not been set, but it will likely be either England or Poland.

Final Point:

There is concern over the economic future in the EU. Although prices are down and reports of people giving horses away are being heard, there appears to be continued strength in the sport and recreation use of horses. This leads many people to believe that the reduction in horse numbers will result in a strong rebound in prices in the future. They just don't know when. Chris Gould CWHBA Chairman

! ! CWHBA t u o w o l B y E-STORE r o t n e Inv 50% off in-stock items

Check the website and order right online! Go straight to the CWHBA website for our full list of items. • Do you have any special requests? Let us know!

Online at: www.canadianwarmbloods.com 11


To-date our mare inspections have evaluated the following criteria - Breed and Sex Type, Conformation, Correctness, and General Impression and the following gaits, Walk and Swing and Elasticity in the trot. Gallop and Jumping were left to the second under saddle phase. In other words the Gallop and Jumping abilities were not evaluated at the first inspection. We all know that many good jumping horses fail to show much impulsion at the trot and since their jumping talent did not score at all; those mares were at a disadvantage for premiums. With our geographic distance problems and scarcity of suitable facilities in certain geographic breeding areas many mares do not attend the second phase and their gallop and jumping abilities are never established. This, to me, created the possibility that jumping talent in our mares may quite well become overlooked and not used in the best possible way when choosing an appropriate stallion to breed to. I discussed this problem with our European friends who advised us in the past - and unanimously recommended that we should inspect our mares in the same manner as the stallions at their licensing. Our Studbook Committee went for this proposal and instituted it during this year's stallion tour with our International Judges.



Mare owners had the opportunity to opt for this new evaluation method for mares, with awards given to the top scoring mares in the new and the standard inspection method. This was enthusiastically received by many mare owners and the results can be seen in this issue. I believe this is an important step in our breeding considerations for improving our mare base. It is said that a mare contributes anywhere from 53 to 56 percent of the foal's attributes. We hear of mares that always produce no matter who they are bred to this is a quality that is passed on through generations – for example this is expressed in the numbered mare lines in the Holstein books. European breeders coming to Canada knew what they had in their mares and often brought their best mares with them and were rewarded with steady success. Canadian breeders had to contend with whatever mares were available to them and then select to find what they needed. (Stallions were rarely imported by breeders. They came in mostly for sport and occasionally older stallions were made available for Canadian breeders). It is now with the third and fourth generations of mares reaching the breeding shed that we are seeing a great rise in quality in our breeding programs. Good breeders pay a

lot of attention to their mares and this step should assist them in establishing more complete breeding values for their herd. After all, Totilas is the product of a very valued and old mare line much treasured by his breeder. And so is Popeye K, whose dam from a famous Dutch mare line I had the luck of finding through a friend in Holland. His full and half sisters all sold like 'hot cakes'. I am sure there are many more examples. During the 2011 Stallion tour, mares were inspected across the country adding the gallop and chute jumping test aspects. About Eve A European Refugee escaping the Russian army twice by horse and carriage, Eve is probably best known for finding the famous Olympic mount, Big Ben for Ian Millar. Eve has a lifetime of experience in training, importing, and selling horses of Warmblood pedigrees. She owned the Trakhener stallions Wermitzel and Black Lak, the latter competing with Ian Miller, and imported Fantast a Belgian Warmblood who stood at MJ Farms in Alberta and whose progeny has been highly successful in the jumper and hunter rings. Eve operates St. Albans Stables in Brockville, Ontario, is an honorary National Director, member of the Studbook Committee and is one of the foremost Senior Inspector's for the CWHBA.

The Red Heads are 2011 Winners The inaugural National Tour Mare Inspection Championship saw chestnut mares tie for top place. The chute jumping component was added to the mare evaluation by the National Team and saw Blomke PR, B.C. tied with Gisela W, Saskatchewan with a score of 7.94 giving them the honor of top mares on the National Tour. Blomke PR a 2006 mare is by Justice (KWPNCocktail / Wolfgang) out of Rhapsody PR (Damiro / Slaney). Bred and owned by Leny and James Boersma of Pheasant Ridge Farms, Salmon Arm, B.C. Blomke has been lightly shown successfully in training level dressage and is now starting over fences, showing her versatility and rideability. Blomke PR

Gisela W a 2004 mare, is by Oberon (KWPNIdocus / Kristal) out of Glory W (Gaugin de Lully / Mark’s Pretender xx). Bred by Sigma Warmbloods, Vilna, Alberta, and owned by Joy MacKinnon of Karrasel Warmbloods, a breeding/training operation which she owns with partner Dennis Karras, in Spy Hill, Saskatchewan. Gisela was a foal futurity ribbon earner and then was lightly shown by a young adult amateur in B.C. prior to Joy purchasing her. She is in foal to the imported stallion Danse Diabolique for 2012. It is interesting to note that both of these mares were sired by KWPN stallions that completed their approvals in North America. Justice did the 100 Day USA Stallion Test and Oberon the 30 day test in Canada. Congratulations to Joy, Dennis, Leny and James!

Gisela W

Merlin & Tanya Bergquist



Daughter, Like Mother, is top Scoring Mare in 2011 - By Charmaine Bergman

Restique ON-[CAN]7281-08 G, Redwine/Unique/Gribaldi , bred and owned by Jackie Vandenbrink, of Sherkston, Ontario, was the CWHBA High Scoring Mare of 2011. Restique achieved an overall score of 8.67. Her dam, Unique ON-[CAN] APPR3309-01 M, Gribaldi/Olivia/ Burggraaf , was also the high point mare of Canada the year of her inspection in 2007 with a score of 8.5 (photo below) How does a breeder achieve such high quality? Well, for Jackie, it has been a journey that began in her home country, Holland, where she lived till age 12. Naturally she was drawn to the Dutch pedigrees, but she will use whatever she thinks will works best for her program. As a day job she works as an Equine Nutritionist for Masterfeeds. She feels that's been very helpful to have that level of understanding of nutrition to use on her own horses, but has learned a ton from many of the larger breeding farms she has had the pleasure of working with. To quote Jackie, " Everyone does things a little bit differently, and seeing many different horses in my work I find


really trains my eye, both for type and conformation, but also development." When asked how she came to the CWHBA and breeding , Jackie states, "I’m from a dairy farm, went to school for Agriculture and grew up riding horses. Eventually breeding horses just made sense for me. I watched my father make breeding decisions for his dairy cattle, took animal breeding and genetics courses in school, and when I became interested in breeding horses, started studying pedigrees and breeding values. " I asked Jackie how she came to this point in her breeding program, to have a mother and daughter that both scored the highest in Canada the year of their inspection, and the aim of her program. Jackie: "You have to breed what you like yourself, but reality is…I breed to sell, so I try my best to breed something marketable. Ontario is BIG for hunters. Unique

Hunters were a new thing for me, having had most of my riding instruction in the Netherlands. I needed to find out just what this hunter thing was about and what these people wanted in a horse if I was going to be a successful breeding in Canada. I remember making a point of sitting watching hunter trips for hours and hours at Palgrave trying to figure out just what these judges and riders were looking for in a horse. In addition to breeding hunters, I also breed for the dressage ring. That may seem odd to some, but it’s a combination that seems to work for me. Some of my hunter types could be dressage horses, and vice versa, and then others are one or the other. I do like a horse to be versatile. I like a good elastic mover, ground covering gaits, good strong type, strong topline and hindquarter, ideally pretty cause pretty sells, and I like to use bloodlines that can jump. I’m not aiming for international jumpers, but I do want something that can get around a 3’6” hunter course with some style…or at least 3’ looking super fancy with an adult amateur aboard." Jackie bought Restique's dam, Unique, from a local rider who had recently purchased the mare from Wilko VandenBerg, of the Woodstock, Ontario area. Mr. VandenBerg imported her dam Olivia by Burggraaf from Holland when he emigrated with his family. Olivia had three foals while owned by Mr. Vandenberg, a Ferro, an Indoctro and a Gribaldi. Unique, the Gribaldi, was a star herself at her mare inspection,


winning champion mare and becoming the 2007 high score mare in Canada, while pregnant with Restique. Jackie feels she is a stunning animal to look at, with very good type, and incredible powerful and elastic gaits. To quote Jackie: "When I saw her I just had to have her. I LOVED her bloodlines. Gribaldi had been a very popular productive sire amongst breeders, but has, since her purchase become a lot more popular after the superstardom of his son Totilas. But honestly I didn’t buy her because she was a Gribaldi, it helped, but I was really drawn to her maternal family. Her dam is a star mare, her grand dam and great grand dam are keur-preferent-prestatie. Her dam sire is Burggraaf. Both Gribaldi and Burggraaf have their Preferent predicate. With that solid a pedigree she could only be a good producer…not much of a gamble

I thought, she was pretty much a guarantee to be a good broodmare. She has not disappointed." Unique has a 2 year old by Wesporte named Westique who was reserve junior champion at the Fieldstone Breeders show as a foal, and last year's foal Frestique , by Freestyle, won the Ontario Foal Futurity with a super score of 8.5. Restique not only is a champion for her quality and bloodlines, this young mare at age 3 last year, also won a very competitive 3 year old hunter suitability class at the Fieldstone Breeders Show. Jackie did the Governor General’s and Lieutenant Governor’s Cup qualifiers with her for the Royal Toronto Winter Fair, and she qualified for both. Unfortunately they had a bit of an unfortunate day at the Royal. A combination of a sprung shoe that was literarily half off, and horse show numbers flapping about when they were coming off during the class caused a less than perfect round. Jackie had to be content with a 10th placing in the GG cup the in hand class, out of a class of approximately 20 Jackie says "She is absolutely stunning under saddle, huge long lopey canter and a very lofty long trot. When you pick her up she could definitely be a dressage horse, but ridden

long and low he absolutely looks and moves the part of a high end hunter. " Looking to strong dam lines, feeding to insure healthy growth, constantly educating your eye and keeping abreast of the market needs, seems to have put Jackie where she deserves to be, producing top quality Canadian Warmblood horses. And producing mares with a strong ability to pass on the best of them selves and bring the stallion's best to the resulting offspring as well. Jackie VandenBrink is an Equine Nutritionist with MasterFeeds, the Vice Chairman of the Ontario Chapter of the CWHBA, a CWHBA Inspector, and was a member of the National Strategic Plan Committee, as well as being one of the key volunteers for the WEG export marketing initiative in 2010. Charmaine Bergman and husband John, own & operate Apex Farms and Appraisals, a Canadian Warmblood breeding farm, in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. She currently stands Oberon, a Dutch Warmblood stallion approved with Canadian Wa r m b l o o d , and has bred Trakehners who have excelled in dressage and eventing in North America.

Stallion Service Auction Reaps great Results! Landskrona by Landkoenig is the result of the high bidding Stallion Service Auction (SSA) bid purchased in the 2010 SSA by Yankee Valley Sport Horses. Tara Lambie, owner of Yankee Valley Sport horses talks about her breeding program: ‘Our broodmare band consists of premium scoring Canadian Warmblood mares that are bred to top Canadian Warmblood Approved stallions. Yankee

Valley Sport Horses focuses on breeding for type and temperament using top jumper and dressage bloodlines. They were high point breeder for the Southern Alberta Canadian Warmblood chapter show in 2009 and 2010. In 2011, a Yankee Valley Sport Horse four year old won the Southern Alberta Canadian Warmblood Young Horse riding test with the top overall score. Our Canadian Warmbloods have been

sold across the U.S.A. and Canada with great success. Visit us virtually at www. yankeevalleysporthorses.com or come to our farm!’ Tara Landskrona by Landkoenig is the result of a stud fee purchased in the 2010 Stallion Service Auction.


Equine Canada Extends Condolences on the Passing of Hickstead

Ottawa, ON: date — Equine Canada and the Canadian Equestrian Team extend our heartfelt condolences to Eric Lamaze and Torrey Pines Stables, the Fleischhacker family and Ashland Stables, and long-time groom, Delphine Roustan, on the sudden passing away of their stallion Hickstead. “Hickstead and Eric have been one of equestrianism’s most legendary partnerships,” said Akaash Maharaj, CEO of Equine Canada and the Canadian Equestrian Team. “Our team, our sport and our country grieve with Eric, Delphine and the Fleischhacker family on the passing of one of Canada’s greatest equine heroes.” Together, Hickstead and Lamaze brought Canada gold and silver medals at the 2008 Olympic Games, won a vast array of titles and championships and topped the global rankings. Hickstead passed away shortly after completing the course at the Rolex FEI World Cup in Verona, Italy. Out of respect for Hickstead, riders from across

photo: Cealy Tetley


the world entered the ring dismounted and immediately cancelled the class. “We will always be grateful for the time and triumphs we all shared with Hickstead,” said Maharaj. “We know that generations of future equestrians will draw inspiration from his life.”

Canada Hippique profondément attristée du décès de Hickstead

Le 6 novembre 2011 — Canada Hippique et l’Équipe équestre canadienne adressent leurs condoléances attristées à Éric Lamaze et Torrey Pines Stable, à la famille Fleischhacker et Ashland Stables, de même qu’à leur groom de longue date, Delphine Roustan, en raison de la mort subite de leur étalon Hickstead. « Hickstead et Éric sont entrés dans la légende en tant que l’un des couples les plus brillants du sport équestre », a dit le chef de la direction de Canada Hippique et de l’Équipe équestre canadienne Akaash Maharaj. « Notre équipe, notre sport et notre pays tout entier ont beaucoup de chagrin pour Éric, Delphine et la famille Fleischhacker qui ont perdu l’un des athlètes équins les plus héroïques que le Canada ait eu. » Hickstead et Lamaze ont rapporté au Canada des médailles d’or et d’argent après leur participation au Jeux olympiques de Pékin en 2008, en plus de se mériter une collection de titres et de championnats et d’accéder au sommet du classement mondial. Hickstead est décédé tout de suite après avoir franchi le parcours d’une épreuve de Coupe du monde FEI à Vérone, en Italie. En signe de respect pour Hickstead, des cavaliers du monde entier

sont entrés dans le manège, puis ils sont descendus de cheval et la compétition a été annulée. «Nous serons toujours reconnaissants envers Hickstead pour les moments passés auprès de lui et les triomphes qu’il nous a faits partager, a dit M. Maharaj. Nous sommes convaincus que sa vie servira d’inspiration à tous les sportifs équestres des prochaines générations.»


The Royal Winter Fair (Ontario) recently announced a new class in honor of this great horse. Watch for the “Hickstead FEI” jumper class at the show in 2012.

About Equine Canada Equine Canada is Canada’s national governing body for equestrianism. A member-driven, charitable institution, it is the executive branch of the Canadian Equestrian Team, and the national authority for equestrian competition; the national voice for recreational riders; and the national association for equine welfare, breeding, and industry. Equine Canada is recognized by the Government of Canada, the International Equestrian Federation (FEI), and the Canadian Olympic Committee as the national organization representing equestrian sport and equine interests. For more information about Equine Canada, please visit www.equinecanada.ca.

À propos de Canada Hippique Canada Hippique est l’organisme national chapeautant l’hippisme. Institution caritative axée sur le service aux membres, Canada Hippique est la division administrative de l’Équipe équestre canadienne faisant autorité en concours hippique national. Elle est la voix nationale des cavaliers de loisir, l’association nationale représentant le bien-être du cheval, l’élevage et l’industrie. Canada Hippique est reconnue auprès du gouvernement du Canada, de la Fédération équestre internationale et du Comité olympique canadien en tant qu’organisme représentant les sports équestres et les intérêts équins. Pour plus de renseignements sur Canada Hippique, veuillez visiter le www.equinecanada.ca.

Equine Canada Unveils Inaugural Horse of the Year Award Hickstead Honoured as First Recipient Ottawa, ON—A very special presentation was held at the 2012 Equine Canada Annual Awards Gala—the unveiling of the Equine Canada Horse of the Year award. Equine artist Mary Sand was commissioned to created a bronze sculpture in the likeness of Hickstead in recognition of his significant contribution to equestrian sport in Canada. As part Hickstead’s legacy, this trophy will serve to recognize Canadian horses who have made an outstanding achievement in sport, and as such Equine Canada is honoured to present the inaugural Horse of the Year award to Hickstead. John Taylor, the chair of Jump Canada, accepted the award on behalf of Eric Lamaze and Ashland Stables Inc. In addition to the unveiling, CBC Sports provided a very moving video tribute of Hickstead with a voiceover by Scott Russell, CBC sports broadcaster. “It was an honour to introduce the inaugural Equine Canada Horses of the Year award, and a great pleasure to accept the award on behalf of Hickstead,” said the chair of Jump Canada, John Taylor. “Hickstead has become an icon in the equestrian world. He was our hero and we are thrilled to be able to honour him and his owners with this award. The beautiful bronze will be a reminder for years to come of how lucky we were to have known this great horse.” Riding Hickstead, Lamaze won individual gold and team silver medals at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, individual bronze at the 2010 World Equestrian Games and team silver and individual bronze at the 2007 Pan American Games. Together, they won several major grand prix show jumping titles including Calgary (2007 and 2011), Geneva (2008), Aachen (2010), La Baule (2011) and Rome (2011). Tragically, Hickstead passed away on November 6, 2011. Henceforth, the award will be called the Equine Canada Horse of the Year,

the Hickstead Trophy. Now considered one of Equine Canada’s most prestigious awards, it will honour Hickstead’s legacy and serve to set the standard to which all future recipients should strive.

Photo: Robert Young

Canada Hippique dévoile le trophée du Cheval de l’année

Hickstead en est le tout premier récipiendaire Ottawa, Ontario, le 6 février 2012 – Une présentation exceptionnelle a eu lieu dans le cadre du Gala annuel de remise des prix de Canada Hippique, le dévoilement du trophée du Cheval de l’année. La création d’une sculpture en bronze à la ressemblance de Hickstead avait été confiée à une artiste spécialisée dans le domaine équestre, madame Mary Sand, et ce, en reconnaissance de l’extraordinaire contribution de ce cheval au sport équestre du Canada. Ce trophée du Cheval de l’année, créé afin de préserver le riche héritage de Hickstead, servira à souligner les réalisations remarquables des chevaux de ce pays, c’est pourquoi Canada Hippique a tenu à choisir Hickstead comme tout premier récipiendaire de cette distinction. C’est le président de Saut d’obstacles

Canada, John Taylor, qui a reçu le trophée au nom de Éric Lamaze et Ashland Stables Inc. En plus du dévoilement du trophée, CBC Sports a présenté une vidéo très émouvante en hommage à Hickstead. C’est Scott Russell, une personnalité des nouvelles sportives de CBC Sports, qui faisait la narration. « C’est un honneur pour nous d’inaugurer le trophée du Cheval de l’année de Canada Hippique et nous sommes ravis de le recevoir au nom de Hickstead », a dit John Taylor. « Hickstead est une figure emblématique du milieu équestre. Il était notre héros et c’est avec le plus grand plaisir que nous honorons sa mémoire et ses propriétaires par le biais de ce trophée. Ce splendide bronze nous rappellera à quel point nous avons été privilégiés de connaître cet admirable cheval. » Aux rênes de Hickstead, Lamaze a été médaillé d’or en individuel et d’argent en équipe, lors des Jeux olympiques de Pékin en 2008. Il a remporté une médaille de bronze en individuel aux Jeux équestres mondiaux de 2010, une d’argent en équipe et une de bronze en individuel aux Jeux panaméricains de 2007. Le couple s’est mérité de nombreux titres aux plus importantes épreuves de Grand Prix, dont à Calgary (2007 et 2011), Genève (2008), Aix-la-Chapelle (2010), La Baule (2011) et Rome (2011). Hickstead est mort tragiquement le 6 novembre 2011. Le trophée du Cheval de l’année de Canada Hippique portera le nom de Hickstead. Désormais considéré comme l’une des récompenses les plus prestigieuses de Canada Hippique, ce trophée dédié à Hickstead place ainsi la barre pour les futurs récipiendaires.



2011 CWHBA Licencing Champion - By Veronique Dumas Bratt Z x Karina Swap, Carino *E*, bred and owned by Gunther Krohn of Havelock, Quebec, was the CWHBA High Scoring Stallion of the 2011 licensing tour with an overall score of 7.81 . Bennington marks Gunther’s first foray into Warmblood breeding in North America. Gunther emigrated from Germany to Canada in 1954 and brought with him his interest in horses and in breeding that he passed on to his son Rick making him the 3rd generation of horse breeders. Rick currently handles, rides and trains the young 16.2 hh chestnut stallion at the family’s Covey Hill Stables. The Krohn family has been involved with horses in Canada since 1976 when they started Covey Hill stables as a B circuit hunter/jumper teaching and training barn. Ten years ago their focus changed. Gunther and his son Rick started to look for the lines that would produce good hunters and jumpers without sacrificing the good movement of the dressage horses that Gunther appreciated. By then Rick had become an accomplished amateur rider with an interest in competing at the highest level of the sport both in the hunter and jumper rings.


They bought Bennington’s dam in 2006. Karina Swap was bred by Jocelyne Lagüe, by the Trakehner stallion Carino and out of a TB dam. She was entered with Canadian Warmblood and so started the invovlment of the Krohns with the Canadian Warmblood Association. Karina Swap is a large mare and in looking for a suitable refining but athletic stallion the Krohns were impressed by the performance pedigree of Bratt Z and by the fact that he had scored very well at the Canadian Warmblood stallion performance test. They watched him perform and liked how he complimented their mare. Bennington was born in 2007. No one at Covey Hill was in any rush to geld the young Bennington. Gunther likes to handle all his young stock extensively and keeping the laid back and an easy going colt intact was never an issue. The question in Gunther’s mind was how the horse would do under saddle. His athletic ability would be the key factor. The Krohn's are focused on performance first and foremost and have a small breeding program. They aim to produce horses that have good movement so that they have alternative career opportunities as hunters or as dressage horses should the jumper ring not be the best fit for them. As the young Bennington matured they

liked what they saw. The colt matured well and developed good movement and excellent jumping technique coupled with a good temperament. The sensitivity of the Trakehner came through and made him very careful over the jumps but with the scope of the Galoubet and Capitol lines to power over the jumps. Things were looking good! Gunther was leaning toward keeping him as a stallion. Knowing the approvals for the Canadian Warmblood would be held at the Ferme Beaulieu tipped the balance. This was a nice facility where the young stallion would be able to show himself to the best of his ability and so they attended the approval and the rest, as they say, was history. Bennington will be focused on performance. Now that he has his license he will cover a handful of mares in his first breeding season, allowing him to focus on his competative career. Because of his full time work Rick was not able to take Bennington to the Florida circuit, but plans on entering him in the five year old classes both in Ontario and Quebec in 2012. It is quite a "high" to be riding a horse that was bred by his father and born on their farm.

Bennington Canadian Warmblood 2007 Chestnut 16.2 hh Breeding fee $1,400 Bennington was top scoring stallion at the Canadian National Warmblood inspection tour held at Beaulieu Farms (Quebec) in October 2011. He scored 9/10 for gallop, 9/10 for jumping technique and an overall score of 7.81 In 2011, as a 4 year old, he successfully competed in the hunter divisions . In 2012, he will be competing in the 5 year old Jump Canada young horse series. His final test jump is posted on youtube under Bennington Stallion Test. Congratulations! Gunter Krohn (450) 247-2448 rick@sculptedsigns.com


(Bratt Z/Karina Swap/Carino) Champion 2011 de la tournée d’évaluation des étalons pour la licence du CWHBA Bennington (propriétaire et éleveur Gunther Krohn, Havelock Québec) s’est mérité le plus haut pointage au pays en 2011 avec une note finale de 7.81. Maintenant que Rick Krohn monte et entraine le jeune étalon alezan de 16.2 mains élevé par son père Gunther, c’est trois générations de Krohn qui s’intéressent à l’élevage de chevaux. Gunther est arrivé au Canada en 1954, emmenant avec lui sa passion des chevaux. Les Krohn se sont impliqués dans le monde des chevaux à partir de 1976 quand Gunther Krohn a fondé Covey Hill Stables. Pendant près de 25 ans, l’écurie se concentre sur l’entrainement des chevaux et des cavaliers qui visent les épreuves de saut d’obstacle et de chasse du circuit B. Cependant, il y a 10 ans, Rick et Gunther commencent à s’intéresser à l’élevage et à la généalogie des chevaux de sport. A cette époque Rick est déjà un cavalier amateur accompli qui vise toujours plus haut sur les circuits de saut d’obstacle et de chasse. Ils cherchent donc avant tout à produire des chevaux de saut d’obstacle mais sans pour autant sacrifier la qualité du mouvement favorisé par Gunther qui a déjà fait du dressage et qui apprécie également cette discipline. C’est en 2006 que débute l’affiliation des Krohn avec le Canadian Warmblood

alors qu’ils achètent la jument Karina Swap (éleveur: Jocelyn Lagüe) qui est enregistrée avec le CWHBA. Cette fille de Carino (Trakhenner) est issue d’une jument pur sang Thourougbred mais est néanmoins de fort gabarit. Les Krohn se mettent à la recherche d’un étalon de lignées de performance qui pourrait l’alléger et améliorer sa technique a l’obstacle. Ils sont alors fort impressionnés par la performance de Bratt Z au test de performance des étalons. Ils apprécient non seulement ses lignées de sauteurs et ses qualités athlétiques, mais ils voient en lui un bon choix pour leur jument. Leur choix s’arrête sur Bratt Z et Bennington voit le jour en 2007. Gunther Krohn a l’habitude de passer beaucoup de temps avec ses chevaux et le jeune Bennington ne fut pas une exception. En fait Bennington étant de nature facile, sympathique et généralement calme l’idée de le castrer n’effleura même pas l’esprit de Gunther. Il préfèrera attendre de le voir évoluer sous la selle avant de prendre cette décision. Les Krohn sont intéressées avant tout aux chevaux de performance et n’ont qu’un petit programme d’élevage avec quelques juments regroupant leurs lignées préférées, soit celles du Trakhenner, du Thouroughbred, du selle français et Holsteiner pour le saut.Les Krohn jugent important que leur élevage produise des chevaux polyvalents. Des chevaux pour l’obstacle mais ayant néanmoins un bon mouvement pour être capable de se rabattre sur le dressage si jamais une carrière de saut n’était pas possible. Pendant l’été 2011, le jeune Bennington se développait très bien sous les yeux de ses propriétaires. Il pris de la prestance et son

mouvement léger et souple se confirma avec la maturité. Il garda son excellent coup de saut et son tempérament était toujours sans reproche. Ils virent la combinaison espérée de la sensibilité du Trakhnner, qui le rend très respectueux au dessus des barres, et du formidable coup de saut de la lignée de son père prendre forme. C’était un cheval très prometteur mais Gunther n’était pas encore certain s’il était réellement un prospect étalon. Le fait que l’inspection des étalons devait se tenir a la Ferme Beaulieu a la fin de l’été 2011 fit pencher la balance. Les Krohn connaissant bien cet établissement et, sachant que Bennington y serait a l’aise et capable de démontrer le meilleur de ses habilités, ils prirent la décision de le présenter. Avec un pointage final de 7.81, le résultat fut des plus encourageant!! Maintenant qu’il a sa licence, Bennington accouplera quelques juments ce printemps, soit deux juments des Krohn ainsi que trois juments pour des clients, avant de continuer l’entrainement. Comme la performance reste sa tâche principale dans les prochaines années il retournera sur les terrains de concours. Rick Krohn, son cavalier, a l’intension de le présenter dans les classes de saut d’obstacle pour les jeunes chevaux de 5 ans en 2012. En début de saison Rick n’a pu descendre en Floride avec Bennington en raison de son emploi mais cet été, il sera bel et bien sur les terrains de concours de la province de Québec. Monter en concours un cheval élevé par son père et né a la ferme familiale est une occasion de rêve pour Rick. Author bio not available at press time.


Maritime Chapter News Submitted by: Julie Fulton, Director

March 2011

Contemplating what to say in for the stallion service auction report I’m torn between reporting for one year or for two! We have just wrapped up the 2012 stallion service auction as I submit my report for 2011. Being an optimist here is the report. The Maritime Chapter was pleased to host the Canadian Warmblood Horse Breeders Association Stallion Service Auction for the second year in a row in 2011. Our endurance rider friends stepped up to the plate to help out answering the phones, technical support, and enthusiasm. It was a warm, social weekend with the auction assistants staying for the weekend. Great food, lots of laughs! Thanks again to Marie-Sophie Arsenault for coming to help with the French translation. The auction was held late in March of 2011. With a minimal budget for advertising, ads were placed in various magazines: Horse Sport, Canadian Horse Journals, Post, Warmbloods Today, Courier Hippique Horse and Pony and Horse Country. We did minimal direct contact advertising. Several auction parties were held which added to the excitement on auction day. Forty-three stallions were nominated to the auction 30 of which were sold with the highest bid of $1,700.00 going to a choice of: from Rainbow Meadows Equus Farms. Total revenue brought in for the auction was $25,975 which was significantly down from the previous year. 2011 was a tough year all the way around. With the trace back program taking time away from the stallion directory production, caused the directory to be to the breeders after the auction date. The economy as well hit a major speed bump which too perhaps caused many breeders to put a hold on their breeding program: a wait and see approach if their sales of young stock on the ground would improve. As a result the bidding was very quiet. So..... What to change for the next year? First of all it was decided to be first out of the gate and host the auction early the date of Feb12 2012 was set. Unbeknownst to us Super bowl weekend was the weekend before. Had it been that weekend it would have been a disaster, something to think about for the future. So with an early auction date the Stallion Directory had to be published before the auction date. This required the stallion owners updating their pages well in advance of the auction date. With lots of prodding the Stallion Directory was completed in an up loadable version and the on line directory was completed in time. For the 2012 auction we took a different approach to the advertising. Full pages were purchased in Warmbloods Today; Canadian Horse Journals who, as well, did a very timely two part breed profile; Horse Sport and Flying Changes Magazine and then sold ads to our supporting breeders. As a result our advertising dollars went much further, expanding our international coverage. We made heavy use of our Facebook page featuring our nominated


stallions and as the Auction date approached, drove traffic to the national website. So the end result for 2012 was a much better active bidding community with higher returns. On the up-side.... perhaps our economy is on the rebound..... Thank you to all who participated in the auctions, bidders, stallion owners, advertisers and volunteers. Monies from the auctions are returned to the chapters following the SSA structure to support foal futurities and our organization.

April 2011

The Maritime chapter hosted a booth at the Atlantic Horse Fair. The booth was well received. The Chapter provided a chute jumping demonstration co-hosted by Angela Covert-Lawrence. The horses performed well over the fences. The crowd thoroughly enjoyed the entertainment. Ange did a wonderful commentary for each horse explaining what is looked for during the exercise and as a training tool. Due to low numbers we did not have a mare inspection this year. Our mare inspection will take place in 2012.

Quebec Chapter News Submitted by: Julie Cantin Rapport de la Section Québec du CWHBA S Une année toute en qualité pour le chapitre Québécois. Suivant une année 2010 particulièrement chargée pour le chapitre Québécois, avec notamment la présentation du Test de Performance des Étalons, l'année 2011 a démontré que les membres de la province du Québec continuaient de nous supporter et que leur association leur était fort précieuse. De plus, les chevaux inspectés au cours des divers événements tenus, tant les étalons, les juments que les poulains, confirment encore une fois la forte et constante amélioration dans la qualité des chevaux élevés chez nous. Le premier événement à être tenu fut l'assemblée annuelle de notre section le 26 février 2011 à Drummondville. La participation fut fort satisfaisante, et l'exécutif extrêmement heureux de constater la quantité d'idées nouvelles apportées par nos membres. Ces derniers n'ont pas hésité à se prononcer sur tous les sujets et nous sommes très encouragés de constater à quel point nos membres Québécois sont motivés et orientés vers l'avenir, avec seule motivation, l'amélioration de l'association. Deux inspections furent tenues pour les juments, soit le 27 août

à Calixa-Lavallée, dans la région de Montréal, et le 28 août, aux Écuries des Trois-Ruisseaux de la famille Arsenault-Gunn, dans la région de Québec. La participation à ces événements fut excellente et les inspecteurs furent, encore cette année, fort impressionnés par la qualité des juments présentées. Nouveauté cette année, parallèlement à la tenue de cette fin de semaine d'inspection, madame Jennette Coote a offert à tous les membres intéressés un séminaire de formation sur la conformation du cheval de sport ainsi que sur le processus d’inspection lors des approbations. La réponse fut très bonne et nous avons pu constater que de telles activités de formation peuvent avoir un impact immédiat et significatif sur l'association et l'élevage au Canada. Finalement, l'inspection des étalons fut tenue encore une fois cette année à la Ferme Beaulieu de Ste-Justine-de-Newton. Comme à chaque année, nous y avons été accueillis dans des installations de grande classe avec une organisation de premier plan. Nous pouvons d'ailleurs nous vanter d'y avoir inspecté l'étalon ayant obtenu la meilleure note d'inspection. En conclusion, nous sommes extrêmement fiers de notre année 2011 et l'année 2012 s'annonce elle aussi très prometteuse.





Ontario Chapter News - Submitted by: Ruth Armstrong, Director, Chapter President We have some strong board members that are proving their commitment year after year and for that I’m truly grateful. We also have new board members this year and I would like to welcome. Heather Foster as our communications director and Stefanie Goodman as our shows director. Both of these ladies bring a wealth of knowledge to their role. I am thrilled to be part of this boards success and look forward to serving with them for the next few years.

Jumper: Our Top Jumper this year is a repeat. Congratulations to Alex Cooper and her bay gelding Expresso, who were 1st place overall in the 1.10 metre division. Expresso's sire is El Bundy (Hanoverian) and his dam is Swoonstruck (Thoroughbred) bred by Christian Poschung.

Canadian Warmblood members have been active once again in Ontario in 2011, both in the show ring and on the executive board and it is a pleasure to both witness and to be a part of it. In my eyes we certainly seemed to have increased our brand awareness on the show circuit, our plethora of awards has generated allot of interest and garnered many many applicants and lots of well deserved winners! 2011 was an interesting year; we held our own from a numbers perspective for inspections but what was notably different was the quality. In all my years I have never been to an inspection of 9 mares where every one was a premium; and they were just a gorgeous set of girls! Some of the challenges we have faced is the encroachment of other breed registries in our area poaching our registrations (we have 10 other registries in our area) and together with uncertainties with the APA process caused many mare owners to either sit on the fence about breeding and/or registering their horses or, due to lack of understanding of the process, actively source other registries which is a very sad reality. In addition the economy has been a tremendous factor in lack of inspections as some people just have not bred and one of our biggest breed shows cancelled. We have yet to fill that spot, however with our new show director in place the aim for 2012 is to have a full blown CWHBA show in the fall… watch this space.

Expresso & Alex Cooper

Dressage: The honor this year goes to Viva's Capitol, a gray

gelding by owned by Ute Busse. Viva was ridden by Brooke Koppeser of Winterbourne, Ontario in the Gold and Platinum Levels in 2011. Viva and Brooke were the Reserve Rider for Ontario for the Junior Rider level at the 2011 Adequan FEI North American Junior & Young Rider Championships. He was also the FEI Junior Division Champion at the Cornerstone National Gold Show in August. Viva's sire is Viva Voltaire (Hannoverian) and his dam is Caroline (Oldenburg) bred by Augustin & Christine Walch.

2012 looks to be an exciting year ahead and we have several additional new board members as well as having said goodbye and thank you to others. We have several rolling initiatives and some new ones including our exciting AGM at Hockley Valley on the 3 & 4th March with some fabulous open panel discussions with renowned trainers talking about selling horses today…How do we do it? Along with the APA process close to completion we can look forward to new growth and greener pastures.

Ontario Chapter Canadian Warmblood Awards

This year we again had contenders in every discipline and our winners were as follows.

Hunter: Fitzwilliam, a gray gelding owned by Albro Farm and

ridden by Melissa Roy is again our Top Hunter in 2011. He was 5th overall in the Adult Amateur 18-35 Division and competed successfully at the RAWF. Bred by Jaqueline Vandenbrink. His sire is Iroko (Westfalen) and his dam is Contiki (Trakehner).


Viva’s Capitol and Brooke Koppeser

Ontario Chapter News continued... Eventing: Realeza Escondida (Toady) is this year’s recipient.

Bred, owned and ridden by Jason Baillargeon this bay mare competed at the Preliminary Level. Her sire is Rajah (Hanoverian) and her dam is Immigrant Song (Thoroughbred).

The competition was co-hosted by the Canadian Warmblood Horse Breeders Association and the Hanoverian Breeders Club of Eastern Canada. These clubs would like to especially thank the competitions lead sponsor Uplands Farm and Jennifer Rogers for her support of the competition. The competition is in memory of the Hanoverian show jumper Diva (by Don Juan) owned by Jennifer Rogers who tragically died in 2008 after foaling and how fitting that this foal, Testament, is the Champion of this year's competition. Diva was a regular on Canada's show jumping team in the 1990's ridden by Jay Hayes. We also would like to thank our other sponsors, Master Feeds, Gimcrack Equestrian Centre and the Orangeville Fairgrounds.

Realeza Escondida & Jason Baillargeon

Young Event Horse The Young Event Horse for 2011 is Cantina AV, a 4 year old chestnut mare owned by Meghan Bailie. Cantina's sire is VDL Ulando H (Canadian Warmblood) and her dam is Wellesley (Oldenburg) bred by Andrea Volasko.

Free Jumping

In the four-year-old class, the winner and Reserve Champion of the competition, was Coco-Chanel (Contendro/Drosselklang II) with 26.3 points. Coco Chanel is a Hanoverian mare bred and owned by Christian Poschung. Second place went to Lys (Dr. Jackson/Pius) with 26.0 points. Lys is a German Sport Horse mare owned by Isabel Dopta. In third place was Chiquita (Contendro I/Foxhunter) with 25.25 points. Chiquita is a Hanoverian mare bred and owned by Christian Poschung.

A full break down of results can be found on the Ontario Chapter's page website. Cantina AV & Meghan Bailie

The 2011 Eastern Free Jumping Championship was held on Sunday April17, 2011 at the Orangeville Fairgrounds. There were 15 horses in the competition with 9 three-year-olds competing and 6 four-year-olds. The competition was judged by Carly CampbellCooper and Garry Roque. In the three-year-old class, the winner and eventual Champion of the competition was Testament (For Pleasure/Don Juan) with 26.5 points. Testament is a Hanoverian gelding bred and owned by Jennifer Rogers. Second place went to Denali (Indoctro/ Nimmerdor) with 25.0 points. This is a KWPN-NA registered mare owned by Karen Pilon and bred by Hogendoorn Sports Horses. The third place finisher was Debutante (Capone I/Idocus) with 24.1 points. Debutante is a KWPB- NA registered mare bred and owned by Alex Eaton.

The Free Jumping competition will not be running in 2012, however, we will re consider for 2013.

E news & Web

We have managed to compile a comprehensive list of Ontario members and we sent out our first E-news Ontario early in 2009. This has proved to be a tremendous success, as in the last 8 months I have not received one single call about lack of communication for Ontario!! We have also given our web site an overhaul. Take a look! Thanks to Sue Flemming


Thanks to our valued inspectors for the efforts in 2011: Christian Potschung, Andrew Dalnoki, Eve Mainwaring and Jackie Vandenbrink, Jill Stephen & Ruth Armstrong I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a safe and productive 2012 season.


Ontario Chapter News continued... Foal Futurity Results Ontario 2011 NAME

1. Frestique 2. EEF Paragon 3. Gaelicwind 4. Amore d’Orange 5. Golden Ticket


filly colt colt colt filly


Freestyle Pablo VDL Navarone P.S. I love you VDL Ulando H


Unique Golden Affirmation Noldika Ute Jamarilla


Gribaldi Oxford Indoctro Urymate de Ste. Hermelle Voltaire


Jackie VandenBrink Elegant Expressions Farm Fairwind Farm Armstrong Farm Timothy Millard

The futurity was hosted at the Orangeville Fairgrounds on a lovely sunny October 8th. Once again our breeders did a great job producing and presenting a super group of foals with impressive pedigrees. The winner of the foal futurity this year was the very beautiful filly Frestique by Freestyle out of Unique by Gribaldi. She is owned and bred by Jackie VandenBrink.

Frestique & owner Jackie VandenBrink


Mare Inspection Results Ontario 2011 NAME

Restique Zest de Pomme Heartbreaker Heff xx Angelina Kaiya Ilian’s Fortune Fuerst Fantasia Maya Star Chyka Windancer’s Charm Rio’s Rea


3 7 12 6 3 3 7 3 3 6 4

Redwine VDL Navarone Heff xx Timebreaker Kilian Ilian de Taute Fuerst Greyheart Pacific Star STV Corland VDL Tethra xx Rio V


Unique Always Out xx Cardaminexx Concorde’s Tiantha Ariss Riba xx Windsong Madison Seven Kalinka A J’s Windancer xx Dolce Willow


Gribaldi Cognizant xx Secretariat xx Concorde Apache Wayne’s Crane xx Watzmann Kodachrome Gagneur Great Gladiator Dol Savirt

We had a fantastic year for mare inspections. We didn’t have big numbers, but the quality that was presented was impressive. We had a record number of premium mares presented to us this year including two mares scoring over 8. Congratulations to our breeders for raising the bar and continuing to select and breed better quality mares.



8.66 8.33 7.83 7.66 7.5 7.5 7.5 7 7 7

Jackie VandenBrink Timothy Millard, Sentinel Hill Farm Shannon Smith/Dennis Drazin Timothy Millar, Sentinal Hill Farm Chris Waefler & Morgan Moore Stephanie Goodman Courtney Taylor/ Kendra Ellis Menzies Anna Zzczurko/Kim Warner Chris Waefler & Morgan Moore Chris Waefler & Morgan Moore Courtney Taylor/ Alison Braks



DID YOU KNOW? Many people leave the Foal Futurities ahead of the money game! You can enter any foal who is by a sire who was entered into the Stallion Service Auction. That means even if you were not the successful bidder at the Auction, your foal can enter the class by paying the entry fee! With all the money added to these classes, they are fun, and put cash in the winner’s pockets! Honest!

Manitoba Chapter News H3 Chute jump Competition was a success with 10 entries. We had two divisions, 3-4 yr olds and 5-6 yr olds. We are looking forward to hold a chute jump competition in 2012. There was an on-farm mare inspection held at Boulder Ridge Ranch. We all had fun and the weather was great. Boulder Ridge Ranch is planning to hold another on farm inspection in 2012. Annual mare Inspection and Foal Futurity was held in October at Rafter F Equestrian Centre in Winnipeg.

Mare Inspection Results:

2nd – Boulders Keyko: Score 8, Sire Boulders Bam Bam out of Karmen by Pasewalk O/B: Boulder Ridge Ranch 3rd – Urbano RR: Sire Urybaldi CH out of Aparde's Gerona B/O : Hanna & Urs Schlup 4th- Boulders Rattlen Gypsy: Sire: Boulders Bam Bam out of Halofanangel O/B: Boulder Ridge Ranch 5th- Spirited DR: Sire Oxford out of Heart DR owner: Maggie & Darrel Lawson

4 mares presented and all were premium. • Pinacolada: Score 8 by Dublin out of Ritz's Picasso by Hannibal B/O : Hanna & Urs Schlup • Splash of Rum: Score 7.9 TB by Tethra out of Imperial Measure owner: Maggie & Darrel Lawson • Aparde's Gerona: Score 7.6 by Apanarde out of Geena by Geronimo B/O: Hanna & Urs Schlup • Heart DR : Score 7.1 by Heartbreaker out of TB mare owner: Maggie & Darrel Lawson

Foal Futurity Results: 1st – Boulders Hudson: Score 8.2, Sire Boulders Bam Bam out of Kokanee by Radjah Z O/B: Boulder Ridge Ranch Boulder’s Hudson

Hard Valley Warmbloods George & Diane Million Box 969 Meadow Lake SK S9X 1Y7 Phone: 306-236-5085 email: million@xplorenet.com Quality horses of various ages and levels of training available for sale.


Saskatchewan Chapter News 2011 was a challenging and busy year in Saskatchewan, with an immensely wet spring that saw floods in the Southeast of the Province and continued wet elsewhere. Vince and Vanessa Ethier hosted our Spring BBQ in May at V-2 Farms, Prince Albert. Farrier Dave Morch gave a great talk on young horse lameness and its causes, and in his opinion, from evidence he’s seen, too many young horses are being over worked, worked incorrectly or worked to hard for their age/development, and the impact is showing on lower limb/ hoof lameness. The dessert auction followed (when everyone was, of course, hungry!) and was fabulous fun with Dominique St. Hilaire as auctioneer. Thank you to all those great people that helped us once again raises a good amount of funds for further Chapter activities. Dianne and George Million from Meadow Lake, along with Siegfried and Betty Bansch of Goodsoil, brought not only their great smiles and fun mind-set, they brought along a superb Cowboy Poet. It sure wasn’t what I’d expected, his humour was infectious and contentious and we hope we’ll have him at another function! And he was a great supporter, being a dessert auction bidder as well!! The 11th Annual Warmblood Showcase weekend was combined with the National Tour in September with a slight alteration to classes and features. We anticipate hosting the 2012 Warmblood Showcase on its usual Labour Day Weekend as has been in the past. There will be great classes, prizes with new Sponsors coming on board and of course our horseman’s fellowship.

and are happy to see the returning Directors, Vice President Dianne Million, Gayle Hakes and Lisa Longtin, Vanessa Eithier and Val Sanford. Saskatchewan had their first ever “Equine Expo,” coordinated and held at Prairieland Exhibition in Saskatoon. The Chapter and Directors were there to meet the fantastic turnout of 9000 people walking through the front doors that weekend. On the Saturday night a Gala Demonstration was given, where our members donated their time and effort to participate in the parade of breed horses to a jam packed crowd. Organisers admit to turning away hundreds of people at the door that night! The May BBQ and Dessert Auction will be hosted again in Prince Albert this year. Mare inspections are planned for Spy Hill, hopefully Regina area, Prince Albert and the Annual Warmblood Showcase. We’d love to do more, so contact our Mare Inspection coordinator

Saskatchewan Chapter Foal Futurity Results 1st

2nd 3rd 4th

Frequent Flyer, (8) Freestyle x Ebon's Creme Caramel Owner: Gayle Smith PW Freedom Star, (7.6) Freestyle x Black Vixen xx Owners: Helmut and Dianne Lowenberger Nickelson Dimes K, Nickelson B x Lyndean xx Owners: Joy McKinnon and Dennis Karras Takara, Tagelan x TB mare Owned by Diana Pella and Pelmac Medical Corp.

The National Tour stopped at our Member’s Stable Pelmac Stables, and judged our Mare Evaluations and Foal Futurity as well. What an opportunity for our members for learning with Chairman Chris Gould bringing a Power Point presentation and the studbook’s thoughts to us. Pelmac Stables and the MacDougall family provided us with a lovely venue and excellent hosting. Best of all, our members, Joy McKinnon and Dennis Karras, Karrasel Warmbloods, Spy Hill, had one of their mares tie for #1 on the Canadian Tour! Joy had a rough fall, breaking her shoulder shortly before the Inspection, and then had the longest drive (over 5 hours) of this year’s exhibitors to present 2 mares and a foal for the futurity. Are we crazy or stubborn out here on the edge of the Boreal forest? NASA is here, maybe there is something else too The Chapter AGM will have been held by the time this is published, and we welcome our new Director, Gayle Smith,


Frequent Flyer Photo: Gayle Smith

Alberta Chapter News 2011 activities start early in Alberta with our participation in a booth at the Horse Breeders and Owners Conference. This January conference has approximately 500 participants yearly and we answered many questions at the booth. Katrina Van den Bosch and Cindy Orr once again ran a very successful National Bank Free Jumping Challenge and Young Breeders Qualifier. This April event attracted 8 young breeders to compete, and 38 horses from 3-7years to free jump. Our generous sponsor the National Bank made possible the $1000 in prizes per class which is much appreciated by the competitors. Cindy Orr then acted as Chef d’Equipe for our Young Breeders team to compete in Lyon, France. The team consisted of Michela Wiberg ( Jr) Laura Iversen, Tara Landsburgen, and Jocelyn Young as the senior team. The team did well and gathered much experience in the competition (please see attached press release).

Farm mare inspections occurred at 3 sites in 2011. Bell’s Farm, Touchstone Farms and Sweet Talk Stables with a total of 33 mares being inspected at these sites, with a further 22 inspected at the Alberta Breeders Show for a total mare inspection in 2011 of 55. Of these, 19 mares were inspected premium. It is with regret that 2012 also has to accept the resignation of 2 very important directors and long-term volunteers. Jane Jones, who has been active in the chapter for over 20 years and has done yeoman’s work. She has organized and run the chapter mare inspections, acted as a mare inspector, worked on the sales committee, and served as national director. Jane cited her husband’s age as her major reason for stepping down feeling that she should spend more time closer to the farm. We thank Jane for her time, input and work and know she will be difficult to replace.

Our next activity was the National booth at Spruce Meadows. Manned by Alberta members the new format and extreme heat saw less activity then usual at the booth, however Spruce is changing back to the old Breeds Hall format for 2012 so we expect that activity will improve again. The 2011 Battle of the Breeds team consisted of 3 horse rider/driver combinations: Erin Okada and Belvedere, Darcia Barthalow and Banderos, and Roxie Bell and Dixie Chic. The team was extremely challenged from the start, being one horse short, the team was further disadvantaged once the event started with the one driving horse just prior to tack check, being disqualified by the TELUS Battle of the Breeds show committee for having been in a wreck in the previous year (note: the wreck was not at Spruce Meadows). As a result we had 2 events that we could only enter 1 horse. Despite the difficulties the team went 10th and have qualified to have a team for 2012. Our breeder’s show was another bright note. Co-Chairs Doreen Kulscar and Jill Owen and secretary Maya Iversen set out to grow the show and grow it did. A high entry of 80 horses made for a long day but a successful show. With the advent of the national mare class, the addition of the Stallion Licensing, and the largest Riding Horse Test entry the show is definitely becoming a must do. The Fall Classic Sale had the biggest buzz and attendance of the past several years, however the prices did not reflect the activity. Many consignors went home disappointed; not selling their horses, the average did slip, and very few horses sold for over $10,000. High selling horse at $23,000 was Caveluna Silverston x Riviera x Ferro bred and owned by John and Jackie Van den Bosch sold to Nova Scotia. High selling foal at $6500 was Upstart by Uphill x Royale x Why Not G bred and owned by Bernie and Doreen Kulcsar going to Lethbridge and the high selling 2 year old at $16,500 MJ Salsa, Whirlwind II x MJ Last Dance x Fantast bred and owned by MJ Farms sold to Kansas City.

Tammie Fulton & Watson

Our second director stepping down, I would nominate as the volunteer of the decade. Tammi Fulton, citing increased work pressure, has had to resign as Secretary-Treasurer. As another 20 year volunteer Tam, is responsible for many of the innovations of the Alberta Chapter. She worked as an unpaid sale secretary for years developing the database program that we still use for the sale. She developed the show program that we use. She and Jane developed a mare inspection reporting log that is now used nationally, the forms for material classes and riding horse tests were all products of Tam's computer and brain. She has acted as a national delegate and national director including being chair of the national marketing committee, which ran such a successful WEG presentation for the association. She was a core member of the CPF committee and spent much time trying to make it work. Tam is an inspector for the association, and has been tireless promoting the association and helping new members solve their problems. As our treasurer she has been invaluable keeping us on the straight and narrow and helping develop some very complex budgets, as well as riding herd on volunteers that are not necessarily financial records competent. Her ability to analyze and can do attitude has made her truly a volunteer of the decade. She has promised she will continue to participate on the sale committee.


Alberta Chapter News continued... We have had several cases of membership success this year. We need to congratulate Femke Van den Bosch on being named to the Talent Squad for show jumping with EC a major achievement. Also the Van Den Boschs are the breeders of Travolta purchased at 3 by Joni-Lynn Peters from the fall sale, this pair has been shortlisted to the Canadian Dressage Team. Sandra Donnelly continues to compete her Canadian Warmbloods to a high level of success in eventing including being short listed for London once again. Many of our young dressage horses have achieved Provincial and Regional honours in FEI young horse classes. All said 2011 was a busy year. Jennette Coote, Alberta Chapter President

Alberta Mare Inspection Results in 2011 Submitted by Jane Jones

July 13 - Bell’s Veterinary Clinic, Falun, AB Three mares were presented. 1 went premium. Darling II AB(Can) 5983-07G 7.17 Sire: Donner Bube, Old Dam: Miss Whoizmee Owner: Dr. H Smith Taber, Alberta Breeder: D and R Bell, Wetaskiwin August 20 - Touchstone Farm, Mayerthorpe AB In total, 11 mares were presented. 6 went premium BOA Born 17/05/05 Reg pending 7.5 Sire: Beach Boy Dam: Allamande AB Can 4931-95 P1 Owner/Breeder: Touchstone Farm Mayerthorpe Beach Lady Born 23/05/06 Reg pending 7.5 Sire:Beach Boy Dam: Lucia OnCan Appr 880-80MM Owner/Breeder Gould Ranching and Touchstone Farm Ltd Mayerthorpe Ballarine Born 28/05/06 Reg pending Sire: Beau Soleil AB(can)1324-97S Dam: Capriole AB(can) 2439-98 M Owner/Breeder Touchstone Farm

Alberta Breeders’ Show Olds, AB September 22, 2011 Submitted by Maya Iversen

2011 Foal Futurity: The Foal Futurity Class was judge by Doreen Horsey, Cathy Chalack and Sandy Alexander. We had 9 very nice entries. The placings went as follows: 1. Soraya, a filly by Sovereigh Hit out of Venice by Ferro, owned by Garry Breese and Sherry Cameron 2. Seude, a filly by Schroeder out of Rascelle by Rascalino, owned by Dr. Heather-Lynn Smith 3. MJ Two to Tango, a colt by Whirlwind ll out of MJ Last Dance by Fantast, owned by MJ Farms 4. Salt, a filly by Sovereign Hit out of Farrah by MJ Fusion, owned by Garry Breese and Sherry Cameron 5. Suri, a filly by Sir Gregory out of Phia by Dutchboy, owned by Key Warmbloods 6. Landskronen, a filly by Landkoenig out of Expression by El Bundy, owned by Chris and Tara Lambie Mare Results: Uila - Score 8.2; Ijsselmeer Ikepono x C Quintessence, Pik Solo; Owner: Krista Mac Pherson OL’Hannah (now named O’Landa) - Score 7.97; Landkoenig x Doc’s Crystal xx, Slew of Angels xx; Owner: Hans & Katrina Van den Bosch; Breeder: Marion Anderson Bayah PR - Score 7.83; Damiro x Taranaki, Kanador; Owner: Paul Devlin; Breeder: James &Lenny Boersma Regala - Score 7.83; Regardez x Waverly x Warkenson; Owner/ Breeder: Garry Bresee Sierra Springs - Score 7.22; Silberpfeil x Steelbars Monique, Mastro; Owner: Cynthia Adams; Breeder: Aktor & Hilda Petersen


Bartlett Born 12/06/03 Reg pending 7.16 Sire:Beach Boy Dam:Anjoo AB(can)2428-96-P2 Owner/Breeder Touchstone Farm Best Seller Born 02/July/03 AB-[CAN]5936-03 MM 7. Sire:BeauSoleil Dam: Arabella 111 Owner/Breeder Gould Ranching and Touchstone Farm


Bairdi Born 24/06/04 Reg Pending 7. Sire: Beach Boy Dam: Alabanza AB(can)2440-98MM Owner/Breeder Touchstone Farm

Sierra Springs

Danieka - Score 7.14; Lupicor x Unieka, Damiro; Owner/Breeder: John Van den Bosch Danieka

Alberta Chapter News continued... Geist Score 7.3; Waterton x Lady Lovet, Le Broconnier; Owner: Darja Holden Specktresse - Score 7.38; Bonaparte x Ari-el, Harry the Great; Owner: Blair & Darlene Schmidt; Breeder: Doreen Orr Bombay WF - Score 7.31; Judgement x Nindira II, Polydox; Owner: Leanne McLachlin Whisteria - Score 7; Warkanson x Isabo, Brass 96; Owner: Caro Block; Breeder: Vonda Opfergelt Paguera 0010 - Score 7; Lord Incipit x Perrit; Owner: Grand View Performance Horses; Breeder: Seiler Helmut

2011 Spruce Meadows Report

Submitted by Mara Coote Freeman Once again we supported the Spruce Meadows Masters by taking a booth for display of the Breed. Breeds of the World was discontinued by Spruce Meadows and this change in location changed the traffic and interest patterns. Although the total traffic to the booth and exhibitor area was down our Volunteers were up in spirit and hard working as always. I would like to recognize Tammy Fulton, Chris Gould, Doreen Kulcsar, Kathy Laxton, Heather Osterhout, Carla and Darcia and hope I have not missed anyone! In future we hope to better engage the public with quality DVDs, new brochures, perhaps business cards or a small takeaway that is easy to manage and not make the booth look cluttered. I think we should also look at attending the April Mane Event in Red Deer. It has high traffic of horse focused attendees and continues the same marketing plan at all the events we trade show in.

Young Breeders’ Open Qualifier April 30th, 2011

PRESS RELEASE AND RESULTS Olds Agricultural Grounds - Olds, AB Co-hosted by the CWHBA - AB Chapter and the Olds Agricultural Society

has once again been invited to participate, and will be sending a team to compete. To qualify, participants must be between the ages of 16 and 25, and complete four components. 1. Competitors score three horses on the triangle (similar to studbook inspection) and four horses through loose gaits and free jump. Their scores are then compared to the judge’s score. 2. They must complete a written exam and 3. are marked on their presentation of an unfamiliar horse on the triangle (showmanship). The Alberta Chapter also awards the Arkansas Memorial Cup to the highest showmanship score. This year’s winner was Kim Skelander of Sweden (Mayerthorpe, AB Touchstone Farms). The judges were very impressed with the commitment and the depth of knowledge of the competitors. Showmanship (Arkansas Memorial) 1st Kim Skelander (SWE) 2nd Darcia Bartholow (AB) 3rd Samantha Kurowski (AUS) 4th Jocelyn Young (MB) 5th Chelsea Norris (BC) Overall Championships 1st Kim Skelander (SWE) 2nd Tara Landsbergen (AB) 3rd Samantha Kurowski (AUS) 4th Mikaela Wiberg (AB) 5th Laura Iversen (AB) ** Sponsored by the CWHBA - AB Chapter ** The event committee would like to extend a sincere thank you to all sponsors, spectators, competitors, horse owners, and volunteers - we couldn’t have done it without you!! For more information, please visit: http://www.canadianwarmbloods.com/youngbreedersprogram.php http://www.young-breeders.com/ http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=6312599130

The CWHBA Alberta Chapter hosted the 4th Annual Young Breeders’ Open Qualifier on Saturday, April 30th in Olds, Alberta. The event was held in conjunction with 4th Annual Free Jump Challenge. Both events were held in the Calouri Pavilion, of the Olds Agricultural Grounds. The Young Breeders’ program is instrumental in ensuring that youth have a solid foundation and future in the sport breeding industry. The Young Breeders’ Open Qualifier had 8 competitors from British Columbia, Alberta, and Manitoba plus Sweden and Australia! The event welcomed judges Jane Jones and Dr. Roxy Bell, both of Alberta. The event was used to qualify competitors for national team selection. In July, the World Breeding Federation will be hosting an International young breeders competition in France. The CWHBA


B.C. Chapter News 2011 was a quiet year for the Chapter, with President and National Director, Michael Rabe, ill for much of the season. Fortunately, we are pleased to report he is well again, though has stepped down as Chapter President. He remains a National Director. The only inspection held in 2011 was the National Tour, September 21, hosted by Jim & Leny Boersma at their Pheasant Ridge Farm in Salmon Arm, with 3 stallions presented, one of which licensed. Four mares contested the new format mare inspection run on the lines of the stallion evaluation with chute jumping and gallop scored, plus another 2 mares for the regular mare inspection. Of those six mares, three achieved premium scores, including the tied hi-score mare for the entire National Tour Chute jumping format. The B.C. premium horses were: Licensed stallion: (3) Renaissance Man (Raffaello x Emmy, Escudo), 2009 Hanoverian stallion; Owned and Bred by Oak Hill Farm / Ferne Johnson National Tour, mares: Chute jump mares: (4) Blomke PR ( Justice x Rhapsody, Damiro B), 2006 Canadian Warmblood mare; Owned and Bred by James and Lenny Boersma; Score 7.94 Zebulon (Ferro x Victorious Secret, Banjo), 2006 Canadian Warmblood mare; Owned and Bred by Linda Poulsen; Score 7.42 Inspection mares: (2) Silvie (Silvio I x Emmy, Escudo), 2005 Hanoverian mare; Bred by Oak Hill Farm; Owned by Leo Weijs; Score 7.42 While other inspections were tentatively scheduled, they were ultimately cancelled for a variety of reasons, but mostly lack of numbers of horses. On a good note, most of these will go ahead in 2012 now that venues are on track with the minimum number requirement. Unfortunately, no provincial Foal Futurity was held, so that class will be carried over to 2012 and be held as a yearling class for the SSA nominated stallions of the appropriate year. The AGM, held in Kamloops, on January 7, 2012 saw good support from members despite the stormy, snow weather. A completely new slate of Executive was elected with Marilyn Powell stepping down from the temporary Director position she had held following the resignation of Treasurer and National Director, Joan Moore. A huge vote of thanks was extended to Joan given her many years of service to BC Chapter as founder, President and Treasurer. Congratulations to newly elected Director: Leny Boersma.


Please note that the 2012 stallion service fee for FABIAN BC-[CAN]6788-06 S is $1,250 not $1,000 as published. We regret the error or confusion this may have caused.


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International Young Breeders’ Competition - Submitted by Cindy Orr

prepardness increase exponentally - and this year’s competition did not disappoint! Competition and final marks were very close. The CWHBA Senior Team placed 12th out of 20! Where the 10th through 12th placed teams were separated by only a few points each! Comparing individual component scores, Laura Iversen placed in the top 15 for Judging on the Triangle and Loose Gaits/Free Jump Judging out of 60 competitors (4 way tie for 12th place to 15th place)! The other team members were not far off either with their individual Photo: Cindy Orr scores very close to those who placed! We 2011 CWHBA Team, L to R: Jocelyn Young, Tara are very proud of the team and their solid Landsbergen, Laura Iversen, Mikaela Wiberg effort! The Young Breeders’ program is The CWHBA has once again sent instrumental in ensuring that youth have young members to compete in the a solid foundation and future in the sport WBFSH International Young Breeders’ breeding industry. It also provides them Competition! The competition occurs with new friends and contacts all over the biannually and was held in Lyon, France world. The importance of the program this year. The Selle Francais took on the cannot be underestimated - youth are the daunting task of hosting 20 teams at their future for the industry! Tara Landsbergen, Parc du Cheval facility “The International near Chazey-sur-Ain. This Young Breeders year, the CWHBA sent: Laura Iversen (Alberta, competition 2011 in Senior), Tara Landsbergen Lyon, France was a (Alberta, Senior), Jocelyn great experience and Young (Manitoba, Senior), opportunity for all of Mikaela Wiberg (Alberta, us. I learned a great Junior), and Cindy Orr deal about the different (Coach). All competitors Photo: Cindy Orr types and caliber of qualified through the New Friends - American WB and horses that there are CWHBA join forces for the mascot Young Breeders’ Open competition. in the world and have Qualifier in April 2011. many things to bring To compete, participants must be back home to our own small breeding and between the ages of 16 and 25, and complete training farm. It was very helpful to learn four components. Competitors score three about what the other studbooks ask of horses on the triangle (similar to studbook their young horses and how they approach inspection) and five horses through loose their breeding decisions. Meeting other gaits and free jump. Their scores are then teams from around the world has helped us compared to the judge’s score. They must learn about other Warmblood studbooks, complete a written exam and are marked but also makes the Canadian Warmblood on their presentation of an unfamiliar name known around the world. The Young horse on the triangle (showmanship). The Breeders program is an important step organizers also provide an opportunity for a to improve the Canadian Warmblood less competitive side: the mascot and horse breeders base. Keeping International preparation competition! standards in mind we can learn and grow As the competition grows (up 3 teams to create a studbook that will shine and from Ireland in 2009), we see the level of be known worldwide. Let’s prepare for


Sweden 2013!!” Mikaela Wiberg, “Being a part of the 2011 Canadian Warmblood Young Breeders team was a true honor for me. I believe that our team represented our stud book and country very well. It was an amazing experience shared with amazing people! We have all made friendships with people from other countries and now have contacts with people who share the same interests. Thanks so much to the CWHBA for sponsoring us! We appreciate it so much.” Jocelyn Young, “I really enjoyed France and the competition as a whole. I’m quite pleased with how we did and am aiming to attend it again in Sweden, as I think it is important being a breeder and rider. It is a very educational program by helping me define what I aim for in breeding. It has also helped me when observing my own mare’s conformation and movements - so that I can make a more educated decision as to what stallion I should breed her to. As riders, competitions such as this educate us in a way so that we can buy a horse for the discipline we intend to do. It helps us to know what we are looking for in terms of the movement and conformation and saves us the mistake of buying a young hunter prospect when we actually wanted a jumper! Thank-you for including me, it was an awesome experience and the knowledge I gained will help to further my future in breeding and showing.”

Photo: Cindy Orr

Teams and Spectators gather to wrap up the competition

**Thank you to the CWHBA National, Alberta, and Manitoba Associations for providing us with this special opportunity!!**

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It was an exciting inaugural year for the CWHBA Ogilvy Summer Circuit Leader Board. Starting in May the CWHBA tracked results as submitted by owners in Dressage, Jumping, Three Day Event and Hunter. Over the course of this first season nominations continued to come in and the leader board saw some dramatic changes. In Dressage, Unbelievable (Oxford x Artemis ‘Bo’) bred by Bluebear Farms (Sheryl & Lindsay Feller) of Manitoba, led from start to finish racking up 336 points in Level 1 competitions. For the first part of the season, she was followed closely by Elektra II (Radjah x Nikita IV) bred by Jennifer Verhulst from Ontario; ridden by Chelsea Van Lierde and owned by Para-Olympian Sharron Buffitt of Quebec. In the final months Moon River (Freestyle x Play Sharp) bred by Manitoban Tim Klassen and ridden by Naomi Brooks from B.C., moved into second spot only to be ousted in the final month by Alexander II (Warkanson x Aprils Job) bred, owned and ridden by Debra Seifert of Alberta with a tally of 272 points. The Hunter division was a different story, with the lead changing month by month. For the first three months Euro's Amazing


Grace (Oxford x Rio Rosetta) bred by the Burton family of Nova Scotia and Aurelius (Maurice x Leda) bred and owned by Braeburn Farms of Ontario, traded the lead back and forth. Then Euro`s Divine Miss X (Oxford x Picture That) bred by Hazel Parker of Ontario, stepped up for two months, only to be eclipsed in the final month by VDL Zorland H (Corland x Alexis) bred by Hogendoorn Sport Horses of Ontario and owned by Lorraine Denhoed and ridden by Paige Grant. The Jumper division was also a very tight race. Beginning with Unbelievable again, followed by Sera (Escudo x Leda) bred and owned by Braeburn Farms of Ontario. In July Ebon's Val D`or (Vaultair x Gumby) bred by Elaine Partington of Saskatchewan and ridden by Katryna Williams, led the pack. Following closely, the lead changed once more to Troy (Indoctro x Pheobe) bred and owned by Jay Hays’ North Ridge Farm. In the final month Nicholson B was the stallion that took top honours siring the leader WKM Nokia out of Restless Spy bred and owned by WKM stables of Manitoba. In Eventing, the approved breeding stallion and Olympic hopeful VDL Ulando (Corland x Fanieta) bred by Hogendoorn

Sport Horses and owned by Ruth Armstrong took and held the lead after the third month, replacing July leader 2008 Olympic horse Buenos Aires (Bajazzo x Amphora) bred and owned by rider Sandra Donnelly and the early leader Art`s Design (Arthos x Besonder) bred by Ingrid and Gerhard Martin of Manitoba. To see all the results click Ogilvy Equestrian Summer Circuit on the Canadian Warmblood site. The Ogilvy Equestrian Summer Circuit awards are designed to recognize Canadian Warmblood horses by creating a format for us to follow the competition careers of our horses at all levels. High quality Ogilvy Equestrian Products will be presented to our winners based on the rankings at the end of each month. Congratulations to all of the winners and a big thank you to Ogilvy Equestrian Products. We know our winners will be pleased with these unique discipline specific pads. For a closer look, we anticipate being able to show case these unique pads at our National CWHBA trade booths this coming season. The 2011 Year End Awards, also sponsored by Qgilvy, were announced at the CWHBA AGM March 2nd and 3rd 2012.

Note from the Awards Committee

s , to submit the sport result We need you, the members rly mares in order to prope of the progeny of their ’s rse ho a en Premiums. Wh calculate these Production the in te pe tition or they com name is changed for compe e ck their results. Please advis USA, we are not able to tra can mit results, so that we us of name changes and sub s, s towards their dam. Plu properly record these result t en vem hie Ac an be in line for you never know, you might Award for your horse. anadianwarmbloods.com Send to: awardsprogram@c For more information: bloods.com/awards.php http://www.canadianwarm bloods.com/premiums.php http://www.canadianwarm bloods.com/awardsUSDF.php http://www.canadianwarm

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Canadian Warmblood and USDF All Breeds Awards Program Submitted by Tammie Fulton The Canadian Warmblood Horse Breeders Association is very pleased to continue our participation with the United States Dressage Federation (USDF) in the All-Breeds Awards Program. This worthwhile and strong program, designed to recognize the accomplishments of specific breeds in dressage, is very attractive to riders and gives the owners of Canadian Warmblood horses in the United States a chance to participate. The Canadian Warmblood All-Breeds Awards allow us to recognize the outstanding horses now competing in dressage in the USA, and elevate the visibility of Canadian Warmblood horses there. The program is administered by the USDF and each participating breed organization offers awards in each of the nine levels of competition, Training to Grand Prix, for the Open Category. Optional awards, offered at the discretion of the participating organization, may be offered in the following categories: Adult Amateur, Junior Young Rider, Vintage Cup, Freestyle, dressage sport horse breeding or materiale. Canadian Warmblood offers awards in all categories. Qualifying standards set by the USDF are high, requiring horses to accumulate a number of scores from at least four different judges, at a minimum of four different recognized competitions. These stringent requirements mean that there is not necessarily a qualifying horse for every possible award. Each breed organization sets additional standards for their awards. The CWHBA has established that horses must be registered Canadian Warmblood and the papers must be appropriately transferred, meaning the owner of record in the CWHBA registry matches the owner on the USDF records of competition results. Visit our website at http://www.canadianwarmbloods.com/awardsUSDF.php for CWHBA USDF All Breeds Awards information and winners from previous years. Further information regarding USDF eligibility requirements and the awards program can be found at http://www.usdf.org/awards/ all-breeds/all-breeds.asp.

2011 USDF Canadian Warmblood All-Breeds Award Winners Horse First Level Open 1 Jolie 2 Pik Phigaro

Second Level Open 1 Galavant 2 Espresso Grand Prix Open 1 Travolta



Horse Sire

Horse Dam

Horse Breeder

Roene Trevisan Martha Vout

Angelica Oliver-Mays Martha Vout

Roskoff Pik Kasso

Rosalie Azedeh

Gita Larsson Thruber Doreen & Bernie Kulcsar

Camilla Fritze Colleen Church

Camilla Fritze Colleen Church

Goya de Lully Earl

Malinda Latte III

Markus Wuethrich Heather Smith-Oberten

Joni Peters

Joni Peters



John van den Bosch

Martha Vout

Pik Kasso


Doreen & Bernie Kulcsar

Colleen Church


Latte III

Heather Smith-Oberten

Angelica Oliver-Mays



Gita Larsson Thruber

Hannah French


Nadsila Tuffanna Nadsila Ranch

Talme K

Lolita Star

First Level Adult Amateur 1 Pik Phigaro Martha Vout

Second Level Adult Amateur 1 Espresso Colleen Church First Level Junior/Young Rider 1 Jolie Roene Trevisan First Level Musical Freestyle 1 SIG The Flying Kathy French

Two Year Old Fillies 1 E’Star Sandi van Voorst


Klondike Victory Farm


Announces Launch of New Online Service For Horse Haulers and Owners Schomberg, Ontario; November 8, 2011: On November 3, 2011, a new online service was launched offering horse owners a whole new way to find shipping for their horse. The concept behind TrailerTrips.com is simple. Horse haulers are often making a trip from one place to another, whether locally or even cross border, without a full trailer. Horse owners without their own trailer on the other hand, are constantly in search of shipping for their horse at an economical price, with a qualified and reputable hauler. The purpose of TrailerTrips.com is to provide horse haulers an online venue to advertise upcoming trips for which they have extra stalls, giving horse owners a tool to search for upcoming trips based on dates, cost and number of available stalls and contact the haulers to inquire. If no upcoming trips are posted by the network of haulers who utilize the service, owners can also place a ‘looking for’ ad in order to receive competitive quotes from haulers. The founders of TrailerTrips.com also envision a residual benefit of the service for the environment. By facilitating ‘horse ride sharing’, the equestrian community can also decrease its carbon footprint.

About TrailerTrips Inc. Founded in 2011, TrailerTrips Inc. is a newly-formed equestrian focused technology services company which operates from Schomberg, Ontario. For more information, or to utilize the TrailerTrips.com online tool, visit www.trailertrips.com or contact info@trailertrips.com.

Attention Members! Co-op Advertising saves money, and gives market exposure you could not buy anywhere else for a fraction of the price!

Here’s how you can get in on it now!

As many of you members are aware the CWHBA is driven by volunteer energy on a very limited budget. We are fortunate to have a very creative and hard working Executive team that has found ways to put the CWHBA in front of horse lovers on a scale well beyond what the budget might imply!. Often limited with short notice and quick deadlines the volunteers have reached out to its members through email, the website and social media. We are pleased to give this much anticipated pre planned approach for our co-op advertising program. Please read on!

How it works:

The CWHBA purchases full page space in prominent horse periodicals with a large distribution who reach our target population. (eg. Warmbloods Today and Horse Sport) We create a full page advertising spread which promotes the CW breed or specific Canadian Warmblood Event, such as the Stallion Service Auction. We solicit complimentary ads from you, our Canadian Warmblood Members, and sell the smaller ads within the body of the page which offsets the cost of the full page. This way Members pay no more than a maximum of $125 per ad, and reach thousands more readers than they could otherwise for that kind of dollar investment.

Want to participate? Submit your business card sized ad in print ready format and indicate your preferred level of commitment. You can submit your ad and indicate your preference to Julie Fulton. Deadline is June 1st, 2012 to join the Co-op program for 2012. Space is limited, so confirm your spot now!

Attention Breeder-Members!

$125 gets you one publication per year $275 gets you into three publications per year $450 gets you into 5 publications per year

The CWHBA will have a breed profile in the Sept/Oct issue of Warmbloods Today! Contact Julie Fulton for further information on how you can participate! (marketing@canadianwarmbloods.com)



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Classified Advertising with the Canadian Warmblood Put yourself in the shoes of a buyer looking for a great quality horse, trying to filter through all the advertising out there on the internet and print media. Where do you suppose they might go? They go straight to the Breed Associations because they know that the horses listed for sale there are registered with a recognized Breed Association, one that has high standards, and a great reputation. They know that the members of a Breed Association are serious about producing a quality product, and are prepared to present their stock for public scrutiny in front of qualified breed judges to further improve their herd. This is what you get when you advertise with the Canadian Warmblood. You get buyers who are serious about finding a

Future Features!

quality product and want to know that the product being offered is through a credible source. Do you raise quality horses? If you do, then you should advertise through the Canadian Warmblood Horse Breeder's Association. Speaking for myself, I can tell you that we get valid inquiries and make sales which have come from people looking at the CW Website and print media. In particular long distance buyers especially appreciate the brand recognition and security that comes with CWHBA listed horses. Use that brand recognition to YOUR advantage! Place a very reasonably priced web AND print ad for only $65.00 This is advertising money well spent. You can submit your on line ad to us via your membership portal. If


you wish to include the print media for your ad in the next Breeder's Digest, copy the ad to the Editor for inclusion. The cost is only $20 more and it is money well spent. Wait a minute! What if my horse sells before the publication is printed? Well, congratulations, but more seriously you could congratulate your purchaser directly in the publication, and note if you have any more for sale on your farm. What are people looking for? They are looking for great horses, and great horses sell, don’t they! They want what you have, especially if other buyers are wanting them! Isn't that what it is all about? Not just great advertising, but great results.

We have some very exciting content for future issues of the Digest! Watch for Conformation Clinic with Breed Judges, helping you better understand how to evaluate your breeding programs and horse conformation. We are also developing articles including the Business of Leasing Horses, Ask the Experts, Member Contests, and Trainer’s Corner. If you have an idea you would like to see in the Digest, please let us know!

41 10:47




2008 CWHBA mare SK[CAN]6485-08 G

1998 CWHBA gelding 16.3 hh AB[CAN]1174-98 G

Autocrat (Aalborg/Matcho AA) / Zodiak/Alert Chris xx.

Cassandro (Coriander/ Ladykiller) / Lucky Tangelo/ Patrick

$10,000 CDN

A lovely rose grey hunter prospect, 16.2hh Adonna is started under saddle with smooth gaits and a quiet, very sensible disposition of www.breederdirect. a much older horse. She has net classic hunter movement and is simple to ride. She will start over fences training this spring. Photos and video clips on website. Others available. Contact - Lisa Longtin, www.BreederDirect.net Tel: 306.463.3447 • lisa@breederdirect.net Location: Saskatoon, SK.

Beau is a multi talented joy to ride. He has past experience in the hunter/jumper rings and has specialized in www.breederdirect. dressage. With successful net show experience at 2nd level he is in full training and is now confirmed at 3rd level and ready to show in 2012. Ideal for either a competitive rider wanting a solid partner to move up through the levels, or a rider wanting a schoolmaster to get positive show ring experience, to enjoy and safely hack out on and even learn to jump. Photos and video clips on website. Contact - Lisa Longtin, www.BreederDirect.net Tel: 306.463.3447 • Cell: 306.460.8740 • lisa@breederdirect.net Location: Drayton Valley, AB



2005 CWHBA mare SK[CAN] 4461-05G

2001 CWHBA mare 16.2 hh SK[CAN]2220-01 MM

Altair (Amorex/The Scotsman) / Zodiak/Dobosz

Warkanson (Warkant/ Espri) /Godewind/Merkur

$12,000 CDN

A very pretty and sweet tempered dressage type mare who is easy to ride and ready for the show ring in 2012. Aleena is compact and athletic, she could do hunters too and is fun to hack out. At 15.3hh she’s an ideal junior or ladies mount and is big bodied enough to take up a long leg. Photos and video clips on website. Contact - Vonda Opfergelt, Windsong Farm Tel: 306.492.2286 • windsongfarms@hotmail.com www.BreederDirect.net Location: Saskatoon, SK

$9,000 CDN

Inspected 2nd Premium and now retired from broodmare duties, Wasabi is back full time under saddle. She’s www.breederdirect. schooling 1-2nd Level, has net very good lateral work, and is started over fences. She’ll be in the show ring in 2012. Her rideability is an attribute - she is easy to get through, is soft in her back, has a super work ethic, and is forgiving for having time off between rides. She has a lot of presence and striking movement - all set off with lots of chrome. Photos and video on website. Contact - Lisa Longtin, www.BreederDirect.net Tel: 306.463.3447 • Cell: 306.460.8740 • lisa@breederdirect.net Location: Kindersley, SK



2007 CWHBA Gelding SK-CAN-6040-07 G

2008 CWHBA Gelding SK-CAN-6484-08G

Landkoenig out of Brass by Geronimo

Freestyle out of Zodiak Mare

$18,000 CDN

$14,000 CDN

Photo by Judy Wood

the spring. Video available. Mahogany bay in colour.

This 5 year old 17.2 hh jumper/hunter/eventer prospect is bold, confident and athletic! He will be ready for the professional trainer in

Contact: Windsong Farms at windsongfarms@hotmail.com Owner: Vonda Opfergelt 306.492.2286 Location: Saskatoon, SK

Photo by Judy Wood

Contact: Windsong Farms at windsongfarms@hotmail.com Owner: Vonda Opfergelt 306.492.2286 Location: Saskatoon, SK


Gorgeous 4 year old black gelding with lots of chrome and great dressage potential. Currently 16.3 hh and may mature to 17 hands. Strong back and good bone, tons of eye appeal, going to professional trainer in spring 2012. Video available.




$6,000 CDN

$6,000 CDN

Wred K is a huge red 2011 filly who will mature close to 17 hands. She is sired by Wolkentanz ll, and like her sire she is an exceptional mover, but she is also bold and as her picture suggests will jump with excellent technique. This filly has a kind disposition and learns very quickly but she has a desire to be first when playing with the “boys” her age.

Wensezlaus K is a dark bay 2011 colt sired by Wolkentanz ll he will mature at least 16.2 hands. This colt displays wonderful gaits with lofty movement, he will definitely excel in the dressage ring. Wenz is a bit of a “looky” colt and may not be the best suited to a junior/ amateur rider. He definitely has a “look at me” attitude and commands attention from visitors.

Contact: Joy at karrasel@sasktel.net or call 306.534.2228 www.karrasel.com


Contact: Joy at karrasel@sasktel.net or call 306 534 2228 www.karrasel.com



$9,500 CDN

$6,000 CDN

Ameganson K is a very large bay 2011 colt sired by Autocrat and he will mature over 17 hands. This colt is very personable and would much rather be with people than other horses. He is absolutely breathtaking to watch and he knows it!! “Junior’s” dam was an exceptional show horse who competed successfully in dressage, hunters and jumpers! Autocrat’s offspring are proving to be wonderful competitors in the hunter/jumper ring so this colt’s future is bright.


Karrasel Presents...

Samoan Sunrise is an 11 year old, 16 hand bay mare who is bomb proof!! She is the kind of horse you can give lessons on or leave for six months and then saddle up and go. She would be suitable for an adult amateur rider or a child www.karrasel.com coming off a pony. She has competed in hunters and dressage. “Soukkie” is in foal to the imported Westfalen stallion Limited Edition for late spring. Contact: Joy at karrasel@sasktel.net or call 306 534 2228 www.karrasel.com


Contact: Joy at karrasel@sasktel.net or call 306.534.2228 www.karrasel.com




Congratulations to Twyla Tolmie of Chilliwack BC on her purchase of Nickelson Dimes K 2011 colt sired by Nickelson B. “Nick” is a bold colt with a loving disposition which should make him a perfect partner. We look forward to hearing more from her as Nick grows up…

$6,000 CDN


Ohlen K is a solid bay colt sired by Oberon, he has a classic warmblood look and a curious, kind disposition. Ohlen will mature 16 hands or slightly bigger, he will do well in hunters and dressage and would be perfect for a junior or adult amateur exhibitor. This is a special colt who will not disappoint.

Contact - Joy at karrasel@sasktel.net or call 306.534.2228 • www.karrasel.com


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